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Convention on Cybercrime

Budapest, 23.XI.2001
Additional Protocol
Explanatory Report
Convention Committee on Cybercrime (T-CY) website
Te member !tates o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope and te oter !tates si$natory ereto%
Considerin$ tat te aim o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope is to acieve a $reater #nity
between its members&
Reco$nisin$ te val#e o" "osterin$ co-operation wit te oter !tates parties to tis
Convinced o" te need to p#rs#e% as a matter o" priority% a common criminal policy
aimed at te protection o" society a$ainst cybercrime% inter alia, by adoptin$
appropriate le$islation and "osterin$ international co-operation&
Conscio#s o" te pro"o#nd can$es bro#$t abo#t by te di$italisation% conver$ence
and contin#in$ $lobalisation o" comp#ter networ's&
Concerned by te ris' tat comp#ter networ's and electronic in"ormation may also be
#sed "or committin$ criminal o""ences and tat evidence relatin$ to s#c o""ences may
be stored and trans"erred by tese networ's&
Reco$nisin$ te need "or co-operation between !tates and private ind#stry in
combatin$ cybercrime and te need to protect le$itimate interests in te #se and
development o" in"ormation tecnolo$ies&
(elievin$ tat an e""ective "i$t a$ainst cybercrime re)#ires increased% rapid and well-
"#nctionin$ international co-operation in criminal matters&
Convinced tat te present Convention is necessary to deter action directed a$ainst
te con"identiality% inte$rity and availability o" comp#ter systems% networ's and
comp#ter data as well as te mis#se o" s#c systems% networ's and data by providin$
"or te criminalisation o" s#c cond#ct% as described in tis Convention% and te
adoption o" powers s#""icient "or e""ectively combatin$ s#c criminal o""ences% by
"acilitatin$ teir detection% investi$ation and prosec#tion at bot te domestic and
international levels and by providin$ arran$ements "or "ast and reliable international
*ind"#l o" te need to ens#re a proper balance between te interests o" law
en"orcement and respect "or "#ndamental #man ri$ts as ensrined in te +,-.
Co#ncil o" E#rope Convention "or te Protection o" /#man Ri$ts and F#ndamental
Freedoms% te +,00 1nited 2ations 3nternational Covenant on Civil and Political
Ri$ts and oter applicable international #man ri$ts treaties% wic rea""irm te
ri$t o" everyone to old opinions wito#t inter"erence% as well as te ri$t to "reedom
o" expression% incl#din$ te "reedom to see'% receive% and impart in"ormation and
ideas o" all 'inds% re$ardless o" "rontiers% and te ri$ts concernin$ te respect "or
*ind"#l also o" te ri$t to te protection o" personal data% as con"erred% "or example%
by te +,4+ Co#ncil o" E#rope Convention "or te Protection o" 3ndivid#als wit
re$ard to A#tomatic Processin$ o" Personal 5ata&
Considerin$ te +,4, 1nited 2ations Convention on te Ri$ts o" te Cild and te
+,,, 3nternational 6abo#r 7r$ani8ation 9orst Forms o" Cild 6abo#r Convention&
Ta'in$ into acco#nt te existin$ Co#ncil o" E#rope conventions on co-operation in
te penal "ield% as well as similar treaties wic exist between Co#ncil o" E#rope
member !tates and oter !tates% and stressin$ tat te present Convention is intended
to s#pplement tose conventions in order to ma'e criminal investi$ations and
proceedin$s concernin$ criminal o""ences related to comp#ter systems and data more
e""ective and to enable te collection o" evidence in electronic "orm o" a criminal
9elcomin$ recent developments wic "#rter advance international #nderstandin$
and co-operation in combatin$ cybercrime% incl#din$ action ta'en by te 1nited
2ations% te 7EC5% te E#ropean 1nion and te :4&
Recallin$ Committee o" *inisters Recommendations 2o; R (4-) +. concernin$ te
practical application o" te E#ropean Convention on *#t#al Assistance in Criminal
*atters in respect o" letters ro$atory "or te interception o" telecomm#nications% 2o;
R (44) < on piracy in te "ield o" copyri$t and nei$bo#rin$ ri$ts% 2o; R (4=) +-
re$#latin$ te #se o" personal data in te police sector% 2o; R (,-) > on te protection
o" personal data in te area o" telecomm#nication services% wit partic#lar re"erence
to telepone services% as well as 2o; R (4,) , on comp#ter-related crime providin$
$#idelines "or national le$islat#res concernin$ te de"inition o" certain comp#ter
crimes and 2o; R (,-) +? concernin$ problems o" criminal proced#ral law connected
wit in"ormation tecnolo$y&
/avin$ re$ard to Resol#tion 2o; + adopted by te E#ropean *inisters o" @#stice at
teir <+st Con"erence (Pra$#e% +. and ++ @#ne +,,=)% wic recommended tat te
Committee o" *inisters s#pport te wor' on cybercrime carried o#t by te E#ropean
Committee on Crime Problems (C5PC) in order to brin$ domestic criminal law
provisions closer to eac oter and enable te #se o" e""ective means o" investi$ation
into s#c o""ences% as well as to Resol#tion 2o; ? adopted at te <?rd Con"erence o"
te E#ropean *inisters o" @#stice (6ondon% 4 and , @#ne <...)% wic enco#ra$ed te
ne$otiatin$ parties to p#rs#e teir e""orts wit a view to "indin$ appropriate sol#tions
to enable te lar$est possible n#mber o" !tates to become parties to te Convention
and ac'nowled$ed te need "or a swi"t and e""icient system o" international co-
operation% wic d#ly ta'es into acco#nt te speci"ic re)#irements o" te "i$t a$ainst
/avin$ also re$ard to te Action Plan adopted by te /eads o" !tate and :overnment
o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope on te occasion o" teir !econd !#mmit (!trasbo#r$% +. and
++ 7ctober +,,=)% to see' common responses to te development o" te new
in"ormation tecnolo$ies based on te standards and val#es o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope&
/ave a$reed as "ollowsA
Capter 3 B 1se o" terms
Article + B 5e"initions
For te p#rposes o" tis ConventionA
a Ccomp#ter systemC means any device or a $ro#p o" interconnected
or related devices% one or more o" wic% p#rs#ant to a pro$ram%
per"orms a#tomatic processin$ o" data&
b Ccomp#ter dataC means any representation o" "acts% in"ormation or
concepts in a "orm s#itable "or processin$ in a comp#ter system%
incl#din$ a pro$ram s#itable to ca#se a comp#ter system to per"orm a
c Cservice providerC meansA
i any p#blic or private entity tat provides to #sers o" its
service te ability to comm#nicate by means o" a comp#ter
system% and
ii any oter entity tat processes or stores comp#ter data on
beal" o" s#c comm#nication service or #sers o" s#c service;
d Ctra""ic dataC means any comp#ter data relatin$ to a
comm#nication by means o" a comp#ter system% $enerated by a
comp#ter system tat "ormed a part in te cain o" comm#nication%
indicatin$ te comm#nicationDs ori$in% destination% ro#te% time% date%
si8e% d#ration% or type o" #nderlyin$ service;
Capter 33 B *eas#res to be ta'en at te national level
!ection + B !#bstantive criminal law
Title 1 Offences against the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of computer data and systems
Article < B 3lle$al access
Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally% te access to te wole or any part o" a comp#ter
system wito#t ri$t; A Party may re)#ire tat te o""ence be committed by
in"rin$in$ sec#rity meas#res% wit te intent o" obtainin$ comp#ter data or
oter disonest intent% or in relation to a comp#ter system tat is connected to
anoter comp#ter system;
Article ? B 3lle$al interception
Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally% te interception wito#t ri$t% made by tecnical
means% o" non-p#blic transmissions o" comp#ter data to% "rom or witin a
comp#ter system% incl#din$ electroma$netic emissions "rom a comp#ter
system carryin$ s#c comp#ter data; A Party may re)#ire tat te o""ence be
committed wit disonest intent% or in relation to a comp#ter system tat is
connected to anoter comp#ter system;
Article > B 5ata inter"erence
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally% te dama$in$% deletion% deterioration% alteration or
s#ppression o" comp#ter data wito#t ri$t;
< A Party may reserve te ri$t to re)#ire tat te cond#ct described in
para$rap + res#lt in serio#s arm;
Article - B !ystem inter"erence
Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally% te serio#s inderin$ wito#t ri$t o" te "#nctionin$
o" a comp#ter system by inp#ttin$% transmittin$% dama$in$% deletin$%
deterioratin$% alterin$ or s#ppressin$ comp#ter data;
Article 0 B *is#se o" devices
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally and wito#t ri$tA
a te prod#ction% sale% proc#rement "or #se% import% distrib#tion or
oterwise ma'in$ available o"A
i a device% incl#din$ a comp#ter pro$ram% desi$ned or
adapted primarily "or te p#rpose o" committin$ any o" te
o""ences establised in accordance wit Articles < tro#$ -&
ii a comp#ter password% access code% or similar data by wic
te wole or any part o" a comp#ter system is capable o" bein$
wit intent tat it be #sed "or te p#rpose o" committin$ any o"
te o""ences establised in Articles < tro#$ -& and
b te possession o" an item re"erred to in para$raps a;i or ii above%
wit intent tat it be #sed "or te p#rpose o" committin$ any o" te
o""ences establised in Articles < tro#$ -; A Party may re)#ire by
law tat a n#mber o" s#c items be possessed be"ore criminal liability
< Tis article sall not be interpreted as imposin$ criminal liability were
te prod#ction% sale% proc#rement "or #se% import% distrib#tion or oterwise
ma'in$ available or possession re"erred to in para$rap + o" tis article is not
"or te p#rpose o" committin$ an o""ence establised in accordance wit
Articles < tro#$ - o" tis Convention% s#c as "or te a#torised testin$ or
protection o" a comp#ter system;
? Eac Party may reserve te ri$t not to apply para$rap + o" tis article%
provided tat te reservation does not concern te sale% distrib#tion or
oterwise ma'in$ available o" te items re"erred to in para$rap + a;ii o" tis
Title 2 Computer-related offences
Article = B Comp#ter-related "or$ery
Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally and wito#t ri$t% te inp#t% alteration% deletion% or
s#ppression o" comp#ter data% res#ltin$ in ina#tentic data wit te intent tat
it be considered or acted #pon "or le$al p#rposes as i" it were a#tentic%
re$ardless weter or not te data is directly readable and intelli$ible; A Party
may re)#ire an intent to de"ra#d% or similar disonest intent% be"ore criminal
liability attaces;
Article 4 B Comp#ter-related "ra#d
Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally and wito#t ri$t% te ca#sin$ o" a loss o" property to
anoter person byA
a any inp#t% alteration% deletion or s#ppression o" comp#ter data%
b any inter"erence wit te "#nctionin$ o" a comp#ter system%
wit "ra#d#lent or disonest intent o" proc#rin$% wito#t ri$t% an
economic bene"it "or onesel" or "or anoter person;
Title 3 Content-related offences
Article , B 7""ences related to cild porno$rapy
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally and wito#t ri$t% te "ollowin$ cond#ctA
a prod#cin$ cild porno$rapy "or te p#rpose o" its distrib#tion
tro#$ a comp#ter system&
b o""erin$ or ma'in$ available cild porno$rapy tro#$ a
comp#ter system&
c distrib#tin$ or transmittin$ cild porno$rapy tro#$ a comp#ter
d proc#rin$ cild porno$rapy tro#$ a comp#ter system "or
onesel" or "or anoter person&
e possessin$ cild porno$rapy in a comp#ter system or on a
comp#ter-data stora$e medi#m;
< For te p#rpose o" para$rap + above% te term Ccild porno$rapyC sall
incl#de porno$rapic material tat vis#ally depictsA
a a minor en$a$ed in sex#ally explicit cond#ct&
b a person appearin$ to be a minor en$a$ed in sex#ally explicit
c realistic ima$es representin$ a minor en$a$ed in sex#ally explicit
? For te p#rpose o" para$rap < above% te term CminorC sall incl#de all
persons #nder +4 years o" a$e; A Party may% owever% re)#ire a lower a$e-
limit% wic sall be not less tan +0 years;
> Eac Party may reserve te ri$t not to apply% in wole or in part%
para$raps +% s#b-para$raps d; and e% and <% s#b-para$raps b; and c;
Title 4 Offences related to infringements of copyright
and related rights
Article +. B 7""ences related to in"rin$ements o" copyri$t and related ri$ts
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law te
in"rin$ement o" copyri$t% as de"ined #nder te law o" tat Party% p#rs#ant to
te obli$ations it as #nderta'en #nder te Paris Act o" <> @#ly +,=+ revisin$
te (ern Convention "or te Protection o" 6iterary and Artistic 9or's% te
A$reement on Trade-Related Aspects o" 3ntellect#al Property Ri$ts and te
93P7 Copyri$t Treaty% wit te exception o" any moral ri$ts con"erred by
s#c conventions% were s#c acts are committed wil"#lly% on a commercial
scale and by means o" a comp#ter system;
< Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law te
in"rin$ement o" related ri$ts% as de"ined #nder te law o" tat Party% p#rs#ant
to te obli$ations it as #nderta'en #nder te 3nternational Convention "or te
Protection o" Per"ormers% Prod#cers o" Pono$rams and (roadcastin$
7r$anisations (Rome Convention)% te A$reement on Trade-Related Aspects
o" 3ntellect#al Property Ri$ts and te 93P7 Per"ormances and Pono$rams
Treaty% wit te exception o" any moral ri$ts con"erred by s#c conventions%
were s#c acts are committed wil"#lly% on a commercial scale and by means
o" a comp#ter system;
? A Party may reserve te ri$t not to impose criminal liability #nder
para$raps + and < o" tis article in limited circ#mstances% provided tat oter
e""ective remedies are available and tat s#c reservation does not dero$ate
"rom te PartyDs international obli$ations set "ort in te international
instr#ments re"erred to in para$raps + and < o" tis article;
Title !ncillary liability and sanctions
Article ++ B Attempt and aidin$ or abettin$
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally% aidin$ or abettin$ te commission o" any o" te
o""ences establised in accordance wit Articles < tro#$ +. o" te present
Convention wit intent tat s#c o""ence be committed;
< Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis as criminal o""ences #nder its domestic law% wen
committed intentionally% an attempt to commit any o" te o""ences establised
in accordance wit Articles ? tro#$ -% =% 4% and ,;+;a and c; o" tis
? Eac Party may reserve te ri$t not to apply% in wole or in part%
para$rap < o" tis article;
Article +< B Corporate liability
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to ens#re tat le$al persons can be eld liable "or a criminal o""ence
establised in accordance wit tis Convention% committed "or teir bene"it by
any nat#ral person% actin$ eiter individ#ally or as part o" an or$an o" te le$al
person% wo as a leadin$ position witin it% based onA
a a power o" representation o" te le$al person&
b an a#tority to ta'e decisions on beal" o" te le$al person&
c an a#tority to exercise control witin te le$al person;
