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Name: Surname: ..
Complete with the correct Word
1. The a___________ won the marathon.
2. The d____________ check your teeth when you have a problem with them.
3. The d____________ in the hospital.
4. I have a problem with the sink and the toilet. Im calling the p__________ right now.
5. This person works in a restaurant w_____________.
6. Brad Pitt is a famous a ______________.
7. The lights of my bedroom dont work very well. I need to call the e.............................
8. I must send an email right now, but my computer doesnt work. Do you know a
C.................... ......................?
9. Toti Martinez de Lezea is a famous w.........................
10. The a .......................... designs houses and buildings.
11. The s................. works in an office.
Complete the sentences with the words of phrases below. There are more words that you

Rescue/ good looking/ hairy/ steak/ under/ stadium/ judo/ educational/

between/ clever/ church/ thin/ giraffe/ swimming.
1. I go the ___________ every Sunday, because Im very religious.
2. National Geographic is an _________________ channel.
3. The opposite of fat is _________________.
4. The firefighters usually ______________ people.
5. We always go _______________ in summer.
6. The _____________ has got a long neck.
7. She does ______________ and taekwondo every week.

Martha is the most intelligent girl in my school. She is very ______________.

9. The sport centre is ____________ the bakery and the library.

10. That man has got a lot of hair. He is very ____________.
Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative, interrogative or negative forms of the
regular verbs.
Play/ study/ cook/ not watch/ wash/ stay/ enjoy
1. ............... you .............. the party last night?
2. My mother ..................... a delicious lasagne yesterday.
3. Before the dinner I ................. the dishes.
4. We .......................... TV yesterday.
5. Did ................ They ............... basketball?
6. My parents .................... at Hilton hotel in London.

7. I _____________ math last night.

Complete the dialogue with the correct affirmative, interrogative or negative forms of the
irregular verbs.
Have/ meet/ win/ drink/ see/ read/ not be
1. I __________ my friends yesterday.
2. She __________ the lottery last year.
3. The children ____________ many books the last year.
4. ____________ you _________ the film last night?
5. We ____________ dinner two minutes ago.
6. They ___________ at school yesterday because it was Sunday.
7. I ____________ one litre of orange juice.
Chose the correct answer.
1. She is as beautiful as/ more beautiful/ beautifully Mary.
2. We can/ cant/ must tennis because it is raining.
3. There was/ were there/ was there many children at school?
4. How many/ How much/ are there apples are there in the basket?
5. She drives her car quite slowly/ slower/ slow.
6. I dont like rice, so I never/ always/ often eat it.
7. They usually travel/ are travelling/ travels in summer.
8. She does/ do/ is doing her homework at the moment
Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative, negative or interrogative form
of the verbs below.
Speak/ download/ send/ be/ water/ do/ bake/ sing
1. I _________ English at all well.
2. ________ you ________ the laundry last night?
3. Listen! Laura ____________ a beautiful song.
4. Where _______ you yesterday? At school.
5. She always _____________ music from internet.
6. My father _____________ the plants one hour ago.
7. The teenagers ____________ millions of emails every year.
8. Where is my mother? She _____________ a cake at the moment.
Choose the correct answer.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was/ is/ has got/ a musician form Austria. Mozart lives/ lived/ is living
from 1756 to 1791.
Mozart started/ starts/ is starting his carrier when he was 6 year old. He is/ was/ has got very
famous until now. Many experts think that he is the best/ good/ better musician of all time. His/ their/
her house is a museum and many tourists visit/ is visiting/ visits every year.
Do/ does/ did you know a Mozarts song/ Mozarts song/ Mozarts song?

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