Missing Mh370:: Teacher Realises Former Student On The Plane After 2 Weeks

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MISSING MH370: Teacher realises former

student on the plane after 2 weeks

By EUNICE AU | euniceau@nst.com.my

SHAH ALAM: After almost two weeks of following the news on MH370, SMK Taman Tun Dr Ismail
(TTDI) teacher Mohd Azhar Md Salleh suddenly realised with despair that his former student, an air
steward, was on board the missing flight.
New Straits Times had approached the 55-year-old teacher with a current photo of SMK TTDI alumni
Tan Size Hiang, 46, but at first look, Mohd Azhar did not recognise Size Hiang.
However during a second glance, the Science teacher suddenly exclaimed "David!" when he recognised
his former Scouts boy.
In that moment, a flicker of joy at recognising his beloved student and a wince of anguish at the
knowledge that David was on board the missing flight flashed across his face.
He explained that he had not recognised the name "Tan Size Hiang" when the flight manifest was
revealed as Size Hiang was only known to his teachers and schoolmates as David Tan.
"David was part of the pioneer batch of Scouts at this school and was very active and outdoorsy.
"He was one of nine patrol leaders that helped to recruit and grow the Scouts troop. I will always
remember his service and dedication and I am indebted to him for that," Mohd Azhar reminisced at the
school canteen.
As a patrol leader, he said David had the responsibility of assisting him to organise activities for fellow
Scouts every Saturday.
He recalled that one of the most memorable Scout activities he shared with David was a five days
camping trip at Kuala Atok, Taman Negara in 1984.
They had slept in open-air wooden huts, played in the river and hiked nature trails together.
"On the way back home after the trip while waiting for the train, I remember scolding David and the other
eight patrol leaders for playing cards in public while wearing the Scouts scarf," he said, chuckling at the
He described David as a happy-go-lucky and sensitive student who got along exceptionally well with his
David had also represented the school in football and was a hockey team leader in the school's red
sports house, he added.
The last time Mohd Azhar met David was about three years ago at a restaurant in Taman Tun Dr Ismail,
Kuala Lumpur.
"He had approached me to say hi and we talked for a short while.
"He was still the same, very nice and polite," he said fondly.
Perplexed by the mystery of the missing flight, Mohd Azhar said he hoped he will be able to invite all his
former Scouts boys, including David, to attend his retirement service in five years time.
Meanwhile, a tribute page has been posted on the Sharelor website with information on David, believed
to have been contributed by David's brother Kenny Tan.
The tribute detailed David as a family-oriented man who not only took care of his wife and five year old
daughter but his siblings and parents as well.
He was also portrayed as someone who is very passionate about his job and would always share his in-
flight experiences with his family.
According to the tribute, David is an ardent football fan and has worked with Malaysia Airlines for almost
18 years.

The ancient and the new in Morocco
By Khairul Ashraf Kammed

Khairul Ashraf Kammed visits imposing mosques in Casablanca, a fortress in Rabat and a green haven
of sheer magic, the famous Majorelle Garden,in Marrakech
THERES a sudden silence in the bus when Mohsinne, our tour guide, announces that the bus driver
doesnt have a driving licence. Most of the passengers react quietly, with their jaws falling open.
We have just begun our journey in a distant land and the last thing we want is to leave our fate in the
hands of someone who is unqualified. Welcome to Africa. Here we dont need a licence to drive,
Mohsinne breaks the silence. Abdurrahman, the driver, just smiles, keeping his focus on the road.
Mohsinne then introduces Muhammad, whom he says is in charge of bus maintenance and passengers
luggage. Everything will be safe. Muhammad is also responsible to make sure that the group has
enough members before we embark on each journey, assures Mohsinne.
The group is made of 31 members of Bumiputera Travel and Tour Agents Association (Bumitra) who
are on a familiarisation trip to Morocco, covering four cities: Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakech and Fez
(read the story on pages 12-13).


