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1 Wage types_0008 V_512W_D T512T

Revise Pay Scale Groups and

Levels V_T510 T510
Create wage type catalog T511 T512T
Check wage type text V_512W_T T512T
Check wage type group 'Basic Pay' T52D7
Check wage type characteristics V_T511 T511
Employee Subgroups for Primary
Wage Type V_503_G T503
Personnel Subareas for Primary
Wage Type V_001P_K T001P
Revise Default Wage Types V_T539A T539A
2 Revise Default Wage Types V_T7INA9 T7INA9
Revise Pay Scale Groups and
Levels V_T510 T510
Define Wage Type Permissibility
for each PS and ESG V_511_B T511
Enterprise Structure for Wage
Type Model LGMST
Revise Default Wage Types V_T539A T539A
Calculate Eligibility for RAPs V_T7INA9 T7INA9
3 Valuation of base Wage Types
Define valuation of base wage
types V_T539J T539J
4 0014 Deduction Wage Type
Create wage type catalog T511 T512T
Check wage type group 'Recurring
Payments and Deductions' VV_52D7_B_0014_AL0 T52D7
Check wage type characteristics V_T511 T511
Create wage type catalog T511 T512T
Check wage type group
'Additional Payments' VV_52D7_B_0015_AL0 T52D7
0015 Additional Payment Wage
Type V_512W_D T512T
Create wage type catalog T511 T512T
Check wage type group
'Additional Payments' VV_52D7_B_0015_AL0 T52D7
Check Entry Permissibility for
Additional Payments V_T512Z T512Z
Payroll Customization
Maintain Wage Type
Characteristics V_T511 T511
Calculate Eligibility for RAPs V_T7INA9 T7INA9
Check entry permissibility per
infotype V_T512Z T512Z
Check wage type group 'One Time
Payments Off-Cycle' VV_52D7_B_0267_AL0 T52D7
Create wage type catalog T511 T512T
6 Allowance grouping V_512W_D T512T
Define Pay Scale Groupings for
Allowances V_T7INA1 T7INA1
Assign Pay Scale Groupings for
Allowances T7INA3 T7INA3
Maintain Salary Year and Period
End Treatment of RAP V_T7INAA T7INAA
Assign Wage Type Model for Pay
Scale Grouping for Allowances V_T7INA5 T7INA5
Maintain Valuation of Base Wage
Types V_T539J T539J
Calculate Eligibility for RAPs V_T7INA9 T7INA9
Assign Tax Code Limits to Wage
Types V_T7INT9 T7INT9
7 Generating Payroll Periods
Generate Payroll Periods T549Q T549S
Generate Calendar for
Cumulations T549Z T54C1
8 Payroll Schema
Transport customer PC rules /NED INEF
Transport customer schemas INN1 INNR
9 Off Cycle V_512W_D T512T
Set Up Report Variants for Off-
Cycle Activities OCEDT
Check entry permissibility for
Infotype (0267) V_T512Z T512Z
10 Gratuity
Maintain Gratuity Trust ID ADDRESS ADDRESS_4.6
Define Contribution Rates for
Gratuity V_T7ING1 T7ING1
Maintain Wage Type
Characteristics V_T511 T511
Maintain Valuation of Base Wage
Types V_T539J T539J
Define Action Type for
Termination 40TRM
11 Remuneration Statement
Form for payroll remuneration
statement 40ZHPS
12 LWF & P Tax
Assign Universal Contribution
Groupings for Universal
Contribution Types V_7IN0P_ALL T001P
Assign Slab Code and Other
Parameters for Each State of a
Univ. Type V_T7INU3 T7INU3
13 Work Schedules
Define Break Schedules V_T550P T550P
Define Daily Work Schedules V_T550A T550A
Define Period Work Schedules V_T551A T551A
Define Selection Rules T553A
Define Employee Subgroup
Groupings V_503_D T503
Define Groupings for the Public
Holiday Calendar V_001P_M T001P
Group Personnel Subareas for
the Work Schedule V_001P_N T001P
Set Work Schedule Rules and
Work Schedules V_T508A T508A
Generate Work Schedules
Manually T552A
14 Absences V_512W_D T512T
Define Absence Types V_T554S T554S
Group Personnel Subareas for the
Work Schedule V_001P_N T001P
Define Absence Quota Types V_T556A T556A
Define Absence Types V_T554S T554S
