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June brings an end to a fscal year which marks an end

to programs, time for evaluation and planning, and

closing the books. Last month I let you know that
we paid an additional $21,000 this year for snow
removal and natural gas that wasnt in our budget.
Thanks to those who gave an extra donation for this
purpose. It is very likely we will be in the red for
the last twelve months meaning we did not re-
ceive what we had planned to receive. Any additional
fnancial contributions before June 30th would be a
great help! Our parish festival on June 20, 21, and 22
is budgeted to clear over $60,000 in proft. If we have
bad weather, that will create more challenges as we
close the books for this fscal year.
The March 30th bulletin let you know that our
Finance Council recommended a balanced budget
of $3,410,880 for July 2014 to June 2015. So what
does that mean? First of all it means there are many
generous people who make all that we do possible.
Thank you! However it probably doesnt surprise
you that our income is not growing as fast as our
expenses. This is indeed a serious challenge for us.
Here are some highlights:
We created a three year plan to increase student
enrollment in our school. The larger upper grade
classes graduate. The lower grades have fewer
students. Enrollment is budgeted for 340.
We have revamped our children and youth
ministries and their faith formation programming.
We created an eight year technology reinvestment
Wages were increased 2.67% on average.
School tuition was increased by 4%.
Our teacher salaries continue to be at 80% of the
neighboring school districts.
Faith formation fees were adjusted to match our
cluster parishes.
We outsourced the school hot lunch program.
We will replace the paid playground supervisors
with volunteers.
Capital improvements of $26,000 were included.
This is the lowest amount in the last four budgets
which is also a cause for concern.
I hope to see you at our parish festival on June 20,
21 and 22. Invite your neighbors and friends for good
food, music, bingo, fellowship, and fun. We plan to have
the 11:15 mass outside again weather permitting.
Thanks for choosing Holy Apostles to be your parish!
We have so much to be grateful for.
Peace and Blessings,
Fr. Don
JUNE, 2014
by Fr. Don Thimm
Of Faith
and Changes
2014 Family Festival
Friday, June 20:
HA Fish Fry
Entertainment by Stray Voltage
Saturday, June 21:
Angelinas Lasagna Dinner
Entertainment by Rebel Grace
Sunday, June 22:
Rupenas Chicken Dinner
and Bloody Mary Bar
Entertainment by Mr. Lucky
Cash and prize raffe drawings, bingo, crafts, bake sale, games, and more!!
The Sacrament of Matrimony
by Mary Cumiskey
Last spring, in the June 2013 issue of Sharing, I wrote
about the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Holy
Eucharist, and Confrmation. This spring I would like
to refect on one of the two Sacraments at the
Service of Communion: The Sacrament of Matrimony
or the Matrimonial Covenant (the other one is Holy
Orders.) These two sacraments are directed towards
the salvation of others, and if they
contribute as well to personal salvation, it
is through service to others that they do
so (CCC 1534).
It would do us well at the start to refer to
marriage as the Sacrament of Matrimony,
as was brought up for
discussion at last falls
U.S. Bishops general
assembly in Baltimore,
MD. The word marriage
has become a hot button
term in this current
culture, and everything
about traditional marriage is under attack. This is
not only happening in the secular world, but it has
invaded the Catholic Christian community as well.
One wonders if this is because we are failing to
become properly catechized, or is it because of the
emotional manipulation we are constantly being
bombarded with that bring us to buy into misguided
compassion, instead of compassion based on the
Truth, or both?
Pope Francis is quoted as saying Charity without
Truth is like a fsh without water. The Truth is found in
the Holy Bible (sacred scripture), the Catechism of the
Catholic Church (CCC) and natural law. To get down
to the basics: sacraments are effcacious signs of grace,
instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by
which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites
(ie: the marriage ceremony) by which the sacraments
are celebrated signify and make present the graces
proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those
who receive them with the required dispositions
(CCC 1131).
