Esp Writing Project

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Written to fulfill the requirement of

Mid-Term Test 2013-2014

Information Technology D
Group Members :
1. Dania Rahmanita 201310370311160
2. Ayu Puji L 201310370311163
3. Agung Dwi R 201310370311164
4. Feny Aries Tanti 201310370311166
5. M. Nasrul Tsalatsa P 201310370311171
6. Cindy Claudia K 201310370311174
7. Nirindra Primavera D.N 201310370311178
8. Alimuddin Hasan A 201310370311179


Taught by Ms. Zwesty Aridasarie

(Personal and Business Letters)

Information Technology Department
Class D
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Table of Contents
TYPES OF PERSONAL LETTERS ................................................................................................................. 4
a. Birthday Cards (invitation) .......................................................................................................... 4
c. Condolence Card ......................................................................................................................... 6
d. Correspondence to family or friends far away ........................................................................... 7
TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTERS .................................................................................................................. 8
a. Sales Letter .................................................................................................................................. 8
b. Order Letter ................................................................................................................................ 9
c. Complaint Letter ....................................................................................................................... 11


a. Birthday Cards (invitation)
Sample 1 :
Ms. Cindy Claudia

Magic Tower 2nd floor
El Monte 53423 2345

Dear Cindy,
I am very glad to inform you that my birthday falls on 26 April. I am planning
to celebrate it with you. Our school will be closed for winter break. There is no
problem in visiting our place.
We have arranged a small party in the evening. There will be some
refreshments there. There will be dance and music programmes. I have invited all my
friends and relatives there. I wish that you should come on my birthday and grace the
occasion with your presence.
I hope you will come here to attend the party and add to my pleasure. Eagerly
waiting for a confirmed reply from you.
Sincerely yours,

Sample 2 :
Dear friends,
I would like to invite you to my birthday party.
Place : Pizza Hut Metropolitan Mall Bekasi
Date : 12 August 2014
Time : 4 7 PM
There will be some games and doorprize too so dont forget to come.
See you at the party.


b. Congratulatory Cards (achievement, graduation)

Dear friends..
Congrates on your
Achievement and my best wishes
For you future

May your career glow like
Glittering Star In the Sky

c. Condolence Card

To : Nirindra + the other one
Dearest Graduates...
Wishing you the warmest of wishes
On your very special day.

You worked so very hard
To be born into a quasi-royal dynasty
That guaranteed your legacy acceplance
and stratospheric grade inflation
at your parents alma maters.

We cant begin to express
How proud we are of you today
Because were hundreds of miles away
Holding a fund-raiser
And couldnt be bothered
To attend your boring ceremonies.

Dad & Mom
My Deepest Condolence
Im very sorry for your lost
Nothing can replace the lost of a love one
Just wanted to know that Im always here for you

With love,

d. Correspondence to family or friends far away




a. Sales Letter

Home National Bank
902 Home Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97207

March 8, 2014

Mr. George W. Marlon
Boston Transit Authority
57 West City Avenue Boston, MA 02110

Subject : Magic Loans

Dear Mr. Marlon,

At this time, each year, everyone thoughts turn to vacation plans and
home improvements. If you are considering a major recreational
purchase or home improvement this year, you may want to find out about
Magic Loans Home National Bank.

Magic Loans is loan that is made against equity that you have in tour
home. Magic Loans can be used to buy the car or anything youve always
wanted. They can also be used conventional FHA home improvement
loans, such a private swimming pool. Of course, a Magic Loans does not
have to be used only for recreational items. You may want to use money
that is now equity to pay for college expenses for your children.

So if you have equity in your home and would like to talk with someone
about the possibility of borrowing against that equity, please complete
the postage-paid replay card include with this letter. Just drop it in the
mail and a Home National Bank loan officer will call you to explain
Magic Loans possibilities as well as to answer any question you may
have. Let us help make your dream come true.


John M. Peters
b. Order Letter
Personal Purchase Order

154 Green Avenue
New York, USA
March 23, 2014

Ms. K. Hutchinson
Beller Company, Inc
424 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10021

Dear Ms. Hutchinson,

Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a
few days of my request. Please send me the following items by parcel
post :

1 copy Emmet and Mullen,
High School Algebra @ $7.50 $7.50
25 copies Pinehurst,
Plane Geometry @ $8.75 $218.75
Total $226.25
I am enclosing a money order for 226.25. If there are additional
charges, please let me know.
Please mail the books to the address given below.

Very truly yours,

Brandon Michael
Company Purchase Order

17 Sweet Road, West Bandung Tlp. 022-8765432
Post Code 41234

June 17, 2014
Purchase Order

Toko Englet
11 Main Street
San Fransisco, USA
ZIP Code 91234

Attention : Miss Kim Jackson

Dear Miss Jackson,

Please accept the purchase order for the following :
No. Product Quantity Unit Price Total
1 Single Brush
Polisher Colombia
4 $3,000 $12,000
2 Extractor SX 144 4 $2,000 $8,000
Total $20,000

We require shipment by December 17, 2014 to :

No. 1 Jl. Cileungsi
Bogor, Indonesia
Post Code 40156

Please refer to this order as purchase order # SS01234
Should you need more information, please contact me at 62-22-756756
at your earliest convinience or email at

Dede Prana
Purchasing Manager
c. Complaint Letter

American Textile Ltd
555 Main Street
Springfield, OH 45321
(513) 683-8111

September 12, 2014

Carribean Textile, Inc
5220 West 22nd Street
New York 10062

Dear Sir,
We hereby inform you that our order has been delayed for a week.
Consequently, many of our customers feel disappointed with this delay and go
to another company. This is certainly unacceptable and could damage our
reputation. Therefore, we hope that you can send our order as soon as possible.

We do not want this incident to happen again to avoid disappointed to all parties
in future.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.


Paul Green
Purchasing Manager

Carribean Textile, Inc
5220 West 22nd Sreet
New York 10062

September 24, 2014

American Textile Ltd
555 Main Street
Springfield, OH 45321

Dear Sir,
We do appologize for delaying our shipment. We really do not want to make our
shipment late but we have many things to do urgently last week. Thats why we
were not able to make shipment on time. Nevertheless, this morning we just
settled this shipment first thing so that we will be able to continue our business
with you. We, herewith, enclosed the check.

Thank you for your disrection regarding our account.


Vicki Ball
Purchasing Manager

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