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Listening Test

In t he Listenmg test, you will be asked to demonst rate how vvell you understand spoken
English. The entire Listening test will last approxi matel y 45 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You must mark your ansvvers on the separate ansvver
sheet. Do not vvrite your answers in your test book.
Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four stat ements about a picture in
your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one st at ement that best
describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer
sheet and mark your ansvver. The statements will not be pri nted in your test book and will be
spoken onl y one ti me. Look at the exampl e item belovv.
st at ement (B), The man is vvorking at the desk, is the best descri pti on of the picture, so you
should sel ect answer (B) and mark t on your ansvver sheet.



Part 2
Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They
will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response
to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your ansvver sheet.
For example
You will hear: Where is the meeting room?
You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director.
(B) lts the tirst room on the right.
(C) Yes, at two oclock.
The best response to the question Where Is the meeting room? is choice (B), lts the tirst
room on the right," so (B) is the correct ansvver. You should mark answer (B) on your answer
11. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet. 26. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
12. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 27. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
13. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet.
14. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet. 29.
Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
15. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet. 30.
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
16. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet.
Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet.
17. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet. 32.
Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
18. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 33.
Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet.
19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34.
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
20. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 35. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
22. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
23. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
24. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet.
25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.
Part 3
Drections: You will hear some conversati ons between two peopl e. You will be asked to answer
three questions about what the speakers say in each conversati on. Sel ect the best response to
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversati ons
will not be pri nted in your test book and will be spoken only one ti me.
41. What does the man say about going to Italy?
(A) He has been to Italy many times.
(B) He has been to Italy only once for a
busi ness trip.
(C) He has never been to Italy betore.
(D) He is goi ng to Italy for another business
42. What does the woman say about her trip to
(A) It was annoying.
(B) It made her turious.
(C) It was the greatest.
(D) It was nothing special .
43. What does the man wi sh?
(A) He wants to go on the trip to Italy wi th her.
(B) He wants to meet her at the airport.
(C) Hed like to go somewhere else for
(D) Hed like to work for an Italian company.
44. What is the probl em?
(A) He must attend a meeting the next day.
(B) He has lost his plane ti cket,
(C) He went to the wrong airport.
(D) He di dnt find the gate at the airport.
45. What is the man vvilling to do to get to Paris
(A) Pay the fi ne for the missed light
(B) Sl eep at the airport
(C) Go to other airports
(D) Pay double for the ti cket
46. What is correct about what the woman said
to the man?
(A) He must pay t wi ce the price of the ti cket.
(B) She will call some other airlines.
(C) He can make it to Paris tonight.
(D) The reason for his missing the tlight is the
airports fault.
47. What is being mai led to Mi ke?
(A) His presentati on source
(B) A magazi ne
(C) A movie ti cket
(D) A brochure
48. When is the conversati on taki ng place?
(A) Monday
(B) Thursday
(C) Friday
(D) Saturday
49. VVhich of the foll owi ng descri bes the situation
(A) Mi ke is too busy this vveekend.
(B) Jessica will recei ve the book in 5 days.
(C) Mi ke retuses to go out wi th Jesse.
(D) Jessi ca planned on spendi ng ti me wi th
Mi ke tomorrovv.
50. Why are they unabl e to take the flight?
(A) The travel agency is bankrupt.
(B) The airline company is on strike.
(C) The plane needs to be repaired.
(D) The vveather is bad.
51. VVhere must they go?
(A) To another airport
(B) To their parents anni versary party
(C) To a vvedding ceremony
(D) To a Coastal area
52. What will they do instead of taki ng t he plane?
(A) Take their car and dri ve
(B) Look for anot her flight
(C) Take an earl y train
(D) Go by a l eased car
53. What are they discussing?
(A) Eric fell in love wi th the actress.
(B) A film that Eric saw over t he vveekend
(C) Erics thoughts on the book
(D) A social documentary Pride and Prejudice
54. What is true about the discussion?
(A) The man beli eves the film was awful.
(B) The woman likes to introduce him to good
movies and books.
(C) The man was very proud of his actress
(D) The woman will i ntroduce the fi l ms
di rect or to him.
55. What will Eric probabl y do next?
(A) Meet the actress from the movie
(B) Read the recommended novel
(C) Read an article about pride and prejudice
(D) Tell his triends to vvatch t he movie
56. Why does James need his planner immediately?
(A) He has to give a Client a number.
(B) Sues number is his comput ers password.
(C) Sue asked him to call her.
(D) He has to discuss something wi th Sue.
57. VVhere does Peter suspect Jamess pl anner is?
(A) In Jamess office
(B) In the meeting room
(C) At the informati on desk
(D) In his offi ce
58. What is true about the buil ding where they
(A) It has a great Computer system.
(B) It has its own safety agents.
(C) Security guards alvvays carry cameras.
(D) Civil ians arent allovved in the building.
59. Why did Frank visit Kelly?
(A) To give her some of her mail
(B) To ask her for her mailing address
(C) To talk to her about the mailman
(D) To borrovv some stamps
60. Why was Kelly vvaiting for her mail?
(A) Her husband asked her to look out for a
(B) She was waiting for an acceptance letter.
(C) Her husband contacts her through the
(D) She was vvaiting for her husbands check.
61. How does the woman feel about getting her
(A) Appreciative
(B) Frustrated
(C) Doubttul
(D) Awful
65. Who is Ms. Zekeials talking to?
(A) A rental car employee
(B) A neighbor
(C) A landlord
(D) A clerk at the telephone company
66. What does the man on the phone tell Ms.
(A) She has to pay the rent immediately.
(B) He will vvaive her a late fee.
(C) He will drop by to pick up the check.
(D) He will intorm her about her late fee.
67. Which of the following describes Ms. Zekeialss
reaction to the policy?
(A) She is quite pleased with it.
(B) She thinks it is outrageous.
(C) She thinks it is very reasonable.
(D) She is concerned about it.
