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Englewood Schools

A Relentless Focus On Learning

Shareholder Report


We are pleased to offer the Spring 2014 Electronic Shareholders Report for
your review. This full version report is intended to be a companion to our
printed Spring 2014 Shareholder Update that was delivered by the post office to
every resident in Englewood.
By providing this longer report online instead of in print form, we save money
that can be used directly for services and resources that directly impact our
students. As referenced in both this report and the postcard update, additional
information can be found on our district website:

Brian Ewert


Karen Brofft

Assistant Superintendent

In This Issue:
Construction Updates & Bond Projects
Updates from the Department of
Post-Secondary & Workforce Readiness
Instructional Technology
Department of Learning Services Update
Grants Update
Department of Student Services Update
Financial Transparency

Construction Updates
In November 2011, Englewood voters approved a $50 million Bond, with a 20-year payback term,
that would build a new campus for grades 7-12 at the current Englewood High School site and
renovate the current Englewood Middle School site for use by Colorados Finest Alternative High
School. A Bond is a financial loan issued for the purpose of financing the infrastructure needs of
the school district. The Bond funds will be used for the following:
Replace and upgrade mechanical and electrical systems
Provide better school site Safety and Security
Construct classrooms and academic spaces to meet 21st Century instructional needs
Bring the Facilities up to code
Renovate the high school field
house and performing arts areas

New Construction will Provide Additional

Benefits to Students including:

Complete campus site upgrades

New classrooms that will simulate todays

work environment and college classrooms,
encouraging creative thinking, problem
solving, collaborative group work and the
use of technology

Implement the initial phase of the

Board of Educations Long Range
Facilities Plan
More than $419,000 in operating
costs will be saved annually due
to greater efficiency in systems.

Improved technology and giving students

the proper tools to work in an interactive
and technologically advanced society

When the Board of Education adopted

the Long Range Plan, it was divided into
two major phases. Due to critical safety and security concerns and the rapidly deteriorating facilitities
at EMS, EHS and CFAHS, it was agreed that these issues were to be addressed first. The Bond
measure primarily focuses on a new campus for grades 7-12 at the existing site of Englewood High
School and the renovation of Englewood Middle School in preparation for occupancy by Colorados
Finest Alternative High School.





Project Timeline for the Englewood Schools Long Range Plan


November 2011
Bond Passed

July 2012
Demolition began on the
new Englewood Campus
(Englewood High School site)

November 2012
Renovations began
on the new Colorados
Finest Alternative
High School
(Englewood Middle School site)

August 2013
completed on the
new Colorados
Finest Alternative
High School

November 2013
Phase 1 of TEC
EHS moves into Phase
I construction

December 2013
TEC Phase 2

December 2014
EHS moves into
Phase 2 construction
EMS moves into
Phase 1 construction
CFAHS moves into former EMS site

The Englewood Campus (TEC) Overview

The project team of CBRE, Saunders, and MOA continue to make progress on the completion of the
new Englewood Campus (TEC)! Phase 1 included about 60% of the total project and was completed
ahead of schedule in November 2013. Staff and students moved into the new building over Thanksgiving break. Currently, Englewood High School is occupying Phase 1 with some in permanent locations
and others in temporary locations until Phase 2 is complete. The early move helped the construction
team start on the abatement and demolition of the remaining part of the original building.

The abatement and demolition
process is nearly complete as
the existing building was built
strongly with an abundant
amount of concrete and rebar
vs. the more current method
of building, along with an
intensive process required by
the Colorado Department of
Public Health and Safety to
clear out the crawl space of
asbestos-containing materials.
The site work is underway with
the big process of bringing in
over 10,000 yards of fill dirt to
bring the ground up to grade to
pour the new building footers.

December 12, 2013

March 9, 2014

...TEC Campus Overview (continued)

Fieldhouse Report
The South fieldhouse renovation
project has the most construction
trades running around it and is the
most progressed since the building
was turned over for renovation.
Currently, the locker rooms have
been gutted and the new spaces
are being formed. The court area
itself has new lighting installed
and the life safety systems as
well as the mechanical systems
are being installed. This will bring
an updated feel into the historic
building for all past and future
Englewood graduates.
In the coming months, the construction will start to go vertical
as the steel structure and the shell
will be built. The new parking lot
and drop-off area will take shape
and the new view from Logan
Street will start to amaze long time
Englewood residents.
For more detailed information,
including the latest drawing update,
please select the Bond Projects tab
from the center navigation bar on
our main district webpage:

Colorados Finest BEST Grant Project

With funds from a BEST (Building Excellent Schools Today) grant, Englewood Middle School has been
renovated in preparation for it to become the new home of Colorados Finest Alternative High School.