The short 25-minute drive takes us from bright blue skies at Aeroport Mohammed V to Casablanca city
centre, with its grey skies overhead. Ahh... Has the 14-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur International
Airport brought me to yet another haze-cloaked city?
But my annoyance quickly disappears when I step out of the bus at the compound of Hassan II Mosque.
The haze turns out to be thick mist, so thick that even its towering minaret is but a blur.
Pleasant temperature, whistling sea breezes and the seventh biggest mosque in the world stand
majestically before my eyes, making the calm morning even more beautiful. But this is just a short
stopover before we check in at Kenzi Tower Hotel, which is just a 5-minute drive away. After lunch, we
make our way back to the mosque and this time, the sun shines brightly, turning the sky blue as a
swimming pool.
And the minaret can be seen rising proudly, with the Atlantic Ocean as its background. At night, the 210-
metre minaret, the tallest in the world, shoots a laser beam pointing towards Mecca.
The Hassan II Mosque is named after the present Moroccan Kings late father who passed away in
1999. Designed by a French architect named Michel Pinseau, work began on the mosque in mid 1986
and was completed seven years later. The mosque is said to have cost roughly 585 million Euro (RM2.6
billion) to build, and was paid for by public donations. Its prayer hall can accommodate more than
25,000 worshippers while its esplanade, more than 80,000. During Ramadan, it accommodates more
than 145,000 people from the break of fast till late night prayers.
Non-Muslims, architectural buffs especially, will love its stunning intricate designs and artworks. There
are beautifully handcrafted mosaics and woods, fountains and Turkish-style baths. What is more
impressive is that all the materials used in the building of the mosque come from Morocco, with the
exceptions of the white granite columns and glass chandeliers which are from Murano, Italy.
From a monumental landmark, we head to the Ain Diab Corniche, one of the citys most fashionable
districts which has a scenic promenade bordering the western seafront of Casablanca and a cluster of
stylish hotels and beach resorts.
The coastal suburb is traversed by the 3km-long Corniche Boulevard, which stretches from the
magnificent Hassan II mosque in the east to the landmark El-Hank Lighthouse in the west, offering
expansive views along the Atlantic. On summer days, locals flock the beach of the Ain Diab Resort,
which is lined with beach clubs and swimming pools.
But the real draw comes after dark, when the nightclubs and restaurants open up along the boardwalk
and the Corniche becomes a central hub of Casablancas nightlife.
Time to pull the plug
By Aznim Ruhana Md Yusup | aznim.ruhana@nstp.com.my

If youre a social media addict, maybe its time to shut down for a digital detox, writes Aznim Ruhana Md
IN the current world, people have the narcissistic need to tell others what they are doing all the time.
Either that or theyre racing to be the first to spread information on the internet, whether it is the truth or
They are constantly checking emails and WhatsApp or posting pictures on Instagram. They Tweet
everything they do and update their status every few seconds on Facebook.
This raises the question: Are we having an unhealthy relationship with technology? According to Oxford
Dictionary Online, we are.
Last year, it defined the phrase digital detox to mean a period of time during which a person
refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to
reduce stress or to focus on social interaction in the physical world.
I must admit that over the years, I have become used to being online and connected. My phone is now
an extension of me. But I dont feel that my Internet habits are excessive enough to warrant a detox
although I have gone through two weekends without being connected and was going through Fomo
(Fear Of Missing Out).
According to the psychologists who came up with the term, its a compulsive concern that one might
miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, profitable investment or other satisfying
The first time, I was having a good time at Singapores Gardens By The Bay but with my international
data roaming turned off, I was left wishing that I could upload photos on Instagram in real time.
On the second weekend, my friends and I were staying at an eco resort in Pahang which had limited
internet connection. While I enjoyed the company and conversations, I did wonder what the outside
world was up to because I couldnt scroll through my Twitter timeline.


However, freelance graphic designer Syafiq Mahad points out that Fomo does not last. He went through
a similar withdrawal late last year when his phone malfunctioned and he couldnt get it fixed
immediately. After some time, he realised he didnt miss the Internet that much.
Now that I have my phone back, I dont use it as much as I used to. I dont really see the point of
sharing too much on social media. For me, I think the people who matter are still around and thats
enough, he says.
But what if your job requires you to stay online, virtually all the time? For Azlyn Balqis, her job is to
maintain Hitz.fms social media accounts Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Radio has become increasingly tied to social media as it seeks to reach out to more than the traditional
listeners. Hitz.fms Facebook page alone has more than 900,000 likes, so Azlyn has a huge
Even on weekends or when Im on holiday, I am glued to my phone, checking updates, making sure
Im posting the latest news and that Im not left behind on anything, she says.
The thing about social media is that its terribly fast, so you need to be always ready, regardless of
where you are and what time it is.
But she enjoys the interaction that she gets with her audience, which makes up for having to be on the
job practically 24/7. She also tries to promote positivity in her updates, although some bad apples do get
You cannot believe the number of trolls we get on a daily basis! So I normally just ignore them, unless
theyre excessively rude. In that situation Id try to reply or advise them politely, she explains.
I do wish I can go on a digital detox but to be honest, I think it might get boring. I have moments when I
turn off the phone but you can only deal with the silence for so long.
I, CAREGIVER: Grateful for uneventful days
By Putri Juneita Johari | juneitajohari@ yahoo.com

