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Classroom Rules and Consequences

q Classroom Rules:
These rules are designed to help the classroom run more smoothly and efficiently so that
everyone will have the opportunity to learn.
Be on time and in your seat working on the bell activity when the bell
Be prepared for class everyday. This means bringing your books,
pens, and other supplies to class.
Have no gum, food, or drink in the classroom.
Actively participate in all classroom discussions and activities.
Be respectful of others, yourself, and classroom materials at all times.
All system and school rules are applicable.
q Consequences:
tudents who break the above rules will receive these consequences. !f you fail to stay
for your "st day of detention, you will receive two days of detention. #etention is the
day following your offense. #o not make e$cuses because if you break the rule, you will
suffer the consequences. However, any ma%or discipline problems will be handled
immediately with an office referral.
offense & 'arning
offense & ") minute detention *after school+
offense & -ontact parents and ,. minute detention *after school+
offense & 0ffice referral
Grading System
q Determining Your Grade
The following information will be used to calculate grades in this class1
2rades in this class will be based on a point scale.
Tests and ma%or pro%ects are 3.4 of the grade. #aily work, homework,
participation, qui55es, etc. are /.4 of the grade.
A ma%or test will be given at the end of every unit. ! rarely give multiple
choice, true6false, matching, etc. on tests. pecial pro%ects will be assigned
throughout the grading period. Advance notice for all ma%or tests and pro%ects
will be given.
7ach student is required to keep a notebook that will count as a test grade
each nine weeks.
Bell activities will count as a test grade at the end of each nine weeks.
8ui55es will be given about once a week and will cover things like
vocabulary, verbs, etc. 9op qui55es will be frequently unannounced::
-lass participation involves speaking in class, participating in discussions,
answering questions, singing, etc.
Homework and6or daily work will randomly be checked for completion
and6or graded for a grade.
A comprehensive final e$am will be given at the end of the semester
covering the material studied in class. The final e$am will count as ")4 of the
final grade for the semester.
q Grading Scale
A ; <.=".., B ; >.=><, - ; ?.=?<, # ; 3)=3<, @ailing ; .=3/
Classroom Policies and Procedures
tudents should remember that this course is a requirement for anyone on the Advanced
#iploma track. !t is not a typical elective course. Therefore, daily study and preparation
time are required in order to be successful in this class. Aou are a high school student, which
means that you are responsible for your own actions and behaviors. This is a very new and
difficult course and all concepts build on previous material. This means that you must take
this course seriously:
Classroom Supplies
tudents must bring their te$tbook, notebook *,=ring binder that is separate from other
sub%ects+, paper, dictionary, colored pencils, and pen6pencil to class each day.
tudents will need to purchase the following materials1
". panish67nglish dictionary. A good dictionary can be found at local
bookstores for B> to B"..
(. -olored pencils6crayons.
,. , ring binder.
/. 9aper.
). 9ens6pencils.
9lease remember that ! do not have supplies to loan to students.
Also, any donations that students would like to make, such as Cleene$, hand saniti5er, paper
towels, or any other classroom supply would be greatly appreciated because ! cannot supply
these throughout the entire semester. Dany of these things are very useful during cold and
flu season.
Supply Area
There will be an area with things such as a stapler, a three=hole punch, a trashcan, paper
towels, tissues, etc. in the classroom. tudents may use these supplies as needed without
asking for permission. However, students should not get up to use these supplies during the
middle of instructions, a lecture, a presentation, etc.
Entering the Classroom
tudents will be on time and be in their seat when the bell rings. The students should begin
their bell work activity as soon as they enter the classroom.