The defnition and purpose of marriage are so impor-
tant; they were established at the very beginning and
very end of the Holy Bible. Genesis 1: 27-28 says: So
God created human beings, making them to be like
Himself. He created them male and female, blessed
them, and said have many children, so that your
descendents will live all over the earth and bring it
under their control! (Jesus Himself confrms this
scripture passage in Matthew 19: 4-6, as well as in
Mark 10: 5-12). Then reading Revelation 19: 7-9, we
are given a vision of the wedding feast of the
Lamb and how His bride (the Church) has
prepared herself for it.
Earlier in the New Testament St. Paul had
compared the marriage of husbands and
wives to Christ and His church. Husbands,
love your wives just as
Christ loved the Church
and gave His life for it
as the scripture says for
this reason a man will
leave his father and moth-
er and unite with his wife,
and the two will become
one. There is a mystery revealed in this scripture,
which I understand as applying to Christ and the
Church. But it also applies to you: every husband
must love his wife as himself, and every wife must
respect her husband (EPH 5: 25, 31-33). Scripture
speaks throughout of marriage and its mystery,
its institution and the meaning God has given it, its
origin and its end, its various realizations throughout
the history of salvation, the diffculties arising from
sin and its renewal in the Lord in the New Cov-
enant of Christ and the Church (CCC 1602).
Mystery and marriage now that is something I can
relate to! My husband, Peter and I will be married
42 years this coming June 24th, and it is still a total
mystery to me how two individuals with such
different backgrounds, family make up/size,
personalities, geography, and religions came together
in the frst place, and then have managed to stay
together all these years through family, home, jobs,
and fnancial pressures, infertility, chronic illness and
house confnement for 26 years (and counting), tragic
losses of parents, and F-1 tornado damage are
beyond my comprehension. The answer has to be
continued on next page
Husbands, love your wives
just as Christ loved the Church
and gave His life for it
God (and love- the fruit of His Holy Spirit) and the
sacrament of matrimony (and the grace it conferred
upon us.)
The Sacrament of Matrimony signifes the union of
Christ and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to
love each other with the love with which Christ has
loved His Church; the grace of the sacrament thus
perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens
their indissoluble unity, and sanctifes them on the way
to eternal life (CCC 1661). We need to call upon this
grace often, and especially when our marriages are
undergoing trials.
The importance Jesus Christ places on traditional
marriage can be found in John 2: 1-11 The Wed-
ding Feast in Cana. Really ponder this now Jesus
performed His frst miracle in Cana in Galilee; there
He revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in
him (John 2: 11). Pope Francis spoke of this Gospel
passage this past Feb. 14th at St. Peters Square during
his dialogue with some 10,000 youth engaged to be
married. He said marriage is a celebration a Chris-
by Ginny Murphy
My name is Ginny Murphy and I am the current leader of
the Bereavement Ministry.
My husband and I joined Holy Apostles in August of 1965.
We raised our three sons who attended HA School and
Catholic Memorial HS. They are all married now and I
have four grandchildren. I am a widow.
The Bereavement Ministry has been active for 23 years.
Current members include Jean Root, Karen Jurek, Mary
Maney, Donna Rivard, Carole Evans and Jan Fredrickson.
We are notifed by the parish when a parishioner dies.
We attend the wake and the funeral Mass or service. At
a later date we contact the family to see how they are
doing. If they would like, we visit them and also provide
an information folder along with a prayer shawl from the
Prayer Shawl Ministry. We send cards to the family at six
months and one year after their loss and also send them
a Christmas letter. In November, we perform a candle
service to remember all of the loved ones who have died,
followed by a fellowship lunch.
In the near future, we will be offering a Bereavement Sup-
port Group here at Holy Apostles.
Bereavement Ministry
For more information or to become a member of this rewarding Ministry please contact Jennifer Flanagan
at 262-786-4086 or jfanagan& or Ginny Murphy at 262-782-3914 or
tian celebration, not a worldly celebration. The most
profound motive for joy on that day is indicated in
Johns Gospel the miracle at the wedding of Cana.
