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SIT374/764 Project Management

(Trimester 1, 2014)
Assignment 1
Title: Azzinos Pizza project proposal
Due Date: 23:59 (AEDT) Friday, 9 May 2014
Weight: 30%

Azzinos Pizza


Greetings from Azzinos Pizza! We are a medium-sized pizza store that started from
humble beginnings from the garage of Mr Azzino Sepe to become a favourite of

We are a franchise with 50 stores across metropolitan Victoria, and 20 stores in country
regions. We currently employ over 600 part-time staff and 350 full-time staff. Our head
office is in Melbourne, which is where we handle all our staff and business needs.

We have a range of choices that customers can order, and the menu is constantly
changing with new options being introduced, special promotional items that are available
for limited times, and sometimes items are removed from the menu.
Currently customers can place an order either by visiting a store, or by placing an order
over the phone. A to-home delivery service is also available.

Project Concept:

To compete with our competitors better, we (Azzinos Pizza management) feel that it
should be easier for our customers to place an order. Two improvements have been
1. To update our official Azzinos Pizza website to allow customers to place orders.

2. To create an official Azzinos Pizza smart phone app where customers can place
orders from their smart phone.

The processes of the improved service are as follows:

1. Each customer will need to have a registered account on the Azzinos Pizza
website. Their personal account will store their full name, home address, phone
number, and credit card details.
2. Customers can login, either via the website or through the smart phone app, and
place an order at the store they choose. Upon placing the order, the owed
amount will automatically be debited from their credit card.
3. An alert will be sent to the store notifying them of the new order, where the
customer can go to the store to pick it up, or if the customer opted that it be home
delivered then it will be delivered to his/her home address.

Assignment Specification:
Your job is to take this initial proposal and undertake the following tasks that must be
submitted weekly. Each task must be submitted online via the submission system on
CloudDeakin. An Azzinos Pizza discussion forum is set up on the unit web site. Use
this forum to ask any questions you have relating to Azzinos Pizza and the tasks you
are required to complete.
Total marks for the tasks are 30. Read the chapters of the textbook relating to the tasks
(see Submission Schedule). Apply the concepts within the textbook to the project and
related tasks.
The assignment tasks build on the previously submitted task, culminating in a
COMPLETED Project Proposal. You will be required to update the Project Proposal to
reflect the knowledge you will gain over the weeks and to include the new information
you will be creating for each task. The final product of this assignment will be
- A complete Project Proposal
- A Gantt chart
- A Power Point presentation

Notes: The purpose of the project proposal is to communicate in a clear, informative
and professional manner to your client (eg. Azzinos Pizza management) and to your
team what the project is, what will be needed to complete it, and how you expect to
complete it. It will contain everything there is to know about the project.
The document will be completed in pieces, one week at a time by following the tasks
Workshops are designed to assist in doing the following tasks that consist of the
assignment. Read the workshop documents for more details, and complete the
workshop tasks of each week.

Task 1: Project Management - Chapter 1 (3 marks)
Investigate and create a project management document using a tool of your
choice. Things to do in this task:
- Choose a project management template for your project proposal. The followings
are some templates found by searching the Internet. You can also search and
find the preferred template by yourself.
- Complete the initial project proposal with the selected template based on your
current understanding of the project and available information.
- Identify the stakeholders you think exist within the organization and associated
with the project, and document them with the template you selected. Provide a
brief explanation why they are stakeholders and what stake they have within the

Note: Do not delete any of the headings of your chosen Project Proposal template just
yet. You will be adding and manipulating the document throughout several weeks, and
will have a chance to tidy it up before submission.

