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MCQs of Computer Science

1.What is operating system?
a) collection of programs that manages hardware resources
b) system service provider to the application programs
c) lin to interface the hardware and application programs
d) all of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
#. $o access the services of operating system% the interface is provided by the
a) system calls
b) "&'
c) library
d) assembly instructions
!iew "nswer
,. Which one of the following is not true?
a) ernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
b) ernel is the first part of operating system to load into memory during booting
c) ernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating
d) ernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
!iew "nswer
-. Which one of the following error will be handle by the operating system?
a) power failure
b) lac of paper in printer
c) connection failure in the networ
d) all of the mentioned
.. $he main function of the command interpreter is
a) to get and e*ecute the ne*t user/specified command
b) to provide the interface between the "&' and application program
c) to handle the files in operating system
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2. 0y operating system% the resource management can be done via
a) time division multiple*ing
b) space division multiple*ing
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
4. 'f a process fails% most operating system write the error information to a
a) log file
b) another running process
c) new file
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
5. Which facility dynamically adds probes to a running system% both in user processes
and in the ernel?
a) 1$race
b) 16ocate
c) 1Map
d) 1"dd
!iew "nswer
7. Which one of the following is not a real time operating system?
a) !*Wors
b) Windows C)
c) 8$6inu*
d) &alm 9S
1:. $he 9S ; has
a) monolithic ernel
b) hybrid ernel
c) microernel
d) monolithic ernel with modules
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1. $he systems which allows only one process e*ecution at a time% are called
a) uniprogramming systems
b) uniprocessing systems
c) unitasing systems
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
)*planation($hose systems which allows more than one process e*ecution at a time% are
called multiprogramming systems. <niprocessing means only one processor.
#. 'n operating system% each process has its own
a) address space and global variables
b) open files
c) pending alarms% signals and signal handlers
d) all of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
,. 'n <ni*% Which system call creates the new process?
a) for
b) create
c) new
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
-. " process can be terminated due to
a) normal e*it
b) fatal error
c) illed by another process
d) all of the mentioned
.. What is the ready state of a process?
a) when process is scheduled to run after some e*ecution
b) when process is unable to run until some tas has been completed
c) when process is using the C&<
d) none of the mentioned
)*planation(When process is unable to run until some tas has been completed% the
process is in bloced state and if process is using the C&<% it is in running state.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2. What is interprocess communication?
a) communication within the process
b) communication between two process
c) communication between two threads of same process
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
4. " set of processes is deadloc if
a) each process is bloced and will remain so forever
b) each process is terminated
c) all processes are trying to ill each other
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
5. " process stac does not contain
a) function parameters
b) local variables
c) return addresses
d) &'1 of child process
!iew "nswer
7. Which system call returns the process identifier of a terminated child?
a) wait
b) e*it
c) for
d) get
!iew "nswer
1:. $he address of the ne*t instruction to be e*ecuted by the current process is provided
by the
a) C&< registers
b) program counter
c) process stac
d) pipe
!iew "nswer
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) " &rocess Control 0loc3&C0) does not contain which of the following (
a) Code
b) Stac
c) =eap
d) 1ata
e) &rogram Counter
f) &rocess State
g) '>9 status information
h) bootstrap program
!iew "nswer
"nswer( h
)*planation( +one.
#) $he number of processes completed per unit time is nown as ??????????.
a) 9utput
b) $hroughput
c) )fficiency
d) Capacity
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
,) $he state of a process is defined by (
a) the final activity of the process
b) the activity @ust e*ecuted by the process
c) the activity to ne*t be e*ecuted by the process
d) the current activity of the process
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
-) Which of the following is not the state of a process ?
a) +ew
b) 9ld
c) Waiting
d) 8unning
e) 8eady
f) $erminated
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.) $he &rocess Control 0loc is (
a) &rocess type variable
b) 1ata Structure
c) a secondary storage section
d) a 0loc in memory
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
2) $he entry of all the &C0s of the current processes is in (
a) &rocess 8egister
b) &rogram Counter
c) &rocess $able
d) &rocess <nit
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
4) $he degree of multi/programming is (
a) the number of processes e*ecuted per unit time
b) the number of processes in the ready Aueue
c) the number of processes in the '>9 Aueue
d) the number of processes in memory
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
5) " single thread of control allows the process to perform (
a) only one tas at a time
b) multiple tass at a time
c) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
7) $he ob@ective of multi/programming is to ( 3choose two)
a) =ave some process running at all times
b) =ave multiple programs waiting in a Aueue ready to run
c) $o minimiBe C&< utiliBation
d) $o ma*imiBe C&< utiliBation
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and d
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) Which of the following do not belong to Aueues for processes ?
a) Cob Queue
b) &C0 Aueue
c) 1evice Queue
d) 8eady Queue
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
#) When the process issues an '>9 reAuest (
a) 't is placed in an '>9 Aueue
b) 't is placed in a waiting Aueue
c) 't is placed in the ready Aueue
d) 't is placed in the Cob Aueue
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
,) When a process terminates ( 3Choose $wo)
a) 't is removed from all Aueues
b) 't is removed from all% but the @ob Aueue
c) 'ts process control bloc is de/allocated
d) 'ts process control bloc is never de/allocated
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and c
)*planation( +one.
-) What is a long/term scheduler ?
a) 't selects which process has to be brought into the ready Aueue
b) 't selects which process has to be e*ecuted ne*t and allocates C&<
c) 't selects which process to remove from memory by swapping
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
.) 'f all processes '>9 bound% the ready Aueue will almost always be ??????% and the
Short term Scheduler will have a ?????? to do.
a) full%little
b) full%lot
c) empty%little
d) empty%lot
"nswer( c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) What is a medium/term scheduler ?
a) 't selects which process has to be brought into the ready Aueue
b) 't selects which process has to be e*ecuted ne*t and allocates C&<
c) 't selects which process to remove from memory by swapping
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
4) What is a short/term scheduler ?
a) 't selects which process has to be brought into the ready Aueue
b) 't selects which process has to be e*ecuted ne*t and allocates C&<
c) 't selects which process to remove from memory by swapping
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
5) $he primary distinction between the short term scheduler and the long term scheduler
is (
a) $he length of their Aueues
b) $he type of processes they schedule
c) $he freAuency of their e*ecution
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
7) $he only state transition that is initiated by the user process itself is (
a) bloc
b) waeup
c) dispatch
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
1:) 'n a time/sharing operating system% when the time slot given to a process is
completed% the process goes from the running state to the (
a) 0loced state
b) 8eady state
c) Suspended state
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
d) $erminated state
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
11) 'n a multi/programming environment (
a) the processor e*ecutes more than one process at a time
b) the programs are developed by more than one person
c) more than one process resides in the memory
d) a single user can e*ecute many programs at the same time
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
1#) Suppose that a process is in D0locedE state waiting for some '>9 service. When the
service is completed% it goes to the (
a) 8unning state
b) 8eady state
c) Suspended state
d) $erminated state
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1,) $he conte*t of a process in the &C0 of a process does not contain (
a) the value of the C&< registers
b) the process state
c) memory/management information
d) conte*t switch time
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
1-) Which of the following need not necessarily be saved on a conte*t switch between
processes ? 3F"$) CS #:::)
a) Feneral purpose registers
b) $ranslation loo/aside buffer
c) &rogram counter
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1-) Which of the following does not interrupt a running process ? 3F"$) CS #::1)
a) " device
b) $imer
c) Scheduler process
d) &ower failure
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
1.) Several processes access and manipulate the same data concurrently and the outcome
of the e*ecution depends on the particular order in which the access taes place% is called
a3n) ????.
a) Shared Memory Segments
b) )ntry Section
c) 8ace condition
d) &rocess SynchroniBation
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
12) Which of the following state transitions is not possible ?
a) bloced to running
b) ready to running
c) bloced to ready
d) running to bloced
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
1) 8estricting the child process to a subset of the parentGs resources prevents any process
from (
a) overloading the system by using a lot of secondary storage
b) under/loading the system by very less C&< utiliBation
c) overloading the system by creating a lot of sub/processes
d) crashing the system by utiliBing multiple resources
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#) " parent process calling ????? system call will be suspended until children processes
a) wait
b) for
c) e*it
d) e*ec
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
,) Cascading termination refers to termination of all child processes before the parent
terminates ??????.
a) +ormally
b) "bnormally
c) +ormally or abnormally
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
-) With HHHHH. only one process can e*ecute at a timeI meanwhile all other process
are waiting for the processor. With HHHH.. more than one process can be running
simultaneously each on a different processor.
a) Multiprocessing% Multiprogramming
b) Multiprogramming% <niprocessing
c) Multiprogramming% Multiprocessing
d) <niprogramming% Multiprocessing
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
.) 'n <+';% each process is identified by its (
a) &rocess Control 0loc
b) 1evice Queue
c) &rocess 'dentifier
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) 'n <+';% the return value for the for system call is ????? for the child process and
????? for the parent process.
a) " +egative integer% Jero
b) Jero% " +egative integer
c) Jero% " nonBero integer
d) " nonBero integer% Jero
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
4) $he child process can ( 3choose two)
a) be a duplicate of the parent process
b) never be a duplicate of the parent process
c) have another program loaded into it
d) never have another program loaded into it
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and c
)*planation( +one.
5) $he child process completes e*ecution%but the parent eeps e*ecuting% then the child
process is nown as (
a) 9rphan
b) Jombie
c) 0ody
d) 1ead
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1) 'nter process communication (
a) allows processes to communicate and synchroniBe their actions when using the same
address space.
b) allows processes to communicate and synchroniBe their actions without using the same
address space.
c) allows the processes to only synchroniBe their actions without communication.
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#) Message passing system allows processes to (
a) communicate with one another without resorting to shared data.
b) communicate with one another by resorting to shared data.
c) share data
d) name the recipient or sender of the message
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
,) "n '&C facility provides atleast two operations ( 3choose two)
a) write message
b) delete message
c) send message
d) receive message
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c and d
)*planation( +one.
-) Messages sent by a process (
a) have to be of a fi*ed siBe
b) have to be a variable siBe
c) can be fi*ed or variable siBed
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
.) $he lin between two processes & and Q to send and receive messages is called (
a) communication lin
b) message/passing lin
c) synchroniBation lin
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) Which of the following are $8<) for direct communication choose two)
a) " communication lin can be associated with + number of process3+ K ma*. number
of processes supported by system)
b) " communication lin can be associated with e*actly two processes
c) )*actly +># lins e*ist between each pair of processes3+ K ma*. number of processes
supported by system)
d) )*actly one lin e*ists between each pair of processes
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b and d
)*planation( +one.
4) 'n indirect communication between processes & and Q (
a) there is another process 8 to handle and pass on the messages between & and Q
b) there is another machine between the two processes to help communication
c) there is a mailbo* to help communication between & and Q
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
5) 'n the non blocing send (
a) the sending process eeps sending until the message is received
b) the sending process sends the message and resumes operation
c) the sending process eeps sending until it receives a message
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
7) 'n the Jero capacity Aueue ( 3choose two)
a) the Aueue has Bero capacity
b) the sender blocs until the receiver receives the message
c) the sender eeps sending and the messages dont wait in the Aueue
d) the Aueue can store atleast one message
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and b.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:) $he Jero Capacity Aueue (
a) is referred to as a message system with buffering
b) is referred to as a message system with no buffering
c) is referred to as a lin
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
11) 0ounded capacity and <nbounded capacity Aueues are referred to as (
a) &rogrammed buffering
b) "utomatic buffering
c) <ser defined buffering
d) +o buffering
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1) 8emote &rocedure Calls are used (
a) for communication between two processes remotely different from each other on the
same system
b) for communication between two processes on the same system
c) for communication between two processes on separate systems
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
#) $o differentiate the many networ services a system supports ?????? are used.
a) !ariables
b) Socets
c) &orts
d) Service names
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,) 8&C provides a3an) ????? on the client side% a separate one for each remote procedure.
a) stub
b) identifier
c) name
d) process identifier
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
-) $he stub (
a) transmits the message to the server where the server side stub receives the message and
invoes procedure on the server side
b) pacs the parameters into a form transmittable over the networ
c) locates the port on the server
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
.) $o resolve the problem of data representation on different systems 8&Cs define
a) machine dependent representation of data
b) machine representation of data
c) machine/independent representation of data
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
2) $he full form of 8M' (
a) 8emote Memory 'nstallation
b) 8emote Memory 'nvocation
c) 8emote Method 'nstallation
d) 8emote Method 'nvocation
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4) $he remote method invocation (
a) allows a process to invoe memory on a remote ob@ect
b) allows a thread to invoe a method on a remote ob@ect
c) allows a thread to invoe memory on a remote ob@ect
d) allows a process to invoe a method on a remote ob@ect
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
5) " process that is based on '&C mechanism which e*ecutes on different systems and
can communicate with other processes using message based communication% is called
a) 6ocal &rocedure Call
b) 'nter &rocess Communication
c) 8emote &rocedure Call
d) 8emote Machine 'nvocation
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
1. Which module gives control of the C&< to the process selected by the short/term
a) dispatcher
b) interrupt
c) scheduler
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
#. $he processes that are residing in main memory and are ready and waiting to e*ecute
are ept on a list called
a) @ob Aueue
b) ready Aueue
c) e*ecution Aueue
d) process Aueue
!iew "nswer
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,. $he interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is
termed as
a) waiting time
b) turnaround time
c) response time
d) throughput
!iew "nswer
-. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the C&< first to the process that reAuests the
C&< first?
a) first/come% first/served scheduling
b) shortest @ob scheduling
c) priority scheduling
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
.. 'n priority scheduling algorithm
a) C&< is allocated to the process with highest priority
b) C&< is allocated to the process with lowest priority