62. Who is Jack talking to?
(A) A hotel employee
(B) A restaurant employee
(C) A tlight agency employee
(D) A cook from a restaurant
63. VVhat is Jack trying to do?
(A) Make a reservation at 7:30
(B) Make a deal with the restaurant to get a
(C) Make a reservation for his group of 12
(D) Find a good Japanese restaurant
64. What does the employee remind Jack of?
(A) He will not receive a discount.
(B) The restaurant provides great Service.
(C) They have to come ten minutes early.
(D) The restaurant closes at 10:30.
68. VVhere will the printer most likely be placed?
(A) On a Computer desk
(B) On a desk shelf
(C) On the ground
(D) On the Computer
69. Why doesrTt Charlie agree with the mans
idea concerning where the printer should be?
(A) The printer cant fit there.
(B) It is easy for the printer to fall off.
(C) The place is too far away to be reached.
(D) It is ifficult to feed it paper.
70. What is true about the printer?
(A) It is a used printer.
(B) It is a brand-nevv one picked up from
another office.
(C) It was purchased by the man himselt.
(D) It was damaged by the delivery man.

Part 4
irections: You will hear some tal ks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to ansvver
three questi ons about what the speaker says in each tal k. Select the best response to each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your ansvver sheet. The tal ks will not be
pri nted in your test book and will be spoken only one ti me.
71. Why did Ms. Gorgy call Mr. Brooks?
(A) To ask for trucks to move some equi pment
(B) To ask for a recei pt for the contract
(C) To ask if some storage space is available
(D) To check the starting date of their Service
72. What will happen on August 13th?
(A) The company will rel ocate some staff to
another City.
(B) The company will move to another
(C) The company will have a sale.
(D) The company will need more trucks.
73. When will the provision of storage room
Service end?
(A) August 12th
(B) August 13th
(C) August 19th
(D) August 20t h .
74. Where did this speech probabl y take place?
(A) At a conerence
(B) At a meeting
(C) At a dinner show
(D) At an award banquet
75. What is the main event of the night?
(A) Dinner provided by the president
(B) A perormance by some employees
(C) Announcing the best employee
(D) Recognizing each empl oyee with an honor
76. To whom is the Employee of the Year avvard
(A) The employee who is always on ti me
(B) The employee who vvorks the most
(C) The employee who promotes the company
the most
(D) The empl oyee who helps both the
company and workers
77. Who is the speaker?
(A) An actor in the play
(B) The ovvner of the theater
(C) A theater employee
(D) A construction vvorker
78. How is the theater currently being improved?
(A) The stage is being renovated.
(B) The lobby is being decorated.
(C) The main doors are being painted.
(D) New actors are being recruited.
79What does the speaker ask the audience to
(A) Pay for the new renovation project
(B) Make a voluntary donation
(C) Advertise the donation opportunity to
(D) Support the new actors
80. What is the purpose of the message?
(A) To notity someone of an accident
(B) To celebrate a renovation
(C) To inform people about a new parking lot
(D) To add security to the parking lot
81. VVhat is the reason for closing Parking Level B?
(A) It is no longer stable enough.
(B) It is not conveniently located.
(C) It will be remodeled.
(D) It is not popular with the employees.
82. VVhere can the employees get the sticker?
(A) Yao will deliver it to them.
(B) At level B of the parking lot
(C) At the Security Office
(D) From any security guard
83. What is one of the eligibility requirements?
(A) Any student who attens Chicago
(B) Students who are employees children
(C) Students who speak English as a second
(D) Students who have never received a
84. What will the scholarships pay for?
(A) Transportation fees
(B) One semesters tuition
(C) Book purchases and living expenses
(D) Insurance
85. Which person will have an advantage in
vvinning the scholarship?
(A) A student who can speak another
(B) A student who was not raised in the U.S.
(C) A student who cannot speak English well
(D) A student who is vvilling to take an
Insurance course
86. Why is the plane stopping at Incheon
International Airport?
(A) The plane is having some technical
(B) The plane is out of gas.
(C) Some passengers are going to Korea.
(D) Some passengers are going to take a rest.
87. What are passengers going to Tokyo asked to
(A) Follow the flight attendants
(B) stay in their seats
(C) Go to the restroom
(D) Buy some souvenirs at Incheon
International Airport
88. What does the captain say a tlight attendant
will do?
(A) Help them get their baggage
(B) Escort them to the gates
(C) Give inormation for gates
(D) Call a bus for them to ride to the gates
89. What is t he special Service t hey offer to
(A) A meeting wi th President Li ncolns
(B) Some snacks
(C) Histori cl tal ks
(D) Tapes for sel f -gui ded tours
90. VVhere are the visitors asked to go for
(A) The audi tori um
(B) The theater
(C) The entrance of President LincolrTs house
(D) The inormati on center
91. How often are the tal ks given?
(A) Every half an hour
(B) Every 45 mi nutes
(C) Every hour
(D) Every two hours
95. Who is the speech intended for?
(A) The president
(B) The sales staff
(C) Cli ents
(D) New empl oyees
96. How does the speaker descri be the past
(A) It was an unchanged year.
(B) It was a boring year.
(C) It was an unsuccessul year.
(D) It was a good year.
97. What is t he speaker going to do next?
(A) Introduce t he new empl oyees
(B) Discuss the plan for t wo days
(C) Talk about upcomi ng events
(D) Discuss the next years schedul e
92. What most likely is Labor Day?
(A) It is a holiday.
(B) It is the starti ng day for workers.
(C) It is a day to cal cul ate labor costs.
(D) It is a day to promote young peopl e tindi ng
93. Accordi ng to t he speaker, when is a good
ti me for outdoor acti vities?
(A) Saturday
(B) Sunday
(C) Monday
(D) Next vveekend
94. What will the weat her be like next week?
(A) It will be nice.
(B) It will be sunny and cloudy.
(C) It will be vvindy and snowy.
(D) There will be thunderstorms.
