Tortoise Outline

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Tortoise Time Outline

Decide which live animals will be used for the demo (generally Pedro, the desert
tortoise). Remind visitors not to touch the animals near the head or mouth and to
wash hands afterward.
Gather all materials needed including but not limited to a tortoise, shells of other
types of turtles, mounted animals, literature and anything else you may need.
Introduce yourself and start taling about reptiles and tortoises in general,
including what they are.
!nce information about reptiles and tortoises has been given and "uestions
answered then get the animal(s) out and give some facts on each animal,
answering "uestions as you go along.
Reptile and Tortoise Facts
Reptiles are cold blooded, generally lay eggs, and are covered in scales or
scutes (turtles have scutes# the upper shell is the carapace and the lower shell
is the plastron)
$here are over %&& different inds of turtles in the world today
$he shell is actually the ribs on the outside of its body
$urtles have no teeth and can live up to and past '&& years
( tortoise can tae up to ) hours to wal one mile, and spend their entire lives
on land
$he shell of a tortoise is higher and more dome lie than turtles and terrapins
$he Galapagos Islands tortoise can weigh hundreds of pounds and be * feet
$he smallest tortoise in the world is from +gypt and is only * inches long
$ortoises can hold their urine up to % months as a fluid reserve
Pedro (Desert Tortoise) facts: ,as found on a busy road Durham by construction
worers. -e was brought to ./. in /eptember %&&*. -e is around )& years old and is
full grown. Desert tortoises are typically between '&0'* inches and the males is usually
larger and has a concave plastron. Desert tortoises are threatened and therefore protected.
$hey are found in the /outhwestern 1nited /tates and 2orthern 3e4ico and will dig
burrows (between %.) to '& feet long) for protection from predators and e4treme
temperatures. Desert tortoises are herbivores and our tortoises are usually fed straw,
collard greens, and ale.
Seymour (African Spur Tortoise) facts: (frican /pur tortoises are found in 2orthern
(frica in the /ahara Desert. $hey can grow to between % and 5 feet and weigh up to %&&
pounds. $hey are the 5
largest tortoise in the world. During the hottest part of the day
they will dig and retreat into burrows that can span more than '& feet and 5& inches in
depth. $hey are named for the long spurs on their thighs. /eymour is around ') years
old and will probably read his full grown si6e in another ) years. !ur tortoises get all the
water they need from the greens they are fed. If water was put in their enclosures they
would defecate in them, turn the bowl over, or generally ignore it.

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