Ross Final Ibook

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Ross Crumrine
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. - W. Edwards Deming
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
The desert is burning hot. It is summer
and the heart is unbearable. I smell like co-
conuts because I just got our lunch. As I
crawl to the river to get water, the sweat
is swimming down my face. Now that I
have nally gotten to the river, I rinse off
my face with the nice cool water. While I
drink a cup of water form our coconut
cups, I feel and taste the coolness on my
throat. I cant wait to eat my coconut for
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature's inexorable imperative. - H. G. Wells
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
If you want to have a good successful civi-
lization in the desert you want to have
food shelter, water and clothing. Due to
the basic food supply in Rosstopia it is
hard to nd water. In Rosstopia we have
to hunt for out food because the ground
is sand. In the summer it is hard to nd
water because it evaporates in the sum-
mer. The heat dries up most of the water.
We cannot grow crops because the
ground is just pure sand. So, we have to
hunt for our food. If there is no food we
have to move places or we could die. The
rst step in building a successful civiliza-
tion is to secure basic human needs such
as food and water and shelter. Due to its
geography, the major challenges the civili-
zation makes a basic food and water sup-
ply include the following.

For civilizations you will need to use irri-
gation canals to get water. To get new
cropland you will need to do the slash
and burn technique to get new land for
crops. You want to have at land if you
can so we can grow crops. You also want
to have shelter so if a sand storm comes
unexpectedly. In the desert you want to
be prepared for anything. In Rosstopia
we are going to change the land and dig
down to get dirt. Once we get dirt we will
grow crops and meanwhile we will hunt
and have beef for dinner every night in
Rosstopia. One crop that grown in the de-
sert is the cactus. We would use the fruit
that is produced from this plant to feed
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
our growing population. In the civiliza-
tion of the desert we will dig wells and
use aqueducts to transport water to our
cities. This strategy resembles the Arab
Nomads who dug wells and used aque-
ducts to transport their water.
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Law & Government
Good government is good politics. - Richard Daly
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Lessons on Democracy
One important lesion that people can
learn from democracy is, its a type of gov-
ernment that can be a form of govern-
ment in which people choose leaders.
Other ways is by voting in a country
ruled by democracy an organization or,
situation in which everyone is treated
equally and has equal rights. Other ways
of democracy is, a government in which
the supreme power is vested in the peo-
ple and exercised by them directly or indi-
rectly through a system of representation
usually involving periodically held free
elections. I think of a democracy as a bad
government because they are not very
powerful and anyone can vote. At the
end of the day all of the democracys suck
and I disagree with them.
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Code of Laws
If a person steals, they will get there
hand that they stole with cut off in front
off the town and everyone will watch to
see what not to do.

If a person litters on any other per-
sons property other then yours, they
will spend one month in a prison cell.
If a man has sex without the womans
permission or Rapes a women of any
age they will be killed.

You have to serve 8 years in the military
to be a ruler in Rosstopia.

You can only be a ruler for 12 years tops
but every 4 years you have to be ree-
lected if you want to stay as the ruler of
the city.
If a person is found making false state-
ments in court then they will get the
tong chopped off.
Each child should attend school until
the age of 18.

You cannot not have a child until you
are 21.
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
You cannot drink until you are 18.
If a person does not pay the taxes than
they will be put in jail for how long
they havent paid their taxes.
You cannot own a horse unless you
have a horse expert certify you and say
that you are eligible to have this property.
This law keeps citizens safe from being
If own an animal and do not take care
of it then you will be banished.
If you are caught with a slave then you
just became the slave to that slave.

If you have more than 4 kids you will
get your balls cut off.

Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Laws of Rosstopia

One of my laws is, if a person steals, they
will get there hand that they stole with
cut off in front off the town and everyone
will watch to see what not to do. I chose
this law because The Code of Hammurabi
and the Twelve tables have very strict
laws; I want my laws to be just as strict be-
cause I think that the strict laws make peo-
ple follow them because they do not want
the very harsh punishment. In Rosstopia
has the law an eye for an eye. So, if some-
one killed a person then they will be
killed as well. They will also be killed the
same way that the killed the other person.
My three most important laws are based
on keeping everyone safe and have a
good clean environment from everyone
to live in. What I learned from doing all
of this is that our laws in the California
are very similar be are different in there
own ways. Its kind of interesting how
everything matches up at the end of the
day. I think that I can relate from this be-
cause a lot of people probably have a gun
a taster or even a knife on them every
day. These rules help the government
know who has what and what their back-
ground is before that let the have a gun.
If a person steals, they will get there
hand that they stole with cut off in front
off the town and everyone will watch to
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
see what not to do.

