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GE-CAPS Vol 1, No.

1, May 2014

The School of Graduate,
Extensions, Continuing
and Professional Studies
(GE-CAPS) launched its
newest online product last
weekend on the interna-
tional scene.
Led by Dr. S.
Monique Glover-Alves,
USC-USA Online is the
latest in a number of start-
up innovations that bring
virtual education to gradu-
ating high school seniors
and 12th graders in the
USA, the US Virgin Is-
lands, and Canada . Put
together by an interna-
tional tech team consisting
of techies from USC, India
and the United States, the
new product offers a free-
online class this summer
with credit for the class
available if the stu-
dent attends USC
USA Online in the
Dubbed the
Warm-Water Ad-
vantage, students
will come to USC for
2 weeks in the Sum-
mer of 2015 for
beach, travel and
studyfor credit.
When a student signs up at
the new University-owned
domain, an automatic let-
ter goes out to USC onsite
and US personnel and the
USC call-team goes to
Dr. Glover-Alves .
completed her doctorate at
Northeastern University in
Boston, USA, in higher
education administration
and K-12 leadership
USC-USA Online offers
100-level classes and 12th
graders can step into
Early College during the
12th Grade and the sum-
mer before CollegeWe
offer no-cost, and low-cost
options to lessen the debt
load of parents and incom-
ing freshmen. Others are
welcome alsoSign up!!
Taking College for a Test RideWhy
Special points of in-
USC exists anywhere
Caribbean peoples live
and thrive
GE-CAPS utilizes stra-
tegic project manage-
ment in service deliv-
GE-CAPS utilizes cross
-functional teams as it
draws on the best
minds for projects
USC Live Births-Cross-Spectrum Care
We are USCs Birthing
Centerwe take a prod-
uct from concept to design
to fabrication, to high de-
livery and usage, in re-
cord time.
GE-CAPS consists of both
tightly coupled and
loosely coupled elements of the University.
At its core, it is an academic administrative
entity that ties together Graduate Studies,
the Extension Campuses, Continuing Educa-
tion, a Leadership Center and Professional
Development. At its periphery, GE-CAPS
chairs committees, provides support for de-
partments, and collaborates across the spec-
Live Births
Two MBAs
The Institute
The Sites
Special Ed
Inside this issue:Take
College ...Test Ride
Finished High School & Now Starting College
Graduation S
May 2014 Office of the Dean
GE-CAPS Vol 1, No. 1, May 2014

Some time ago, after a careful study
of the Trinidad and Eastern Carib-
bean market, GE-CAPS, and the
School of Business worked together to
craft a new MOU (Memorandum of
Understanding ) with the School of
Business at Andrews University in
Berrien Springs, Michigan.
The crafting resulted in a new MBA
arrangement, and the concept of con-
current MBAs emerged. In this birth
scenario, Andrews University will
offer its 11-course MBA Online, for a
general MBA, while USC will offer a
specialized MBA with three additional
classes. USC utilizes the 11-Module
Sequence as part of its 14 Module
spread. Students will get two
one in
of 2016
and the
MBA at
the next
tion. USC specializations are Health
Care Administration, Human Re-
sources, Finance and Accounting and
Marketing/. The program takes two
calendar yearsall courses are online
except for the last two classes which
are held in a three-week intensive on
the Andrews University campus, and
the USC specialty portion in the Sum-
mer of 2015 on the USC campus in a
similar three-week intensive. The
USC add-on portions are sandwiched
in the center of the Andrews MBA
sequence. The asking price is US
cial education classes already ap-
proved in the SED curriculum and
expanded them into four other
classes. Students complete Modules. ,
one at a time.
The Special Ed Confab is an
example of design-build from the
needs of a community upward to the
product. This Summer term, we teach
Issues in Special Ed, and Special Edu-
cation Assessment.
The University of the Southern Car-
ibbean recently signed an MOU with
the Government of Antigua/Barbuda
to provide training to selected teach-
ers in the area of Special Education.
The program is carried in blended
format in two Cohorts, of seven Mod-
ules of 21 credits. and began in No-
vember 2013.
GE-CAPS built the program
with SED when it selected three spe-

Two MBAs Side by SideAndrews & USC (the Andrews Entrance)
In Special Education, WE
Special Ed ConFabBlended Marriage of Face2Face and Online
fashion a broad start-base. This
May month Cohort 1 kicks off with
Philosophy of Education, while an-
other class section starts on July 22,
and another in September. All three
sections move to a common second
class in the fall before branching off
to individual MA degrees in Ed. Ad-
ministration, Curriculum, Educa-
tional Psychology and the Dip. Ed in
later terms .
The Online program is backed
by a support Moodle team, using an
open source model.
The University of the Southern Car-
ibbean has housed the MA in Educa-
tion for some years now in its School
of Education.
But this year, GE-CAPS and the
School of Education have partnered to
deliver the MA in Education in a 75-
25 mix of online and blend.. The
School of Education has used the com-
mon Modules from all programs to
MA in Education Online/BlendStarting this May Month
Page 2 GE-CAPS Graduation Special
The MA in Education Online is
ONLINE/Blended with concentrations
in Leadership, Curriculum,
Ed Psychology, and the Dip Ed.
GE-CAPS Vol 1, No. 1, May 2014

