Actions and Maneuvers For Mutants and Masterminds

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List of common actions

If you are in position to attack an opponent, you can at-tempt to aid an ally engaged in melee it! t!at oppo-nent
as a standard action" T!is is like a team c!eck #see Team Checks in The Basics c!apter$% &ou make an at-tack
c!eck against DC '(" If you succeed, you don)t actu-ally !it or affect t!e opponent, *ut success grants your ally
gains a +, circumstance *onus on an attack c!eck against t!at opponent or a +, circumstance *onus to
Defense against t!at opponent #your c!oice$ until t!e end of your ally)s ne-t turn" T!ree or more degrees of
success grant a +. *onus"
0y taking a standard action to aim and line up an attack, you get a *onus to !it !en you make t!e attack" If
you)re making a close attack, or a ranged attack at close range, you get a +. circumstance *onus on your attack
c!eck" If you)re making a ranged attack from a greater distance, you get a +, circumstance *onus" 1oe2er, you
are 2ulnera*le !ile aiming and it re3uires a free action to maintain your aim *efore you make your attack" If you
are una*le to maintain it, you lose its *enefit" Once you aim, your ne-t action must *e to make t!e at-tack"
Taking a different action spoils your aim and you lose t!e *onus"
5it! a standard action, you can make an attack c!eck against any opponent it!in t!e attack)s range" If t!e
attack is an area effect or perception range, no attack c!eck is needed" It affects t!e area or target automatically"
&ou rus! forard to attack" &ou mo2e your speed rank in a mode of mo2ement a2aila*le to you in a relati2ely
straig!t line toards your target" At t!e end of your mo2ement, you perform a close attack against your opponent
it! a 8, circumstance penalty to t!e attack c!eck" &ou can com*ine a c!arge action it! a mo2e action,
alloing you to mo2e up to tice your speed #your speed rank as a mo2e action, t!en your speed rank again
!en you c!arge$"
Issuing a command to a c!aracter under your control: a minion or a t!rall:re3uires a mo2e action" If you ant
to issue different commands to different c!aracters or groups, eac! one re3uires a mo2e action #so you can
issue to commands per round as to mo2e actions$"
5!ile prone, you can only mo2e *y craling" &ou cral at your normal ground speed 8' rank #or !alf your
normal speed$" C!aracters it! t!e Slit!er effect of /o2ement cral at t!eir normal ground speed" See
Movement in t!e Powers c!apter for details"
Rat!er t!an attacking, you focus on defense" /ake an op-posed c!eck of your appropriate acti2e defense
2ersus any attack made on you until t!e start of your ne-t turn" Add '( to any roll of '( or less t!at you make on
t!ese c!ecks, <ust as if you spent a !ero point #t!us ensuring a minimum roll of ''$" T!e attacker must e3ual or
e-ceed your opposed c!eck result in order to !it you"
5!en you delay, you c!oose to take your turn later in t!e initiati2e order" &ou must delay your entire turn" &ou
can-not delay if you !a2e already taken an action on your turn, or if you are una*le to take actions" At any point
after any ot!er c!aracter in t!e conflict !as acted, you can c!oose to take your turn" &our initiati2e mo2es into
t!e ne place in t!e order !ere you act, and you take your normal allocation of actions" If you do not act *efore
your initiati2e comes up in t!e ne-t round, your turn ends, you lose your delayed turn, and your initiati2e remains
!ere it is" 0eneficial effects lasting until t!e end of your turn end !en you c!oose to delay, *ut !armful effects
t!at last until t!e end of your turn last until after you act. Like-ise, you do not make resistance c!ecks until after
you !a2e taken your turn, so delaying can dra out some effects"
&ou attempt to knock an item:suc! as a eapon or de-2ice: out of an opponent)s grasp" /ake an attack
c!eck against t!e defender it! a 8, penalty" If you attempt to disarm it! a ranged attack, you are at 8.
