Civilization Book

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Nick Cook
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
The harshly cold weather of the high-
lands is quite a difcult place to live in be-
cause of the extreme temperatures and
lack of water sources. There are tufts of
grass littered all around the vast plains
leading up to the mountains. You can
hear the constant moo of the cows, whos
smell is not very pleasant. Every once in
The land in the picture above is the newly founded civilization of Dimbleville.
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
awhile the moist snow lled air will drift
over from the mountains and chill your
bones. There are no remains of a tree in
sight, all that is visible to the naked eye is
mountains, cows, snow, and a large mass
of plains. The soft ground feels like a cush-
ion from all of the padding of the damp
grass. Over the rolling hills comes the
Mountains covered with white snow bit-
ter to the touch. The snow mostly inhab-
its the bottom of the mountain, The top
not yet discovered by the Dimbleman is
covered with jagged rocks making it look
dangerous. The color of the mountains is
like jet-black mixed with an ivory making
for a beautiful sight. The sun is hidden be-
hind the mountain blocking out warmth
to the valley. The sky is a color like a daf-
fodil and an orange got mashed together.
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
People are children of their environment

-Shinichi Suziki
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
Part I Analysis of
The Problem
The rst
step in building a successful civilization
is to secure basic human needs such as
food and water. Due to its geography, the
Human Changes To The Land
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
major challenge the civilization of Dim-
bleville faces is achieving a basic food
and water supply
1.Getting water in an environment like
the Dimbleman's is quite a hard task.
There are no major water sources in the
surrounding areas. Not having a stable
water source causes work for the Dim-
bleman such as having to dig down into
the ground to get water, which still
needed to be cleaned so that they
wouldn't get sick. If the Dimbleman
don't x this problem they could be
wasting their time digging in the
frigidly cold weather when they could
be making tools or doing other things
that the civilization needs. A major prob-
lem if this goes unsolved will be dehy-
dration, dehydration can lead to nau-
sea, light headedness and even death.
2. A big problem for getting food is be-
ing able to catch and domesticate the ani-
mals in the environment. The Dimbleman
would need to domesticate the animals
and have them reproduce so that they
would never have to worry about where
the food is coming from because they will
have a ton of cows. The Dimbleman
would have to regulate how many cows
they have or else the cows might over
populate. They would need a place also
to store the cows somewhere where out-
side predators like wolves or mountain li-
ons cant get to them. Catching these
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
cows will be hard and domesticating
them will be harder. But if the Dimble-
man can domesticate them we will be
able to get milk from them and can make
cheese and other dairy items from it. If
these problems go unsolved it can lead to
starvation, which will end with death and
possibly the end of a civilization.
Part II Proposed Solutions
Adaptations are the changes done to peo-
ple and there environment to benet their
living and survival. Environmental modi-
cations are changes done to the land to
help your civilization survive. Adapta-
tions and Modications are crucial to cre-
ating a successful civilization, because
those things that you either change
within yourself or in the environment
will help you live in the worst of situa-
tions that will occur in your civilization.
1. Given that the Dimblemans live in
the highlands they could build an aque-
duct to collect rainwater from the moun-
tains so that they could have an alternate
way of getting water instead of having to
dig everyday to get water. These aque-
ducts would be similar to the ones of the
Aztecs to transport water throughout the
city. The city boasted other technological
marvels, like the aqueduct that carried
fresh water for irrigation(Frey 275).
These aqueducts were also good for wa-
tering crops. Having these aqueducts can
also help with growing crops because
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
they could be used to irrigate the plants
in the elds. The Surrounding areas look
very green meaning there must be a quite
Good amount of rainfall in our civiliza-
tions area. At the bottom of the aqueduct
would be a reservoir to collect all of the
water so that they could have a steady wa-
ter source in case of drought. These are
the steps that the Dimbleman need to
take to survive in their environment.