Jesus reveals Himself for the frst time and gives a
sign: He transforms the water into wine, and by so
doing, saves the wedding celebration. What hap-
pened at Cana two thousand years ago happens,
in fact, in every nuptial celebration. What will make
your marriage full and profoundly true will be the
presence of the Lord, who reveals Himself and gives
His grace. Its His presence that offers the good
wine. He is the secret of full joy, what truly warms
the heart. It is Jesus presence in that celebration.
Not with the spirit of the world, No!
As committed Catholic Christians these are the
things we need to refect upon, hold strongly to, and
evangelize about when current society trends and
the secular media try to distort the facts and the
Truth about our beautiful Sacrament of Matrimony.
And most importantly, these are the Truths we can
draw upon to assist us and our loved ones in our
own marriages.
The Sacrament of Matrimony continued
by Jill Consolazione
La Sagrada Familia (LSF), our sister parish in the
Dominican Republic, hosted a group of ten from
Holy Apostles for the second year in a row. Some in
our group traveled to LSF for the frst time, some for
the second, and one for the seventh time! Regardless
of times traveled, I believe what we all bring back and
desire to keep going back for is the overwhelming
love that we experience. I hope to speak for all of
us who have traveled to LSFI will do my best to
explain this love so that you can experience it also.
Its a struggle to put into words
how we feel while at LSF, but
even more so to put into words
how we feel when we come
home. Ill try to keep it simple.
We have countless choices and
distractions in our busy days,
but let us look at where our
days usually begin and end, in
our homes. We have garages
because we have cars and
because we have tons of other
stuff we keep in our garages.
We have bedrooms in our
homes, and usually there are
enough bedrooms for every-
one. We have kitchens, living
rooms, dining rooms, offces, exercise rooms and
bathrooms. We have running water and we have
showers, sinks and toilets in which we use the
water. We have reliable electricity and we use the
electricity for our heat, air conditioning, computers,
televisions, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators,
ovens and the list could go on and on.
The homes of the people of LSF might be as big
as our garages with not enough bedrooms for
everyone. There might be a bathroom - but no
running water. Electricity is very unreliable if there
is any at all. Despite this, their hospitality is gracious;
there is always enough room for everyone.
Our homes are flled with things we fnd neces-
sary, but have you ever thought of these things as
La Sagrada Familia Pilgrimage
April 8th-15th, 2014
luxuries? Just imagine, not only not
having our luxuries, but not really
needing them. Its diffcult to
wrap the mind around NOT
Somehow though, being immersed
in the culture we are made aware
of not having and not needing. Our
choices, distractions and luxuries
are markedly different than those
of the people of LSF.
Not to say that the people of
LSF or their lives are simple, but a
certain level of daily life is simplifed.
Its not about stuff, going and doing,
or having and needing. The focus
of life is altered. I believe focus falls
on relationships with one another, love of neighbors,
family, friends, and above all, love of God.
It has truly been a blessing to be a part of this
relationship building with LSF. I believe all who have
traveled to LSF have come home forever changed.
We wish to share stories of the invaluable lessons
of unconditional love that we have been fortunate
enough to experience. With love as our
foundation we can grow and nurture this beautiful
friendship that impacts both La Sagrada Familia and
Holy Apostles. They may not have the luxuries we
have, but they beautifully express the two greatest
things commanded of us all, love of neighbor and
love of God. Please keep your thoughts and prayers
with our brothers and sisters in the Dominican
Republic as they keep us in theirs.
by Lori Murphy
Although the name is new, many of the components that
make up the Elder Ministry are not. Members of the
Visitation Ministry have been making visits to parishioners
in local healthcare facilities for many years. Current activities
include a monthly sing-a-long with Linden Grove residents,
visits with HA parishioners in various healthcare facilities,
and weekly Communion services for residents of
New Berlin Regency. Recently, the Visitation Ministry has
expanded to include visits to our homebound parishioners
that have requested them as well.
