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The Elijah Series - Channeled Material

Seminars Sessions Online Courses Channels Tools Master Plan Whats the Buzz! Stairway to Heaven Living, Breathing Art Picture Perfect Health

Channeled Material
Break on Through to the Other Side
May 19, 2003
The Prophet Elijah through Lisa Smith
"Do not feed into the Physical, and the Physical will not feed you". However impressive the drastic nature of change may arrive into ones daily
life, one would do well to heed the call of spirit, and stay in Balance. Worldly events will stream into consciousness or awareness, but the truth
revealed within ones daily peace plan shall unveil its own set of eyes. This will be the reckoning of moving direct into Godly Light, as one makes
the intelligent Scale Core Origination effective immediately upon Ascension. It will ground with First Creation Red Ray all the way into
embodiment, within Arch Angel Michael/RAMAdon facilitation. Here many will begin to understand the original 7 families of Light created the
Councils for Human Physiology. It will come to pass the old must fade away, as you step into uninhibited territories. The diet of human health
trades in for purification as the Scales of Justice return Order upon this planet.
You have all heard the prophetic news through Astro-Logical sense, now hear it from Immaculate Conception, that which offers the nectar of
Alpha-Omega Waves. If one cannot readjust and redefine their spiritual roots, one cannot possibly entertain what glory awaits them upon
reception of Realistic God Light. Decisions have already been made, within one months time, the flow of creation will be JUST human resources
available for the pure, innocent light of truth. Letting go of familiar territories will feel like a death as you walk into the Valley of Purification. This
walk is done by self along with God-Source. It is when vibration takes its stand within the energy field of righteous awakening, and it will come
in a split second flash of divinity. That is when the Business Plan of God Force moves across the planet. Nations will be employed through
God-Consciousness, along with Individual Monitors or Bodies. God only recognizes Prosperity, Success and Equal Opportunistic Behavior
Patterns. God only recognizes that which is LOVE. You cannot force the emotional/mental instability upon that which only vibrates Eternal Life,
though many still try, and will continue to pray for assistance. Take it upon oneself to activate that which is always A-LIVE inside and one
carries out the pleasures of Mastery.
A long time ago it was created that a Golden Seal opens 7th heaven, and naturally through courses of old understanding it has yet to be
revealed. For if it were, this planet would mutate automatically back into Paradise, which is but a state of Peaceful Enterprise. Let us partake of
the 7 Flame Menorah, and the light of Prophecy. For all the answers are here, the puzzles have not been put together. This is due in part to a
lack of communication and not probing far enough until the puzzle creates itself. Look around dear ones; the leaders and channels right now
played a major role in the rifts of communication and time, which created the victim-predator duality split. You will see the Pure rising once
again as Ascension comes easy for this team, that has learned through the long and winding road of spirit, that direct God-ness is All. This will
drop feeding into Victim Consciousness or resistance, for no one is in Need if they so choose, no matter where the physical resides on Earth.
Another league still has not acquainted their own spark with non-resistance, and this will be the downfall of many that have opted for spiritual
leadership, and instead have received the same scenario once again, that of Predator, which is destined to Close the Time Line of Measurement
on the next Gemini Entrance as the last fall of mankind opens the door for new Leaders. Down through the ages and cycles you will recognize
the Divine Origin of many has not changed, contrary to Astro-Logical justifications playing the games of duality. At times cycles become recycled
and repetitive. Step out of a cycle and recommit unto the purity of God-Source, and you create a new sphere and space for self.