2. The Dimbleman would need a proper
place to store the animals like a pen but
there is no real trees to make it out of
wood. So we would have to make it out
of stone, which is similar to the Aztecs ,
but contrasts from the Mesopotamians be-
cause they used mud brick. So, Sumeri-
ans began to build strong walls around
their cities (Frey 38). If the Dimbleman
were to make their walls out of mud brick
they would most likely erode from rain-
fall and the animals would be let free. The
usage of stone brick would create a
stronger wall, and could also block out
any predators such as wolves and moun-
The roman aqueducts were very important to evryday life because it
helped to bring water throughout the entire
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
tain lions the surrounding areas. Al-
though this would be quite hard consider-
ing cows like to roam around so we
would have to make a very big pen for
them to move about. Needing to build a
pen big enough for them would create an-
other problem, which is being able to get
the resources from the mountains back to
the civilization. To catch the cows the
Dimbleman will have already made a pen
so that they could scare the cows into the
pen and then close the door. To domesti-
cate them they would have to feed them
and milk them so that the cows would be
familiarized with what the people were
doing so that it would start being accus-
tomed to there lifestyle. In Conclusion the
Dimbleman will need to do all of these
things to maintain a healthy civilization
that will hopefully last for years to come.
A visual reference to the pen that Dimbleman plan to make around the ani-
mals so they wont escape
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
The Peoples good is the highest law.
Law & Government
Roman Senate
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
Lessons Of Democracy
There are 3 big lessons to be learned
from Athens, Sparta and the Roman Re-
public. 1 Listen to the people. 2 Make all
laws equal. 3 Regulate how many people
get to be in the government and who
gets to be in the government.
Maintaining Civil Order
The Dimbleman Temple in-
spired by the US Supreme
The U.S supreme court was their vision in mind to create their
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
First thing to be learned is listening to
the people. Listening to the people is im-
portant because if you dont know what
the people want how are you going to
serve them in a way that suits there
needs. The *Oligarchs did this and they
were overthrown. The Oligarchs mostly
cared only for themselves which is why
the laws were mostly geared towards the
wealthy instead of most of the popula-
tion which was the poor. Since the oli-
garchs only cared for the wealthy they
would make laws that would make the
rich more rich and the poor more poor.
They would completely neglect the lower
class and thats why the people rebelled.
To make matters worse the oligarchs ig-
nored the needs of most people. (Frey
255) This quote shows that the govern-
ment of the civilization must listen to peo-
ple in order to maintain a successful civili-
zation. The Dimbleman government will
Roman oligarchs neglecting the poor plebians
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
be able to know the needs of the people
because there will be a wide range of
people allowed into the government. In-
cluding men and women high class and
low class. Having these different groups
will make sure that there will be a sam-
pling of each part of the civilization so
that everyones voice is heard. If the Dim-
bleman listen to the people of the civiliza-
tion there will be no reason for the citi-
zens to overthrow.
The second lesson is to make all laws
equal. If all laws are equal there will be
no reason to over throw the civilization.
Making laws equal and having there ef-
fect, effect everyone in a good way you
will have a very happy civilization. The Oli-
garchs laws only effected the small group
of wealthy people in a good way, when
most of the civilization is poor. They were
only pleasing the small percent of
wealthy people and didnt care about the
poor. They passed laws that the poor
did not like, Many of their laws pro-
tected and increased their own wealth.
(Frey 255) These two quotes show that
the oligarchs did not care about the
needs of the people and more about
themselves and the wealthy. All laws in
the Dimbleman civilization will be equal
To have a good civilization the Dimble-
man will have to make sure all laws equal.
The third lesson to be learned is to regu-
late how many people get to be in the
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
government and who gets to be in the
government. Having regulations to be in
the government is a good idea because
if you have to many people in the govern-
ment there wouldnt be very much discus-
sion. Its also a good idea because you
wouldnt want 18 year olds messing up
on important decisions that will affect the
entire community. I think that the govern-
ment should be chosen like this All citi-
zens 30 years of age or older were col-
lected, and 500 names were chosen.
(Frey 261) Except I would make it 200.
There should be 200 people instead of
500 people thinking of laws to reduce
confusion and more people will have
there voices heard. There will also be a
smaller council of 50 to debate the laws
that are thought up by the bigger coun-
cil. Having this smaller council they will
be able to have more in depth discus-
sions on the laws brought up by the 200
people. The age to be part of the govern-
ment should be 30 years old. 30 years
old should be age the age because they
have most of a life experience and know
whats going on in the community where
as 60 year olds have a full life experience
although they dont get out that much
causing them to not know that much
about whats going on in the community.
