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CommonBond Communities Literacy Curriculum 2014

Personal Information / Mail
Level II-III Fill out a form
In this activity you will be playing the role of a clerk who is filling out the
learners personal information on an application.

Take out one blank application form.
Ask the student the questions to fill out the form. Show the student how
you are doing this.
Take out the other blank application form, and help the student fill it out on
their own.
Compare the two forms to look for mistakes.
Now swap roleshave the student ask you the questions and fill out your
form for you.
Review clarifying questions like How do you spell that? Please repeat

This activity can be done many times. We are expected to fill out forms and
applications all the time (doctors office, rental office, job applications, etc.). The
more practice the student can have with you, the more confidence they will have to
do it on their own. Here are two ideas for more practice:

Go to separate rooms and ask these questions over the phone.
Fill out the students information and make a mistake. Ask the student to check
for any mistakes, either orally or in writing. Is this correct?

CommonBond Communities Literacy Curriculum 2014

(cut out boxes)


Last Name First Name

Street Apartment #

City State Zip Code


(________) _________________

Date of Birth:

______ / ______ / _______


Last Name First Name

Street Apartment #

City State Zip Code

(________) _________________

Date of Birth:
______ / ______ / _______

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