penalty" If your attack succeeds, make an opposed c!eck of your attack)s damage against t!e defender)s
Strengt!" If you in, t!e defender dropped t!e !eld o*<ect" If you made t!e disarm unarmed, you can gra* t!e
dropped o*<ect as a free ac-tion" If you make a disarm attempt it! a melee eapon and lose t!e opposed
c!eck, t!e defender may immedi-ately make an attempt to disarm you as a reaction= make anot!er opposed
damage 2s" Strengt! c!eck" If t!is dis-arm attempt fails, you do not, !oe2er, get an additional attempt to disarm
t!e defender"
Dropping a !eld item is a free action #alt!oug! dropping or t!roing an item it! t!e intention of !itting some-
t!ing it! it is a standard attack action$"
Dropping to a prone position is a free action, alt!oug! getting up re3uires a mo2e action #see Stand$"
&ou attempt to escape from a successful gra* #see Grab$" /ake a c!eck of your At!letics or Acro*atics against
t!e routine c!eck result of your opponent)s Strengt! or gra* effect rank" If you succeed, you end t!e gra* and
can mo2e aay from your opponent, up to your normal ground speed minus one rank, if you c!oose" If you fail,
you are still gra**ed"
&ou attempt to gra* a target" /ake an attack c!eck against t!e target" If successful, t!e target makes a resis-
tance c!eck against your Strengt! #or t!e rank of a gra*-*ing effect$ using t!e *etter of Strengt! or Dodge" If you
in it! one degree of success, t!e target is restrained #immo*ile and 2ulnera*le$" To or more degrees lea2e
your opponent *ound #defenseless, immo*ile, and im-paired$" &ou can attempt to impro2e an e-isting !old it!
anot!er gra* action on a folloing turn" Any result-ing degrees of success are cumulati2e, *ut if you lose, t!e
target escapes" &ou are !indered and 2ulnera*le !ile gra**ing and !olding an opponent" &ou can maintain a
successful gra* as a free action eac! turn, *ut cannot perform ot!er ac-tions re3uiring t!e use of your gra**ing
lim*#s$ !ile do-ing so" Since maintaining a gra* is a free action, you can take a standard action to inflict your
Strengt! damage to a gra**ed target on su*se3uent turns after t!e gra* is es-ta*lis!ed" &ou can drag a
restrained or *ound target along it! you !en you mo2e" T!e target gets a Strengt! resistance c!eck against
your Strengt!" If it fails, you mo2e and t!e target mo2es along it! you" If t!e target resists, you are immo*ili?ed
t!at turn unless you release your !old on t!e target" &ou can end a gra* #releasing your target$ as a free action"
If you are una*le to take t!e free action maintain t!e !old, t!e target is automatically released" A target can
attempt to escape from a gra* as a mo2e action #see Escape$"
&ou can mo2e up to your normal speed rank in any mo2e-ment mode a2aila*le to you as a mo2e action"
Normally t!is is rank ( ground speed for most people #up to @( feet$" If you c!oose to mo2e tice on your turn
#taking to mo2e actions$ t!en you mo2e your speed rank eac! time" &ou can make a DC '. At!letics c!eck as
a free action to run faster% one or more degree of success increases your ground speed rank *y +' for one
Readying lets you prepare to take an action later, after you ould normally act on your initiati2e, *ut *efore your
ini-tiati2e on your ne-t turn" Readying is a standard action, so you can mo2e as ell" &ou can ready a single
standard, mo2e, or free action" To do so, specify t!e action you ill take and t!e circum-stances under !ic! you
ill take it" T!en, any time *e-fore your ne-t turn, you may take t!e readied action as a reaction to t!ose
circumstances" &our place in t!e initia-ti2e order t!en *ecomes t!e point !ere you took your readied action" If
you come to your ne-t turn and !a2e not yet performed your readied action, you don)t get to take t!e readied ac-
tion, you <ust lose your pre2ious turn" &ou can ready t!e same action again on your ne-t turn, if you is!,
continu-ing to ait for t!e rig!t circumstances"
&ou take your entire turn to try and catc! your *reat! and *ounce *ack a *it" 5!en you reco2er, you can remo2e
your !ig!est le2el of damage or fatigue" Alternately, rat!er t!an remo2ing a le2el of damage or fatigue, you can
c!oose to make a resistance c!eck against an ongoing effect, in addi-tion to t!e normal resistance c!eck at t!e
