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MMFX Microcomposite Steel

Steel is a widely available material that has a major role in the construction industry. Its
properties, such as strength, corrosion resistance, and weld ability, are very important for the
design and construction.
One of the major problems facing the construction industry today is the effect of corrosion on
steel, and the inherent structural weaknesses it causes in highways, bridges and buildings.
The need for corrosion-resistant steel is illustrated by the billions of dollars required annually
to reconstruct or repair structures whose design life has been either shortened or eliminated
as a result of corrosion, or through loss of aesthetic value or functional obsolescence.
Irrespective of the replacement costs of steel products (i.e. reinforced concrete, structural
steel members, etc.), personal injury and deaths have occurred through corrosion-induced
structural failures.
MMFX2 is nanostructure-modified steel, produced by MMFX Steel Corp. Compared with the
conventional steel, it has a fundamentally different microstructure- a laminated lath structure
resembling plywood. This unique structure provides MMFX steel with amazing strength
(three times stronger), ductility, toughness, and highly corrosion resistance.

Conventional carbon steels form a matrix of chemically dissimilar materials, carbide and
ferrite. These carbides are strong, yet brittle, immovable at the grain boundaries. In a humid
environment, a battery-like effect occurs between the carbides and ferrites that destroy the
steel from the inside out. This effect (a microgalvanic cell) is the primary corrosion initiator
that drives the corrosion reaction. MMFXs patented proprietary steel technology forms a
matrix that is almost carbide free.
MMFX Steels proprietary chemical composition and production process control the steels
martensitic microcomposite microstructure as shown in Figures 1 and 2. MMFXs designed
microstructure consists of untransformed nano sheets of austenite between laths of
dislocated martensite, resulting in a virtually carbide free steel. Without the creation of
continuous paths of carbides, microgalvanic cell formation is minimized during MMFXs
production. Reduction of mircogalvanic cell formation in MMFX steels are demonstrated by
viewing their microstructures.
Material microstructural properties are characterized utilizing transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) techniques as illustrated in Figure 2 and are observed through use of
electron microscopes. Hence, the control of MMFX steels morphology (form and structure)
of its microstructure has resulted in its significantly superior material properties.

Figure 1: MMFX Microstructure
Figure 2: MMFX TEM Packet Lath Martensite Micrograph
MMFX steel is a low-carbon, chromium alloy steel that is produced as part of a controlled-
rolling production process (i.e. rolling steel within a well-defined temperature range and
cooled at a specific rate). The combination of MMFX steel chemical composition and
manufacturing production process produces a steel that has a completely different structure
at the nano, or atomic, scale (a laminated lath microstructure resembling plywood, see
figure 2). MMFXs plywood effect provides superior strength, ductility, toughness, and
corrosion resistance. These material properties lead to longer service live in corrosive
environments and lower construction costs.
Most steel exhibits strength at the cost of ductility. Steel that is made using MMFXs
proprietary technology is not only stronger and tougher (not brittle), but is also significantly
more corrosion-resistant than conventional steel. This technology and material composition
has enabled the development of high strength, cost-effective MMFX steels.
Since MMFX Steels initial production, MMFX steels material composition has remained
consistently the same as indicated in Table 1 from numerous commercial heats.

A. Corrosion Resistant
MMFX rebars corrosion resistance, in terms of its critical chloride threshold level (CCTL
the quantity of chloride in concrete that initiates corrosion), has been demonstrated to be
more than triple the CCTL of ASTM A615 conventional carbon steel bar. Figure 3 is a
schematic graphic illustration comparing MMFX steels corrosion protection in relation to
conventional black steel. MMFX steels corrosion resistance means that it takes a
significantly longer time for corrosion to start and progress to the extent that requires repair
to a structure, than it does for conventional black steel.
The life of a reinforced concrete structure goes through three corrosion related stages as
1. Stage one (corrosion initiation) time for chlorides to penetrate into the concrete to the
level of the steel reach the CCTL and initiate corrosion.
2. Stage two (propagation) time from initiation of corrosion to initiation of first concrete
spalls and cracks.
3. Stage three (repair) period after spalling when repairs temporarily extend life of
structure. Deterioration of the structure continues until the structures service life is

B. High Strength
MMFX steel rebar is produced in two grades, which are certified as indicated in Table 2 for
their tensile strength, yield and elongation properties.