c) eAual priority processes can not be scheduled
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
2. 'n priority scheduling algorithm% when a process arrives at the ready Aueue% its priority
is compared with the priority of
a) all process
b) currently running process
c) parent process
d) init process
!iew "nswer
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4. $ime Auantum is defined in
a) shortest @ob scheduling algorithm
b) round robin scheduling algorithm
c) priority scheduling algorithm
d) multilevel Aueue scheduling algorithm
!iew "nswer
5. &rocess are classified into different groups in
a) shortest @ob scheduling algorithm
b) round robin scheduling algorithm
c) priority scheduling algorithm
d) multilevel Aueue scheduling algorithm
!iew "nswer
7. 'n multilevel feedbac scheduling algorithm
a) a process can move to a different classified ready Aueue
b) classification of ready Aueue is permanent
c) processes are not classified into groups
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
1:. Which one of the following can not be scheduled by the ernel?
a) ernel level thread
b) user level thread
c) process
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
)*planation(<ser level threads are managed by thread library and the ernel in unaware
of them.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) C&< scheduling is the basis of ????????????.
a) multiprocessor systems
b) multiprogramming operating systems
c) larger memory siBed systems
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
#) With multiprogramming% ?????? is used productively.
a) time
b) space
c) money
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
,) $he two steps of a process e*ecution are ( 3choose two)
a) '>9 0urst
b) C&< 0urst
c) Memory 0urst
d) 9S 0urst
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and b
)*planation( +one.
-) "n '>9 bound program will typically have (
a) a few very short C&< bursts
b) many very short '>9 bursts
c) many very short C&< bursts
d) a few very short '>9 bursts
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.) " process is selected from the ?????? Aueue by the ???????? scheduler% to be
a) bloced% short term
b) wait% long term
c) ready% short term
d) ready% long term
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
2) 'n the following cases non L preemptive scheduling occurs ( 3Choose two)
a) When a process switches from the running state to the ready state
b) When a process goes from the running state to the waiting state
c) When a process switches from the waiting state to the ready state
d) When a process terminates
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b and d
)*planation( $here is no other choice.
4) $he switching of the C&< from one process or thread to another is called (
a) process switch
b) tas switch
c) conte*t switch
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
5) 1ispatch latency is (
a) the speed of dispatching a process from running to the ready state
b) the time of dispatching a process from running to ready state and eeping the C&< idle
c) the time to stop one process and start running another one
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7) Scheduling is done so as to (
a) increase C&< utiliBation
b) decrease C&< utiliBation
c) eep the C&< more idle
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
11) $urnaround time is (
a) the total waiting time for a process to finish e*ecution
b) the total time spent in the ready Aueue
c) the total time spent in the running Aueue
d) the total time from the completion till the submission of a process
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
1#) Scheduling is done so as to (
a) increase the turnaround time
b) decrease the turnaround time
c) eep the turnaround time same
d) there is no relation between scheduling and turnaround time
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1,) Waiting time is (
a) the total time in the bloced and waiting Aueues
b) the total time spent in the ready Aueue
c) the total time spent in the running Aueue
d) the total time from the completion till the submission of a process
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1-) Scheduling is done so as to (
a) increase the waiting time
b) eep the waiting time the same
c) decrease the waiting time
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
1-) 8esponse time is (
a) the total time taen from the submission time till the completion time
b) the total time taen from the submission time till the first response is produced
c) the total time taen from submission time till the response is output
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1.) Scheduling is done so as to (
a) increase the response time
b) eep the response time the same
c) decrease the response time
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
1) 8ound robin scheduling falls under the category of (
a) +on preemptive scheduling
b) &reemptive scheduling
c) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#) With round robin scheduling algorithm in a time shared system%
a) using very large time slices converts it into Mirst come Mirst served scheduling
b) using very small time slices converts it into Mirst come Mirst served scheduling
c) using e*tremely small time slices increases performance
d) using very small time slices converts it into Shortest Cob Mirst algorithm
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( "ll the processes will be able to get completed.
,) $he portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes
is concerned with (
a) assigning ready processes to C&<
b) assigning ready processes to waiting Aueue
c) assigning running processes to bloced Aueue
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
-) Comple* scheduling algorithms (
a) are very appropriate for very large computers
b) use minimal resources
c) use many resources
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( 6arge computers are overloaded with greater number of processes.
.) $he M'M9 algorithm (
a) first e*ecutes the @ob that came in last in the Aueue
b) first e*ecutes the @ob that came in first in the Aueue
c) first e*ecutes the @ob that needs minimal processor
d) first e*ecutes the @ob that has ma*imum processor needs
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) $he strategy of maing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily
suspended is called (
a) +on preemptive scheduling
b) &reemptive scheduling
c) Shortest @ob first
d) Mirst come Mirst served
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
4) Scheduling is (
a) allowing a @ob to use the processor
b) maing proper use of processor
c) 0oth a and b
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
5) $here are 1: different processes running on a worstation. 'dle processes are waiting
for an input event in the input Aueue. 0usy processes are scheduled with the 8ound/
8obin timesharing method. Which out of the following Auantum times is the best value
for small response times% if the processes have a short runtime% e.g. less than 1:ms ?
a) tQ K
b) tQ K -:ms
c) tQ K
d) tQ K .:ms
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
7) 9rders are processed in the seAuence they arrive if ??????? rule seAuences the @obs.
a) earliest due date
b) slac time remaining
c) first come% first served
d) critical ratio
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:) Which of the following algorithms tends to minimiBe the process flow time ?
a) Mirst come Mirst served
b) Shortest Cob Mirst
c) )arliest 1eadline Mirst
d) 6ongest Cob Mirst
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
11) <nder multiprogramming% turnaround time for short @obs is usually ???????? and
that for long @obs is slightly ???????????.
a) 6engthenedI Shortened
b) ShortenedI 6engthened
c) ShortenedI Shortened
d) ShortenedI <nchanged
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1#) Which of the following statements are true ? 3F"$) #:1:)
'. Shortest remaining time first scheduling may cause starvation
''. &reemptive scheduling may cause starvation
'''. 8ound robin is better than MCMS in terms of response time
a) ' only
b) ' and ''' only
c) '' and ''' only
d) '% '' and '''
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
') Shortest remaining time first scheduling is a preemptive version of shortest @ob
scheduling. 't may cause starvation as shorter processes may eep coming and a long
C&< burst process never gets C&<.
'') &reemption may cause starvation. 'f priority based scheduling with preemption is
used% then a low priority process may never get C&<.
''') 8ound 8obin Scheduling improves response time as all processes get C&< after a
specified time.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) $he most optimal scheduling algorithm is (
a) MCMS L Mirst come Mirst served
b) SCM L Shortest Cob Mirst
c) 88 L 8ound 8obin
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
#) $he real difficulty with SCM in short term scheduling is (
a) it is too good an algorithm
b) nowing the length of the ne*t C&< reAuest
c) it is too comple* to understand
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
,) $he MCMS algorithm is particularly troublesome for ????????????.
a) time sharing systems
b) multiprogramming systems
c) multiprocessor systems
d) 9perating systems
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( 'n a time sharing system% each user needs to get a share of the C&< at
regular intervals.
-) Consider the following set of processes% the length of the C&< burst time given in
milliseconds (
&rocess 0urst time
&1 2
&# 5
&, 4
&- ,
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
i) "ssuming the above process being scheduled with the SCM scheduling algorithm (
a) $he waiting time for process &1 is ,ms.
b) $he waiting time for process &1 is :ms.
c) $he waiting time for process &1 is 12ms.
d) $he waiting time for process &1 is 7ms.
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
ii) "ssuming the above process being scheduled with the SCM scheduling algorithm (
a) $he waiting time for process &# is ,ms.
b) $he waiting time for process &# is :ms.
c) $he waiting time for process &# is 12ms.
d) $he waiting time for process &# is 7ms.
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
iii) "ssuming the above process being scheduled with the SCM scheduling algorithm (
a) $he waiting time for process &- is ,ms.
b) $he waiting time for process &- is :ms.
c) $he waiting time for process &- is 12ms.
d) $he waiting time for process &- is 7ms.
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
iv) "ssuming the above process being scheduled with the SCM scheduling algorithm (
a) $he waiting time for process &, is ,ms.
b) $he waiting time for process &, is :ms.
c) $he waiting time for process &, is 12ms.
d) $he waiting time for process &, is 7ms.
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
.) &reemptive Shortest Cob Mirst scheduling is sometimes called (
a) Mast SCM scheduling
b) )1M scheduling L )arliest 1eadline Mirst
c) =88+ scheduling L =ighest 8esponse 8atio +e*t
d) S8$+ scheduling L Shortest 8emaining $ime +e*t
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) "n SCM algorithm is simply a priority algorithm where the priority is (
a) the predicted ne*t C&< burst
b) the inverse of the predicted ne*t C&< burst
c) the current C&< burst
d) anything the user wants
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( $he larger the C&< burst% the lower the priority.
4) 9ne of the disadvantages of the priority scheduling algorithm is that (
a) it schedules in a very comple* manner
b) its scheduling taes up a lot of time
c) it can lead to some low priority process waiting indefinitely for the C&<
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
5) N"gingG is (
a) eeping trac of cache contents
b) eeping trac of what pages are currently residing in memory
c) eeping trac of how many times a given page is referenced
d) increasing the priority of @obs to ensure termination in a finite time
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
7) " solution to the problem of indefinite blocage of low L priority processes is (
a) Starvation
b) Wait Aueue
c) 8eady Aueue
d) "ging
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:) Which of the following statements are true ? 3F"$) #:1:)
i) Shortest remaining time first scheduling may cause starvation
ii) &reemptive scheduling may cause starvation
iii) 8ound robin is better than MCMS in terns of response time
a) i only
b) i and iii only
c) ii and iii only
d) i% ii and iii
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
11) Which of the following scheduling algorithms gives minimum average waiting time ?
b) SCM
c) 8ound L robin
d) &riority
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1) Concurrent access to shared data may result in (
a) data consistency
b) data insecurity
c) data inconsistency
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
#) " situation where several processes access and manipulate the same data concurrently
and the outcome of the e*ecution depends on the particular order in which access taes
place is called (
a) data consistency
b) race condition
c) aging
d) starvation
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,) $he segment of code in which the process may change common variables% update
tables% write into files is nown as (
a) program
b) critical section
c) non L critical section
d) synchroniBing
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
-) $he following three conditions must be satisfied to solve the critical section problem (
3choose three)
a) "ging
b) Mutual )*clusion
c) 1eadloc
d) &rogress
e) 0ounded Waiting
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b%d and e
)*planation( +one.
.) Mutual e*clusion implies that (
a) if a process is e*ecuting in its critical section% then no other process must be e*ecuting
in their critical sections
b) if a process is e*ecuting in its critical section% then other processes must be e*ecuting
in their critical sections
c) if a process is e*ecuting in its critical section% then all the resources of the system must
be bloced until it finishes e*ecution
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
2) 0ounded waiting implies that there e*ists a bound on the number of times a process is
allowed to enter its critical section (
a) after a process has made a reAuest to enter its critical section and before the reAuest is
b) when another process is in its critical section
c) before a process has made a reAuest to enter its critical section
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4) " minimum of ????? variable3s) is>are reAuired to be shared between processes to
solve the critical section problem.
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
5) 'n the baery algorithm to solve the critical section problem (
a) each process is put into a Aueue and piced up in an ordered manner
b) each process receives a number 3may or may not be uniAue) and the one with the
lowest number is served ne*t
c) each process gets a uniAue number and the one with the highest number is served ne*t
d) each process gets a uniAue number and the one with the lowest number is served ne*t
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +on
1) "n un/interruptible unit is nown as (
a) single
b) atomic
c) static
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
#) $he $est"ndSet instruction is e*ecuted (
a) after a particular process
b) periodically
c) atomically
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,) Semaphore is a>an ??????? to solve the critical section problem.
a) hardware for a system
b) special program for a system
c) integer variable
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
-) $he two atomic operations permissible on semaphores are ( 3choose two)
a) wait
b) stop
c) hold
d) signal
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and d
)*planation( +one.
.) Spinlocs are (
a) C&< cycles wasting locs over critical sections of programs
b) locs that avoid time wastage in conte*t switches
c) locs that wor better on multiprocessor systems
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
2) $he main disadvantage of spinlocs is that (
a) they are not sufficient for many process
b) they reAuire busy waiting
c) they are unreliable sometimes
d) they are too comple* for programmers
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4) $he wait operation of the semaphore basically wors on the basic ??????? system
a) stop3)
b) bloc3)
c) hold3)
d) wait3)
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
5) $he signal operation of the semaphore basically wors on the basic ??????? system
a) continue3)
b) waeup3)
c) getup3)
d) start3)
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
7) 'f the semaphore value is negative (
a) its magnitude is the number of processes waiting on that semaphore
b) it is invalid
c) no operation can be further performed on it until the signal operation is performed on it
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
1:) $he code that changes the value of the semaphore is (
a) remainder section code
b) non L critical section code
c) critical section code
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11) $he following program consists of , concurrent processes and , binary semaphores.
$he semaphores are initialiBed as S: K 1% S1 K :% S# K :.
&rocess &:
print G:PI
&rocess &1
&rocess &#
=ow many times will &: print G:P ?
a) "t least twice
b) )*actly twice
c) )*actly thrice
d) )*actly once
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
1#) )ach process &i% i K :%1%#%,%HH%7 is coded as follows (
OCritical SectionQ
$he code for &1: is identical e*cept that it uses !3mute*) instead of &3mute*). What is
the largest number of processes that can be inside the critical section at any moment 3the
mute* being initialiBed to 1)?
a) 1
b) #
c) ,
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( "ny one of the 7 processes can get into critical section after e*ecuting
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
&3mute*) which decrements the mute* value to :. "t this time &1: can enter critical
section by incrementing the value to 1. +ow any of the 7 processes can enter the critical
section by again decrementing the mute* value to :. +one of the remaining processes can
get into their critical sections.
1,) $wo processes% &1 and &#% need to access a critical section of code. Consider the
following synchroniBation construct used by the processes (
&rocess &1 (
w1 K trueI
while3w# KK true)I
Critical section
w1 K falseI
8emainder Section
&rocess &# (
w# K trueI
while3w1 KK true)I
Critical section
w# K falseI
8emainder Section
=ere% w1 and w# are shared variables% which are initialiBed to false. Which one of the