USC operates campuses in South
Trinidad, Tobago, Guyana, Barbados,
St. Lucia and Antigua and now in the
USA virtually with USC-USA Online.
Come September, the University adds
campuses in St. Thomas and St.
Croix, the U.S. Virgins. Grenada now
knocks on the door, and so does USC-
TT Online, another September ven-
ture that parallels the USC-USA con-
cept. Extension campuses are carded
to contribute 20% of the 5000 enroll-
ment target figure by 2017.
Simply put, USC intends to extend its
influence to every ham-
let and corner in TT,
whether physical or
Online. The extension
campuses make up just
16% of the current over-
all enrollment and rep-
resent the Universitys
strategy to diversify and
segment its population
by geography, and coun-
try, within and outside
of the Caribbean region.
A site gets formed when
a feasibility demon-
strates a crush of stu-
dents, a strong Advent-
ist community presence,
a SDA high school and/
or a SDA administrative
entity present.
The Diaspora approach
collapses country
boundaries as GE-CAP
seeks out its Caribbean
heritage in every place.
ing, and yet oth-
ers on product
design, and GE-
CAPS gave ad-
oversight to the
entire process.
Typically, GE-
CAPS works by
drawing on ex-
pertise across
GE-CAPS works differently. We
market concurrentlywe inte-
grate the concept, the product,
sales, people and all else, and
develop them all at the same
time. Cuts time to market
GE-CAPS put together USC-USA
by assembling cross-functional
teams in three countries.. While
part of the team worked on web-
design, some worked on market-
the University, and individuals get an
opportunity to develop camaraderie
and team spirit. The MBA Online,
MA in Ed Online, Special Ed Online,
Teacher Certification Online, USC-
USA Online and the Leadership Insti-
tute are all examples of strategic pro-
ject management across depart-
ments.. We link organizational strate-
gic intent to implementation via pro-
jects that add value Way to Go!!
Extension CampusesUSC exists wherever Caribbean Peoples Live and Thrive
Of Teams & Concurrent Marketing
A project ion the left, and
another on the rightthat is
concurrent marketing
The GE-CAPS Mascot
The Certificate is based on 9 seminar-
like modules delivered face to face and
Online over 4 years. Conversely, the
Leadership Institute also faces out to
the community in an executive for-
mat, intended to impact leadership
development in TT.
The Seminars engage key
administrators and faculty with stu-
dents and cover leadership theory,
servant leader-
ship, transac-
tional and trans-
formational, re-
lational, critical
thinking, strate-
gic, and techno-
logical leader-
ship with a cap-
stone practicum.
The School of Business, led by Dr.
Phyllis Andrews and GE-CAPS have
teamed up to produce a top-flight
Leadership Institute due to be
launched in the new school year.
Says Dean Lashley of GE-
CAPS, we are preparing tomorrows
leaders today. The intent is that stu-
dents graduating with regular degrees
will now get a Leadership Certificate.
Leadership Development InstituteSchool of Business & GE-CAPS
Institute Coming-
9 Chocful
Office of the Dean Page 3
GE-CAPS Vol 1, No. 1, May 2014

Administrative ComplexNorth
Royal Road, Maracas, St. Joseph,
Trinidad, West Indies
student and constituency resource up
-islandhe reports to the Dean.
Trea, a Senior English major, is
the senior student leader in a team
which includes Omar, and Kamaria
in the registry and Nketa, a Senior
Michelle is the Go-To informa-
tion flow person that directs the
intense incoming and outgoing traffic
and serves as the administrative as-
sistant. She comes with graduate
Brent, with his MBA, works as
assistant to the Dean and liaises
with several other University depart-
ments on behalf of the Dean.
Marlene is the assistant registrar
for Graduate Studies and Extension
Campuses, and is working on her MA
in Communication.
Lester, new on the block in the
fall, has graduate qualifications
in Project Management and Relig-
ion, will be Director of Resource De-
velopment. He will help manage the
numerous projects that GE-CAPS
births, and expand the government,
Accounting major. in the Deans Of-
Dean Lashley brings a wealth of ex-
perience to the teamhe packs in an
MBA, a Masters in History, a doctor-
ate in higher education leadership,
and two law degrees with a trio of
college presidencies. His job is to let
people do their job, and just think and
think and think strategically.
GE-CAPS presents you with a cross-
trained team. We think upside down
and work from the future backwards.
We walk the campus,, listen to people
and gain ideas. We work with every-
one and everyone works with us.
Call at (868) 662-2241, ext 1651
or 311 or (868) 327-3415, cell.

(868) 662-2241, Ext 1651

GE-CAPS People: Michelle, Brent, Marlene, Lester, Trea, Kamaria, Omar and Nketa
GE-CAPS People
GE-CAPS, School of Graduate, Extensions and
Professional Studies is the Academic Entrepre-
neurial arm of the University of the Southern
Caribbean. It has administrative and supportive
oversight of Graduate programs, directs the Ex-
tension Campuses, Continuing Education, the up-
coming Leadership Development Institute, and
Professional Studies.
The Mission of GE-CAPS is to create and trans-
form the University family, and its constituency
into extraordinary competitive and strategic
leaders who can lead others to Christ. It seeks
to be the Innovation Center of the University,
and to be its cutting edge face to the world. We
never turn an idea away.
University of the
Southern Caribbean
Transformed Leaders

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