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Oakland, Calif. Nov. 3, 1967
Miser's Dream- Uses oucket or sack and sometimes :toft bat, coins in right
coat or pants pocket ... to set reac,ues in bott1 ,pockets and ge: t; load of' 12
coins in right hand and one coin from otr1er poe:k;.f!et; in left hand- load coins
in as he picks up bucket and uses coin to tap on oottom of
bucket wnile pattering to cover noise of getting coins in position for drop-
ping. Uses classic palm and sort of tosses coin in air and catcnes it for
productions. After about 7 or 8 coins dropped put nand in pail in drop-
ping coin and drop rest of coins from right hand and catch in left nand be-
fore coins hit the bottom of bucket, take bucket in left nand and dip some of
coins left in bucket in right uand and letting tnem fall .Jut retaining a few
now transfer bucket back to rigil.t hand and produce coins in left hand one-
at-a-time and tnen let coins in right nand into bucl;;:et.Bits of bus-
iness - pass coin tnru bottom of bucket and "leaky :.mcket

Rubber nand in Hat - By snapping finger on side of hat preti'ends there is
rubber band in nat, pulling it out and letting it snap oack etc, takes
aank and balls it up and pretending to hold it in :mnd loads it in to hat
and pret...l"ends to snoot it into hat with rubber band, and tJlen dumps hat over
and hank falls out. This was very good and very entertaining and based
completely on the presentation.
7 Cornered Handkerchief - this is descrioed in & Plate - use 24 incn
or 36 inch hank, tie 2 ends together using square knot whicn is
upset and as these 2 corners are placed in of nank so soectator can
hold them one corner is pulled of tne other so spectatore ls aolding
only one corner simulating a knot. Now repeat with 2 more corners and have
specaator hold tnese with other hand (again pulling out one corner and
repeat 3rd time with 2 more corners and have spectator hold witD eitner hand
and finally show still have one corner still free- making 7 corners .. this
was.quite effective and Onarlie said it has oeen kicking around for a long
time and snould je made use of by magicians .
Jumping i:Cnot - 2 silks about 36 inches, tie fake knot vrnicLl can iJe pulled
out in one hank and nold tnis nank and another aank parallel in front of
chest and 2nd hank is neld so that tne instantaneous knot can be tied as
hands are Jrougat together in back of nanks - tie t:1is knot and bring i1ands
apart again pulling on tne 2 hanks simultaneously and one knot vanishes and
knot appears in tne other hank - tnis takes ssome p:racticti but looks ef-

Yarn Mystery - same as trll'ead deal but one good is the wraoned
piece (wnich is wrapped like described in Kaplan's Art of .Eagic) end
of piece tnat is shown (all one piece) - yarn is aoout 10 or 12 feet long,
hand one end to spectator and stretch out to otner end and break yarn
wnich leave otner load in nand, keep breaking yearn till'reacn
and take broken pieces and push ilitner load into center of t1em and snow
all pieces together- can set down in one ball ... now pick up and get load
out of center and get two ends and hand one to spectator and nold otl1er
yourself and as you oack up, yarn un-ravels very effectively - better to
see tnan tllread trick. Use mending wool yarn.
Thimble Moves - did a few moves ending up witn tuimble jumning back and for
from one index dinger to otner and finally ends up wi t:1 8 trd.mules -
1 on each finger ... used w:-.. i te tGimbles and a peculiar nolder -v.rnicn will hold
6 tHimbles and t,-La t way he is sure to get 4 as ne puts his :land in nis

