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August 22, 2001



PHYSICAL PLANE OF PARADISE. Dearly Beloved Masters of the Divine, one spark of
God, which ignites the Fire of Passion, has taken on a new formation. It is called the
body of light. Its strength can be felt deep in the heart of unity and oneness in the minds
of many and yet there is still a physical transformation that must run its course on earth.

This calls for dressing ia suit of balance between gentle courage, deep inner strength
and removing oneself from any situation except that which is in direct alignment with the
combined union of Mother/Father God. Today all are urged to drop the illusion of earth
dynamics and to remember the unique calling of original design. Although many
groupings will merge together with a team effort, it is the unique inspiration in Self-
Realized individuals that will stand out in the forefront of today’s spiritual community.
This will move into physical harmony the light of COMPASSION. Compassion is the
ability to understand Energy in Creative Motion beyond what is seen and felt by the
human eye. In other words it changes the Emotion of limited thinking into the next
harmonic of feeling and breathing through universal rhythm, that which we term EE-
motion. For one moment tone EE in your highest felt light, and allow the Crown Center to
open from the inside out.

The Virgo Full Moon this session will pull in the purification necessary to carry the
voice of true magic, with the will of source. Through this enlightened state many will
come to realize that only within the substance of source reality can the teams of ONE
LEAGUE congregate. We shall lead together from the God within. It is time to eliminate
false precepts of the old age leadership standards, and come to know the leaders of
today will not accept students, disciples, or adulation from the masses. The leadership
positions are accepted by the higher self through terms of endearment in how the
mature of spirit will magically move into all facets of society and be willing to go all the
way in transforming density. Healing is the key component for illumination and
transformation in personal mastery, group structures, solar, galactic and yes even the
universal gateway. Healing is Everything; ponder this thought a moment, as you will feel
the front lobe in the brain structure opening. This we have termed your Ascension
Chamber. It will allow your Conscious Mind to finally manifest. If you are consciously
activating your earth mind, and bridging that gap between heaven and earth, it will
electronically activate the higher mind connected through the higher self, and coordinate
at the top of the midbrain with the universal mind. The illumined portion of the brain
resides in the front lobe, which takes direction from the center of the 3rd eye.

By activating and changing into the Conscious Universal Mind Set through the
grounding of the human brain, one will come to find that all forces of light body are in the
physical already. These are simply waiting to become ignited one spark at a time with
the resonance and harmonics of Love. In its uniqueness, you have a particular
patterning that changes with the creative flow, and it is up to each individual to penetrate
those halls of change, which come into the human understanding via a conscious, clear
channel. Thus all channeling will soon take a quantum leap via the higher self accepting
its own intelligence and connection from divine inception so long ago. This means you
are ready to partner through your own God-self with others on the earth plane and inner
dimensions. How blessed you truly are to be at a point in spiritual history when many will
accept the mantle of personal divination. Yet, that is only a beginning point such as the
Messiah League of Light, which will transform within a month into the many Messiah
Leagues of Light. You will see the children, and older generations open the second
coming and ignite further the original Messiah grouping.

There are 3 major spatial reflections showing up for all to draw and feed upon. The
Messiah grouping is but one reflection of source activation, The Magic of Merlin is
another major grouping of celestial assistance, and finally the Male and Female Orders
of Melchizedek. Now many will operate with all 3 groupings, and many will specialize in
one or more and call down upon Terra/Bethlehem other Leagues of Light. The Messiah
Team led by Archangel Michael, Sananda and many others was simply an opening of
much more to come. Many carried the Messiah seed crystal, but now that must shift
forward into a common bonding with other groupings. The mind sets of many will come
into a humble understanding that although some came into being with great knowledge
and seed crystals to be planted and grown, it does NOT make one different from the
WHOLE, which completes the body of GOD. It may make one a master through previous
ascension, remembered creations, and a builder of new foundations. It will not make one
separated from the ONENESS, but distinct in
original design. The moment one separates children as more special than another child
is a moment of separation, which does not fit into the plan of unity and God.

There is a great opportunity in Virgo to pull in purification, simplicity, wisdom and

grand intelligence. You will be encouraged this month to no longer hide your truth, but to
share it with the planet without fear. The spiritual brigades are here to assist many
healers and inspirational ambassadors to move into mainstream society, being direct
with spiritual channeling through source residing within. Many interdimensional reunions
will occur through physical manifestations happening all over, and they will move into
completion the full cycle of healing. That means calling out all abuser energy with the
compassion and inner strength it will take to remove the distortion and dysfunctions on
the planet. We are calling forth the spiritual psychology, and those willing to become
direct while loving the old genealogy out of the cellular structure. One can best do this by
connecting with the pure body of God that has moved into light physicality. You have two
choices here, either trace the old DNA patterning back to its root, or go directly and
quickly to the beginning of original conception by Mother/Father God, and let that
remove all density. The very root of physicality must be addressed in order for the
Alchemical shifting to take its place.