< 3n addition to te cases already provided "or in para$rap + o" tis article%
eac Party sall ta'e te meas#res necessary to ens#re tat a le$al person can
be eld liable were te lac' o" s#pervision or control by a nat#ral person
re"erred to in para$rap + as made possible te commission o" a criminal
o""ence establised in accordance wit tis Convention "or te bene"it o" tat
le$al person by a nat#ral person actin$ #nder its a#tority;
? !#bEect to te le$al principles o" te Party% te liability o" a le$al person
may be criminal% civil or administrative;
> !#c liability sall be wito#t preE#dice to te criminal liability o" te
nat#ral persons wo ave committed te o""ence;
Article +? B !anctions and meas#res
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to ens#re tat te criminal o""ences establised in accordance wit
Articles < tro#$ ++ are p#nisable by e""ective% proportionate and diss#asive
sanctions% wic incl#de deprivation o" liberty;
< Eac Party sall ens#re tat le$al persons eld liable in accordance wit
Article +< sall be s#bEect to e""ective% proportionate and diss#asive criminal
or non-criminal sanctions or meas#res% incl#din$ monetary sanctions;
!ection < B Proced#ral law
Title 1 Common provisions
Article +> B !cope o" proced#ral provisions
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis te powers and proced#res provided "or in tis section
"or te p#rpose o" speci"ic criminal investi$ations or proceedin$s;
< Except as speci"ically provided oterwise in Article <+% eac Party sall
apply te powers and proced#res re"erred to in para$rap + o" tis article toA
a te criminal o""ences establised in accordance wit Articles <
tro#$ ++ o" tis Convention&
b oter criminal o""ences committed by means o" a comp#ter system&
c te collection o" evidence in electronic "orm o" a criminal o""ence;
? a; Eac Party may reserve te ri$t to apply te meas#res re"erred to in
Article <. only to o""ences or cate$ories o" o""ences speci"ied in te
reservation% provided tat te ran$e o" s#c o""ences or cate$ories o" o""ences
is not more restricted tan te ran$e o" o""ences to wic it applies te
meas#res re"erred to in Article <+; Eac Party sall consider restrictin$ s#c a
reservation to enable te broadest application o" te meas#re re"erred to in
Article <.;
b 9ere a Party% d#e to limitations in its le$islation in "orce at te time
o" te adoption o" te present Convention% is not able to apply te meas#res
re"erred to in Articles <. and <+ to comm#nications bein$ transmitted witin a
comp#ter system o" a service provider% wic systemA
i is bein$ operated "or te bene"it o" a closed $ro#p o" #sers% and
ii does not employ p#blic comm#nications networ's and is not
connected wit anoter comp#ter system% weter p#blic or private%
tat Party may reserve te ri$t not to apply tese meas#res to s#c
comm#nications; Eac Party sall consider restrictin$ s#c a
reservation to enable te broadest application o" te meas#res re"erred
to in Articles <. and <+;
Article +- B Conditions and sa"e$#ards
+ Eac Party sall ens#re tat te establisment% implementation and
application o" te powers and proced#res provided "or in tis !ection are
s#bEect to conditions and sa"e$#ards provided "or #nder its domestic law%
wic sall provide "or te ade)#ate protection o" #man ri$ts and liberties%
incl#din$ ri$ts arisin$ p#rs#ant to obli$ations it as #nderta'en #nder te
+,-. Co#ncil o" E#rope Convention "or te Protection o" /#man Ri$ts and
F#ndamental Freedoms% te +,00 1nited 2ations 3nternational Covenant on
Civil and Political Ri$ts% and oter applicable international #man ri$ts
instr#ments% and wic sall incorporate te principle o" proportionality;
< !#c conditions and sa"e$#ards sall% as appropriate in view o" te nat#re
o" te proced#re or power concerned% inter alia, incl#de E#dicial or oter
independent s#pervision% $ro#nds E#sti"yin$ application% and limitation o" te
scope and te d#ration o" s#c power or proced#re;
? To te extent tat it is consistent wit te p#blic interest% in partic#lar te
so#nd administration o" E#stice% eac Party sall consider te impact o" te
powers and proced#res in tis section #pon te ri$ts% responsibilities and
le$itimate interests o" tird parties;
Title 2 "#pedited preservation of stored computer data
Article +0 B Expedited preservation o" stored comp#ter data
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to enable its competent a#torities to order or similarly obtain te
expeditio#s preservation o" speci"ied comp#ter data% incl#din$ tra""ic data% tat
as been stored by means o" a comp#ter system% in partic#lar were tere are
$ro#nds to believe tat te comp#ter data is partic#larly v#lnerable to loss or
< 9ere a Party $ives e""ect to para$rap + above by means o" an order to a
person to preserve speci"ied stored comp#ter data in te personDs possession or
control% te Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to obli$e tat person to preserve and maintain te inte$rity o" tat
comp#ter data "or a period o" time as lon$ as necessary% #p to a maxim#m o"
ninety days% to enable te competent a#torities to see' its disclos#re; A Party
may provide "or s#c an order to be s#bse)#ently renewed;
? Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to obli$e te c#stodian or oter person wo is to preserve te
comp#ter data to 'eep con"idential te #nderta'in$ o" s#c proced#res "or te
period o" time provided "or by its domestic law;
> Te powers and proced#res re"erred to in tis article sall be s#bEect to
Articles +> and +-;
Article += B Expedited preservation and partial disclos#re o" tra""ic data
+ Eac Party sall adopt% in respect o" tra""ic data tat is to be preserved
#nder Article +0% s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be necessary toA
a ens#re tat s#c expeditio#s preservation o" tra""ic data is available
re$ardless o" weter one or more service providers were involved in
te transmission o" tat comm#nication& and
b ens#re te expeditio#s disclos#re to te PartyDs competent
a#tority% or a person desi$nated by tat a#tority% o" a s#""icient
amo#nt o" tra""ic data to enable te Party to identi"y te service
providers and te pat tro#$ wic te comm#nication was
< Te powers and proced#res re"erred to in tis article sall be s#bEect to
Articles +> and +-;
Title 3 $roduction order
Article +4 B Prod#ction order
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to empower its competent a#torities to orderA
a a person in its territory to s#bmit speci"ied comp#ter data in tat
personDs possession or control% wic is stored in a comp#ter system or
a comp#ter-data stora$e medi#m& and
b a service provider o""erin$ its services in te territory o" te Party
to s#bmit s#bscriber in"ormation relatin$ to s#c services in tat
service providerDs possession or control;
< Te powers and proced#res re"erred to in tis article sall be s#bEect to
Articles +> and +-;
? For te p#rpose o" tis article% te term Fs#bscriber in"ormationG means
any in"ormation contained in te "orm o" comp#ter data or any oter "orm tat
is eld by a service provider% relatin$ to s#bscribers o" its services oter tan
tra""ic or content data and by wic can be establisedA
a te type o" comm#nication service #sed% te tecnical provisions
ta'en tereto and te period o" service&
b te s#bscriberDs identity% postal or $eo$rapic address% telepone
and oter access n#mber% billin$ and payment in"ormation% available
on te basis o" te service a$reement or arran$ement&
