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Cambodia Law Box 2014 1

Glossary Legal Terms

English Terms English Translation Khmer Translation
Abrogate To officially end a legal
agreement practice etc i.e.
both governments votes to
abrogate the treaty.

Aforementioned or
[only before noun]
mentioned before, in an
earlier sentence i.e. The
aforesaid person was seen
acting suspiciously


Arbitral Tribunal

As evidence

As per attached

As per sth According to sth i.e. the
work was carried out as
per your instructions

As to sth Concerning sth or used
when you are starting to
talk about something new
that is connected with what
you were talking about
before i.e. advice as to
which suppliers to
approach; As to our futures
plans, I think I need only
say that the company
intends to expand at a
steady rate

Aside from / Apart
from sth
Except for i.e. Aside from
Durangs performance, the
actors are ordinary; apart
from exceptional


Cambodia Law Box 2014 2

Cadastral index maps Cover the zones that have
been systematically
registered and the
boundaries of all public
and private properties
demarcated and the
classification of the land


t /

Certified copies


Companys stamp to
be affixed at its office


Consequently, As a result, i.e. I spend
most of my money in the
first week and
consequently had very little
to eat by the end of the

Conversely, In an opposite way,



Deem Consider or judge sth in a
particular way i.e. we will
provide help whenever you
deem it appropriate.

Due diligence Investigating of business or
person prior to signing a

Cambodia Law Box 2014 3
contract or an act with a
certain standard of care
Duly In a proper manner; in
accordance with legal

Duly authorized

Entered into by and

For and on behalf of

Good standing Good reputation, rank or
position in an area of


Hereby As a result of this
statement, and in a way
that makes sth legal

Herein In this document or

Hereinafter / hereafter In the rest of this
document i.e. this contract
is between Mrs Green
(hereafter referred to as
the vendor)

Hereof Of this i.e. a period of 12
months from the date
hereof (= the date of this

Hereto To this i.e. please see the
policy hereto appended

Heretofore Before this time

Herewith With this letter i.e. I
enclose herewith a copy of
the policy

Cambodia Law Box 2014 4
Imperative Extremely important and
needing to be done or dealt
with immediately i.e. it is
imperative to meet face to
face with the client

In accordance with
In no case

In rem [Latin. against
a thing]
Involving or determining
the status of a thing, and
therefore the rights of
persons generally with
respect to that thing

Industrial all risks
insurance policy

Insofar / In so far as To the degree that i.e. the
research suggests that the
drug will be successful, in
so far as one can draw
conclusions from such a
small sample size.

Insurance claims
Insurance Policy
its sole discretion

Joint or Blanket

Land Register

Lease agreement Contract to lease an
immovable property


Cambodia Law Box 2014 5
Nowadays At the present time

Offset If the cost or amount of
something offsets another
cost or amount, the two
things have an opposite
effect so that the situation
remain the same


Perpetual lease or
long term lease
An ongoing lease not
limited in duration (i.e.
after implementation of
civil code on December
2011, the long term lease
is limited to 50 years)

Pertaining to sth Relate directly to sth i.e.
legislation pertaining to
employment rights



Provided that / If Used to say what must
happen or be done to make
it possible for sth else to
happened i.e. Provided that
you have the money in
your account, you can
withdraw up to $100 a day.

Right in rem Right against a thing.
Involving or determining
the status of a thing, and
therefore the rights of
persons generally with
respect to that thing

Secured Claim

Cambodia Law Box 2014 6
Secured Transaction
Filing Office


Security by Transfer
Security interest

Should Used to refer to a possible
event or situation i.e. if
you should change your
mind, do let me know
should anyone call (= if
anyone calls), please tell
them Im busy

Somewhat Slightly i.e. Shes
somewhat more confident
than she used to be.

Strike and Riot

Subject Loan


Surety A person who accepts legal
responsibility for another
persons debt


Thereby Used to introduce the
result of the action or
situation mentioned

Therein In the document
mentioned i.e. the
insurance policy covers the
building and any fixtures
contained therein

Thereof Of the thing mentioned

Cambodia Law Box 2014 7
Thereto To the thing mentioned

Thereunder Under the thing mentioned

Thereupon / thereon On the thing mentioned

Therewith With the thing mentioned

Under this agreement
Undersigned i.e. the undersigned the
person or people who have
signed a document

Undertake to To agree or promise that
you will do sth i.e. He
undertook to finish the job
by Friday

Unless otherwise
provide for in this


Usufruct Enjoyment of immovable
property by a person other
than the owner for a period
of which is no longer than
the life of the usufructuary

Vandalism & Malicious

Vandalism and
Malicious Acts

Whereas Used to say that although
something is true of one
thing, it is not true of
another i.e. whereas the
city spent over 1 billion on
its museums and stadium,
it failed to look after its
school; used at the
beginning of an official

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document to mean
because of a particular
Wherefore The reason for sth i.e.
wherefore, we opine as

Wherein In which place, situation or
thing; in what way

Whereof Of what or which i.e. I
know whereof I speak (=I
know a lot about what I am
talking about)


(to be continued)

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