WHEN I look at my son Omar as he sleeps every night, I always give a prayer of thanks to the Almighty
for another uneventful day. Uneventful in that he did not have any grand mal (big) epileptic seizures, nor
did anything untoward happen that day.
For him and for the rest of the family as well as staff of the centre he attends daily, such uneventful
days are a blessing. So many things can easily go wrong. Omar could lose his balance and fall or he
could walk out of the house if the door or the gate is left open. He can also wander to another room
unnoticed or may not be able to open the door to get out. Any room can be dangerous if he decides to
get curious. He cannot be left unattended.
With such special children, we are always on guard. We have to be. The number of things that could go
wrong outnumbers the odds of those days when we can just cruise along without worry.
But when I watch him sleep, I feel the stress of the day seep away. Omar looks calm and rested, as he
should. All his muscles are relaxed. For a moment, I see my son the way he could have been fairly
normal, just like the rest of my three children. But that is not Omars lot in life. In addition to several other
diagnoses, Omar also has cerebal palsy. He is hemiplegic, where his right side is weaker than his left,
and his right arm and leg are crooked because of spastic muscles.
Omar was born with a malformed brain that presented itself on his second day of life with clonic-tonic
seizures. My thennewborn looked like someone was punching his stomach whenever he had an
episode. Doctors later diagnosed him with West Syndrome, a severe form of epilepsy that could
severely impair him with physical and mental disabilities, which indeed it did.
There were so many things to look into. First, we had to bring Omar to different specialists to deal with
different aspect of his disabilities. Omar had multiple diagnoses. Apart from epilepsy and cerebral palsy,
he also had autistic tendencies and general global delay.
How do these diagnoses help? It directed us to specialists who helped us with the right medications,
treatment and therapy. We also had to deal with his physical and mental developments, or the lack of it.
In our case, the neurologist was our main doctor who then coordinated all the other specialists we had
to see, from the orthopaedic surgeon to the ophtamologist, psychiatrist, dentist, ENT and so on.
Then we had to deal with the medicines prescribed. We had to make sure that one doesnt negate the
other, or double the unwanted side-effects. Next came specialists in rehabilitation for physiotherapy and
occupational therapy, and psychiatry for his behavioural problems and mental development. Omar has
had many treatments and therapies and several surgeries to deal with the different features of his
In the 20-something years of doing this, I am still fascinated by how the human brain and body works. In
Omars case of spastic hemiplegia, I marvel at how all his muscles relax to a normal tone when he is
asleep but gets all tight and spastic as soon as he wakes up.
Its as though upon waking and being conscious, the muscles automatically take on a life of their own,
making it difficult for him to function normally. When Omar is awake, he needs to wear a leg splint, or
He used to need an arm splint to prevent his wrist and fingers from becoming bent abnormally, but he
hated the hard piece of plastic and its velcro straps. He would bite them off and fling the offending
plastic, sending us on a daily treasure hunt.
His right foot turns at an odd angle. So Omar wears a splint and has shoes specially made for him. We
cant buy shoes off the rack for him anymore because of the unusual measurements.
To prevent his spastic muscles from damaging his foot and affecting his gait and walk, Omar has had
Botox injections administered to the muscles in his right leg. It worked only for a while. He ended up with
surgery that lengthened his Achilles tendon. However, we were warned that the problem might return
after a few years because the surgery was not a cure, it only reduced spasticity.
It has indeed been a long journey but our work is far from done. I see it as work-in-progress. Every day
brings a new challenge, but for as long as they remain uneventful, I dont have much to complain.
Dreams do come true
By Loong Wai Ting | loongwaiting@nst.com.my