98. Who most likely is the speaker?
(A) A local real estat e agent
(B) A resi dent in an apart ment bui ldi ng
(C) The ovvner of an apartment bui ldi ng
(D) The manager of an apartment compl ex
99. What is one of the special teatures being
(A) A communi ty coin laundry
(B) Indoor whirlpool baths
(C) A nearby free clinic
(D) A bui lt-i n dishvvashing machine
100. How much must a new resi dent living in a
one-bedroom unit pay betore moving in?
(A) $1,000
(B) $2,000
(C) $3,000
(D) $4,000
Thi s is the end of t he Listening test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book.
Readi ng Test
In the Readi ng test, you will read a vari ei y of texts and answer several di terent tynep of reading
comprehensi on questions. The enti re Readi ng t est wll last 75 mi nutes. There are three Darts,
and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to ansvver as many questions as
possi ble vvithin t he ti me all owed.
Par t s
Directions: A word or pt.rase is missing in each of the sentences below. Foi ' ' ansvver choi ces are
given bel ow each sentence. Sel ect the best answer t o compl et e the sentence. Then mark the
l etter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Pl ease leave the ti les on the desk as a
reminder t o ---------- to revi ew them one more
ti me beore I l eave for supper.
(B) me
(C) my
(D) myselt
104. Whi chever t eam wi ns the most games in the
qual itying rounds w i l l ---------- t he City in the
State tournament.
(A) represent
(B) perorm
(C) attend
(D) reach
102. All of the cont erence parti ci pants can get to
the Harrot Hot el from t he ai r p o r t ---------- by
trai n or by bus.
(A) unl ess
(B) both
(C) either
(D) without
105. You can choose the exact cont ent s of each
dish from o u r ---------- sel ect i on of fresh
(A) enhanci ng
(B) outstandi ng
(C) conservative
(D) apparent
103. As deli very probl ems have been our pri mary
- ............ wi t h Pure Fl ows oper at i on, we
should improve on that.
(A) compl ai nt
(B) complai n
(C) compl ai ned
(D) complai ni ng
106. Pl ease dial your area number, and, at t he
tone, enter t he code for t h e ---------- Servi ce
(A) appropri ate
(B) appropri ates
(C) appropri atel y
(D) appropri ateness
2 0
107. Mali sa Akiko has been assigned to check
the f i l es ---------- McGray works on the
(A) also
(B) than
(C) moreover
(D) while
112. Cosda is a good mall to requent, as it is
spacious a n d ----------located with lots of
free parking.
(A) convenient
(B) convenience
(C) conveniently
(D) more conveniently
108. Now that the engi ne capacity o f ----------
model minivan has been enhanced, we can
increase our target market to include single
(A) ourselves
(B) us
(C) our
(D) we
109. The s aet y ---------- impl emented by the
company last year resulted in a fifty percent
decrease in accidents over a six-month
(A) comprehension
(B) precautions
(C) prohibitions
(D) possibility
110. He will probabl y--------- on his present large
City tour and visit more small performing
certers when he next appears in Japan.
(A) expanded
(B) expanding
(C) expand
(D) expansion
111. People wishing to process personal injury
claims mu s t ---------- forms TX180 and
(A) complete
(B) cancel
(C) distribute
(D) propose
113. All personal injury claims ar e--------- to
revievv by your personal agent as well as his
or her department head.
(A) subject
(B) susceptive
(C) successul
(D) suspect
114. We have junior and senior staff employed in
various branch offices in many--------- cities
throughout the USA and Canada.
(A) differ
(B) differentiate
(C) difference
(D) different
115. II was suggested that an Employee of the
Year award would be an excel l ent ............
to improve staff morale.
(A) technique
(B) access
(C) approach
(D) way
116. The Mi lestone Corporation anti cipates
--------- revenue increases in several major
metropolitan areas over the next decade.
(A) signiticant
(B) signity
(C) signiticantly
(D) signification

117.----------you just want a basic tune-up or
have special needs, we guarantee our work
for one full year, or you will recei ve a full
(A) Whether
(B) Even though
(C) Despi te
(D) As if
122. Ms. Lee has a great reputati on for vvinning
contracts, so lots of her co-workers regard
her as hi ghl y----------in most aspects of her
(A) capabl e
(B) capabl y
(C) capabi li ty
(D) more capabl y
118. As soon as the general wai t s t af f ---------- the
speed and efficiency of thei r Servi ce skills,
the Medit erranean will surely be one of the
most popular restaurants.
(A) improves
(B) improve
(C) had improved
(D) is improved
119. The board of directors said that there was a
----------to rai se funds to expand the project.
(A) control
(B) center
(C) look
(D) need
120. You will be routi nel y asked t o undergo
a medi cal exam beor e begi nni ng new
empl oyment t hat is known t o b e ----------
(A) extreme
(B) extremely
(C) extremity
(D) extremes
121. In order to be responsive to their customers
needs, t he b an k ............. a cust omer
sat i st act i on campai gn t hrough massi ve
amounts of tel ephone intervievvs.
(A) achieved
(B) conducted
(C) met
(D) obtained
123. We ll recharge the battery for every vehicl e
t hat needs i t ----------no extra cost.
(C) over
(D) from
124. We must be ready to respond quickly to the
changes t hat are predi cted by our market
(A) measurement
(B) representati on
(C) agenci es
(D) researchers
125. A s ----------in our last conterence, Ms. Mil ler
is goi ng to arrive at the Incheon Airport at 3
P.M. on Sunday, April 13.
(A) discuss
(B) discussion
(C) discussing
(D) discussed
126. If you shoul d mi spl ace your card, si mpl y
notity us at the same tol l -free number, and
w e l l ........ you anot her One vvithin t wo
(A) issue
(B) discuss
(C) address
(D) present
2 2
127. .......the assets of Acme Equipment have
been seized and will be auctioned off by
Auction Services on Saturday, April 1, 2008
at 2:00 P.M.
