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How To Inject Anabolic Steroids
Its pretty amazing the amount of questions you
hear about how to inject steroids. Some of the
most unbelievable stories you would ever hear. This
is why I felt it was important to have this chapter
in the book. People injecting steroids like its heroin,
right into the vein! Or even more unbelievable, Ive
heard stories of guys injecting HOG right into their
scrotum because they want to stimulate their balls
to produce more testosterone NOW! Trust me, this
wont do anything but put you in the hospital.
For the most part anabolic steroids are injected
using the IM (intramuscular) method. Typically, a
large muscle, such as the gluteus muscle, is used
so that pain is minimal and circulation of that steroid is more widespread. Much controversy
exists about the site of injection, and whether its important or unimportant. In my
estimation, its less about whether one site is better than the other for delivery, and more
about whether site injections are at all effective in creating specificity of growth in that
area. Ill go into that more later.
Needle Size
The gauge of a needle is its size in diameter (around). Depending upon what youre taking,
youll either choose a smaller or larger needle to get the job done. Its impossible to use
just one size needle for everything because oil and water-based injections require different
sizes. So, unless you always take Winstrol Depot and Testosterone Suspension, youre
probably going to need a larger needle for your oil-based injections, like Deca and
Primobolan Depot. But heres the trick: The higher the number, the smaller the needle. A 22
gauge needle is smaller than a 17 gauge needle. Might I say, I dont know if anyone uses a
17 gauge needle because its huge, but its just an example.
For drugs like Winstrol V (water based compounds with larger particles), and most oil-based
drugs, use a 22-23 gauge needle to accommodate the solids.
For drugs like Winstrol Depot, with a finer grade of particle, you can jump up to a 25 gauge
For insulin injections, site injections using fine particle water-based drugs, use as high as a
27 or 28 gauge needle. These are insulin needles, by classification, and are the best as far
as pain goes.
Never Inject Steroids Again!
DermaGAIN XLT- Site Specific Enhancement
Needle Length
Needles come in various lengths: 112, 518, 1, 1.5. Some veterinary needles come in 2
lengths, but unless youre very fat, you wont want to use something that plunges into the
muscle quite that deep. Which brings me to the point of this chapter you choose a
needle length based on two things: Size of muscle group and amount of subcutaneous fat
you must go through in order to reach a reasonable depth within the muscle. Generally,
because the glute muscle is a larger muscle group, youll most often want to use it for
injections, It can handle larger particles, multi-drug dosing and a 1.5 needle. If youre in
the off-season, use a 1 to 1.5 needle to go through the fat youre carrying between
competitions. Gradually decrease the length the leaner you get.
Multi-drug Dosing
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Sometimes people stack their oil-based drugs in one syringe to avoid multiple injections on
a given day. If you want to do that youll need to use a needle that has a larger gauge and
a larger ml capacity. I recommend using actual veterinary syringes with your chosen gauge
attached. This will allow you to load up with a larger than 3ml capacity, as with a standard
human syringe. A veterinary syringe holds twice as much. Many people dont know how to
get these, but they can be obtained through veterinary catalogs quite easily, or on
veterinary wholesale sites online. You should be careful when you have needles in your
possession though, even if they are for Vet uses. Some states require you get a
prescription before you can possess needles and some states have needle exchange
programs (NEPs) that you can participate in anonymously. The laws arent all that clear
about whether having them in your possession is legal or not in most cases. You will have
to check the laws in your state to be sure, and even then you should be very careful. A lot
of times they say that possessing a needle is legal, but then when you are caught, they
confiscate it and test for drugs that are inside it. All they have to do is have probable
cause to bust you and if they see a needle, they have probable cause.
Location of Injections
>> Glute Injections: The best way to locate the correct place for dosing is to find the
upper outer quadrant (section) of the butt cheek you are injecting into. Inject only into
the upper outer area of the quadrant which muscle you actually inject into is less
significant. It is important to avoid the other quadrants because they can be very sensitive
to needle injection and there is a chance to hit large veins and/or nerves.