Task 2: The Project Management and IT Context - Chapter 2 & 3 (3 marks)
Update the Project Proposal to reflect the new and updated information. Things to do in
this task:
- Identify the organizational structure of Azzinos Pizza, the departments you need
to get involved, informed and work with, and how they fit into the project.
Note: The resources that you may need to utilize to complete the project may already exist within
the company. Visit the forums on CloudDeakin and talk to the department heads, ask them
questions, discover what they have available and what they can offer you, then put all this
knowledge into context. Ignoring existing assets can be a greatly missed opportunity, and you
may find yourself reinventing the wheel by not properly understand the current companys
- Outline the project life cycle methodology you expect the project will need to
follow in order to succeed. Be sure to justify why you feel the chosen project life
cycle methodology best suits this project.
- Based on your chosen project life cycle methodology, define the key steps of
each phase that are required to complete the project.
Note: There are many different methodologies to choose from, but one of them will always have a
style that will suit a certain project better than the rest. Do not simply state which methodology you
have chosen, you must relate it back to the project and how you hope to complete it.

Task 3: The Project Management Process Group - Chapter 3 (3 marks)
Update the Project Proposal to reflect the new and updated information. Things to do in
this task:
- Based on Table 3-1 of the textbook (pages 87-88) and the assignment
requirements, identify the project management activities that you think are
necessary to manage the project.
- With the identified project steps and management activities (including the activity
outputs), break the project work into groups and accordingly define the primary
project groups.
- Define which elements of the system can be associated with each project group,
and assign any department / managers you expect to oversee these project
- Identify the types of tasks that can be undertaken by each project group and
which expertise and knowledge each group can provide.

Task 4: Project integration Management - Chapter 4 (3 marks)
Update the Project Proposal to reflect the new and updated information. Things to do in
this task:
- Create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the project. The WBS is a draft
of the work that will be undertaken and put in an order to reflect the methodology
you chose. The work order ensures each work task or subtask is logically
organized with proper predecessor and successor tasks, as well as the resources
and information required for completing the tasks.

Notes: A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a crucial part of the planning phase,
providing a solid foundation to work from. Now that you have a good understanding of
what the project is about, what is required to complete it, what the organizational
structure is and the resources they can offer, you can start to map out systematically
and exactly what steps are required to complete the project.
The WBS should reflect the project life cycle methodology that you have chosen, and
follow its phases accordingly. This also allows you to think about dependencies (eg.
certain tasks cannot start until a certain other task has already competed).
The more detailed, thought out and flowing your WBS, the better planned your entire
Project Proposal will be.

Task 5: Project Scope Management - Chapter 5 (5 marks)
Update the Project Proposal to reflect the new and updated information. Things to do in
this task:
- Review the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the project, making sure the
tasks and sub-tasks of the WBS reflect the actual project scope.
- Create the project Gantt chart from the WBS using a planning software tool of
your choice (e.g. Microsoft Project). Include the links between tasks'
predecessors and successors.

Note: The Gantt chart is a great method for visually representing the breakdown of
tasks, along with each tasks dependencies, cost, duration, and how and where they fit
within the chosen project life cycle methodology. Dont forget to group your tasks
accordingly; first they must be grouped within the appropriate methodology phase, and
then broken down into group, and sub-groups. Generally a good Gantt chart will have 4
levels of groups, starting from a broad high-level view of a task, down to its individual

Task 6: Project Time Management - Chapter 6 (4 marks)
Update the Project Proposal to reflect the new and updated information. Things to do in
this task:
- Estimate (with thought and research) how long each task will take. Also provide
reference material and justifications where necessary (not for every single task,
but for the major groups of tasks).
Note: While we can never know with complete certainty how long a project will take, the better our
planning and preparation, the more accurate we will be. You do not need to be an expert at the
particular task to have a good idea on how long a task will take. Ask questions to the department
heads, or do some research online.
- Add the estimated time durations to the Gantt chart.
- Identify the milestones of the project, include them within the Gantt chart, and
prepare a short document to explain why each milestone was selected.
Note: Milestones represent key points in the project life cycle where a project can be analyzed,
assessed, and perhaps adjusted given the current situation at that point in time. It can act as a
goal to work towards, the end point of a particular group of tasks, or just as a good place to
access how the project is progressing. Do not forget to add your milestones to the Gantt chart.
- Prepare a short report within the Project Proposal that will be presented to
management to inform them of the tasks (including milestones) identified and the
expected timeframes assigned to each task. For a successful report, it must be
informative and clear where the time is to be spent to complete the project and
why. Include charts or graphs.

