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Ark Angel Zachary / Jesus Christ - Channeled Material

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Channeled Material
Ark Angel Zachary / Jesus Christ
Fountain of Youth Series 8
"Surf’s Up for Spiritual Currents"
May 7, 2004 February 9, 2004 through Lisa Smith
As we begin to slowly examine that which was formerly addressed as a Fountain of Youth there seems to be some
anticipation for its impending arrival. It is destined to grace the halls across this land as the Tide of Oceanic events
turn towards the moon of higher lights. If you go back to all past channels regarding the youthing of a human
structure the energy aligned with spiritual currents of modern mastery will ride the surfboard of light immediately. It
will arrive on the coast through the Santa Monica shores May 10, 2004 and sweep the land for those connected to all
moons of Source Generated ignition within this system we operate upon. It is the entity Apollo making a grand
entrance through the moon light of old, shifting the tides into a new committed force. Upon this area of the planet
remains the original stature of biological perfection. It will flow with a golden molecule under what is known today as
Topanga Canyon. There is a high celestial being taking this expansion for heavenly flow and his name is EZRA. The
month of May is primary and rich this year in original development and planning of earths magnetic waves connected
inside a space that knows no old prophets, engineers, or names. This space only recognizes energy signatures. It is
that blueprint we designed upon an electrical circuit inside the human body termed ions.
You will have three sets of ionic waves to ponder. The first and most dynamic of course would be the ions that run in
accordance with the water of the body. Since you have three quarters of water inside of the body it will always be
important to claim electrical currents of health by drinking with the Keys of Enoch, and movement of Ezra with each
sip you take. Water is even more precious then gold in the coming days for those connected direct with the hands of
God to ignite this special elixir. To be exact once the brain becomes used to strict mathematical alignments of a master
it can then move with the ebb and flow of light particles inside the house of light unrestricted. The most important
measurement in the body will be the divine proportion of 1.777 in the umbilicus regions. As you imprint this with the
spine many of you are beginning to take note of the value of water aligned with God/Goddess. There will be a
seven-day cycle for many of you when you increase your volume of water to heal, that which is still locked inside
cells of duality. You are the health care professionals of the incoming tides. Medicines can no longer heal that which
There will be two systems rise to the top of society, one more connected to power through control, or another healthy,
vibrant and self-empowered. The second set of ions is connected to the water inside the brain Alchemical reactions.
These ions take their entrance as soon as the spine, sacral, and heart centers are aligned properly. It is the very
proportion that blends the head center in accordance with the brain so that the speed of light transference system
locks within. This will eliminate anything termed mind. A master’s embodiment will have the brain and flow of all
incoming energy with purity. The mind came into being as duality came into being. It is something best left to density
so that clarity can be restored to full functioning capabilities. Some of the greatest scientists were limited by a creation
of the mind. If they had not been so connected to this moon flow they would have brought forth a healthy balance and
higher recommendations for humanity.
The third set of complete ions moves through the Merkivah, which is the energy field around the body. This set of
electrochemical equipment comes direct from Shambhalla. It will reside in the seventh dimension. As you complete
earth training and deem yourself ready to move in Ascension then locks inside your human body which is quite a
shock sometimes. Some people who are feeling the necessity to drink plenty of water are taking this upgrade as we
speak. Notice how plentiful water of eternal light is healing the physical. This is unprecedented for God Level Light
Beings to collaborate in group essence and develop the consciousness of radiant light health inside the body. That is
exactly what is taking place in recorded history. Water bottling companies will be lead by new creators of these
molecules. Now doesn’t that make sense? What you would pay for a bottle of water and what you would pay a
physician is a world of distinct difference. Here is how you can begin.
1. Ask to be placed in the ebb and flow of spiritual particles. The ebb working with Enoch, and the flow anchoring
down on earth through Ezra.
2. Ask for the 5-pointed star of golden molecular transformation inside your body. One on the bottom of each foot. One
in the palm of each hand. One inside the Amygdala region of the brain.
3. Allow your consciousness to connect with the moon essence before it dimmed its light with duality. A precise timing
mechanism that generates Source activity will enter again.

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Ark Angel Zachary / Jesus Christ - Channeled Material

4. Connect with the Quartz Crystal Kingdom as it measures up to higher vibratory waves.
5. Eliminate dense patterns through the Solar and Sacral Plexus while unifying the two sources as one.
6. While sitting up straight tilt your head over until the jaw almost touches the chest. Place two fingers from your right
hand just below the neck or the top portion of the spine. Place two fingers from your left hand above that at the base of
the neck. You may move your fingers around a bit until you are certain you have placed them correct. There is
usually one larger bone for people to work around. Over and under it. SET THE IONS OF THE WATER OF THE BODY
Hold until you feel the energy begin to settle in.
7. Lift your head back up. Place your right hand just at the back of the base of your head and left hand behind the
neck. Open the ions that flow with God Light inside the brain. Release the mind of lower matters, and expand your
own intelligence.
8. Blend both the spine and head centers together as one. Ask for lightning speed strength and capabilities to open
9. Unleash Radiant Health Particles within the cells.
At this point in the meditation you will have fired the key codes of Ascension throughout the body. There is no
ascended master that can do this for any individual. You must be able to understand and command in your own
value, quality and strength. Please pay attention to common traps spiritual ones sink into.
1. Spiritual Warfare and defeating the current system.
2. Lazy behaviors and not taking full empowerment back into your own God Level hands and hearts.
3. Promoting what is off or illegal on the planet.
4. You have the right to make new laws for others.
5. Religious fever, this happens simply because of fear.
6. Control and Manipulation by presenting self as the only messenger capable of bringing in such truth.
As you review your own behavior trust that high spirited ones are setting the stage to train and work with mass
consciousness. This will be in the school systems, entertainment fields, and spiritual education done with focus and
no battlegrounds. Always remember that God/Goddess only knows the highest and best, and only commands the
best. There is no sacrifice under this arrangement. We must take care now to encode your unique Merkivah with a
multitude of ions from heaven. It takes great skill and a lot of care to work with this team set up. It has exact
foundational measures. Once you have mastered the original blueprint, YOU ARE NO LONGER CONTAINED TO
GRAVITY. It leaves a set of options open you are not used to working with. Enjoy the arrangement and alignments
coming in. Pay close attention to how young and healthy many entities living off the Santa Monica beach and
Topanga Canyon begin to look within the coming year. As well pay attention to those that move from this energy field.
It comes now with the moon tides of Apollo, open for ripe creation with its Sun partner. In love and respect for the
human process, I am Ark Angel Zachary
Dear Friends, it has been quite a while since we have worked on these channels. I am quite busy these days with
online seminars, newsletters and direct seminars. I have never been so glad I have stuck with these alignments as
this week. There is such a turn around opening spirit into physical arms that it all seems so easy today. I wished I
moved this quickly years ago when I began training. But it did educate me on matters of the heart. My life continues to
be an everlasting surprise with spirit. I don’t think we have even begun opening our original blueprint. But I sure look
forward to them, as I’m sure you all do, Enjoy, Love, Lisa
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© Copyright Warriors of Peace All rights reserved, not open for reposting or distribution.
Thank you for your consideration and spiritual integrity.
Lisa Smith P.O. Box 926, Lancaster CA 93584 USA Phone: 661-942-4484 Email:
Last modified: 06/20/2005 22:07:29

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