>> Thigh Injections: The injection spot is generally located on the front outside area of
the thigh between one hands width above the knee and one hands width below the hip
joint. The injection should go into the thick area of the large muscle to be sure to stay
away from any bone.

>> Deltoid Iniection: Insert the needle at a 90-degree angle, or slightly angled up, into
the middle of the deltoid muscle. This is approximately 2-4 finger-widths below the bony
end of your shoulder bone and forms a triangle when you look at it from the side.
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Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
How to Inject Steroids
Rules for Safe and Effective Shots the First Time!
1) Set up:

a. Check the drug for expiration dates. The dates on the box and the bottle label
must match. By the way, you can inject steroids long after their expiration date,
but the older it is the less potent it will be.
b. Double check that the drug is the right amount and strength. Always Use a
syringe with a volume of twice the required amount of drug or solution and add
the needle. If you are injecting 50cc, use at least a 100cc needle.
c. Everything must be kept 100% sterile. Wash your hands and use a cotton
swab to disinfect the area of the injection and the top of the vial. Dont touch
anything with the unprotected needle and dont ever use previously used needle,
even if it was you that used it before.

2) Fill up the syringe:
a. Use a syringe with a volume of twice the required amount of drug
or solution and add the needle
b. Suck up as much air as the amount of steroid needed (see Figure
c. Insert needle into (top of) vial and turn upside-down. Only plunge
the needle into rubber stopper once. More than that will dull your
d. Pump the air into vial (creating pressure) (see Figure 2)
e. Pull the plunger back to aspirate (suck in) the required amount of
solution and 0.1 ml extra. Make sure the tip of the needle is below
the fluid surface so you dont get any air into the body of the
syringe (see Figure 3)
f. Pull the needle out of the vial
g. Remove possible air from the syringe by slowly pushing in the
plunger being careful not to waste any of the drug
h. If you are aspirating from an ampoule,
i. Flick the substance down
ii. File around the neck of the amp (see Figure 4)
iii. Protect your fingers with gauze and be careful not to cut
yourself or spill any of the drug, snap the top off.
iv. Then aspirate as above (without turning it upside down of
3) Injection:

a. Locate the area youre going to inject (always into the body of
the muscle)
i. Top outer area of your glute (see Figure 5)
ii. Out side area of your upper quad (see Figure 6)
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b. Disinfect the skin with alcohol
c. Relax the muscle and Pump yourself up get ready!
d. Insert the needle quickly at a 90 degree angle (straight in) Be careful not to
go too deep, only about 1/2 way.
e. Aspirate to check if you are on a vein. If you see blood entering the syringe
you will need to pull out and try again. (see Figure 8a-8b)
f. Inject slowly! This is usually not a problem since it hurts to go fast.
g. Hold the plunger down and withdraw the needle. Press on the site with some
sterile cotton.
h. Give yourself a High 5!
i. Always look for irritation, redness, or excessive bleeding. If you are going to
have a problem you will usually know pretty quick.
Site Injections
And Other Site Enhancement Techniques
Site injections are slightly different than general injections. They are the same
intramuscular injection, but are specifically targeted to smaller lagging body parts like the
deltoids, calves, bicep, triceps, etc.
In general, its my stance that you can inject a steroid anywhere and it will eventually
spread out and reach all receptors in your body. However, if I were to speak specifically, I
would tell you that any injection would not reach the bloodstream and the rest of your
body as rapidly from a small muscle group as opposed to a large one. This is the precise
reason why those who advocate site injections (with steroids) say the injections into
smaller muscle groups actually work. Because the anabolic/androgenic agent pools in that
area and the benefits of the injection are longer lasting by virtue of extended exposure.
Unfortunately, you cant have it both ways, and thats exactly what people want. If you
assume that site injections work, then you cant expect to get any kind of true overall
benefit from those particular injections you place in general, large muscle groups. Its either
one or the other, at least where steroidal compounds are concerned.
