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GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!

"#timi$ation Manual
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GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI
(Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
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GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
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%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e % of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF
Establishment Success ate! "#timi$ation Manual
Downlink TBF' establishment success rate
This manual mainl( &escribes the metho& of collectin) statistics about the &ownlink
TBF establishment success rate an& the metho&s of o#timi$in) the &ownlink TBF
establishment success rate*
List of abbreviations
Abbreviation u!! "pe!!ing
PD+, Packet Data +hannel
P+- Packet +ontrol -nit
MS Mobile Station
+.T +all .ualit( Test
KPI Ke( Performance In&e/
DT Dri%e Test
GPS General Packet a&io Ser%ice
EDGE Enhance& Data rates for GSM E%olution
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e 1 of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
'2' 3ounter Definition2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*
'2'2' Definition in the 3ase of No MS es#onse 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*
'2'2% Definition in the 3ase of No 45ailable esources 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*
'2'21 Definition in the 3ase of No MS es#onse or No 45ailable esources 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222,
'2% Theor622222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222,
%2' Number of Successful Downlink TBF Establishments22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222.
%2'2' Descri#tion2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222.
%2'2% Measurement Point222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222.
%2% Number of Faile7 Downlink TBF Establishments2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222228
%2%2' Descri#tion22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222228
%2%2% Measurement Point2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'&
%21 Number of Downlink TBF Establishment 4ttem#ts2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'&
%212' Descri#tion22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'&
%212% Measurement Point2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'&
12' 3heckin0 the 4bis 9ink222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'+
12% 3heckin0 the Deli5er6 of 4ssi0nment Messa0es222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'*
12%2' Faile7 Downlink TBF Establishments Due to "5erloa7e7 333:222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'*
12%2% Faile7 Downlink TBF Establishments Due to No 3hannel esources222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'*
121 3heckin0 the 4ir Interface22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222'8
12( 3heckin0 Faile7 Downlink TBF Establishments Due to No es#onse from the MS22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222%&
12(2' Faile7 Downlink TBF Establishments Due to Im#ro#er Parameter 3onfi0urations2222222222222222222222222222222222222222%&
12(2% Faile7 Downlink TBF Establishments Due to Incorrect Information Elements in 4ssi0nment Messa0es222222%%
12(21 Faile7 Downlink TBF Establishments Due to Imbalance Between the ;#link an7 the Downlink222222222222222222%1
12(2( 3heckin0 the Fee7 S6stem2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222%(
12(2+ 3heckin0 the KPIs of the PS Fiel72222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222%(
(2' 3ase '- 9ow Success ate of Downlink TBF Establishment Due to Incorrect Fre<uenc6):o##in0 Parameter
Settin0s in 3$ech e#ublic2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222%+
(2% 3ase %- 9ow Success ate of Downlink TBF Establishment Due to No es#onses from MSs 4fter the P3; Is
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e ( of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Successful establishment of downlink TBF on the CCCH..............................................................9
Successful downlink TBF establishment on the PACCH................................................................9
Downlink TBF establishment attempts on the CCCH..................................................................11
Downlink TBF establishment attempts on the PACCH................................................................11
plink and downlink TBF establishment p!ocedu!e on the CCCH............................................1"
#$e!all anal%sis p!ocess...................................................................................................................1&
Anal%sis of the f!ame e!!o! !ate of the '(Abis inte!face is no!mal.............................................)*
Downlink packet assi+nment messa+e............................................................................................)*
,A -umebe! in the downlink packet assi+nment messa+e..........................................................).
F!e/uenc%(hoppin+ info!mation bein+ null in the S0 1" messa+e................................................)1
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e + of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF
Establishment Success ate! "#timi$ation Manual
1 #asic Princip!e
1.1 Counter Definition
The &efinition of the &ownlink TBF establishment success rate %aries with the
assessment item*
1.1.1 Definition in the Case of No $" Response
If the network si&e &eli%ers an assi)nment messa)e to a mobile station (MS! but fails
to recei%e the Pac%et Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)e from the MS' the
number of faile& &ownlink TBF establishments &ue to MS no res#onse is a&&e& b(
The &efinition of the &ownlink TBF establishment success rate is as follows0
Down!in% GPR" &# 'stab!ishment "uccess Rate 1 2 3 Number of ai!ed
Down!in% GPR" &# 'stab!ishments due to $" No Response4Number of
Down!in% GPR" &# 'stab!ishment Attempts
Down!in% 'GPR" &# 'stab!ishment "uccess Rate 1 2 3 Number of ai!ed
Down!in% 'GPR" &# 'stab!ishments due to $" No Response4Number of
Down!in% 'GPR" &# 'stab!ishment Attempts
1.1.) Definition in the Case of No Avai!ab!e Resources
If the &ownlink TBF establishment fails because the resources such as channels an&
TFIs at the network si&e are una%ailable' the number of faile& &ownlink TBF
establishments &ue to no channel is a&&e& b( one*
The &efinition of the &ownlink TBF establishment success rate is as follows0
Down!in% GPR" &# 'stab!ishment "uccess Rate 1 2 3 Number of ai!ed
Down!in% GPR" &# 'stab!ishments due to No Channe!4Number of Down!in%
GPR" &# 'stab!ishment Attempts
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e * of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Down!in% 'GPR" &# 'stab!ishment "uccess Rate 1 2 3 Number of ai!ed
Down!in% 'GPR" &# 'stab!ishments due to No Channe!4Number of Down!in%
'GPR" &# 'stab!ishment Attempts
1.1." Definition in the Case of No $" Response or No Avai!ab!e
If the &ownlink TBF establishment fails because the network si&e fails to recei%e the
Pac%et Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)e from an MS or the resources at the
network si&e are una%ailable' the number of faile& &ownlink TBF establishments is
a&& b( one*
The &efinition of the &ownlink TBF establishment success rate is as follows0
Down!in% GPR" &# 'stab!ishment "uccess Rate 1 Number of "uccessfu!