The 18 year olds have very little life expe-
rience and dont know what things affect
the civilization in a good or bad way. To
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
increase the number of voices heard in
the civilization women would be aloud to
speak in the government as well as men.
* A small group of wealthy men that
ruled a city state
Code Of Law
There are 5 major problems that can get
in the way of the Dimblemans civiliza-
tions success which are justice, property,
health and safety, family, and equality.
These laws that fall under these five cate-
gories will help to make this civilization
thrive. There needs to be these kinds of
laws because they are the main problems
in the civilization. Justice is important be-
cause if there is lying in court the wrong
people could end up in jail for things
they didnt do. Property is important be-
cause people shouldnt have their hard
earned money and items stolen. Health
and safety is important because villagers
should feel safe in there home and on
the streets. Equality is important because
everybody should be paid for the hard
work they do and there should be no
slaves. Family is very important because
you should feel safe in your home and
shouldnt be worried about being abused
in a place where youre supposed to be
loved and cared about. These are the five
major problems that need to be solved
to help the civilization thrive.
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
These Laws are similar to the ones of
King Hammurabi of Babylon. However
these las are not as brutal as the ones
that Hammurabi had created.

I. Justice- No Lying in court 10 years in
II. Property- No Stealing 10 years of
III. Health/Safety- No Weapons Unless
Used For Combat In War If caught using
weapons they will be confiscated and sen-
tenced to 7 years of prison
Hammurabis Code was writtne in stone similar
to the ten commandment and 12 a
Laws are posted all around the Dimbleman Temple
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
IV. Equality- No Slaves If workers are not
being paid workers will be assigned
to other jobs and the manager will be
sentenced to 5 years of prison
V. Family- If a family member has abused
you 3 or more times you will have the op-
tion to be free from the family and the
abuser will be sentenced to 5 years of
These laws will make this civilization
thrive because all of them will insure that
people are happy safe and be able to
support him or herself. Having severe
consequences for things like lying in
court, stealing, slave ownership, no weap-
ons and abuse will keep people from do-
ing these 5 huge problems. Hammurabi
had a system sort of like this where he
would find the major problems and than
make big consequences like losing a
body part to scare people away from do-
ing bad things. However the Dimbleman
civilizations laws will be more like the
twelve tables in the sense that they
would go to court to argue there case.
Having a no lying in court law will help
Equality for the slaves is
important because if they
arent paid the arent work-
ing for anything
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
the civilization thrive because if there is
no lying in court the right people will be
going to jail instead of random strangers
on the street. If someone was framed but
didnt actually do the crime there would
still be a criminal in the civilization and all
you did was send the wrong person to
jail, having the consequence being ten
years of prison would make the criminal
more willing to confess because of the
fact that hes already in trouble why
would he want to add another ten years
to his jail sentence. Having a no stealing
law will help a lot because people should
be able to spend there money and use
there things because they bought them
not the people who steal things for a liv-
ing. Having the consequence be 10 years
I think will help the people who are steal-
ing because if they need to steal other
peoples things to live they obviously
cant support themselves. But if there in
jail they would be taken care of at some
extent. No weapon law is very important
because you should feel safe in the town
that you live in. Consequence of this law
is 7 years plus confiscation of the weap-
ons. This consequence will reduce vio-
lence and raise safety levels. There
should be no slavery in the civilization of
Dimbleville because people should be
getting money for the work that they do.
People who get paid for work dont work
nearly as hard as the slaves do and that
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
should be changed everybody should be
paid for their hard work. The conse-
quence is if workers are not being paid
workers will be assigned to other jobs
and the manager will be sentenced to 5
years of prison. Abuse in a home environ-
ment by a family member should not be
allowed. If you are abused by a family
member 3 or more times you will have
the option to be free from the family and
the abuser will be sentenced to 5 years
of prison. Having the right to leave the
family is important because why would
you want to stay in a place where you
were getting hurt by the people you care
about. These laws will make this civiliza-
tion thrive.
Political Leadership
There are many things to be learned by
the Dimbleman from Julius Caesarss
reign as a dictator some good some bad.
In this essay Ill be explaining both good
and bad things that he did to the
civilization.The main things to be learned
from Julius Caesars reign is to make peo-
ple happy while also benefitting yourself
and listen to peoples needs.