Bell Activity
This is an assignment of ) minutes at the beginning of class in order to review previous
material or to prepare the students for the upcoming lesson. 7ach day, it will be posted on
the board before the students enter the room. 7ach student should write the date, the
question, and the answer to the bell activity. These assignments will be discussed in class
and should be placed in your notebook to be checked at the end of each nine weeks. Aou
may write multiple bell activities on the same sheet of paper. All the bell activities should be
kept together at the front of your notebook and should be kept in chronological order.
tudents who are not in their seat when the bell rings are considered tardy and will suffer the
appropriate consequences. tudents who are %ust arriving at school or who have a note from
another teacher for the tardiness will be e$cused. A student who is %ust checking in to school
must have a pass from the office in order to enter the classroom and be e$cused.

Turning in Assignments
tudents will be instructed to hand in assignments by the teacher.
ome!or" Assignments
Homework will be assigned as needed because it is important to review class material at
home. However, not all homework will be graded. ometimes, it will be checked for
completionE other times, it will be checked for accuracyE and other times, it will not be
checked at all. The teacher will instruct the students at the beginning of class to turn in their
homework if it is to be checked for accuracy. Homework should not be worked on during
Group#$air %or" Activities
tudents will be doing a lot of group6pair work in this class. All students are e$pected to
contribute to the assignment and to work collaboratively with the other student*s+ in the
&ote'oo" Requirements
7ach student is required to keep a ,=ring binder for this class. All work should be placed
chronologically in this notebook. At the end of each nine weeks, notebooks will be graded.
The notebook grade will count as a test grade. To receive this grade, a notebook qui5 will be
given. ! will randomly choose things from the notebook and ask students to tell me the
question, answer, etc. from a certain activity. ! will provide students with the dates. Thus, if
things are in chronological order, they should be easy to locate. 'ell=organi5ed notebooks
are also very important for reference in your future panish classes.
Restroom $rocedures
7very nine weeks, the students will be allowed ( emergency restroom passes. !f the student
wishes to use one of these, he6she should have it signed by the teacher before leaving the
room. The appropriate hall pass must also be signed because these bathroom passes are my
way of keeping up with who goes to the bathroom and are not acceptable as hall passes. !t is
the studentFs responsibility not to lose these passes. Thus, no bathroom pass means that you
are not going to the bathroom. 7$ceptions will be made under e$tenuating and
uncontrollable circumstances.
A'sences and (a"e)*p %or"
The student is responsible for all make=up work after presenting an e$cused absence.
7$cuses must be presented within three days.
There will be a folder in the supply area for each period that contains all of the
assignments for each day. A student who is absent should refer to this folder for any missed
assignments. The studentFs name and date will be on each missed assignment.
tudents will have " week to turn=in any make up assignments. This week will begin
on the day the student returns to class and after this week, ! will not accept make=up work.
!f an assignment is discussed in class, the student will receive an alternate assignment
in order to receive credit.
!f an assignment is due on the day you are absent, it is due the day you return to
Dake=up tests will be given after school on 'ednesdays. Aou will have two
'ednesdays from the day you return to school to make=up your test. Dake=up time is from
,1..=/1.. on 'ednesday. Dake=up tests are usually given in different formats. !f the test is
not made up within these two 'ednesdays, the student will receive a grade of .. Dake=up
tests are not given during class time or on any other day::
!f it is an e$tended absence, alternate plans for making up work can be arranged.
!f an absence is une$cused, the student will not be allowed to make=up any missed
assignments and will receive a 5ero for this work.
!t is always the studentFs responsibility to see the teacher and6or another student for
missed assignments, notes, and6or tests. ! will not constantly remind students about make=up
work and tests. 7ven after checking the make=up work folder, the student should still talk
with me in case ! made an important announcement while he6she was absent, such as a ma%or
pro%ect that is due ne$t week.
'hen you are absent from panish class, you will fall e$tremely behind because we
cover numerous concepts each day. !t can be very difficult to catch up because learning a
foreign language is a new, different, and difficult concept. This means that copying
someoneGs notes is hard because you may not understand what the notes mean without direct
instruction from the teacher. Attendance is vital if you want to pass this class.