c any oter in"ormation on te site o" te installation o"
comm#nication e)#ipment% available on te basis o" te service
a$reement or arran$ement;
Title 4 %earch and sei&ure of stored computer data
Article +, B !earc and sei8#re o" stored comp#ter data
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to empower its competent a#torities to searc or similarly accessA
a a comp#ter system or part o" it and comp#ter data stored terein&
b a comp#ter-data stora$e medi#m in wic comp#ter data may be
in its territory;
< Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to ens#re tat were its a#torities searc or similarly access a
speci"ic comp#ter system or part o" it% p#rs#ant to para$rap +;a% and ave
$ro#nds to believe tat te data so#$t is stored in anoter comp#ter system or
part o" it in its territory% and s#c data is law"#lly accessible "rom or available
to te initial system% te a#torities sall be able to expeditio#sly extend te
searc or similar accessin$ to te oter system;
? Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to empower its competent a#torities to sei8e or similarly sec#re
comp#ter data accessed accordin$ to para$raps + or <; Tese meas#res sall
incl#de te power toA
a sei8e or similarly sec#re a comp#ter system or part o" it or a
comp#ter-data stora$e medi#m&
b ma'e and retain a copy o" tose comp#ter data&
c maintain te inte$rity o" te relevant stored comp#ter data&
d render inaccessible or remove tose comp#ter data in te accessed
comp#ter system;
> Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to empower its competent a#torities to order any person wo as
'nowled$e abo#t te "#nctionin$ o" te comp#ter system or meas#res applied
to protect te comp#ter data terein to provide% as is reasonable% te necessary
in"ormation% to enable te #nderta'in$ o" te meas#res re"erred to in
para$raps + and <;
- Te powers and proced#res re"erred to in tis article sall be s#bEect to
Articles +> and +-;
Title 'eal-time collection of computer data
Article <. B Real-time collection o" tra""ic data
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to empower its competent a#torities toA
a collect or record tro#$ te application o" tecnical means on te
territory o" tat Party% and
b compel a service provider% witin its existin$ tecnical capabilityA
i to collect or record tro#$ te application o" tecnical
means on te territory o" tat Party& or
ii to co-operate and assist te competent a#torities in te
collection or recordin$ o"%
tra""ic data% in real-time% associated wit speci"ied
comm#nications in its territory transmitted by means o" a
comp#ter system;
< 9ere a Party% d#e to te establised principles o" its domestic le$al
system% cannot adopt te meas#res re"erred to in para$rap +;a% it may instead
adopt le$islative and oter meas#res as may be necessary to ens#re te real-
time collection or recordin$ o" tra""ic data associated wit speci"ied
comm#nications transmitted in its territory% tro#$ te application o"
tecnical means on tat territory;
? Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to obli$e a service provider to 'eep con"idential te "act o" te
exec#tion o" any power provided "or in tis article and any in"ormation
relatin$ to it;
> Te powers and proced#res re"erred to in tis article sall be s#bEect to
Articles +> and +-;
Article <+ B 3nterception o" content data
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary% in relation to a ran$e o" serio#s o""ences to be determined by
domestic law% to empower its competent a#torities toA
a collect or record tro#$ te application o" tecnical means on te
territory o" tat Party% and
b compel a service provider% witin its existin$ tecnical capabilityA
i to collect or record tro#$ te application o" tecnical
means on te territory o" tat Party% or
ii to co-operate and assist te competent a#torities in te
collection or recordin$ o"%
content data% in real-time% o" speci"ied comm#nications in its
territory transmitted by means o" a comp#ter system;
< 9ere a Party% d#e to te establised principles o" its domestic le$al
system% cannot adopt te meas#res re"erred to in para$rap +;a% it may instead
adopt le$islative and oter meas#res as may be necessary to ens#re te real-
time collection or recordin$ o" content data on speci"ied comm#nications in its
territory tro#$ te application o" tecnical means on tat territory;
? Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to obli$e a service provider to 'eep con"idential te "act o" te
exec#tion o" any power provided "or in tis article and any in"ormation
relatin$ to it;
> Te powers and proced#res re"erred to in tis article sall be s#bEect to
Articles +> and +-;
!ection ? B @#risdiction
Article << B @#risdiction
+ Eac Party sall adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to establis E#risdiction over any o""ence establised in accordance
wit Articles < tro#$ ++ o" tis Convention% wen te o""ence is committedA
a in its territory& or
b on board a sip "lyin$ te "la$ o" tat Party& or
c on board an aircra"t re$istered #nder te laws o" tat Party& or
d by one o" its nationals% i" te o""ence is p#nisable #nder criminal
law were it was committed or i" te o""ence is committed o#tside te
territorial E#risdiction o" any !tate;
< Eac Party may reserve te ri$t not to apply or to apply only in speci"ic
cases or conditions te E#risdiction r#les laid down in para$raps +;b tro#$
+;d o" tis article or any part tereo";
? Eac Party sall adopt s#c meas#res as may be necessary to establis
E#risdiction over te o""ences re"erred to in Article <>% para$rap +% o" tis
Convention% in cases were an alle$ed o""ender is present in its territory and it
does not extradite im or er to anoter Party% solely on te basis o" is or er
nationality% a"ter a re)#est "or extradition;
> Tis Convention does not excl#de any criminal E#risdiction exercised by a
Party in accordance wit its domestic law;
- 9en more tan one Party claims E#risdiction over an alle$ed o""ence
establised in accordance wit tis Convention% te Parties involved sall%
were appropriate% cons#lt wit a view to determinin$ te most appropriate
E#risdiction "or prosec#tion;
Capter 333 B 3nternational co-operation
!ection + B :eneral principles
Title 1 (eneral principles relating to international co-operation
Article <? B :eneral principles relatin$ to international co-operation
Te Parties sall co-operate wit eac oter% in accordance wit te provisions
o" tis capter% and tro#$ te application o" relevant international
instr#ments on international co-operation in criminal matters% arran$ements
a$reed on te basis o" #ni"orm or reciprocal le$islation% and domestic laws% to
te widest extent possible "or te p#rposes o" investi$ations or proceedin$s
concernin$ criminal o""ences related to comp#ter systems and data% or "or te
collection o" evidence in electronic "orm o" a criminal o""ence;
Title 2 $rinciples relating to e#tradition
Article <> B Extradition
+ a; Tis article applies to extradition between Parties "or te criminal
o""ences establised in accordance wit Articles < tro#$ ++ o" tis
Convention% provided tat tey are p#nisable #nder te laws o" bot Parties
concerned by deprivation o" liberty "or a maxim#m period o" at least one year%
or by a more severe penalty;
b; 9ere a di""erent minim#m penalty is to be applied #nder an
arran$ement a$reed on te basis o" #ni"orm or reciprocal le$islation or an
extradition treaty% incl#din$ te E#ropean Convention on Extradition (ET!