Down!in% GPR" &# 'stab!ishments4Number of Down!in% GPR" &#
'stab!ishment Attempts
Down!in% 'GPR" &# 'stab!ishment "uccess Rate 1 Number of "uccessfu!
Down!in% 'GPR" &# 'stab!ishments4Number of Down!in% 'GPR" &#
'stab!ishment Attempts
1.) &heory
The &ownlink TBF establishment success rate shows the &ownlink access
#erformance an& is an im#ortant counter for assessin) the network* 5hen the
&ownlink TBF fails to be establishe&' the network si&e continues to tri))er the
establishment of the &ownlink TBF in a short time because the network si&e has
some &ata blocks that are not &eli%ere&* Therefore' the &ownlink TBF establishment
success rate is sli)htl( low in this case' but customer e/#erience is not affecte&*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e , of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
) "igna!ing Procedure
).1 Number of "uccessfu! Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments
).1.1 Description
This counter #ro%i&es the number of successful &ownlink TBF establishments in a measurement
).1.) $easurement Point
Successful &ownlink TBF establishments in%ol%e the followin) as#ects0
'2 Successful &ownlink TBF establishment on the +++,
The network si&e initiates the &ownlink TBF establishment #roce&ure b( sen&in)
an ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e with Startin) Time on the +++, to the
MS* 5hen the startin) time is reache&' the network si&e sen&s a P)LL(NG
messa)e to the MS to obtain a T6 %alue* The BS+ reser%es block resources for
the MS to res#on& with an assi)nment acknowle&)ement messa)e* If the
network si&e recei%es a Pac%et Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)e from the
MS on the reser%e& block resources in the assi)ne& channel' it in&icates that the
&ownlink TBF is establishe&* In a&&ition' the network si&e can calculate the T6
%alue b( usin) the Pac%et Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)e that is
The followin) fi)ure shows the #roce&ure for establishin) &ownlink TBFs on the
+++,* Each time the network si&e recei%es a Pac%et Contro!
Ac%now!edgement messa)e (see measurement #oint 6!' the %alue of the
counter Number of "uccessfu! Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments is a&&e& b(
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e . of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Fi+u!e 1.1 Successful establishment of &ownlink TBF on the +++,
M S Network
P6+KET +ontrol 6cknowle&)ement
%2 Successful &ownlink TBF establishment on the P6++,
The network si&e can initiate the &ownlink TBF establishment #roce&ure b(
sen&in) a Pac%et down!in% assignment messa)e on the P6++, to the MS*
The messa)e contains the information about the block resources reser%e& b(
the network si&e for the MS to res#on& with an assi)nment acknowle&)ement
messa)e* If the network si&e recei%es a Pac%et Contro! Ac%now!edgement
messa)e from the MS on the reser%e& block resources in the assi)ne& channel'
it in&icates that the &ownlink TBF is establishe&*
Fi)ure 8*2 shows the #roce&ure for establishin) the &ownlink TBF on the
P6++,* Each time the network si&e recei%es a Pac%et Contro!
Ac%now!edgement messa)e corres#on&in) to a Pac%et down!in% assignment
messa)e (see measurement #oint 6!' the %alue of the counter Number of
"uccessfu! Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments is a&&e& b( one*
Fi+u!e ).1 Successful &ownlink TBF establishment on the P6++,
M S Network
Packet &ownlink assi)nment
P6+KET +ontrol 6cknowle&)ement
).) Number of ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments
).).1 Description
This counter measures the number of faile& &ownlink TBF establishments in a
measurement #erio&*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e 8 of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
).).) $easurement Point
Faile& &ownlink TBF establishments in%ol%e the followin) as#ects0
2* Faile& &ownlink TBF establishments &ue to no channel
If the BS+ recei%es a new &ownlink PD- re9uest from the SGSN but fails to
establish a &ownloa& TBF because channels are una%ailable' the %alue of Number
of ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments due to No Channe! is a&&e& b( one*
8* Faile& &ownlink TBF establishments &ue to MS no res#onse
In the #roce&ure for establishin) a &ownlink TBF' the BS+ sen&s a P"77ING
messa)e on the +++, or sen&s a Pac%et down!in% assignment messa)e on the
P6++,' an& reser%es block resources for the MS to res#on& with an assi)nment
acknowle&)ement messa)e* If the BS+ &oes not recei%e a Pac%et Contro!
Ac%now!edgement messa)e from the MS on the reser%e& block resources' the BS+
sen&s the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)es re#eate&l( until the ma/imum
number of retr( times is e/cee&e&* Each time the ma/imum number of retr(in) times
is e/cee&e&' the %alue of Number of ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments due to
$" No Response is a&&e& b( one*
)." Number of Down!in% &# 'stab!ishment Attempts
).".1 Description
This counter measures the number of &ownlink TBF establishment attem#ts in a
measurement #erio&*
).".) $easurement Point
Downlink TBF establishment attem#ts in%ol%e the followin) as#ects0
'2 Downlink TBF establishment attem#ts on the +++,
The network attem#ts to establish the &ownlink TBF b( sen&in) the ($$'D(A&'
A""(GN$'N& messa)e at the sub3timeslot corres#on&in) to the +++, )rou#
to which the MS belon)s* Fi)ure shows the #roce&ure for the network si&e to
sen& the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e on the +++,* Each time the
network si&e sen&s an ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e (see measurement
#oint 6!' the %alue of the counter Number of Down!in% &# 'stab!ishment
Attempts is a&&e& b( one*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '& of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Fi+u!e 1.1 Downlink TBF establishment attem#ts on the +++,*
M S Network
("n +++,!