Caesar was very successful at making peo-
ple happy while at the same time benefit-
ting himself. An example of this was
when he let foreign people become citi-
zens. The people were angry because
they didnt have the rights of a citizen. So
he gave them citizenship so they were
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
happy and because they were citizens he
could collect taxes from them and he
would be happy. He allowed people in
Sicily, Spain and Gaul become Roman
Citizens. Another time were he showed
this trait was when he gave land to the
soldiers who had fought for him in war.
He did this because if he protects his
best fighters by giving them a home and
a job they will be able to stay healthy and
possibly fight for him again in the future.
He also established Roman colonies by
giving land to landless peasants and sol-
diers who had with him. These two
quotes show the ways he would help peo-
ple and benefit himself at the same
time. Julius Caesar was the most success-
ful ruler yet at listening to the peoples
needs. He solved the problems that eve-
ryone had like unemployment, taxes, be-
ing bored, and not having land. He
solved these by starting projects on pu-
bic buildings and roads to help unemploy-
ment, he lowered taxes so that they
would be more fair, he staged gladia-
tor contest that could be watched for
Minecraft Representation Of A Roman Gladiator
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
so that people would not be bored, and
he gave land to the landless peasants
and soldiers. These things helped the
civilization thrive because people will be
more happy and will be more loyal to him
because they think hes doing it to be-
cause its a nice thing but it really benefits
him as much as it does them. Caesar
made a successful civilization by listening
to the peoples need and thats what the
Dimbleman will need to do to maintain a
successful civilization.
No that we have gone over the good
things lets talk about the not so good
Caesar didnt do all that much that was
bad except that he took away power
from the senate and had his name and
picture on statues and coins. Taking away
power from the senate was bad because
it made the senators not like him and
they ended up killing him. The senators
didnt like this because The aristocrats
of Rome and many Senators feared that if
Caesar's power continued, the republican
government would never be restored
and Caesar would hand down his leader-
ship to an heir. Putting his name and pic-
tures on the coins and having statues in
the temple was bad because he made it
look like he was a king when really he
was just a dictator. Coins circulate
through trade so most of the world thinks
that hes a super amazing king but really
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
hes just a dictator. He had his name
stamped on coins, had his statue put in
the temple and wore royal purple. He
took power from the Senate and made
the magistrates (civil officers and judges)
his appointees. These are some of the
things the Dimbleman will try to avoid do-
ing because it doesnt make for a success-
ful civilization.
Both Julius and Augustus Caesar were
very successful leaders, they were suc-
cessful leaders because they, (1) Making
people happy while also benefitting your
self and (2) Listening to the people. An
example of this was when he let foreign
people become citizens. The people
were angry because they didnt have the
rights of a citizen. So he gave them citi-
zenship so they were happy and because
they were citizens he could collect taxes
from them and he would be happy. He
allowed people in Sicily, Spain and Gaul
become Roman Citizens. Another time
were he showed this trait was when he
gave land to the soldiers who had fought
for him in war. He did this because if he
protects his best fighters by giving them
a home and a job they will be able to
stay healthy and possibly fight for him
again in the future. He also established
Roman colonies by giving land to
landless peasants and soldiers who had
with him. These two quotes show the
ways he would help people and benefit
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
himself at the same time. He listened to
the peoples main needs and did things
that would help him also. Lets say peo-
ple needed jobs and he needed a new
road for traders, he could just make jobs
for thousands of people and he also gets
a new road. He solved many other prob-
lems that everyone had like unemploy-
ment, taxes, being bored, and not having
land. He solved these by starting pro-
jects on public buildings and roads to
help unemployment, he lowered taxes
so that they would be more fair, he
staged gladiator contest that could be
watched for free so that people would
not be bored, and he gave land to the
landless peasants and soldiers. These
things helped the civilization thrive be-
cause people will be more happy and will
be more loyal to him because they think
hes doing it to because its a nice thing
but it really benefits him as much as it
does them. They were both succeeded in
the 1-2 most important things brought
up in the topic sentence and thats how
they created a successful civilization.
