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Chapter No.

Geographic, Economic and Physical Ris
Transportation by Sea, by Air and by Road can be Insured under Marine Insurance .
They may be by Ship, Goods carrier or Aircraft.
Transportation by Sea Through Vessel or Ship
Ship-oner !arrier i.e. oner of the "essel
Shipper #ner of the goods to be transported.
Characteristics o! the Main "ypes o! #essel
There are three types of "essels.
$ry !argo Vessel
Specialist Vessels
$ry Cargo #essls
$ry !argo Vessel can be di"ided into the folloing&
'. (iner Vessels
). Tramps
%iner &essel
The (iner Vessels run on a fi*ed route and schedules beteen specified ports or
range of ports.
The routes scheduled and cargo tariffs are ad"ertised in ad"ance.
It can de"iate to a port off the route specified if the inducement is sufficient.
Many of the principal trading nations of the orld operate (iner Ser"ices, emanating
from their country to orldide destinations and returning home.
Si+e of the Ship is a determining factor as generally small si+e parcels are ,-oo%ed,
for the "essel, hen ma%ing a boo%ing.
The ship oner has to consider the space for each parcel hich it ill ta%e.
!argo is often brought o"erland to a particular port here a schedules ser"ice calls.
.age& '
A tramp "essel is one that has no schedule route and plies the ocean of the orld
ta%ing suitable cargoes from the port here the cargo is a"ailable.
The "essel include all si+es of "essels employed in dry cargo trade, hether bul% or
They can be di"ided into the to folloing categories.
"'een $ecer
The "essels more than one dec% are called Teen $ec%er usually of '),/// and )/,///
tons dead eight.
()l Carriers
The "essels employed in carriage of bul% cargoes such a Grain, !oal, #re 0tc. The si+e
of these "essels is from )/,/// tons dead eight upard. Such "essels are single dec%.
Tan%ers are used for carriage of !rude #il and its refined products e.g .etrol, A"iation
fuel, -itumen etc. The Tan%ers are from small si+e to Supertan%ers. The small si+e are
used for clean cargo 1Refined2 and Supertan%ers are used for !rude #il.

The principal producers countries are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Vene+uela, Ira3,
4uait,(ibya,5igeria, 6SA,and So"iet States.
0*cept 6SA and So"iet States, all the other countries are 7oined in an #rgani+ation
called 1#.0! 2 #rgani+ation of .etroleum 0*porting !ountries hich decides
production le"el and pricing.
#il from 5orth Sea has greatly benefited to 64 and 5oray.
In general terms ma7or trade routes include !rude #il tan%ers hich are from the .ersian
8Arabian Gulf to &-
India, Singapore, 9apan, 4orea, Australia
6SA, the !aribbean, 64 !ontinent
Si+e of the "essels is from :/,/// tons to ;/,/// and upard o"er <//,/// tons.
.age& )
*ther ma+or trade ro)tes !or cr)de oil in&ol&e,-
5ae7area to 6S 0ast !oast 8 64 8 !ontinent 8 Mediterranean
!aribbean to 6SA
5orth Sea to !ontinent and 6S 0ast !oast.
Tan%ers carrying refined products are referred as !(0A5 hile !rude #il carriers are
%non as $IRT=..
!lean cargo is Gas, .etrol, #il, 4erosene and Gasoline. They are contaminated if
loaded in dirty tan%ers.
Tan%ers to carry other cargoes are Molasses, >ine, !hemicals, (i3uid Gas and
Vegetable #il.
Specialist &essels.
.assenger Ships are used for carriage of passengers.
!arriers are used for carriage of goods.
Container Ship
!ontaineri+ation of cargo de"eloped o"er recent years.
.orts ha"e de"eloped ma7or container terminals to insure 3uic% turn-around.
!ontainer ships are split into "ertical cells, the containers shipping into position in each
?ully containeri+ed "essels can be capable of carrying up to Si* Thousand )/, standard
The containers are generally standardi+ed in )/, and @/, length, A, high and A, ide.
There are many different types of "essels capable of carrying a number of containers as
ell as cargo. They are referred to as M6I(TI-.6R.#S0 and are usually e3uipped ith
hea"y lifts to self-sustain a number of containers as ell as load general cargo.
This is a Multipurpose "essels ith ;/,/// tons dead eight, and ; holds.
@ holds are clean for bul% cargo, and < holds are cell point able to carry '@// containers
of )/, and @/,/// tons of cargo.
!ontainers ports ha"e to be specially e3uipped to handle containers.
They need speciali+ed berths.
Ba"ing large gantry cranes able to load and unload containers.
The operation needs to be both 3uic% and efficient to achie"e fast turn-round.
#ther facilities of container ports include, Stac%er s, Straddle !arrier, ?or%-(ifts Truc%s
and computer control, and there must be a good road8rail connections.
.age& <