following statements is $8<) about the above construct?
a) 't does not ensure mutual e*clusion
b) 't does not ensure bounded waiting
c) 't reAuires that processes enter the critical section in strict alternation
d) 't does not prevent deadlocs% but ensures mutual e*clusion
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
1) What will happen if a non/recursive mute* is loced more than once ?
a) Starvation
b) 1eadloc
c) "ging
d) Signaling
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( 'f a thread which had already loced a mute*% tries to loc the mute* again%
it will enter into the waiting list of that mute*% which results in deadloc. 't is because no
other thread can unloc the mute*.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#) " semaphore (
a) is a binary mute*
b) must be accessed from only one process
c) can be accessed from multiple processes
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
,) $he two inds of semaphores are ( 3choose two)
a) mute*
b) binary
c) counting
d) decimal
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b and c
)*planation( +one.
-) " mute* (
a) is a binary mute*
b) must be accessed from only one process
c) can be accessed from multiple processes
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
.) "t a particular time of computation the value of a counting semaphore is 4.$hen #: &
operations and 1. ! operations were completed on this semaphore.$he resulting value of
the semaphore is ( 3F"$) 1754)
a) -#
b) #
c) 4
d) 1#
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( & represents Wait and ! represents Signal. & operation will decrease the
value by 1 everytime and ! operation will increase the value by 1 everytime.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) " binary semaphore is a semaphore with integer values ( 3choose two)
a) 1
b) /1
c) :
d) :..
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and c
)*planation( +one.
4) $he following pair of processes share a common variable ; (
&rocess "
int RI
"1( R K ;S#I
"#( ; K RI
&rocess 0
int JI
01( J K ;T1I
0#( ; K JI
; is set to . before either process begins e*ecution. "s usual% statements within a process
are e*ecuted seAuentially% but statements in process " may e*ecute in any order with
respect to statements in process 0.
i) =ow many different values of ; are possible after both processes finish e*ecuting ?
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) eight
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( =ere are the possible ways in which statements from " and 0 can be
"1 "# 01 0#( ; K 11
"1 01 "# 0#( ; K 2
"1 01 0# "#( ; K 1:
01 "1 0# "#( ; K 1:
01 "1 "# 0#( ; K 2
01 0# "1 "#( ; K 1#
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
ii) Suppose the programs are modified as follows to use a shared binary semaphore $ (
&rocess "
int RI
"1( R K ;S#I
"#( ; K RI
&rocess 0
int JI
01( wait3$)I
0#( J K ;T1I
; K JI
$ is set to : before either process begins e*ecution and% as before% ; is set to ..
+ow% how many different values of ; are possible after both processes finish e*ecuting ?
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation($he semaphore $ ensures that all the statements from " finish e*ecution
before 0 begins. So now there is only one way in which statements from " and 0 can be
"1 "# 01 0#( ; K 11.
5) Semaphores are mostly used to implement (
a) System calls
b) '&C mechanisms
c) System protection
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
7) Spinlocs are intended to provide ?????????? only.
a) Mutual )*clusion
b) 0ounded Waiting
c) "ging
d) &rogress
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1. What is the reusable resource?
a) that can be used by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use
b) that can be used by more than one process at a time
c) that can be shared between various threads
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
#. Which of the following condition is reAuired for deadloc to be possible?
a) mutual e*clusion
b) a process may hold allocated resources while awaiting assignment of other resources
c) no resource can be forcibly removed from a process holding it
d) all of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
,. " system is in the safe state if
a) the system can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a
b) there e*ist a safe seAuence
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
-. $he circular wait condition can be prevented by
a) defining a linear ordering of resource types
b) using thread
c) using pipes
d) all of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.. Which one of the following is the deadloc avoidance algorithm?
a) banerGs algorithm
b) round/robin algorithm
c) elevator algorithm
d) arnGs algorithm
!iew "nswer
2. What is the drawbac of banerGs algorithm?
a) in advance processes rarely now that how much resource they will need
b) the number of processes changes as time progresses
c) resource once available can disappear
d) all of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
4. Mor effective operating system% when to chec for deadloc?
a) every time a resource reAuest is made
b) at fi*ed time intervals
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
5. " problem encountered in multitasing when a process is perpetually denied necessary
resources is called
a) deadloc
b) starvation
c) inversion
d) aging
!iew "nswer
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7. Which one of the following is a visual 3 mathematical ) way to determine the deadloc
a) resource allocation graph
b) starvation graph
c) inversion graph
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
1:. $o avoid deadloc
a) there must be a fi*ed number of resources to allocate
b) resource allocation must be done only once
c) all deadloced processes must be aborted
d) inversion techniAue can be used
!iew "nswer
1) $he number of resources reAuested by a process (
a) must always be less than the total number of resources available in the system
b) must always be eAual to the total number of resources available in the system
c) must not e*ceed the total number of resources available in the system
d) must e*ceed the total number of resources available in the system
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
#) $he reAuest and release of resources are ???????????.
a) command line statements
b) interrupts
c) system calls
d) special programs
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,) Multithreaded programs are (
a) lesser prone to deadlocs
b) more prone to deadlocs
c) not at all prone to deadlocs
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( Multiple threads can compete for shared resources.
-) Mor a deadloc to arise% which of the following conditions must hold simultaneously ?
3 choose all that apply )
a) Mutual e*clusion
b) Starvation
c) =old and wait
d) +o preemption
e) Circular wait
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a% c% d and e
)*planation( +one.
.) Mor Mutual e*clusion to prevail in the system (
a) at least one resource must be held in a non sharable mode
b) the processor must be a uniprocessor rather than a multiprocessor
c) there must be at least one resource in a sharable mode
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( 'f another process reAuests that resource 3non L shareable resource)% the
reAuesting process must be delayed until the resource has been released.
2) Mor a =old and wait condition to prevail (
a) " process must be not be holding a resource% but waiting for one to be freed% and then
reAuest to acAuire it
b) " process must be holding at least one resource and waiting to acAuire additional
resources that are being held by other processes
c) " process must hold at least one resource and not be waiting to acAuire additional
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4) 1eadloc prevention is a set of methods (
a) to ensure that at least one of the necessary conditions cannot hold
b) to ensure that all of the necessary conditions do not hold
c) to decide if the reAuested resources for a process have to be given or not
d) to recover from a deadloc
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
5) Mor non sharable resources lie a printer% mutual e*clusion (
a) must e*ist
b) must not e*ist
c) may e*ist
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( " printer cannot be simultaneously shared by several processes.
7) Mor sharable resources% mutual e*clusion (
a) is reAuired
b) is not reAuired
c) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( $hey do not reAuire mutually e*clusive access% and hence cannot be
involved in a deadloc.
1:) $o ensure that the hold and wait condition never occurs in the system% it must be
ensured that (
a) whenever a resource is reAuested by a process% it is not holding any other resources
b) each process must reAuest and be allocated all its resources before it begins its
c) a process can reAuest resources only when it has none
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( c L " process may reAuest some resources and use them. 0efore it can can
reAuest any additional resources% however it must release all the resources that it is
currently allocated.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11) $he disadvantage of a process being allocated all its resources before beginning its
e*ecution is (
a) 6ow C&< utiliBation
b) 6ow resource utiliBation
c) !ery high resource utiliBation
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1#) $o ensure no preemption% if a process is holding some resources and reAuests another
resource that cannot be immediately allocated to it (
a) then the process waits for the resources be allocated to it
b) the process eeps sending reAuests until the resource is allocated to it
c) the process resumes e*ecution without the resource being allocated to it
d) then all resources currently being held are preempted
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
1,) 9ne way to ensure that the circular wait condition never holds is to (
a) impose a total ordering of all resource types and to determine whether one precedes
another in the ordering
b) to never let a process acAuire resources that are held by other processes
c) to let a process wait for only one resource at a time
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
1) $he wait/for graph is a deadloc detection algorithm that is applicable when (
a) all resources have a single instance
b) all resources have multiple instances
c) both a and b
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#) "n edge from process &i to &@ in a wait for graph indicates that (
a) &i is waiting for &@ to release a resource that &i needs
b) &@ is waiting for &i to release a resource that &@ needs
c) &i is waiting for &@ to leave the system
d) &@ is waiting for &i to leave the system
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
,) 'f the wait for graph contains a cycle (
a) then a deadloc does not e*ist
b) then a deadloc e*ists
c) then the system is in a safe state
d) either b or c
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
-) 'f deadlocs occur freAuently% the detection algorithm must be invoed ????????.
a) rarely
b) freAuently
c) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
.) $he disadvantage of invoing the detection algorithm for every reAuest is (
a) overhead of the detection algorithm due to consumption of memory
b) e*cessive time consumed in the reAuest to be allocated memory
c) considerable overhead in computation time
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
2) " deadloc eventually cripples system throughput and will cause the C&< utiliBation
to ??????.
a) increase
b) drop
c) stay still
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4) )very time a reAuest for allocation cannot be granted immediately% the detection
algorithm is invoed. $his will help identify ( 3choose all that apply)
a) the set of processes that have been deadloced
b) the set of processes in the deadloc Aueue
c) the specific process that caused the deadloc
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and c
)*planation( +one.
5) " computer system has 2 tape drives% with NnG processes competing for them. )ach
process may need , tape drives. $he ma*imum value of NnG for which the system is
guaranteed to be deadloc free is (
a) #
b) ,
c) -
d) 1
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
7) " system has , processes sharing - resources. 'f each process needs a ma*imum of #
units then% deadloc (
a) can never occur
b) may occur
c) has to occur
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
1:) NmG processes share NnG resources of the same type. $he ma*imum need of each
process doesnGt e*ceed NnG and the sum of all their ma*imum needs is always less than
mTn. 'n this setup% deadloc (
a) can never occur
b) may occur
c) has to occur
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) &hysical memory is broen into fi*ed/siBed blocs called ????????.
a) frames
b) pages
c) bacing store
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
#) 6ogical memory is broen into blocs of the same siBe called ?????????.
a) frames
b) pages
c) bacing store
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
,) )very address generated by the C&< is divided into two parts ( 3choose two)
a) frame bit
b) page number
c) page offset
d) frame offset
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b and c
)*planation( +one.
-) $he ?????????? is used as an inde* into the page table.
a) frame bit
b) page number
c) page offset
d) frame offset
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
.) $he ????? table contains the base address of each page in physical memory.
a) process
b) memory
c) page
d) frame
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) $he siBe of a page is typically (
a) varied
b) power of #
c) power of -
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
4) 'f the siBe of logical address space is # to the power of m% and a page siBe is # to the
power of n addressing units% then the high order ????? bits of a logical address designate
the page number% and the ???? low order bits designate the page offset.
a) m% n
b) n% m
c) m L n% m
d) m L n% n
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d.
5) With paging there is no ???????? fragmentation.
a) internal
b) e*ternal
c) either type of
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
7) $he operating system maintains a ?????? table that eeps trac of how many frames
have been allocated% how many are there% and how many are available.
a) page
b) mapping
c) frame
d) memory
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:) &aging increases the ?????? time.
a) waiting
b) e*ecution
c) conte*t L switch
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
11) Smaller page tables are implemented as a set of ???????.
a) Aueues
b) stacs
c) counters
d) registers
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
1#) $he page table registers should be built with ???????.
a) very low speed logic
b) very high speed logic
c) a large memory space
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1,) Mor larger page tables% they are ept in main memory and a ?????????? points to the
page table.
a) page table base register
b) page table base pointer
c) page table register pointer
d) page table base
"nswer( a
1-) Mor every process there is a ??????????.
a) page table
b) copy of page table
c) pointer to page table
d) "ll of these
"nswer( a
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1.) $ime taen in memory access through &$08 is (
a) e*tended by a factor of ,
b) e*tended by a factor of #
c) slowed by a factor of ,
d) slowed by a factor of #
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
1) )ach entry in a $ranslation loo/aside buffer 3$60) consists of (
a) ey
b) value
c) bit value
d) constant
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and b
)*planation( +one.
#) 'f a page number is not found in the $60% then it is nown as a (
a) $60 miss
b) buffer miss
c) $60 hit
d) $60 hit
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
,) "n ?????? uniAuely identifies processes and is used to provide address space
protection for that process.
a) address space locator
b) address space identifier
c) address process identifier
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
-) $he percentage of times a page number is found in the $60 is nown as (
a) miss ratio
b) hit ratio
c) miss percent
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
.) Memory protection in a paged environment is accomplished by (
a) protection algorithm with each page
b) restricted access rights to users
c) restriction on page visibility
d) protection bit with each page
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
2) When the valid L invalid bit is set to valid% it means that the associated page (
a) is in the $60
b) has data in it
c) is in the processGs logical address space
d) is the systemGs physical address space
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
4) 'llegal addresses are trapped using the ????? bit.
a) error
b) protection
c) valid L invalid
d) access
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
5) When there is a large logical address space% the best way of paging would be (
a) not to page
b) a two level paging algorithm
c) to page the page table itself
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b and c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7) 'n a paged memory% the page hit ratio is :.,.. $he reAuired to access a page in
secondary memory is eAual to 1:: ns. $he time reAuired to access a page in primary
memory is 1: ns. $he average time reAuired to access a page is (
a) ,.: ns
b) 25.: ns
c) 25.. ns
d) 45.. ns
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
1:) $o obtain better memory utiliBation% dynamic loading is used. With dynamic loading%
a routine is not loaded until it is called. Mor implementing dynamic loading%
a) special support from hardware is reAuired
b) special support from operating system is essential
c) special support from both hardware and operating system is essential
d) user programs can implement dynamic loading without any special support from
hardware or operating system
!iew "nswer
"nswer( d
)*planation( +one.
11) 'n paged memory systems% if the page siBe is increased% then the internal
fragmentation generally (
a) becomes less
b) becomes more
c) remains constant
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
1) 'n segmentation% each address is specified by (
a) a segment number
b) an offset
c) a value
d) a ey
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#) 'n paging the user provides only ????????% which is partitioned by the hardware into
???????? and ??????.
a) one address% page number% offset
b) one offset% page number% address