No that we have gone over the good
things lets talk about the not so good
Although Julius and Augustus were suc-
cessful leaders they did some things that
people didnt like, like putting their face
on the coins, taking power away from the
senate, wearing royal purple, and making
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
unreasonable laws & taxes. Taking away
power from the senate was bad because
it made the senators not like Julius and
they ended up killing him. Augustus
learned from this however and made the
senate swear allegiance to him. Going
back to what I was saying before the sena-
tors didnt like when Julius took their
power away The aristocrats of Rome
and many Senators feared that if Caesar's
power continued, the republican govern-
ment would never be restored and Cae-
sar would hand down his leadership to an
heir. Putting his name and pictures on
the coins and having statues in the tem-
ple was bad because he made it look like
he was a king when really he was just a
dictator. Coins circulate through trade so
most of the world thinks that hes a super
amazing king but really hes just a dicta-
tor. He had his name stamped on coins,
had his statue put in the temple and
wore royal purple. He took power from
the Senate and made the magistrates
(civil officers and judges) his appointees.
Augustus made some laws that made
people not like him as much. He made
unmarried and childless couples not able
to do things like inherit money or land
and sometimes had to pay extra taxes.
There was a catch to these laws though
the more children you had the less
amount of taxes you had to pay. Unmar-
ried adults and childless married couples
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
lost the right to inherit money and prop-
erty. This law is unfair because people
may not want to have children or maybe
even dont have the ability to have chil-
dren. Its not right to punish people for
not doing something they cant do. The
politicians of Dimbleville will have to
learn from these mistakes to create a suc-
cessful civilization.
For the Dimbleman to make a successful
civilization they must follow the steps of
Augustus and Julius. The Dimbleman will
have to do things like create more aque-
ducts, add police and fire departments
and make a library to make a more suc-
cessful civilization. These things will make
for a more successful civilization because
these are the things that will make peo-
ple happy and will help keep people
more safe in the civilization. These are
the things that will make the Dimbleman
The Fall Of Western Rome
The main reason why Western Rome fell
apart was because of political corruption.
Political corruption in Rome made for an
unsuccessful civilization because the
elected leaders were not suitable for
their job. The emperor was determined
by who had the most money and that per-
son was most likely not qualified to be
emperor. According to the Decline of
the Roman Empire, Gradually, the Prae-
torian Guard gained complete authority
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
to choose the new emperor and in 186
C.E., the army began the practice of sell-
ing the throne to the highest bidder.
The Praetorian Guard chose these lead-
ers and 68% of the time would kill them
either because they were not qualified or
because they wanted more money from
another willing citizen.
These leaders would also be in office for
so little they didnt even have enough
time to create laws to affect the bad
things that were going on in the civiliza-
tion. Since emperors werent in place
long enough to make important laws, Im-
portant laws werent created and all of
the crime going on in the civilization was
all because the praetorian guard got
greedy and chose money over a qualified
leader. Like the oligarchs whos chose
money over the people. Some of these
leaders would throw lavish parties and
these parties were quite costly. All of the
money would go towards these parties in-
stead of important things such as creat-
ing newer technology, and fixing up and
The Praetorian Guard was in
charge of picking the new
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
adding new things like libraries or aque-
ducts. With there not being good leaders
the west slowly started to crumble. Politi-
cal corruption soon enough caused the
end of western Rome.
The Dimbleman will have to learn from
these major mistakes of Western Rome.
First of all the Dimbleman will have to
have a secure way of electing a leader.
Everyone in the civilization over the age
of 22 will be able to vote for the leader
and his/her co leader. This will be a sta-
ble way of voting because whoever is
elected they were elected because they
got the majority of the votes from the
people 22 and over. This will insure that
most of the people will like the leader
and he/she would also be a qualified
leader instead of a rich person who
wanted more power and authority. The
Government will have to ration the
amount of money going towards each as-
pect of the civilization. This will make the
civilization quite strong because every-
thing in their civilization will be equally as
strong like the army and architecture and
things like that. In Rome all the money
was going towards lavish parties instead
of the important things in life. Emperors
like Nero and Caligula became infamous
for wasting money on lavish parties
where guests ate and drank until they be-
came ill. To prevent This from happen-
ing the Dimbleman will also have a coun-
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
cil of people that will discuss if one as-
pect needs more money and for what rea-
son and they will debate if they really
need the money. So lets say they need a
new aqueduct the council will talk it over
and the infrastructure group will explain
why they need it. In conclusion these are
the things the Dimbleman will need to im-
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
As a [person] believes, so will the person act

-Sam Harris
Belief Systems
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
The people within the civilization
must be able to make correct moral deci-
sions in every day life, having a belief sys-
tem will teach them these moral values.