Table 2

MMFX steel rebar meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM A1035 (Grades 100 [690]
and 120 [830]), and AASHTO MP 18 (Grade 100), enabling structural engineers to improve
the way buildings, highways, and bridges are designed and built.
Historical strength requirements for conventional steel customarily dictated 60 ksi (Grade
60). MMFX, by comparison, establishes todays steel standard at minimum yield strengths of
100 ksi (Grade 100) and 120 ksi (Grade 120). The figure 4 below shows tensile, yield and
elongation properties.

Figure 4: MMFX properties tensile, yield and elongation
Table 3: MMFX Manufactured Bar Sizes
Material Service Live
MMFX uncoated corrosion-resistant, high-strength concrete reinforcing bars extend the
operational service life of structures beyond 100 years. Extending the operational service life
(the time from construction to first repair) significantly lowers life-cycle costs, especially
important for bridges, marine piles and severe soil applications.
Independent studies show that only MMFX and stainless steel rebar meet the 100-year
operational service life standard as indicated in table 4.
On average rebar accounts for approximately 1% 4% of the total cost of construction.
Therefore, for a structure that can cost millons of dollars, a construction material that
represents only 1% 4% of the costs ultimately determines the operational service life
expectancy of the structure. In addition, repair costs easily overshadow minor differences in
initial construction costs, so using MMFX rebar can greatly reduce the overall costs of a
MMFX clearly provides the lowest life-cycle costs for a 100-year operational service life, but
the stakeholders do not have to wait 100 years to reap the cost savings. At the standard 60
ksi (420 MPa) strength, the cost savings of MMFX is realized at first repair. The figure 5
shows the relative costs of MMFX compared to ECR after first repair necessary in year 34
for ECR reinforced structures.

Table 4:

The Benefits
MMFX rebar offers twice the strength of conventional steel. High strength that provided by
MMFX rebar will means:
Less Steel
Engineering the structure using high-strength rebar (100+ ksi) reduces material
requirements by 20-50%.
Less Labor
Labor costs can be lowered by up to 60%.
Less Congestion
Structures can be designed with less steel and less congestion.
Better Constructability
Higher strength steels provide more flexibility in design making the impossible
Faster Construction Timelines
Less steel and less congestion leads to shorter construction times and faster project
Handles Like Conventional Steel
Can be fabricated on conventional fabrication equipment
Specifications, approvals and design guides for use including ASTM, AASHTO,
Better ductility than other high-strength steels (7% 16%)
Figure 5: The comparison between MMFX and ECR relative cost
When it comes to steel, the problem is always corrosion. Fortunately, the best engineering
and scientific minds in the business have discovered the answer with the invention of MMFX
rebar. Highly corrosion resistant of MMFX rebar without use of coating technologies can
provide several benefits:
Resulting in extended service life of rebar in corrosive environments
Longer lasting more durable structures
Finally a cost effective corrosion-resistant steel
With MMFX there is no worry of damaging coatings during handling, fabrication or
Other benefit is, MMFX rebar is appropriate for use as concrete reinforcement in almost all
concrete-based structure and dont need any special installation. The used of MMFX rebar is
ranging from commercial, industrial, utilities, waterways, transportation and other reinforced
concrete applications, including:
Buildings (piles, foundations, slabs, beams, columns)
Bridges (decks, girders, columns, abutments)
Retaining walls, marine facilities (docks, piers, fenders, etc.)
Pavement (dowel bars and lane tie bars)
Cast-in-place and precast reinforced concrete members
The main benefit is about the life-cycle cost. MMFX2 corrosion-resistant, high-strength
concrete reinforcing bars extend the service life of bridges and buildings beyond 100 years.
Such extended operational service life considerably reduces life-cycle costs, which is
particularly important for commercial-grade structures.

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