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The subliminal goal of these Blast e-mails is to inject optimism that BHOs evil-doings will be reversed;

thus, thematic here are electoral results and Swap-Gate, although other observations are included
[Listless Phillies blanked by Nationals and Do Not Drink Anything While Reading This]. Illustrating again
the importance of the Mandatory Holocaust Education bill is national-exposure enjoyed by Temple-U,
which is defensely seeking to reassure donors and top officials after a member of its staff engaged in
anti-Semitic rhetoric on a secret listserv and questioned the deaths of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust.
Overall, the reader is invited to vet the observations when a spate of hyperlinks is included, for it is
felt that nothing accrued from myriad sites contradicts conclusions drawn from the best hyperlinks.
{And a lib (WaPos Milbank) agreed with Ted Cruz that Dems are going too far on campaign reform,
noting that Cruz Warned 'Fahrenheit 451' Dems Trying to Ban Movies and Books; Michelle Obama and
the School Nutrition Association, once close allies, clashed over school food.}

Overseas, BHO met with President-elect Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, but didnt go to
Ukraine to do so, perhaps because isolation deepens in breakaway Ukrainian region;
Ukraine's border with Russia after a two-day assault and then quickly moved to take
another internal security base (as six militants were killed in the fighting and three
Ukrainian servicemen were injured). Also, reflecting Putins dominance, France defied
Allies by selling warship to Russia. {Also, contrasting how the fight against Islamism and
Putin is being manifest on both sides of the pond are the fact that the US just LEFT a
IN POLAND, and Brits-returning from fighting in Syria-face-life in jail; it is now a new-
criminal-offence to commit terrorism-abroad.}

The following are covered on Pamela Gellers website:
Regarding Bergdahl: {there are far more hyperlinks infra}
US Troops who served with Abdullah Bergdahl feared he was giving Taliban intel: IEDs
Started Going Off Directly Under The Trucks, They Were Getting Perfect Hits Every
Special forces found Bergdahl and captors but wouldnt risk rescue for deserter
Col. David Hunt: Bergdahl Called Unit The Day After He Walked Away Saying Ive
Bergdahl wouldnt drink beer or eat barbecue and hang out with the other 20-year-
Bergdahl Left Note Saying He Wanted to Renounce His American Citizenship and Go
Find the Taliban
Regarding Islamism: {there are no additional articles here regarding foreign policy}
Scores Dead from Islamic Attacks on Church, Christian Areas in Northeast Nigeria
Egypt: Angry Muslim Mob Torch Christian Businesses Near Luxor
Gay ex-Muslim Granted Asylum in New Zealand: At Risk of Serious Harm From State
Agents in Sharia Maldives
Pamela Geller, Breitbart: An Antidote for the Self-Loathing Jew
Hamas-CAIRs Jihad Against the 9/11 Memorial and Museum
US Muslims Walk Against Islamophobia
Iran Threatens to Annihilate Israel if U.S. Attacks

In PA, a JUDGE OKED the SANDUSKY INVESTIGATIVE REPORT; Corbett will have a chance to respond.
Also, a PPP poll found a plurality supports same-sex marriage; alleged-popularity of Medicaid-expansion
(despite the unpopularity of ObamaDontCare) may explain why Dems campaign for it and support for it
has allegedly-grown within the GOP [cited yesterday]. A Full-court press for 'paycheck protection' hit PA,
as Michelle Malkin claimed this measure would defend PA employees from big labor. Regarding the
claim that 'Indisputable evidence' emerged that the White House engaged in election tampering in two
states, recall that one had received transient attention here, years ago [Sestak v. Specter].

The Americans for Responsible Solutions SuperPAC announced support for Fitzpatrick
because he co-sponsored a gun-control measure [H.R. 1565], a House companion to the
Senates Manchin-Toomey bill. I spoke with Mike about this, and noted two problems
which he appeared unable to refute; first, the definition of mental illness was vague
and, second, it empowered AG-Holder despite recognition that he notoriously engages
in prosecutorial discretion. Thus, I felt it preferable to ensure state-level enforcement
was coordinated nationally, perhaps, c/w the fundamental concepts of federalism.