Page two
Charlie Miller Lecture
Cashing a Check: 'ivri tes check, wraps in piece oi' flas:1 paper and suost-
itutes 2 $1.00 bills wra,!ped in same kind of paper (makes substitution in
small bowl on table W11ich also has. matcl1es in ,it), wrapped package is
placed on rmnd and lit with rna tch and after a flasG t1:1ere is tne 2 dollar
bills laying there. He puts one of bills in pocket and palms out
a oU:nch of $ billsand fans tnem out in two fans - very To pre-
pare tne extra bills, have 16 bills and on top of t,1em faciing otGer way
16 more bills so can tell v-men 16 oills been fanned and ends uo with
a double fan of bills sometuing like cards ... if oills are new and fan
easily, use zinc sffieorate powder. This was one of tne oest trix tGat he did.
Magnetic Knfufe - same as business with wand, knife is on to fingers
by gripping witn fingers bent over, looked good out very nard to do.
Cups and Balls- didn't do routine, just showe-d some II10Ves and ;lOW to load.
Recommends D. V. Book for best n:e tnod of loadingS tarts out t11 twisting tn
cups so they can penetrate each other, uses stick to spread oalls with and
also to snow height differne:nt on than on inside.
Cards - Start with flourishes - fans, cards on taole and turn-over etc.
Did card tnrough nandkerchief using standard moves. did a difJerent
version where card is palmed into a bight created in tile :1anl.-c oy tne deck
and as tne corner is pulled tne card is pulled up out of oight. Card
stab - 2 cards cuosen and controlled together so taat one is on oottom and
one on top, glimpse the one on bottom and rememoer it, use piece of paper
about tabloid size and as bring paper over deck, do tLle C;mrlier .Pass liwich
brings the 2 cards together in tne center witn a natural oreak separating
them. Wrap paper around and taking knife jao it into creak tear
paper off and s11ow knife between cards a:r::cd predict tLLa t t:1e card vmicr1 was
spotted on the bottom will be tile card above knife and otner card belovr
tne knife - separate the cards by Golding cards above knife wita nand and
up-ending L1e knife and cards to s11o1rr tr1e card on tne face and turn over
er card and snoH is other caosen card ... this was very good.
Card Effect - didn't explain this one but tnink he used a Silort card in tne
deck, had card freely chosen and riffled cards for return of card (oelow
sr10rt card), squared cards very carefully and t.nem freely, (be-
lieve he also had spectator shuffle cards) put card in pocket and as
called out card, ne reached in pocket and orougnt out card.
Leipzig 4 Ace Effect - slapping tne aces - just like described in Vernon's
oook on Leipzig.
12 Card Trick - 2 suectators - eacn counts out 12 cards and 6 cards are
caused to travel spectator tne otner (spectator cnooses now many
cards are supposed to pass over.This is strictly palming; 6 cards are palmed
off of one pile after tney are counted and palmed onto pile.Tip on
counting of cards - as cards are counted, taJ:Ce from Sfl ecta tor a Ed place
them in the other nand (gets tnem in oetter position for palming.
Card Effect - 10 cards are peeked at, controlled and found in 10 different
ways, last card is caugnt iL air as cards are thrown at ,.irr..
Sympa t!1etic Silks - used 6 silks, all same color, s tar;dard ruu tine.
Egg 3ag - Jag is rnade ra tiler differently W{liCil alloV>rs some good
.aandling with tne spectator reaching in bag and no and vvit,out any false
moves or anytning, reaching in again and there is egg ... uses alown egg
since witn tnis type of a bag need real lignt egg. Jag can .oe obtained
from Ireland Co. witn instr. for 810.00. ookert 1ord to make.
Page turee
Charlie Miller Lecture
Professon's Rope Trick- used larger than average rope colored yellow and
did standard routine and tnen wnenropes were all same lengt11 ne tied tuem
together with two inots, one of tne knots was tqe snort pice tied around the
center of the .Long piece and then tied t(J.e o tner 2 ends Loge Liter with
a slip knot. Knots are vanished one at time - sho:tt piece of rope is
palmed off as rope is sna:;ped and other one is slipped out and t1;-ro ends fo
longer pieces of rope are held together - believe tnis was described in
Genii and is very good.
Ri!!:q on vfand - this is described in Genii and uses an extra ring whmch must
fairly closely resemble borrowed ring - substitution is made as ring is
dropped down from top and caught half-way down by otuer already nolding
duplicate f;lring already on wan<i, hank wnich rests over rignt arm is dropped
over Ciurro:wed ring and other ring is briefly flashed a:1d placed under hank
and hank pulled off and there is borrowed ring on wand Jeing neld by spec-
tator .. tnis very good.a follow up is to a$ oill ring ahd the 1xkx
substitute is another $ bill ring - ring can be siggEd for identification.
Rice 3owls - tais was final trick, used Jaker bowls, used instead of
rice, standard routine, very well done and evidently one of Caarlie' s
favorite tricks.
Charlie has a pleasant manner, seems to enjoy performing and gave lots of
good advice in tips etc. He is an old pro and concentrates on tnings anat
are very commercial. It would seem that he barely scratcned tne surface
on what he actually knows and probably could do 2 or 3 more lectures giving
out the same kind of material.

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