Communication and Electronics 4

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Programming of a continuous-path robot is normally carried out by a method called ___

What is the carrier frequency of the supergroup 10? 3100kHz
A satellite was launched with a speed of 2000 miles per hour and! brea"s away with the
gra#itational pull of the earth and not in orbit!deep space?
Space probe
What to consider in choosing a primary cell
cost, life, ease of
replacement, voltage
and current needs
What is the minimum modulating frequency of $%? 20 Hz
What is the #oltage for the local-loop on-hoo"? -4!dc
What is another term for thermoelectric effect? Seebeck effect
&lass of amplifier usually employed in dri#er stage? "lass #
What is the process of interaction or intercon#ersion between electric and chemical formula? $lectroc%emistr&
'he mandatory 1(10 to 1(12 ship-to-shore communication were established by )*+ ,reat -ritain! as a
result of the sin"ing of two famous ships+ What are these two ships?
'epublic and (itanic
&able used in 100%bps .thernet )(* categor& +
/o0 of subscribers that can be ser#ed by cellular telephone with radio channel 100
&arrier frequency for &A'1 abo#e the lower frequency limit 1,2+-%z . 2+kHz
Permit fee in establishing &A'1 headend */00
*ubatomic particle that has no rest mass and tra#els in speed of light neutrino
What is the reason why splices are better than connectors
because splices %ave
no air gaps
leading p0f0 the armature flu2 in an alternator ___ the rotor flu2 aids
What is the operating temperature of a &lass - motor 130 degree celsius
What is the operating temperature of a &lass 3 motor 10 degree celsius
What is the operating temperature of a &lass A motor 10+ degree celsius
What is the operating temperature of a &lass $ motor 1++ degree celsius
__ milliroentgen per hour is the allowable e2posure to radiation 0,+
%a2imun power of class 444 analog cellular phone 30
4') standard for #ideo conferencing in telephone line H,211
who propose the idea subatomic to atom manipulation 'ic%ard 2e&nman
type of con#ergence ad5ust at the bac" of '1 magnetic ring static convergence
one diode rectifier is connected with a #oltage doubler voltage tripler
the secret code w6c secures and defends sensiti#e information that crosses o#er public
electronic ke&
height of the ,P* satellite orbit in nautical mile 10/
what is meant by ,%7**
3lobal -aritime
4istress and Safet&
what is the disad#antage of con#entional full wa#e rectifier!?
peak voltage is %alf of
t%at %alf wave
!disco#ered transistor in! 5ardeen and 5rattain
!op-amps with negati#e feedbac"+ reduced #oltage wor"s as a ___ linear amplifier
!hot wire ammeter measures____ of current output of a full wa#e rectifier 0,606
!decrease in thermal noise power!
decrease in 50 and
temperature in
what part of the #isible radio spectrum does camera tube has greater output? &ellow green
instrument used in measuring large energy radiation posimeter
loudness le#el that can cause hearing damage 1+0d5
a point in line between center of the earth and the obser#er farther ffom the earths center 7adir
what is required in small networ" in connecting computer directly through terminals not by
crossover cable
method in manufacturing 4& in which the element penetrates the substrate diffusion met%od
hold atoms in a crystal covalent bond
mechanical power output of dc motor is equal to __
back emf 8 armature
common use of anthropomorphic type of robot arm spra& paint
pair of metals used as good electrodes in wet cell battery zinc and copper
instrument w6c uses magnetic field from fi2ed and mo#ing coils to measure #oltage+ current
and power
bytes w6c computer will calculate in 200 according to %oore8s law +00 (rillion
no0 of protons in o2ygen atom
standard cell w6c is 00009 less accurate
0elton unsaturated
in class & amplifier+ the power output increases _____
if conduction angle
process used to pre#ent the meter needle to o#ershoot the current reading damping
simplest type of motor controller toggle switc%
generate triangular wa#es+ square wa#es
nonsinusoidal wave
what is another term for magnetic amplifier
low fre9uenc&
!meter pointer of P%%& instrument uniform!
because it is spring
used to locate conductor cable in cross connection type varle& loop
generating static electricity electrop%orous
metal semiconductor 5unction made of aluminum and n-type silicon sc%ottk& diode
purpose of adding inductor to the amplifier
%ig% fre9uenc&
standard programming language of )* 7efense 7ept similar to Pascal #4#