Communion to the Homebound is another ministry
that has been active at HA for many years. A team of
parishioners distribute communion to homebound
parishioners every Sunday. This ministry is more than
just communion distribution. Its an opportunity for the
recipients to stay connected to the parish that some of
them have belonged to for their entire lives. The roots of
this ministry can be traced to parishioners, like Jim Fischer,
who bring communion to their family, friends and fellow
parishioners that are unable to attend Mass themselves.
Jim has been bringing communion to his neighbors at the
Parkwood Highlands Retirement Community for the past
four years. Jim now brings weekly bulletins, communion
and provides a brief service for up to six of his neighbors
at Parkwood Highlands every Sunday morning. What a
great example of living Christs Word.
The Handy People for Others Ministry is another exciting
ministry that is available to assist our elder parishioners.
Volunteers are available to assist with minor home repairs,
yard work, lifting and other day to day tasks that some are
no longer able to perform. The Handy People for Others
Ministry recently teamed up with the Youth Ministry
Program for a Community Service Day on May 17th to
assist seniors in the parish with their spring clean-up tasks.
The focus of the new Young at Heart Ministry is simple
bringing people together for enjoyment. In April, a
dozen retired men and women from HA joined 80 Seton
members for Setons Day of Refection. The day was
spiritual, social and enjoyed by all. This spring the Young
at Heart Ministry hosted The Bel Canto Senior Singers.
A group of 32 seniors from the greater area met for
weekly practices at HA culminating in a fantastic concert
on Monday, May 12th. The group will take a break for the
summer but start up again for a fall and spring session.
All are welcome no auditions required. As the Young at
Heart continues to expand we will be connecting those
who enjoy games card games, board games, ANY type
of games! Also mark your calendar for Wednesday, August
13th for our frst annual Ice Cream Social. Watch the bul-
letin for updates and registration information or call Polly
Oldenburg at 262-894-6450 with questions. Remember,
everyone is welcome so invite your friends!
The New Elder Ministry
For more information about any of the Elder Ministries,
please contact Rob Doucette (262) 786-2039
or Rachel Madden (262) 786-2035
In the December issue of SHARING the new HA Older Adult Ministry named Young at Heart
was introduced. You may have been confused recently when another new ministry called the
Elder Ministry was mentioned in HAs bulletin. Hopefully this article will clear up some of
the confusion. The Older Adult Ministry has been renamed the Elder Ministry and the social
component of the Elder Ministry has been named Young at Heart. We would now like to
introduce our newly formed Elder Ministry which is comprised of the following Ministries:
Young at Heart, Visitation, Communion to the Homebound and Handy People for Others.
Youth Ministry
by Ben Rogalla, Director of Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry has defnitely focused its vision and goal
in being intentional and creating disciples. 7th and 8th
grades will be a component that will not be optional for
the formation leading towards Confrmation preparation.
The students will be able to start to develop small group
communities, discuss their faith, and take part in Trek
opportunities to have a hands on experience of their
faith. Confrmation preparation will be a two year
preparation starting their freshman year. Those who will
be sophomores or juniors next year will take part in a
one year preparation, and from then on will implement a
two year preparation with the Rite of Confrmation taking
place the fall of their junior year. This will be more
intentional, creating opportunities for a transforming
experience, and helping them learn what it means to be
a part of a greater community, which is the church.
Please check out our website to see what
these revisions are in more detail, or pick up a faith
formation brochure which will highlight the key aspects
of our Ministries.
Thank you and please keep us in your prayers as we reach
out to grow and develop our young church into disciples!
by Gabrielle Laske
Faith Formation
A Ladder Confrmation
Im a senior at New Berlin Eisenhower High School.
Four years ago my family began transferring parishes. The
change was gradual, but by freshman year, I had been
at a new school for two years, was starting a new Faith
Formation program, and had allowed my mom to talk me
into joining the Holy Apostles adult choir even though
there was not really anyone my age in it at the time. I saw
numerous changes start to unfold: Father Dons arrival,
the coming and going of Father Chuck, the development
of our relationship with La Sagrada Familia as our sister
parish, Fr. Joe Andersens fftieth anniversary as a priest,
and the arrival of Father Arul. What I had not counted on
is the change that took place in me.