These moral values will teach people to
make the right decisions in many differ-
ent circumstances. If they make these
right decisions they will have a healthier
Figure 3.1 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur
Impact of Belief Systems
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
civilization because people will be help-
ing each other within and outside the city.
These moral values are similar to those of
Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism.
A belief system is important for a success-
ful civilization because it can make peo-
ple strive to make the right decisions and
be more trustworthy to others.
There are many ways to approach this
moral dilemma; however a Hindu
wouldnt brake into the store because
Hindus have very strong beliefs against
non-violence and karma.
Hindus believe very much in non-
violence and robbing a store is quite a vio-
lent act. Breaking into the store would be
bad for their karma which would punish
them in the next life, Hindus believe that
everything you do in this life will impact
your next life and if they broke into the
store there next life would be full of suffer-
ing. Frey 149 states that Souls were re-
warded or punished for the good and evil
they had done. This quote backs up the
fact that they wouldnt break in because
they would not want to be punished in
the next life. Hindus perspective at
karma really affects the major decisions
made by them. These beliefs that the
Hindus have makes them strive to make
correct moral decisions. Hindus
Karma is the belief that states
what goes around come
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
wouldnt break into the store because of
there strong belief in non-violence and
Confucianist have a strong belief in a
peaceful society and respect and this
would heavily weight their decision.
Heinz would not steal the drug because
like the Hindus, Confucianists believe in
a peaceful society and if they were to
steal it would disrupt their society. Confu-
cianists also believe in setting an exam-
ple for those younger than you. So if a kid
were to see him steal he would think its
all right because he respects him as an
elder and will take after him. Frey 209
states, Those with authority, such as rul-
ers, fathers, husbands, and older siblings,
must set a good example. This quote
shows that he must set a good example
because he is older than others and is also
a husband. Setting a good example for
others will make a person more trustwor-
thy to others because, if they learned
from someone before they will know the
right way to showcase it to be learned by
others. Therefore he must set a good ex-
ample to those younger and not steal
from the store.
A belief system is
important to a
civilization so that
the citizens can
make the right
The Hindus and Buddhist
were good at making laws to
prevent stealing
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
decisions and be trusting to others.
Hindus would not steal the drug because
they believe in non-violence and karma.
A Concianist wouldnt steal because
they believe in a peaceful society and set-
ting a good example. With the help of a
belief system all people within the civiliza-
tion will cooperate and everybody will be
Belief System Of Dimbleville
In an effort to create a successful civili-
zation the people of Dimbleville have es-
tablished their own belief system. it
shares similar religious beliefs and teach-
ings with other world religions and helps
the people of Dimbleville strive to make
correct moral decisions and to be more
trustworthy to others. Here are some ex-
As a part of this new belief system the
Dimbleman have created specic actions
to bring them closer to their god an exam-
ple of this would be Tigrashion. Tigrash-
ion is an annual ceremony in which all
citizens must take a lie detector test.
They put this in act to make people more
trustworthy to others on a daily basis.
Trustworthiness is key point
in a civilizations success
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
The third pillar of the Eightfold Path
states Right Speech- Avoid Lying gossip
and swearing. Use kind words. Frey
(159). Also if they are to answer incor-
rectly that citizen and his family must fast
for 10 days this is similar to that of the Is-
lamic belief of Siyam. Siyam is the belief
that every ninth month of the Islamic cal-
endar (Ramadan) everybody must fast
from sunrise to sunset. Having there be a
consequence that doesnt only involve
you will have a very positive effect on the
way that the individual answers the ques-
tions. Every year Tigrashion will make
people more and more trustworthy,
which will in the end help create a suc-
cessful civilization. Tigrashion will con-
tinue to be practiced for its effectiveness
in getting people to tell the truth and help-
ing Dimblevilles citizens become closer
with God.
Another Action the Dimbleman cre-
ated is called Viseo, Viseo was put into
place to help people cope with their fears.
All citizens must take a survey to see
what their fears are. The Dimbleman gov-
ernment will take this information and
make simulations according to their fears.
They will later be put into the simulated
situation of the fear that they had written
down before.
