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FBI Memo

SAC, Chicago (157-2209) January 7, 1969

Director, FBI (100-448006)


Although the Nation of Islam (NOI) does not presently advocate violence by its
members, the group does preach hatred of the white race and racial separatism. The
membership of the NOI is organized and poses a real racial threat. The NOI is
responsible for the largest black nationalist newspaper, which has been used by other
black extremists.

The NOI appears to be the personal fiefdom of Elijah Muhammad. When he dies a
power struggle can be expected and the NOI could change direction. We should be
prepared for this eventuality. We should plan how to change the philosophy of the
NOI to one of the strictly religious and self-improvement orientation, deleting the
race hatred and separate nationhood aspects.

In this connection Chicago should consider what counterintelligence action might be
needed now or at the time of Elijah Muhammad's death to bring about such a change
in NOI philosophy. Important considerations should include the identity, strengths,
and weaknesses, of any contenders for NOI leadership. What are the positions of our
[BUREAU DELETION] informants in regard to leadership? How could potential leaders
be turned or neutralized?

The alternative to changing the philosophy of the NOI is the destruction of the
organization. This might be accomplished through generating factionalism among the
contenders for Elijah Muhammad's leadership or through legal action in probate court
on his death. Chicago should consider the question of how to generate the
factionalism necessary to destroy the NOI by splitting into several groups. [BUREAU

IJD: ekw

- END PAGE 1 of 2 -

Letter to SAC, Chicago

Legal action against the NOI on the death of its leader depends on the answers to
several questions:

1. Does Elijah Muhammad have a will?

2. Is the NOI incorporated?

3. In whose name and where are NOI bank accounts?

4. In whose name are other NOI assets, such as mosque buildings, school buildings,
the newspaper, Elijah Muhammad's homes, and NOI businesses?

Depending on the answers to these questions, probate law in Illinois, and whether
Chicago might have a confidential source in probate administration, tying up the NOI
in probate administration might be possible.

Chicago should examine the NOI from the above counterintelligence angle and advise
the Bureau. Consider the possibility of drawing up specific counterintelligence
recommendations, to be acted upon when necessary, with various contingencies

- END PAGE 2 of 2

1. Wallace Muhammad is put out of NOI for dissident views.
2. Louis Farrakhan is Spokesman and National Representative in New York.
3. Clarence 13X known as Father Allah of the 5% Nation is murdered.

1. Wallace Muhammad is again put out for dissident views.

1. Elijah meets with reporters and is asked about the future of the NOI. Question:
Will it be run by local mosques? Answer: No, no, no. After this, the entire
Nation of Black people will be governed Divinely and the government will be a
Divine government and not something that is governed locally, like we have
today. We will have a divine government set up for us and it will stand forever.
We will not need any change.
2. Harold Moore, later to be known as Khallid Muhammad, joins the NOI.
3. Clara Muhammad, wife of Elijah Muhammad, passes away. Elijah says,
According to scripture, after the death of the prophets wife, the end came in
three years.
4. Elijah Muhammad does the Theology of Time lecture series at newly purchased
Temple 2 in Chicago.
5. Elijah Muhammad praises Louis Farrakhan. This praise becomes the anointing of
Louis Farrakhan as Father over the house. (audio clip 1 and 2)


1. Islamic Partys publication, called Al Islam, denounces Elijah Muhammad and
his teachings.
2. FBI files note that Elijah Muhammad appears infrequently at Temple 2 in
Chicago and his articles in Muhammad Speaks are all reprints of past articles.


1. Saviors Day marks financial progress of NOI.
2. Major financial drive for Elijah Muhammad to build hospital.
3. NOI has $1million in escrow for hospital.
4. John Calhoun represented President Nixon at fundraising dinner. Elijah
Muhammad does not attend dinner.
5. Elijah Muhammad, with health declining, spends time in newly purchased
home in Cuernava, Mexico.
6. Wallace returns to the NOI.