If a person litters on any other per-
sons property other then yours, they
will spend one month in a prison cell.

If a man has sex without the womans
permission or Rapes a women of any
age they will be killed.

You have to serve 8 years in the mili-
tary to be a ruler in Rosstopia.

You can only be a ruler for 12 years
tops but every 4 years you have to be
reelected if you want to stay as the ruler
of the city.

If a person is found making false state-
ments in court then they will get the
tong chopped off.

Each child should attend school until
the age of 18

You cannot not have a child until you
are 21.

You cannot drink until you are 18.

If a person does not pay the taxes
than they will be put in jail for how
long they havent paid their taxes.

You cannot own a horse unless you
have a horse expert certify you and say
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
that you are eligible to have this prop-
erty. This law keeps citizens safe from
being hurt.

If own an animal and do not take care
of it then you will be banished.

If you are caught with a slave then
you just became the slave to that slave.

If you have more than 4 kids you will
be cut off.
Lessons from the Political Leadership of
Julius Caesar
Caesar's power was a big problem be-
cause he gave power to the pore people.
This was a huge problem because he was
taking power and money from the rich
and giving it to the pore. He gave work to
thousands of Romans by starting projects
to make new roads and public buildings.
To keep the poor happy, he staged
gladiator contests they could watch for
free. This states that Caesar does not
make the pore pay for many things and
he gives all of them a lot. He also put his
face on all of there money so that all of
his people would remember him.
Lessons from the Political Leadership of
Augustus Caesar
Caesar Augustus was a man that had a
lot of successes and few failures. He was
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
one of these people where many liked
him and what he stood for. For example,
when his people were almost out of water
in one of their aqueducts he had another
one built so that his people had water.
Augustus Caesar ruled for 41 years until
he died in 14 C.E. This shows his suc-
cesses Augustus ruled for 41 years If
you look at that, he ruled for almost three
fourths of his life. He was very successful
and got all of his people to like his so that
they would not turn on him. It seems that
he did a pretty good job. (At the end of
the day, he vas a very successes man that
had almost no amines.)
The Decline of the Western Roman
If Roger Smith were Hindu he would
want to help the boy because he would
want to become something better in his
next life, and he would have to have a
good karma for that to happen. If he did
not save the boy, he might come back as
something really low like a crippled man
or an insect. As a Hindu, he would have
to do the right thing to protect his
dharma. Hindus believed that the uni-
verse was fair, and thus that there was jus-
tice in everything, For Hindus, the law
of Karma meant that the universe was
just, or fair (Frey 149). This would lead
Roger to act in a way that helped the
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
drowning boy, because a good Hindu
would not harm others, and treating oth-
ers with kindness or fairness, would be
part of his Varna Dharma. By acting in
this way Roger Smith would be a good
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Systems of Beliefs
Belief creates the actual fact. - William James
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
If Roger Smith were Hindu he would
want to help the boy because he would
want to become something better in his
next life, and he would have to have a
good karma for that to happen. If he did
not save the boy, he might come back as
something really low like a crippled man
or an insect. As a Hindu, he would have
to do the right thing to protect his
dharma. Hindus believed that the uni-
verse was fair, and thus that there was jus-
tice in everything, For Hindus, the law
of Karma meant that the universe was
just, or fair (Frey 149). This would lead
Roger to act in a way that helped the
drowning boy, because a good Hindu
would not harm others, and treating oth-
ers with kindness or fairness, would be
part of his Varna Dharma. By acting in
this way Roger Smith would be a good
If Roger Smith were a Buddhist, he must
help the boy because he would want to be
ruled with peace. This would require him
to help the boy because one of there main
rules from The Eightfold Path is Right Ef-
fort, this action means that you have to
promote good actions and prevent evil ac-
tions. A Buddhist would want to end suf-
fering; so if Roger Smith were a Buddhist,
he would be required to save the boy to
end his suffering. This would be a big
step for him because it helps him towards
gaining enlightenment: to be ruled by
peace later on in his life. If Roger Smith
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
did not help him he would not be a good
Buddhist because he does not try as hard
as he should and did not follow his val-
ues as a Buddhist. Buddhist people want
to help people as much a possible. Ac-
cording to the book the Eightfold Path is
a famous philosophical idea, with is also
known as the right effort (Frey 159).
If Roger Smith followed Confucianism he
would have saved the boy because he
would have wanted to make a good exam-
ple for the young people. In confucianism
the young people have to respect the eld-
ers and the elders have to make good ex-
amples for the young. If Roger Smith did
not save the boy then he would not be set-
ting a good example for the young. This
would have to make Roger Smith an con-
fucianism because if Roger Smith did not
save the boy then he would have the
chance of being shunned. If he got
shunned then he would not be able to
talk or eat with anyone in the area. If you
lived in this community then you might
want to consider taking the job of a civil
servant. People who do the work of the
government are called civil servants.
(Frey 209). This gives you a idea a how
the elders could make good examples for
the young.
Now you can see how moral values have
a big role in keep people tied together.
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Whether you practice Hinduism, Bud-
dhism, Confucianism, or any other belief
system, it will teach you the power of
your actions. They help guide people
through life, and promote good actions. It
gets involved in our actions, and pushes
us to go the right way. Society needs to
know what is right, and what is wrong
and without it, our moral codes will crum-
ble, and civilization will fall apart.
Rosstopias Morals and Beliefs
In an effort to create a successful civiliza-
tion, the people of Anndocco have estab-
lished their own belief system. It shares
similar religious beliefs and teaching with
other world religions and helps the peo-
ple of Rosstopia live with strong moral
values. Here are some good examples.
The word Marci means to embody The
Golden Rule in every day life. In Rossto-
pia if you embody Marci (The Golden
Rule), you will be a good citizen because
you will not cheat, steel, or lie.
The word Tibias means to embody the
rule Treat others how you want to be
treated. In Rosstopia if you follow this
moral code to treat others how you want
to be treated then you will be a lot more
respected in Rosstopia because you will
have a natural base of moral respect. It is
really basic logic and if you respect others
then they should respect you back. For ex-
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
ample, on a normal day if a man is walk-
ing his cattle and you cut in front of him
