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Priti S.: We will start with question Priti S.: 3 Me: ok Priti S.

: Why do the fingerprints

collected by iodine method fade away if we put them in normal atmospheric
condition? Priti S.: his is because iodine is !olatile Priti S.: "nd if you e#pose it to light or keep it
out side for a long time it will con!ert into gas and the finger print will be in!isible Me: ok Priti S.:
$id you follow Me: yes Priti S.: %ood Priti S.: What is the principle of separating casein from
Priti S.: &ow this question Me: q ' right? Priti S.: (es Me: ok Priti S.: his protein remains as
a calcium salt Me: ok Priti S.: When the protein is there in milk it p) is *.+ Priti S.: So its unstable
at a lower p) Priti S.: So acid is added to make the p) lower than *.+ so that the ,asein will
precipitate out Priti S.: hats why we add acetic acid Priti S.: his is the principle behind it Priti
S.: "nd you can support your answer using this equation - ha!e gi!en you on the board Me: ./
Priti S.: .nce you ha!e understood this one we will mo!e onto the ne#t question Me: )" Me: (0S
Priti S.: .kay Priti S.: Why do we add &a),.3 in the last step of making 1casein glue2? What kind
of gas is produced?
Priti S.: his is a base which is added Priti S.: his is added to neutrali3e the e#cess acid which is
present in the solution Priti S.: and during this process ,.4 gas will be produced Me: ok Priti S.:
What is the difference of the properties of casein before and after being separated from milk? Priti
S.: 5or this last question we can say that before it was in the form of a calcium salt which was
soluble in milk Priti S.: "nd after the process it has become insoluble solid Priti S.: - hope this
helps you to answer all your questions for this e#periment Me: thank you so !ery much.we will ha!e
another one ne#t week.hw about he pre!iew reports should include principles6 procedures6
chemicals i used. Priti S.: ok Priti S.: i will be there to help you Priti S.: 7ust let me know in
ad!ance Me: he pre!iew reports should include principles6 procedures6 chemicals i used. Priti S.:
ok Me: can u help me that.thanks Priti S.: Sure - can help you Me: ppt refuse to upload Priti S.:
(ou can schedule a lesson ne#t week and get all the information about the e#periment Priti S.: (ou
can break it down to two small files and upload Priti S.: 8ust copy half of the slides to another ppt
format and sa!e it and make a small file Me: ok.hold on Priti S.: "nd do the same with the other
half of the slides Priti S.: "re you doing it now ? Me: yes Priti S.: .kay Priti S.: - am pausing the
lesson Priti S.: 9et me know once you are done i will again start the lesson Me: 0#periment
'.doc#: Me: here Priti S.: k Priti S.: So this is the Principle of the first e#periment Priti S.: ;y
when do you need this ? Me: 0#periment +.doc#: not yet Priti S.: .kay Priti S.: So this is the
second part Priti S.: i got both of them Priti S.: ;ut if you ha!e some time then i can write and send
the report Priti S.: ;y when do you need this Pre!iew report ? Priti S.: "re you there? Me: yes
Priti S.: .kay Priti S.: ;y when do you need the report ? Me: tomorrow Priti S.: Well that means
you dont ha!e time now Priti S.: - will gi!e you some guideline Me: now is okey Priti S.: .kay
Priti S.: he files you ha!e sent me contains the principle Priti S.: "nd then in the first file you ha!e
the procedure and the chemicals required Me: 0#periment <.doc#: Priti S.: (ou try to compile
them this time on your own Priti S.: &e#t time we will do it in a lesson when you ha!e some time
Priti S.: -s this fine for this time? Me: ok Priti S.: We will work together on your ne#t pro7ect Priti
S.: ;ecause - need some time to compile them Priti S.: "nd as you dont ha!e time now so we cant
do it together Priti S.: (ou try it this time ne#t time we will do it together Priti S.: - hope its fine with
you := Me: ok. Me: thank you Me: ne#t week Priti S.: (ou can now end the lesson and gi!e a
re!iew if you felt the lesson was helpful Priti S.: Sure ne#t week you book a lesson with me Me: ok
Priti S.: ;ye Priti S.: %ood night Me: good night

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