c) page number% offset% address
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
,) )ach entry in a segment table has a (
a) segment base
b) segment pea
c) segment limit
d) segment value
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a and c
)*planation( +one.
-) $he segment base contains the (
a) starting logical address of the process
b) starting physical address of the segment in memory
c) segment length
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
.) $he segment limit contains the (
a) starting logical address of the process
b) starting physical address of the segment in memory
c) segment length
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) $he offset NdG of the logical address must be (
a) greater than segment limit
b) between : and segment limit
c) between : and the segment number
d) greater than the segment number
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
4) 'f the offset is legal (
a) it is used as a physical memory address itself
b) it is subtracted from the segment base to produce the physical memory address
c) it is added to the segment base to produce the physical memory address
d) +one of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( a
)*planation( +one.
5) When the entries in the segment tables of two different processes point to the same
physical location (
a) the segments are invalid
b) the processes get bloced
c) segments are shared
d) "ll of these
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
7) $he protection bit is :>1 based on ( 3choose all that apply)
a) write only
b) read only
c) read L write
d) +one of these
"nswer( b and c
1:) 'f there are ,# segments% each of siBe 1Ub% then the logical address should have (
a) 1, bits
b) 1- bits
c) 1. bits
d) 12 bits
"nswer( a
)*planation( $o specify a particular segment% . bits are reAuired. $o select a particular
byte after selecting a page% 1: more bits are reAuired. =ence 1. bits are reAuired.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11) Consider a computer with 5 Mbytes of main memory and a 1#5 U cache. $he cache
bloc siBe is - U. 't uses a direct mapping scheme for cache management. =ow many
different main memory blocs can map onto a given physical cache bloc ?
a) #:-5
b) #.2
c) 2-
d) 5
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( +one.
1#) " multilevel page table is preferred in comparison to a single level page table for
translating virtual address to physical address because (
a) it reduces the memory access time to read or write a memory location
b) it helps to reduce the siBe of page table needed to implement the virtual address space
of a process
c) it is reAuired by the translation loo aside buffer
d) it helps to reduce the number of page faults in page replacement algorithms
!iew "nswer
"nswer( b
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) Which of the following are forms of malicious attac ?
a) $heft of information
b) Modification of data
c) Wiping of information
d) "ll of the mentioned
"nswer( d
#) What are common security threats ?
a) Mile Shredding
b) Mile sharing and permission
c) Mile corrupting
d) Mile integrity
"nswer( b
)*planation( Sharing and associated permissions are usual e*ploits which can
compromised the system.
,) Mrom the following% which is not a common file permission ?
a) Write
b) )*ecute
c) Stop
d) 8ead
"nswer( c
-) Which of the following is a good practice ?
a) Five full permission for remote transferring
b) Frant read only permission
c) Frant limited permission to specified account
d) Five both read and write permission but not e*ecute.
!iew "nswer
"nswer( c
)*planation( limited access is a ey method to circumvent unauthoriBed access and
.) What is not a good practice for user administration ?
a) 'solating a system after a compromise
b) &erform random auditing procedures
c) Franting privileges on a per host basis
d) <sing telnet and M$& for remote access.
"nswer( d
)*planation( $elnet and M$& are not encrypted and can be compromised.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) Which of the following is least secure method of authentication ?
a) Uey card
b) fingerprint
c) retina pattern
d) &assword
"nswer( d
)*planation( &asswords can be be compromised more easily than to replicate a physical
thing lie ey card% fingerprint or retina.
4) Which of the following is a strong password ?
a) 17th"ugust55
b) 1elhi55
c) &Vassw:rd
d) Waugustdelhi
"nswer( c
)*planation( 't has a combination of "lphabet both capital and small along with number
and special character. $hus always use comple* password with combination of all these.
5) Why is one time password safe ?
a) 't is easy to generated
b) 't cannot be shared
c) 't is different for every access
d) 't is a comple* enctypted password
"nswer( c
)*planation( 9ne time password is safe since it is generated per access and thus cannot
be brute forced or deduced.
7) What does 6ight 1irectory "ccess &rotocol 361"&) doesnGt store ?
a) <sers
b) "ddress
c) &asswords
d) Security Ueys
"nswer( b
1:) What is characteristic of 8"1'<S system ?
a) 't is essential for centraliBed encryption and authentication
b) 't wors on +etwor layer to deny access to unauthoriBed people
c) 't provides centraliBed authentication mechanism via networ devices
d) 'tGs a strong Mile access system.
"nswer( c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11) Which happens first authoriBation or authentication ?
a) "uthoriBation
b) "uthentication
c) 0oth are same
d) +one of the mentioned
"nswer( a
1#) What is characteristics of "uthoriBation ?
a) 8"1'<S and 8S"
b) , way handshaing with syn and fin.
c) Multilayered protection for securing resources
d) 1eals with privileges and rights
"nswer( d
1,) What forces the user to change password at first logon ?
a) 1efault behavior of 9S
b) &art of ")S encryption practice
c) 1evices being accessed forces the user
d) "ccount administrator
"nswer( d
)*planation( 'ts administratorGs @ob to ensure that password of the user remains private
and is nown only to user. 0ut while maing a new user account he assigns a random
general password to give it to user. $hus even administrator cannot access a particular
users account.
1-) What is not a best practice for password policy ?
a) 1eciding ma*imum age of password
b) 8estriction on password reuse and history
c) &assword encryption
d) =aving change password every # years.
"nswer( d
)*planation( 9ld passwords are more vulnerable to being misplaced or compromised.
&asswords should be changed periodically to enhance security.
1) What is breach of integrity ?
a) $his type of violation involves unauthoriBed reading of data
b) $his violation involves unauthoriBed modification of data.
c) $his violation involves unauthoriBed destruction of data
d) $his violation involves unauthoriBed use of resources
"nswer( b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#) What is breach of confidentiality ?
a) $his type of violation involves unauthoriBed reading of data
b) $his violation involves unauthoriBed modification of data.
c) $his violation involves unauthoriBed destruction of data
d) $his violation involves unauthoriBed use of resources
"nswer( a
,) What is theft of service ?
a) $his type of violation involves unauthoriBed reading of data
b) $his violation involves unauthoriBed modification of data.
c) $his violation involves unauthoriBed destruction of data
d) $his violation involves unauthoriBed use of resources
"nswer( d
-) What is breach of availability ?
a) $his type of violation involves unauthoriBed reading of data
b) $his violation involves unauthoriBed modification of data.
c) $his violation involves unauthoriBed destruction of data
d) $his violation involves unauthoriBed use of resources
"nswer( c
.) What is $ro@an horse ?
a) '$ a useful way to encrypt password
b) 't is a user which steals valuable information
c) 't is a rogue program which trics users
d) 'tGs a brute force attac algorithm.
"nswer( c
2) What is trap door ?
a) '$ is trap door in WarFames
b) 't is a hole in software left by designer.
c) 't is a $ro@an horse
d) 't is a virus which traps and locs user terminal
"nswer( b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4) Which mechanism is used by worm process ?
a) $rap door
b) Mae process
c) Spawn &rocess
d) !"; process
"nswer( c
5) Which of the following is not a characteristic of virus ?
a) !irus destroy and modify user data
b) !irus is a standalone program
c) !irus is a code embedded in a legitimate program
d) !irus cannot be detected.
"nswer( d
)*planation( !irus can be detected by having a antivirus program.
7) What is nown as masAuerading ?
a) When one participant in communication pretends to be someone else.
b) When attacer modifies data in communication
c) When attac is of fraudulent repeat of a valid data
d) When attac gains access to remote systems.
"nswer( a
1:) Who unleashed famous worm attac in 1755 which effected <+'; systems and
caused losses in millions ?
a) 8obert Morris
b) 0ob Milano
c) Mar Bucerberg
d) 0ill Fates
"nswer( a
11) What is port scanning ?
a) 't is a software used to scan system for attac
b) 't is a software application designed to probe a server or host for open ports
c) 't is software used to scan system for introducing attacs by brute force
d) +one of the mentioned
"nswer( b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1#) Which is not a port scan type ?
a) $C& scanning
b) SR+ scanning
c) <1& scanning
d) SRS$)M Scanning
"nswer( d
1,) Which is not a valid port scan type ?
a) "CU scanning
b) Window scanning
c) 'FM& scan
d) M'+ scanning
"nswer( c
1-) What are Bombie systems ?
a) "re specific system which are designed to attac by manufacturer
b) $hey are networ of nown hacing group
c) $hese systems are previously compromised% independent systems
d) +one of the mentioned
"nswer( c.
1.) What is nown as 19S attac ?
a) 't is attac to bloc traffic of networ
b) 't is attac to harm contents stored in =11 by worm spawn processes
c) 't is an attempt to mae a machine or networ resource unavailable.
d) +one of the mentioned
"nswer( c
12) With regard to 19S attac what is not true from below options ?
a) We can stop 19S attac completely
b) 0y upgrading 9S vulnerability we can stop 19S attac to some e*tent
c) 19S attac has to be stopped at networ level
d) Suc attac can last for hours
"nswer( a
1) What is not a important part of security protection ?
a) 6arge amount of 8"M to support antivirus
b) Strong passwords
c) "udit log periodically
d) Scan for unauthoriBed programs in system directories
"nswer( a
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
)*planation( 8"M has no effect on security of a system. SystemGs protection remains
unchanged in increasing or decreasing amount of 8"M.
#) What is used to protect networ from outside internet access ?
a) " trusted antivirus
b) #- hours scanning for virus
c) Mirewall to separate trusted and untrusted networ
d) 1eny users access to websites which can potentially cause security lea.
"nswer( c
)*planation( Mirewall create a protective barrier to secure internal networ. " antivirus
can only detect harmful viruses but cannot stop illegal access by remote attacer.
,) What is best practice in firewall domain environment ?
a) Create two domain trusted and untrusted domain
b) Create strong policy in firewall to support different types of users
c) Create one 1emiliatariBed Bone
d) Create two 1MJ Bones with one untrusted domain
"nswer( c
)*planation( "ll live servers or worstations are ept in a separate Bone than inside and
outside to enhance protection.
-) Which direction access cannot happen using 1MJ Bone by default ?
a) Company computer to 1MJ
b) 'nternet to 1MJ
c) 'nternet to company computer
d) Company computer to internet
"nswer( c
)*planation( Connection from internet are never allowed to directly access internal &Cs
but is routed through 1MJ Bone to prevent attacs.
.) What are two features of a tripwire file system ?
a) 't is a tool to monitor file systems
b) 't is used to alert system administrator to these modification
c) 't is used to automatically tae corrective action
d) 't is used to secure <+'; system
"nswer( a X b
2) =ow do viruses avoid basic pattern matchof antivirus ?
a) $hey are encrypted
b) $hey act with special permissions
c) $hey modify themselves
d) +one of the mentioned
"nswer( c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4) =ow does an antivirus of today identify viruses ? Choose two
a) &reviously nown patterns
b) 't can detect unnown patterns
c) 't can tae high priority to increase scanning speed
d) 't loos at behavior of a running program
"nswer( a X d
5) What is nown as sandbo* ?
a) 't is a program which can be molded to do desired tas.
b) 't is program that is controlled or emulated section of 9S
c) 't is a special mode of antivirus
d) +one of the mentioned
"nswer( b
7) What is are two safe computing practices ?
a) +ot to open software from unnown vendors
b) 9pen and e*ecute programs in admin level>root
c) 9pen and e*ecute programs in presence of antivirus
d) Ueeping a close watch on employees.
"nswer( a X d
)*planation( 1isgruntled employees have in past infected the master copies of software
programs to do economic harm to the company.
1) What are the different ways to intrude ? 3Choose ,)
a) 0uffer overflows
b) <ne*pected combinations and unhandled input
c) 8ace conditions
d) 0acdoor
"nswer( a%b X c
#) What are ma@or components of intrusion detection system ? 3Choose ,)
a) "nalysic )ngine
b) )vent provider
c) Jone system
d) "lert 1atabase
"nswer( a%b X d.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,) What are the different ways to classify an '1S ? 3Choose ,)
a) anomaly detection
b) signature based misuse
c) stac based
d) Bone based
"nswer( a%b X c
-) What are the different ways to classify an '1S ? 3Choose #)
a) Jone based
b) =ost based
c) +etwor based
d) 6evel based
"nswer( b X c
.) What are characteristics of anomaly based '1S ?
a) 't models the normal usage of networ as a noise characteriBation
b) 't doesnt detect novel attacs
c) "nything distinct from the noise is assumed to be intrusion activity
d) 't detects based on signature.
"nswer( a X c
2) What is ma@or drawbac of anomaly detection '1S ?
a) $hese are very slow at detection
b) 't generates many false alarms
c) 't doesnt detect novel attacs
d) +one of these
"nswer( b
4) What are characteristics of signature based '1S ? 3Choose two)
a) Most are based on simple pattern matching algorithms.
b) 't is programmed to interpret a certain series of pacets
c) 't models the normal usage of networ as a noise characteriBation
d) "nything distinct from the noise is assumed to be intrusion activity
"nswer( a X b
5) What are drawbacs of signature based '1S ? 3Choose two)
a) $hey are able to detect novel attacs
b) $hey suffer from false alarms
c) $hey have to be programmed again for every new pattern to be detected
d) $hey are unable to detect novel attacs
"nswer( b%c and d
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7) What are characteristics of =ost based '1S ? 3Choose ,)
a) $he host operating system logs in the audit information
b) 6ogs includes logins%file opens and program e*ecutions
c) 6ogs are analysed to detect tails of intrusion
d) 6ogs are archived daily
"nswer( a%b X c
1:) What are drawbacs of the host based '1S ? 3Choose two)
a) <nselective logging of messages may increase the audit burdens
b) Selective logging runs the rish of missed attacs
c) $hey are very fast to detect
d) $hey have to be programmed for new patterns
"nswer( a X b
11) What are strengths of the host based '1S ? 3Choose three)
a) "ttac verification
b) System specific acitvity
c) +o addition hardware reAuired
d) $hey are very fast
"nswer( a%b X c
1#) What are characteristics of stac based '1S ?
a) $hey are integrated closely with the $C&>'& stac and watch pacets
b) $he host operating system logs in the audit information
c) 't is programmed to interpret a certain series of pacets
d) 't models the normal usage of networ as a noise characteriBation
"nswer( a
1,) What are characteristics of +etwor based '1S ? 3Choose two)
a) $hey loo for attac signatures in netor traffic
b) Milter decides which traffic will be discarded or passed
c) 't is programmed to interpret a certain series of pacet
d) 't models the normal usage of networ as a noise characteriBation
"nswer( a X b
1-) What are strengths of +etwor based '1S ? 3Choose three)
a) Cost of ownership reduced
b) Malicious intent detection
c) 8eal time detection and response
d) +o addition hardware reAuired
"nswer( a%b X c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) What is preferred way of encryption ?
a) pre shared secret ey
b) <sing ey distribution center 3U1C)
c) public ey/encryption
d) symmetric ey
"nswer( c
)*planation( &reshared ey can be compromised and either party can be suspected.
6iewise U1C or symmetric ey can have breach which are undesirable. &ublic and
private ey encryption is a nown industry standard.
#) What is not a role of encryption ?
a) 't is used to protect data from unauthoriBed access during transmission
b) 't is used to ensure user authentication
c) 't is used to ensure data integrity
d) 't is used to ensure data corruption doesnGt happens
"nswer( d
)*planation( )ncryption doesnGt have error correction or detection facility thus cannot be
used to safeguard from data corruption.
,) What is cipher/bloc chaining ?
a) 1ata is logically N"+1edG with previous bloc
b) 1ata is logically N98edG with previous bloc
c) 1ata is logically N;98edG with previous bloc
d) none of the mentioned
"nswer( c
-) What is not an encryption standard ?
a) ")S
b) $)S
c) $riple 1)S
d) 1)S
"nswer( b
.) Which of following is not a stream cipher?
a) twofish
b) 8C.
c) 8C-
d) $09+)
"nswer( d
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) What is a =ash Munction ?
a) 't creates a small fle*ible bloc of data
b) 't creates a small%fi*ed bloc of data
c) 't creates a encrypted bloc of data
d) none of the mentioned
"nswer( b
4) M1. produces ?? bits hash data ?
a) 1#5
b) 1.:
c) 12:
d) 11#
"nswer( a
5) S="/1 produces ?? bit of hash ?
a) 1#5
b) 12:
c) 1.:
d) 11#
"nswer( b
7) Which two of the following are authentication algorithms ?
a) M"C
b) ")S
c) 1)S
d) 1igital/signature
"nswer( a X c
1:) What is role of Uey 1istribution Center ?
a) 't is used to distribute eys to everyone in world
b) 't intended to reduce the riss inherent in e*changing eys
c) a and b both
d) none of the mentioned
"nswer( b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1. Which principle states that programs% users and even the systems be given @ust enough
privileges to perform their tas?
a) principle of operating system
b) principle of least privilege
c) principle of process scheduling
d) none of the mentioned
#. ??????? is an approach to restricting system access to authoriBed users.
a) 8ole/based access control