This is an
example of
a scary
might be
put into
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
This will help people become stronger
mentally and will help them strive to
make correct moral decisions in crucial
moments. This sort of action relates to
that of Jihad the Islamic belief of struggle
to overcome difculties. Jihad repre-
sents the human struggle to overcome dif-
culties and do things that would be
pleasing to God Frey (101). If the citizens
of Dimbleville can overcome their great-
est fears it will be easier for them to con-
quer their Jihad and please God all the
while. Viseo will continue to help people
become more brave help conquer their Ji-
had and help them make correct moral de-
cisions. Viseo is a very effective way of
keeping helping people cope with their
fears and conquering their Jihad.
To make sure that Dimbleman dont
stray away from their belief in God they
must have spiritual discipline. To ensure
spiritual discipline all Dimbleman must
pray 3 times a day in the morning, atmid
day and at night. Spiritual Discipline
helps people grow a relationship with
God this process is called Disipeo. The
Dimbleman believe that with God any-
thing is possible this causes them to strive
to do their best because they know they
can do it if they keep trying. This belief of
spiritual discipline is similar to that of
Salat From the Islamic belief. Through-
out Muslim communities, people are
called to prayer ve times a day at dawn,
noon, mid day, sunset, and after night-
fall. Frey (97). Praying 3 times a day is
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
much more do able for the average citizen
rather than 5 times like the Muslims. This
will draw more appeal to their religion be-
cause they wont have to go to much out
of their way to worship and pray to their
God. Disipeo Will continue to be one of
the most benecial way to create and
maintain a relationship with God. -
Role Of The Catholic Church
After the collapse Of Western Rome in
476 C.E. the Catholic Church gained more
political and economic power. An exam-
ple of their economic power was that they
were the largest landowners in all of East-
ern Europe. Since they own the largest
amount of land, it means they had a lot of
churches around Eastern Europe to
spread their religion. It is very expensive
to maintain so much land so they made
tax called a tithe. A tithe is a tax similar to
that of zakat from the Islamic belief. The
tithe makes up of 1/10 of ones wealth.
This money gave the church enough
money to not only maintain the churches
but also to buy more land to keep spread-
ing their religion. The medieval church
added to its wealth by collecting a tithe,
Worship Hall
Interactive 3.1 The Dimbleman Church
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
or tax. Each person was expected to give
one tenth of his money, produce, or labor
to help support the church Frey (33). The
pope also gained more political power be-
cause they have to approve all decisions
made by the king, making the pope just
as powerful or even more powerful than
the king. The pope had also at one point
excommunicated the king (Henry IV) . Ex-
communicated means that pope took
away the kings salvation and right to go
to heaven.
These were some of the ways that repre-
sent the catholic churches power.
The Catholic Church inuenced peoples
thoughts in many ways but the most inu-
ential way in which they were inuenced
was the crusades. The crusades were very
inuential in medieval times because
Pope Urban promised everybody that
fought in the crusades would gain
salvation. This made all citizens want to
ght because they knew if they died they
would get a free passage to heaven. All
who die by the way, whether by land or
by sea, or in battle against the pagans,
shall have immediate (cancellation) of
Sins Stated by Two sides in a Crusade/
Invasion. Dying in battle must have been
The person to the
right is King Henry
IV standing outside
the church in the
winter trying to gain
back his salvation.
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
a better death than having your skull split
inside the civilization by the barbarians
because over the very many years of ran-
dom crusades they had a lot of soldiers
ghting for them. The inuence of salva-
tion is so strong that people will risk their
life to gain it. The crusades had the great-
est incluence on the people of what used
to be western Europe .
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.