Some Highlights of the New Facility:

14 completely refinished classrooms for
math, english, history, reading, science,
art, media & production
Updated finishes in the band and drama
Completely refurbished and refinished
kitchen, new administration area
New entry on the west side of the building
Exterior improvements including a freshly
paved parking lot, seat walls, additional
hardscape & grass areas
A completely revamped courtyard
From concept to reality: Presently used by Englewood

Middle School, this building will become the home of

Colorados Finest Alternative High School in December,
2014. The facility now houses Colorados Finest Cosmetology Academy as well as a STEM classroom.

Design Features
The design of the new building includes
garage doors that open from several of
the classrooms and from the commons to
the courtyard area. These doors serve as
an educational link to the outdoors and
provide students and teachers the unique
ability to integrate their learning and curriculum directly with the outdoors.
The design also features tech hubs
located off the corridors where students
can collaborate on projects in a comfortable setting. In fitting with the 21st century educational model, the building also
includes teacher work rooms. Each room is subject-specific and provides not only a workstation
for each educator, but also encourages collaboration among the teachers at the same time. Finally,
new furniture for all students, teachers and staff has been included throughout the facility.

...BEST Grant (continued)

With the re-opening of the school, the building has been brought up to all current ADA and life safety
codes. The facility is now 100% covered by a fire sprinkler system and a brand new security system
with access control has been implemented. From a sustainability perspective, the project remains on
track to receive a LEED Silver rating from the USGBC.
For more detailed information, including additional photos, please select the School Construction
tab from the top navigation bar on our main district webpage:

Department of

Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Graduation, Completion and Dropout Data
Graduation, completion and dropout rates are important pieces of information for schools, communities, and the state. The graduation data report the percentage of students graduating high
school in four years (considered on time graduation). Three, five, and six-year graduation data
report the percentage of students who graduated early (three years) or the percentage of students
that required additional time to graduate (five and six years). The completion data report the percentage of students who graduated plus students who received a GED or certificate of completion.
The dropout data report students who did not complete their high school education.
Englewood Graduation Rates (%)








Englewood Completion Rates (%)





Englewood Dropout Rates (%)













* On-time, four-year graduation formula implemented by Colorado Department of Education.

Dropout Prevention and Re-Engagement

Englewood Schools is committed to ensuring that all students reach their full learning potential,
and in doing so, earn a high school diploma and demonstrate readiness for postsecondary education
and the workforce. Englewood recognizes the critical impact a high school diploma has on a students
future, and therefore has developed tightly woven strategies and action steps to promote high
school graduation and dropout prevention across the district. The following initiatives are underway
to address dropout prevention:
An alternative learning environment offered at the Ombudsman Student Support Center serving
at-risk students, expelled and suspended students, students who have dropped out, and students
who desire a blended face-to-face and technology-delivered curriculum.
Specific identification of and targeted services to students demonstrating at risk factors (failing
grades in core subjects, low attendance, and disengagement in the classroom including behavior problems.)
High school credit recovery programs.
Programs designed to address key educational transition periods (5th to 6th grade transition
and 8th to 9th grade transition.)
Implementation of Individual Career and Academic Plans for all 7th through 12th graders.

...Dropout Prevention and Re-Engagement (continued)

Middle and high school advisory programs for all 7th through 12th graders.
Implementation of American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards for all secondary
counselors to ensure comprehensive school counseling services that address students academic,
career, and social/emotional needs.
Ongoing Dropout Prevention and Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness professional development for counselors, teachers and administrators.
Expansion of Concurrent Enrollment, Advanced Placement, and Career and Technical Education courses to promote rigorous and relevant learning and overall student engagement.
Implementation of AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) programs at Englewood High
School, Englewood Middle School, and Colorados Finest Alternative High School. AVID is a collegereadiness system designed to increase the number of students who enroll in four-year colleges.
Although AVID serves all students, it focuses on the least served students in the academic middle.
Outreach services and interventions to Colorados Finest Alternative High School students who
have dropped out in order to re-engage and re-enroll them in school.
Englewoods focus on dropout prevention will continue to yield research-based strategies and initiatives
to ensure our students graduate from high school ready for postsecondary education and the workforce.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students