In the center of your mind, brain and heart lies the focal point of all creation, the
lighthouse and connection to the Godhead. From this moment on consider your direct
alignment with your source foremost and the focus of all shifting. The only initiator is the
God built within, and the entity that is or may be working towards mastery is but the
mouthpiece of something much bigger. Please allow the body some time here to call in
the higher self. Feel it anchor in the Solar Plexus, then let that energy filter first inside the
physical structure, spreading outside into the Merkivah. You will feel an adjustment, as
the communications system rebuilding itself is the alignment to Mother/Father God. Do
enjoy this reunification; it will be the arena an ascended master speaks from, as the
team networks set up. As you feel the energy envelop your surroundings do understand
that True Power comes from the God within. This is the purest wavelength of light one
can hold in a physical structure, which will shift over time into the universal alignments.
All foundational housing of spirit is focused and runs from the electronic spark of God
and in doing so rebuilds the entire cellular structure. There have been many changes in
the families of light lately, and this may or may not have caused a temporary
readjustment to the energy fields. In knowing that ones connection to God is first always,
one will never be thrown off balance through the changing tides of spiritual movement.
Trust your own intuition, and stay true in the heart first. God within will always see to
ones evolvement.

In the excitement of change, there has been a barrage of information filter into the
earths atmosphere, some in alignment with source, and some off balance through the
incumbent light waves. It will continue to drift in the fields of advanced technology, but as
you know all anchors in eventually and the truth remains the same, as perseverance
pulls that new knowledge into understanding. There is always something behind every
thought form that when cleared of static has valid substance. The job of a master is to
cut through the static and find the reality. You will find in your mindset of God-spark this
month, many body changes and clarity. The time on earth before the full moon of Virgo
is for self-reflection and establishing clear communication with the divine first. Once the
higher self and God become one and the same the spiritual nutrition that is the manna
may take its resting place on top of the crown center where it is fed by the universal

With your God-self strongly in tact and a team of beautiful light servers connecting
to your energy field, all realms of spiritual activation will partake of the Virgo Full Moon
Spiritual Feeding and Nutrition. Most light servers will understand that merging heaven
and earth is of the utmost now, and yet with all standing strong equally in their own
mastery and not dependent upon anything but God. You will feel a solid link to Mother
God first as she embraces the child that is you, a nurturing substance will electronically
filter into the brains nerve impulses that will send resounding light waves throughout the
entire body. There will be a chemical balancing inside the right and left hemispheres of
the brain, and any energy even slightly off will be corrected. The strength of Father God
fills a void inside the energy field first and blends its light with the Mother of all Creation.
A strong opening in the Sacral brings in the Sacredness of the Garden of Eden. You
may feel compelled to start operating as if you have recreated this scenario and you
have, with the Parent God energies blended together once again. The front lobe of the
brain holds a compelling light of conscious mind mastery in the physical plane. The top
portion of the forehead lights up and pulls back in essence what was lost before this
lifetime and that is a full activation of the crystalline skeletal opening.

Your jaws activate from the inside out, and this may feel particularly strong, but let
it work its way up into the cheekbones. Any closures through the skin on the face
through aging will open up quite nicely. The exocrine system which houses the hair, skin
and nails, will activate along with the breadth of God, and maximizes the utilization of the
crystalline skeletal restructuring. The strongest formative patterns through colors, light
and sound will then open up in the neck center. You may feel continual readjusting in the
base of the spine as it can no longer contain a seed crystal, but must move into an entire
grid structure through the lower back. The universal mind ignites through the white
matter of the brain with Father God, and the Mother energy pulls in the 12 levels of the
higher mind through the galactic vibrational substance rays through the lower back
portion of the head. A combination of the Ascension Chamber in the Front Lobe pulls the
super conscious mind and draws a line directly into the universal and galactic higher self