-John F. Kennedy
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
Art during the renaissance was com-
pletely changed from medieval times be-
cause of the humanist mindset. Human-
ists believe that everybody can achieve
greatness as an individual and not
through god. Humanists also believed in
questioning everything and thinking dif-
ferently than others. Since humanists
were thinking differently they were able
to enhance their techniques in art and
Power of Ideas
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
many other aspects. In art painters
started to add more emotion, depth, and
perspective into their paintings compared
to medieval times when paintings were
at and everybodys expression was the
same. Patrons like the Medicis created
opportunities for talented painters, who
made advances in style and technique,
(Frey 326). The Medici family was very
important in the growth of renaissance
art because they housed artist and pro-
vided with them materials to continue cre-
ating their art. Since the artists were pro-
vided with a home all they had to worry
about was their art because they didn't
have to work to pay for a house. This al-
lowed artist to expand their mindset on
new art techniques. With the help of the
humanist mindset art was able to grow
and improve by incorporating new tech-
During the renaissance the Catholic
Church started to lose interest so it did
some questionable things to try to gain
back popularity. Some of these things in-
cluded selling indulgences and had peo-
ple have to pay to see holy gures. They
were asking people to pay money to go
see spiritual objects inside the church and
people didnt believe in the faith enough
anymore to pay to go see the objects. The
church was also selling indulgences, in-
dulgences were things you could buy that
would cancel out you, your family, and
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
friends sins giving them salvation. He
sent out preachers around Europe to sell
indulgences. Buyers were promised par-
dons of all their sins and those of their
family and friends, (FREY 352). This
showed that the church was weak be-
cause they werent following the Ten
Commandments that they were telling
citizens to follow. However not all of
these ideas were bad. A man named
Martin Luther believed that salvation
could not be earned and that salvation
could only be gained as a gift from god.

Luther started to right down more of his
ideas and put them onto pamphlets,
which he would hand out. The informa-
tion on these pamphlets got people ex-
This is a portrait of martin luther father of lutheranism.
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
cited about his ideas this causing the
church to get very angry at him. The
church didnt like the way that Luther
was thinking so to solve the problem they
excommunicated him from the church
and started to burn his pamphlets. Luther
went into hiding fearing that the church
was coming to kill him. He decided that
with his ideas he should create a new
church system. Lutheranism had the bi-
ble, hymns, and the mass translated into
the native language (in his case German),
which helped people be able to better un-
derstand the religion. Since the bible was
written in German people were able to
hear the word of god without having to
go to church, before the bible was only
written in Latin, which was only under-
stood by preachers. People could then
have more time to do things instead of
having to go to church because they
could simply read the bible at home. The
Catholic Church lost its power from do-
ing these questionable things, and as a re-
sult, Martin Luther learned from their mis-
takes and made a better church.
If humanists were present in my civiliza-
tion they would probably try to challenge
the ruling on who gets to be in the govern-
ment. In Dimbleville the ofcial age to be
in the government is 30 years old. The
Dimbleman originally made this the age
because people at the age of 30 have expe-
rienced many important lessons in the
civilization and still are in touch with
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
new innovation, where as someone who
is 18 could only have experienced newer
problems. If a citizen has a humanist idea
the council of 50 in the Dimbleman will
consider the idea. No ideas will be
wasted. Ideas can lead to innovation
which could increase popularity in Dim-
bleville and make the civilization grow as
a whole. Trade would grow population
would grow and possibly the religion if
people decide to attend a service in sa-
cred space. This will help create a more
successful civilization because with some
of the good ideas Dimbleville will have
more efcient ways of doing everyday
tasks whether is transporting water or cre-
ating art. Humanists and their ideas will
be very important in the growth of Dim-
In Dimbleville there arent very many
unique art innovations that stand out so if
they could obtain anyone from the renais-
sance they would choose Leonardo Da
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
Da Vinci would make a good acquire-
ment to Dimbleville because his intricate
paintings could attract many new people
that could come and observe his works in
Dimbleville. With the attraction to his
paintings people will come and see his
paintings in the market place where ideas
could be spread and dimbleman can cre-
ate new things based on these ideas..
Along with his skill of painting he would
bring his humanist mindset which could
be passed on and cause all people in the
civilization to think differently. Now that
everyone thinks differently new innova-
tion can occur and Dimbleville can ad-
vance as a civilization. He was an ac-
complished painter, sculptor, architect, en-
gineer and inventor, (FREY 344). This
Shadowing And Depth
Facial Expressions
Interactive 4.1 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9
quote shows the talent that Da Vinci
could bring to Dimbleville. Da Vinci was
not only a skilled painter he was also an
inventor. He was able to draw out his
ideas and actually have the ability to
carry out his thought and build his
thoughts. Da Vinci has so many different
skills in so many different aspects making
him a perfect attribute to Dimbleville.
With the help of Da Vinci Dimbleville will
continue to advance as a civilization.
Cook, Nicholas Monday, June 2, 2014 1:05:40 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e3:d9

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