2o; <>)% applicable between two or more parties% te minim#m penalty
provided "or #nder s#c arran$ement or treaty sall apply;
< Te criminal o""ences described in para$rap + o" tis article sall be
deemed to be incl#ded as extraditable o""ences in any extradition treaty
existin$ between or amon$ te Parties; Te Parties #nderta'e to incl#de s#c
o""ences as extraditable o""ences in any extradition treaty to be concl#ded
between or amon$ tem;
? 3" a Party tat ma'es extradition conditional on te existence o" a treaty
receives a re)#est "or extradition "rom anoter Party wit wic it does not
ave an extradition treaty% it may consider tis Convention as te le$al basis
"or extradition wit respect to any criminal o""ence re"erred to in para$rap +
o" tis article;
> Parties tat do not ma'e extradition conditional on te existence o" a treaty
sall reco$nise te criminal o""ences re"erred to in para$rap + o" tis article
as extraditable o""ences between temselves;
- Extradition sall be s#bEect to te conditions provided "or by te law o" te
re)#ested Party or by applicable extradition treaties% incl#din$ te $ro#nds on
wic te re)#ested Party may re"#se extradition;
0 3" extradition "or a criminal o""ence re"erred to in para$rap + o" tis
article is re"#sed solely on te basis o" te nationality o" te person so#$t% or
beca#se te re)#ested Party deems tat it as E#risdiction over te o""ence% te
re)#ested Party sall s#bmit te case at te re)#est o" te re)#estin$ Party to
its competent a#torities "or te p#rpose o" prosec#tion and sall report te
"inal o#tcome to te re)#estin$ Party in d#e co#rse; Tose a#torities sall
ta'e teir decision and cond#ct teir investi$ations and proceedin$s in te
same manner as "or any oter o""ence o" a comparable nat#re #nder te law o"
tat Party;
= a; Eac Party sall% at te time o" si$nat#re or wen depositin$ its
instr#ment o" rati"ication% acceptance% approval or accession% comm#nicate to
te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope te name and address o" eac
a#tority responsible "or ma'in$ or receivin$ re)#ests "or extradition or
provisional arrest in te absence o" a treaty;
b; Te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope sall set #p and 'eep
#pdated a re$ister o" a#torities so desi$nated by te Parties; Eac Party sall
ens#re tat te details eld on te re$ister are correct at all times;
Title 3 (eneral principles relating to mutual assistance
Article <- B :eneral principles relatin$ to m#t#al assistance
+ Te Parties sall a""ord one anoter m#t#al assistance to te widest extent
possible "or te p#rpose o" investi$ations or proceedin$s concernin$ criminal
o""ences related to comp#ter systems and data% or "or te collection o"
evidence in electronic "orm o" a criminal o""ence;
< Eac Party sall also adopt s#c le$islative and oter meas#res as may be
necessary to carry o#t te obli$ations set "ort in Articles <= tro#$ ?-;
? Eac Party may% in #r$ent circ#mstances% ma'e re)#ests "or m#t#al
assistance or comm#nications related tereto by expedited means o"
comm#nication% incl#din$ "ax or e-mail% to te extent tat s#c means provide
appropriate levels o" sec#rity and a#tentication (incl#din$ te #se o"
encryption% were necessary)% wit "ormal con"irmation to "ollow% were
re)#ired by te re)#ested Party; Te re)#ested Party sall accept and respond
to te re)#est by any s#c expedited means o" comm#nication;
> Except as oterwise speci"ically provided in articles in tis capter% m#t#al
assistance sall be s#bEect to te conditions provided "or by te law o" te
re)#ested Party or by applicable m#t#al assistance treaties% incl#din$ te
$ro#nds on wic te re)#ested Party may re"#se co-operation; Te re)#ested
Party sall not exercise te ri$t to re"#se m#t#al assistance in relation to te
o""ences re"erred to in Articles < tro#$ ++ solely on te $ro#nd tat te
re)#est concerns an o""ence wic it considers a "iscal o""ence;
- 9ere% in accordance wit te provisions o" tis capter% te re)#ested
Party is permitted to ma'e m#t#al assistance conditional #pon te existence o"
d#al criminality% tat condition sall be deemed "#l"illed% irrespective o"
weter its laws place te o""ence witin te same cate$ory o" o""ence or
denominate te o""ence by te same terminolo$y as te re)#estin$ Party% i" te
cond#ct #nderlyin$ te o""ence "or wic assistance is so#$t is a criminal
o""ence #nder its laws;
Article <0 B !pontaneo#s in"ormation
+ A Party may% witin te limits o" its domestic law and wito#t prior
re)#est% "orward to anoter Party in"ormation obtained witin te "ramewor'
o" its own investi$ations wen it considers tat te disclos#re o" s#c
in"ormation mi$t assist te receivin$ Party in initiatin$ or carryin$ o#t
investi$ations or proceedin$s concernin$ criminal o""ences establised in
accordance wit tis Convention or mi$t lead to a re)#est "or co-operation by
tat Party #nder tis capter;
< Prior to providin$ s#c in"ormation% te providin$ Party may re)#est tat it
be 'ept con"idential or only #sed s#bEect to conditions; 3" te receivin$ Party
cannot comply wit s#c re)#est% it sall noti"y te providin$ Party% wic
sall ten determine weter te in"ormation so#ld neverteless be provided;
3" te receivin$ Party accepts te in"ormation s#bEect to te conditions% it sall
be bo#nd by tem;
Title 4 $rocedures pertaining to mutual assistance re)uests
in the absence of applicable international agreements
Article <= B Proced#res pertainin$ to m#t#al assistance re)#ests in te absence
o" applicable international a$reements
+ 9ere tere is no m#t#al assistance treaty or arran$ement on te basis o"
#ni"orm or reciprocal le$islation in "orce between te re)#estin$ and re)#ested
Parties% te provisions o" para$raps < tro#$ , o" tis article sall apply;
Te provisions o" tis article sall not apply were s#c treaty% arran$ement or
le$islation exists% #nless te Parties concerned a$ree to apply any or all o" te
remainder o" tis article in lie# tereo";
< a; Eac Party sall desi$nate a central a#tority or a#torities responsible
"or sendin$ and answerin$ re)#ests "or m#t#al assistance% te exec#tion o"
s#c re)#ests or teir transmission to te a#torities competent "or teir
b; Te central a#torities sall comm#nicate directly wit eac oter&
c; Eac Party sall% at te time o" si$nat#re or wen depositin$ its
instr#ment o" rati"ication% acceptance% approval or accession% comm#nicate to
te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope te names and addresses o" te
a#torities desi$nated in p#rs#ance o" tis para$rap&
d; Te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope sall set #p and 'eep
#pdated a re$ister o" central a#torities desi$nated by te Parties; Eac Party
sall ens#re tat te details eld on te re$ister are correct at all times;
? *#t#al assistance re)#ests #nder tis article sall be exec#ted in
accordance wit te proced#res speci"ied by te re)#estin$ Party% except
were incompatible wit te law o" te re)#ested Party;
> Te re)#ested Party may% in addition to te $ro#nds "or re"#sal establised
in Article <-% para$rap >% re"#se assistance i"A
a te re)#est concerns an o""ence wic te re)#ested Party
considers a political o""ence or an o""ence connected wit a political
o""ence% or
b it considers tat exec#tion o" te re)#est is li'ely to preE#dice its
soverei$nty% sec#rity% ordre public or oter essential interests;
- Te re)#ested Party may postpone action on a re)#est i" s#c action wo#ld
preE#dice criminal investi$ations or proceedin$s cond#cted by its a#torities;
0 (e"ore re"#sin$ or postponin$ assistance% te re)#ested Party sall% were
appropriate a"ter avin$ cons#lted wit te re)#estin$ Party% consider weter
te re)#est may be $ranted partially or s#bEect to s#c conditions as it deems