There are, however, some non-steroicial alternatives that have a higher potential to
increase actual site-specific size. Not necessarily by producing more muscle growth, but
instead by inflaming the muscle tissue to look bigger. Site Enhancement Oils are what they
are typically called and they can truly add some good size when used correctly. Some of
them even contain silica (silicone) that, essentially, binds to the muscle fiber, acting like a
tiny implant. Most guys that use them inject 2-3ccs 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks.
The concept of site injections has a lot of holes in it when you are talking about steroids
specifically. Like I said before, when you inject a steroid, it eventually gets distributed
throughout your body, whether you inject into your bicep or your glute. But site-
enhancement oils arent steroids, and they dont work the same way either.
Other non-steroidal site-injectable compounds like Nolotil, are really inflammatory meds
used to purposefully enlarge body tissue, for whatever the reason. I have heard, from
some reputable sources, that this stuff is the BOMB! Just pump 3-5m1 of this into your
bicep and you are certain to gain up to 3 inches in size, almost immediately! Temporarily of
course, but unlike most site injection compounds, that seem to smooth you out, Ive been
told it makes your muscle even harder and more vascular looking. Who knows?
One thing is for sure. I do believe in the Muscle Memory theory and that by adding site-
enhancing oils to your muscle, and inflaming the size of the fibers, you are, in a way,
stimulating growth. Its kind of like stretching out a balloon before you blow air into it; If
you dont stretch it out some, it is a little bit harder to blow the air in.
If you insist on trying site-injections, and I totally understand if you do, (nothing is more
frustrating than a lagging body part) there is something you should know. Im not
convinced that site injections work all the time, or with all drugs. There are a great many
variables in that equation. I just know that Ive seen guys inject into smaller muscle groups
and experience difficulty, depending upon the method of delivery of the drug (oil or water)
and the specific drug itself. And when they havent experienced a difficulty of some kind,
they usually dont see much benefit considering the risk they are taking. The other problem
with site injections is that by virtue of the fact that less space is available, the
opportunity for finding multiple needle entry sites is lower than with large muscle groups.
That means that soreness in the area is more apt to cause problems with training and
recovery. If youre constantly injecting all your drugs into your biceps, for example, the
discomfort of soreness could diminish training.
I would also like to mention that site injections are dangerous. Because most of us arent
medical personnel, and even medical personnel dont self-inject drugs, its difficult to know
where veins and blood vessels are in limbs and smaller body parts. Hitting a vein can be
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serious and cause everything from the death of the vein to an infected abscess. In the
worst cases, this can mean tissue death and irrevocable damage to muscle tissue. fts just
safer to inject in the area of the glutes; there are fewer veins to hit and the tissue is
deeper. I have personally seen guys temporarily lose the feeling in their hands and arms
when injecting into their biceps. And I have heard of guys going numb in their back,
shoulders, and neck from deltoid injections.
The latest generation of site-enhancement ideas is the transdermal application of steroids
using DMSO, a substance that will pretty much carry any compound right through your
skin. I guess people are getting tired of injections. Mix up icc of DMSO, 1cc Winstrol Depot
(50mg), 2cc of 100mg/mi Test Suspension (200mg) and icc of injectable Vitamin B12. Rub
it in, using rubber gloves, for about 60 seconds directly into the targeted muscle group
immediately after training it. If you did arms, for instance, youll have to split it up so you
get 1/2 on each arm. Some people even do another 1-2 supersets to failure right after
they apply it to really take advantage of it. This is a great way to train because the DMSO
also acts as an anti-inflammatory so it helps get you through that one last set.
My advice? Stay away from injecting into smaller body parts, especially limbs. Step up
training instead and overhaul your current steroid cycle to make it the most effective for
what youre trying to do. Site injections sound awesome, but honestly guys dont rely on
them. Stick to the transdermal formula or dont do it at all. Injecting seems like the quick
and easy way to grow but it really isnt. Its just a temporary fix for a much bigger problem.
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