I came into the program as a middle school girl who was
mainly a believer because her parents were. In short, be-
cause she felt she had to be. She knew why her faith was
important, but didnt feel very connected to it, and she
didnt feel like she was growing in it. I started to open up
once I was placed in a small group at Holy Apostles. I had
fnally found accepting people and people who were lit
with the light of Christ and not just bent on whipping the
young people up into Catholic shape. But my peers and
I struggled to connect sometimes because not everyone
was ready to start speaking out in a small group. Little by
little, each year, as we all got comfortable with each other,
that began to change as well.
Confrmation was a great year of growth for me, and I also
witnessed the growth of many others. For one of the frst
times in a long time, religious education seemed to have a
point or an end goal: I was going to be an adult member
of the church, on my own, because I wanted to be and not
because my parents were forcing me. I had two wonder-
ful catechists and a peer minister who showed me what it
was like to love Jesus in your own way. I was fnally allowed
to practice in my own way while sharing that practice with
others. Out of all of my years, either in a Catholic grade
school or in Faith Formation, this was the year that really
made me thirst for a deeper connection with Christ.
I came out of Confrmation a new person, strengthened
by the Spirit, and yet again changes were taking place in
Holy Apostles Youth Ministry. This year, I was on the adult
side. I decided that I wanted to peer minister to share my
experiences with the next group of confrmants in hope
that it would inspire them the way I had been inspired. The
seniors also decided to start a youth group, which today,
you may hear referred to as YAIA or Young Apostles in
Action with the goal of staying involved in the church and
community and deepening our faith post-Confrmation.
This group has taught me what it is to live my faith once
you are past the classroom education. Each day I get to
learn how to be a disciple in everyday life; I am now living
out what all of the classroom years prepared me for, step-
ping into the true work of Christs disciples.
A few months ago, Ben asked me and a few of the other
senior youth group members to attend a meeting that
talks about the future of Holy Apostles Parish and its Faith
continued on next page
Faith formation registration is now open! Register early for best rate! or call Faith Formation offce at 262-786-2035
Who wouldnt want to explore a Caribbean island, with
its glittering turquoise waters, warm white sands and cool
ocean breezes? Visitors to SonTreasure Island are wel-
comed by the scent of exotic fowers, the taste of tropical
fruits and the captivating sound of island music. But this is
no ordinary tropical escape! There is treasure to be found
here. More precious than gold, more lasting than dia-
monds, it is the greatest treasure of allGods love! The
Catholic Christian life begins with Gods love for us and
continues as His love fows through us to others.
At SonTreasure Island, your treasure seekers will play island
games, create colorful crafts and enjoy tropical snacks. But
more importantly, they will discover the rich treasure of
Gods love through the truths found in 1 Corinthians 13.
Each day your children will learn how Jesus life illustrates
one of fve key truths about Gods love as described in this
July 21st-July 25th
Formation. I agreed because I felt like I had been given
an opportunity to make my mark on our church and on
something that I very deeply believe in. The team discussed
all of the things that are working well for Holy Apostles,
making it a wonderful parish and community, and the things
that we could improve on. The number one priority was
the formation of young Disciples of Christ. We agreed on
the necessity of fuidity between all levels of Faith Forma-
tion, and that each grade should have a little bit of every-
thing: sacramental life, prayer life, the Bible and Catholic
social teaching. In this new approach, the students are con-
stantly on a direct path to Confrmation, to becoming fully-
formed Disciples of Christ, ready to stand on their own
two feet; instead of passing through a variety of years spent
dealing in important aspects of the faith, but none that con-
nect or directly lead to Confrmation. This year, a curriculum
set in videos will also be introduced. Having been one of
the teenagers in the test trial, I found them to be not only
engaging, but relevant to my life as a teenage Catholic. The
variety of the new system will not only provide a great
basis to build a well-rounded disciple upon, but will engage
the students in learning that it is relatable to their lives.
