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EEWB - Adding Table attribute
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Added by Saurabh Garg, last edited by Moshe Naveh on Apr 04, 2010 (view change)
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EEWB - Adding Table attribute
Business Scenario - We need to create a new table by EEWB which can be added as an assignment block on
the Business Partner Page on CRM UI. In turn BOL of Business Partner (BP) will be enhanced with the new
Scenario: Creating Custom table using EEWB and showing the same as an assignment block on BP
Accounts Page.
Step 1
Enter the T-code EEWB(SPRO Path : SAP Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> CRM
Cross-Application Components --> Easy Enhancement Workbench)

Step 2
Create a Project

After you click on Create Project a window come up as shown in the below screenshot and here you need to give the
name of the Project and Description and also the package.

Step 3
Once the project is created select the button as shown below and create an extension

Step 4
Enter name and description for the extension and select the Bus Object (e.g. BUPA for BP) and Extension type
(ADD_NEW_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, because we are creating a custom table)

Now the Wizard will guide you through the next steps

Enter the extension Properties, Here in our scenario we choose Multiple Instance because for a Business Partner we
have multiple records to be maintained.

In the next screen after entering the Frame Title we enter the Fields which we want to add in our custom table. These
fields added are custom field. The drawback while using EEWB for creating a custom table is that we can choose only
one field as Key.
Check Table option is there to make the particular field as dropdown or for Value Help etc.

In the next Screen we can make the fields as BW Relevant or Mobile Relevant, i.e. if requirement comes up going
forward for data exchange with BW then these fields will automatically be extended for data exchange by EEWB, after
clicking the check box as shown below.

See the overview and Select Complete.

Step 5
After that you will see the below screen and your Project is generated and extension is being created.

Root Object BuilHeader is being enhanced with the new Relation ZZ35XEEW, and a new Z Database Table
ZBUT000019HYKOW with the added fields is being created.

PARTNER field is being added in the Table on its own because we are extending BUPA Business Object.

Step 6
You generated the extension ZZ35XEEW for object BUPA. To make the new data set available on the CRM WebClient
UI you have to perform a postprocessing step which generates the configuration for the relevant BSP views.
Make sure that you execute the post processing steps in the predefined order.
If no configuration is available yet, default configurations are generated that include all fields of the extension.
For the object BUPA, you can change the configurations for the view:
To change the configuration, double-click the view name and go to the Configuration tab page.
Choose Choose Configuration and select the entry with BP_ACCOUNT as the object type and and ZZ35XEEW as the
object subtype for BUPA extensions or BUPR extensions for normal relationships. For BUPR extensions for contact
relationships the object subtype has to be ZZ35XEEWCONTACT.
Switch to change mode and change the view configuration.
Save your changes.

After choosing the configuration as explained above in the post processing step, you will get the below screen. Move
the fields available in the Available Fields Screen to Displayed Fields and save the configuration.

After that Execute the next set of processing steps:-

1. Execute the postprocessing step that calls the report CRM_BUPA_UI_EXTEND_REPOSITORY.
2. Select a component name to enhance the corresponding application.
For the object BUPA you can extend the following applications by selecting the related component:
Application Component Name
Account BP_HEAD
Contact BP_CONT
Employee BP_EMPL
3.Prerequisite: To extend the repository you have to have an enhancement set. Make sure that the selected
component has a corresponding enhancement for the selected enhancement set.
4. Enter ZZ35XEEW as the external object name.
5. Execute the report.

Once the execution of report is successful
Follow the next and Final Post Processing steps.
You can extend the following applications by selecting the related component:
Application Component Name Name of Overview Page
1. Execute the postprocessing step, enter the component name, and double-click the view for the overview page.
2. On the Configuration tab page, move the view from the Available Assignment Blocks to the Displayed Assignment
3. Choose Show Technical Details and select the view with the name .BP_EEW/MainWindow. Enter a proper
4. Save your data.
5. Now go to the BP_HEAD component in the runtime repository and there you can see the extended object View
ZZ35XEEW.BP_EEW/eOVPList, under the Overview Page.
7. After that you go to the Component Structure Browser of BP_HEAD and there in the view BPHEADOverview, you can
see your BP_EEW view in the available assignment block section.
9. Move this particular view to the Displayed assignment block and save the configuration and Run your CRM application.
Now you can see the added view in Accounts Page of a BP.

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