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Bloomfield Schools will begin serving free summer breakfast and lunch on
Monday, June 2, 2014 and will serve through riday, !ugust 1, 2014" We will not
serve on July 3
& 4
" #unches are free to children age 1 through 1$ years"
!dults may %urchase a meal for &'"2(" By ederal law, all food must be consumed
on site"
Serving times & locations are as follows:
Bloomfield Locations:
Central Primary (breakfast) 8:00-9:00 Monay-!riay
Central Primary ("ot #$nc") %%:&0-%:00 Monay-!riay
M$ltic$lt$ral Center ('icnic style l$nc") %%:&0-%(:&0 Monay-
Aztec Locations:
)*tec +$ins ('icnic style l$nc") %%:,--%(:&0 Monay-!riay
Mini$m Park ('icnic style l$nc") %%:&0-%(:&0 Monay-!riay
A hot breakfast and lunch will be served in the cafeteria at entral !rimary" 3#$
W %ycamore" Bloomfield" &'( !ll other locations will be served a %icnic style
)iscrimination Statement* this e+%lains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly"
,he -"S" )e%artment of !griculture %rohibits discrimination against its customers, em%loyees, and a%%licants for
em%loyment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, se+, gender identity, religion, re%risal, and
where a%%licable, %olitical beliefs, marital status, familial or %arental status, se+ual orientation, or all or %art of an
individual.s income is derived from any %ublic assistance %rogram or %rotected genetic information in em%loyment
or in any %rogram or activity conducted or funded by the )e%artment" /0ot all %rohibited bases will a%%ly to all
%rograms and1or em%loyment activities"2 3f you wish to file a 4ivil 5ights com%laint of discrimination, com%lete the
-S)! 6rogram )iscrimination 4om%laint orm, found online at
htt%*11www"ascr"usda"gov1com%laint7filing7cust"html , or at any -S)! office, or call /$882 8'29:::2 to re;uest the
form" <ou may also write a letter containing all of the information re;uested in the form" Send your com%leted
com%laint form or letter to us by mail at -"S" )e%artment of !griculture, )irector, =ffice of !d>udication, 1400
3nde%endence !venue, S"?", ?ashington, )"4" 202(09:410, by fa+ /2022 8:09@442 or email at
%rogram"intakeAusda"gov " 3ndividuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have s%eech disabilities may contact -S)!
through the ederal 5elay Service at /$002 $@@9$'':B or /$002 $4(981'8 /S%anish2" -S)! is an e;ual o%%ortunity
%rovider and em%loyer"
4ontact 0umbers (0(98'294'1@ or (0(98'49'80$

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