%2 Downlink TBF establishment attem#ts on the P6++,
The network si&e can attem#t to establish the &ownlink TBF b( sen&in) a
PACK'& D)*NL(NK A""(GN$'N& messa)e to an MS &urin) the
transmission #rocess of the #re%ious u#link TBF or the release #rocess of the
current &ownlink TBF* Fi)ure 8*2 shows the #roce&ure for the network si&e to
sen& the PACK'& D)*NL(NK A""(GN$'N& messa)e on the P6++,* Each
time the network si&e sen&s a PACK'& D)*NL(NK A""(GN$'N& messa)e
(see measurement #oint 6!' the %alue of the counter Number of Down!in% &#
'stab!ishment Attempts is a&&e& b( one*
Fi+u!e ).1 Downlink TBF establishment attem#ts on the P6++,
M S Network
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '' of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
" Ana!ysis and )ptimi+ation $ethods
The #roce&ure for establishin) the &ownlink TBF on the +++, is as follows0
'2 The entit( at the network si&e initiates the &ownlink TBF establishment b(
usin) the &ownlink #acket assi)nment #roce&ure* The &ownlink #acket
assi)nment #roce&ure is tri))ere& b( a re9uest from u##er la(ers to transfer a
77+ PD-* Before transferrin) an 77+ PD-' the network si&e &etermines
whether the MS is in the Ready state* If the MS is in the Ready state' the
network si&e transfers an 77+ PD- to the BSS* 5hen recei%in) the 77+ PD-'
the BSS &eli%ers an ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e* If the MS is in the
"tandby state' the network si&e sen&s a #a)in) messa)e to the BSS* The
network si&e sen&s the 77+ PD- onl( after recei%in) a #a)in) res#onse from
the BSS* The re9uest from u##er la(ers contains the #riorit(' inclu&in) the 7+
mo&e' D: #arameter (o#tional!' .oS scri#t file of the IMSI (o#tional!' an& MS
ra&io access ca#abilit( associate& with the #acket transfer (o#tional!* For such a
re9uest' the network si&e &etermines whether the MS is in #acket i&le mo&e or
#acket transfer mo&e* If the MS is in #acket i&le mo&e' the network si&e initiates
the &ownlink #acket assi)nment #roce&ure on the +++,* If the MS is in #acket
transfer mo&e' the network si&e initiates the &ownlink #acket assi)nment
#roce&ure on the P6++,*
%2 The network si&e selects an enco&in) scheme an& a##lies for ra&io resources
accor&in) to the resource occu#ation in the accesse& cell for establishin) the
&ownlink TBF* 6fter the a##lication is a##ro%e&' the network si&e assi)ns ra&io
resources to the &ownlink TBF an& counts the times the &ownlink TBF is starte&
at the network si&e an& at the MS si&e*
12 The network si&e &eli%ers an ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e* If the MS is
in D: mo&e' the network si&e &eli%ers the messa)e in the P+, channel* If the
MS is in Non3D: mo&e' the network si&e &eli%ers the messa)e in the 6G+,
(2 5hen the MS recei%es the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e' ra&io
resources are assi)ne&* 6fter recei%in) the frame number in&icate& b( the TBF
Startin) Time (o#tional!' the MS accesses the assi)ne& channel' starts to listen
on the 7+ ra&io block of the &ownlink TBF' an& starts timer T;2<=*
+2 If the network si&e has the T6 %alue of the MS' the network si&e &irectl( trasfers
the T6 %alue to the MS b( sen&in) a Packet Power +ontrol4Timin) 6&%ance
messa)e after the Startin) Time of the &ownlink TBF is reache&* If the network
si&e &oes not ha%e the T6 %alue' the network si&e obtains the T6 %alue b(
sen&in) a PACK'& P)LL(NG R',-'"& messa)e after the &ownlink TBF is
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '% of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
*2 Before timer T;2<= times out' if the MS a&&resses the &ownlink 7+ ra&io block
in the assi)ne& channel accor&in) to the TFI fiel& an& the MS recei%es the
PACK'& P)LL(NG R',-'"& messa)e from the network si&e' the MS sen&s a
Pac%et Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)e on the u#link ra&io block
corres#on&in) to the messa)e an& resets timer T;2<=* "therwise' the MS
notifies the u##er la(ers of the &ownlink TBF establishment failure*
,2 The network si&e obtains the T6 %alue of the MS b( usin) the %ali& Pac%et
Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)e recei%e& on the reser%e& u#link 7+
ra&io block* In this case' the network si&e re)ar&s that the &ownlink TBF
establishment is successful* "therwise' the network si&e initiates the &ownlink
imme&iate assi)nment #roce&ure a)ain*
Fi+u!e ..1 -#link an& &ownlink TBF establishment #roce&ure on the +++,
77+ PD-
This section taske the u#link an& &ownlink TBF establishment on the +++, as an
e/am#le to &escribe the o#timi$ation i&eas about i&entif(in) the si)nalin) an& cells
where #roblems occur throu)hout the si)nalin) #roce&ure* In the &ownlink TBF
establishment #roce&ure' (ou can i&entif( #roblematic sin)alin) an& cells as follow0

+heckin) whether transmission #roblems occur in the 6bis links*

+heckin) whether the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& an& PACK'& P)LL(NG

R',-'"& messa)es are #ro#erl( sent to the BTS*

+heckin) whether the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& an& PACK'& P)LL(NG

R',-'"& messa)es are sent to MSs accor&in) to the air interface 9ualit(*

+heckin) whether MSs res#on& to P"77ING messa)es b( sen&in) Pac%et

Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)es*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '1 of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Fi+u!e ..) "%erall anal(sis #rocess
6nal($e the cause of
&ownlink TBF
establishment failure
+heck whether the status of
the 6bis link is normal
+heck whether assi)nment
messa)es are sent normall(
+heck whether the &ownlink
air interface is normal
+heck whether MSs
res#on& to 6SSIGNMENT
an& P"77ING messa)es
+heck whether the
#roblem is sol%e&
+heck the transmission
+heck whether the
+++, is o%erloa&e&
+heck whether channels
are a%ailable
+heck whether the
&ownlink air interface
9ualit( is #oor
Perform the +.T test
+heck whether the
#arameter confi)urations
are correct
+heck whether the
im#ortance cells are
+heck whether the u#link
an& &ownlink are
+heck whether the fee&
s(stem is normal
+heck whether the
#arameters of the +S
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '( of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
".1 Chec%ing the Abis Lin%
Transmission #roblems such as out3of3s(nchroni$ation or intermittent 6bis interface
links ma( cause the failure to establish the &ownlink TBF*
>ou can &etermine the trasmission status of the 6bis interface b( calculatin) the
frame error rate of the G36bis interface as follows0
Frame error rate of the G36bis interface 1 (Number of Received Chec% 'rror &RA-
rames ? Number of Received )ut.of."ynchroni+ation &RA- rames!4(Number
of "ent Va!id &RA- rames ? Number of "ent 'mpty &RA- rames!
