Document or Hyper Link Among Webi Reports

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Generated by Jive on 2014-05-25+02:00

Document/hyper link among webi reports
Mahendra babu 46 posts since May 2, 2013
Document/hyper link among webi reports May 16, 2014 10:30 AM
Hi Gurus,

I am trying to link webi documents,
I hav 2 options
1.)hyperlink and

In hyper link I am using this link but i am not able open the target document..
sIDType=CUID&iDocID=ATjA2dUY7u1Hldh9n6imWmM&lsSR=[Run Date]

2.) document link
I am not able to see the document link tab in report elements (as in attachments). I would like to know how
to view that option

23.JPG 66.6 K
Victor Gabriel Saiz Castillo
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 16, 2014 11:41 AM
The Java applet interface (=Rich Internet Application) does not offer that option, only the Web mode (DHTML).
You can change the mode under the user preferences in LaunchPad.
Here are further differences:
Mahendra babu 46 posts since May 2, 2013
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 16, 2014 11:50 AM
Thank you Victor..

Document/hyper link among webi reports
Generated by Jive on 2014-05-25+02:00
I want to pass the "rundate" dim val from parent rep to child rep and the child rep should run based on that
may i know whether this is possible in document linking or i need to go to hyperlink concept...
suggetion pls..

Victor Gabriel Saiz Castillo
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 16, 2014 11:58 AM
you need to go for Document linking, not Element linking. As an example:
How to use OpenDocument with BEx variables
Mahendra babu 46 posts since May 2, 2013
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 16, 2014 1:04 PM
Thanks alot Victor the document is vry infromative..

I linked the parent and child with document linking ..but the rundate value is nt passing properly..
The child rep also having the bex variable... The child table to pick up the val from parent do i need to remove
the existing bex variable in child rep..??

or do i need to modify the bex variable to single date in the child rep

Note: child rep having bex variable of both start date and end date.. but i am passing only one date val..

Victor Gabriel Saiz Castillo
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 16, 2014 1:17 PM
if the child report has a range you should be fine, just change your syntax to range and pass the same value
twice for stard and end date.
But of course you can also have a single value variable in the child report to pass.
Mohd Mustafa osman 24 posts since Mar 5, 2014
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 16, 2014 3:36 PM
Hi mahendra,

Document/hyper link among webi reports
Generated by Jive on 2014-05-25+02:00
In your link include port number

2.Document link
In preferences change web i to interactive then you got document link.

3.You want to pass the "rundate" dim val from parent rep to child rep and the child rep should run based on
that date....

use "rundate" prompt in child report then you get data as per your date report .

Thank you
Mahendra babu 46 posts since May 2, 2013
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 19, 2014 10:06 AM
Hi Mustafa,

thanks alot for your wonderful suggestion..

I am using document linking and i am able to link parent and child reps..
And I kept rundate as the bo prompt in child rep.. when i am clicking rundate in parent rep it is navingating to
child rep but child rep is not taking that data(child rep is asking a prompt again)

any advice pls

thank you
Riaz Ahmed 72 posts since Mar 24, 2014
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 19, 2014 11:42 AM
Hi Mahendra,
If you apply hyperlink by using opendoc, it will prompt the user to select a value
If you use document linking you don't get prompt

Document/hyper link among webi reports
Generated by Jive on 2014-05-25+02:00
Mahendra babu 46 posts since May 2, 2013
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 20, 2014 7:13 AM
Hi Riaz,

Thanks for your comment..

I dont want any prompts in child rep, whn i click on parent rep 'rundate' it should navigate to child rep and child
should run on that particular 'run date'...

I tried both hyperlink and document link , in both cases i am able to link the reps but the child rep is not picking
the val from parent.. i tried keeping/removing 'rundate' prompt in child rep but no luck...

For achieving this what setting i need to put in parent and child reps cn any one suggest(i tried all possible
options, want to know if still im missing anything)
I am using BOBI 14.0.5 version

Thanks in adv...!

Riaz Ahmed 72 posts since Mar 24, 2014
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 20, 2014 7:40 AM
Hi Mahendra,

With out applying prompt in child report how can you pass the value from parent?

Try document linking by applying prompt in child report (same obj should be there in both reports eg: year in
parent,same obj in child). Apply prompt on year as per eg.

Ask if you need any help

Mahendra babu 46 posts since May 2, 2013
Re: Document/hyper link among webi reports May 20, 2014 12:09 PM
Hi Riaz,

Document/hyper link among webi reports
Generated by Jive on 2014-05-25+02:00
Thanks alot.........!!!!!!!! for ur valuable time..
Actually i tried the same but seting in parent rep is missing..

Now every thing is fine, documentlinking is working and values are passing..

@Every one : Thanks alot.........!!!!!!!! for ur valuable time frnds..

thanks and Regards,

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