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Welcome to First Point Group.

Congratulations on obtaining a contract position, we hope to make the contract run as

smoothly as possible.
We have put together some information we hope will help you, including some frequently
asked questions and documentation such as timesheets and template invoices. Whether
you are a seasoned contractor or this is your first contract position, we hope you will find
this information useful.
We are constantly striving to improve and looking at ways to change our processes to
make life easier. So please feel free to give us any feedback regarding our service or in
any of the ways we operate.
1. Money
First Point can only pay contractors on receipt of signed timesheets with the matching
invoice that corresponds to the rate being paid. f e!penses are being paid these too
must be completed on appropriate e!pense claim form and signed by the client. nvoices
are completed only by the contractor or your management company and have nothing to
do with the client. "nce First Point has received these documents payment can be
made. n some cases we must also wait for the P" to be issued to us from the client for
your services, in order to release payment to you.
#ou will need to make sure you have enough money to pay your local e!penses and
have ability to obtain further cash as you require. $ost countries you will be able to use
your %&$ 'ank card. t is best to check this before leaving.
2. Timesheets
Within this welcome pack you will find a blank and e!ample monthly timesheet.
(enerally clients will require timesheets to be completed on a monthly basis. Clients
may require you to use their own timesheets or have an online process for completing
timesheets. First Point is okay with all these methods. #our point of contact at First Point
will let you know the clients preferred method of timesheet submission. &he most
important thing is to make sure you have correctly filled out your timesheets and have
had them signed off by an authorised manager. &his should be done as soon as
possible when your working month has been completed.
"nce you have completed your timesheets and had them signed off you will need to
forward a copy to First Point. #ou can only be paid for days worked and signed off as per
your contract. Clients will not pay for travel days prior to you actually starting work.
Consultants working as a )direct contractor* should send timesheets and invoices by fa!
to us on + ,, -./ ,01 2,,. or email3
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Consultants working as an )approved consultant* via a management agency should
send their timesheets to and the management agency,
who will forward an invoice for your time onto us, so we may process payment.
3. Payment
%ll payments will be sent electronically from First Point (roups 'ank account. &he
payment process is started by the accounts department on 2
of each month 5after the
month has been worked6, and payments will be processed and paid in fifteen working
days. Payments are e!pected to take between three and five working days to clear into
your bank account, dependent on whether clearing banks are involved in the transfer.
nternational payments will be made by &elegraphic &ransfer 7 Priority Payment. %ll
charges relating to nternational transactions will be deducted from the payment made to
the Contractor.
Please note if you are working through a management agency your salary payment will
take longer to clear into your account. &his is due to the fact that there are two
international transfers involved i.e. from FP( to the $anagement %gency, then from the
$anagement %gency to your own account, each taking up to 8 days to clear. #ou should
also ensure the $anagement %gency has your full bank account details at the start of
your contract to avoid processing delays. $oney will usually be in your account by the
middle of the month.
4. Banking
We work alongside 9loyds &S' to help open up international offshore bank accounts.
&his is something that can be very useful to you as a contractor, as it gives you access
to your money at all times, all over the world. Please see some of the benefits outlined.
f you are interested in opening an account please email
Cards delivered overseas or to local branches if arriving in the :;
First 0 months fee free then fee free sub<ect to minimum balance of= > or ?-,8..
or @0,8.. held in <ust 2 account 5>-. fee if drops below in any month6
%vailable in 0 currencies = Sterling, :S Aollars B CuroDs 5can have all 06
-,7/ "ffshore Phone 'ank and nternet 'anking
5. Visa
First Point will assist you in obtaining the required visa. &he client may also provide an
invitation letter. "nce in country it is your responsibility to make sure you have the
necessary paper work in order to stay in country and you do not overstay your permitted
time. Sometimes it is possible to e!tend your visa in country, other countries you maybe
required to e!tend your visa in your home country.
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6. Working as a consultant
Working as a consultant is different from being a permanent employee. #ou will be on a
higher salary than the permanent staff. t is best never to discuss your rate with
permanent staff as this can cause problems. Cven your line manager may not be aware
of your rate and it is best not mentioned. &he client will e!pect you to be fle!ible about
working and e!pert in your area. #ou will be looked to take on responsibility and resolve
problems. %lthough you are contractor, if working for a vendor you will normally be
e!pected to integrate into the work force and act as if you are a permanent member of
staff. &his is especially the case should you be working directly for the vendors clients on
the client site. "ften the vendor will e!pect you to act as though you were a permanent
member of staff. Please bear in mind different cultures and countries may have different
ways of working and you should try your best to adapt to these as best you can.
Eemember that if you do not fit in with team at a personal level or do not perform your
tasks well the client can give you notice to finish. %lso you may wish to have the option
of renewal. $ost important is your reputation, most clients will obtain references from
you last contract and it is essential to get good references if you wish to continue
contracting. Cven technically e!pert engineers have found it difficult to find contract work
again due to them being known as trouble some.
Clients in general dislike contractors that are in it <ust for the money and this does not
make for a good reputation, it is recommended that you are not seen this way.
f you have any problems or questions, please speak with your First Point contact. #our
contact at First Point can often give advice and work as an intermediary to resolve any
problems with the client.
7. Meical ! tra"el insurance
%s part of our service standards and to protect our contractors and clients we require that
all of our contractors have adequate private medical insurance for the country they are
working in. #ou would have been required to sign a declaration stating you have
adequate cover. f you prefer First Point can arrange this for you, as First Point have
general group policy for medical and general travel insurance.
t is also recommended that you visit your local doctor to check if you require any
vacations against local diseases. &his is especially recommended should you be
travelling to a more e!otic location.
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