Vonnegut - Complete Writings

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Player Piano . 1952; published as Utopia 14 (1954). Published again as Player Piano,
The Sirens of Titan . 1959.
Mother Night . 1961. Hardcover edition, 1966.
Cat's Cradle . 196.
God Bless You, Mr !ose"ater # or, Pearls $efore S"ine. 1965.
Slaughterhouse %i&e # or, The Children's Crusade' ( )uty*)an+e "ith )eath, $y ,urt
-onnegut, .r, a %ourth*Generation Ger/an*(/eri+an No" 0i&ing in 1asy
Cir+u/stan+es on Cape Cod 2and S/o3ing Too Mu+h4 5ho, as an (/eri+an 6nfantry
S+out 7ors de Co/$at, as a Prisoner of 5ar, 5itnessed the %ire*Bo/$ing of
)reseden, Ger/any, the %loren+e of the 1l$e, a 0ong Ti/e (go, and Sur&i&ed to Tell
the Tale' This 6s a No&el So/e"hat in the Telegraphi+ S+hi8ophreni+ Manner of Tales
of the Planet Tralfa/adore, 5here the %lying Sau+ers Co/e %ro/. 1969. !"ent#$
%i%th anniversar# edition, 1994.
Brea3fast of Cha/pions # or, Good$ye Blue Monday. 19&.
Slapsti+3 # or, 0oneso/e No More. 19&6.
.ail$ird . 19&9.
)eadeye )i+3 . 19'2.
Gal9pagos ' ( No&el 19'5.
Blue$eard . 19'&.
7o+us Po+us . 199(.
Ti/e:ua3e . 199&.
Canary in a Cathouse . 1961. )ll stories %ro* Canary are reprinted in +elco*e to the
,on-e# House "ith the e.ception o% /Hal 0r"in1s ,agic 2a*p./
5el+o/e to the Mon3ey 7ouse ' ( Colle+tion of Short 5or3s. 196'.
Bago/$o Snuff Bo; ' Un+olle+ted Short %i+tion. 1999.
(3ee 4re5uentl# )s-ed 6uestions %or a lisiting o% the related or uncollected short
11Penelope.11 196(. 2ater revised as 11Happ# 7irthda#, +anda 8une,11 19&(.
117et"een !i*e and !i*bu-tu; or, Pro*etheus 4ive9 ) 3pace 4antas#.11 :ational
;ducational !elevision :et"or-. 19&2.
11,a-e <p =our ,ind.11 c. 199.
11,iss !e*ptation.11 ;dited b# >avid ?oper*an. 199.
1121Histoire du 3oldat.11 199, 199&. )daptation.
5a/peters, %o/a, and Granfalloons ' 2<pinions4. 19&4.
Pal/ Sunday' (n (uto$iographi+al Collage. 19'1.
Nothing 6s 0ost Sa&e 7onor' T"o 1ssays. 19'4. ?ontains /!he +orse )ddiction o%
!he* )ll/ and /4ates +orse than >eath9 2ecture at 3t. 8ohn the >ivine, :e" =or-
?it#, ,a# 2, 19'2./
%ates 5orse than )eath ' (n (uto$iographi+al Collage of the 1=>?s. 1991.
God Bless You, )r ,e&or3ian . 1999.
Sun, Moon, Star. 19'(. ) "or- %or children, illustrated b# 0van ?her*a#e%%.
117oo-s into )shes.11 Ne" Yor3 Ti/es 4.19, 4ebruar# &, 19'2.
11)voiding the 7ig 7ang.11 Ne" Yor3 Ti/es 4.2, 8une 1, 19'2.
Bo$ and !ay' ( !etrospe+ti&e, .une 1@*.uly 1?, 1=>A. 19'2. ?ontributor.
)is+ri/ination, (ffir/ati&e (+tion, and 1:ual <pportunity' (n 1+ono/i+ and So+ial
Perspe+ti&e. 19'2. ?ontributor.
11) >rea* o% the 4uture (:ot ;.cluding 2obsters).11 1s:uire 1(49 &4, 19'5.
11He 2eadeth <s %ro* Porn9 @od 7less =ou, ;d"in ,eese.11 Nation 242.9 65. 19'6.
11Ae5uie*9 !he Hocus Pocus 2aundro*at.11 North (/eri+an !e&ie" 2&19 29$5,
11?an @reat 7oo-s ,a-e @ood ,oviesB & +riters 8ust 3a# :oC11 (/eri+an %il/ 1296$
4(, 19'&. ?ontributor.
