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Dolphins come from the Delphinidaes family.

It's species transition from land to water this happen

thousands of years ago and have evolve to what is how known as dolphins.

The population of dolphins is veery difficult to estimate in numbers since theirs all different kind of
species mix to getter to make a new species that was never made before. The population of
dolphins is estimate to be about 243,500 or more. It's difficult for us to estimate the number of
dolphins in an ocean because theirs just too many species for us to count. Their are so many
creature that's in the ocean today that we don't even know what kind of species that live
underwater. The creatures that live under water is somewhat related to the other living animals
that love down their with them. Their related to each other is that a certain body parts or bones
that inside do them are within another different kind of creature too. This happens because
somewhere along the timeline their ancestor mated with a different species that different form
their kind and the produces a different kind of creature that didn't look like ether of the parents,
and that's what up the creature mammal we have today.

Dolphins are related to the Delphinidaes family. They had ancestor that started of as land
mammals. The earliest ancestor of the dolphins are Indohyus this species is related to the hoofed
animals, but this animals can stay underwater like hippopotamus. The second ancestor is the
Pakicetidae also related to the hoofed animals, lived around 50 million year ago, they have a
structure of auditory bulla that form from their bones, this creature also have a mandibular fora
man thats filled with oil or fat which is use for receiving underwater sound. The third ancestor is
the Ambulocetidae lived for about 45 million years ago resemble the crocodile in appearance and
has a mandibular former in its lower jaw that received sound underwater. The next ancestor is
the Remingtonocetidae adapted to swimming very well. The Protocetidae first mammal to leave it
habitat. The Rodohocetus has lots of fats to keep it cold in the deepwater. The Basilosauridae
and the Dorudontinae are closely related to each other. The Dorudontinae bigger than a whale
ease of their lumbar vertebrae. And last of all the earliest dolphins were Kentriodon and
Hadrodelphis, they are also related to whales. This is the family of the Delphinidaes and it's

There are so many different kind of dolphins in the oceans that related to each one of them in
one way or another. First a dolphins is a mammal that closely related to the whales and porpoise.
There is about 49 different kind of dolphins that live in 17 different area of the oceans. The
Delphinus is a common dolphin. The Tursiops is a bottlenose dolphin. The Lissodelphis is the
spotted dolphin. Dolphins they have some part of theirselves that connected to the other species
that in the oceans. You see dolphins their related to the whales and porpoise and somewhere
along the line their ancestor are related to the hoofed animals that means that they is to have
legs, and can walk on land. Dolphins are not fish their mammals that breath airmand somepont of
their life cycle they use to have hair, they are warmblooded, they gave birth to young ones and
nurse them united their at age. By testing the DNA this tells what kind of animals that their
related too and how they became what they are today.

Dolphins are related to the four hoofed animals. They were able to survive by escape in the water.
At some point of their lives they mated with a different species and created a different type of
species that don't look like any of the parents. Dolphins are related to a lot of different animals
that's in the oceans. This is how we have a number of different species and the population of
species that related to each other in different ways. The population of dolphins a lot and theirs
still different kind of dolphins out their.

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