celebrate their successes at the 2014 District Competition

Concurrent Enrollment
Englewood Schools believes that high school students who are capable of, and wish to pursue
college level work while in high school, should be permitted to do so. Any student who is not more
than twenty-one years old, is enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, and has met the necessary course requirements may be eligible to take college level course work. These approved courses
will receive both high school and college credit. Students may take two courses per semester with
tuition paid by Englewood Schools.
The following Englewood High School courses offered students college credit during the 2013-14
school year:
Accounting 2
Honors Statistics
AP Biology
International Business
Correctional Processes
Introduction to Business
English 4

Introduction to Convergent Media

Finite Math
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Honors College Prep English 4
Senior AVID
These additional concurrent
enrollment courses will be
available to students during the
2014-15 school year
ProStart 1
Introduction to Mass Media
Algebra 2 (for seniors only)
The district is proud of the number
of students that successfully take
college-level course work each year.


Fall 2013

Number of
Enrolled in College Credits
Classes Earning
College Credit



Pass Rate

Tuition Savings
for Families



Student Enrollment in Postsecondary Education

Englewood can now determine if and where our high school graduates attend a postsecondary
institution within the United States through the National Student Clearinghouse reports. In the
report Help Wanted: Projections
of Jobs and Education RequirePercent of Englewood Graduates Enrolled in College at
ments through 2018, research
Any Time During the First Year After High School
tells us that in the next six years,
about two-thirds of all employ50
ment will require some college
education or better. The district
will continue the critical work on
college and career exploration
Englewood High School
Colorados Finest Alternative High School
and planning to ensure our stud0
ents have access to, are prepared
for, and enroll in some form of
postsecondary option.

College Remediation Rates

The Colorado Department of Higher Education released its statewide annual report on remedial
education. The report includes the number of students from each high school and school district
who need remediation upon entry
Graduating Graduating Graduating Graduating
into college. This chart reports the
Class of
Class of
Class of
Class of
percentage of Englewood students
that either were assessed as needing
Englewood High School
45.1 % 48.0% 48.1% 52.1%
remediation or enrolled in a remedial
Colorados Finest Alternative High School
N/A % 72.7% 79.4% 81.8%
course in at least one subject area in a
State of Colorado
37.0 % 40.0% 41.4% 39.2%
Colorado public college or university.
Please visit for more information
on how remediation rates are calculated. Englewood takes these reports very seriously as do all school
districts across the state. The district is committed to identifying students with remedial needs prior to
enrollment in a postsecondary institution, creating an aggressive and comprehensive plan to address
these needs, and providing the necessary interventions to ensure students are truly college-ready.

New Academic Programs

Englewood continually offers new programs that meet student interests and that help enhance
the academic experience. In fall 2014, there will be two additional music programs coming to
Englewood High School.

For 30 years, Englewood High School has been without an orchestra program, but thats all about
to change. Starting in fall 2014, EHS students will have the opportunity to learn how to play violin,
viola, cello or bass. This year-long class will provide a comprehensive experience for instrumental
music students. Students will study and perform a variety of styles in string orchestra.
EHS is thrilled to offer another music program to students and hopes that this will expand the overall number of students who experience music courses.

Introduction to Piano/Keyboard
Also in the fall of 2014, the Englewood High School Fine Arts Department will be hosting a new
Piano Keyboards class. The need for this class stems not only from student requests to learn to play
piano, but from an instructors observation that students would benefit in other music classes in
addition to learning piano for its own rewards. Students who learn piano can have their vocal and
band classes enhanced by learning to play vocal parts for practicing, help run sectionals, serve as
student accompanists (when ready for this level), have the opportunity for contest in piano, and
develop a life-long love for piano and even more enriched Arts experiences.
The Piano Keyboards Class will start with a beginning level offering, with the goal to develop into
1-2 intermediate/advanced levels as students progress over time, keeping in mind the balance of
continuing other Arts classes and number of instructors. This should be a rich and rewarding addition to the Fine Arts Program at EHS.