What has changed is DESTINY, for the Scaler Waves of Justice have provided ample opportunities for the individual spirits growth and
Ascension. And now the House of Shambhalla must move on, and carry out the assignments deemed by the One True Source of All, the spiral of
Alpha and Omega Creative Light. What a great Day for many opening up, holding strong with their own Source Light. For the fight is already
won, it is just the dramatic scenarios, which carry a heavy weight and burden on this planet still open for show. But that can close quite easily
as one turns their back on duality, into the house of light. You will find many programs shifting from that of Healing, into Meridian Alignment, or
healing oneself. This is important to recognize that only with going back into the measurement of Earths Atom can a human body mutate from its
own molecular rebuilding done quite easily these days. Please find time to take this golden opportunity to serve your source most high. For it will
pay off in dividends you have yet to see. Most moving forward will live on Earth/Bethlehem for the long journey, yet filled with inspiration of
how life does work well in this Biological Program through Alchemy.
Most masters understand mathematics and human Biological Avenues more then they allow at this time. We ask that you take a little more
study with Anatomy and Physics, and then allow Gods Light to move that forward. There are waves of light unheralded by the Spirits inhabiting
a Masters Road. EDUCATION will be the Primary Creative Avenue to unleash undeveloped territories, accept for a few willing to step beyond the
accepted theories of man. Quantum theories of expression shall be accepted by those already Prosperous particularly in the Middle East that
will accept women masters as readily as they accept men. When all barriers begin to crumble, Warriors of Peace step into light. For a true
ambassador of the Red Ray grounding mechanism does not overthrow any system, but learns how to communicate and work within a system,
albeit direct in accordance with God Consciousness. The spiritual movement is going to have quite an awakening within its own hallways, no
matter what religion, community, or idealistic new age reviews. God has chosen the harmonious course of action. Equal opportunities for all that
agree to remain the course of Earth History and participate in her enlightenment. It will look much different then once understood by the "Visual
Powers that Speak the Words". It will take courage, willingness to learn new technologies, communication with many cultures, and support of all
avenues providing income of such instantaneous God Essence.
Those that think they know and have it All, know the Least. While those taking tentative new steps forward will be catapulted into newness and
intelligence in the twinkling of an eye, for even that does not compare with Loyalty Paid in Full, Business Partners with God Light. The most
powerful days yet to be experienced is that of May 21, 22, 23 2003. Take care to fast one or more of these days; while in the evening give one
hour to Source Light and ask/command the planetary upgrade into Perfect Health, Wealth and Playing a Responsible part of future endeavors. It
shall be an enjoyable reunion for self and God Light. You need not be long into your spiritual journey this lifetime, for you have paid many debts
in full to your creator and it is time to move on. Just be willing to surrender unto plans created just for you. For life as you know it, will be just as
you recall yourselves in heaven on earth. There is ample opportunity for mastery in a shorter reasonable amount of training time. Luckily for
many the hard part is over, the fun has yet to begin. Focus and Discipline will always remain two important Factors for a Master, even under
heavenly hallways.
We have set up and distinguished an area for the trainees and trainers of high spirited education on the subsequent days of May, closing that
which is termed Gemini, for the Solar Wave has had its say. What happens when a spirit is no longer commanded by the Astrological forces that
be, they move on into an arena prepared for Masters accustomed to Godly Living. Yet Gemini will remain for those that hold onto their belief
systems of Predator-Victim Consciousness and Resistance. It may seem to many that spirit at times remains aloof of earthly circumstance, but