It may have been just two years since Fuying&Sams debut but the pop duo has won many accolades,
writes Loong Wai Ting
LOVE And Dream, the new EP by Fuying&Sam, aptly describes the pop duos peace-loving nature.
While one moves at his own pace, trying not to be caught up in the rat race, the other hopes that
everyone will speak in a common language that is music. With the two contrasting personalities and
good music, it is not surprising that Fuying&Sam has taken the industry by storm.
Explaining the EPs concept, Sam (real name Sam Chin Neng) says its about relationships and
realising individual dreams.
Our previous album focused mostly on love. For the new EP, we decided to play with the theme of
dream, mostly because we want people to believe in themselves and that they can achieve their goals,
says the 24-year-old from Ipoh.
While they have similar themes of believing in one self, the two albums are quite different in musical
Fuying (real name Ong Fu Ying), says: We incorporate different genres into the EP. We are open to
trying out different styles and we continue to explore new ideas. We try to not limit ourselves to a certain
style for each project. For Love And Dream, there are rock elements, as well as acoustic pairings to give
the songs that edge.
Fuying&Sam is not your typical teeny-bopper group. The duo say they let their fans decide for
themselves based on the the duos musical styles and personality.
True enough, soon after its debut in 2012, Fuying&Sam was chosen to record the theme song for a local
movie, Kepong Gangster. Its edgy musical style earned it a reputation in the local music scene as the
up-and-coming group to watch out for.
Last year, it took the music industry by storm once again when two songs, Backlight and Be Happy,
from its EP were chosen as the theme songs for TV drama, Backlight Lovers and the film, Ah Beng:
Mission Impossible.
Recently, the duo also took home the Best New Artiste award at the MY Astro Music Awards, AIM
Chinese Music Awards and Neway Music Awards with the song Detachment bagging Song Of The Year
Despite the many accolades, the guys remain as humble as before. To them, awards serve as a
reminder of their hard work and are not to be taken for granted.
We are very grateful to those whove been a part of our career and musical journey from the beginning.
I dont want to be the typical artiste who doesnt connect with his fans personally or professionally.
We want fans to think of us as friends rather than stars, they say.
Fuying&Sam is expected to appear in Ryon Lees The Dream Boyz an inspiring movie about a group
of schoolboys who overcome their personal hurdles and achieve their dreams of being film stars.
Filming began on Feb 28. It also stars Singaporean actress Mindee Ong, Alvin Chong, Rayz Lim, Eric
Lin, Teddy Chin and Joe Chang.
Of their future plans, Fuying says they are working on a full-length album which is expected to be
released in May.
We may be going to Taiwan after filming the movie, to add the final touches to our new album. After
that, we will be busy with roadshows and promotional activities for the album, he says.
Fuying&Sams Love And Dream is available in leading music stores.

Cinema: Creative blend of action and sci-fi
By Bibi Nurshuhada Ramli | bibiramli@nst.com.my

FROM the DreamWorks Animation studios, the creators of the Shrek, Kungfu Panda and Madagascar
franchises, comes another animation gem that is likely to top the box office.
Featuring beloved characters from Peabodys Improbable History, a segment from the 1960s animated
TV series The Rocky And Bullwinkle Show, the film will be a thrill for those who grew watching the
original cartoon series.
The animation-adventure film encompasses current themes that will easily wow children of today.
Mr Peabody & Sherman is about the worlds smartest talking dog, Mr Peabody, and his adopted human
son, Sherman, who travel through time to witness various historical events first-hand, using a time
machine that Mr Peabody invented. Its called the Wabac, aptly pronounced as wayback.
When young Sherman accidentally breaks the rules of time travel, the two must race against time to fix
things before history and the future are changed.
Mr Peabody & Sherman not only entertains but also educates viewers. These two elements are played
out to the maximum, and when combined, they make the film one of the best releases of the year.
What better way for children to learn history than through animation, complete with adventures of
gigantic proportions.
During their travels, Mr Peabody and Sherman meet prominent historical figures including Marie
Antoinette, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, William Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci, Greek army
leader Agamemnon, King Tut, George Washington and Gandhi. These characters are depicted in a cute
fashion to engage the children.
The duo have non-stop fun and thrills, even though most of the time they face danger. Viewers will see
the adventures as a roller-coaster ride that they wish will not end.
Complemented by the breathtaking 3D effects, these adventures look even more exciting and will keep
viewers on the edge of their seats.
While the children love the duos thrilling adventures, the adults can enjoy Mr Peabodys many clever
puns, which add humour to the story, and an incredible set of skills from cooking to closing business
He may be a dog but hes a business mogul, Nobel laureate, inventor, scientist, musician, excellent
cook and an Olympic medallist. He also invented the zumba, fist-bump, auto-tune and planking!
In the film, there is nothing Mr Peabody cant master and the film highlights these skills in a brilliantly
creative way that you cant help but be impressed. Meanwhile, his more sensitive side will amaze
viewers as well when he shows his attachment to Sherman.
You dont have to be flesh and blood to love unconditionally or, in Mr Peabodys words, every dog
deserves a kid.
It is, of course, impressive how he manages to legally adopt a human child. There is that strong bond
between them but when Sherman says I love you, Mr Peabody replies with And I have a deep regard
for you as well.
The turmoil Mr Peabody faces is another important plot as it shows how human he can become. He just
isnt sure of his capability to be Shermans guardian.
The drama is creatively drawn and produces several touching moments in the film, making Mr Peabody
& Sherman a very good father-son movie.
Modern Family actor Ty Burrell voices Mr Peabody. His deep tone suits the bespectacled dog as if the
latter is full of wisdom.
Max Charles, the child actor who played young Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man, brings
Sherman to life with his cute voice. With Shermans equally cute and adorable looks and humour in his
dialogue, you cant help but love the character to bits!
Another important character is Shermans classmate Penny, who is the epitome of a girl brat and school
The characters, along with the setting of Mr Peabodys New York City penthouse and various moments
in history either in Ancient Greece, Egypt or France are exceptionally beautifully drawn. The
animation, especially the time travelling scenes, blows you away.
Mr Peabody & Sherman is a creative blend of action, adventure, sci-fi and family which will easily
entertain both the young and adults. Be sure to be in the cinema early to catch the short animated
feature, Almost Home, a hilarious opening act.