Instructional Technology
Interlibrary Loan System (Marmot)
Englewood Schools has achieved a long-term goal in updating and revitalizing its library system.
This year, the school library and the Englewood Public Library joined forces in combining database
systems and all our collective titles under one unified library system, known as the Marmot Co-op.
Englewood students have twice the amount of titles available to them (through the interlibrary
loan system) than they did just a year ago, without the District buying any additional books. Furthermore, students have access to online resources such as test preparation materials and career
research sites through their computers and iPads. All in all, this merger of programs represents a
vast extension in available resources for students and staff, and strengthening of school and city
platforms, and a great fiscal value for our residents. Englewood Schools is proud to partner with
the Englewood Public Library. For more information, please see

Englewood Schools is among a very small number
of school districts in Colorado who have been able
to deliver technology in the form of iPads to all of
our K-8 students. And next year, students in grades
9 through 12 will join their young colleagues with
iPads of their own, making Englewood among the
first K-12, 1:1 school districts in the country. The
early results are fascinating and positivethe lost,
dropped, or broken rates are at less than 1%, and
both students and staff report the technology is a
positive force in their education, with distractions
at a minimum. In fact, most students report that
the technology has led to higher engagement,
better communication with teachers, and stronge
organizational practices. Importantly, their teachers echo these sentiments, adding that they feel
that theyve been able to give students more engaging assignments, and extend learning experiences
as students take their devices home. All in all, Englewood students and staff report being excited
by the resources they have and the opportunities they present.

myOn Reader
With the roll out of 1:1 iPads in Englewood Schools, each student in grades kindergarten through
eight gained access to a program called myOn Reader. myON Reader is the worlds largest interactive digital library with over 4,000 books geared for pre-K through 12th grade. myON knows students age, interests, reading level, books theyve read; and suggests other books they might like at
their reading level. There are thousands of books from over 26 publishers: 70% nonfiction and over
10% Spanish. With myOn Reader and an iPad, students have 24/7 unlimited, anytime, anywhere
access to real literature.
Since the rollout of myOn Reader in July of 2013, Englewood students have read 68,556 books and
enjoyed 17,111 hours of reading. Had we purchased these 58,708 books in hard copy for our libraries,
the cost would have been $331,878.

Department of

Learning Services
New Colorado Assessments
Colorado school districts will no longer take the annual TCAP assessment. The state Department of
Education has approved two new online assessments that will accurately assess student mastery of
the updated Colorado Academic Standards.

CMAS (Colorado Measure of Academic Success)

Colorado assessments are changing in order to accurately assess student mastery of the updated
Colorado Academic Standards. CMAS encompasses the new Colorado-developed science and social
studies assessments that will be administered online in Colorado for the first time in the spring of
2014 for the following grades:
4th and 7th grade social studies
5th and 8th grade science
The testing window in Englewood Schools for all CMAS assessments for the 2013-14 school year was
between April 14 and May 2, 2014.

PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College & Careers)

PARCC is a group of states working together to develop a set of assessments that measure whether
students are on track to be successful in college and their careers. These high-quality, computer-based
K12 assessments in mathematics and English language arts/literacy give teachers, schools, students, and parents better information whether students are on track in their learning and for success after high school, and tools to help teachers customize learning to meet student needs.
The PARCC assessments will be ready for states to administer for the first time during the 2014-15
school year, and will encompass grades 3-11.

Grants Department
Health and Wellness Grants
Tri County Health Department has awarded Englewood Schools more than $100,000 over three years
to focus on policy, systems and environmental changes that reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and
decrease youth access to and use of tobacco. This money is supporting smoking cessation through a
district-wide policy awareness program and youth engagement program.
Activities include:
District Wellness Committee Activities
N.O.T. (Not on Tobacco) program in the high schools
Formation of an Englewood Leadership Academy Action Team to promote tobacco cessation
in our community
Englewood High School journalism classes production of infomercials
Interactive anti-tobacco stations at field days and wellness nights
Cessation programs in our schools through advisory classes and PE classes
Tri County Health Department is participating in the State Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership
(STEPP) operated by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and funded
through Amendment 35 cigarette tax dollars, which seeks to support public health efforts to increase
use of evidence-based strategies to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke, prevent youth initiation
of tobacco use and increase smoking cessation rates.