'2 Generall(' the frame error rate is e9ual to or lower than 2=e@A' that is' 242='===*
This in&icates one error frame in a channel e%er( four minutes on a%era)e* In
this case' (ou can infer that the link is of )oo& 9ualit(' an& the MS can transmit
&ata in a stable wa(*
%2 If the frame error rate is lower than 2=e3B' the 9ualit( of the transmission link is
#oor* In this case' one to three error frames occur in a channel e%er( minute on
a%era)e* Error frames are un#re&ictable* Therefore' affecte& MSs are likel( to
e/#erience low transmission rate' lon) transmission &ela(' or e%en
12 If the frame error rate is hi)her than 2=e3B' the link becomes unstable* "ut3of3
s(nchroni$ation is likel( to occur an& the rate of out3of3s(nchroni$ation frame
)reatl( increases* In this case' MSs ma( be able to #erform &ata ser%ices that
re9uire onl( a small %olume' such as the hi)h3la(er si)nalin) an& certain 56P
ser%ices* Mass &ata transmission' such as FTP ser%ices' becomes &ifficult*
In actual runnin)' carriers are not able to &irectl( control lease& lines' such as
microwa%e satelites* Therefore' a frame error rate lower than A42=== is acce#table* If
(ou fin& that a transmission #roblem has occurre& because the frame error rate of a
cell sta(s hi)h for a lon) time' check the transmission line an& o#timi$e the network*
The followin) table lists the rela%ant KPIs*
KP( Ce!!.Leve!
Frame error rate of
the G36bis
G36bis Measurement 3C Performance measurement of
BS+ #acket assi)nment 3C
Number of ecei%e& Normal T6- Frames
Number of ecei%e& "ut3of3S(nchroni$ation T6-
Number of ecei%e& +heck Error T6- Frames
Number of Sent Dali& T6- Frames
Number of Sent Em#t( T6- Frames
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '+ of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Number of recei%e& frames 1 Number of Received Norma! &RA- rames ? Number of
Received )ut.of."ynchroni+ation &RA- rames ? Number of Received Chec% 'rror
&RA- rames ? Number of "ent 'mpty &RA- rames* In %ersions earlier than D<E+22'
Number of "ent 'mpty &RA- rames is not inclu&e& in the statistics about the number of
recei%e& frames* Therefore' when the frame error rate of the G36bis interface is calculate&' the
sum of Number of "ent Va!id &RA- rames an& Number of "ent 'mpty &RA- rames is
use& to in&icate the number of recei%e& frames* In the %ersion D<E+28' this #roblem is
sol%e& b( usin) the sum of Number of Received Norma! &RA- rames' Number of
Received )ut.of."ynchroni+ation &RA- rames' Number of Received Chec% 'rror &RA-
rames' an& Number of "ent 'mpty &RA- rames to in&icate the number of recei%e&
".) Chec%ing the De!ivery of Assignment $essages
".).1 ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments Due to )ver!oaded
If the +++, is o%erloa&e&' the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e sent on the
+++, ma( be &iscar&e&* 6s a result' the &ownlink TBF fails to be establishe&* >ou
can check whether the +++, is o%erloa&e& b( %iewin) flow control traffics* If the
+++, is o%erloa&e&' (ou can increase the loa& threshol& of the +++, to #re%ent
&ownlink TBF establishment failure &ue to flow control*
The followin) table lists the rele%ant counters*
Cause Ce!!.Leve!
"%erloa&e& +++, +all Measurement 3C Flow control measurement 3C
P6+KET +++, 7"6D IND Messa)es Sent on 6bis Interface
MSG 6BIS "DE7"6D (+++, "DE7"6D! Messa)es
Sent on 6bis Interface
MSG DE7 IND Messa)es Sent on 6bis Interface
".).) ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments Due to No Channe!
