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This is the piece of student work I am Analyzing:

End of First Grade Writing (Students had been

read a story about frogs and then told to write
their own story about a frog. Before the
individual writing, the whole class
brainstormed a list of good words to include in
the writing. The words included: green, slimy,
relaxing, smiling, small, thin, slim, skinny, big
eyes, enjoying, lying down. This list was
posted while individuals wrote their own

1. Review the student work.
Describe both what you see in terms of the assignment structure (if it is a worksheet) and the
student response.
Assignment Structure:
Seems to be a lined piece of paper
The assignment seems to have been given verbally, and not on the piece of paper
Student has the whole page to write a short story and draw a picture
Student Response:
Name on top of page
Drawing on bottom portion of page
Always capitalized the J in the name Jody
Didnt capitalize the H in he when starting a new sentence

2. Analyze the student work.
Judging from this work, what does the student understand or what can s/he do?
Civilization of names
All of the Ys and Gs go the correct way
Write on lined paper
Appropriate sentence structure for age
Basic anatomy of frogs, good drawings
Good use of brainstorming list discussed before activity started
What does the student still need to work on?
Always capitalizing at the beginning of a sentence
Correct spelling of always, not allways
Keeping more space between words
Conjunctions, joining 2 things together
Use plural and singular nouns
What factors may have influenced this students response (the way the assignment was
presented, previous experience with this kind of problem, lack of pre-skills, classroom
environment, language, learning style, learning disability, time of day, family issues, etc.) Do not
rush to assumptions or judgments. Provide as many possible explanations for these factors as
you can.
Of course the child could have any kind of learning disability ( not necessarily shown in
this piece of work)
Perhaps this student was doing this quickly, before going to recess or lunch maybe or just
before class ended
Having had read the book on frogs right before doing this assignment probably helped
Brainstorming new words to use in the writing surly helped the student
Perhaps the student is ELL and is working on English
Make sure to provide evidence from the work itself. Refer to Section 1 for evidence.
There doesnt seem to be much to show evidence for, there wasnt much that
she messed up on. The things that I can assume may change the way she would perform on this
project are just that, assumptions and the only one I have evidence for is the benefit of the brain
storming list, because the student uses them in the writing.

3. Analyze the assignment.
What is this assignment trying to assess?
Writing ability
o Sentence structure
o Spelling
o Correct letter formation
Ability to apply verbal instruction into written instruction
Ability to take verbal story and then try to imitate it, writing your own story

How effective is this assignment in providing information about student learning?
The assignment is effective because you can look at the student work, its all their work,
not multiple choice or anything like that. In this kind of assignment the student is
showcasing their work for the parent
How well do the strategies used in instruction so far seem to be working for this student?
The strategies used in instruction was to read to the student, brainstorm what the student
should write about and then letting the students write for themselves. I believe that the
strategy to go over everything and let the student replicate it is working well for the
student here in this case.

4. Design or adapt two lessons as next steps for this student.
Oregon Standards:
First Grade, English Language Arts and Literacy (CCSS)
1.L.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking
c. Use Singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences (e.g. he hops; We hop).

1.L.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking
g. Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g. and, but, or, so, because)

Lesson for; 1.L.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking
c. Use Singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences (e.g. he hops; We hop).
This Lesson will be working on verbs and tense of verbs within a sentence. The student had a
hard time with verb tense in the short assessment that was given. The final assessment would be
this work sheet that is bellow that is from;
Objective: learn verb tense
I'm using this kind of assessment so that
I can see if the students understand verb
tense. I am using a work sheet because
it is straight forward and takes away
other things that the kids might get
distracted by if I ask them to free write.
Materials list:
Work sheet
Images of kids playing
White board
Dry erase marker
Instruction: Place the images of kids playing on the white board with tape leaving room to
write next to each one. Then gather the class around the white board and point to each
child and ask the kids what theyre doing and when they say a verb write it down, and
help them by asking leading questions. Talk to the students about verbs and when they
are used and why. Then talk to the students about how verbs change when you go from a
single person to a group of people. Then I would have it be interactive and have the kids
make up sentences for what the kids are doing. I would use the discussion from my
students to tell me how they are understanding and I would continue to teach it in
different ways till I believed that my student understood the information. Then I would
hand out the work sheet.
When looking at the assessment piece at the beginning I have said that the student didnt
always match the verb to the noun, using this lesson may help them feel more
comfortable with that when they are working on their own.

1.L.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking
g. Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g. and, but, or, so, because)
This lesson will help the student with conjunctions. This is important because given the
assessment the student was having a hard time going from one sentence to another or from one
thought to another. This work sheet will be used as my lesson and then I will assess verbally in a
discussion piece with my students. Work sheet from:
objective: Learning how to go from one
sentence to another
Assessment: will be a verbal discussion
where I can ask the students questions
and have them explain themselves.
Perhaps having them say 2 sentences
with a conjunction and then having
them say it again and clap when they
say their connecting words.
Discussion space
When I am introducing this I will say
some sentences without conjunctions, then I will ask the students if I say something wrong, and
have the kids correct me. Then I will tell them what it is that they are correcting and then ask
them to work together in their groups to help these students out just as they have helped me out
in class.
The childs original work shows 2 very choppy sentences with no transition and with many
thoughts about the frogs looks, abilities, and what he does. There is not enough broken up in the
assessment and I hope to have the student see that this I another way to do it. In addition to this I
will have the students sit in a circle and each student will come up with 2 sentences, that need to
be brought together. I will have one student say their sentences and have the next child repeat it
with the new connection and that way I will see who understands and who still needs help.

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