Regarding Illegals, because the Border influx strains AZ shelters, a CA Naval base readies housing;
nevertheless, Dumped illegals head to cities across country and the San Diego Border Patrol is to Release
500 Per Week This is occurring as the Labor Dept reports Americans face higher unemployment and
Schlafly alleges Big business is running a guest worker racket. Although CANTOR claimed AMNESTY FOR
DREAMERS IS 'BIBLICAL' and Religious lobbyists for this approach often portray their political cause as
the clear Gospel way, the Bible offers no specific legislative guidance on immigration law; for example,
after Abraham welcomed the strangers, he sent them on their way. [LAURA INGRAHAM: WE SHOULD

Regarding ObamaDontCare, the Congressional Budget Office said it is no longer
possible to assess the overall fiscal impact of the law; as a result, theres no barrier to
continually rolling back the financing mechanisms without the effect on the ACAs
finances ever being fully disclosed. As usual, Data errors jeopardize Obamacare
coverage for 1 out of 4 enrollees.

How BHO has been destroying America is reflected in the fact that 59% say American Dream is dead.
as Liberal Institutions have been revealed to have beeb Burned by Sharia Relationships With Abu Dhabi.
{Also, Working Class Voters are Abandoning Obama.}

Regarding POTUS-16, Hillary is granting book-tour [Tough Choices] interviews, both
print [PEOPLE magazine: 'We need to break that highest, hardest glass ceiling'] and
broadcast [ABC's Diane Sawyer on June 9, NBCs Cynthia McFadden on June 10, CBSs
Jane Pauley on June 15, and CNNs Christiane Amanpour on June 17 [town hall]. {Also,
Poll: Americans Trust Fox News More Than MSNBC.}

The annual "Road to Majority" conference of the Faith and Freedom
Coalition, chaired by Ralph Reed, will draw potential candidates [Chris
Christie, House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Ted
Cruz, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee
and Rick Santorum].

VA REFORM BILL HIT SENATE GRIDLOCK, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
posed an offer to Republicans: The Senate will vote on a version of a House-passed bill
that seeks to allow the VA to clear out bad actors caught up in the health-care scandal;
in return, Reid is demanding a vote on legislation devised by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
that would create 27 new VA health facilities, expand veterans access to health care at
community centers, and encourage the VA to hire more doctors and nurses. [Reid wants
to work quickly and seemed unenthusiastic about offering votes on GOP amendments,
including a roll call on an alternate proposal developed by GOP Sens. John McCain and
Jeff Flake of Arizona, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.

Primary electoral results were all superb; mainstream-Republicans won over potentially-irratic ones
[Lonegan lost again to MacArthur in NJ-3 and Donnelly lost to Kashkari in CA-gubernatorial primary],
while Ernst romped in Iowa [Dems will say Ernst has an 'extreme' record (privatize Social Security, make
abortion illegal and replace the income tax with a national sales tax) and Ernst will talk about the evils of
Obamacare and say she's part of the 'Iowa way' of running lean government and keeping
unemployment low, while Braley is enmeshed in the failures of Washington.] As a result, GOP Senate
picks delight party leaders, as the Republican Party continues its disciplined march toward an impressive
lineup of candidates this fall; Tuesday's primaries produced another batch of Senate nominees who
seem about as promising as party leaders could have hoped for, because the GOP has solid nominees for
five Democratic-held seats in states BHO lost [South Dakota, Montana, West Virginia, North Carolina and
Arkansas]. It's unclear whether they can achieve the same feat in Louisiana and Alaska, whose primaries
lie ahead.]. These results also undermine concern [raised by Dems/RINOs] that the TEA Party Movement
has peaked, noting the victory of Nebraskas Ben Sasse and the plurality-vote of Mississippis McDaniel
[who is expected to win a run-off over non-conservative Cochran]. {Also, in Oregon, Jeff Merkley Ran
From 'War on Women' Attacks Against Monica Wehby and an openly-gay gop-candidate-advanced-in-

This was a dead-heat; with 99.5% of precincts reporting, McDaniel had 49.6% (151,842),
Cochran had 48.9% (149,714), and Thomas Carey had 1.6%. Campaign-$ favored
Cochran: Cochran raised about $3.6 million and McDaniel raised $1.2 million, while
outside-monies totaled $3.2 million for Cochran and $4.5 million for McDaniel.