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The Elijah Series - Channeled Material

that is not without dependency from the Looking Glass of those contributing to lower mental/emotional patterns. And so as decisions to move
forward are greatly accepted by many choosing Freedom from Density you will all find this week most inviting into the Heart chambers of
Eternal Life. We will work in a Pentagram, or 5-pointed star of Magical Creation. A breathing, living, vision of God will be the presentation of
Shambhalla from now on. It cannot be detained any longer for there is work to be accomplished and education of Alchemy moves in quite easily
now. The heart will open wide as your breath quickens its pace, and then slows down for vibratory control of patterning you have chosen to
establish. All Masters residing and remaining on earth will be asked to first RELEASE all that has congregated into your atmosphere up until
this TIME. There will be a deep cleansing inside the small intestines that usually hold onto old materials for years, even from childhood trauma.
The quickest way to eliminate within small intestines is with a cup of Red Clover Tea, and Cayenne Pepper to taste once in the morning, and
once in the evening. It may take a few weeks of discarding old materials, and many will feel unfamiliar bloating occur, but it will pass.
Eyesight will greatly improve when small intestinal materials release. Red Clover Tea Leaves have great benefits in the skin as well. When
mutating into Alchemy, the modern day master will not require any bacteria within the body. This may take a while to get used to for earth
biology teaches the utilization of healthy bacteria in the body. But masters know better then this. There are 7-master fruits from the Original Tree
of Life patterning. They are red apples, lemons, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apricots, and grapes, seeded from the seventh seal or
grapevine of spirit. These are treasures from heaven assisting human body health. To completely cleanse the Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas
one would do well to drink, eat, or juice Ginger several times a week. Ginger is a communications device, all the way down throughout the colon;
it will also digest evenly in the stomach going through acidic upgrade. Vegetarian or no animal products in the human body is a must for
Alchemy. Pure Water will assist the kidneys, however ginger is also a Kidney cleanse as well as Cayenne Pepper. Flax seeds, or flax seed oil
work great to rebuild parts of inner organs that have grown stagnant with feeding or age. In combination this will give the human body time to
reorganize its trained habits, and upgrade the cells into God Cel. Wheat Grass Juice no longer works when a body vibrates in the seventh
dimension, and many are finding this out with uncomfortable results. However in a human body that chooses to remain at a certain level
chlorophyll works great, or even for one beginning the training steps of human perfection, wheat grass works well. The word Cell originates from
a Solar Body of Life, thus when the game of duality is no longer a thought the ll becomes l, and closes one form of biology into another, that
which is termed God-Cel. Take heed that human health plays a large part of the future on this planet. We can provide perfected Immunity from
Dis-ease with a little more work on your part. Physical Exercise is a must for the human body. It strengthens the mid section if maintained daily,
and keeps an open flow of circulation as the vibrations increase. It also plays a major part in the entities that train Fountain of Youth human
vessels. There will be Fountain of Youth Humans, God-Cel Command Units in Shambhalla, and Immortal Vessels, each within their chosen
realm of expression. Now as promised your Pentagram of Preparation, both for closure and new beginnings. What joy you will find as Truth,
Integrity, and Commitment has brought you here. Set up your meditation space with care as you begin to unfold the Lotus Light of May. You will
find 2 or 3 masters present at all times during this 3 day transition.
1. On the lower left corner of your Pentagram engage Bethlehem Grid System, as disconnection from Earths Electromagnetic Energy Field is a
must. Bethlehem Grid Patterning works in the Cerebellum of the human brain that chooses to embrace its own God Level intelligence, thereby
eliminating the need for a filter called the mind. One resides within God light and knows it. There is no need for figuring out information in the
Grid system termed Bethlehem. Masters once again break bread together, and eat of the same nutritional Source Substance.
2. On the upper mid-point or highest peak, implement Order of the SCORE-P-ION. This will override that which is termed Melchizedek. The term
Melchizedek comes from the 5th golden age on this planet, and that same ORDER is back to upgrade original perfection. In other words as the 7
tribes expanded into 12, that was the exact moment when earth created her electromagnetic field as we know it today, a static filled radio
station. Therefore as we call back FM-GOD radio station through Bethlehem Grid Patterns, we also move back into the scale role model, which
was handed down by original design. One will never move back into Ascension through 12 tribes of distortion, it will move back into the 7th