Task 7: Project Cost Management - Chapter 7 (4 marks)
Update the Project Proposal to reflect the new and updated information. Things to do in
this task:
- Estimate the costs of each task, and develop a report that outlines the major
project tasks and estimated cost. This report will be presented to management,
so be sure you present the information in a manner that can be easily interpreted
and potentially experimented with. Include charts or graphs.
Note: Similar to the time estimations, costs can also be estimated when planned for and
researched correctly. Using information extracted from the department heads, or from your own
research online, how much a particular task may cost can be justified.
- In your report, include explanations on how you arrived at these figures or
indicate assumptions of the estimates. You must provide references to where
your cost estimates came from.
- Determine the cost baseline / budget of the project.
- Add the cost estimations to your Gantt chart.

Task 8: Project Presentation (5 marks)
Prepare a power point presentation that you will present to management. The
presentation should include the following topics:
- Introduce the project and purpose of the presentation.
- Explain the project in a way that all will understand.
- What are the benefits of the project? Why are we doing it?
- What is the strategy to develop and implement the project?
- How long will it take and why?
- How much does it cost and why?
- Sum up and conclude by highlighting the benefits.
The project you are developing is competing with other potential projects within the
organisation, so consider how you will sell the project to management in order to get the
approval to go ahead with the project. Your presentation is your chance to sell your
project. Many of the members of the audience will have only a broad understanding or
interest in the project and do not need to be overwhelmed with details that took you
months to understand.
Cutting and pasting the information from the report is not always the best
approach. Use images and graphs to help explain the information you are trying to
communicate and ensure you stick to the five minute timeframe.
It is expected that you provide a voice narration to accompany the slides either via the
recording facilities with PowerPoint or via a sound recording that can be played while
watching the presentation.

Submission Schedule
Task Description Chapter Marks
Due : End of Week
11:59 pm
1 Project Management 1 3 Week 1 - 10 March
2 The Project Management and IT Context 2 3 Week 2 - 17 March
3 The Project Management Process Group 3 3 Week 3 - 24 March
4 Project Integration Management 4 3 Week 4 - 31 March
5 Project Scope Management 5 5 Week 5 - 7 April
6 Project Time Management 6 4 Week 6 - 14 April
7 Project Cost Management 7 4 Week 7 - 28 April
8 Project Presentation 5 Week 8 - 5 May
Total 30

Resources which could be used include
Textbook (very important)
Workshop materials on CloudDeakin
Lecture notes and useful resources on CloudDeakin
Related materials on the Web
Note particularly that reproducing someone else's work is not permitted. It may be very
valuable though to reference and comment on the differences between various works
which you find. While you are welcome to collaborate with your fellow classmates, you
cannot forward your work onto somebody else, allow somebody else to copy from your
own work, and most important any work submitted must be entirely your own.
Your attention is drawn to the Plagiarism Statement on CloudDeakin. Anyone using
cut-and-paste or copying other peoples work will be easily detected; the outcome is a
disciplinary committee hearing and an automatic zero for the assignment. No excuses.
There is no page number limitation for this assignment. But irrelevant materials should
not be included. Please note an assignment longer in length DOES NOT mean a higher
mark you will get. Remember: if the assignment marker cant find the answer, then you
will not get the mark for it. Make it easy to understand.
Appropriate referencing should be done. However, do not provide a reference for
every separate fact.
The assignment must be submitted to CloudDeakin before or on the due date. Late
submission will lead to a mark penalty or not being assessed (for more details, please
read the Unit Guide on CloudDeakin carefully).
If you wish to apply for an extension, application should be submitted to the unit chair
before the due date. Documentary evidence of the disadvantage causing this request,
and an ongoing assignment representing the work you have completed are expected to
be submitted. A judgement will be made by the unit chair as to whether an extension
shall be granted.

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