+ate %or"
Assignments should be turned as the teacher asks for them. The due date for any ma%or
assignments and pro%ects will be given in advance. ! will only accept work that is one day
late. After one day, ! will not accept the assignment. Hate work will be reduced ()4 of the
total possible points. 'ork that is left at home, in another class, in your locker, etc. is
considered late work. 0ccasionally, ma%or pro%ects will have more severe late penalties, but
these penalties are stated at the beginning of the pro%ect.
Anyone caught cheating on any assignment will receive an automatic grade of .. -heating
and plagiarism are absolutely unacceptable: -heating also includes talking during and6or
after a test. Aou do not receive a second chance if you are caught cheating. tudents are
e$pected to complete work individually unless otherwise instructed to work collaboratively.
!f anyone enters the room, you should continue working as if no one were present. Aour
behavior will form an opinion of our class and ! e$pect this opinion be a good one::
E-tra elp#Tutoring
Tutoring is done by appointment only. !t is the studentFs responsibility to schedule tutoring.
Tutoring consists of proofreading papers or pro%ects, discussing pro%ect ideas, e$tra help, etc.
7veryone is e$pected to have a positive attitude in this classroom::: 0ne negative attitude
can change the upbeat and cheerful mind=set of this classroom. Be cooperative and work
well with your classmates at all times *pair work, group work, sharing supplies, etc.+.
7veryone is e$pected to actively participate in class all discussions and activities.

Se.orita Templeton/s Area
Dy desk, files, closets, etc. should not be disturbed at any time unless you have my
permission. ! do not go through your purse, wallet, backpack, etc. Thus, you should not go
through my things.
Espaol I: Course Syllabus
All of the following chapters and6or topics will be covered in this course *not necessarily in the same order as the
book+. This is a tentative schedule and the teacher reserves the right to make changes and alterations in this
&ine %ee"s
9reliminary -hapter1
". 2reetings6!ntroductions
(. Alphabet
,. Iumbers
/. -alendar
). 'eather
3. -ommands
?. -ountries and -apitals
Jnidad "
". ub%ect 9ronouns
(. er
,. Time
/. 0rigin
). 2ustar
3. @ood
Jnidad (
". 9hysical #escriptions
(. -lothing
,. #efinite and !ndefinite Articles
/. -olors
). 9ersonality Ad%ectives
3. 2ender and Iumber Agreement
Jnidad ,
". -lassroom 0b%ects
(. chool ub%ects
,. Hay
/. Tener
). Iumbers
3. 0rdinals
Jnidad /
". @amily
(. 9ossession
&ine %ee"s
Jnidad )
". Kegular &AK Lerbs
Jnidad 3
". Adverbs
(. 8uestion 'ords
Jnidad ?
". 9laces
(. Transportation
,. 7star
/. Hocation
). 7motions
3. !r
?. er Lersus 7star
Jnidad >
". Kegular &7K and &!K Lerbs
Jnidad <
". tem -hanging Lerbs
Jnidad ".
". ports
(. -omparisons
Jnidad ""
". !rregular Lerbs
Jnidad "(
". 9arty
(. -hores
,. House
/. Acabar
Jnidad ",
". #irect 0b%ect 9ronouns
The following components will be covered in this
class to help support the requirements for the
Alabama High 2raduation 7$amination1
!="1 !dentify supporting details
!=(1 #etermine sequence of events
!=,1 @ollow directions
!!="1 !dentify main ideas
!!=(1 #raw -onclusions
!!=)1 Kecogni5e summary statements
!L="1 #etermine meaning of words
!L=/1 #emonstrate reference material usage
!="1 !dentity correct noun forms
!=(1 !dentify correct verb forms
!=,1 Kecogni5e sub%ect=verb agreement
!=/1 Kecogni5e pronoun=antecedent
!=>1 #etermine correct use of modifiers
!!="1 Jse clear, vivid, precise language
!!=(1 Jse formal and informal language
!!!="1 #emonstrate correct sentence
!L="1 #emonstrate correct use of
!L=(1 #emonstrate correct use of commas
!L=)1 #emonstrate correct use of the
L="1 9aragraph progression and

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