end of your turn" &ou can only reco2er once per conflict" Once you !a2e done so, you must reco2er from any
remaining damage, fatigue, or effects normally #or it! outside assistance$" 5!en you reco2er, you gain +, to
your acti2e defenses until t!e start of your ne-t turn"
STANDARD ACTION &ou attempt to damage or *reak an o*<ect !eld or orn *y an opponent" /ake an attack
c!eck against t!e defense of t!e c!aracter it! t!e o*<ect, it! a 8. circumstance penalty if you are attacking a
!eld o*<ect" If your attack c!eck succeeds, you inflict damage on t!e o*<ect rat!er t!an t!e c!aracter" See
Damaging Objects for details on *reaking t!ings"
&ou stand up from a prone position" &ou can go from prone to standing as a free action *y making a DC ,(
Acro*atics c!eck" C!aracters it! t!e Instant Ap ad2antage can stand as a free action it!out a skill c!eck"
&ou try to trip or t!ro your opponent to t!e ground" /ake a close attack c!eck against your opponent)s >arry
it! a 8, circumstance penalty on t!e c!eck" If t!e attack succeeds, make an opposed c!eck of your Acro*atics
or At!letics against your opponent)s Acro*atics or At!letics" Ase !ic!e2er !as t!e *etter *onus in eac! case" If
you in, t!e defender is prone in an area ad<acent to you of your c!oice" If you lose, t!e defender immediately
gets anot!er opposed c!eck to try and trip you. If it fails, t!e trip attempt ends"
A maneuver is a different ay of performing a particular action" ;or e-ample, a defensi2e attack is an attack
action t!at impro2es your defenses at t!e cost of accuracy" /a-neu2ers are optional, you c!oose !ic!, if any,
apply to your action#s$ !en you declare t!em" T!e 6/ decides if a particular maneu2er is appropriate or
pro!i*ited *y circumstances" Certain ad2antages and effects may en!ance or ork in con<unction it! certain
maneu2ers" See t!eir descrip-tions for details"
5!en you make an attack, you can take a penalty of up to 8, on t!e effect modifier of t!e attack and add t!e
same num*er #up to +,$ to your attack *onus" &our effect modi-fier cannot *e reduced *elo +( and your attack
*onus cannot more t!an dou*le in t!is ay" T!e c!anges are de-clared *efore you make t!e attack c!eck and
last until t!e start of your ne-t turn"
5!en you make an attack you can take a penalty of up to 8, on your acti2e defenses #Dodge and >arry$ and
add t!e same num*er #up to +,$ to your attack *onus" &our defense *onuses cannot *e reduced *elo +( and
your attack *onus cannot more t!an dou*le" T!e c!anges to attack and defense *onus are declared *efore you
make t!e attack c!eck and last until t!e start of your ne-t turn"
5!en you make an attack you can take a penalty of up to 8, on your attack *onus and add t!e same num*er
#up to +,$ to your acti2e defenses #Dodge and >arry$" &our attack *onus cannot *e reduced *elo +( and your
defense *onuses cannot more t!an dou*le" T!e c!anges to attack and defense *onus last until t!e start of your
ne-t turn" T!is maneu2er does not apply to effects re3uiring no at-tack c!eck or alloing no resistance c!eck"
&ou can use Intimidation in com*at as a standard action to undermine an opponent)s confidence" /ake an
Intimi-dation c!eck as a standard action opposed *y t!e *etter of your target)s Insig!t or 5ill defense" If your
Intimidation c!eck succeeds, your target is impaired #a 8, circumstance penalty on c!ecks$ until t!e end of your
ne-t round" 5it! four or more degrees of success, t!e target is disa*led #a 8. penalty$ until t!e end of your ne-t
&ou can use Deception as a standard action to mislead an opponent in com*at" /ake a Deception c!eck as a
stan-dard action opposed *y t!e *etter of your target)s Decep-tion or Insig!t" If your Deception c!eck succeeds,
t!e tar-get is 2ulnera*le against your ne-t attack, until t!e end of your ne-t round #see u!nerab!e in t!e
Conditions sec-tion of The Basics c!apter$"
5!en you attack a defenseless target at close range, you can c!oose to make t!e attack as a routine c!eck
#see "outine Checks in The Basics c!apter$" T!is generally means your attack !its automatically, since t!e
target !as no defense *onus, and t!e routine c!eck o2ercomes t!e normal difficulty" If you c!oose to make your