Top Picks: Time and again
By Bibi Nurshuhada Ramli | bibiramli@nst.com.my

Go back and forth in time in films with Bibi Nurshuhada Ramli
THE recently-released Mr Peabody & Sherman is an animated film about father-and-son time travellers.
Check out the following 10 films with a similar theme.
The Time Machine (1960)
1 - This Oscar winner is a breakthrough in filmmaking, thanks to its commendable special effects. Its
story is also eye-opening and different at the time of release. Based on H. G. Wells 1895 novel of the
same title, it is about a man from Victorian England, H. George Wells, who travels to the future to
discover that humanity has divided into two hostile species.
The Terminator (1984)
2 - An advanced cyborg in human form is sent from the year 2029 to 1984 to kill a waitress whose
unborn son will lead humanity in a war against machines. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the Terminator
who protects the waitress at all costs. This is the iconic sci-fi thriller that produced many catchphrases
including Ill be back and Hasta la vista, baby as well as many sequels and spin-offs.
3 - Back To The Future (1985)
Nothing is more awkward than going back in time, meeting your mother in her teenage years, and
involuntarily have her become attracted to you. Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) accidentally travels back in
time to 1955 and must make sure his parents unite to ensure his own existence. This is perhaps the
best known film with the time travel theme, and remained a hit for many years after its release. Its
success even spawned two sequels.
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)
4 - About Peggy Sue Bodell who faints at her 25-year high school reunion only to wake up in 1960
during her final high school year. She is on the verge of a divorce but finds herself falling for her then
high school sweetheart, now husband, Charlie, all over again. Kathleen Turner (Peggy Sue) was
nominated for Best Actress at the Academy Awards. It also stars Helen Hunt, Nicolas Cage and a very
young Jim Carrey.
Bill And Teds Excellent Adventure (1989)
5 - Heres a ridiculously hilarious film on time travel that left a memorable mark on pop culture. One of
the reasons is perhaps the young and cute Keanu Reeves. It is about two dim-witted high school
students, Bill and Ted, who travel through time in order to pass History class by preparing a historical
12 Monkeys (1995)
6 - Bruce Willis stars in this depressing but exciting movie where he plays a surly convict who is sent
from the future back in time to find information on the origin of a deadly virus, said to be spread by the
army Of The Twelve Monkeys that will wipe out most of the human population. The movie also stars
Madeleine Stowe and Brad Pitt. The latter plays a twitchy animal rights activist and earned an Oscar
Donnie Darko (2001)
7 - A film with a large cult following, it stars young Jake Gyllenhaal, Drew Barrymore and Jena Malone.
Gyllenhaal plays a troubled teen who, after a near escape from death, is haunted by visions of Frank, a
large rabbit, who manipulates him into committing crimes. Frank tells him that the world will end in 28
days, which serves as the films dark theme. There is a twisted, unconventional and psychological kind
of time-travelling featured in it. Using a time machine in the form of a phone booth, the two boys go
back in time and meet various prominent historical figures for their assignment.
Primer (2004)
8 - It may be a low budget sci-fi thriller but it won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival that
year. Four friends, who have built error-checking devices, are sure that there is more that can be done
with their creations. They accidentally discover the means of time travelling. This film written,
directed and produced by former engineer Shane Carruth who has a degree in mathematics is
known for its extremely complicated and thought-provoking plot and dialogue.
The Time Travellers Wife (2009)
9 - This is a romantic drama with a rather complicated storyline but its stars, Eric Bana and Rachel
McAdams, make it engaging. Henry DeTamble has a gene that allows him to involuntarily travel through
time. His unavoidable absence caused by his erratic time-travelling strains his marriage to Clare
Abshire. However, for some, these complex elements make it even more incredible.