Define Counting Rules VC_T556C T556C
Assign Counting Rules to Absence
Types V_554S_Q T554S
Group Employee Subgroups for
Time Quotas V_503_E T503
Group Personnel Subareas for
Time Quotas V_554S_Q T554S
Define Counting Classes for the
Period Work Schedule V_T551C T551C
Group Personnel Subareas for
Attendances and Absences V_001P_D T001P
Determine Entry Screens and
Time Constraint Classes V_554S_O T554S
Define Deduction Rules for
Absence and Attendance Quotas V_556R_B T556R
Assign Deduction Rules to
Counting Rules VC_T556C T556C
Set Up Automatic Accrual Using
Report RPTQTA00 T559V
Define Absence Quota Types and
Indicate Leave VC_T556A_01 T5DTM_URL
Specify Rule Groups for Quota
Type Selection QUOMO
Set Base Entitlements V_T559E T559E
Determine Validity and Deduction
Periods V_T559D T559D
Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection VC_T559L T559L
Set Personnel Subarea Groupings
for Time Recording V_001P_H T001P
15 Termination Work Bench V_T7INA9 T7INA9
Assign Wage Types to the Quotas
to be Compensated VV_T556W_A__AL0 T556W
Check Wage Type Characteristics V_T511 T511
Define Time Quota Compensation
Methods V_T556U T556U
Define Action Type for
Termination 40TRM
16 Loans T506C V_T506A
Maintain Loan Types VC_T506 T506D
Set Up Customer Payment Types T512T T512W
17 Symbolic Accounts V_512W_T T512T
Define Employee Grouping
Account Determination PPMOD V_T52EM
Define Posting Characteristics of
Wage Types V_T52EL T52EL
Define Symbolic Accounts V_T52EK T52EK
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts Automatic Postings 1000HRF
Assign Expense Accounts Automatic Postings 1000HRC
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll
Periods T549S
18 Absence Valuation V_T554C T554C
Describe Absence Valuation Rules V_T554L T554L
Group Absences for Absence
Valuation V_554S_G T554S
Special Processing for Absence
Valuation Rules VV_T554C_B T554C
Create Counting Classes for
Absence Valuation VV_T554C_C T554C
Valuate Absences by
Constants/Averages VV_T554C_D T554C
19 LTA V_512W_D T512T
Revise Pay Scale Groups and
Levels V_T510 T510
Create wage type catalog T511 T512T
Revise Default Wage Types V_T539A T539A
Create wage type catalog T511 T512T
Check wage type group
'Additional Payments' VV_52D7_B_0015_AL0 T52D7
Assign Eligibility Criteria for
Conveyance Allowance V_T7INC9 T7INC9
Maintain Salary Year and Period
End Treatment of RAP V_T7INAA T7INAA
Maintain Minimum Eligibility
Period for Leave Travel Allowance V_T7INL1 T7INL1
Maintain Default Wage Types for
Basic Pay V_T539A T539A
Maintain Pay Scale Groups and
Levels V_T510 T510
Calculate Eligibility for RAPs V_T7INA9 T7INA9
Assign Tax Code Limits to Wage
Types V_T7INT9 T7INT9
20 Form 16 Updation T552A V_T5F99OCFT
21 Bonus Reason
Set Up Off-Cycle Reasons V_T52OCR T52OCR
22 Loans-1
Set Up Customer Payment Types
T512W V_T511 V_T512T V_T512Z T512Z
T512W T512Z T520S T52D7 T52DZ
T512W T512Z T52D7 T52DZ T52EL
T512W T512Z T52D7 T52DZ T52EL
T512W V_T511 T511 V_T512Z T512Z
T512W T512Z T520S T52D7 T52DZ
T512W T512Z T520S T52D7 T52DZ
T512W V_T510 T510 V_T7INA9 T7INA9
ZN42 ZN43 ZN44 ZN45
XIN0 XT00 ZN00
Maintenance: Data V_T7ING3 T7ING3 T7ING4
T506A V_T506S T506S V_T591A T591A
T52D7 T52DZ T52EL T52EZ VV_T582L_78
T554C V_T554E T554E T554F
T512W T512Z T520S T52D7 T52DZ
T512W T512Z T520S T52D7 T52DZ
T52EL T52EZ T539J T54C3 T591B T7INT9
T52EZ T54C3 T591B
T52EZ T591B
T52EL T52EZ T539J T54C3 T591B T7INT9
T52EL T52EZ T54C3 T591B T7INT9
T582L V_512W_T T512T T512W
T52EL T52EZ T54C3 T591B T7INT9
T52EL T52EZ T539J T54C3 T591B T7INT9

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