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Justus Reid Weiner


2008-2013: Senior Research Fellow, Strategic Perspectives
1994-Present: Fellow and Scholar in Residence, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA)
1995-Present: Adjunct Lecturer, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1995-2000: Adjunct Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv
1988-1993: Director, Department of American Law and External Relations,
Israeli Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem
1987-1988: Assistant Professor (visiting), Boston University Law School
1981-1987: Senior Attorney in Israeli Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem
1975-1981: Associate in Litigation Department, White & Case, New York
1973-1974: Law Clerk to Judge Zook F. Sutton
Photo credit: Toril Sodstag
Justus Reid Weiner received his Juris Doctor
degree from the University of California at
Berkeley (Boalt Hall) School of Law. His lecture
topics include:

Rouhani: Can He Be Trusted?
Targeted Killings: a Double Standard
Shouting Down the First Amendment
'Arab Spring' or Islamic Debacle?
Religious Freedom for Palestinian
Do Peacekeeping Forces Help in the Middle East?
International Law Analysis of Israels Security
Why is there no Peace in the Middle East?
Over 130,000 Deaths: Can Syria be Restrained?
The Epidemic of Illegal Construction in
Jerusalem: Environmental, Economic, and
Political Implications
The Fiction of Autobiography: Edward Said
Preserving Humanitarian Law Norms During the
Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead
Sovereignty over Jerusalem?
Syria: Three Years of Insanity

Professor Weiner Has Lectured at the Following Venues:

Swedish Parliamentary Committee; PBS; U.S. Vice President's National Security Council; Harvard Law School;
The Cambridge Union (Cambridge University, UK); Delegation of the European Commission; International
Association of Centers of Federal Studies (Annual Conference, Jerusalem); Faculty of the Moshe Dayan Center (Tel-
Aviv University); University of Birmingham (UK); Harvard Law School (Seminar on Human Rights of Professor Alan
Dershowitz); Harvard Graduate School of Middle Eastern Studies; U.S. Congress; Norwegian Parliamentary
Committees; Tufts University (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy); Israeli Embassy (London); Harvard Hillel;
University of Virginia; Bridges for Peace; International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem; Brandeis University (The
Heller School); Boston University School of Law; University of Toronto; York University Law School; New York
University School of Law; University of Texas School Law School; University of Colorado Law School; Dartmouth;
Yale; Harvard Chabad House; McGill Law School; University of Ottawa Law School; Canadian Ministry of
Justice; University of Maryland; National Association of Scholars; Brown University; Amherst College;
Southeastern University College; Hebrew University Forum Lecture Series; With Israel for Peace (Norway)
Norwegian Army Officer Staff College; and Oslo University.