...Grants Department (continued)

Personal Financial Literacy

This past fall, Englewood Schools was awarded a district grant in the amount of $90,000 from
Great-West Financial. The purpose of these grant funds is to help support our schools and teachers
in the process of embedding the Colorado Academic Standards related to Personal Financial Literacy
across the K 12 curriculum.
In January 2014, a part
Snapshot of Colorado Academic Standards by Grade Level
time teacher was hired
Recognize money and identify its purpose
as the financial literacy
Discuss how purchases can be made to meet wants and needs
coordinator for the district
Identify short-term financial goals
First Grade
and she will be working
Second Grade The scarcity of resources affects the choices of individuals and communities
through the 2014/2015
Describe how to meet short-term financial goals
Third Grade
school year to provide
The relationship between choice and opportunity cost
Fourth Grade
training for teachers in
Use financial institutions to manage personal finances
Fifth Grade
these new standards, and
Saving and investing are key contributors to financial well being
Sixth Grade
support them with curricSeventh Grade The distribution of resources influences economic production and
ulum resources and lesson
individual choices
development in financial
Eighth Grade
Manage personal credit and debt
literacy. The goal is to
High School
Design, analyze, and apply a financial plan based on short and long-term
develop a strong continuum
financial goals
of instruction around
Analyze strategic spending, saving, and investment options to achieve
financial literacy for all
the objectives of diversification, liquidity, income and growth
students in the district
The components of personal credit to manage credit and debt
from preschool to graduIdentify, develop, and evaluate risk-management strategies
ation, as there is currently
a gap in our schools in
preparing students to become financially independent successful adults who are able to make
wise financial choices.
This new emphasis on financial literacy will not only benefit our students, but also our community.
Money management is a significant issue for families living in poverty. In Englewood over 30% of
our families earn less than $35,000 a year and readily acknowledge living paycheck to paycheck.
Another important focus of this grant will be community outreach in the form of financial education.
In the coming school year, the district will be offering free evening sessions on various financial
topics. Be looking for this valuable opportunity coming this fall which will be advertised both
within schools and via the district website. Arapahoe Credit Union is also working with Englewood
Schools as a key partner in the focus on financial literacy.

Student Services Department

Transition in Englewood Schools (TIES) Program
The TIES Program made its debut during the 2013-2014 school year. The team at Englewood High
School saw a great need to deliver specific services to our students with individualized education
programs (IEPs) who were 18-21 years of age. Our goal was to create a program that was tailored
to each individual student and helped to foster relationships in the Englewood community. We saw
the potential to build strong partnerships within the very neighborhoods which our young adults
attended school, played and volunteered. The TIES program focuses on independent living skills, career/vocational training, recreation/leisure, social/interpersonal skills and community connections.

During its inaugural

year the TIES program

program worked on
community access

skills that took them

as far away as the

Grizzly Rose, The Den
ver Zoo, The Littleton

History Museum and

many other amazing

places. Another high
light of the year was

the unpaid work

experiences at two

different food banks,

at Caf 180 and four

locations within the

district. The young
adults started their
own coffee shop, Community Ties Caf, and are currently managing the concession stands at TEC.
Through our partnership with SWAP, two transition students secured employment while others
continue to progress towards the same goal. The addition of 12 bicycles and three recumbent bikes
made possible by private donation, EHS Craft Fair, Any and All Bikes, and the Kaiser Foundation, has
enhanced the overall program including, but not limited to, community access and physical activity.
As the Transition Program concludes its initial year the students, families, and staff together recognize
the growth and success made by all and look forward to the year ahead.

Food Services
Englewood Schools is proud to offer free nutritious breakfasts and lunches to anyone under 18
at select locations this summer. The district understands that many students rely on free breakfast and lunch programs during the school year and wants to continue to meet these students
needs over the summer.
The summer menu will offer fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins and whole grain products. Adults can purchase meals for just $3.

Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows:

ECE Maddox ............................. June 9 thru August 8, 2014
Monday thru Friday

Clayton Elementary .................. June 13 thru August 8, 2014
Monday thru Friday

Bishop Elementary .................... June 16 thru August 8, 2014
Monday thru Friday

Englewood High School ............ June 16 thru August 8, 2014
Monday thru Friday

Serving times at all locations will be
7:45am to 9am for Breakfast and 11am to 1pm for Lunch

All sites will be closed Friday, July 4, 2014

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Financial Transparency
Englewood Schools values open and honest communication with its many stakeholders: staff,
students, parents and taxpayers. In order to meet the requirements of Article 44, Title 22 of the
Colorado Revised Statutes, The Public School Financial Transparency Act, we have posted several
items on our Financial Transparency webpage.
For more detailed information, please pull down the Business Services menu tab from the Departments tab on the left navigation bar on our main district webpage.

A Relentless
on Learning

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