Top Picks: Watch your back
By Shuhada Elis

Back pain can disrupt your daily routine. But there are ways to avoid the bad habits that worsen it, writes
Shuhada Elis
Too much sitting
1 - Did you know that sitting puts 40 per cent more pressure on your spine than standing? The back
muscles will weaken if you dont use them, causing inactive joints to lose lubrication and age more
quickly. So stretch every now and then and take a walk every half hour.
2 - Hunching over a steering wheel can tighten chest muscles and cause your shoulders to round. A
slumping posture can zap energy and causes back and neck problems. Be sure you sit at a 90 degrees
angle and close to the wheel so you dont have to stretch and extend your leg.
Stop exercising
3 - New research shows that 40 per cent of people become less active after they get back pain. In fact,
exercising alleviates aches and pains and fix back pain faster. So grab your shoes and hit the gym when
you suffer from pain.
For instant relief, try stretching your hamstrings and hips.
4 - Sit-ups may actually cause back pain. They dont work the ab muscles that stabilise your back and
contribute to pain.
But you dont have to ditch them entirely. Do them slowly and use proper form or include them as part of
a broader core workout.
Not eating right
5 - Excessive caffeine and processed foods can be bad for you. Healthy circulation brings nutrients to
the spine and removes waste but if this doesnt happen, inflammation can occur, causing back pain. A
back-healthy diet with whole grains, soya, protein and fruits reduces inflammation.
Lugging a heavy bag
6 - When you tote a heavy bag, your shoulders become imbalanced. This may cause back damage
thats comparable to sports injury! Doing this every day can cause back muscles to ache over time.
Experts recommend that your bag weighs no more than 10 per cent of your body weight.
Old mattress
7 - Cant remember the last time you replaced it? Your back may be in trouble. Consider replacing your
mattress every five to seven years if you dont sleep well or your back throbs.
Pick one thats not too squishy or too hard as they can cause or worsen your back pain.
High heels and flip flops
8 - Both are trendy but also lead to foot instability which in turn affect your back. High heels force you to
arch your back while sandals cause your feet to move from side to side. You can still wear them, but for
long hours, wear comfy flats or sneakers.
9 - Chronic or acute stress can directly trigger back pain as your whole body clenches up.
Muscles that contract need to relax or they can eventually cause major pain. Find ways to relax and
unwind, such as reading a good book, chilling with friends or listening to music.
Too much TV
10 - A study found that teens who sit in front of the TV or computer for 15 hours or more a week are
three times likely to experience back pain than their active peers.
Limit your television time and do some stretches or strength moves during commercials.

Online addiction
A recent study by Boston Medical Group reveals that parents who are engrossed with games and apps
on their smartphones tend to behave in a negative manner towards their children.
This leads to the children believing they are competing with a gadget for their parents attention.
Sunway University lecturer in Information Systems Dr Wong Siew Fan has been studying problematic
Internet use for several years now, and explains the dangers at hand.
When you spend too much time on the internet and not enough on other things, it creates problems. In
fact, some researchers consider it an addiction, similar to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, she says.
Some people need to have access to the tool at all times. They become nervous otherwise. Their
minds revolve around what they might have missed since the last time they checked their account,
leading to stress and anxiety.
Social media, in particular, Facebook and Twitter, provides instant information and feedback, so getting
a reaction feels rewarding to the user. But rewards can just as easily turn to disappointment.
It is even suggested that the more time a person spends on Facebook, the more dissatisfied they
ultimately feel with their own life. In this case, Wong advises on moderation. She also emphasised the
importance of filtering information. Otherwise, even Whatsapp group chats can leave you overwhelmed.
The definition of too much information goes back to how capable a person is in managing the
information. It is when we fail to identify and differentiate between relevant and irrelevant material that it
becomes too much, she says.
Filtering information is crucial when dealing with certain critical situations to avoid being taken in by
dubious reports.
When people are desperate for information, they will turn to whichever media that can fulfil their
needs. Social media seems to be the fastest because it uses the power of the community to spread
news. But we also need to be wary of the accuracy of the reports, says Dr Wong.
Its not just social media that stops us from putting down our devices. Were also hooked on games
which seem like a harmless way of passing the time, not to mention giving us that feeling of
accomplishment when we pass a difficult level.
Many times when I go out for dinner, I see family members sitting together but there is zero interaction
among them. In fact, each would be playing on his or her own device. Even young boys have iPads. I
regard this as an unhealthy digital development, says Dr Wong.
However, she is cautious about digital detox, preferring common sense instead to dictate our
relationship with the digital world rather than a fixed programme.
It might be beneficial though for individuals who use their devices to the extent that it incapacitates
them, affecting their daily activities and performance. Countries such as South Korea, USA, the
Netherlands and China have boot camps to save Internet addicts, she adds.
Dr Wong is conducting a pilot programme, funded by The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
Commission, that seeks to rehabilitate university students who feel they are spending too much time on
the internet.
She explains that some people tend to use their time online to avoid interpersonal relationships with
people in real life. So the programme focuses on ways to reduce social anxiety and to increase social
interactions in face-to-face settings.