irregular termination of call to the total number of call drop call rate
#elocity factor of coa2 cable 0,1 to 0,
time of orbiting in ,P* constellation 12H
minimum number of segments used to display any number 6
similar to the operation of control of water in the hose :2$(
user guide to open www pages browser
reciprocal of wa#elength wave number
difference in the primaries of ac and dc primar& e8citation
opamps characteristic
s%ort circuit
protection, no latc%
up, input-offset
electric shoc" and electric therapy will pass current to what part of the body brain
the reciprocal of the atomic mass units in gram avogadro;s number
what determines the identity of the element atomic number
what is usually the range of #alue in choosing cho"e? from 1 to 20 Henr&s
in &A'1+ what terminal isolation is pro#ided to each subscriber 2d5
'ime 7i#ision 7uple2ing :'77; is the transmission signal format be cordless telephone-2
:&'; dubbed as ___
portable pa&p%one
the transformer connected in a special way+ to connect balance and unbalanced or #ice
#ersa+ and pro#ide impedance matching!0
what is a popular fiber optic cable+ with glass core and plastic cladding
*lastic "lad Silica
the disad#antage of plastic core in fiber optic %ig% attenuation
the disad#antage of glass core in fiber optic brittle
what are four basic types of secondary cell
lead-acid, nickel
cadmium, silver-zinc,
what element is %<*$.' isolated from the channel material? gate terminal
an industrial robot is!
what is an electronic oscillator?
it is an amplifier wit%
what is commonly used in heart pacema"er? lit%ium cell
what interface standard is used in connecting a printer to a computer? centronics interface
general purpose op-amp >-101#
what .0<0 ! #esting 5urisdiction!for the Philippine &ommunication *atellite? $,?, 1/1
used to measure the permeability of a ferromagnetic material permeameter
what circuit can be acti#e or passi#e :w6 capacitor+ resistor+ and inductor; balanced circuit
ser#e as a rectifier in motors commutator
motor connected in parallel will share the load according to ___ motor rating
speed of A& motor depends in its___ load
data transfer of ,P=* above 160kbps
what instrument uses lu2 as its unit? lig%t meter
typical output power of refle2 "lystron 100m0
charge of alpha particles
281,01810 -1/
electron is a subatomic particle belongs to the lepton family has a rest mass of ___ /,1011810 -2 grams
what is the characteristic of thermoplastic? it soften w%en %eated
1>0 degrees out of phase with red c&an
replacement to ?& tuned circuit! in )3$! transmission lines
damage to the reproducti#e tissue caused by )100 3enetics
damage to tissue not only to reproducti#e tissue somatic
earliest form of micro module cordwood module
silicon transducer temperature
100 to 200 degrees
transferring of information to acti#e computer to computer back talk
se#eral dis" comprises of ar dis" or hard dri#e platters
coating thic"ness of 000001 cm t%ick film
how thic" film is de#eloped b& screening
frequency that has the highest noise factor in transistor 4"
in &A'1+ the sound signal attenuation 13-16d5
after the effecti#ity of =A(2(2+ for registered .&. may apply for P.&. at least how many
not using '7%A multiple2ing @S-/+
for the de#elopment of #oltage control ac9uisition p%ase lock
internet access+ @%3A '1 bandwidth data rates 26-bps
antenna which is direct connectino to wa#eguide %orn and slot antenna
ma2imum sound pressure le#el that can be allowed to be heard 120d5
measurement of the #irtual height of the ionosphere ionosonde
&A'1 noise figure 1d5 or better
inspection fee for &A'1 head-end station 300
4%'-2000 ma2imum rate for mobile ser#ices 144kbps
selecti#e signalling where low frequency trigger the squelch circuit
continuous tone
science that measure the entire electromagnetic spectrum radiometr&
height of antenna for &- radio
10ft above ground or
20 ft above bldg
instrument used to measure o2ygen in blood o8&meter
also "nown as geographical north true nort%
al"aline battery 1,+!
chairman of /'& 'onald ?livar Solis
low data rate compression used in &d =<%s -*$3-1
threshold of audibility 10 -12 0Am2
science of mechanical and electronics mec%atronics
process of firing a roc"et by underground control to maintain and ad5ust the orbit station keeping
permit fee for the inport of cable t# equipment 100
commonly used gas for 5et thrusters %&drazine
used when 1/? e2ceeds 20d- ec%o suppressor
ha#ing one modem per computer and indi#idual phone lines for each modem pool

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