/ardware au!t
Faults on har&ware such as the T: ma( affect the success rate of &ownlink TBF
establishment* Therefore' (ou shoul& check har&ware faults*
>ou can locate har&ware faults b( checkin) the traffic measurement relate& to the
har&ware faults*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '* of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Cause #"C.Leve! Ce!!.Leve!
t faults
BS+ Measurement 3C 6ccess
Measurement 3C
T+, 6%ailabilit( #er BS+
+onfi)ure& T+,s #er BS+
6%ailable T+,s #er BS+
KPI Measurement 3C
T+, 6%ailabilit(
6%ailable T+,s
+onfi)ure& T+,s
T: Measurement 3C
6cti%ate& T:s in cell
6%ailable T:s in cell
(nsufficient Channe! Resources
Insufficient channel resources' which ma( cause con)estion' occur in the followin)
'2 The number of channels confi)ure& in a cell is small' an& the traffic of #acket
ser%ices is hea%(* 6s a result' MSs are multi#le/e& on the channels in the cell to
the ma/imum &e)ree* In this case' (ou nee& to a&& more static an& &(namic
channels* In a&&ition' (ou nee& to check the PS3&omain channel mana)ement
#arameters an& set PDC/ Down!in% $u!tip!e0 &hresho!d to E=' that is' the
ma/imum number of TBFs multi#le/e& on the &ownlink is ei)ht*
%2 +heck whether the #reem#tion of &(namic PD+,s b( +S ser%ices lea&s to the
insufficienc( of PD+,s* >ou can check the number of times of reclaimin)
&(namic PD+,s b( the BS+ an& the number of times of reclaimin) &(namic
PD+,s with loa&* If the numbers are )reat' (ou can infer that bus( +S ser%ices
#reem#t channel resources of PS ser%ices* 6s a result' (ou nee& to a&& static
PD+,s* >ou can also set Leve! of Preempting Dynamic Channe! to Contro!
channe!s cannot be preempted*
The followin) table &escribes the rele%ant #arameters*
Name Description "etting Princip!e Va!ue Range
of PD+,s
in a +ell
The total number of
T+,s an& PD+,s
a%ailable in a cell is
fi/e&* This #arameter
&etermines the
#ro#ortion of PD+,s to
the total number of
T+,s an& PD+,s*
If this #arameter is set
to an e/cessi%e %alue'
there are e/cessi%e
PD+,s an& insufficient
T+,s* This affects +S
If this #arameter is set
to a mo&est %alue'
there are insufficient
PD+,s an& e/cessi%e
T+,s* This affects PS
Dalue ran)e0 =3
Default %alue0
PD+, Downlink
Multi#le/ Threshol&
If this #arameter is set
to a lower %alue' the
TBFs establishe& on
the PD+, an& the
subscribers are fewer'
an& the &ownlink
Dalue ran)e0 2=3
The %alue 2=
in&icates that at
most one TBF
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e ', of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Name Description "etting Princip!e Va!ue Range
ban&wi&th for each
subscriber is hi)her*
If this #arameter is set
to a hi)her %alue' the
number of TBFs
establishe& on the
PD+, an& the number
of subscribers are
)reater' an& the
&ownlink ban&wi&th for
each subscriber is less*
can be
accesse&* The
%alue E=
in&icates that a
ma/imum of E
TBFs can be
Default %alue0
7e%el of
7e%el of &(namic
channel #reem#te& b(
+S ser%ices an& PS
ser%ices The T+,4Fs are
&(namic channels that
can be #reem#te&* If this
#arameter is set to 6ll
&(namic channels can
be #re3em#te&' it means
that the +S ser%ices can
#reem#t all &(namic
channelsF if this
#arameter is set to
+ontrol channels cannot
be #re3em#te&' it means
that the +S ser%ices can
#reem#t an( &(namic
channels e/ce#t the
control channelsF if this
#arameter is set to
D(namic channels
carr(in) ser%ices cannot
be #re3em#te&' it means
that the +S ser%ices
cannot #reem#t the
&(namic channels that
carr( ser%ices*
Generall(' +S ser%ices
ha%e the hi)hest
#riorit(* This #arameter
must be set to 6ll
&(namic channels can
be #re3em#te& so that
+S ser%ices can
#reem#t all &(namic
To ensure &ata
ser%ices' (ou can set
this #arameter to
+ontrol channels
cannot be #re3em#te&
or D(namic channels
carr(in) ser%ices
cannot be #re3em#te&*
Dalue o#tions0
6ll &(namic
channels can be
channels cannot
be #reem#te&
ser%ices cannot
be #reem#te&
Default %alue0
6ll &(namic
channels can be
The followin) table lists the relate& traffic measurement counters*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '. of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Cause Ce!!.Leve!
Packet Switch +hannel Measurement 3C PD+, esource
+a#abilit( Measurement 3C
Number of T+, to PDT+, +on%ersion 6ttem#ts
Number of Successful T+, to PDT+, +on%ersions
Number of eclaime& D(namic PD+,s
Number of eclaime& Bus( D(namic PD+,s
Packet Switch +all Measurement 3C Downlink GPS TBF
Establish an& elease +a#abilit( Measurement 3C
Number of Downlink GPS TBF Establishment 6ttem#ts
Number of Successful Downlink GPS TBF Establishments
Number of Faile& Downlink GPS TBF Establishments &ue to No
6%era)e Number of +oncurrent Downlink GPS TBFs
Packet Switch +all Measurement 3CDownlink EGPS TBF
Establish an& elease +a#abilit( Measurement 3C
Number of Downlink EGPS TBF Establishment 6ttem#ts
Number of Successful Downlink EGPS TBF Establishments
Number of Faile& Downlink EGPS TBF Establishments &ue to
No +hannel
6%era)e Number of +oncurrent Downlink EGPS TBFs
"." Chec%ing the Air (nterface
MSs ma( not recei%e &ownlink 6SSIGNMENT messa)es or P"77ING messa)es &ue
to #oor air interface 9ualit(* >ou can check the air interface 9ualit( b( checkin) the
BEP &istribution or #erformin) the +.T test* To check the BEP &istribution' (ou can
count the EPSKGME6NGBEP %ariants an& the GMSKGME6NGBEP %ariants* To
con&uct the +.T' (ou can use a &e&icate& tool' such as the TEMS*
If the air interface is e/#eriencin) serious interru#tion' (ou can im#ro%e the air
interface 9ualit( b( a&Hustin) the fre9uenc( #oint*
The followin) table lists the relate& traffic measurement counters*
KP( Ce!!.Leve!