I am not only very proud of the work that has been
done to continue improving our Faith Formation pro-
gram for our youngest brothers and sisters, but I am also
very excited to be implementing these changes. As I sat
at the last meeting and heard the way the curriculum
was changing, I thought to myself, Thats it! Thats what I
want! Someone fnally understood the type of program I
had wanted to be in when I was looking for developmen-
tal guidance in my faith and is now putting it into action. I
leave you with this: think of our new Faith Formation cur-
riculum as a ladder. It starts at birth, here on earth, and
extends all the way up to heaven. A ffth of the way up
the ladder there is a landing called Confrmation. Our ob-
jective is to climb that ladder, building disciples who reach
that landing and say, I want to keep going. Not because
Mom and Dad want me to and are making me go, but
because I want to follow and know Jesus in my own faith.
They then incorporate the experience of Confrmation
into their everyday lives and carry it with them as they
keep climbing that ladder as adult Disciples of Christ with
the super objective of climbing it all the way to Heaven.
Faith Formation A Ladder Confrmation continued
treasured passage of Scripture. They will learn that because
Gods Love Is Giving, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to show
His love to us. They will learn that Jesus helped a young girl
and a sick woman because Gods Love Is Kind. Through
Jesus compassion for a Samaritan woman, they will learn
that Gods Love Is Caring. Jesus friendship with the tax
collector Zacchaeus will show them that Gods Love Is
Forgiving. Finally, your children will discover that through Je-
sus death and resurrection, we can know that Gods Love
Is Forever. (adapted from Gospel Light VBS)
Vacation Bible School
Registration is now open!
Visit Space is limited!
We need volunteers in all areas!
Please consider sharing your talents! Please contact
Teresa Tobin 262-754-0157 or
We have a running club at Holy Apostles School
known as Run For Faith. The clubs purpose was to
prepare students to build a stronger spiritual life and a
healthy physical life. In order to make this happen the
running club would spend an hour twice a week in
the fall. The frst thirty minutes is dedicated to learning
the scripture by reading Bible passages, parables, and
watching inspiring videos that pertained to exercising.
We also have bible quizzes and
discussion groups as part of this
learning. The second segment is
dedicated to running two miles.
This Run For Faith club also
opened the door and welcomed
walkers who could not run but
walk. Fifty- two middle school
students took part in Run For Faith this school year.
They had a great time getting to know each other
better as well as learning more about their faith and
physical exercise.
When the winter weather got the best of us, we re-
mained indoors and that gave us several opportunities
to taste some Zumba. The students absolutely enjoyed
the Zumba classes that were taught. The club also had
two guest speakers come in during the winter months.
Dr. Evans from Evans Chiropractor gave a presenta-
tion on keeping their physical body healthy. The other
speaker was the Vicar of the Archdiocese, the Rev-
erend Pat Heppe, who talked to the students on the
importance of keeping their spiritual body healthy. The
students actively participated and enjoyed these talks.
Here are some of the highlights of our clubs activities
during this school year: the club participated in the
walk/run for Soles for Education; at Christmas time they
ran down to Regency Manor and delivered Christmas
gifts and sang Christmas carols for the residents. The
club also participated in three
feld trips. One was a tour of the
Seminary which included bowl-
ing and basketball and a pizza
dinner. They got a good taste of
the great history of the seminary
from the tour. The second was
running up to the Marcus Theater
to see the movie Son of God. This movie depicted the
life of Jesus in a way that the children could understand
and relate with the Gospels. The third was Stations of
the Cross which took place in the parish cemetery
and then a bus ride over to Helium Trampoline Park
and fnishing off at Holy Apostles to share in the parish
fsh fry dinner with families. We concluded this years
activities with a 5K or half marathon run in Waukesha.
This club has been steadily growing and there is a lot
of interest among the students to be part of the club.
This club has helped us develop a vision and the vision
is making disciples and helping them grow in their faith.
