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Resurrection Successful!

Whew, what a month its been! In addition to teaching full time for a uni that thinks
instructors are free as birds to do extracurricular activities of dubious educational
merit, Ive settled into the 4 hour daily commute and somehow finished the 80 page
third chapter of my thesis. All the while being a loving husband and father, but
admittedly my baby boys smile and the wifes support were the only things that kept
me going.
And Im spent!
Not looking forward to the final deadline for the 300+ page opus in November, but its
got to get done.
Now its time to blow out the cobwebs, read some good novels (starting with Hugh
Howeys WOOL), write some fiction and gaming stuff, and hopefully do some gaming
(if youre there Sunglasses Jerk, make it happen!).
Without further ado here is my first post back in the saddle for your fantasy game.
Words That Dont Exist In Common
Fraubarbicon The moment when your wifes beard intertwines with your own.
I missed the departure because of a frubarbicon, but luckily I caught up with the party
just as the goblins started their ambush and bushwhacked those bushwackers!
Nuquerna Laisi Deciding to change to a radically opposite alignment and/or class due
to boredom with centuries of championing the same cause.
You think I, Alyahs the Necromancer, killed Shayla the Championess of Isis? Foolish
mortals! I WAS Shayla of Isis!
Chubash chubash A leader that is inept but is loved for their commitment towards
violence and hasty ill-conceived action.
Our charge on the knights broke our ranks and killed half our soldiers, as well as
Chieftess Grokilla. She was true chubash chubash never see the like again!
Firdidlong A day spent smoking pipeweed and drinking beer in a field while getting
paid to do so. Considered a high cultural ideal.
I had always successfully avoided work with the town militia or guards until one day
my uncle Figtoe volunteered me. I was right angry at first, until I learned our mission
was a complete firdidlong!
Urk flam dang iya! Taking so much regenerated damaged that you would have
preferred the fire.
Men women dwarf elf wizard in rain, dark. Jump down smash bash. Rain rain no
torch. Stab stabbity crush crush, arrow arrow arrow missile. Thinks Urk flam dang
Demiposer Inferiority complex to demihumans, resulting in weird haircuts that
mimic long ears, ill fitting clothes or incongruous lifestyle choices to emulate them
The way he cut little triangles in his hair above the ears and starved himself all the
time what a demiposer
Tchik chik BLAT A human(oid) so infuriating you wish you wore shoes so you could
squish them.
Mmmmm, human female cleric, chattik, heal humans not me, chattik, screams at giant
insects, insulting and lose surprise, chattik. Tchik chik BLAT.
Burble urp de livre The euphoric feeling of bathing in liquefied feces all day while
reading a good book.
Burble urp de livre is nice work if you can get it, but most privies under castles
nowadays offer only the hardest rain of excrement pellets and at best a few soiled pages
of the Farmers Almanac.

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