A crystal skull means simply that the human body vibrates with crystal light energy
through the entire skeletal structure, which takes that body into mutating light. It is quite
the vibrational upgrade available throughout the Virgo changing tides of light and
information. You will not care to cut your head off from the rest of your body’s glowing
crystal light magnetics. This is the reason for the strong body adjustments, particularly in
the throat area. As the white ray of Christ lays the foundation, it is the Buddha blue ray,
which pulls it together into the Messiah light. Artemis has now joined forces with
Sananda in the New Jerusalem, as lady master Yolandra becomes the Planetary Logos
for the 3rd eye center and a joy to the rest of the crew working in this department. Now
envision Sananda housing the Buddha light with Artemis functioning the Christ
foundation into the New Jerusalem and you have the original blueprint and design which
opens the Orders of Melchizedek. The blending of the East and West will join forces
inside your physical body as the Messiah group has laid the first foundation of light
activation, opening for many other group energies to assist in the awakening process. To
further enlighten matters on the planet TO-BI-US has anchored in The Christ Force over
Washington D.C. preparing for a new world government. However it will happen with the
blending of spirit into the already existing system. The Kumara energy band through the
Shambhalla energy opening November 11, 2001 will oversee this. You can trust the
Magic of Merlin through the house of Elijah to see this process into manifestation.

There is a code name we utilize throughout the Galaxy that will assist with new
changes. We call it ‘‘THE MASTER PLAN’’. The original idea was brought forth by the
entity known as Lord Maitreya to have a common space through Mother/Father God
where all would feel home with the changes, and yet activated to maximum potentials,
eventually housing the Immortal Plane of Light.

There is a special crew of angelic orders prepared for the coming times and light
body changes. They each carry a resonance with the original blueprinting or creation if
you will of the 12 tribes of spirit.

Tribe 1 representing Aries House of Spirit. PRINCIPALITIES, this

angelic band actually opens up through the root center many programs
installed and now ready to manifest. These would include the growth
and intake of food, gems and minerals, elementals, seas of change,
nature and weather repatterning.

Tribe 2 representing Cancer House of Spirit. ARCHANGELS, this

angelic energy band is the forerunners and luminaries of spirit. They
hold creative changes and yet must train in the ground of a planetary
sphere understanding all perspectives for future review by planetary
and governmental councils. The Archangels open the gateway to the
interdimensional male/female reunions and will thus prepare those
program notes into manifestation, while blending easily the new
concepts by addressing any and all situations head on with bravery
and courage.

Tribe 3 representing Leo House of Spirit. Cherubs, this angelic energy

band is most special and prominent in today’s society for they
demonstrate and hold the patterns of Innocence and Purity within. Until
one heals the inner child and connects with that light there is no
ascension. Often times it is the inner child, which is the last to truly
trust in the spiritual unification, and all beings hold the key to open
these doorways for many children of all houses in spirit yet to come
onto this planetary sphere.

Tribe 4 representing Taurus House of Spirit. SERAPHIM, this angelic

energy band holds the key codes and patterns for the return of the
human body back into its original beauty and elegance. There is a
seed crystal in the heart in connection with the Thalamus Gland in the
brain, which activates in the physical the Hormone of Eternal Youth
and Beauty. From its original planning the human body will move back
unto its seed of perfection. These angels will open on the full moon of
Virgo quite strong, due to the fact that the Ascension Process follows
with the Alchemical Body changes, and will be noticeable to all.

Tribe 5 representing Sagittarius House of Spirit. POWERS, this angelic

energy band holds the reconstruction of what is the Rod of Power. The
throat center will take a new alignment, as the old programs come to a
sharp close with divine intention. The Power and Light of the Word is
not something that even has to be said, it is an inner Power. The
Powers understand that when one stops talking about Ascension,
Integrity and Truth, one is actually manifesting the strength of these
important energies. There will be some very strong leaders from this
community of angels, mostly those clearing strong throat ailments!

Tribe 6 representing Capricorn House of Spirit. HARMONYS, this

angelic energy band pulls in the strongest Orchestrated Dynamics of
Spirit. Artemis is a quality example of a Harmony. Every year there is a
strong electrical dynamic, which opens on the 11:11 Scorpio energy.
This combines the water/earth resonance. If you listen closely you can
hear the song of spirit in your earth, but if you take that up a notch into
the higher harmonics you will hear the Consciousness of Bethlehem
right here on the planet, which is a pure form vibration. This will assist
in your fine-tuning of the auditory waves of source.