Educate yourself about scholarships
WHEN it comes to scholarships in Malaysia, they generally fall into one of two categories: corporate or
government, or collegebased. Corporate or government scholarships
are often a students best bet to study overseas, as many of them cover not only tuition costs, but living,
computer and travel expenses as well. At the same time, they encourage their scholars to pursue their
degree overseas and those that are for SPM school-leavers cover pre-university programmes.

When applying for corporate or government scholarships, one should be aware that this educational
windfall is subject to several requirements; the most common stipulations are that students must choose
to pursue their studies in one of a few preferred fields listed by the organisation at a university that has
been approved of, and that upon graduation, these scholars are bonded to the organisation.

On the other hand, college-based scholarships come from within a students institution of choice and
represent a partial or complete waiver of tuition fees. The scholarship is
of course specific to the institution, so potential candidates should have a some degree of certainty
about where they would like to study before applying for or accepting a college-based scholarship. Often
with college-based scholarships, there are no bonding requirements, allowing students the freedom to
choose their place of work.

Read the fine print
A scholarship means education opportunities and it also means financial relief. Often, there is the
assumption that a scholarship, especially those that send candidates
overseas, will cover every cost. While this is so with some scholarships, there are those that award
partial payment of fees, only pay for tuition costs or do not provide living
and accommodation expenses.

When applying for scholarships, it is best to be aware of what costs the scholarship is bound to cover,
and what are the costs that you will need to fork out yourself.

Interview sessions
Whats the secret to a successful scholarship interview? It could be any number of things, and Angela
Pok, the Director of Student Experience at Taylors University, reveals that the ability to communicate
clearly and eloquently is highly rated. Our scholarship interviews focus on evaluating a candidates
communication and leadership skills through their sharing of experiences with interviewers, she says. In
Taylors case, their courses are taught in English, and so they look for the added advantage of being
able to converse profi ciently in the language.

The steps to obtaining a scholarship are sometimes as simple as attending an interview, or as complex
as several levels of interviews combined with other elements and training workshops. Interviewers are
generally looking at character, confi dence level and language profi ciency during the individual
interview, while other elements that may include essay writing are implemented to judge skills that will
be of use during a candidates study period.

In the case of Taylors World Class Scholarship (TWCS), applicants are required to write an essay to
put their critical thinking skills to test, as well as prepare a presentation to introduce themselves, reveals
Pok. Applicants of TWCS should also ensure that aside from excellent academic records and active
participation in extra-curricular activities, they possess a positive character, good communication skills
and leadership qualities.

Testing the latter is one of the main purposes of the workshops, camps or group interviews. This is
where students are appraised for their ability to work in a team, observed on their ability to lead and
judged on their critical thinking skills through group discussions and case studies.

MISSING MH370:Teacher realises former student
on the plane after 2 weeks

1. The news on MH370 have been 2 weeks time.
2. An air steward named Tan Size Hiang or David Tan is a student of Mohd Azhar Md Salleh was
lost with the missing plane.
3. David has been working with Malaysia Airlines for 18 years.

1. He recalled that one of the most memorable activities he shared with is
2. suddenly realised with despair
3. student who got along exceptionally well with his teachers.

He was in anguish after he was stabbed by the criminal.
She manifested on how to make a crme brulee.
He is an intelligent yet outdoorsy boy.
My grandfather is the pioneer of the Adelphine Incorporated.
The questions perplexed me.

The ancient and the new in Morocco

1. The famous cities in Morocco are Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakech and Fez.
2. The highest minaret in the world is in Morocco which is 210 metres and at night, the minaret will
shoot a laser beam pointing towards Mecca.
3. The Hassan II Mosque is named after the present Moroccan Kings late father who passed
away in 1999.

1. The last thing we want is to leave our fate in the hands of someone who is unqualified.
2. But my annoyance quickly disappears when
3. But the real draw comes after, when

The teacher imposed us to win the competition.
Our house is our haven.
We embarked for Australia this morning.
The muezzin is cleaning the minaret.
We went to the esplanade this weekend to watch the sunset.

Time to pull the plug

1. Ones who is online addicted would suffer FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) if he could not connect
with internet for a period of time.
2. People nowadays are having an unhealthy relationship with technology according to the Oxford
Dictionary Online.
3. Too much sharing in the internet is one of the major problems with internet addiction.

1. to focus on social interaction in the physical world.
2. I am glued to my phone.
3. having to be on the job practically 24/7.

The doctor helps to detoxify my fathers bloodstream.
My friend is a bit narcissistic towards my sister.
I tried to refrain myself from playing video games excessively.
The person who stays under that bridge is a compulsive gambler.
Encik Sulaiman has free-lanced for several years.