(A) Almost
(B) Most
(C) Most of
(D) Mostly
128. Grass clippings for recycling will be picked
up in front of houses in al l --------- areas on
your specitied garbage collection day.
(A) distant
(B) habitual
(C) residential
(D) separate
129.1honestl y think you will find our new
empl oyee wage st ruct ure and benef i t s
p ac k ag e-----------to any of our industry
(A) comparable
(B) distinguished
(C) comprehensible
(D) related
130 . your request, our customer Service
desk has reserved a Nissan Town Car with a
personal driver for you.
(A) In response of
(B) In responsible for
(C) Responsive
(D) In response to
131. For a small, ext r a--------- , we would be
vvilling t o provide transl ati on or rewrite
services for any non-English speakers.
(A) bill
(C) income
(D) charge
132. We al s o tacil ities for your
mi nk coats and other del i cates and deal
with silks, satins, and laces with the utmost
(A) gi ve
(B) offer
(C) submit
(D) attribute
133. One industry that will b e --------- hit by the
negative effects of this is agriculture.
(A) currently
(B) eagerly
(C) particularly
(D) sincerely
134. Mr. Kim is cauti ousl y--------- about the
projecti on for increased proi ts in the
Corning quarter because protits were down
last quarter.
(A) optimistic
(B) optimistically
(C) optimism
(D) optimize
135. Jane Anderson has a keen i nt er est ---------
contributing l o the funds being collected in
the otice to help with flood relie in India.
(A) in
(B) for
(C) about
136. The CEO said that t h e--------- of the auction
would be used to pay off Namsung Trades
(A) proceeds
(B) procedure
(C) process
(D) Processing
, . .j, TT-rT
..... ........ r 23
137. All Club members are al l ovved.............the
International Health Symposi um at no cost.
(A) attending
(B) attend
(C) t o attend
(D) att ended
138. A Grandeur spokesperson also stat ed t hat
ampl e parki ng space is av ai l ab l e,.............
includes an underground tacility.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) vvhich
(D) who
139. You m ay ............ of the unsuitable l etterhead
forms in vvhichever way you choose.
(A) deal
(B)t ake
(C) dispose
(D) deci de
140. Al most 20 machi nes i nspected were found
to have taulty or - ...........satet y mechanism
in their front and back doors.
(A) adequatel y
(B) inadequacy
(C) inadequate
(D) inadequately
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Part 6
Questions 141-143 refer to the following advertisement.
Wendys Restaurant is a wonderful dining choi ce for busy people who require a speedy
meal and for tamilies with children. We--------- you that your food will be prepared
141. (A) assure
(B) speak
(C) say
(D) converse
in five minutes, or your meal will be free of charge. Our meal includes fresh hamburgers
and handmade French fries, two types of cokes, and ice cream. The jukebox plays hits
from the 196S by artists like Herbie Hancock and Lou Donaldson.
Apply now to become a member of our Wendys Restaurant Cl ub............ you visit our
142. (A) VVhere
(B) VVhether
(C) That
(D) Whenever
site, a sticker will be attached to your membership card, and, after ten visits, you will
receive a free meal.
Membershi p card holders will get a 10% discount on Wendys Restaurant merchandise
like T-shirts with our logo. Members will also receive preterred seating when the
restaurant is crovvded. All members get a --------- admission ti cket for an amusement
143. (A) combined
(B) complicated
(C) complimentary
(D) complex
park just f or joining.
' ' i. * 1
....... mmtw 25
Questions 144-146 refer to t he foll owing fax.
To: Mr. steve Smith
From: Jeanie Kim
Subject: Tra de Conerence
A uni que and histori c intemati onal trade conf erence---------- thi s November in Korea.
144. (A) has taken place
(B) had taken place
(C) will t ake place
(D) was taking place
I would li ke to request that one in your fi rm b the Paciic Rim Trade Conerence.
145. (A) delegated
(B) relegated
(C) elevated
(D) rel eased
It is sponsored by the Worl d Tra de Association and the U.S. State Department.
The delegati on wi l l be composed of approxi matel y 150---------- from our industry. It wi l l depart
146. (A) representati on
(B) represent
(C) representati ve
(D) representati ves
from New York on Saturday, November 7. and ret um on Monday. November 16.
You wi l l receive more detail s from Mr. Wonjun Choi, the vice president of our trade association.
in a few days. In the meanti me. if you need any prel i mi nary information. please call me.
Questi ons 147-149 refer to t he following article.
Over the past year, the intormation technol ogy industry has had a hard ti me. Dot-com
companies have gone out of business, an d --------- employees have lost their jobs.
147. (A) thousand of
(B) thousands of
(C) of thousand
(D) thousands
Recently, CWJ cut 15,000 more j o b s --------- last years tremendous layoff. However, in
148. (A) in addition
(B) in additions to
(C) addition of
(D) in addition to
the Uni ted States a year ago, there was a shortage of one million technol ogy vvorkers.
While that number has t al l en--------- , to 900,000, its not expected to drop any urther.
149. (A) somewhat
(B) some
(C) anyway
(D) somehow
By 2008, the U.S. Department of Labor predicts a million technol ogy jobs will go untilled.
The technol ogy vvorld has seen a maj or change this past year. Over 500 small- and
medium-sized Internet compani es in North Ameri ca have shut down.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.
One of Londons main health care acilities was -----7~ today because of an official strike.
150. (A) close
(B) closed
(C) to close
(D) closer
About 700 nurses and 1.000 nurses aides are requesting a pay increase. In response. the
govemment is contemplating passing a law that will force them back to their workplace. Union
workers are--------- to meet tonight to vote on a 10%pay increase that has been offered to them.
151. (A) expect
(B) expected
(C) to expect
(D) expectant
Yet it is thought tikely that this will be rejected. If their strike continues, the ------ patients will
152. (A) remained
(B) remainder
(C) remain
(D) remaining
have to be moved to other facilities vvithin a few days.
Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selecti on of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and adverti sements. Each t ext is followed by several questi ons. Sel ect the best ansvver
for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your ansvver sheet.