R#R# are "essels are able to transport 5e .ri"ate cars and goods "ehicles.
They are speciali+ed "essels carrying large number of cars usually longer haulers. It also
has fold able cars dec%s. This arrangement facilitate the carriage of bul%-cargo on
return legs if re3uired.
They are designed to trade in refrigerated cargoes commodities such as Meat, ?ruits,
and $airy products re3uire by refrigeration transit and there different types of cargo
depending on the temperature grades re3uire.
!argo Trades include&-
South American Meat to 0urope or Middle 0ast or Gulf.
5e+ea land lamb to 0urope or Middle 0ast,
?ruit from Spain to Israel and South Africa to 0urope
The inter- !aribbean fruit trade.
Are designed for carriage of (ogs C Timbers, ha"e large hatches and bo* shaped holes.
(i"e Stoc% carriers, Sugar carriers, #re carriers
Sur"ey Ships, ?ishing Vessels, !able laying "essels, ?ire fighting Tugs,
Bo"ercraft, Bydro-foils, Support "essels and Ice -rea%ers.

.age& @
.assengers Aircraft
!argo Aircraft
1o' an Aircra!t /lies
To fly an aircraft e ha"e to consider the >ings of the Aircraft
The underside of the ing is relati"ely flat .
The top surface is slightly cur"ed.
As the ing passes through the air, they di"ide to accommodate it.
That flos underneath the ing has a shorter distance than the air
passing abo"e it.
The air passing abo"e the ing, in order to arri"e at the end of the ing
at the same time, has to accelerate.
In doing so there is a drop in pressure and it is this drop in pressure
hich causes the ing to generate lift.
In addition, the lift generated by ma%ing the ing set at a slight positi"e
angle ) or < degree. This is called angle of incident.
The lift being generated across the !hord of ing has a center of lift,
appro*imately one third to half-ay across the ing.
If the aircraft ere to be balanced about this center of lift, it ould fly in
a straight line.
-ut it is "ery difficult to ensure that CEN"RE */ GRA#I"2 , co-
incide ith the !enter of (ift.
.age& D
Therefore the aircraft is fitted, at the rear, ith a stabili+er. It,s purpose is
to ensure that aircraft balanced about the center of lift.
If the 5ose of aircraft is too hea"y, the stabili+er ill e*ert donard
force to counter-balanced the nose hea"iness.
6nfortunately the amount of stabili+ation is limited by its physical si+e
and also from its distance from the center of lift.
If the center of Gra"ity is alloed to tra"el outside those limits, hich
the stabili+er can counter act, the aircraft ill tend to become
uncontrollable able.
Therefore it is necessary to state, usually in an operation Manual, the
amount of tra"el alloed to the !enter of Gra"ity.
This is gi"en the force of la being entered in certificate of air
The amount of lift generated by a ing at any gi"en time is limited by
to factors. "he thicness o! the 'ing and speed.
A thic% ing ill de"elop high lift at lo speed.
A thin ing ill not de"elop so much lift at same speed.
It is possible to create more lift from a ing by putting /%APS at the
rear of the ing and S%A"S at the front of the ing.
As can be seen, the ing can only de"elop a certain amount of lift, and
this therefore limits the amount of eight that an aircraft carry.
If it carries eight in e*cess for hich it is designed, a ma7or structured