Seal, or seven Tribes. Two perfect examples of how this distorts itself are the bickering of Abrahams descendants through Jacob, and the spread
of these families in times of great resistance, and the 12 disciples of Christ that provided each a different detailed account of one truth. And how
that was watered down through human interpretation. However the most revealing distortion is the 12 sign zodiac. It has limited electromagnetic
currents that have had dense ramifications in the Soul, or Solar Level. They are a remembrance of cycles one clings on to for a variety of
reasons. It is wise that all move forward on a continual basis of rebalance, and new cycles. What was understood before was perfect, but
usually that will end, except for the God-Spark, Love, and Creative Light.
S-represents Scaler Waves, or units of measurements that will always mathematically improve upon itself and expand with God
CORE-represents Original Intent via the family of God
P-represents Path, and this is where most get caught up in the old waves, which puts one back into the Solar Cycle. Command the
Path which moves you highest and quickest, and that is which path you shall receive.
I-Immortality, which is the highest earthly embodiment available, held sacred by Lord Mordechi/Moses and many others.
ION-Spiritual Currents which run exact opposite of earth currents, yet not in resistance to earth IONS, which is the difference between
Harmony and everything of lesser creative form. Ions are human body electronics that flow with the water in the body, and yet
activate in the human brain as well, flowing with the ebb and tide of spiritual purposes. Easily written in the commands of the original
Tree of Life.
The human body will both partake of the 12 level Tree of Life and the Origi-Nation of 7 families, for education and understanding of how original
fall into humanity became known. If an entity for one split second lets go of God Conscious alignments, or has hidden agendas behind
inhumane motives, that sets into position a disconnection or fall from grace. This comes Direct from the human spark and their own connection
into God Light. Therefore one only has oneself to answer upon. You may choose now to upgrade with original human perfected design in the 7
energy centers of the human body, recognizing ones own chosen disconnection, and agreeing to pull back purification. This design fits you quite
well in human embodiment. All seven centers will reveal unto themselves, creating room for perfection in a garment of El Shaddai. You will feel
the golden Menorah ignite the flames of body awakening like never before. It is the final transformation of the Phoenix, from human into spirit,
yet still human with its spirit back together. It is the glue that holds the fabric of new civilizations together. It is SPIRIT.
3. On the lower right point of the pentagram The Master Source Stone. A combination of Brazilian crystal dynamics, and human perfection with
intelligence. It will show itself smoky quartz in color, as around your body is a diamond of light, and surrounding that is vibration, The Source
Stone. It connects within the mid point of your brain, and communicates with the Cerebellum, a base for housing God light. As your body begins
to flow in collaboration with itself, new ideas will begin to take shape. This is Source Light, an energy generator, held strong in the Bethlehem
grid system, yet acclimated in your energy field, pooling in Source Universal Substance. It then draws the never-ending spiral of consciousness
that is active male/female creator of this universe Alpha and Omega. The Master Source Stone is a variety of energy and available currents of
higher technology available to many vibrating with Love. In accordance with divine will it shall act as a crystal skull, within each entity that so
chooses to reclaim its intensity. For a night or two the brain and head will feel as if it throbs with energy, and that is the acceptance of the
crystal Source Stone. There shall be a variety to work with on this planet. But the Alchemist that has accepted his or her role will be the greatest
informant of its use for humanity's growth. Many crystal skull wearers shall rise to the occasion, Becoming the cloak of Divinity in many unique
ways and means. Warriors of Peace, will wear the intelligence of the smoky quartz and its pulse in Harmony with many new programs created
for Prosperity, Light Living, and Healthy enjoyment. It shall look to be a golden light brown, as does the living Christ that walks the earth.
4. The cup of Divinity, or rather Holy Grail, completes the Grape Vine of Spirit as it moves back into Design for today. It is the Upper Left Hand
Path on the Pentagram. This requires acceptance of self, dear ones, something many of you still struggle with. Ask no more what it is you are
here to do, and simply get about doing it. The human body after it becomes one tube of light; then has created a Master 7 Cel or Seal it would so
seem. Would that be in the crown, or the ROOT? As explained before spiritual currents run opposite, therefore the breaking of earth's seal of
Master Communications Synapse would be reformed in the brain. White Ray Solid Foundation in the Dendrite, Faith of Blue Ray Proportion, and
Finally Yellow Ray God-Del Axon fitting tight over the Dendrite, but with a Masters Behavior. This would complete Crown Seal Opening. It is the