Quest i ons 153-154 refer to the fol lowi ng article.
Canadi an Fi sheri es Market Announces Rebrandi ng
The Canadian Fisheries Market (CFM) announced this morning that it will
change its name to the Canadian Seaood Market (CSM). 91 % of the
employees at CFM voted in favor of the iiew name at a special meeting that
was held today in Toronto. llnder its new name, the CFM wll continue to
broaden its already huge marKe with more Products such as shrimp and
The name change will taKe place on J anuary 1st of next year, but the
changes in broadening the market with more Products wll take place 2
weeks from now.
153. What has the Canadian Fisheries Market announced?
(A) It will stop carrying some Products.
(B) It will bring more shri mp and fewer fish in.
(C) It will change its name.
(D) 9% of its employees will get fired.
154. What is said about the Canadian Fisheries Market s employees?
(A) The majori ty showed up at the speci al meeti ng.
(B) Most of them voted in favor of the change.
(C) A lot of employees will be fired.
(D) Their numbers will be increased in 2 vveeks.
Quest i ons 155-156 refer to the following memo.
To: All staff
From: Karl Mel l ow
Subject: Traveli ng
Date: 2006-8-8
It is required for all staff members, as you should already know, to fill out the
necessary documents for traveling outside of the City for business relations and
for the company to pay for the travel expenses.
You must submit the documents for outside travel at least 3 full days beore
traveling. Even if the trip will involve no expense for the company, you must
do so for Insurance purposes. The Personnel Manager will prepare all travel
authorizations for the CEOs signature.
An original ticket and receipts MUST be filed with the documents, and under no
Gircumstances will photocopies be accented.
,165. What is said about the documents?
(A) They must be submitted 3 full days betore traveling.
(B) Workers must hand them in with a color pcture of themselves.
(C) VVorkers must get the CEOs signature before turning them in.
(D) VVorkers must Qive them to Karl Mellow.
*56. What is true about the receipts?
(A) They must be originals.
(B) They may be photocopies.
(C) They are to be turned in after getting the CEOs signature.
(D) They are not necessary.
Questions 157-159 reter t o t he fol l owi ng arti cl e.
I . .. TI I
V National Calling Service Reports Error
New York-based AT&P Wireless, the nations largest calling Service, increased its 2nd
quarter proit orecast and said the Accounting Team in Massachusetts had made
an error. The team orgot to list 14 million dollars used in the second quarter for
changing machines and prot lost in the vvritten report, according to a spokesman
for AT&PWireless. We have identied the cause of the error and are taking steps to
fx it right away, said the spokesman.
We are condent we have found and fxed a problem that was serious but isolated.

At the same time, we are thoroughly going over our system to prevent this from
ever happening and have added some new programs. Shares in company stocks
declined 17% after the announcement.
1 . _ f
157. What caused the probl em?
(A) An Accounti ng Team in Massachusetts
(B) Peopl e stopped using phones.
(C) An employee OOK $14 million.
(D) An old error was not fi xed.
158. What is said about the companys stock?
(A) It went down $14 million.
(B) It went up $14 million.
(C) It decli ned 17%.
(D) It rose 17%.
159. What has AT&P VVireless done?
(A) Deleted old programs with probl ems
(B) Instal led some new programs
(C) Fired all employees in Massachusetts
(D) ldenti fied the probl em but hasnt fi xed it yet
Ouesti ons 160-162 refer to the following notice.
PtKrto Chop, lr>c. dynionr* and (narutactures Quality designs for as. wai>pap,s
poslers arvl anyttling ale that m o s a picturo or a esign l ar rt. Wn nrc currenty
Id' d yB , V J> wjner. 1
0irt&8 and respomibiiities Inclue: 1
Df i f t l no dnapn dnci i mpnt s
- H* sirig phnfi inrio nevviy-mae designs
- MAKirrcVaprnHss HI -W! Uiiy oy day, copyinq new work i nl o fnes, and turning 1
lneiti in vnth tnu proyresS sheol every vveek "|
- D i tect ex oi * * i ance dresi arno o h o rn f ) o p w o rk
- * aiplrrta (rorr g dpmc acaemy '
- Simn moilliny mt>i nnru
- tucelei li vritteri d!Kj veiul skills
Our cornptnv offors competiiive saliiies and benetlts Intereste cantdates I
stiouki send 0f ra* a resum wii a cover etter to: 1
Photo Cbop Incorporated
6904 Deer Road
Fax: (7401 234-4566 '
E-ft>ail: )
PIms o . no phone cals.
__________________________________________________________________________________________- i
60. What is learned about this company?
(A) It will not take applicants phone calls.
(B) It has developed new photoshop
(C) It makes signs for restaurants.
(D) It manutactures photoshop programs.
161. What is the responsibility of the person that
gets hired?
(A) Creating new programs
(B) Managing a team of designers
(C) Transtorming photos
(D) Dratting new workers
162. What is requred for the position?
(A) Callng the office
(B) A good understanding of how the
company works
(C) A high school dipioma
(D) Experience in photoshop work
n i i m a n a L y ' 33
Questions 163-165 refer t o t he fol l owi ng arti cl e.
Salvation shelter Completed
University of Washington announced yesterday that it has finished
construction of the $3 million Center for Salvation. The center
will provide shelter for those that cannot take care of themselves in the State of
Washington. The center will serve 3 hot meals every ay, have a nice, small room with
a television, and provide a doctor to give free check'Ups for the people that are in the
There are always 2 nurses, a doctor, a cook, and at least 4 employees that will be in
1 the shelter every day, says Will Simpson, the center s director. We re the rst and only
center in the State of Washington that offers this to people that have a hard time doing
everyday, normal things
Will Simpson has alvvays felt bad inside when he gets off of work late and sees just
how many people are sleeping out in the streets and in marketplaces where old
J people have problems just picking items off the shelf and loading them into their carts.