This vision has become the heart of the mission of this
club. All are welcome is our slogan.
by Fr. Arul Ponnaiyan and Pam Scaffdi (Math teacher)
This club has helped us develop
a vision and the vision is making
disciples and helping them grow
in their faith.
Run For Faith Club
The New Member Welcoming Ministry at Holy Apostles
invites new parish members and anyone interested in
meeting new members to a New Member Welcome
Spaghetti Dinner on September 27th, 2014 after the
4:30pm Mass. Any members that have joined since
January of 2014 will receive an invitation, but everyone
is welcome. Our frst ever dinner in January was a great
success and we are hoping more people will come to
help us welcome our new members.
Welcome New Members!
More information will be coming in the fall. If you
want more information or want to become involved
in the ministry, please contact Lorna Bickelhaupt at
414-427-8945 or e-mail
by Mary Jo Gottschalk
On May 2nd, Holy Apostles students celebrated their
10th annual High Interest Day. This is one of the most
anticipated days of the year! Its a wonderful opportunity
for school, parish and community members to come
together and share their talent with our students. We had
over 130 people involved to make this fun flled day a
tremendous success.
This year there were 50 different classes offered to our
students. With so many options in the areas of athletics,
science, and arts & crafts, there is something for every-
one. Some of the favorites were rock wall climbing, spray
paint t-shirts, ultimate frisbee, wheelchair basketball with
the Wisconsin Thunder, and cake/cookie decorating. We
are fortunate that many high school
High Interest Day at Holy Apostles
students from DSHA, Marquette, Pius, and CMH
come back each year to teach the students sports like
Rugby and football. The children learned new skills, made
beautiful gifts and had a blast.
We are blessed at Holy Apostles to have so many won-
derful people willing to share their day with us. We usually
hear that the volunteers end up having almost as much
fun as the kids! If you want to see more great pictures
from our day, visit us on Facebook. Once you experience
the energy and excitement of High Interest Day, youll be
hooked too.
by Jeffrey Honor
Did you know we have a group of singers who regularly
sing for funerals? For every Funeral Mass at Holy Apostles
a group of volunteer singers come to help comfort and
lead sung prayer. This ministry often gives voice when the
families cannot. Did you realize that we have up to 60+
funerals a year?
That means a wide portion of our parish that grieves is
comforted by this ministry. Music can sometimes speak
with words of faith in a manner that is uplifting, encour-
aging and helpful to us as we share this journey. Please
consider inviting a singer to join this most active choir
(consider that 60+ times gives more opportunities than
there are Sundays in a calendar year!).
We send out an email letting you know of the
date and time and ask, if you are able, to come
30 minutes beforehand to rehearse. You only
come to as many as you are able. If you are
unable to come, simply delete the message and
pray for the deceased and the ministers.
If you can match pitch, and have a desire
to help comfort and lead sung prayer
please consider joining us. Even if youve never
sung in an organized choir we can teach you how
come check us out.
Contact Jeffrey Honor, our Director of Music
Ministry for more details at
Its not how much we give but
how much love we put into giving.
Mother Teresa
Good Deeds
Earning the Girl Scout Silver Award
by Mary Frances Smith
The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a
Girl Scout Cadette can earn and represents a girls
accomplishments in Girl Scouting and her community as
she grows and works to improve her life and the lives
of others. Four Cadettes from Holy Apostles Troop 2114
are to be recognized for earning this award. They are:
Olivia Bickelhaupt, Caitlyn Pasbrig, Bailey Sandahl,
and Audra Smith.
These Cadettes earned their Silver Award by complet-
ing several requirements. They chose to work in part-
nership with Holy Apostles Elizabeth Ministry during
the past two years. They assisted Elizabeth Ministry
by making homemade gifts such as breads, cards, boo
boo bunnies, and feece blankets. The homemade gifts
were given to families who have experienced a birth,
adoption, or loss of a child. Another way they assisted
the Elizabeth Ministry was providing services they
needed in the nursery such as cleaning the toys and
babysitting. Each Cadette completed a minimum of 50
hours of service to earn their Silver Award.