= Te re)#ested Party sall promptly in"orm te re)#estin$ Party o" te
o#tcome o" te exec#tion o" a re)#est "or assistance; Reasons sall be $iven
"or any re"#sal or postponement o" te re)#est; Te re)#ested Party sall also
in"orm te re)#estin$ Party o" any reasons tat render impossible te
exec#tion o" te re)#est or are li'ely to delay it si$ni"icantly;
4 Te re)#estin$ Party may re)#est tat te re)#ested Party 'eep
con"idential te "act o" any re)#est made #nder tis capter as well as its
s#bEect% except to te extent necessary "or its exec#tion; 3" te re)#ested Party
cannot comply wit te re)#est "or con"identiality% it sall promptly in"orm te
re)#estin$ Party% wic sall ten determine weter te re)#est so#ld
neverteless be exec#ted;
, a; 3n te event o" #r$ency% re)#ests "or m#t#al assistance or
comm#nications related tereto may be sent directly by E#dicial a#torities o"
te re)#estin$ Party to s#c a#torities o" te re)#ested Party; 3n any s#c
cases% a copy sall be sent at te same time to te central a#tority o" te
re)#ested Party tro#$ te central a#tority o" te re)#estin$ Party;
b; Any re)#est or comm#nication #nder tis para$rap may be made
tro#$ te 3nternational Criminal Police 7r$anisation (3nterpol);
c; 9ere a re)#est is made p#rs#ant to s#b-para$rap a; o" tis article
and te a#tority is not competent to deal wit te re)#est% it sall re"er te
re)#est to te competent national a#tority and in"orm directly te re)#estin$
Party tat it as done so;
d; Re)#ests or comm#nications made #nder tis para$rap tat do not
involve coercive action may be directly transmitted by te competent
a#torities o" te re)#estin$ Party to te competent a#torities o" te re)#ested
e; Eac Party may% at te time o" si$nat#re or wen depositin$ its
instr#ment o" rati"ication% acceptance% approval or accession% in"orm te
!ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope tat% "or reasons o" e""iciency%
re)#ests made #nder tis para$rap are to be addressed to its central a#tority;
Article <4 B Con"identiality and limitation on #se
+ 9en tere is no m#t#al assistance treaty or arran$ement on te basis o"
#ni"orm or reciprocal le$islation in "orce between te re)#estin$ and te
re)#ested Parties% te provisions o" tis article sall apply; Te provisions o"
tis article sall not apply were s#c treaty% arran$ement or le$islation exists%
#nless te Parties concerned a$ree to apply any or all o" te remainder o" tis
article in lie# tereo";
< Te re)#ested Party may ma'e te s#pply o" in"ormation or material in
response to a re)#est dependent on te condition tat it isA
a 'ept con"idential were te re)#est "or m#t#al le$al assistance
co#ld not be complied wit in te absence o" s#c condition% or
b not #sed "or investi$ations or proceedin$s oter tan tose stated in
te re)#est;
? 3" te re)#estin$ Party cannot comply wit a condition re"erred to in
para$rap <% it sall promptly in"orm te oter Party% wic sall ten
determine weter te in"ormation so#ld neverteless be provided; 9en te
re)#estin$ Party accepts te condition% it sall be bo#nd by it;
> Any Party tat s#pplies in"ormation or material s#bEect to a condition
re"erred to in para$rap < may re)#ire te oter Party to explain% in relation to
tat condition% te #se made o" s#c in"ormation or material;
!ection < B !peci"ic provisions
Title 1 *utual assistance regarding provisional measures
Article <, B Expedited preservation o" stored comp#ter data
+ A Party may re)#est anoter Party to order or oterwise obtain te
expeditio#s preservation o" data stored by means o" a comp#ter system%
located witin te territory o" tat oter Party and in respect o" wic te
re)#estin$ Party intends to s#bmit a re)#est "or m#t#al assistance "or te
searc or similar access% sei8#re or similar sec#rin$% or disclos#re o" te data;
< A re)#est "or preservation made #nder para$rap + sall speci"yA
a te a#tority see'in$ te preservation&
b te o""ence tat is te s#bEect o" a criminal investi$ation or
proceedin$s and a brie" s#mmary o" te related "acts&
c te stored comp#ter data to be preserved and its relationsip to te
d any available in"ormation identi"yin$ te c#stodian o" te stored
comp#ter data or te location o" te comp#ter system&
e te necessity o" te preservation& and
" tat te Party intends to s#bmit a re)#est "or m#t#al assistance "or
te searc or similar access% sei8#re or similar sec#rin$% or disclos#re
o" te stored comp#ter data;
? 1pon receivin$ te re)#est "rom anoter Party% te re)#ested Party sall
ta'e all appropriate meas#res to preserve expeditio#sly te speci"ied data in
accordance wit its domestic law; For te p#rposes o" respondin$ to a re)#est%
d#al criminality sall not be re)#ired as a condition to providin$ s#c
> A Party tat re)#ires d#al criminality as a condition "or respondin$ to a
re)#est "or m#t#al assistance "or te searc or similar access% sei8#re or
similar sec#rin$% or disclos#re o" stored data may% in respect o" o""ences oter
tan tose establised in accordance wit Articles < tro#$ ++ o" tis
Convention% reserve te ri$t to re"#se te re)#est "or preservation #nder tis
article in cases were it as reasons to believe tat at te time o" disclos#re te
condition o" d#al criminality cannot be "#l"illed;
- 3n addition% a re)#est "or preservation may only be re"#sed i"A
a te re)#est concerns an o""ence wic te re)#ested Party
considers a political o""ence or an o""ence connected wit a political
o""ence% or
b te re)#ested Party considers tat exec#tion o" te re)#est is li'ely
to preE#dice its soverei$nty% sec#rity% ordre public or oter essential
0 9ere te re)#ested Party believes tat preservation will not ens#re te
"#t#re availability o" te data or will treaten te con"identiality o" or
oterwise preE#dice te re)#estin$ PartyDs investi$ation% it sall promptly so
in"orm te re)#estin$ Party% wic sall ten determine weter te re)#est
so#ld neverteless be exec#ted;
= Any preservation e""ected in response to te re)#est re"erred to in
para$rap + sall be "or a period not less tan sixty days% in order to enable te
re)#estin$ Party to s#bmit a re)#est "or te searc or similar access% sei8#re or
similar sec#rin$% or disclos#re o" te data; Followin$ te receipt o" s#c a
re)#est% te data sall contin#e to be preserved pendin$ a decision on tat
Article ?. B Expedited disclos#re o" preserved tra""ic data
+ 9ere% in te co#rse o" te exec#tion o" a re)#est made p#rs#ant to Article
<, to preserve tra""ic data concernin$ a speci"ic comm#nication% te re)#ested
Party discovers tat a service provider in anoter !tate was involved in te
transmission o" te comm#nication% te re)#ested Party sall expeditio#sly
disclose to te re)#estin$ Party a s#""icient amo#nt o" tra""ic data to identi"y
tat service provider and te pat tro#$ wic te comm#nication was
< 5isclos#re o" tra""ic data #nder para$rap + may only be witeld i"A
a te re)#est concerns an o""ence wic te re)#ested Party
considers a political o""ence or an o""ence connected wit a political
o""ence& or
b te re)#ested Party considers tat exec#tion o" te re)#est is li'ely
to preE#dice its soverei$nty% sec#rity% ordre public or oter essential
Title 2 *utual assistance regarding investigative po+ers
Article ?+ B *#t#al assistance re$ardin$ accessin$ o" stored comp#ter data
+ A Party may re)#est anoter Party to searc or similarly access% sei8e or
similarly sec#re% and disclose data stored by means o" a comp#ter system
located witin te territory o" te re)#ested Party% incl#din$ data tat as been
preserved p#rs#ant to Article <,;
< Te re)#ested Party sall respond to te re)#est tro#$ te application o"
international instr#ments% arran$ements and laws re"erred to in Article <?% and
in accordance wit oter relevant provisions o" tis capter;