instead of the man raging out on you and
unleashing his inner beast he would treat
you with respect and ask you why you
cut him off. In Rosstopia if you are treat-
ing others how you what to be treated
then we will have a much more civilized
The word Tongo means to do the right
thing when others are not looking. You
will be set for life in all of your moral val-
ues if you do the right thing when no one
is looking because this means that you
will always be a moral citizen and respect
all code and laws. In Babuism they have
the Eight Fold path and from the Eight
Fold on of the moral codes are Right Ef-
fort - Make an effort to avoid all evil
thoughts and maintain and increase good
thoughts. This shows that if you have a
moral person and you show that you do
the right thing when no one is looking,
this shows that are a person of high moral
values. For example if you were a citizen
and you found someone elses money, in-
stead of taking it for yourself you would
give it to a man who has less than you if
it was a few dollars or you would give it
to the ruler to try to nd who the money
belongs to if its a lot. If everyone in my
civilization uses Tongo then we will have
a better place where everyone feels safer
and more condent.
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Rosstopias Sacred Space
In my Minecraft civilization one of my sa-
cred spaces is my plagoon. My platoon
was made for meditation and to release
all of the stresses from your day. In
Rosstopia it is helpful because if you are
stressed out from your hard day of work,
then you have a quiet and peaceful place
to go to. If you were wondering why my
plagoon has earth, re, and water, it is be-
cause these elements are apart of life plus
they can symbolize life as you are meditat-
ing. In Buddhism they are all about the
elements and how to give up your earthly
possessions. They also try to just live life
in a peaceful and a mannered way. Basi-
cally in Rosstopia we are Christians, but I
also want everyone to feel safe, cared
about, and apart of Rosstopia.
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
The Middle Ages
The Rise of Feudalism and the Church
The Fall of Rome and the threat of Barbari-
ans lead to the rise of Feudalism and the
Catholic Church. Rome fell when the Vi-
sigoths invaded in 476 C.E., the Europe
left and there was no government. Then
once Feudalism rose, the people got pro-
tection and safety if the peasants and
surfs it the kept us a stable food supple
for people. Also you had to be a loyal per-
son or you would be either banded or
killed. Under the system, people were
bound to one another by promises of loy-
alty. (Frey 22). Once that happed, the Ro-
man Catholic Church rose again and it re-
built itself over time. After time what hap-
pened is that there was a king with tons
of land. Then he would give his land to
different land to lots of nobles. Then the
nobles would make it so that they would
plow the crops and then that is where
their protection came in.
The Decline of Feudalism
The major events of political change in
England, widespread disease, and a series
of drawn out wars lead to the decline of
Feudalism in Europe. One aspect of politi-
cal change was the Magna Carta. Once
the Magna Carta traveled its way
throughout England it started to affect all
of the churches. After this happened the
churches had to give up their power be-
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
cause Magna Carta gave more power to
the nobles and then the nobles took over.
Once the churches lost most of there
power it was hard for them to regain
power so they could not do as much stuff
as they used to. Also, Habeas Corpus
made the churches lose more power and
it gave more power to the peasants be-
cause they were protected by the courts
of law. Another event that caused the de-
cline of feudalism was The Black Death;
the Black Death was a plague that killed
hundreds of thousands of people. When
they died it was called the black plague
because there hands would be black with
blotches of blue. The name Black Death
probably came from the black and blue
blotches that appeared on the skin of
many victims (Frey 56). This is why if
you lived in this time period you would
want to stay in your houses and away
from everyone.
From Feudalism to Humanism
The Bubonic Plague was the most com-
mon plagues in the middle ages history
because it killed many people and it kept
coming back. This lead to people not
working and all of the government fail-
ing. So for the start, Feudalism was the
main piece of the Middle Ages, when the
Black Death killed all of the peasants
(witch was a big part of the foundation,)
it basically cashed and burdened. When
Feudalism demolished into pieces, people
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
had way more freedom then the needed,
therefore the people started a more cul-
tured society. So the money that belonged
to the dead belongs to the living, which
are many fewer than they were before.
With all of this new money and living
spaces. And lastly, the plague took away
some of the Churchs power. Now that all
of that happened the church had an ac-
tions of every individual in Europe. They
were still the largest power, their num-
bers were fewer, and people had seen
how death swept through their society. In
conclusion, the black pelage was one of
the worse things that have ever happened
in the history of all the middle ages. Who
knows if it will come back to today?
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
The Power of Ideas
Ideas shape the course of history. John Maynard Keynes
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Humanisms Impact on Europe
A long time ago, European society
changed because of humanism in differ-
ent ways. Humanism is the belief that
you should question everything. It
changed lots of things. The church was
impacted the most from this. Before hu-
manism the church was very important to
society. But soon people began to ques-
tion the churches rule. Besides the church
everything was questioned and proven.
This in turn had a massive effect on soci-
ety. People began to question the beliefs
people had followed loyally for centuries.
The people began to have more power,
while groups such as the Church had less
of an iron grip on society. The humanists
started to see the endless power of knowl-
edge that had not been harnessed thus
far, and realized that people should begin
to live as individuals, not as a group.
Humanisms Impact on Rosstopia
Humanism in Rosstopia is a very impor-
tant because it gives us a chance to
change our cavitation and make it a bet-
ter place. Hear are some main examples
of how Humanism has helped our civili-
zation thrive. It makes are people work
more fairly together. It keeps a lot of extra
crime from happening the might nor-
mally would. It helps and gives our per-
son a chance to move up in society with is
huge. This is some of the main reasons
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
why lately our crime and complaint rate
has gong down.
The Protestant Reformation
There were many questionable teachings
and practices of the Catholic Church and
that caused people to think the church
was corrupt. One of those practices was
the selling of indulges, and since the in-
dulgence purpose was to release one
from punishments for sins, higher class
men were living the life of a criminal. Peo-
ple who received indulgence did not have
the role to preform good deads to make
up for their sins. Overtime, Bishops and
Popes started to sell these indulges as a
way to earn money. As the church sold
these indulges it started to make it seem
like the people could buy forgiveness for
their sins it was these types of corrup-
tions that lead to reformation.