Thanks to his efforts, he has now opened this salvation center to help those who are in
need of help.
163. What is learned about the Salvation Center?
(A) It is the largest one in the nation.
(B) It is the first one of its kind in Washington.
(C) It provides free meals 3 ti mes a day for everyone.
(D) It is for the homel ess.
164. What inspired Will Simpson to build this center?
(A) He fel t bad when seeing peopl e having a hard ti me doi ng normal things.
(B) He wanted to open a new restaurant.
(C) He needed a place for his grandmother to stay.
(D) He fel t VVashington di dnt have one yet, so hed be the first to found one.
165. What is true about the center?
(A) It provides a cheap stay.
(B) It someti mes has 4 employees on duty.
(C) There is alvvays a doctor in the shelter.
(D) The nurses are women.
Questi ons 166-167 refer to the following letter.
Flyte and Tyme
637 West Street
Compt on, CA
Harry Young, Managing Edi tor
Dodge Times
1942 44th Street
Compton, CA
Dear Mr. Young,
Thank you for publ ishing a long, 4-page, col or art i cl e about our company in t he
busi ness sect i on in l ast week s paper. We enj oyed readi ng t he art i cl e, and t he
empl oyees here also felt good that our company made the front page of the business
secti on. However, there is one correction to be made.
Flyte and Tyme
In the article, you stated that Flyte and Tyme had revenues of $1.6 million last year. '
We had total revenues of $62 million. The $1.6 million was just in the tourth quarter.
iA/hile thi s may seem like an uni mportant poi nt, we feel t hat reporti ng a much small er
number may result in a negative publi ci ty for our company.
lf you coul d, can you pl ease print a correct i on in t he next paper in t he busi ness
section? We thank you for your attention to thi s matter.
166. What does Ben Parker say about the
(A) They had revenues of $62 million in the
fourth quarter.
(B) The $1.6 million was just the revenues
of the tourth quarter.
(C) They will purchase the business section.
(D) They have received bad publicity.
167. VVhat does Ben Parker ask Mr. Young to do?
(A) Contact him at once
(B) Examine the files enclosed
(C) Correct an error
(D) Advertise them again in the business
Questions 168-169 refer t o t he fol l owi ng letter.
Exchange student Admissions Office
Ceorgetown University
International Student Center
37th Street
Washi ngt on, D.c .
To whom it may concern:
lf you could send me a brochure and an application form for admission to the school
of busi ness, I wo u l d appr eci at e it . I have i ni shed 12 years of school in Seoui , Korea,
and I have all of my transcripts with me. I arrived in this country 3 months ago,
and I vvould like to enter the reshman class in March 2006. I vvould like to major in
busi ness because i t is t h e f i el d I am most i nt er est ed in.
I vvould appreciate any additional inormation you can send me about the school,
the campus, tuition costs, and the costs of living on campus. I also vvould like to
know ab o u t t h e schol arshi ps you of f er and any o t h er assistance t h at is avai l abl e t o
toreign students.
Choi U k/oa
'k : r T , - r . r . T -
168. Where is Mr. Choi?
(A) In Seoul
(B) In Korea
(C) In VVashington, D.c.
(D) In America
169. What is he trying to do in the country?
(A) Travel
(B) Get an education
(C) Do busi ness
(D) Work for a business
Imagine a weekend or short vacation cruising in a 700 V I 4, Benz S600, BMW 760
Li, Nissan 300ZX, or an Acura NSX. You can if you rent from Worthington. Also, rent
. now, and you can enjoy the special offer of the Sunday-Thursday plan, which costs
just $99 a day!
: Mention this ad vvhen you call the VVorthington office, and enjoy the total pleasure of
cruising around in the hottest cars out there!
All of the cars mentioned above, plus Cadillac Devilles, Rolls Royces, Lincoln
: Navigators, and many more can be discounted at 20% for readers of our magazine.
Rates indude 70 free miles per day but do not include tax or retueling charges.
*Vehicles are subect to availability. Renter must meet age and other requirements.
Questions 170-172 refer to the following advertisement.
170. What can be said about the cost of renting a car?
(A) Readers of the magazine can get one for cheaper.
(B) It depends on the type of car.
(C) It depends on how much tax is charged.
(D) It depends on how many miles are driven a day.
171. What teature is NOT included in the ad?
(A) The benetits to subscribers
(B) Free miles all day
(C) Cars are subject to availability.
(D) What type of cars they have
172. What can be interred from the ad?
(A) They are the biggest rent-a-car company in the nation.
(B) They have lots of nice cars.
(C) Their prices are very expensive.
(D) A person must be 16 to rent a car.

Questions 173-175 ref er t o t he fol l owi ng news arti cl e.
Tax Everywhere?
Americas $70 billion Online home-shopping industry is credited
for simplicity and convenience, but mostly it is used for tax evasion.
Thanks to legal loopholes, dialing 800 numbers and snopping on
the I nternet saves Online companies nearly $45 billion a year. On
the companies side, they are trying their hardest to market their
Products Online. To put it shortly, everyone is treating the I nternet as
a haven from taxes.
Some states, however, are passing bills that State all commerce over
the I nternet will be taxed. In effect, this bill is making companies
proceed with caution.
173. What is true about Ameri cas use of home shopping?
(A) No tax is charged when people order over the Internet.
(B) It is not convenient.
(C) It offers privacy.
(D) There is a lack of shoppers.
174. Why will compani es hesitate to expand thei r business to the Internet?
(A) They are unsure about future tax policies.
(B) Home-shopping sales numbers are dropping.
(C) 800 numbers are becoming more expensive.
(D) They dont want t o lose $70 billion.
175. What are some states planning to do?
(A) Expand their Internet shopping
(B) st art taxing Internet shopping
(C) Disconnect 800 numbers
(D) Equate Internet sales with tel ephone sales
-^ est i ons 176-178 refer to the following article.