? Te re)#est sall be responded to on an expedited basis wereA
a tere are $ro#nds to believe tat relevant data is partic#larly
v#lnerable to loss or modi"ication& or
b te instr#ments% arran$ements and laws re"erred to in para$rap <
oterwise provide "or expedited co-operation;
Article ?< B Trans-border access to stored comp#ter data wit consent or
were p#blicly available
A Party may% wito#t te a#torisation o" anoter PartyA
a access p#blicly available (open so#rce) stored comp#ter data%
re$ardless o" were te data is located $eo$rapically& or
b access or receive% tro#$ a comp#ter system in its territory% stored
comp#ter data located in anoter Party% i" te Party obtains te law"#l
and vol#ntary consent o" te person wo as te law"#l a#tority
to disclose te data to te Party tro#$ tat comp#ter system;
Article ?? B *#t#al assistance re$ardin$ te real-time collection o" tra""ic data
+ Te Parties sall provide m#t#al assistance to eac oter in te real-time
collection o" tra""ic data associated wit speci"ied comm#nications in teir
territory transmitted by means o" a comp#ter system; !#bEect to te provisions
o" para$rap <% tis assistance sall be $overned by te conditions and
proced#res provided "or #nder domestic law;
< Eac Party sall provide s#c assistance at least wit respect to criminal
o""ences "or wic real-time collection o" tra""ic data wo#ld be available in a
similar domestic case;
Article ?> B *#t#al assistance re$ardin$ te interception o" content data
Te Parties sall provide m#t#al assistance to eac oter in te real-time
collection or recordin$ o" content data o" speci"ied comm#nications
transmitted by means o" a comp#ter system to te extent permitted #nder teir
applicable treaties and domestic laws;
Title 3 24,- .et+or/
Article ?- B <>H= 2etwor'
+ Eac Party sall desi$nate a point o" contact available on a twenty-"o#r
o#r% seven-day-a-wee' basis% in order to ens#re te provision o" immediate
assistance "or te p#rpose o" investi$ations or proceedin$s concernin$
criminal o""ences related to comp#ter systems and data% or "or te collection o"
evidence in electronic "orm o" a criminal o""ence; !#c assistance sall
incl#de "acilitatin$% or% i" permitted by its domestic law and practice% directly
carryin$ o#t te "ollowin$ meas#resA
a te provision o" tecnical advice&
b te preservation o" data p#rs#ant to Articles <, and ?.&
c te collection o" evidence% te provision o" le$al in"ormation% and
locatin$ o" s#spects;
< a; A PartyDs point o" contact sall ave te capacity to carry o#t
comm#nications wit te point o" contact o" anoter Party on an expedited
b; 3" te point o" contact desi$nated by a Party is not part o" tat PartyDs
a#tority or a#torities responsible "or international m#t#al assistance or
extradition% te point o" contact sall ens#re tat it is able to co-ordinate wit
s#c a#tority or a#torities on an expedited basis;
? Eac Party sall ens#re tat trained and e)#ipped personnel are available%
in order to "acilitate te operation o" te networ';
Capter 3I B Final provisions
Article ?0 B !i$nat#re and entry into "orce
+ Tis Convention sall be open "or si$nat#re by te member !tates o" te
Co#ncil o" E#rope and by non-member !tates wic ave participated in its
< Tis Convention is s#bEect to rati"ication% acceptance or approval;
3nstr#ments o" rati"ication% acceptance or approval sall be deposited wit te
!ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope;
? Tis Convention sall enter into "orce on te "irst day o" te mont
"ollowin$ te expiration o" a period o" tree monts a"ter te date on wic
"ive !tates% incl#din$ at least tree member !tates o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope%
ave expressed teir consent to be bo#nd by te Convention in accordance
wit te provisions o" para$raps + and <;
> 3n respect o" any si$natory !tate wic s#bse)#ently expresses its consent
to be bo#nd by it% te Convention sall enter into "orce on te "irst day o" te
mont "ollowin$ te expiration o" a period o" tree monts a"ter te date o" te
expression o" its consent to be bo#nd by te Convention in accordance wit
te provisions o" para$raps + and <;
Article ?= B Accession to te Convention
+ A"ter te entry into "orce o" tis Convention% te Committee o" *inisters
o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope% a"ter cons#ltin$ wit and obtainin$ te #nanimo#s
consent o" te Contractin$ !tates to te Convention% may invite any !tate
wic is not a member o" te Co#ncil and wic as not participated in its
elaboration to accede to tis Convention; Te decision sall be ta'en by te
maEority provided "or in Article <.;d; o" te !tat#te o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope
and by te #nanimo#s vote o" te representatives o" te Contractin$ !tates
entitled to sit on te Committee o" *inisters;
< 3n respect o" any !tate accedin$ to te Convention #nder para$rap +
above% te Convention sall enter into "orce on te "irst day o" te mont
"ollowin$ te expiration o" a period o" tree monts a"ter te date o" deposit o"
te instr#ment o" accession wit te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o"
Article ?4 B Territorial application
+ Any !tate may% at te time o" si$nat#re or wen depositin$ its instr#ment
o" rati"ication% acceptance% approval or accession% speci"y te territory or
territories to wic tis Convention sall apply;
< Any !tate may% at any later date% by a declaration addressed to te
!ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope% extend te application o" tis
Convention to any oter territory speci"ied in te declaration; 3n respect o"
s#c territory te Convention sall enter into "orce on te "irst day o" te
mont "ollowin$ te expiration o" a period o" tree monts a"ter te date o"
receipt o" te declaration by te !ecretary :eneral;
? Any declaration made #nder te two precedin$ para$raps may% in respect
o" any territory speci"ied in s#c declaration% be witdrawn by a noti"ication
addressed to te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope; Te witdrawal
sall become e""ective on te "irst day o" te mont "ollowin$ te expiration
o" a period o" tree monts a"ter te date o" receipt o" s#c noti"ication by te
!ecretary :eneral;
Article ?, B E""ects o" te Convention
+ Te p#rpose o" te present Convention is to s#pplement applicable
m#ltilateral or bilateral treaties or arran$ements as between te Parties%
incl#din$ te provisions o"A
B te E#ropean Convention on Extradition% opened "or si$nat#re in
Paris% on +? 5ecember +,-= (ET! 2o; <>)&
B te E#ropean Convention on *#t#al Assistance in Criminal *atters%
opened "or si$nat#re in !trasbo#r$% on <. April +,-, (ET! 2o; ?.)&
B te Additional Protocol to te E#ropean Convention on *#t#al
Assistance in Criminal *atters% opened "or si$nat#re in !trasbo#r$% on
+= *arc +,=4 (ET! 2o; ,,);
< 3" two or more Parties ave already concl#ded an a$reement or treaty on
te matters dealt wit in tis Convention or ave oterwise establised teir
relations on s#c matters% or so#ld tey in "#t#re do so% tey sall also be
entitled to apply tat a$reement or treaty or to re$#late tose relations
accordin$ly; /owever% were Parties establis teir relations in respect o" te
matters dealt wit in te present Convention oter tan as re$#lated terein%
tey sall do so in a manner tat is not inconsistent wit te ConventionDs
obEectives and principles;
? 2otin$ in tis Convention sall a""ect oter ri$ts% restrictions%
obli$ations and responsibilities o" a Party;
Article >. B 5eclarations
(y a written noti"ication addressed to te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o"
E#rope% any !tate may% at te time o" si$nat#re or wen depositin$ its
instr#ment o" rati"ication% acceptance% approval or accession% declare tat it