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The Elijah Series - Channeled Material

Synaptic Formation of a new communications system with Spirit. Therefore the cup that ignites your holy grail is simply earth grounding,
through the root center. After the Root Center opens up the Master pairing of sevens will join together in opposition or look like a white lightening
bolt through the body, and make its final resting place near the umbilicus at the base of your Solar Plexus. The back will open up, as your
intestines begin to clean and see the end of all sewage in this lifetime. For one can accept purity and passion in paradise all at once. This is the
way of the Warrior, understanding that all programs will take an upgrade. Education is just history rewritten and defined, before the Mayan
Immortal Ways create a new space and time for cellular development.
5. GOD'S BUSINESS PLAN, the final frontier as Right Hand pathway Politics come into fruition. Many will enjoy reaping self-created Prosperity
and Business Planning, as the aligned plans move right into the forefront. Most people will be drawn in the radio station FM GOD, for it carries
an invitation world wide, promoting Harmony, Magic and Invincibility of Spirit. Most of you will unravel fearlessness as you listen to the
governing light within. Enjoy your business creations, it hails from a space of Master Planning for this exact time. It may surprise you how easy
Tranquility draws this into your life. Look no more, you begin to draw inwards the roads you walk upon, and eliminate that which is no longer of
source substance unto your life. As you close the Pentagram, move into the area on your Body, which houses the Bridge of your nose. You will
close earth life, and open the spirit, and male/female together as one. As you open, pay close attention to that which it is you see. That first
unveiling will be with you forever. At the end of your crossroads there is yet Magic to Behold, I bid you further study into this communications
system, especially for the Educators of Spirit. Your business associate most willing to serve, I love you all, Elijah
Channeled by Lisa Smith
@Copyright May 2003

Dear Friends,
I have been on a hyper fast-paced road for several years now with spirit. So finally I have time to settle in my new home, and have
slept straight I believe for almost 2 weeks, enjoying my time, which is a rare treat. One thing is certain, all my channeled materials
have taken quite an upgrade, as my programs with spirit now focuses in on Alchemy and beyond. It was a great study to learn about
the 12 tribes of Israel, but now we go back further and tap into the far reaches of cellular remembrance. I am just like Elijah; lets get
it already and move into that perfect body. This next stage is going to prove exceptional. I am having a 7-day seminar this summer
sometime, and all participants are asked to FAST the entire 7 days. Of course there will be juicing, and liquids. Elijah and Ark Angel
Zach tell me this will be a life-altering seminar for people, as they are away from homes for 7 days, they can move quite quickly into
mastery. It should be fun, besides I'm used to channeling so much anyways, and after this last seminar, I finally understand the Fall,
without question. We only have ourselves to look at, which is good news, because we can sure step back into the realm of purification
immediately. I feel as close to great change as I possibly can, and know many are taking a step forward, without looking behind. I
intend to enjoy this 3 days coming in now with God, and agree to move forward and drop the old materials. Oh yea, I finally after the
5/5/5 seminar agreed to let go of cheese and dairy, so no more pizzas, but am finding the body calling for that change anyways. I will
be sending out more materials soon, as we have fun stuff planned for our future vibrational parties with spirit. In love and dedicated
service, Lisa P.S. Elijah spells Scaler Waves this way for a reason. (Scales of Justice Have Returned)

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© Copyright Warriors of Peace All rights reserved, not open for reposting or distribution.
Thank you for your consideration and spiritual integrity.
Lisa Smith P.O. Box 926, Lancaster CA 93584 USA Phone: 661-942-4484 Email:
Last modified: 06/20/2005 22:03:34

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