The service work that these Cadettes started will be
continued by the younger Girl Scouts of Holy Apostles.
The younger girls will learn the importance of help-
ing others through their service to Elizabeth Ministry.
The service work will be performed at all-school Girl
Scout events.
The Cadettes will also be donating a Jesus With The
Children picture for the Holy Apostles Nursery. These
girls are leaving a lasting legacy to Holy Apostles
which represents the accomplishment of earning their
Silver Award.
Citizen of the Year
A great honor has been given to one of our
parishioners, Marion Onesti, who was recently
presented with the 2014 Citizen of the Year Award
by New Berlin Mayor Dave Ament.
Marion has been a passionate advocate of the
New Berlin Public Library for many years. She has
been very active with the NB Public Library hav-
ing served as President of the NB Friends of the
library. Under her leadership, the Friends of NBPL
has grown to be a grassroots organization of 250
members. She has given over 400 volunteer hours
to support the library in a variety of ways and also
served on the Citys Library Board for twelve years.
She has also represented the citizens of NB as a
Trustee on Waukesha County Federated Library
System Board of Directors.
Congratulations Marion!
No Good Deed
Is Too Small To Mention.
All you need to do is e-mail
Kim Burge at
Help us spread the word of how
Holy Apostles Parish is answering
Gods call to do good deeds.
Good Deeds
by Sally Langer
After seeing the fre destruction of St. Lawrence Seminary Schools music
room on the news, I showed my 4th grade son, Glenn, the news story.
Glenn took note of the fact that the instruments were destroyed.
Playing trumpet for the Holy Apostles fabulous music program, under
the direction of Connie Fellows, this news resonated with Glenn.
He showed great concern for the students who now didnt have
instruments for their upcoming concert. I suggested that we could
donate to the school as a family. That sentence kicked off the
brainstorming! He decided that he should do a Lenten Project to
help complete his Lenten Chart that his teacher, Mr. Buelow, had the
4th grade class doing. We kicked around a few ideas and a plan was
formed. Glenn decided that when practiced his trumpet, his family would
donate money per minute when he practiced to St. Lawrence. It was then
decided that we would send an email to the music program and see if
others would be interested in the Lenten Project.
The email certainly generated interest. All those who participated raised
$350 for St. Lawrence!!! Thats a lot of practicing!!! I cant be more proud
of my son and those who participated for their efforts in contributing to
a school that went through such a devastating event.
National Prayers for Life Award One of our younger parishioners, Julie Else is a student
at Catholic Memorial HS. She recently received a major
recognition, National Prayers for Life Award from Sports Faith
International and is also their High School Female
Athlete of the Year.
The award presentation was especially poignant as it was
given to her by her father, David, who had just returned from
serving in Afghanistan - unbeknownst to Julie!
Please check out the video on Sports Faith Internationals
YouTube Channel ( and click on
the video National Prayers for Life Award Recipient: Home-
town Hero 2014 Athlete of the Year to view Julies impressive
story and acceptance of the award.
Congratulations Julie!
N o n - P r o f i t O r g
U . S . P o s t a g e
P e r m i t N o . 2 2
N e w B e r l i n , W I
1 6 0 0 0 W e s t N a t i o n a l A v e n u e
N e w B e r l i n , W I 5 3 1 5 1 - 5 5 9 9
Dates To Remember
2014 Family Festival
Friday, June 20: HA Fish Fry
Entertainment by Stray Voltage
New rummage presale, games, crafts, bake sale,
rides, bingo and more!!
Saturday, June 21: Angelinas Lasagna Dinner
Entertainment by Rebel Grace
Lionel Railroad Club display, rummage, crafts
and bake sale and more!!
Sunday, June 22: Outdoor mass at 11:15am (weather permitting)
Rupenas Chicken Dinner and Bloody Mary Bar
Entertainment by Mr. Lucky
Cash and prize raffe drawings, bingo, crafts,
bake sale, games, and more!!
Friday 5-10:30 pm
Saturday 3-10:30 pm
Sunday 12:15-6:30 pm

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