Platinum Price Expected to Rise
Alchemist Metal Mining expects higher demand from the U.S. and Canada to
boost platinum prices to an average of $410 an ounce next year, up from $364 an
ounce now.
Alchemist Metal Mining, the largest platinum producing cornpany in J apan,
orecasts prices are likely to remain low until the tirst half of this year.
Platinum prices are low as of now uecause of an economy dovvnturn. But recently,
the rise in stock prces from UKME, the worlas largest platinum Processing
company, shows that in the near uture, the price of platinum will rise in the second
half of the year, says Kiyoto Yoshi, a head manager at the company.
Recent UKME platinum prices indicate that North American demand is expected
to recover soon.
The UKME Standard platinum contract has risen 18% this year to $11,648,000 a
ton at Saturdays close. Last May, it ht an all-time low of $9,234,000.
Alchemist expects the price of platinum to bfc around $355-365 an ounce this year
and increase to $405-420 an ounce laterthis year.

*76, What does Kiyoto Yoshi say about platinum

(A) They will be low early this year.
(B) They will drop dramatically.
(C) They will rise $355 an ounce.
(D) They are going to remain the same.
f77. What is true about UKME?
(A) They are a platinum delivery company.
(B) They are a worldwide platinum Processing
(C) Their employees are on strike.
(D) They are almost bankrupt.
178. VVhich of the following is NOT true?
(A) The American and Canadian economies
will get better.
(B) Alchemist is the largest platinum
producing company in J apan.
(C) Platinum prices will rise in the second
half of the year.
(D) Kiyoto Yoshi owns Alchemist.
Ques t i ons 179-180 refer t o t he fol l owi nq i ob advert i sement .
Job Opportunity
Customer Service Representative
Pay and Benetits:
$35,Q00~$52,000/year, commensurate with experience
Total of 3 weeks vacation annually, 2 days off a week
Health Insurance, travel expenses, company car
Fluent in Korean and English and One other European language
26-35 years old, healthy
Well dressed, protessonal appearance and manners
Experience in dealing with customers required
Application Process:
Please send transcripts, a rsum, a cover letter, and a recent photograph
to the address belovv. We will send you a notice no later than J une 4th.
Successtul applicants will have an on-site intervievv, at our expense, no
laterthan J uly 1st.
Educat i onal Graphi c Research Cent er
1232 C-St reet F0 Bui l i ng, Sui t e 718
Phi ladel phi a, Pennsyl vani a 12323
"'9. According to the passage, vvhich applicant will be preterred?
iA) One who can speak J apanese, Korean, and Chinese
'B) One who can speak Korean, Engiish, and German
(C) One who is very good at dealing with computers
(D) Freshman
23. How will the applicants know if they will be interviewed?
(A) They will be notified by J une 4th.
(B) They will have to come in on J une 4th.
(C) They need to show up no later than J uly 1st.
(D) The applicants will receive a phone call.
Questions 181-185 reter t o t he fol l owi ng not i ce and e-mai l .
In-House J ob Posting
The Human Resources Department is announcing an immediate opening
to replace Mrs. Moshonda Abbott, who is retiring. The applicant must

have excellent organizational skills, type 75 words per minute, and have
word Processing and spreadsheet knowledge. 5ince this is a very important
and highly visible position, the applicant must have great social and oral
communication skills. 5ome experience in the field of accounting is required,
preterably 7 years or more, but no less than 5. Experience in a supervisory
position vvould be great, too. A bachelor's degree in accounting is a must.
The salary is commensurate with experience. Contact Mr. Dorl in Humar
From: Amy Peterson
To: Mr. Dorl
Subject: ru do my best
Dat: Thu, Mar. 2, 11:51:18
iviy name is Amy Peterson. I am very interested in the job position as an
administrative assistant. I am currently vvorking at the Metro Health Club as
a consultant. I organize every members data, am responsible for keeping
track of all of the payments that are made, and write monthly reports. I can
type 80 words per minute, and I have excellent people skills. I work with
customers face to face when they come to me to ask any questions about
the gym, bills, etc. I have been vvorking for 6 years, and our reports are done
by Excel, so I think lm a very appropriate person for this job. I would love
to work for Ms. Ski, and I would appreciate it if I could get a chance to be
Where would this job announcement probably appear?
A In a locai newspaper
3) On television
Cj On a company bulletin board
D) In a inance magazine
82. To whom will the appl icant directly report?
(A) Mr. Dorl
(B) Ms. Ski
(C) The company president
(D) Mrs. Moshonda
183. What is a requirement tort hi s position?
(A) Seven years of experience
(B) A drivers license
(C) Supervsory skills
(D) Computer skiils
84. What is Amy Petersons job?
(A) Administrative assistant
(B) Consultant
(C) Assistant director of accounting
(D) Gym instructor
185. If Ms. Peterson gets hired, what may be the reason?
(A) Her 5 years of experience in accounting
(B) Her excellent communication skills
(C) She vvorks in a gym.
(D) She has a masters degree.
Questions 186-190 refer t o t he fol l owi ng t acsi mi l es.
August 28
To: Mr. Takada Nobuhi ko, Vi ce Presi dent , BOC Corporat i on
3-34-23 Osaka, Japan
FAX: 81-6-555-1111
From: Paul Wall , Vi ce Presi dent
19th St reet , Sydney, Aust ral i a
FAX: 63-7-522-3817
Dear Mr. Nobuhi ko:
On behal of Mr. Ashl ey and in response t o your l et t er of August 21, we agree t o change
t he dat e and pl ace of t he present at i on t hat was pl anned f or August 31 in Osaka, Japan.
The present at i on wi ll i nstead t ake pl ace, as you suggest ed, on Sept ember 9 at 2 p.m., at
our downt own Port l and branch offi ce. We woul d al so li ke t o invi te you t o a l uncheon at
noon of t he same day at t he Oregon Trail Resort. Mr. Went wort h sends his regards and is
l ooki ng forward to seei ng you agai n. In t he meant i me, pl ease do not hesi t at e t o cont act
me if you have any quest i ons.