b) &rocess/based access control
c) Cob/based access control
d) none of the mentioned
,. Mor system protection% a process should access
a) all the resources
b) only those resources for which it has authoriBation
c) few resources but authoriBation is not reAuired
d) all of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
-. $he protection domain of a process contains
a) ob@ect name
b) rights/set
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
.. 'f the set of resources available to the process is fi*ed throughout the processGs lifetime
then its domain is
a) static
b) dynamic
c) neither static nor dynamic
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2. "ccess matri* model for user authentication contains
a) a list of ob@ects
b) a list of domains
c) a function which returns an ob@ectGs type
d) all of the mentioned
4. Flobal table implementation of matri* table contains
a) domain
b) ob@ect
c) right/set
d) all of the mentioned
5. Mor a domain ??????? is a list of ob@ects together with the operation allowed on these
a) capability list
b) access list
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
7. Which one of the following is capability based protection system?
a) hydra
b) cambridge C"& system
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
1:. 'n <+';% domain switch is accomplished via
a) file system
b) user
c) superuser
d) none of the mentioned
1. When an attempt is to mae a machine or networ resource unavailable to its intended
users% the attac is called
a) denial/of/service attac
b) slow read attac
c) spoofed attac
d) starvation attac
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#. $he code segment that misuses its environment is called a
a) internal thief
b) tro@an horse
c) code stacer
d) none of the mentioned
,. $he internal code of any software that will set of a malicious function when specified
conditions are met% is called
a) logic bomb
b) trap door
c) code stacer
d) none of the mentioned
-. $he pattern that can be used to identify a virus is nown as
a) stealth
b) virus signature
c) armoured
d) multipartite
.. Which one of the following is a process that uses the spawn mechanism to revage the
system performance?
a) worm
b) tro@en
c) threat
d) virus
2. What is a trap door in a program?
a) a security hole% inserted at programming time in the system for later use
b) a type of antivirus
c) security hole in a networ
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4. Which one of the following is not an attac% but a search for vulnerabilities to attac?
a) denial of service
b) port scanning
c) memory access violation
d) dumpster diving
5. Mile virus attaches itself to the
a) source file
b) ob@ect file
c) e*ecutable file
d) all of the mentioned
7. Multipartite viruses attac on
a) files
b) boot sector
c) memory
d) all of the mentioned
1:. 'n asymmetric encryption
a) same ey is used for encryption and decryption
b) different eys are used encryption and decryption
c) no ey is reAuired for encryption and decryption
d) none of the mentioned
1. Which one of the following is not shared by threads?
a) program counter
b) stac
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
#. " process can be
a) single threaded
b) multithreaded
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,. 'f one thread opens a file with read privileges then
a) other threads in the another process can also read from that file
b) other threads in the same process can also read from that file
c) any other thread can not read from that file
d) all of the mentioned
-. $he time reAuired to create a new thread in an e*isting process is
a) greater than the time reAuired to create a new process
c) less than the time reAuired to create a new process
c) eAual to the time reAuired to create a new process
d) none of the mentioned
.. When the event for which a thread is bloced occurs%
a) thread moves to the ready Aueue
b) thread remains bloced
c) thread completes
d) a new thread is provided
2. $he @aceting techniAue is used to
a) convert a blocing system call into nonblocing system call
b) create a new thread
c) communicate between threads
d) terminate a thread
4. $ermination of the process terminates
a) first thread of the process
b) first two threads of the process
c) all threads within the process
d) no thread within the process
5. Which one of the following is not a valid state of a thread?
a) running
b) parsing
c) ready
d) bloced
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7. $he register conte*t and stacs of a thread are deallocated when the thread
a) terminates
b) blocs
c) unblocs
d) spawns
1:. $hread synchroniBation is reAuired because
a) all threads of a process share the same address space
b) all threads of a process share the same global variables
c) all threads of a process can share the same files
d) all of the mentioned
1) " thread is also called (
a) 6ight Weight &rocess36W&)
b) =eavy Weight &rocess3=W&)
c) &rocess
d) +one of these
"nswer( a
#) " thread shares its resources3lie data section% code section% open files% signals) with (
a) other process similar to the one that the thread belongs to
b) other threads that belong to similar processes
c) other threads that belong to the same process
d) "ll of these
"nswer( c
,) " heavy weight process (
a) has multiple threads of e*ecution
b) has a single thread of e*ecution
c) can have multiple or a single thread for e*ecution
d) +one of these
"nswer( b
-) " process having multiple threads of control implies (
a) it can do more than one tas at a time
b) it can do only one tas at a time% but much faster
c) it has to use only one thread per process
d) +one of these
"nswer( a
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.) Multithreading an interactive program will increase responsiveness to the user by (
a) continuing to run even if a part of it is bloced
b) waiting for one part to finish before the other begins
c) asing the user to decide the order of multithreading
d) +one of these
"nswer( a
2) 8esource sharing helps (
a) share the memory and resources of the process to which the threads belong.
b) an application have several different threads of activity all within the same address
c) reduce the address space that a process could potentially use
d) "ll of these
"nswer( d
4) Multithreading on a multi L C&< machine (
a) decreases concurrency
b) increases concurrency
c) doesnt affect the concurrency
d) can increase or decrease the concurrency
"nswer( b
5) $he ernel is ??????? of user threads.
a) a part of
b) the creator of
c) unaware of
d) aware of
"nswer( c
7) 'f the ernel is single threaded% then any user level thread performing a blocing
system call will (
a) cause the entire process to run along with the other threads
b) cause the thread to bloc with the other threads running
c) cause the entire process to bloc even if the other threads are available to run
d) +one of these
"nswer( c
1:) 0ecause the ernel thread management is done by the 9perating System itself (
a) ernel threads are faster to create than user threads
b) ernel threads are slower to create than user threads
c) ernel threads are easier to manage as well as create then user threads
d) +one of these
"nswer( b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11) 'f a ernel thread performs a blocing system call% ????????????????????.
a) the ernel can schedule another thread in the application for e*ecution.
b) the ernel cannot schedule another thread in the same application for e*ecution.
c) the ernel must schedule another thread of a different application for e*ecution.
d) the ernel must schedule another thread of the same application on a different
"nswer( a
1#) Which of the following is M"6S) ? 3F"$) #::4)
a) Conte*t switch time is longer for ernel level threads than for user level threads
b) <ser level threads do not need any hardware support
c) 8elated ernel level threads can be scheduled on different processors in a
multiprocessor system
d) 0locing one ernel level thread blocs all other related threads
"nswer( d
1. 0ecause of virtual memory% the memory can be shared among
a) processes
b) threads
c) instructions
d) none of the mentioned
#. ????? is the concept in which a process is copied into main memory from the
secondary memory according to the reAuirement.
a) &aging
b) 1emand paging
c) Segmentation
d) Swapping
,. $he pager concerns with the
a) individual page of a process
b) entire process
c) entire thread
d) first page of a process
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
-. Swap space e*ists in
a) primary memory
b) secondary memory
c) C&<
d) none of the mentioned
.. When a program tries to access a page that is mapped in address space but not loaded
in physical memory% then
a) segmentation fault occurs
b) fatal error occurs
c) page fault occurs
d) no error occurs
2. )ffective access time is directly proportional to
a) page/fault rate
b) hit ratio
c) memory access time
d) none of the mentioned
4. 'n M'M9 page replacement algorithm% when a page must be replaced
a) oldest page is chosen
b) newest page is chosen
c) random page is chosen
d) none of the mentioned
5. Which algorithm chooses the page that has not been used for the longest period of time
whenever the page reAuired to be replaced?
a) first in first out algorithm
b) additional reference bit algorithm
c) least recently used algorithm
d) counting based page replacement algorithm
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7. " process is thrashing if
a) it is spending more time paging than e*ecuting
b) it is spending less time paging than e*ecuting
c) page fault occurs
d) swapping can not tae place
1:. Woring set model for page replacement is based on the assumption of
a) modularity
b) locality
c) globaliBation
d) random access
1) !irtual memory allows (
a) e*ecution of a process that may not be completely in memory
b) a program to be larger than the physical memory
c) a program to be larger than the secondary storage
d) e*ecution of a process without being in physical memory
"nswer( a and b
#) $he instruction being e*ecuted% must be in (
a) physical memory
b) logical memory
c) +one of these
"nswer( a
,) )rror handler codes% to handle unusual errors are (
a) almost never e*ecuted
b) e*ecuted very often
c) e*ecuted periodically
d) +one of these
"nswer( a
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
-) $he ability to e*ecute a program that is only partially in memory has benefits lie (
3choose all that apply)
a) the amount of physical memory cannot put a constraint on the program
b) programs for an e*tremely large virtual space can be created
c) C&< utiliBation decreases
d) $hroughput increases
e) response time is not affected
f) turnaround time increases
g) less '>9 will be needed to load or swap each user program in memory
h) "ll of these
"nswer( a% b% d% e% g
.) 'n virtual memory. the programmer ?????????? of overlays.
a) has to tae care
b) does not have to tae care
c) +one of these
"nswer( b
2) !irtual memory is normally implemented by ????????.
a) demand paging
b) buses
c) virtualiBation
d) "ll of these
"nswer( a
4) Segment replacement algorithms are more comple* than page replacement algorithms
because (
a) Segments are better than pages
b) &ages are better than segments
c) Segments have variable siBes
d) Segments have fi*ed siBes
"nswer( c
5) " swapper manipulates ???????????% whereas the pager is concerned with individual
??????? of a process.
a) the entire process% parts
b) all the pages of a process% segments
c) the entire process% pages
d) +one of these
"nswer( c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7) <sing a pager (
a) increases the swap time
b) decreases the swap time
c) decreases the amount of physical memory needed
d) increases the amount of physical memory needed
"nswer( b and c
1:) $he valid L invalid bit% in this case% when valid indicates (
a) the page is legal
b) the page is illegal
c) the page is in memory
d) the page is not in memory
"nswer( a and c
11) " page fault occurs when (
a) a page gives inconsistent data
b) a page cannot be accesses due to its absence from memory
c) a page is invisible
d) "ll of these
"nswer( b
1#) When a page fault occurs% the state of the interrupted process is (
a) disrupted
b) invalid
c) saved
d) +one of these
"nswer( c
1,) When a process begins e*ecution with no pages in memory (
a) process e*ecution becomes impossible
b) a page fault occurs for every page brought into memory
c) process causes system crash
d) +one of these
"nswer( b
1-) 'f the memory access time is denoted by NmaG and NpG is the probability of a page fault
3: YK p YK 1). $hen the effective access time for a demand paged memory is (
a) p * ma T 31/p) * page fault time
b) ma T page fault time
c) 31/p) * ma T p * page fault time
d) +one of these
"nswer( c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1.) When the page fault rate is low (
a) the turnaround time increases
b) the effective access time increases
c) the effective access time decreases
d) a and b
"nswer( c
12) 6ocality of reference implies that the page reference being made by a process (
a) will always be to the page used in the previous page reference
b) is liely to be one of the pages used in the last few page references
c) will always be one of the pages e*isting in memory
d) will always lead to page faults
"nswer( b
1) " process is thrashing if (
a) it spends a lot of time e*ecuting% rather than paging
b) it spends a lot of time paging% than e*ecuting
c) it has no memory allocated to it
d) +one of these
"nswer( b
#) $hrashing ??????? the C&< utiliBation.
a) increases
b) eeps constant
c) decreases
d) +one of these
"nswer( c.
,) " locality is (
a) a set of pages that are actively used together
b) a space in memory
c) an area near a set of processes
d) +one of these
"nswer( a
-) When a subroutine is called%
a) it defines a new locality
b) it is in the same locality from where it was called
c) it does not define a new locality
d) b and c
"nswer( a
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.) " program is generally composed of several different localities% which ????? overlap.
a) may
b) must
c) do not
d) must not
"nswer( a
2) 'n the woring set model% for (
# 2 1 . 4 4 4 4 . 1 2 # , - 1 # , - - - , - , - - - 1 , # ,
if 1)6$" K 1:% then the woring set at time t1 3H.4 . 1) is (
a) O1% #% -% .% 2Q
b) O#% 1% 2% 4% ,Q
c) O1% 2% .% 4% #Q
d) O1% #% ,% -% .Q
"nswer( c
4) $he accuracy of the woring set depends on the selection of (
a) woring set model
b) woring set siBe
c) memory siBe
d) number of pages in memory
"nswer( b
5) 'f woring set window is too small (
a) it will not encompass entire locality
b) it may overlap several localities
c) it will cause memory problems
d) +one of these
"nswer( a
7) 'f woring set window is too large (
a) it will not encompass entire locality
b) it may overlap several localities
c) it will cause memory problems
d) +one of these
"nswer( b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:) 'f the sum of the woring L set siBes increases% e*ceeding the total number of
available frames (
a) then the process crashes
b) the memory overflows
c) the system crashes
d) the operating system selects a process to suspend
"nswer( d
11) Consider the following page reference string (
1 # , - # 1 . 2 # 1 # , 4 2 , # 1 # , 2
i) Mor 68< page replacement algorithm with - frames% the number of page faults is (
a) 1:
b) 1-
c) 5
d) 11
"nswer( a
ii) Mor 68< page replacement algorithm with . frames% the number of page faults is (
a) 1:
b) 1-
c) 5
d) 11
"nswer( c
iii) Mor M'M9 page replacement algorithms with , frames% the number of page faults is (
a) 12
b) 1.
c) 1-
d) 11
"nswer( a
iv) Mor M'M9 page replacement algorithms with - frames% the number of page faults is (
a) 12
b) 1.
c) 1-
d) 11
"nswer( c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
vi) Mor 9ptimal page replacement algorithms with . frames% the number of page faults is (
a) 2
b) 4
c) 1:
d) 7
"nswer( b
1. ?????? is a uniAue tag% usually a number% identifies the file within the file system.
a) Mile identifier
b) Mile name
c) Mile type
d) none of the mentioned
#. $o create a file
a) allocate the space in file system
b) mae an entry for new file in directory
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
,. 0y using the specific system call% we can
a) open the file
b) read the file
c) write into the file
d) all of the mentioned
-. Mile type can be represented by
a) file name
b) file e*tension
c) file identifier
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.. Which file is a seAuence of bytes organiBed into blocs understandable by the systemGs
a) ob@ect file
b) source file
c) e*ecutable file
d) te*t file
2. What is the mounting of file system?
a) crating of a filesystem
b) deleting a filesystem
c) attaching portion of the file system into a directory structure
d) removing portion of the file system into a directory structure
4. Mapping of file is managed by
a) file metadata
b) page table
c) virtual memory
d) file system
5. Mapping of networ file system protocol to local file system is done by
a) networ file system
b) local file system
c) volume manager
d) remote mirror
7. Which one of the following e*plains the seAuential file access method?
a) random access according to the given byte number
b) read bytes one at a time% in order
c) read>write seAuentially by record
d) read>write randomly by record
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:. file system fragmentation occurs when
a) unused space or single file are not contiguous
b) used space is not contiguous
c) unused space is non/contiguous
d) multiple files are non/contiguous
1. 6inu* uses a time/sharing algorithm for
a) pair preemptive scheduling between multiple processes
b) for tass where absolute priorities are more important than fairness
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
#. Mirst linu* ernel which supports the SM& hardware was
a) linu* :.1
b) linu* 1.:
c) linu* 1.#
d) linu* #.:
,. Which one of the following linu* file system does not support @ournaling feature?
a) e*t#
b) e*t,
c) e*t-
d) none of the mentioned
-. Which binary format is supported by linu*?
a) a.out
b) )6M
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
.. Which one of the following bootloader is not used by linu*?
a) F8<0
b) 6'69
c) +$618
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2. $he first process launched by the linu* ernel is
a) init process
b) Bombie process
c) batch process
d) boot process
4. Which destop environment is not used in any linu* distribution?
a) gnome
b) U1)
c) unity
d) none of the mentioned
5. Standard set of functions through which interacts with ernel is defined by
a) system libraries
b) ernel code
c) compilers
d) utility programs
7. 6inu* is
a) single user% single tasing
b) single user% multitasing
c) multiuser% single tasing
d) multiuser% multitasing