Recently Published Articles, Monographs and Books
The Threat to Freedom of Speech about Israel: Campus Shout-Downs and the Spirit of the First
Amendment, Jewish Political Studies Review (2013).
Israels Achilles Heel, Jerusalem Post, May 16, 2013.
"Diplomatic Immunity? Terror Attacks Against Israeli Embassies and Diplomatic Representatives
Abroad, The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs (2012).
"Targeted Killings and Double Standards," Strategic Perspectives (2012).
Being Hated Less: A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism by Daniel
Byman, Jewish Political Studies Review, (book review, originally published by Oxford University Press)
Bethlehem on the Rebound, Jerusalem Post, January 31, 2011.
"Amnesia International: Forgetting the Real Culprits in Gaza," Global Law Forum (2010).
Curbing the Manipulation of Universal Jurisdiction, First Edition: Berkeley Journal of International
Law, Updated Version: JCPA (2010).
"Peacekeepers: Will They Advance any Prospective Arab-Israeli Peace Agreement," Fordham
International Law Journal (2010).
"Who Will Keep the Peace? The Role of Peacekeeping in a Future Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Accord," monograph published by the JCPA (2010).
Children on the Frontlines, JCPA Edition, Harvard Edition, New Delhi Institute for Conflict
Management Edition, Yale Israel Journal (2009).
Free Lunch for Hamas, JCPA, Yale Israel Journal (2009).
The Gaza War of 2009 Applying International Humanitarian Law to Israel and Hamas, San
Diego International Law Journal (2009).
"Why the Schalit deal Would be a Disaster," Jewish Chronicle (London) (2009).
"Ten Arguments Against Submitting To Hamas Extortion," Jewish Press (NY) (2009).
"Palestinian Crimes against Christian Arabs and Their Manipulation against Israel," JCPAs
Jerusalem Viewpoints (2008).
Hizbullahs Triumph: The Long-Term Implication of Prisoner Exchange, AIJAC (2008).
Legal Implications of Linking the Gaza Strip with the West Bank, monograph published by the JCPA
(also published by the Connecticut Journal of International Law) (2007).
Incitement to Genocide: The Case Against the Iranian Leadership, International Journal of
Sentencing and Punishment (Melbourne) (2007).
Hamas Determination to Perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Critical Role of Hate
Indoctrination, JCPAs Jerusalem Viewpoints (2006).
Will the Next Generation of Palestinians Make Peace with Israel, JCPAs Jerusalem Viewpoints
Human Rights of the Christians in Palestinian Society, monograph published by the JCPA (2005).
Palestinian Christians: Equal Citizens or Oppressed Minority in a Future Palestinian State,
Oregon Review of International Law (2005).
Palestinian Christians: A Minority's Plea for Rights Silenced by the Politics of Peace, 4 The
Journal of Human Rights 363 (2005).
Israels Security Barrier: An International Comparative Analysis and Legal Evaluation, co-author
Dr. Barry Feinstein, George Washington International and Comparative Law Journal (2005).
Child Abuse: The New Islamic Cult of Martyrdom, 16 Faultlines (Indian Journal on Conflict and
Resolution) 63 (2005).
The NGOs, Demolition of Illegal Building in Jerusalem, and International Law, 17 Jewish Political
Studies Review 47 (2005).
Human Rights of the Christian Arabs in Palestinian Society, a JCPA monograph.
Palestinian Christians: Silent Victims of a Zero-Sum Game, 8(2) Mediterranean Journal of Human
Rights 383 (2004).
Lillian Hellman: The Fiction of Autobiography, Gender Issues, Winter 2003.
Illegal Construction in Jerusalem: A Variation on an Alarming Global Phenomenon, a book
published by the JCPA, 2003.
The Palestinian Boycott of Jerusalems Municipal Political Process: Consequences for the Level of
Public Services and Infrastructure, Jerusalem Issue Brief (2003).
Edward Said Hijacks Sigmund Freud, Jerusalem Post, July 11, 2003.
Is Jerusalem Being Judaized,? 15 Jewish Political Studies Review (2003).
The Use of Palestinian Children in the Al-Aqsa Intifada: A Legal and Political Analysis, 16 Temple
Journal of International and Comparative Law 43 (2002).
"Nitzul Yeladim Palestiniam Beintifada -- Aleph," 1 Nativ 3, (2002).
"Recruitment of Children in the Current Palestinian Strategy," 2 Jerusalem Issue Brief (2002).
"From Gaza to Pakistan: Targeted Killing and International Law," 23 Jewish Political Studies
Review 91 (2002).
"Nitzul Yeladim Palestiniam Beintifada -- Bet," 2 Nativ 51, (2002).
Appendix to Forum 18 Report Freedom of Religion: A Report With Special Emphasis on the Right to
Choose Religion and Registration Systems, financed by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
February 2001.
Letters to the Editor, 14 Academic Questions 5 (2001).
"Suffer the Children," 25(12) The Review 13 (Dec. 2000) (Australia).
"Freedom of Migration: Legal Standards and State Practice," chapter in the book: Still Moving:
Recent Jewish Migration in Comparative Perspective, Transaction Press, (2000).
A Tale of Two Frauds, 13 Academic Questions 46 (2000).
The False Prophet of Palestine: In the Wake of the Edward Said Revelations, JCPAs Jerusalem
Viewpoints (2000).
Human Rights Trends in the Emerging Palestinian State: Problems Encountered by Muslim
Converts to Christianity, 8(3) Michigan State Journal of International Law 539 (1999).
"Palestinian Exile Reinvented," Jerusalem Post, Nov. 19, 1999.
"'My Beautiful Old House' and Other Fabrications by Edward Said," Commentary magazine, Sept.
"The False Prophet of Palestine," Wall Street Journal, Aug. 26 1999.
"Israel-Arab Peace Negotiations: A Long and Winding Road," Jerusalem Letter, Sept 1, 1999.
"The Hebron Agreement's Note For the Record: A Pandora's Box of Legal and Political Obstacles,"
Jerusalem Letter, Feb. 1, 1998.
"The Temporary International Presence in Hebron: A Unique Approach to Peacekeeping," 16
Wisconsin International Law Journal 281 (1997).
"The Hebron Protocol: the End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End of the Israeli-
Palestinian Peace Process," 15 Boston University International Law Journal 375 (1997).
The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and the 'Right of Return, 20 Boston College International and
Comparative Law 1 (1997).
"The Peace Process and the 'Right to Return,' " Survey of Arab Affairs, May 15 1996.
"Peace and Its Discontents: Israeli and Palestinian Intellectuals Who Reject the Current Peace
Process," 29 Cornell Journal of International Law 501 (1996).
"Human Rights in Limbo During the Interim Period of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: Review
Analysis and Implications," 27 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 761
The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: A Critical Analysis of the Cairo Agreement: Agreement on
the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area, 14 Wisconsin International Law Journal 223 (1995).
"Hard Facts Meet Soft Law - The Israeli-PLO Declaration of Principles and the Prospects for Peace:
A Response to Katherine Meighan," 35 Virginia Journal of International Law 931 (1995).
"Israel's Expulsion of Islamic Militants to Southern Lebanon," 26 Columbia University Human Rights
Law Review 357 (1995).
Israels Struggle Against Islamic Terrorism: Lessons From the Expulsion of Hamas Militants to
Southern Lebanon, Jerusalem Letter, December 15, 1994.
Palestinian Children and the New Cult of Martyrdom, Harvard Israel Review, Summer 1993.
Human Rights in the Israeli Administered Areas during the Intifada: 1987-1990, 10 Wisconsin
International Law Journal 185 (1992).
Terrorism: Israels Legal Responses, 14 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 183 (1987).
Professor Weiner Has Been Interviewed By:

New York Times, Zongfilm Documentary Film (Korea), FrontPageMagazine,
FrontPageJerusalem, Russia Today, USA Radio Network, Evening Standard (London),
BBC, Daily Telegraph (London), Norge Idag (Norway), Norge Visjon Televsion (Oslo),
Toronto Sun, Kol Hair (Jerusalem), Galeli Tsahal (Israel), Associated Press, Washington
Post, USA Radio Network, Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), Christian Broadcasting Network,
Israel Today, Hispalibertas, New York Magazine, Chronicle of Higher Education
(Washington), London Sunday Times, Bible Voice Broadcasting, Spectrum Magazine,
National Public Radio, Aftenpoften (Norway), Christianity Today, ZOA Radio, Jewish
Press (New York), Near East Report, Irish Times (Dublin), L'Express (Paris), Magazinet
(Norway), the Barry Farber Radio Show (New York), BBC Radio The Today Show;
International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem; Vart Land (Oslo), Pat Kennedy Radio
Show (Dublin), Ottawa Sun, Yugoslavian Television, Le Pli (Paris), Jerusalem Post, Jewish
Chronicle (London), American Lawyer, CBS Radio Affiliate (Houston), BBC Radio, Ma'ariv
newspaper (Tel-Aviv), Boston Phoenix, Bergens Tidende (Norway), Dagen (Norway), La
Repubblica (Italy), Voice of America, The Australian, Christian Broadcasting Network,
Christian Attitudes, Il Legno Storto (Italy), Yale Herald, Vartland (Norway),,
TV7 (Finland).

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