1. Two daughters of Louis Farrakhan marry Elijah Muhammads son and nephew.
2. Elijah Muhammad passes away before Saviors Day.
3. Wallace Muhammad calls the Chicago Defender and claims to have been
groomed by Elijah Muhammad for leadership.
4. After seeing news article, the rest of Elijahs family goes along with Wallaces
public claim.
5. Wallace immediately dismantles the teachings of NOI and pushes group to
Orthodox Islam. (FBI Memo)
6. Wallace establishes relationships with Jim Jones and, reportedly, the Church of
7. Louis Farrakhan becomes Spokesman and National Representative of the
Honorable Wallace D. Muhammad.
8. Elijahs estate enters Probate Court (FBI Memo)


1. Wallaces group because strictly religious. (FBI Memo)
2. Louis Farrakhan becomes Abdul Haleem Farrakhan.
3. Farrakhan meets with his former minister Ulysses from Boston who is now a
Scientologist. (audio clip 3)


1. Farrakhan meets with Bernard Cushmeer in Los Angeles.


1. Farrakhan starts his own faction of NOI. (FBI Memo divide into sects)


1. Farrakhan begins teaching that Elijah escaped a death plot and would return in
three years.


1. Tony Muhammad joins Nation of Islam. He is later transferred to California.


1. L. Ron Hubbard dies and the Scientologists are told he is alive on another
planet. Six weeks later, Farrakhan says that he had vision of Elijah being alive
on the Mother Plane.
2. Farrakhan puts his followers on a regimen of study under the umbrella of,
Self-Improvement as the Basis for Community Development. (FBI Memo)
3. The Study Guides incorporate Scientologys Study Tech such as word clearing.


1. After sixteen years, Elijah Muhammads estate is finally settled in probate
2. Before 1992, Alfreddie Johnson had previously met Louis Farrakhan but is now a
Scientologist. (audio clip 4)
3. A Scientology press release states, Hubbards technology in treating inner city
ills has been championed since 1992 by Johnson, whose Compton, California-
based center has been training personnel from the Nation of Islam and AME
churches. Having utilized Hubbards works to turn around gangbangers,
criminals, drug abusers and drug dealers in Compton, California, Johnson
brought Hubbards technology to the attention of Farrakhan. Seeing its
potential for changing conditions in the inner city, Farrakhan gave Johnson and
his West coast chief Tony Muhammad a charge, to create economically viable
social betterment centers that will inspire and empower the believers to arrest
the social, moral, economical, educational and spiritual decline of our people
throughout the nation. Believers are members of the Nation of Islam.


1. Farrakhan holds a press conference and silences Khallid Muhammad.

Early Nineties (before Million Man March in 1995)

1. Farrakhan seeks alternative cancer treatment at the Church of Scientologys
Celebrity Center in Los Angeles.


1. Farrakhans family member goes to Scientologys Drug Rehab Narconon in
2. Muslims in Farrakhans organization become graduates of Scientology courses.


1. Farrakhan announces the City of Nine Ministries.
2. David Miscavige announces modeled Scientologys Ideal Org.


1. Farrakhan receives an award from the Church of Scientology and says, The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught me that you dont get honor until the work
is done. So I accept this award as encouragement to keep working until the job
is done.
2. Scientology issues a press release (referenced earlier) which states, The plan
is to establish centers in all Nation of Islam mosques around the country.


1. Farrakhan has a critical surgery and a memo is leaked from the Department of
Homeland Security entitled, Uncertain Leadership Succession Poses Risk.
2. As soon as he is able to travel, Farrakhan spends an inordinate amount of time
at the Celebrity Center.


1. At a gala at the Celebrity Center, Farrakhan announces the marriage
between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam. (Department of
Homeland Security leaked memo)
2. Scientology becomes the heir of the Nation of Islam. (audio clip 5)

1. Farrakhan incorporates L. Ron Hubbard into Saviours Day. (check YouTube)
2. Tony Muhammad reveals Farrakhan knew the two groups would come
together. (audio clip 6)

1. Nation of Islam members become engulfed with Scientology.

1. All of Farrakhans study guides have been changed to incorporate Scientology.
2. Saviours Day features Dianetics Auditor Graduations for the third year.

FBI Memo

Change philosophy into strictly religious
Change philosophy into self-improvement
Delete race hatred
Delete separate nationhood
Destroy organization by creating factions
Tie up assets in probate court

Department of Homeland Security

Leadership Succession in Place

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