attack c!eck normally #against DC '($, t!en a successful !it is treated as a criti-cal !it, it! a +. circumstance
*onus to t!e attack)s re-sistance DC" Additionally, if you !it it! a damaging at-tack it! intent to kill, and t!e
target)s resistance c!eck !as t!ree or more degrees of failure, t!e target dies im-mediately"
5!en you make an attack you can take a penalty of up to 8, on your attack *onus and add t!e same num*er
#up to +,$ to t!e effect *onus of your attack" &our attack *onus cannot *e reduced *elo +( and t!e effect *onus
can-not more t!an dou*le" T!e c!anges to attack and effect are decided before you make your attack c!eck and
last until t!e start of your ne-t turn" T!is maneu2er does not apply to effects re3uiring no attack c!eck or alloing
no resistance c!eck"
5!en you c!arge, you can c!arge rig!t into your target, using your momentum to strengt!en your attack, *ut
potentially recei2ing some damage from t!e impact your-self" T!e damage rank for your attack e3uals your
mo2ement speed rank, or your normal damage rank, it! a +' circumstance *onus, !ic!e2er is !ig!er" If you
mo2e your full speed *efore you c!arge, increase your damage *y eit!er means *y an additional +'
circumstance *onus" T!e 6amemaster may limit your *ase slam attack damage #*efore applying circumstance
modifiers$ *y t!e series poer le2el" Example: Slingshot flies into a foe, moving at speed rank 10. His unarmed
damage (Strength) rank is only 2, so he uses his speed rank of 10 for the damage. Since he also moved his full
speed to build up momentum, he increases his damage by 1 for a total damage rank of 11. !f a base damage
rank of 10 is too high for the series, the "# may impose a lo$er limit on Slingshot%s slam attack damage,
applying the 1 modifier for the full speed move to the lo$ered rank. &ou suffer some of t!e impact of slamming
into a target= make a Toug!ness resistance c!eck against !alf t!e dam-age rank of your attack #rounded don$"
Example: Slingshot hits his target, and must make his o$n &oughness resistance check against dam'age rank
() his slam attack damage of 11, divided by 2, $hich e*uals (.(, rounded do$n to (. +ortunately, Slingshot%s
helmet provides him $ith an invisible electromagnetic field for protection and the hero manages to avoid the
damage, hoping his opponent $on%t be so lucky, 0onuses to Toug!ness protect against slam attack damage
normally" Immunity to slam damage you inflict is a rank , Immunity effect, !ile Immunity to all slam dam-age is
rank . #see #mmunit$ in t!e Powers c!apter$"
On occasions !en your attack catc!es a target *y sur-prise, t!e target is 2ulnera*le to your attacks" Surprise
attacks occur during t!e surprise round of a conflict #see Surprise earlier in t!is c!apter$ and may also occur as
a result of stealt! or concealment, alloing you to sneak up on a target" T!e 6/ can also grant you a surprise
attack for an unusual maneu2er t!at catc!es t!e target off-guard, suc! as an Indirect attack #see t!e #ndirect
modifier for more$"
/ultiple attackers can attempt to com*ine t!eir attacks in order to o2er!elm an opponent)s resistance" T!e
attacks to *e com*ined must !a2e t!e same effect and resistance and *e it!in . ranks of eac! ot!er" So
attacks all doing Damage against Toug!ness can com*ine, *ut not it! a /ental 0last, for e-ample, !ic! is a
Damage effect, *ut resisted *y 5ill rat!er t!an Toug!ness" T!e attackers must all delay to t!e same point in t!e
initiati2e order #t!at of t!e sloest attacker$" 7ac! attacker makes an attack c!eck against t!e target)s defense"
7ffects not re3uiring an attack c!eck may *e used in a team attack at-tack= count t!e effect as !a2ing one
degree of success, if it is not t!e main attack" Take t!e largest effect rank of t!e attacks t!at !it and count t!e
com*ined degrees of success for t!e ot!er attacks% one degree pro2ides a +, circumstance *onus to t!e rank of
t!e main attack, t!ree or more pro2ides a +. circumstance *onus" Anlike a normal team c!eck, degrees of
failure do not reduce success= t!ose attacks simply miss and !a2e no effect" See Team Checks in The Basics
c!apter for more"

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