Downlink air
interface 9ualit(
Packet Switch +all Measurement 3C
Measurement of numbers of EPSKGME6NGBEP %ariants
Measurement of numbers of GMSKGME6NGBEP %ariants
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e '8 of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
".& Chec%ing ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments Due
to No Response from the $"
".&.1 ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments Due to (mproper
Parameter Configurations
If the TBF at the network si&e an& the TBF at the MS are not starte& at the same
time' the &ownlink TBF establishment ma( fail* Therefore' the TBF at the network
si&e cannot be starte& before the TBF at the MS* "therwise' the MS ma( miss the
P"77ING messa)e from the network si&e' an& thus the &ownlink TBF establishment
The #arameters are as follows0
Name Description "etting Princip!e Va!ue Range
etr( Times of
Downlink TBF
This #arameter
s#ecifies the ma/imum
number of attem#ts to
resen& the
messa)e* The
messa)e is sent when
the network si&e fails
to recei%e a %ali&
Packet +ontrol
messa)e on the
reser%e& u#link 7+
block in the #roce&ure
for establishin) the
&ownlink TBF* If the
number is e/cee&e&'
the network si&e
releases the &ownlink
If the %alue of this
#arameter is too
small' the network
si&e will release the
&ownlink TBF with
onl( a few attem#ts to
resen& the
messa)e' which
lea&s to &ownlink
establishment failure*
If the number of faile&
&ownlink TBF
establishments is
)reat' (ou can set
this %alue to a hi)her
Default %alue0
etr( Times of
Downlink TBF
This #arameter
s#ecifies the ma/imum
number of attem#ts to
resen& the P"77ING
messa)e in the
#roce&ure for
establishin) the
&ownlink TBF*
If the %alue of this
#arameter is too
small' the &ownlink
TBF establishment
ma( fail because the
sen&in) of the
P"77ING messa)e
fails in the #roce&ure
for establishin) the
&ownlink TBF on the
+++,* If the number
of faile& &ownlink
TBF establishments
is )reat' (ou can
chan)e this %alue to a
hi)her %alue*
Default %alue0
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %& of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Name Description "etting Princip!e Va!ue Range
Dela( for
D: (block!
In D: mo&e' the
network si&e
&etermines the time to
start &ownlink TBF on
the network si&e b(
usin) this #arameter*
In a&&ition' the network
si&e calculates the
TBF Startin) Time
assi)ne& to MSs to
notif( the MSs of the
time to access the
assi)ne& channels*
If the %alue of this
#arameter is )reat'
the startin) time of
the &ownlink TBF on
the network si&e is
late* 6fter startin) the
&ownlink TBF' the
network si&e sen&s
the P6+KET
messa)e or the
&ownlink &ata blocks
imme&iatel(* If the
%alue of this
#arameter is small'
the network si&e
starts the &ownlink
TBF before an MS*
The MS fails to
recei%e the
subse9uent &ownlink
7+ ra&io blocks
sent from the network
si&e because the MS
has not accesse& the
assi)ne& channel at
the time* Therefore'
the access
#erformance is
Default %alue0
Dela( for
In Non3D: mo&e' the
network si&e
&etermines the time to
start &ownlink TBF on
the network si&e b(
usin) this #arameter*
In a&&ition' the network
si&e calculates the
TBF Startin) Time
assi)ne& to MSs to
notif( the MSs of the
time to access the
assi)ne& channels*
If the %alue of this
#arameter is )reat'
the startin) time of
the &ownlink TBF on
the network si&e is
late* 6fter startin) the
&ownlink TBF' the
network si&e sen&s
the P6+KET
messa)e or the
&ownlink &ata blocks
imme&iatel(* If the
%alue of this
#arameter is small'
the network si&e
starts the &ownlink
TBF before an MS*
Because the MS has
not accesse& the
assi)ne& channel at
the time' the MS fails
Default %alue0
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %' of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Name Description "etting Princip!e Va!ue Range
to recei%e the
subse9uent &ownlink
7+ ra&io blocks
sent from the network
si&e* Therefore' the
access #erformance
is &e)ra&e&*
".&.) ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments Due to (ncorrect
(nformation '!ements in Assignment $essages
>ou nee& to check whether the im#ortant cells in assi)nment messa)es are correct'
inclu&in) the #arameters such as the fre9uenc(3ho##in) #arameter* +urrentl(' #ower
control is not #erforme& for &ownlink TBF establishment* Therefore' (ou &o not nee&
to check the #ower control #arameters*
+heck the fre9uenc(3ho##in) #arameters as follows0
+heck whether the %alues of the GPR" $obi!e A!!ocation #arameter in the "( 12
messa)e an& the fre9uenc( #arameters in the &ownlink assi)nment messa)e are
consistent with &ata confi)urations*
The fre9uenc( #arameters are &escribe& as follows0
6 &ownlink assi)nment messa)e contains the fre9uenc( #arameters that in&icate whether
fre9uenc( ho##in) is a##lie& for MSs an& enco&in) scheme of the fre9uenc( #oints*
The #arameters are as follows0
6F+N0 no fre9uenc( ho##in)
In&irect enco&in)0 fre9uenc( ho##in) an& in&irect enco&in)
Direct enco&in) 20 fre9uenc( ho##in) an& &irect enco&in) 2
Direct enco&in) 80 fre9uenc( ho##in) an& &irect enco&in) 8
J Fre9uenc( Parameters IE C 001
J &"C 0 bit (;! C
K == J ARCN 0 bit (2=! C
L =2 J (ndirect encoding 0 J In&irect enco&in) struct C C
L 2= J Direct encoding 1 0 J Direct enco&in) 2 struct C C
L 22 J Direct encoding 3 0 J Direct enco&in) 8 struct C C M F
J In&irect enco&in) struct C 001
J $A() 0 bit (I! C
J $A4N-$#'R 0 bit (B! C
K = L 2 J C/ANG'4$ARK41 0 bit (8! C
K = L 2 J C/ANG'4$ARK43 0 bit (8! C M M F
J Direct enco&in) 2 struct C 001
J $A() 0 bit (I! C
J GPR" $obi!e A!!ocation 0 J GPS Mobile 6llocation IE C C F
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %% of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
J Direct enco&in) 8 struct C 001
J $A() 0 bit (I! C
J /"N 0 bit (I! C
J Length of $A re5uency List contents 0 bit (B! C
J $A re5uency List contents 0 octet (%al(7en)th of M6 Fre9uenc( 7ist contents! ?