The ideas and questions of reforms such
as Martin Luther differed form the tradi-
tional beliefs of the Catholic Church and
threatened its power. Heresy the act of
speaking out against the church, and
claiming that the beliefs and practices
that individuals were forced to do. Luther
transformed the bible from English into
German, along with the writing of the
Baptist service, and a new hymns (scared
songs) in German. The church was so fa-
natical that it was killing anyone that was
speaking out against it. Another such per-
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
son was Jan Hus, who simply wanted the
church to focus on Jesus, and tries to get
back the original roots.

Martin Luther was a German scholar and
religious gure who was fed up with the
Catholic Church and its many forms of
corruptions. He became irate when the
Pope sent out hundreds of Bishops to sell
indulgences in order to fund the construc-
tion of St. Peters Cathedral. Martian Lu-
ther drafted his Ninety-Five Theses (or
ninety-ve arguments against the Catho-
lic Church) to the church door in Witten-
burg, Germany. The reason that Martian
Luther became so disillusioned with the
church was hat Pope Leo x needed
money to nish building St. Peters Cathe-
Famous Renaissance Figure
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Bibliography & Images
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Ancient World. Palo Alto, CA. Teachers Curriculum
Institute, 2011. Print.
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Medieval World and Beyond. Palo Alto, CA. Teach-
ers Curriculum Institute, 2011. Print.
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Book Title
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77
Law & Government
Systems of Beliefs
The Power of Ideas
Bibliography & Images
Crumrine, Ross Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:43:42 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cd:77

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