1:. Which one of the following is not a linu* distribution?
a) debian
b) gentoo
c) open S<S)
d) multics
1. 'n distributed system each processor has its own
a) local memory
b) cloc
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#. 'f one site fails in distributed system
a) the remaining sites can continue operating
b) all the sites will stop woring
c) directly connected sites will stop woring
d) none of the mentioned
,. +etwor operating system runs on
a) server
b) every system in the networ
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
-. Which techniAue is based on compile/time program transformation for accessing
remote data in a distributed/memory parallel system.
a) cache coherence scheme
b) computation migration
c) remote procedure call
d) message passing
.. 6ogical e*tension of computation migration is
a) process migration
b) system migration
c) thread migration
d) data migration
2. &rocesses on the remote systems are identified by
a) host '1
b) host name and identifier
c) identifier
d) process '1
4. Which routing techniAue is used in distributed system?
a) fi*ed routing
b) virtual routing
c) dynamic routing
d) all of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
5. 'n distributed systems% lin and site failure is detected by
a) polling
b) handshaing
c) toen passing
d) none of the mentioned
7. $he capability of a system to adapt the increased service load is called
a) scalability
b) tolerance
c) capacity
d) none of the mentioned
1:. 'nternet provides ??????? for remote login.
a) telnet
b) http
c) ftp
d) 8&C
1) 8"'1 level , supports a lower number of '>9s per second% because ???????????????.
a) every dis has to participate in every '>9 reAuest
b) only one dis participates per '>9 reAuest
c) '>9 cycle consumes a lot of C&< time
d) "ll of these
"nswer ( a
#) 8"'1 level ????? is also nown as bloc interleaved parity organisation and uses
bloc level striping and eeps a parity bloc on a seperate dis.
a) 1
b) #
c) ,
d) -
"nswer ( d
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,) " performance problem with ????????? is the e*pense of computing and writing
a) non/parity based 8"'1 levels
b) parity based 8"'1 levels
c) all 8"'1 levels
d) +one of these
"nswer ( b
-) 'n 8"'1 level -% one bloc read% accesses ??????????.
a) only one dis
b) all diss simultaneously
c) all diss seAuentially
d) +one of these
"nswer ( a
)*planation( 9ther reAuests are allowed to be processed by other diss.
.) $he overall '>9 rate in 8"'1 level - is (
a) low
b) very low
c) high
d) +one of these
"nswer ( c
)*planation( "ll diss can be read in parallel.
2) " write of a bloc has to access ( 3choose all that apply)
a) the dis on which the bloc is stored
b) parity dis
c) a parity bloc
d) "ll of these
"nswer ( d
4) 8"'1 level . is also nown as (
a) bit/interleaved parity organiBation
b) bloc/interleaved parity organiBation
c) bloc/interleaved distributed parity
d) memory/style )CC organiBation
"nswer ( c
)*planation( +one.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
5) 8"'1 level ???? spreads parity and data among all +T1 diss rather than storing data
in + diss and parity in 1.
a) ,
b) -
c) .
d) 2
"nswer ( c
7) $he potential overuse of a single parity dis is avoided in 8"'1 level ????.
a) ,
b) -
c) .
d) "ll of these
"nswer ( c
1:) 8"'1 level :T1 is used because% 8"'1 level : provides ?????? whereas 8"'1 level
1 provides ????????.
a) performance% redundancy
b) performance% reliability
c) redundancy% performance
d) +one of these
"nswer ( b
11) 'f a dis fails in 8"'1 level ??? rebuilding lost data is easiest.
a) 1
b) #
c) ,
d) -
"nswer ( a
)*planation( 1ata can be copied from another dis in raid level 1% for other raid levels all
other diss have to be accessed.
1#) Where performance and reliability are both important% 8"'1 level ???? is used.
a) :
b) 1
c) #
d) :T1
"nswer (d
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1) " large number of diss in a system improves the rate at which data can be read or
written (
a) if the diss are operated on seAuentially
b) if the diss are operated on selectively
c) if the diss are operated in parallel
d) "ll of these
"nswer ( c
#) 8"'1 stands for (
a) 8edundant "llocation of 'ne*pensive 1iss
b) 8edundant "rray of 'mportant 1iss
c) 8edundant "llocation of 'ndependent 1iss
d) 8edundant "rray of 'ndependent 1iss
"nswer ( d
,) 'f the mean time to failure of a single dis is 1::%::: hours% then the mean time to
failure of some dis in an array of 1:: diss will be (
a) 1:: hours
b) 1: days
c) 1: hours
d) 1::: hours
"nswer ( d
-) $he solution to the problem of reliability is the introduction of ??????????.
a) aging
b) scheduling
c) redundancy
d) diss
"nswer ( c
.) $he techniAue of duplicating every dis is nown as (
a) mirroring
b) shadowing
c) redundancy
d) scheduling
"nswer ( a and b
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2) $he mean time to failure of a mirrored dis depends on (
') the mean time to failure of individual diss
'') the mean time to repair
a) 9nly '
b) 9nly ''
c) 0oth ' and ''
d) +either ' nor ''
"nswer ( c
4) 8"'1 level ???????? refers to dis arrays with striping at the level of blocs% but
without any redundancy.
a) :
b) 1
c) #
d) ,
"nswer ( a
5) 8"'1 level ??????? refers to dis mirroring.
a) :
b) 1
c) #
d) ,
"nswer ( b
7) 8"'1 level ?????? is also nown as bit interleaved parity organisation.
a) :
b) 1
c) #
d) ,
"nswer ( d
1:) " single parity bit can be used for ( 3choose all that apply)
a) detection
b) multiple error corrections
c) few error corrections
d) single error correction
"nswer ( a and d
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11) 8"'1 level ?????? is also nown as memory style error correcting code3)CC)
a) 1
b) #
c) ,
d) -
"nswer ( b
1#) 8"'1 level , does not have ????????? as in 8"'1 level 1.
a) efficiency
b) enough storage space for data
c) storage overhead
d) time consumption overhead
"nswer ( c
)*planation( $here is one mirror dis for every dis in level 1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1. Which one of the following statement is not true?
a) vim editor is the improved version of vi editor
b) vi editor commands are not case sensitive
c) vi editor has two modes of operation( command mode and insert mode
d) vi stands for visual editor
#. Which command is used to close the vi editor?
a) A
b) wA
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
)*planation($he command NAG @ust closes the file and NwAG saves and closes the file.
,. 'n vi editor% the ey combination C$86Tf
a) moves screen down one page
b) moves screen up one page
c) moves screen up one line
d) moves screen down one line
-. Which vi editor command copies the current line of the file?
a) yy
b) yw
c) yc
d) none of the mentioned
)*planation($he command NpG puts the copied te*t after the cursor.
.. Which command is used to delete the character before the cursor location in vi editor?
a) ;
b) *
c) 1
d) d
)*planation($he command N*G is used to delete the character under the cursor locarion.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2. Which one of the following statement is true?
a) autoindentation is not possible in vi editor
b) autoindentation can be set using the command N(set aiG
c) autoindentation can be set using the command N(set noaiG
d) autoindentation is set by default in vi editor
4. Which command searches the string in file opened in vi editor?
a) > or ?
b) f or M
c) t or $
d) none of the mentioned
)*planation($he command N>G searches downward in the file and command N?G searches
upward in the file.
5. 'n vi editor% which command reads the content of another file?
a) read
b) r
c) e*
d) none of the mentioned
7. Which command shows all the abbreviations in vi editor?
a) ab
b) abb
c) show
d) none of the mentioned
1:. Which command sets the number for all lines?
a) (set li
b) (set ln
c) (set nu
d) (set nl
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1. What is sed?
a) a non/interactive stream editor
b) an '1)
c) a he* editor
d) none of the mentioned
#. Sed maintains the hold space 3a buffer) to
a) copy the each line of input
b) save the data for later retrieval
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
)*planation($o copy the each line of input% sed maintains the pattern space.
,. Which is the correct synta* for sed on command line?
a) sed Zoptions[ NZcommand[N Zfilename[
b) sed NZcommand[N Zoptions[ Zfilename[
c) sed Zfilename[ Zoptions[ NZcommand[N
d) sed NZcommand[N Zfilename[ Zoptions[
-. 'f any sed command does not specify any address then the command is applied to
a) each input line
b) none of the input line
c) last input line
d) none of the mentioned
.. 'f no file is specified in sed command then
a) sed command will not wor
b) sed reads from standard input
c) sed reads the data already present in buffer
d) it is necessary to provide the filename
2. Which sed command deletes the specified address range
a) Zaddress range[>s
b) Zaddress range[>p
c) Zaddress range[>d
d) Zaddress range[>y
)*planation($o use the command correct synta* specified for sed editor should be
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4. Which command is used to replace word NcatG 3already present in the file) with
NmouseG at all places in a file Nold.t*tG and save the result in a new file Nnew.t*tG?
a) sed Ns>cat>mouce>gG old.t*t \ new.t*t
b) sed Ns>cat>mouseG old.t*t new.t*t
c) sed N>s>cat>mouse>gG old.t*t new.t*t
d) sed N>s>cat>mouseG old.t*t \ new.t*t
5. Which command will delete all the blan lines in file old.t*t?
a) sed N>dG old.t*t
b) sed N>]>dG old.t*t
c) sed N>]^>dG old.t*t
d) sed N>]S>dG old.t*t
7. $he command Dsed /n N>sanfoundry>pG old.t*tE will
a) print the lines containing the word NsanfoundryG in file old.t*t
b) delete the lines containing the word NsanfoundryG in file old.t*t
c) will generate an error message
d) none of the mentioned
1:. Which option is used by sed to specify that the following string is an instruction or set
of instructions?
a) /n
b) /e
c) /f
d) /i
1. $he file permission 42- means(
a) )very one can read% group can e*ecute only and the owner can read and write
b) )very one can read and write% but owner alone can e*ecute
c) )very one can read% group including owner can write% owner alone can e*ecute
d) )very one can read and write and e*ecute
#. $he permission /rw*rLrL represented in octal e*pression will be
a) 444
b) 222
c) 4--
d) 411
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,. )ffective user id can be set using following permission
a) :444
b) #222
c) -4--
d) 1411
-. )ffective group id can be set using following permission
a) :444
b) #222
c) -4--
d) 1411
.. Sticy bit can be set using following permission
a) :444
b) #222
c) -4--
d) 1411
2. $he permission /rwSrLrL represented in octal e*pression will be
a) :444
b) #222
c) -4--
d) -2--
4. $he permission /rw*r/srL represented in octal e*pression will be
a) :444
b) #422
c) #4--
d) #4.-
5. 'f user tries to remove 3rm) a readonly file 3--- permission)% what will happen?
a) $he file is removed successfully 3and silently)
b) $he rm command prompts for a confirmation% the command is successful upon
c) $he rm command prompts for a confirmation% however the operation fails because of
insufficient permissions
d) $he rm command fails because of insufficient permissions
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7. " user does a chmod operation on a file. Which of the following is true?
a) $he last accessed time of the file is updated
b) $he last modification time of the file is updated
c) $he last change time of the file is updated
d) +one of the above
1:. 'f the umas value is :::#. what will be the permissions of new directory
a) 444
b) 44.
c) 44-
d) 22-
11. What is the command to set the e*ecute permissions to all the files and subdirectories
within the directory >home>user1>direct
a) chmod Lr T* >home>user1>direct
b) chmod L8 T* >home>user1>direct
c) chmod Lf Lr T* >home>user1>direct
d) chmod LM T* >home>user1>direct
1. $he soft lin will increase the lin counter of the file.3$>M)
a) $rue
b) Malse
#. When you use the ln command% which of the following occurs?
a) a file is created that points to an e*isting file
b) a file is created that is a copy of an e*isting file
c) a file is moved from one location to another
d) a file is renamed
,. srw*r/*rw/ is a
a) internet socet file
b) uni* domain socet file
c) symbolic lin
d) shared file
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
-. 0inary or e*ecutable files are(
a) 8egular files
b) 1evice files
c) Special files
d) 1irectory files
.. $he directory file contains(
a) Mile names X Mile SiBes
b) Mile names X 'node +umbers
c) Mile names X "ddress
d) Mile names X &ermissions
2. Which directory contain device special files?
a >etc
b) >etc>dev
c) >root>bin
d) >dev
4. Which of the following is not a valid file type on 6inu*
a) Socet
b) Softlin
c) 'node
d) M'M9
5. Which of the following is not correct statement regarding file types?
a) =ard lins share same inode number
b) Soft lins cannot be created across partitions
c) Socet files are <ni* domain socets
d) Character file is a special file
7. Which are the two types of device files?
a) Character X 0loc
b) Character X Socet
c) 0loc X M'M9
d) 'nput X output
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:. Which is an e*ample for character special file?
a) =ard dis
b) C1/89M
c) $erminal
d) Memory
11. Which is an e*ample for bloc special file?
a) !irtual $erminal
b) C1/89M
c) $erminal
d) Serial modem
1#. "ll device files are stored in which directory?
a) >etc
b) >bin
c) >dev
d) >usr
#. 9n 6inu*% initrd is a file
a) containing root file/system reAuired during bootup
b) Contains only scripts to be e*ecuted during bootup
c) Contains root/file system and drivers reAuired to be preloaded during bootup
d) +one of the above
,. Which is loaded into memory when system is booted?
a) Uernel
b) Shell
c) Commands
d) Script
-. $he process of starting up a computer is nown as
a) 0oot 6oading
b) 0oot 8ecord
c) 0oot Strapping
d) 0ooting
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.. 0ootstrapping is also nown as
a) Quic boot
b) Cold boot
c) =ot boot
d) Mast boot
2. $he shell used for Single user mode shell is(
a) bash
b) Csh
c) sh
d) sh
4. Single user mode shell runs as
a) "dmin user
b) 8oot user
c) normal user
d) 6og user
5. Which is the only partition mounted in Single user mode
a) boot
b) usr
c) root
d) tmp
7. Which daemon manages the physical memory by moving process from physical
memory to swap space when more physical memory is needed.
a) Sched daemon
b) Swap daemon
c) 'nit daemon
d) &rocess daemon
1:. "t the end of ernel bootstrap% which process is started?
a) >etc>init
b) >etc>sched
c) >etc>swap
d) >etc>ernel
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11. $he process id of init process is(
a) /1
b) :
c) 1
d) #
1#. Which file is read by init to get the default runlevel
a) >etc>profile
b) >etc>init
c) >etc>boot
d) >etc>inittab
1. 'f a program e*ecuting in bacground attempts to read from S$1'+
a) 't is terminated
b) 'tGs e*ecution is suspended
c) S$1'+ is made available to it
d) +one of the mentioned
#. Which command is used to bring the bacground process to forground?
a) bg
b) fg
c) bacground
d) forground
,. =ow to run a process in the bacground?
a) X
b) S
c) ?
d) _
-. Which command can be e*ecuted by a user who is already logged into the system% in
order to change to the root user? 3type the command without any parameters)
a) su
b) root
c) chroot
d) user
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.. &rocess information in the current shell can be obtained by using
a) ill
b) bg
c) fg
d) ps
2. Which signal is sent by the command Dill /7 E ?
a) '+$
b) $)8M
c) U'66
d) S$9&
4. Which of the following values for S$"$ column of ps command is not true(
a) status 8 means running
b) Status S means sleeping
c) Status ) means e*ited
d) Status J means Bombie
5. When a child process e*its before the parent process e*its% which of the following is
a) the child process becomes defunct
b) the parent process becomes defunct
c) if the parent process does not handle S'FC=61% the child process becomes a Bombie
d) none of the above
7. " user issues the following command seAuence(
^ a.out X
^ bash
^ a.out X
'f the user ills the bash process% then which of the following is true?
a) $he second a.out process is also terminated
b) $he second a.out process becomes a defunct process
c) $he first a.out process becomes a Bombie process
d) init process becomes parent of second a.out process
1:. $he signal sent to a process when the Ctrl/C ey is pressed is
a) U'66
b) $S$&
c) $)8M
d) '+$
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11. we can change the priority of a running process using
3a) nice
3b) renice
3c) priority cannot be changed for a running process
3d) only superuser can change the priority
1#. nohup is used to
a) automatically hang up the process after logout
b) continue the process after logout
c) create bacgroung process
d) manually hang up the process after logout
1. <serGs &rimary Froup id is listed in which file% at the time of creation of the user 39n a
standard <ni* system)
a) >etc>passwd
b) >etc>groups
c) >etc>login
d) >etc>profile
#. $he encrypted password of a user is stored in
a) >etc>shadow
b) >etc>enpasswwd
c) >etc>.passwd
d) >etc>passwd
,. " user can change the default log/in shell using
a) chmod
b) chsh
c) rmsh
d) tchsh
-. Which of the following identifiers associated with a process decide its privilege level
a) uid
b) suid
c) euid
d) gid
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.. $he >etc>passwd file doesnGt contain
a) userid
b) home directory for a user
c) login shell name
d) +one of the above
2. <ser id : is
a) "n innvalid user id
b) $he id of the root user
c) $he id of a user when the userGs account is deleted
d) +one of the above
4. $he login shell is
a) $he shell program that runs when the user logs in
b) $he shell program that authenticates the user while logging in
c) Common shell for all the users that belong to the same group
d) +one of the above
!iew "nswer
5. Which of the following command can be used to change the user password?
a) <ser canGt change the password
b) passwd
c) passd
d) pwd
7. What does the following command do ?
who _ wc Ll
a) 6ist the number of users logged in
b) 6ist the users
c) 6ist the number of users in the system
d) 1isplay the content of who command
1:. 0y default% a 6inu* user falls under which group?
a) staff
b) others
c) same as userid 3<&F)
d) system
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
11. Which of the following files need to be referred for userGs secondary group?
a) >etc>passwd
b) >etc>shadow
c) >etc>group
d) >etc>profile
1#. $he ls Ll output for >etc>passwd and >usr>bin>passwd is as follows(
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 2807 Apr 26 13:50 /etc/passwd
-r-sxx 1 root root 17008 May 25 02:30 /usr/bin/passwd