;! C F
In&irect enco&in)0 Information use& b( MSs is obtaine& from the PSI 8 an& PSI or from the SI
2; an& the #re%ious assi)nment messa)es* Therefore' (ou nee& to check whether the %alues
of the fre9uenc(3ho##in) #arameters in the s(stem messa)es or assi)nment messa)es are
consistnet with &ata confi)urations accor&in) to $A4N-$#'R*
M6GN-MBE 1 =@2; shall be use& to reference a GPS mobile allocation recei%e& in a
PSI8 messa)eF
M6GN-MBE 1 2B shall be use& to reference a GPS mobile allocation recei%e& in a SI2;
or PSI2; messa)eF
M6GN-MBE 1 2A shall be use& to reference a GPS mobile allocation recei%e& in a
#re%ious assi)nment messa)e usin) the &irect enco&in)*
Direct enco&in) 20 MSs use the fre9uenc(3ho##in) in&e/ information s#ecifie& b( the GPR"
$obi!e A!!ocation #arameter in s(stem messa)es*
Direct enco&in) 80 MSs use the fre9uenc(3ho##in) information such as M6I"' ,SN' 7en)th of
M6 Fre9uenc( 7ist contents' an& M6 Fre9uenc( 7ist contents s#ecifie& in assi)nment
".&." ai!ed Down!in% &# 'stab!ishments Due to (mba!ance
#etween the -p!in% and the Down!in%
5hen the imbalance between the u#link an& the &ownlink occurs' no si)nals ma( be
recei%e& on the u#link or &ownlink at the e&)e of a cell co%era)e area* 6s a result'
TBF fails to be establishe&*
To anal($e the balance between the u#link an& the &ownlink' check whether the
transmit #ower of the BTS is hi)h* Then' check whether the com#onents such as the
TM6' BTS am#lifier' an& antenna #ort that affect u#link4&ownlink recei%e le%el ha%e
#roblems* For &etails' see the GSM BSS Network Performance KPI (Uplink and
Downlink Balance) Optimization Manual
If the u#link an& &ownlink are imbalance&' the followin) con&itions ma( occur0 The
&ifference between the mean u#link recei%e le%el an& the mean &ownlink recei%e
le%el is )reatF the u#link an& &ownlink balance le%el is hi)hF both the imme&iate
assi)nment success rate an& the assi)nment success rate are low* The followin)
table lists the traffic measurement counters relate& to the balance between the u#link
an& the &ownlink*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %1 of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Cause Ce!!.Leve! &R6.Leve!
+all Measurement 3C 6ssi)nment
Measurement 3C
Success ate of T+, 6ssi)nment
Success ate of +all
+all Measurement 3C Imme&iate
6ssi)nment Measurement 3C
Success ate of Imme&iate
M Measurement 3C
-#link3an&3Downlink Balance
M Measurement 3C
T+,F ecei%e 7e%el
M Measurement 3C
T+,, ecei%e 7e%el
".&.& Chec%ing the eed "ystem
,ar&ware faults in the fee& s(stem or incorrect #arameter confi)urations' such as the
incorrect TM6 factor' lea& to low success rate of &ownlink TBF establishment* In
a&&ition' the fault( fee& s(stem ma( lea& to the imbalance between the u#link an&
the &ownlink* Therefore' (ou can check whether the fee& s(stem is fault( b( usin)
the traffic measurement counters relate& to the balance between the u#link an& the
".&.2 Chec%ing the KP(s of the P" ie!d
7ow success rate of &ownlink TBF establishment ma( not be cause& sim#l( b( the
incorrect #arameter confi)urations of the +S fiel&* Incorrect #arameter settin)s of the
+S fiel& ma( affect the KPIs of the PS fiel&* Therefore' (ou must check whether the
im#ortant KPIs of the +S fiel& are normal* This hel#s (ou to locate faults* It is
recommen&e& that (ou focus on the success rate of imme&iate assi)nment* If the
success rate is low' (ou can infer that this is cause& b( the air interface*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %( of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
& Cases
&.1 Case 17 Low "uccess Rate of Down!in% &#
'stab!ishment Due to (ncorrect re5uency./opping
Parameter "ettings in C+ech Repub!ic
The success rate of &ownlink TBF establishment &ecrease& su&&enl( since
No%ember B' an& the number of abnormal TBF releases increase&* The statistics are
as follows0
'2 The frame error rate of the G36bis interface is normal*
6ccor&in) to the formula for calculatin) the frame error rate of the G36bis
interface' the frame error rate was normal an& stable on an& near No%ember B*
Formula0 Frame error rate of the G36bis interface 1 (Number of Received
Chec% 'rror &RA- rames ? Number of Received )ut.of."ynchroni+ation
&RA- rames!4(Number of "ent Va!id &RA- rames ? Number of "ent
'mpty &RA- rames!