Sincerel y,
August 31
To: Mr. Paul Wall , Vi ce Presi dent
19th St reet , Sydney, Austral i a
FAX: 63-7-522-3817
From: Mr. Takada Nobuhi ko, Vi ce Presi dent , BOC Corporat i on
3-34-23 Osaka, Japan
FAX: 81-6-555-1111
Dear Mr. Wall ,
Thank you f or your consi derat i on and t hanks agai n f or changi ng t he dat e and t he pl ace f or
our meet i ng. I have a tri p to t he Uni t ed St at es schedul ed from Sept ember 2 to Sept ember
19, so I thought it woul d be much bet t er f or me j ust t o have a meet i ng at your offi ce. It is
very t i me-consumi ng t o get on a pl ane and get back t o my country. I di drTt want you to
wast e at least 2 whol e days Corning here for a meet i ng when I can be in t he St at es wi t hout
del ay. Thanks for t he i nvi tati on to t he l uncheon al so. I am sure I wil l l ove t he f ood. Lastly,
pl ease dont worry about a thi ng about t he present at i on. It is fl awl ess.
See you soon in Oregon!
Sincerel y,
aada oUkio
186. What is the main purpose of t he first fax?
(A) To initiate discussions abot planning a meeting
(B) To verity arrangements for a presentation
(C) To ask the recipient to contact Mr. Wentworth
(D) To request the cancellation of a meeting
187. Where will Mr. Nobuhiko meet Mr. Wentworth on September 9?
(A) At the BOC Corporations Osaka office
(B) At the Protech Corporations Brisbane office
(C) At the Protech Corporation's Portland office
(D) At the BOC CorporatiorTs Auckland office
188. Why did Mr. Nobuhiko want the place and time changed?
(A) He didnt want to waste any time.
(B) Paul Wall doesnt like long trips.
(C) He couldnt book a plane ticket.
(D) There is nothing to do in Japan.
189. What did Mr. Nobuhiko promise?
(A) To tinish a contract
(B) The perect preparation of a presentation
(C) Not to be late
(D) The introduction of a nw product
190. How long did the Protech Corporation take to receive the letter and send a tacsimile?
(A) One day
(B) 3 days
(C) 1 week
(D) 2 weeks
Questions 191-195 refer t o t he fol l owi ng memos.
To: Sales staff
Prom: Francene Cardi
Subject: Upcoming Sale
I am in the process of ordering books for our upcoming sale. In the past, children
books have alvvays been our biggest sellers, so I am partcularly interested in
providing a good selection at the sale. P lease let me know vvhich titles and
authors we need to stock up on. I will also be ordering cookbooks, biographies,
and books-on-tape to fill our rather lmited stock. I vvould appreciate suggestions
in these areas, too. Thank you.
Francene Cardi
Marc Ecko
Francene. It's Marc. Here is the list of book titles and authors we need.
The Authors: Brian Peppers, Mick Foley, Andrevv Cho, Ronald
McDonald, Colonel Sanders
Books: The Great Adventures of Slick Rick, Massive Television, Doggy
style, Garlic Steakhouse, Dominos, Elephants at the Zoo Took
My Purse, The Hut
The authors are all those of children books, so any book by them that we have
low in stock vvould be absolutely great. The book titles are the bestsellers from
last month, and lots of customers are still looking for them, so it vvould be great
r :
S I . VVhich type of merchandi se has had t he best sales in the past?
(A) Books on cooking
(B) Stories for young readers
(C) Taped recordings of books
(D) Lite histories of famous people
W. What should the sales staff do after reading the memo?
(A) Write letters to authors
(B) Order their own books
(C) Submit names of books for the sale
(D) Move books to the special sale shelves
191 What is the problem with the stores selection
(A) There are not enough of them.
(B) They do not include biographies.
(C) They are all very expensive.
(D) There are too many outdated items.
194. Who is Marc Ecko?
(A) An author
(B) An employee at the bookstore
(C) The owner of a cloth\ing line
(D) The proprietor
195. What is Garlic Steakhouse?
(A) A steak
(B) A restaurant
(C) A best-selling book
(D) A book Francene Cardi requested
Questions 196-200 refer to t he fol l owi ng not i ce and letter.
Mr. Edwin I. Rubin, Chief Executive Officer of the B&T
Department store, extends a cordial invitation to you, our
preerred customer. For 2 special days, Saturday and Sunday,
August 24 and 25,10% will be taken off everything n the store.
Sale-priced items are an extra 10% off. You will even receive
this extra 10% off items in our Back to-School Sale, Misses
Shoe Sale, and Home Sale. You will receive the discounts
automatically when you use your B&T charge card.
* Except Cosmetics & Gift Certiicates

J une 11
B&T Department Store
155 Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 91335
To whom it may concern
I really appreciate that ou gave me extra discounts just for having a B&T
card! I don't know how I became your preerred customer, but I am very happy
to hear it. My friend got the preerred customer discount in May, and I was very
jealous, but I have nothing to be jealous of anymore. I vvill be back in the store
for some back-to-school shopping! Thanks! Oh, and does this also work vvith
some coupons I have?
196. Who is invited to this special event?
(A) Edwin I. Rubin
(B) B&T Department store employees
(C) A customer
(D) The Chi ef Executive Officer
197. How long will the offer last?
(A) One vveekend
(B) One week
(C) Ten days
(D) Two months
198. What items are NOT included in this special offer?
(A) Gift certiticates
(B) Back-to-school clothes
(C) The Mi sses Shoe Sale
(D) Home furnishings
199. What is true about the offer?
(A) It is open to the public.
(B) All prices have been reduced by 20%.
(C) It is held every year. -
(D) Purchases must be charged to a B&T credit card.
200. What does the customer ask about coupons?
(A) She asks if they can be used with the sale.
(B) She vvants to know if she can exchange them for cash.
(C) She asks how much they are worth.
(D) She asks if there is a discount on coupons.

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