Tribe 7 representing Virgo House of Spirit. THRONES, this angelic

energy band surrounds the Crown of God, and supports the entrance
into the human body of the I AM Presence which is the step before
Physical Immortality. They also activate that which is the Manna, the
child of the Universal Mannus. It is here we will hold and activate just
over the Crown the Manna, spiritual nutrition, and insert the Godparent
of the Universe the Mannus. The Mannus is the combined male
resonance of the ME’SI and the feminine energy of the MESSIAH, and
together they blend into the Parent of universal form and spiritual
nutrition in all cases. If you are connecting strong with these energies
you will be feeling your physical body change many of its habits and
take particular care of how you feed your temple of light. This includes
food, behavior and attitude. The Thrones are the very instigators of
much new material to be handed out, and yet in a balanced format, not
attempting to seek the spotlight, and so some of the greatest testers of
stability and faith are the Thrones. By taking your own Throne of spirit,
you feed upon that which is of the highest and pure. That is the
greatest Taste and Alchemical Elixir in all of life. You are invited to
have a fine sampling of this great nectar and food of spirit by allowing
the physical body its fine-tuning time. You may also call upon this
angelic kingdom to work through God into your body as you sleep and
live each day. Enjoy this delicacy and know it is yours for the
reception. It will take you higher in divination and assist in the
elimination of feeding from density.

Tribe 8 representing Aquarius House of Spirit. KI’S, this angelic energy

band is truly the Bridge of Light that houses the spiritual receptions on
many levels of living. They are the advanced newcomers on the scene
and yet hold the oldest resonance in the universe; for they are the
wisest sages on the planet did you know. They vibrate turning on the
energy system within the physical. The are an inspiration to all they
come into contact with, and a bit brash in presentation, for the
inspiration must be followed by personal attention to detail within the
God-Self. They hold the new recordings for the new times, and yet still
house the older records with a hint of mystery about them. The KI’s are
not your average winged angel; they come in all shapes and sizes, but
are mostly found in electronic colors and patterns. It is here we
understand that not all angels house wings. Wings are etheric
reminders of a messaging system from spirit. The green Aquarius light
bearers carry some of the most earthly grounded electronic light
activation's around and yet have the appearance of other worldly
existence. This is the reminder that to be of spirit is to be grounded in
all unique detail work. A KI is an inspiration not only within the body,
but also throughout the entire solar system of which one resides. To
ride the KI’s of light is truly to embrace the wings of love.

Tribe 9 representing Pisces House of Spirit. INTELLECTS, this angelic

band is busily preparing for higher education on all levels. These
particular entities reside mostly in the higher mind activation's, and yet
acclimate well to a planetary sphere. Most INTELLECTS connect
through the male and female orders of Melchizedek to present the
newly refurbished educational programs of spirit. They also redefine
and rework programs that do not work into another format. The
intelligence of spirit you may say house the angelic light of the
Tribe 10 representing Scorpio House of Spirit. LIBERTIES, this angelic
band holds the electronic opening for the free spirit to soar. They hold
FREEDOM on all levels of existence and actually many are present on
the earth plane to free a dense state of consciousness into a light
library of housing God in a physical garment. The government officials,
as many of them come from the Free Form Expression of the
LIBERTIES will recreate spirit in mainstream society with ease and
grace. This angelic energy band will awaken to its full potential on the
next Scorpio full moon, thus the magical changes occurring all across
the planet which will pave the way for blending heaven, earth and
government of a higher order.

Tribe 11 representing Gemini House of Spirit. LAWYERS, this angelic

band keeps the universe running with great attention paid to the minor
and major details of God’s written documentary. At a certain point in
mastery one realizes God-self does not actually need a law, one
simply keeps up with the detail work shifting with the minds and hearts
of all involved in an intricate weave of creative endeavors. They are
the entities reaching far and above the planetary waves, coming from a
different perspective and yet the job of a Lawyer is to learn how to
blend and fit in without any such idea as difference or separation. Any
entity using the excuse of not fitting in spiritually is not finding the way
to blend, and that is the job of a lawyer, FIND THE WAY!

Tribe 12 representing Libra House of Spirit. ORDERLIES, this angelic

energy band keeps the order of the universe running smooth. This
would be from a multi-universal fashion all the way down into the order
of the individual as well as planetary sphere. It is the ORDERLIES
moving mountains to see into manifestation many new facets of
creation while presenting the grandness of the ‘‘THE MASTER PLAN’’.

Not every entity comes from an angelic energy band. As we continue to grow and
expand upon that which was known before this time, we carry forth the assignment of
remembrance on all levels. Please connect with all these groupings assisting the God-
Force in the greatest event created, that of completion in every way. In the light of NO
SEPARATION, only UNITY may you feel complete with your God-self and never look
back, only enjoying the ever present Light of Living. From the Heart and Mind of
Unification, Blessed are those that rise above the sea of change into the purity of Eternal
Life and Magical Moments. In love I, Sananda along with Elijah present to you this great
gifting as we salute and acknowledge the DIVINITY within all. A SPIRITUAL REALITY

Channeled by Lisa Smith

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