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %+ of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Fi+u!e 1.1 6nal(sis of the frame error rate of the G36bis interface is normal
0. 00000000
0. 00200000
0. 00400000
0. 00600000
0. 00800000
0. 01000000
0. 01200000
0. 01400000
%2 MSs &i& not res#on& to assi)nment messa)es*
The anal(sis of the TEMS si)nalin) in&icates that the MSs recei%e& Downlink
#acket assi)nment messa)es but &i& not sen& Packet +ontrol
6cknowle&)ement to res#on&* Therefore' the #roblem is case& b( no res#onse
from MSs*
Fi+u!e ).1 Downlink #acket assi)nment messa)e
The MSs &i& not res#on& to the &ownlink assi)nment messa)es because of incorrect
fre9uenc(3ho##in) information*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %* of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
The fre9uenc(3ho##in) information in the assi)nment messa)es were M6
Fi+u!e ).) M6 Numeber in the &ownlink #acket assi)nment messa)e
6ccor&in) to the rele%ant #rotocol' the fre9uenc(3ho##in) information is &etermine&
base& on the %alue of the GPS Mobile 6llocation #arameter in the SI 2; messa)e*
In the SI 2; messa)e' the fre9uenc(3ho##in) information is null' which is &ifferent
from the &ata confi)uration* Therefore' the fault occurs because of this #ro&uct
&efect* The fre9uenc(3ho##in) information in the s(stem messa)es is incorrect &ue
to the #ro&uct &efect' an& thus the &ownlink TBF establishment fails* 5hen the
corres#on&in) channel is mo%e& to a fre9uenc( #oint that &oes not in%ol%e fre9uenc(
ho##in)' the success rate of &ownlink TBF establishment becomes normal*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %, of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
Fi+u!e )." Fre9uenc(3ho##in) information bein) null in the SI 2; messa)e
Fre9uenc(3ho##in) is &isable& to #re%ent this fault* This &efect will be rectifie& in
later %ersions*
&.) Case 37 Low "uccess Rate of Down!in% &#
'stab!ishment Due to No Responses from $"s After the
PC- (s -pgraded
The #ur#ose of u#)ra&in) the P+- %ersion to +=ASP=2 is to sol%e the #roblem that
the success rate of u#link TBF assi)nment in the GPS network is low* 6fter the
P+- is u#)ra&e&' the failure rate of u#link assi)nment &ro#s from E=N to 8=N* The
failure rate of &ownlink assi)nment' howe%er' rises from 8N to 8=N*
6nal(sis in&icates that the frame error rate of the G36bis interface is normal' the
+++, is not o%erloa&e&' con)estion &oes not occur &ue to no channel' an& the air
interface 9ualit( is fine* Therefore' the fault occurs &ue to no res#onse from MSs*
The followin) fi)ure shows that in the &ownlink assi)nment #roce&ure the MS &oes
not return the Pac%et Contro! Ac%now!edgement messa)e after the P+- sen&s the
PACK'& P)LL(NG R',-'"& messa)e to the MS* In +=B' if the P+- fails to
resen& the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e for three times' the s(stem
increases the number of faile& &ownlink TBF establishments &ue to MS no res#onse
b( one* In +=A' if the MS &oes not res#on& with the Pac%et Contro!
Ac%now!edgement messa)e' the P+- resen&s the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& for
one time* If the MS still &oes not res#on&' the s(stem increases the number of faile&
&ownlink TBF establishments &ue to MS no res#onse b( one*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %. of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
The &ifference between +=B an& +=A is as follows0 The numbers of times that the
P+- resen&s the ($$'D(A&' A""(GN$'N& messa)e are &ifferent* 6s a result'
&urin) the establishment of the &ownlink TBF' traffic statistics about no res#onse
from the MS are &ifferent*
Increase the %alues of innner software #arameters Retry &imes of Down!in% &#
'stab!ishment an& Retry &imes of Down!in% &# Po!!ing*
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e %8 of 1&
GSM BSS Network Performance PS KPI (Downlink TBF Establishment Success ate!
"#timi$ation Manual
2 Prob!em eedbac%
'2 Traffic counters
unction &ype $easurement &ype
DSP Measurement DSP +P- Performance Measurement
6bis interface
T6- link measurement
PT6- Measurement
PS +all
Measurement of #acket assi)nment ca#abilit( #er BS+
-#link GPS TBF establishment an& release ca#abilit(
-#link EGPS TBF establishment an& release ca#abilit(
PD+, resource ca#abilit( measurement
Performance measurement of PD+, e/tremes
Downlink GPS TBF establishment an& release ca#abilit(
Downlink EGPS TBF establishment an& release ca#abilit(
PS +hannel
+ell ra&io channel ca#abilit( measurement
PD+, resource ca#abilit( measurement
%2 Fee&back on si)nalin) tracin) at the P+- si&e (-m an& Gb interfaces!
12 Fee&back on the %ersions of the BTS an& BS+
(2 Data confi)uration
%&'()*)+ ,-'%-(. a*/#* Pa0e 1& of 1&

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