! a user" not be#on$in$ to t%e $roup &root'" runs t%e passwd
executab#e in an atte(pt to (odi!y %is password" t%en w%ic% o! t%e
!o##owin$ is true)
a) password change fails since user does not have permission to update >etc>passwd file
b) password change is successful because the program runs as root
c) passwd change program runs in ernel mode where write access to the >etc>passwd file
is possible
d) >etc>passwd is a special file and the system by default allows all users to update it
1. fc stands for
a) find command
b) fi* command
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
)*planation(Gfc /lG is used to list history of commands and Nfc /eG to edit them and
NhistoryG command also provides the histroy of commands.
#. Which command is used to ree*ecute the previous command?
a) WW
b) Wcat
c) W,
d) W^
)*planation(GWcatG will ree*ecute the last cat command% NW,P will ree*ecute the third last
command and NW^G will e*ecute the last argument of previous command.
,. Which one of the following is not correct about @ob control in bash shell?
a) it is the ability to stop and resume any process running in shell at a later point
b) user employs this facility via an interactive interface supplied by the ernelGs terminal
driver and bash
c) it is the ability to create any process d) none of the mentioned Answer:c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
-. Which command allows to view the current @obs being handled by the shell?
a) @obs
b) view
c) show
d) none of the mentioned
.. What is @ob number?
a) same as &'1
b) a uniAue number% assigned to each @ob in shell
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
2. Ctrl/J ey combination
a) generates a S'F'+$ signal
b) stops the process running in the shell
c) ills the process running in the shell
d) both 3a) and 3c)
)*planation(Ctrl/J ey combination generates a S'F$S$& signal and stops the process
running in the shell.
4. Which command brings a bacground @ob into the foreground?
a) fg
b) bg
c) @obs `1
d) none of the mentioned
)*planation(bg command brings a foreground @ob into the bacground.
5. Nill `sG command will
a) terminate the @ob whose command line starts with s
b) terminate the last @ob
c) terminate the first @ob
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7. Nstty tostopG command will
a) stop all @obs running in the shell
b) stop bacground @obs if they try to send output to the terminal
c) this is not a valid command
d) none of the mentioned
1:. Which command terminates a running process by name of the process?
a) ill
b) pill
c) illall
d) none of the mentioned
1. Which command sets up shorthand for command or command line?
a) set
b) alias
c) new
d) echo
#. What is the function of bind command in bash shell?
a) defining new macros
b) defining new ey bindings for e*isting commands
c) dumping the installed ey bindings
d) all of the mentioned
,. $he command Ncompgen /cG shows
a) all variable names
b) all system wide aliases
c) full list of all commands
d) none of the mentioned
-. Which statement resumes the ne*t iteration of a for% while% select% or untill loop?
a) continue
b) brea
c) complete
d) command
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.. Which command prints the directory stac?
a) cd
b) dirs
c) popd
d) pushd
2. $he command Ndisown /rG
a) removes all @obs
b) removes all running @obs
c) mars @obs to not receive S'F=<& when bash e*its
d) mars all @obs
4. $he command Nenable /n N
a) enables the specified built/in command
b) disables the specified built/in command
c) print the status of the command
d) none of the mentioned
5. Which command can create environment variable?
a) e*port
b) set
c) read
d) none of the mentioned
7. Which command concatenate the specified argument into a single command% then
e*ecute the command?
a) fc
b) eval
c) e*ec
d) getopts
1:. $he command NhashG
a) manages a internal hash table
b) find and remember the full path name of the specified command
c) displays used command names and the number of hits
d) all of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1. 9perating system ernel must be located in
a) >
b) >boot
c) either in > or in >boot
d) none of the mentioned
#. Which one of the following is a mount point for a temporarily mounted filesystem?
a) >mnt directory
b) >media directory
c) >dev directory
d) none of the mentioned
,. What is >root?
a) root filesystem
b) home directory of the root user
c) the directory which contains all the directories of the filesystem
d) none of the mentioned
-. System binaries are stored in
a) >sbin directory
b) >usr>sbin directory
c) >usr>local>sbin directory
d) all of the mentioned
.. $he >dev directory contains the
a) device drivers
b) device files
c) ernel modules of device drivers
d) none of the mentioned
2. $he contents of root filesystem is responsible to
a) boot the system
b) recover the system
c) repair the system
d) all of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
4. Static files of the bootloader are installed in
a) >boot directory
b) >root directory
c) >bin directory
d) >sbin directory
5. 6inu* filesystem contains mainly
a) ordinary files
b) device files
c) directory files
d) all of the mentioned
7. 'n linu* filesystem% the passwords of different users are stored in
a) >etc>passwd file
b) >bin>passwd file
c) >etc>shadow file
d) >bin>shadow file
)*planation(&asswords are visible in encrypted format in the file.
1:. Superuser can change the ??????? permissions of any file.
a) owner
b) group
c) other
d) all of the mentioned
1. When we install a new pacage in linu* system% then
a) all the files of the pacages are installed in a single directory
b) different files are installed at different locations of the file system
c) pacage wors @ust after e*traction% installation is not reAuired
d) none of the mentioned
#. =ost specific configuration files are installed in
a) >etc directory
b) >lib directory
c) >root directory
d) >bin directory
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,. $he directory >media is the
a) mount point for removable media
b) mount point for filesystem
c) both 3a) and 3b)
d) none of the mentioned
!iew "nswer
-. What is >bin>sh ?
a) bourne shell
b) hard or symbolic lin to the real shell command
c) bash shell
d) both 3b) and 3c)
.. $he >boot directory stores the data that is used
a) before the ernel begins e*ecuting user mode programs
b) after the ernel begins e*ecuting user mode programs
c) before the bootloader is loaded in the 8"M
d) none of the mentioned
2. Which one of the directory does not contain binary files?
a) >bin
b) >sbin
c) >etc
d) none of the mentioned
4. Uernel modules are present in
a) >lib directory
b) >root directory
c) >boot directory
d) none of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
5. $he directory >opt is reserved for
a) installation of add/on application software pacages
b) optional booting files
c) optional user specific files
d) none of the mentioned
7. $he directory >srv contains
a) site/specific data which is served by the system
b) all the system files
c) all the service files provided by the specific user
d) none of the mentioned
1:. "ny file or directory present in the ?????? directory may not be reserved between the
invocation of the program.
a) >var
b) >tmp
c) >etc
d) all of the mentioned
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which c!!an" allws #u $ %iew #ur &ile '( lines a$ a $i!e )
" More
0 Cat
C &g
1 +one of the above
Answer "
Which & $he &llwin* is n$ a c!!unica$in c!!an")
" Write
0 Mail
C Mesg
1 Frep
Answer 1
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which c!!an" is use" $ e+$rac$ s,eci&ic clu!ns &r! $he &ile)
" cut
0 grep
C &ast
1 cat
Answer "
Which c!!an" is use" wi$h %i e"i$r $ !%e $he cursr $ $he le&$)
" '
C @
1 h
Answer 1
Which c!!an" is use" $ crea$e a "irec$r#)
" C81'8
0 MU1'8
C M1
1 C8
Answer 0
Which & $he &llwin* chan*es ,er!issin $ "en# wri$e ,er!issin $ *ru, an" $hers)
" Chmod go/w file*
0 Chmod go w file*
C Chmod goKw file
1 +one of the above
Answer "
Which c!!an" is use" wi$h %i e"i$r $ "ele$e a sin*le charac$er)
" J
0 y
C a
1 *
Answer 1
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
The $ar c!!an" in UNIX
" <sed to create compressed archives of directories and files
0 <sed to e*tract directories and files from an archives
C 0oth " and 0
1 +one of the above
Answer C
Which c!!an" is use" $ sr$ $he lines & "a$a in a &ile in re%erse r"er
" sort
0 sh
C st
1 sort /r
Answer 1
Which & $he &llwin* c!!an"s is use" $ rena!e a &ile)
" 8ename
0 M!
C 8emove
1 8en
Answer 0
The c!!an" $ha$ can -e use" $ res$ric$ inc!in* !essa*es $ a user is
" Mesg
0 =alt
C Frep
1 Sleep
Answer "
The sr$ c!!an" in UNIX
" <sed to sort a file
0 <sed to sort the list of files in a directory
C 0oth " and 0
1 +one of the above
Answer "
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which & $he &llwin* .e#s is use" $ re,lace a sin*le charac$er wi$h new $e+$)
" S
0 s
C r
1 C
Answer 0
Which c!!an" is use" $ re!%e a "irec$r#)
" rd
0 rmdir
C dldir
1 rdir
Answer 0
The $ail c!!an" in UNIX
" Can be used to loo at the tail or bottom of the file
0 Can be used to display the list of last 1: files in the current directory
C Can be used to display the list of last 1. in the current directory
1 +one of the above
Answer "
Which c!!an" is use" $ re!%e a &ile
" 8ename
0 M!
C 8M
1 1el
Answer C
Which command is used to change protection mode of files starting with the string emp and ending with 1,2, or 3?
" chmod 444 empS
0 chmod u * empZl/,[
C chmod u r ??? emp
1 chmod ### emp?
Answer 0
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which & $he &llwin* c!!an" $he &ile na!es in !ul$i,le clu!ns)
" 'SL;
0 'S
C 'SL1
1 'SLfL;
Answer 0
Which c!!an" is use" $ "is,la# $he "e%ice na!e & $he $er!inal #u are usin*)
" who
0 ls
C tty
1 stty
Answer C
Which & $he &llwin* is n$ a c!!unica$in c!!an")
" Write
0 Mail
C Mesg
1 Frep
Answer 1
Which c!!an" is use" $ e+$rac$ s,eci&ic clu!ns &r! $he &ile)
" cut
0 grep
C &ast
1 cat
Answer "
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which c!!an" is use" wi$h %i e"i$r $ !%e $he cursr $ $he le&$)
" i
C @
1 h
Answer 1
Which c!!an" is use" $ crea$e a "irec$r#)
" C81'8
0 MU1'8
C M1
1 C8
Answer 0
Which & $he &llwin* chan*es ,er!issin $ "en# wri$e ,er!issin $ *ru, an" $hers)
" Chmod go/w file*
0 Chmod go w file*
C Chmod goKw file
1 +one of the above
Answer "
Which c!!an" is use" wi$h %i e"i$r $ "ele$e a sin*le charac$er)
" J
0 y
C a
1 *
Answer 1
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
The $ar c!!an" in UNIX
" <sed to create compressed archives of directories and files
0 <sed to e*tract directories and files from an archives
C 0oth " and 0
1 +one of the above
Answer C
Which c!!an" is use" $ sr$ $he lines & "a$a in a &ile in re%erse r"er
" sort
0 sh
C st
1 sort /r
Answer 1
Which & $he &llwin* c!!an"s is use" $ rena!e a &ile)
" 8ename
0 M!
C 8emove
1 8en
Answer 0
Which & $he &llwin* calls ne%er re$urns an errr)
" Fetpid
0 Mor
C 'oct1
1 9pen
Answer "
Which c!!an" is use" $ "is,la# a &ile cn$en$s in c$al &r!)
" cd
0 of
C od
1 oct
Answer C
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which & $he &llwin* is n$ a c!!unica$in c!!an")
" write
0 mail
C mesg
1 grep
Answer 1
Which & $he &llwin* c!!an"s is use" $ cun$ $he $$al nu!-er & lines/wr"s an" charac$ers
cn$aine" in a &ile)
" count p
0 wcount
C wc
1 count w
Answer C
The cc c!!an" ! a $$al &
" 1 pass
0 # pass
C - pass
1 . pass
Answer 1
Which & $he &llwin* c!!an"s is use" &r an au$!a$ic re!ain"er ser%ice)
" Write
0 Calender
C Mail
1 Mesg
Answer 0
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
The Uni+ c!!an" use" $ &in" u$ $he nu!-er & charac$ers in a &ile is
" nc
0 wc
C chcnt
1 c
Answer 0
In a s#s$e! /i& 0 ,e,le are curren$l# usin* %i e"i$r /$hen $he nu!-er & crres,n"in* ,rcesses will -e
" 1
0 .
C ,
1 :
Answer 0
Which se$ ,$in is use" wi$h %i e"i$r $ "is,la# line nu!-ers n screen)
" nm
0 nu
C ic
1 li
Answer 0
Which c!!an" will -e use" wi$h %i e"i$r $ !%e -ac. $ $he -e*innin* & a wr")
" b
0 e
C a
1 w
Answer "
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
When a ,rcess ! a s#s$e! call /i$s !"e chan*es &r!
" <ser to ernel
0 Uernel to user
C 8estricted to unrestricted
1 <nrestricted to restricted
Answer "
Which & $he &llwin* are n$ s#s$e! calls)
" Chmod
0 9pen
C 6see
1 Fetc
Answer 1
The a"%an$a*e & -inar# &iles %er $e+$ &iles is $ha$
" 't is compact
0 't can be accessed faster
C Many commands assume the named file to be a binary file
1 $hey are more reliable
Answer 1
Mun$in* a &ile s#s$e! resul$s in $he la"in* &
" 0oot bloc
0 Super bloc
C i/node table
1 "ll of these
Answer 0
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
I& ca$ + /,rin$s *ar-a*e /$hen + is ,r-a-l# a
" 1ata file
0 0inary file
C $e*t file
1 Source file
Answer 0
Which & $he &llwin* s#s$e! calls $rans&r!s an e+ecu$a-le -inar# &ile in$ a ,rcess)
" Mor
0 )*ec
C 'oct1
1 6ong@mp
Answer 0
The ca$ c!!an" is use" $
" &rint a file
0 1isplay a file
C Capture a file
1 Copy a file
Answer 0
An a$$e!,$ $ rea" &r! lc.e" &ile/resul$s in
" &rematured termination
0 " deadloc
C "n indefinite wait
1 +one of the above
Answer 1
Which & $he &llwin* &ile na!es can -e &un" in !re $han ne "irec$r#)
" &asswd
0 0in
C 1ate
1 +one of the above
Answer "
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
C!!an"111111111c!,ares $w &iles -#$e -# -#$e an" "is,la#s $he &irs$ !is!a$ch2
" cmp
0 comp
C cmap
1 +one of these
Answer "
When $he rea" s#s$e! call encun$ers EO3 /i$ re$urns
" Some positive integer
0 Some negative integer
C :
1 /1
Answer C
T allw nl# ne user $ wr. wi$h a ,ar$icular &ile a$ a ,ar$icular $i!e /ne has $
" Semaphore
0 Critical region
C 6ocing
1 1edicated mode
Answer C
Which & $he &llwin* are charac$er s,ecial &iles)
" $erminal
0 &rinter
C Modem
1 $ape drive
Answer 0
Which & $he &llwin* sec$ins & an e+ecu$a-le -inar# &ile has all unini$iali4e" "a$a i$e!s)
" 0SS
0 1ata
C =eader
1 Symbol
Answer "
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which & $he &llwin* &iles cn$ains in&r!a$in rela$e" $ ,asswr" a*in*)
" Shadow
0 &rofile
C &assword
1 "ll of these
Answer C
Which & $he &llwin* s#s$e! calls/"es n$ re$urn cn$rl $ $he callin* ,in$/ n $er!ina$in)
" Mor
0 )*ec
C 'oct1
1 6ong@mp
Answer 0
Which c!!an" is use" $ "is,la# $he charac$eris$ics & a ,rcess)
" pid
0 ps
C du
1 au
Answer 1
The &irs$ $hin* $ha$ is searche" when a c!!an" re&erences a &ile is i$s
" i node
0 i node number
C &ermission
1 +one of the above
Answer 0
Pr&ilers are
" $ools that analyBe the run time behavior of a program
0 $ools that chec C code for cross file consistency
C $ools that eep trac of evolving versions of a file
1 +one of the above
Answer "
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
Which & $he &llwin* $ls can -e use" $ .ee, $rac. & e%l%in* %ersin & a &ile)
" Mae
0 Racc
1 dv
Answer C
Which c!!an" is use" $ "is,la# an" crea$e &iles)
" cat
0 ed
C vi
1 lyri*
Answer "
3iles $ha$ can s$re "a$a in $he sa!e &r!a$ as use" in ,r*ra! are calle"
" 0inary files
0 Source file
C $e*t file
1 Core
Answer "
The &ile $ha$ s$res an in$e*er as a se5uence & charac$ers is a
" $e*t file
0 1ata file
C 0inary file
1 Core
Answer "
Which is $he earlies$ an" !s$ wi"el# use" shell $ha$ ca!e wi$h $he UNIX s#s$e!)
" C Shell
0 Uorn Shell
C 0ourne Shell
1 Smith Shell
Answer C
MCQs of Computer Science
What command is used to count the total number of lines% words% and characters
contained in a file?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
En%irn!en$ %aria-les can -e accesse" -#
" System programs
0 C programs
C Shell scripts
1 +one of the above
Answer C
Which & $he &llwin* are n$ &il$er ,r*ra!s)
" 1ate
0 Sort
C Cat
1 Frep
Answer "
Which & $he &llwin* shell scri,$s l,in* &ea$ures "es n$ rec*ni4e $he -rea. c!!an")
" While
0 <ntil
C Mor
1 +one of the above
Answer 1
Which & $he &llwin* is n$ a &il$er)
" cat
0 wc
C grep
1 sort
Answer "
Shell &unc$ins
" "re another name for shell procedures
0 )*ecute faster than shell procedures
C "re e*ecuted by a new shell
1 "re not e*ecuted by new shell
Answer 1
MCQs of Computer Science
1.count p
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
What command is used to remove files?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
What command is used to remove the directory?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
What command is used with vi editor to delete a single character?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
What hardware architectures are not supported by 8ed =at?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
What command is used to display the characteristics of a process?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6