avails itsel" o" te possibility o" re)#irin$ additional elements as provided "or
#nder Articles <% ?% 0 para$rap +;b% =% , para$rap ?% and <=% para$rap ,;e;
Article >+ B Federal cla#se
+ A "ederal !tate may reserve te ri$t to ass#me obli$ations #nder Capter
33 o" tis Convention consistent wit its "#ndamental principles $overnin$ te
relationsip between its central $overnment and constit#ent !tates or oter
similar territorial entities provided tat it is still able to co-operate #nder
Capter 333;
< 9en ma'in$ a reservation #nder para$rap +% a "ederal !tate may not
apply te terms o" s#c reservation to excl#de or s#bstantially diminis its
obli$ations to provide "or meas#res set "ort in Capter 33; 7verall% it sall
provide "or a broad and e""ective law en"orcement capability wit respect to
tose meas#res;
? 9it re$ard to te provisions o" tis Convention% te application o" wic
comes #nder te E#risdiction o" constit#ent !tates or oter similar territorial
entities% tat are not obli$ed by te constit#tional system o" te "ederation to
ta'e le$islative meas#res% te "ederal $overnment sall in"orm te competent
a#torities o" s#c !tates o" te said provisions wit its "avo#rable opinion%
enco#ra$in$ tem to ta'e appropriate action to $ive tem e""ect;
Article >< B Reservations
(y a written noti"ication addressed to te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o"
E#rope% any !tate may% at te time o" si$nat#re or wen depositin$ its
instr#ment o" rati"ication% acceptance% approval or accession% declare tat it
avails itsel" o" te reservation(s) provided "or in Article >% para$rap <% Article
0% para$rap ?% Article ,% para$rap >% Article +.% para$rap ?% Article ++%
para$rap ?% Article +>% para$rap ?% Article <<% para$rap <% Article <,%
para$rap >% and Article >+% para$rap +; 2o oter reservation may be made;
Article >? B !tat#s and witdrawal o" reservations
+ A Party tat as made a reservation in accordance wit Article >< may
wolly or partially witdraw it by means o" a noti"ication addressed to te
!ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope; !#c witdrawal sall ta'e e""ect
on te date o" receipt o" s#c noti"ication by te !ecretary :eneral; 3" te
noti"ication states tat te witdrawal o" a reservation is to ta'e e""ect on a
date speci"ied terein% and s#c date is later tan te date on wic te
noti"ication is received by te !ecretary :eneral% te witdrawal sall ta'e
e""ect on s#c a later date;
< A Party tat as made a reservation as re"erred to in Article >< sall
witdraw s#c reservation% in wole or in part% as soon as circ#mstances so
? Te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope may periodically en)#ire
wit Parties tat ave made one or more reservations as re"erred to in Article
>< as to te prospects "or witdrawin$ s#c reservation(s);
Article >> B Amendments
+ Amendments to tis Convention may be proposed by any Party% and sall
be comm#nicated by te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope to te
member !tates o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope% to te non-member !tates wic
ave participated in te elaboration o" tis Convention as well as to any !tate
wic as acceded to% or as been invited to accede to% tis Convention in
accordance wit te provisions o" Article ?=;
< Any amendment proposed by a Party sall be comm#nicated to te
E#ropean Committee on Crime Problems (C5PC)% wic sall s#bmit to te
Committee o" *inisters its opinion on tat proposed amendment;
? Te Committee o" *inisters sall consider te proposed amendment and
te opinion s#bmitted by te C5PC and% "ollowin$ cons#ltation wit te non-
member !tates Parties to tis Convention% may adopt te amendment;
> Te text o" any amendment adopted by te Committee o" *inisters in
accordance wit para$rap ? o" tis article sall be "orwarded to te Parties
"or acceptance;
- Any amendment adopted in accordance wit para$rap ? o" tis article
sall come into "orce on te tirtiet day a"ter all Parties ave in"ormed te
!ecretary :eneral o" teir acceptance tereo";
Article >- B !ettlement o" disp#tes
+ Te E#ropean Committee on Crime Problems (C5PC) sall be 'ept
in"ormed re$ardin$ te interpretation and application o" tis Convention;
< 3n case o" a disp#te between Parties as to te interpretation or application
o" tis Convention% tey sall see' a settlement o" te disp#te tro#$
ne$otiation or any oter peace"#l means o" teir coice% incl#din$ s#bmission
o" te disp#te to te C5PC% to an arbitral trib#nal wose decisions sall be
bindin$ #pon te Parties% or to te 3nternational Co#rt o" @#stice% as a$reed
#pon by te Parties concerned;
Article >0 B Cons#ltations o" te Parties
+ Te Parties sall% as appropriate% cons#lt periodically wit a view to
a te e""ective #se and implementation o" tis Convention% incl#din$
te identi"ication o" any problems tereo"% as well as te e""ects o" any
declaration or reservation made #nder tis Convention&
b te excan$e o" in"ormation on si$ni"icant le$al% policy or
tecnolo$ical developments pertainin$ to cybercrime and te
collection o" evidence in electronic "orm&
c consideration o" possible s#pplementation or amendment o" te
< Te E#ropean Committee on Crime Problems (C5PC) sall be 'ept
periodically in"ormed re$ardin$ te res#lt o" cons#ltations re"erred to in
para$rap +;
? Te C5PC sall% as appropriate% "acilitate te cons#ltations re"erred to in
para$rap + and ta'e te meas#res necessary to assist te Parties in teir
e""orts to s#pplement or amend te Convention; At te latest tree years a"ter
te present Convention enters into "orce% te E#ropean Committee on Crime
Problems (C5PC) sall% in co-operation wit te Parties% cond#ct a review o"
all o" te ConventionDs provisions and% i" necessary% recommend any
appropriate amendments;
> Except were ass#med by te Co#ncil o" E#rope% expenses inc#rred in
carryin$ o#t te provisions o" para$rap + sall be borne by te Parties in te
manner to be determined by tem;
- Te Parties sall be assisted by te !ecretariat o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope in
carryin$ o#t teir "#nctions p#rs#ant to tis article;
Article >= B 5en#nciation
+ Any Party may% at any time% deno#nce tis Convention by means o" a
noti"ication addressed to te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope;
< !#c den#nciation sall become e""ective on te "irst day o" te mont
"ollowin$ te expiration o" a period o" tree monts a"ter te date o" receipt o"
te noti"ication by te !ecretary :eneral;
Article >4 B 2oti"ication
Te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope sall noti"y te member !tates
o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope% te non-member !tates wic ave participated in
te elaboration o" tis Convention as well as any !tate wic as acceded to%
or as been invited to accede to% tis Convention o"A
a any si$nat#re&
b te deposit o" any instr#ment o" rati"ication% acceptance% approval
or accession&
c any date o" entry into "orce o" tis Convention in accordance wit
Articles ?0 and ?=&
d any declaration made #nder Article >. or reservation made in
accordance wit Article ><&
e any oter act% noti"ication or comm#nication relatin$ to tis
3n witness wereo" te #ndersi$ned% bein$ d#ly a#torised tereto% ave
si$ned tis Convention;
5one at (#dapest% tis <?rd day o" 2ovember <..+% in En$lis and in Frenc%
bot texts bein$ e)#ally a#tentic% in a sin$le copy wic sall be deposited in
te arcives o" te Co#ncil o" E#rope; Te !ecretary :eneral o" te Co#ncil o"
E#rope sall transmit certi"ied copies to eac member !tate o" te Co#ncil o"
E#rope% to te non-member !tates wic ave participated in te elaboration
o" tis Convention% and to any !tate invited to accede to it;

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