failure ill occur.
?or an aircraft to accelerate, the engine must de"elop "hr)st.
If the thrust e*ceed the $rag, then the aircraft ill accelerate.
If the drag e*ceeds the a"ailable thrust, the aircraft ill slo don.
If the pilot ishes to gain height, then he must increase the thrust
produced by the engine.
If he unable to do so, the aircraft ill continue to slo don until a
point is reached hen the lift generated by the ing ill be insufficient
.age& :
to support the aircraft.
Then the aircraft di"ed.
In an Air Ta*i or pri"ate charter you can go here you ant and hen
you ant.
Aircraft used is usually tin-engined .
There are ?i"e seats to ele"en seats.
!are must be ta%en hen ma%ing arrangements for insurance co"er that
there is not an accumulation of ris% as might occur, if all %ey members
of a company !harter and tra"el in one aircraft.
(each .ing Air, - It is a tin engined and Tin turboprop engines. Its
range is up to ',E;@ Miles and can fly up to <D,/// feet.
Cessna Citation 4et &-- Its range is ',;// Miles and can carry se"en
(ell 4et Ranger 1elicopter & It has Turbo shaft engine, Range is <;@
Miles , Speed '<) mph and can carry four .assengers plus .ilot.
?air-child $ornier ))A &- It is a short field aircraft used for passengers
and freight. There are )D/ $ornier ))A in ser"ice around the orld.
Air5)s 667
'. ?irst flight in 5o"ember 'EE)
). Tin engined.
<. Seating capacity <<D passengers.
@. Range AE// 4M or @A// 5M
.age& ;
Air5)s 647
?our engines airbus, comes into operation in 'EE<.
Air5)s 687
This is the latest in airbus family
Tin $ec% airliner
!ome into operation in )//:
Seating capacity DDD passengers
(oeing 949
(atest model ;@;-@//
D:A passengers
It can fly up to'<,@@D 4M
5o Model ;@;-@// !alled , !#M-I,
It can carry passengers at front and !argo on -ac%.
(oeing 999
It can fly up '/DE< 4M
and can carry DD/ passengers.
All these Aircraft are a"ailable in a form suitable to carry either a
Mi* of passengers and !argo
All !argo
$aylight .assengers
5ight flight !argo.
.age& A
A-677-<77 S"
It is designed as Airbus A-<// %non as F -0(6GA F
Its internal diameter is ; Meters.
It is capable to carrying a set of A-<@/ ings or to pairs of ings for A-
It is used for ta%ing ings from !hester 16.42 to ?rance and Germany.
AN"*N*# -=>4
This is the largest freighter in operation ith 'A to )/ cre members.
Many flights are commissioned by 6nited 5ation agencies on areas of the
orld here normal a"iation operation are considered to the dangerous and
ha"e been suspended e.g >ar and .eace in 4oso"o 0arth3ua%e in Tur%ey.
It has outsi+e cargo lift capacity from Aerospace, #il , Gas, Aircraft
manufacturing Automoti"e and construction industries.
It is unli%ely that a larger aircraft then <A/ ill be produced in near future.
It is so large that only a small number of specially adopted airports can
accommodate it.
The -oeing ;;;-)// orld liner is the orld,s largest range commercial
The underriters and -ro%ers are ha"ing to e*amine ho to meet the
insurance demands that this increase in unit si+e ill bring about.
.age& E
Currently the aviation liability market has a capacity of $ 2bn Where as
the new A-380 will need this market to increase in sie to $ 3bn
(2 AIR AN$ ( 2 SEA
.age& '/

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