Top Republicans fear Cochran will LOSE the June 24 runoff because the MOMENTUM is
on McDaniel's side (WHAT a humiliation for a senior senator), and Cochran hasn't shown
the agility and verve that this scramble will require. It's tough to get your peeps to the
polls again three weeks after the election, and the tea party voters will have much more
excitement and intensity than the Cochran establishment will be able to muster. Haley
Barbour has his ways, the main reason D.C. reporters weren't more bearish on Cochran.
On the other hand, Palin said the Grassroots 'Shocked the Political World.'

A McDaniel victory would disrupt the '14 map, putting deep-red Mississippi IN-PLAY;
private Dem polling showed that the party's nominee, former Rep. Travis Childers,
would start a general election statistically tied with McDaniel. A race against Cochran
(well-liked by independents and many Dems) would be difficult to the point of futility.
After the Club for Growth Called on Thad Cochran to Drop Out but, instead, Cochran
Vowed to Press On as Establishment went 'All In for Thad'; thus, Tea Party Patriots
claimed Thad Cochran Must Debate Chris McDaniel Now.

On the cultural front, North Carolina is Nervous About Ditching Common Core Standards and, while the
Louisiana Legislature Approved Common Core, Jindal May Find a Way Out; also, Cass Sunstein
Compared Communist Chinas Education System To Americas. ENVIRONMENTALISTS conjured a new
charge against constructing the KEYSTONE-XL PIPELINE; a report commissioned by a Tom Steyer-funded
organization [omitting vital context] claimed it would be vulnerable to terrorist attacks. {Also, Sarah
Silverman said Unborn Babies Are Just Goo and the Secret Service Wants Surveillance Software that
Detects 'Sarcasm' on Social Media.}

A Mexican Cartel Operation was Discovered to have been operating in Chester County,
Pennsylvania for the last two decades; it spurred the largest drug prosecution in the
history of Chester County," which included 44 arrests.

Swap-Gate prompted Jon Stewart to slam all sides, mocking clichs coming from the Obama White
House and its critics. He opened with 'a magnificent, wonderful story' about an American POW returning
safely home...except, well, it turns out we all may have rode the 'patriot train to [F***] Yeah! Junction'
just a wee bit too soon. He Protected Obama from Taliban Swap Fallout ['It's a War'], but his comment
On Obamas Premature Bergdahl Victory Lap was Oh Shit. {He failed to note this guy was a deserter.}

MURKY: DETAILS IN COMBAT LOGS -- Critics Link the Search for a Missing Soldier to U.S.
Fatalities" ... NYT col. 5, next to lead story, "Prisoner Deal Puts President On Defensive:
Questions Arise on Call Not to Tell Congress"... USA Today lead, Bergdahl under new
scrutiny: Army reviews desertion charges against freed soldier" ... WashPost 1.5-col.
lead, "Years of debate on freeing Bergdahl: RESCUE OPERATION CONSIDERED FIRST -
Relations with Pakistan shaped decision-making" ... Chicago Tribune, col. 1, "Obama
defends exchange for POW: Cites 'sacred rule'; another intent of deal was end to war."
N.Y. Daily news cover, "SO HELP US GOD: Obama admits five terror thugs HE SET FREE
may strike us again" ... N.Y. Post cover, "Obama admits he has given swap jihadis a ...

HOME' and others wondered who wrote Rice's talking-points this time. Specifically, White House
Rewrote Susan Rice's Latest Sunday Show Debacle on two fronts; the WH backpedaled after claiming
Bergdahl had 'served with honor and distinction' and a 'New York Times' Report Contradicted Rices
Sunday Show Claim that Bergdahl had een 'Taken In Battle.' [This is the Timeline of Bergdahl's life.] This
perhaps explains why Obama's Foreign Policy Approval Rating Hit the Lowest Point of His Presidency.