I, CAREGIVER: Grateful for uneventful days

1. Omar is diagnosed with several disease such as cerebral palsy, hemiplegic, West Syndrome,
epilepsy, autistic tendencies and general global delay.
2. Some of the specialists helping Omar are orthopaedic surgeon, ophtamologist, psychiatrist,
dentist, ENT and neurologist.
3. The writer is grateful with these uneventful days which means the days when Omar is not

1. The number of things that could go wrong outnumbers the odds of those days when we can just
cruise along without worry.
2. The muscles automatically take on a life of their own.
3. We cant buy shoes off the rack for him anymore.

The crooked lane made me felt dizzy.
It is a marvel that he is still alive until now although he is suffering from AIDS.
The spastic children are given free toys to play with.
He wears a splint because he broke his arm yesterday.
She tries to negate that she is the one who broke the vase.

Dreams do come true
1. Dreams do come true.
2. They play the theme dream, mostly because they want people to believe in themselves and that
they can achieve their goals.
3. Awards serve as a reminder of their hard work and are not to be taken for granted.
1. While one moves at his own pace, trying not to be caught up in the rat race.
2. not your typical teeny-bopper group.
3. Awards serve as a reminder of their hard work and are not to be taken for granted.
They accolades Mahani for her excellent result in SPM.
The boy is aptly punished for his misbehaviour.
All of your essays are incorporated in the essay module.
He answered with an air of detachment.
She is a typical Scot with an English accent.

Cinema: Creative blend of action and sci-fi
1. The character of the movie is adapted from Peabodys Improbable History, a segment from the
1960s animated TV series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.
2. The movie teaches kids about historical figures like Marie Antoinette, Albert Einstein, Abraham
Lincoln, William Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci and Gandhi.
3. Mr Peabody is clever yet has incredible skills from cooking to closing business deals.
1. What better way for children to learn history than through animation.
2. You dont have to be flesh and blood to love unconditionally.
3. You cant help but love the characters to bits!
The songs that she sings encompass a wide range of genres.
My mother plays a prominent part in my life.
3. PUN
They came up with a pun for the slogan of their shop
The school was in turmoil when the bell rang.
She starts to struggle for her exam at the latter half of the year.

Top Picks: Time and again
1. Movies involving time travel starts around 1960 until now with the movie The Time Machine.
2. The Terminator which was made on 1984 is about a cyborg sent from the year 2029 to kill a
waitress whose unborn son will lead humanity in a war against human.
3. The movie Donnie Darko used a time machine in the form of a phone booth where the two boys
go back in time and meet various prominent historical figures for their assignment.
1. Go back and forth in time-in films
2. Heres a ridiculously hilarious film on time travel that left a memorable mark on pop culture.
3. His unavoidable absence caused by his erratic time-travelling strains his
The hostile aircraft dropped a bomb and killed millions of people.
The sequel of the movie The Pirates of The Caribbean has been a blockbuster.
The convicted murderer was jailed for the rest of his life.
They are the current pop music cult.
The problems that he faced are very thought-provoking.

Top Picks: Watch your back
1. Too much sitting puts 40 per cent more pressure on your spine than standing.
2. Experts recommend that your bag weighs no more than 10 per cent of your body weight.
3. Teens who sit in front of the TV or computer for 15 hours or more a week are three times likely
to experience back pain from their active peers.
1. Chronic or acute stress can directly trigger back pain as your whole body clenches up.
2. So stretch every now and then.
3. Your back may be in trouble.
My little brother disrupted all of my works.
2. ZAP
The hunter zaps the harmless reindeer.
The doctor alleviated the pain by injection.
He ditched his car and walked to the mall.
He tote his bag although the bag has wheels.

Online addiction
1. Parents who engrossed with games and apps on their smartphones tend to behave in negative
manner towards their children.
2. Children believing they are competing with a gadget for their parents attention if they are
addicted to internet.
3. When people are desperate for information, they will turn to whichever media that can fulfil their
1. Their minds revolve around what they might have missed.
2. Rewards can just easily turn to disappointment.
3. avoid interpersonal relationships with people in real life.
I was engrossed in my English assignment this whole holiday.
I felt dubious towards that salesman.
She was wary of strangers passing by the street.
The teacher dictated an article to the class.
His boss regarded him closely before he was hired for work.

Educate yourself about scholarships
1. Two types of categories for scholarship are corporate or government and college-based.
2. When applying for scholarships, it is best to be aware of what costs the scholarship is bound to
3. The ability to communicate clearly and eloquently is the secret to a successful scholarship
1. Potential candidates should have some degree of certainty
2. what are the cost that you need to fork out.
3. As complex as several levels of interviews combined with other elements and training
That student is generally known by all the teachers for his excellence in studies.
There are several stipulations that we must obey before entering the haunted house.
They signed a waiver of claims against the landlord.
He read the poem eloquently.
Her mother appraised the way she cooks.

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