11,# 4ello" )*ericans9 +hat 01d 3a# i% !he# )s-ed ,e.11 Nation 24&9 5, 19''.
11!he ?ourage o% 0van ,artin 8irous.11 5ashington Post )25, ,arch 1, 19'9.
113laughter in ,oDa*bi5ue.11 Ne" Yor3 Ti/es )1, :ove*ber 14, 19'9.
11:otes %ro* ,# 7ed o% @loo*; or, +h# the 8o-ing Had to 3top.11 Ne" Yor3 Ti/es
&.14, )pril 22, 199(.
11Heinlein @ets the 2ast +ord.11 Ne" Yor3 Ti/es &.1, >ece*ber 9, 199(. 7oo-
11Ene Hell o% a ?ountr#.11 The Guardian (2ondon) 21, 4ebruar# 2&, 1992. Aeprinted in
<tta"a Citi8en )11, )ugust 1, 1992.
11)*erica9 Aight and +rong.11 The Ga8ette (,ontreal) 7, 3epte*ber 12, 1992.
11+h# ,# >og 0s :ot a Hu*anist.11 7u/anist 52.695$6, 1992.
11+h# +e :eed 2ibraries.11 Aeprinted in Utne !eader 52.6919, 1994.
The -onnegut 1n+y+lopedia' (n (uthori8ed Co/pendiu/. 1996. )uthor o% the
3tories on beer bottles. 199&. :o -idding. !he stor#, 11,erlin,11 *uses on @alahad
"ith auto*atic "eapons. En 22$ounce bottles o% >enver Public 2ibation )le %ro*
+#n-oop 7re"ing ?o*pan#.
117ernard Fonnegut9 !he Aain*a-er.11 Ne" Yor3 Ti/es 6.1&. 8anuar# 4, 199'.
11!he +or- to 7e >one.11 !olling Stone, ,a# 2', 199'.
11Eld 4ashioned @adgets.11 %or$es 266, :ove*ber (, 199'.
112ast +ords %or a ?entur#.11 Play$oy, 8anuar# 1999.
0i3e Sha3ing 7ands "ith God ' a Con&ersation a$out 5riting. Gurt Fonnegut H 2ee
3tringer; *oderated b# Aoss Glavan. 1999.
Silver Screen. 4il*s have been *ade o%
11Happ# 7irthda#, +anda 8une11 (19&1; ,ar- Aobson, director)
113laughterhouse 4ive11 (19&2; @eorge Ao# Hill, director),
11:e.t >oor11 (19&4)
113lapstic-11 (19'; 3teven Paul, director)
11,other :ight11 (1996; Geith @ordon, director)
117rea-%ast o% ?ha*pions11 ()lan Audolph, director)
!he screenpla# o% 113irens o% !itan11 is in progress.
11+elco*e to the ,on-e# House11 (19&(, 19&4)
11!he 3irens o% !itan11 (19&4)
11?at1s ?radle11 (19&6)
11@od 7less =ou, ,r. Aose"ater11 "as produced as a *usical (19&9; adapted
b# Ho"ard )sh*an and )lan ,en-in) and *ost recentl# "as presented b#
Hu*>ru* )*>ra* in Ports*outh, <G.
;dgar @rana1s co*position o% 11Ae5uie*11 (3tone, !i*e, and ;le*ents9 )
Hu*anist Ae5uie*), based on a Fonnegut te.t, "as per%or*ed b# the ?hoir
o% the <nitarian <niversalist ?hurch in 7u%%alo, := in ,arch 19''.
113laughterhouse$4ive11 "as staged as an opera at the ,unich Epera 4estival9
adapted b# Hans$8Irgen von 7ose, 113chlachtho% 511 pre*iered at the ?uvilliJs
!heater on 8ul# 1, 1996; also adapted %or stage at ?hicago1s 3teppen"ol%
!heatre 1996.
The Box. !F productions have been adapted %ro*
11>.P.11 (195', produced as 11)u% +iedersehen;11 19'5, produced as 11>isplaced
11;picac11 (19&4, 1992)
11+ho )* 0 !his !i*eB11 (19'2)
11)ll the Ging1s Horses11 (1991)
11:e.t >oor11 (1991)
11!he ;uphio 6uestion11 (1991)
114ortitude11 (1992)
11!he 4oster Port%olio11 (1992)
11,ore 3tatel# ,ansions11 (1992)
11Harrison 7ergeron11 (1995)

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