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1) Ttulo:

My Tears
2) Objetivo:

Praticar as habilidades de escrita
3) Nvel: Intermedirio

4) Contexto de aplicao: Distribuir uma folha com o poema My Tears
para cada aluno e trabalhar a pratica de escrita e
compreenso das frases que esto inseridas no

5) Durao:

20 a 25 minutos
6) Perfil / caractersticas
do aluno alvo:

Alunos com conhecimento intermedirio de
7) Material necessrio: Texto, dicionrio, lpis, borracha e questes
sobre o poema.

8) Link para o material: Site para o professor

Poema na caixa abaixo para o aluno

9) Instrues: Primeiro o professor ir distribuir o poema de
fcil compreenso e pedir aos alunos que
faam uma leitura grifando as palavras
desconhecidas do poema. Depois de grifadas as
palavras o professor pedira aos alunos que
procurem o significado dessas palavras e as
copiem no caderno.

10) Answer key:

1 - What is the title of the poem?

2 - Describe in your own words what you
understand of the poem:

3 - You change the words you did not understand
in other words? What?

4 - Write a sentence of the poem that called you
more attention?

5 - Explain with 3-4 lines why you chose this

My Tears

My crying is a waste.
My tears just for show.
The pain I feel
Never been so real.
I cry every night
But there's nothing to do
When I have no one to wipe
Away those tears.
I ease my crying
And worry about others.
But no one is happy
After everything.
I cry in pain,
The hurt and denial.
It hurts so much
I want to stop breathing.
God gives a test
Which everyone goes through
This seems worse then a test
As I cry even more.
If I cry more
Will the pain go away?
If I ignore
Will the people go away?
If I wish for death
Will God give it willingly?
Cuz life seems impossible to live
And I have no more tears to shed.
But I shed my tears anyways
As many as I can.
I lay in peace
And hope the others are happy too.
My tears are nothing but a waste.
My life is useless and I'll be happy to give it away.
I cry,
And always will
For nothing but my tears seem to
Comfort me.

1) Ttulo:

2) Objetivo:

Fluncia na escrita em ingls

3) Nvel:

4) Contexto de

Trabalhar o texto APPOINTMENTE TIME
escrevendo as expresses presentes. O aluno ir
ouvir o professor pronunciado as palavras do texto
em forma de ditado e ir escrev-la em uma folha
distribuda pelo professor, com o tema do texto.

5) Durao:

15 a 20 minutos ditados.
10 a 15 minutos correo das palavras.
10 a 15 minutos responder as questes do texto.

6) Perfil / caractersticas
do aluno alvo:

Alunos com conhecimento das palavras
relacionadas ao texto sugerido.
7) Material necessrio:

Texto, lpis, borracha, e questes a relacionadas
ao texto.

8) Link para o material:

Retirado do livro de estudo da escola CCAA.
Way Ahead- Getting Started

9) Instrues:

Distribuir uma folha para o aluno com o tema do
texto e pedir que os alunos prestem ateno nas
palavras pronunciadas por ele. O professor
repetir a mesma frase somente trs vezes.
Ao termino do ditado o professor poder fazer
uma leitura completa do texto sem interrupes
para que o aluno faa uma ultima verificao da
Ao final dessas etapas o professor passar o texto
no quadro e pedir aos alunos que verifiquem o
erro e faa correo das palavras erradas.

10) Answer key:

Write what you understand about the text.

You had doubts to write a few words? What are

You know the meaning of these words? Write the
meaning of each word you wrote above?

What is the word that called you more attention
when writing? Why?


MR. HAVES: What time is it?

SECRETARY: Its three twenty-five.

MR. HAVES: Jeez, Im late for my appointment.

SECRETARY: Calm down. Your appointments at four-thirty, not three-

MR. HAVES: Whew! Where is my red folder?

SECRETARY: It is with your appointment book in the top drawer of your

MR. HAVES: And our notes?

SECRETARY: Theyre on Charlies desk under the green binder.

1) Ttulo:

Text The Myth of Narcissus
2) Objetivo:

Praticar a compreenso de novas mensagens
atravs das habilidades de escrita.

3) Nvel:

4) Contexto de

Este texto ser estudado em detalhes e explorado
nas possibilidades de aprendizagem que oferece,
tambm ser explorado o vocabulrio do aluno e
abrir caminho para que o aluno construa novas
frases desenvolvendo assim habilidades de

5) Durao:

40 a 45 minutos
6) Perfil / caractersticas
do aluno alvo:

Alunos com conhecimento mnimo de nvel
intermedirio de ingls.

7) Material necessrio:

Texto, lpis, borracha, caderno e questes sobre o

8) Link para o material:

9) Instrues:

O professor distribuir uma folha com o texto e
atividades relacionadas e pedir que os alunos
faam uma cpia do texto completando com as
palavras sugeridas no exerccio abaixo. Depois
de feita a copia pedir para os alunos construrem
frases com as palavras usadas para completar a

10) Answer key:

Where Narcissus lived?

How was Narcissus?

What Narcissus admired him?

What happened to Narcissus?

The Myth of Narcissus

In Ancient Greece lived a young man called Narcissus, who was greatly
xx1xx, for he was very handsome. Narcissus was very proud of his perfect face
and graceful body, and never lost the chance to xx2xx his reflection in any
body of water he happened to pass. He would lie for hours admiring his
gleaming dark eyes, slender nose, slim hips and the mop of curly xx3xx that
crowned the perfect oval of his face. You would think a sculptor had come
down xx4xx heaven to carve such a faultless body as a living image of
mankind's love of beauty. One day, Narcissus was walking close to a precipice
where the clear waters of a cold mountain pool mirrored his beautiful face.
"You are handsome, Narcissus!" he told xx5xx as he bent down to admire his
reflection. "There's nobody xx6xx handsome in the whole world! I'd love to kiss
you." Narcissus was suddenly seized by the desire to kiss his own reflection
and he bent down closer to the water. But he lost his balance and toppled into
the pool. Narcissus could not xx7xx and so he drowned. But when the gods
discovered that the xx8xx beautiful being on earth had died, they decided that
such beauty could not be xx9xx. The gods turned Narcissus into a scented
flower which, to this day, blossoms in the mountains in spring, and which is
xx10xx called Narcissus.

Select the answer you think is correct.

1. xx1xx
a) admire
b) admires
c) admiring
d) admired

2. xx2xx
a) look
b) look at
c) look out
d) look up

3. xx3xx
a) hat
b) hair
c) hill
d) ears

4. xx4xx
a) from
b) to
c) of
d) by

5. xx5xx
a) him
b) himself
c) them
d) myself

6. xx6xx
a) so
b) such
c) more
d) too

7. xx7xx
a) stay
b) help
c) swim
d) jump

8. xx8xx
a) best
b) first
c) greatest
d) most
9. xx9xx
a) forget
b) forgot
c) forgotten
d) forgetful

10. xx10xx
a) only
b) still
c) just
d) finally

11. Which word describes the character of
a) modest
b) dishonest
c) careful
d) proud

12. The word admired in the first sentence
a) hated and feared
b) ridiculed or made fun of
c) loved and respected
d) misunderstood and unappreciated

13. Which job would Narcissus probably
have if he were alive today?
a) teacher
b) doctor
c) actor
d) gardener

14. TRUE or FALSE: Narcissus thought
himself handsome but others did not think
he was.

15. The gods turned Narcissus into a
a) to memorialize him.
b) to punish him.
c) because that is what he wanted.
d) as a joke.

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