Ignored because such an inconvenient fact didnt befit the days overall narrative was
the COUPLE [a pregnant American woman and her Canadian husband] CAPTURED IN
dismissed by the State Dept was comparison of Bergdahl to the Marine Held in Mexico;
seemingly reminiscent of what may have been an ambient variable in 12 [but not in 14]
is the claim by Oliver North that a Ransom of $5-6 Million Was Paid to Free Bergdahl.

Surprisingly, the WAPO claimed the GOP has a MANDATE' FROM the AMERICAN PEOPLE ON BENGHAZI
[and, perhaps by extension, Swap-Gate], a view that may be due to recognition by an NBC Reporter that
the Taliban Has Been More Forthcoming on the Bergdahl Swap Than has the US Government.

Clearly, Bergdahl's return ignited debate about U.S. strategic trajectory since 2001 and,
perceived more broadly, a former Special-Forces COMMANDER AT SOROS-FUNDED
THINK-TANK said, simply, BERGDAHL MUST APOLOGIZE [although there is not one
colleague who has come to his defense, while others feel he must be given a life-
sentence @ Ft. Levenworth]. Yet, one gets the feeling that Bowe Bergdahl Is Obama's
People, explaining two phenomena: BHOs resistence to efforts by the GOP to declassify
info about the "Fab Five" who were exchanged and the silence that greeted Hagel's
'Happy' News About Bergdahl's Release (watch Video).

The best way to succinctly summarize the salient features regarding is to parse a distillation of all
identifiable BHO-defenses in one WaPo essay composed by a RINO, Kathleen Parker; intercollated are
rejoinders that are reinforced by the bulk of hyperlinks that end this Blast e-mail.

With Bergdahl release, the answer had to be Yes
[well, not really]

The exchange of five Guantanamo detainees for the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has reminded
us of three unpleasant facts of life:

Only one unpleasantry glistens, namely, that this swap was another manifestation of an
evil, Imperial Presidency, for BHO is the President Nixon Always Wanted To Be.

1. The United States does negotiate with terrorists;

America shouldnt. The White House concurred [a day late, after Carney had dodged]
that The Taliban Is a Terrorist Organization when White House National Security Council
spokesperson Caitlin Hayden noted that the Taliban was added to the list of Specially
Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT) by executive order in July 2002, even if it is not listed
as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the State Department. Either designation
triggers asset freezes, according to the State Department, though they can differ on
other restrictions imposed on the target organization.

2. The president will circumvent laws as circumstances require;

BHO shouldnt. Hill leaders [John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell] didn't
know of Bergdahl-exchange deal beforehand, and Dem Dianne Feinstein concluded
Obama Broke The Law With Bergdahl Swap; subsequently, the White House apologized
for the 'oversight' in congressional notification [and scheduled a classified briefing for
the full 100-member chamber that was held Wednesday-P.M.] but, regardless, the NEW

3. Republicans and Democrats will be summarily outraged as party affiliations seem to require.

The GOP conveys relevant-comment. Ted Cruz ['How Many Soldiers Lost Their Lives to
Capture These Five Taliban Terrorists?'], Graham [Obama's Bergdahl Justification to
Leave No Man Behind 'Hollow' Given Lack Of Action In Benghazi and More GitMo
Releases Will Have GOP Calling for Impeachment], Sen. Marco Rubio [Impeachment for
Obama Unlikely After Bergdahl Deal with Taliban and Obama 'Doesn't Seem to
Understand That We Are Still at War' and Obama 'Believes He's Become Monarch Or
Emperor'], and McCain [Prisoner Swap Endangers US Soldiers] commented.

A Republican Strategist Helped Organize Bergdahl Critics: Richard
Grenell [a former Bush administration official who was hired, then
resigned, as Mitt Romney's foreign policy spokesman] played a key role
in publicizing critics of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the released prisoner of war;
The New York Times reported that 'Republican strategists' had arranged
an interview for them with men who had served in Afghanistan with
Bergdahl; the same soldiers also did interviews with The Weekly
Standard, the Daily Mail, the Wall Street Journal, and Fox News.

The Lefts Reaction to Bowe Bergdahls Release Is Outrageous. This reflects the complete
willingness of a certain subset of the media gives BHO a pass on, literally, everything.
Harry Reid Scolded 'Monday Morning Quarterbacks' in Congress over Taliban-Bergdahl
Deal, claiming Hypocritical GOP is Trying to Steal a POW Victory from Obama; he decried
the GOP for Using Gitmo Swap for Bergdahl 'to Score Political Points.' Otherwise, Senate
Dems had little to say about Bergdahl, although Hagel claimed critique was 'Unfair.'

We might also add that processes will be truncated, as President Obama described the exchange, and
these are hard choices, as Hillary Clinton put it, cleverly employing the title of her new book.

Michelle Malkin condemned BHO. The Bowe Bergdahl mess isn't just a story about one
deserter, but two. There's the muddle-headed lowlife who left his post and brothers
behind. And there's the corrupt commander-in-chief who has jeopardized more American
soldiers' lives to rescue Bergdahl by bowing to the Taliban, while snubbing the surviving
heroes and the eight dead American soldiers who lost their lives because of him.

Which is to say, war is tricky and we have no idea what were willing to do until the ball is in our court.

BHO miscalculated the reaction that ensued. Indeed, BHO bypassed the intel community
to pursue Bergdahl trade (and shelved ransom plan).

It is easier now to wish we had not invaded Iraq, given the absence of weapons of mass destruction. But
in the wake of 9/11, when the Western world was convinced that Saddam Hussein had WMD,
eliminating a destabilizing force in the region seemed to many a viable strategy.

Blame Bush. Classic.

It seemed so to then-Sen. Clinton, who voted for the resolution to use military force against Iraq, but not
to Barack Obama, then an Illinois state senator who didnt have to decide.

HILLARY obliquely trashed BHO after having sidestepped this issue. Overall, she will try
to walk a tightrope as 2016 approaches, claiming she was TOUGH ON FOREIGN POLICY,
BUT TRUE TO OBAMA. Knowing this context, note that The Daily Beast divulged the fact
that, in 2011 and 2012, Hillary Clinton's State Department negotiated directly with the
Taliban over a swap for Bowe Bergdahl, but Clinton was not a fan of the idea. Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton was personally and intensely involved in the debate over
swapping five Taliban commanders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in 2011 and 2012. But she
had severe reservations about the potential deal, and was demanding stricter conditions
for the release of the prisoners than what President Obama settled for last week.

As president how time flies Obama has followed through on his campaign promises to end the
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq but not to close Guantanamo. Promises are sometimes harder to keep
when the facts are in your face. Obama also has increased drone warfare, eliminating enemies as well
as civilians and at least one U.S. citizen deemed to be a combatant without, shall we say, due process.

BHO is wrong to think wars can be won by remote-control. Indeed, his cynicism and
decekt prompts people such as RICK PERRY to wonder whether the BERGDAHL SWAP

So yes, he is the non-war president, except... and he follows the law and protects the Constitution,
unless ... and he wants to close Guantanamo, but encountered the same daunting obstacles that
George W. Bush did.

BHO continues to be Imperial [and passive-aggressive]. For example, he reportedly
wants to free another Guantanamo inmate, on heels of Bergdahl swap.

Yes, yes, Bush created the problem. Noted. To the point of this column, however, when Obama was
faced with whether to release prisoners in exchange for Bergdahl, he was forced to make an executive
decision. And yes, he sidestepped the law requiring 30days notification to Congress, but the laws
timetable was untenable, given the reportedly narrow window of opportunity. Whether the president
indeed had been discussing the possibility with Congress remains a matter of dispute.

There was no time-urgency. He had been made to look ill and the transfer was peaceful
and successful, illustrated by the Taliban video that showed the handover of
Bergdahl, the authenticity of which the Pentagon said it has no reason to doubt. It
showed Taliban members shaking hands with men from the Blackhawk chopper. [Note
there was minimal pat-down search of him as he walked to the helicopter and no search
of his bag for a suicide-bomb.]

Two secret videos allegedly showing rapid deterioration in Sgt. Bowe
Bergdahl's health allegedly persuaded reluctant military and intelligence
leaders to back the prisoner swap despite the fact that the more recent
one had been acquired six months ago; Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.),
head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said she heard no evidence
that Sgt. Bergdahl was in immediate medical danger that made it
necessary to act without consulting Congress.

BHO lied when he asserted that any substantive discussion had transpired regarding this
deal prior to its having been excuted on Saturday.

A top GOP aide confirmed to me that no such discussion took place before last weekends exchange and
that, when the idea was floated more than two years ago, it met with strong, bipartisan opposition from
congressional leaders.

Lawmakers bristled at Bergdahl trade two years ago; currently, OBAMA HAS

Obama has justified his decision on the basis of precedent other presidents have released prisoners
as wars wind down and on the principle that we dont leave our people behind.

Only one unpleasantry glistens, namely, that this swap was another manifestation of an
evil, Imperial Presidency, for BHO is the President Nixon Always Wanted To Be.

Equivalency is a fragile argument here. Bushs wars and Obamas drones are clearly not the same,
though you might find those in Afghanistan or Pakistan who would argue otherwise. And George
Washingtons release of British prisoners during the Revolutionary War cant be compared to freeing
Taliban warriors. Rather than returning home to reclaim their civilian lives, jihadists likely return even
more resolved to continue a war that ends only after everyone on the planet converts to Islam.

BUT OTHER PRESIDENTS DID; others on MSNBC claim he didnt deal with the Taliban,
arguing it was OK for him to deal solely with an intermediary [Qatar].

What is often similar, however, is the moment of truth when a president has to make his own call
because he thinks beyond any reasonable doubt that it is the right decision. History doesnt always
reward these decisions, but the titans of hindsight are usually compensated for style over content.

This columnist dramatizes to obfuscate. For example, the Traded Taliban leaders are
already free to roam Qatar.

It is possible that some of the current criticism is tied to partisan pride as well as the opening of old
wounds. Seeing the five bearded detainees was a vivid reminder of 9/11 and its chief perpetrator,
Osama bin Laden. The sight of Bergdahls father, bearded and speaking Arabic and Pashto as he invoked
Allah in the Rose Garden with the president, was both strange and creepy.

Criticism is based solely on how BHO just violated the newly-minted Obama Doctrine.
Congressional fallout over Bergdahl swap is based on the fact that BHO did stupid-shit.

Obama critics naturally saw the presidents mouth tip in a smile, though it could be interpreted as a
grimace. What was he to do, grab the microphone? Stare grimly at a father announcing the release of
his boy after five years in captivity?

BHOs defenders insult intelligence. Chris Hayes' conjured an insane Straw-Man

There is nothing trivial about these events, but the questions raised are, nonetheless, Homeland-ishly
intriguing: Did Bob Bergdahl convert to Islam? Did his son? Did Bowe Bergdahl abandon his post, as
fellow soldiers claim? Is he a traitor?

Senators feel Bergdahl Promotion Should Wait Until Disappearance Questions Answered.
as one Platoon Member said Bergdahl Should Face Court Martial; although they Were
Told 'To Keep Quiet,' his Fellow Soldiers Continue to Detail Bergdahl's Betrayal and
Desertion and 3 More Members Of Bergdahl's Platoon Speak Out. Reportedly, he
Wanted to Renounce Citizenship, prompting emergence of anguish [MY SON DIED
'LOOKING FOR A TRAITOR?']. Apparently, Afghan villagers said he deliberately headed
for Taliban strongholds and a local district intelligence director thought he had been
high after smoking hashish. A Sergeant confirmed he had been seeking-out Afghan
Villagers; reportedly, he had previously been AWOL, and CNN reported intercepted radio
chatter indicated Bergdahl sought contact with Taliban. Thus, a Team Leader suggested
there is 'A lot more to story than soldier walking away.' {James Rosen reported he may
have collaborated with the Taliban (helping them in their bomb-building and ambushes)
and Chambliss said that the CIAs Classified File Didn't Mention Bergdahl's Desertion
Note that he had heard indeed existed.}

Until the Army provides answers, well have to make do with speculation. Meanwhile, the only question
that required an immediate response was, did the United States want Bergdahl back and what were we
willing to trade?

The key-question is whether this deal was faulty. A RANKING DEM claims it set a
'Dangerous Precedent That Puts All Americans At Risk.'

This was indeed a hard choice and the answer had to be yes.

This was an easy-choice, and the answer should have been no.


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