What command is used to list the files chap:l% chap:# and chap:-?
".ls chapS chapZ1#-[ / * chap:Z1#-[ chap:Z1#-[
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
What command is used with vi editor to replace te*t from cursor to right
). +one of the above
"nswer X )*planation
Answer: 9ption C
+o answer description available for this Auestion
What sign is used to bac up over typing errors in vi?
). +one of the above
"nswer X )*planation
Answer: 9ption C
What sign is used to erase or ill an entire line you have typed and start you are on a
new line 3but not display a new prompt)?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
What command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in alphabetical order?
".sort / r
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7

What command is used with vi editor to save file and remain in the editing mode?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
What command is used with vi editor to move bac to the beginning of a word?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
What command is used with vi editor to search a pattern in the forward direction?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
What command is used to add printing @obs to the Aueue?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
What protocol3s) is3are) allowed a user to retrieve her>his mail from the mail server to
her>his mail reader?
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
What pro@ect is currently developing ; server support?
".;Mree52 &ro@ect% 'nc.
0.8="1 6abs
C.F+9M) &ro@ect
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A

What ;/based tool is available for configuring the ; Window system?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6

Which of the following server is used with the 0'+1 pacage?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
What port does sAuid listen% by default?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
6ayer one of the 9S' model is
".networ layer
0.transport layer
C.lin layer
1.physical layer
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
What layer of 9S' determines the interface of the system with the user?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
What command is used to remove @obs from the print Aueue?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
=ow can you navigate around virtual consoles?
"."ltTMunction Uey
0.CtrlTMunction Uey
1."ltTaTwTMunction Uey
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
Which of the following +'S clients% finds and stores information about an +'S
domain and server?
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
Which of the following is3are) true of the )1& auditors?
".they should have computer e*pertise
0.they will be replaced by traditional auditors in the near future
C.two of the above
currently% there is a very high demand for them% particularly from firms that use
personal computers
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A

Controls of data communication deal with
".the communication channel
0.the computer
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
'nventory is also referred to as(
0.warehouse capacity
1.materials in hand
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
" locbo* service is used for
".depositing cash when ban is closed
0.paying ban customer bills automatically
C.storing papers in a ban vault
1.depositing payments to ban customers
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
Critical path of the &)8$ chart is(
".path which taes the longest time to complete the pro@ect
0.the shortest path
C.both of the above
1.path which taes the shortest time to complete the pro@ect
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
MCQs of Computer Science
"n )9Q formula is an e*ample of a3n)
".optimiBing model
0.static model
C.deterministic model
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
????? are nowledge based system to which present rules are applied to solve a
particular problem.
1.0ase rule :
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A

$he ????? is a business/oriented data/processing association which publishes a
monthly @ournal% 1ata Management.
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
$he computer can potentially be used to monitor most of our actions% thus robbing us
of ?????
C.bac log
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
" systems theory of organiBation sees the firm as a
".networ of resource flows
0.system transforming inputs into outputs
C.physical system managed by a manager using a conceptual system
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
" financial modeling pacage for a &C is similar to a spreadsheet pacage% but it can
handle larger data files than a spreadsheet% and it has a built/in ????? seeing
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
????? means that the manager spends his or her time dealing with e*ceptions or those
situations which are out of control
".relevant by e*ception
C.predictive reports
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
????? decisions are those decisions for which policy standards or guidelines are
already established.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
C.predictive reports
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
????? is the use of a model in an attempt to identify and>or reflect the behaviour of a
real person% process% or system.
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
9ne of the three most common types of payment systems is the
".pinion fund transaction system e*pense reimbursement system
C.accounts payable system
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
Which of the following is not an important principle for evaluating the raw data for
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
$he analysis and design of application systems are the responsibility of a ?????
".Computer 9perator
C.System "nalyst
1.1ata entry operator
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
$he model curriculum for information/system education suggested by the ????? has
a more theoretical and conceptual basis% whereas the model by the ????? is more
practical and applied in nature.
"."'% )S
0.U0S% "'
C."CM% 1&M"
1.S'S1% MM1
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
????? decisions concern the e*ecution of specific tass to assure that they are. carried
out efficiently and effectively.
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
$he 10" is
".a person
0.a computer device
C.a communication techniAue
1."ll of the above
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
)rror reports are an e*ample of(
".scheduled reports
0.demand reports
C.e*ception reports
1.predictive reports
). management reports
Answer: 9ption C
" constraint that does not% affect the feasible solution region is nown as
".redundant constraint
0.unbounded solution
C.slac variable
1.surplus variable
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
$he product structure file is also called the
".item master file
0.bill of materials file
C.operations file
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
)conometric models include techniAues from
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
"verage inventory level is reduced by
".decreasing the vendor lead time
0.increasing the usage rate
C.decreasing the order Auantity
1.lowering the reorder point
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
Critical ????? factors are those that are vital if a manager is to mae a full
contribution to the achievement of an organiBationbs goals.
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
)*ternal data is stored in the
".maret forecast file
0.forecast allocation file
C.customer file
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
$he manager of inventory would most liely be found in the
".finance function
0.mareting function
C.manufacturing function
1.information systems function
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
'n which way is a managerial information system 3M'S) superior to electronic data
processing 3)1&)?
".'t is batch oriented
0.'t is most cost effective
C.'t provides summary reports without details
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
Woring at home might seem lie an interesting option. =owever% ????? contact with
other co/worers does have advantages.
".tele conferencing
C.face/to face
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
$he Auestion cwhat?c can be answered by
C.controlled e*periment
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"n e*ample of a management by e*ception report is a3n)
".aged accounts receivable report
0.overtime earnings report
C.both 3a) and 3b)
1.neither 3a) nor 3b)
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption C
" ey verifier machine is used 'n controlling
".transaction entry communication processing
1.transaction origination
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption A
$he vice/president of information has primary responsibility for
".recogniBing information needs
0.preparing an M'S study proposal
C.setting M'S ob@ectives
1.establishing M'S constraints
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
9ne of the purchases order systembs procedure sets is
".automatic purchase order writing
C.accounts payable
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
Answer: 9ption A
Which of the following is considered to be an interface between the functional
applications and the data base?
".management information systems management systems
C.decision/support systems systems
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
$he @ournal voucher file includes
".general ledger accounts involved of entry
C.rupees posted to each account
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 6
$he functional area showing the greatest interest in the concept of functional
information systems is the
".financial function
0.manufacturing function
C.both 3a) and 32)
1.neither 3a) nor 3b)
). +one of the above
Answer: 9ption 7
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
$he funds management subsystem attempts to
".increase cash input
0.decrease cash output
C.balance cash inflow with outflow
1."ll of the above
). +one of the above
"nswer X )*planation
Answer: 9ption C
862Ne$ In$er%iew 9ues$in an" Answers
:2 What is !0.+)$?
!0.+et is a windows based programming language.'t supports oops concept.
'2 What is the base class of .net?
;2 What is 1ifference between +amespace and "ssembly?

+amespace is a collection of different classes. whereas an assembly is the basic
building blocs of the .net framewor.
(2 What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

Calling a non/virtual method% decided at a compile time is nown as early binding.
Calling a virtual method 3&ure &olymorphism)% decided at a runtime is nown as late
02 What is 'ntermediate 6angauge?

Microsoft 'ntermediate 6anguage3MS'6 or '6) is the C&< /independent instruction set
into which .+et framewor programs are compiled. 't contains instructions for loading%
storing initialiBing% and calling methods on ob@ects.
<2 What is Commom 6anguage 8untime?

C68 also nown as Common 6anguage 8un time provides a environment in which
program are e*ecuted% it activate ob@ect% perform security chec on them% lay them out
in the memory% e*ecute them and garbage collect them.
=2 What is Common $ype System?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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$he common type system is a rich type system% built into the common language
runtime% which supports the types and operations found in most programming
>2 What is Common 6anguage Specification?

$he Common 6anguage Specification is a set of constructs and constraints that serves
as a guide for library writers and compiler writers.
?2 WhatGs the difference between private and shared assembly?

&rivate assembly is used inside an application only and does not have to be identified
by a strong name.
Shared assembly can be used by multiple applications and has to have a strong name.
:@2 What namespace does the Web page belong in the .+)$ Mramewor class hierarchy?
::2 What is an "ssembly?

"ssembly are the basic buiding blocs of the .net framewor.$hey are the logical
grouping of the functionality in a physical file.
:'2 What are the advantages of an assembly?

'ncreased performance. 0etter code management and encapsulation. 't also introduces
the n/tier concepts and business logic.
:;2 What is Code "ccess Security?

C"S / Code "ccess Security is the part of the .+)$ security model that determines
whether or not a piece of code is allowed to run% and what resources it can use when it
is running.
:(2 What are the difference between Structure and Class?

Structures are value type and Classes are reference type
Structures can not have constructors or destructors.
Classes can have both constructors and destructors.
Structures do not support 'nheritance% while Classes support 'nheritance.
:02 What is the differences between dataset.clone and dataset.copy?

7a$ase$2clne copies @ust the structure of dataset 3including all the datatables%
schemas% relations and constraints.)I however it doesnGt copy the data.
7a$ase$2c,#% copies both the dataset structure and the data.
:<2 What is the use of 'nternal eyword?

'nternal eyword is one of the access specifier available in .+et framewor % that
maes a type visible in a given assembly % for e.g ( a single dll can contain multiple
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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:=2 What is the difference between the 1ebug class and $race class?

<se 1ebug class for debug builds% use $race class for both debug and release builds.
:>2 What are class access modifiers?

"ccess modifiers are eywords used to specify the declared accessibility of a
member or a type. $his section introduces the four access modifiers (
&rotected inertnal
:?2 What is portable e*ecutable?

$he file format used for e*ecutable programs and for files to be lined together to
form e*ecutable programs.
'@2 What is the difference between System.String and System.String0uilder classes?

System.String is immutable% System.String0uilder was designed with the purpose of
having a mutable string where a variety of operations can be performed.
':2 What is tracing?

$racing refers to collecting information about the application while it is running. Rou
use tracing information to troubleshoot an application.
''2 What is the difference between a $hread and a &rocess?

" &rocess is an instance of an running application. "nd a thread is the )*ecution
stream of the &rocess. " process can have multiple $hread.
';2 What is serialiBation?

SerialiBation is the process of converting an ob@ect into a stream of bytes.
1e/serialiBation is the opposite process of creating an ob@ect from a stream of bytes.
SerialiBation>1e/serialiBation is mostly used to transport ob@ects.
'(2 =ow a base class method is hidden?

=iding a base class method by declaring a method in derived class with eyword new.
$his will override the base class method and old method will be suppressed.
'02 What is a Constructor?
" special Method "lways called whenever an instance of the class is created.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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'<2 What is &olymorphism?

Mean by more than one form. "bility to provide different implementation based on
different number > type of parameters.
'=2 What is an 'nterface?

"n interface has no implementationI it only has the signature or in other words% @ust
the definition of the methods without the body.
'>2 What is the difference between an );) and a 166?

1ll is an 'n/&rocess Component whereas );) is an 9<t/&rocess Component.)*e is
for single use whereas you can use 1ll for multiple use.
)*e can be started as standalone where dll cannot be.
'?2 What is the F"C?

)ach computer where the common language runtime is installed has a machine/wide
code cache called the global assembly cache. $he global assembly cache stores
assemblies that are to be shared by several applications on the computer. $his area is
typically the folder under windows or winnt in the machine.
;@2 =ow does C"S wor?

$he C"S security policy revolves around two ey concepts / code groups and
permissions. )ach .+)$ assembly is a member of a particular code group% and each
code group is granted the permissions specified in a named permission set.
;:2 What is difference between Meta1ata and Manifest?

Metadata and Manifest forms an integral part of an assembly3 dll > e*e ) in .net
framewor . 9ut of which Metadata is a mandatory component % which as the name
suggests gives the details about various components of '6 code viB ( Methods %
properties % fields % class etc.
;'2 What is the top .+)$ class that everything is derived from?
;;2 =ow is method overriding different from method overloading?

When overriding a method% you change the behavior of the method for the derived
class. 9verloading a method simply involves having another method with the same
name within the class.
;(2 What is a formatter?

" formatter is an ob@ect that is responsible for encoding and serialiBing data
into messages on one end% and deserialiBing and decoding messages into data
on the other end.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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;02 What is an "rray6ist?

$he "rray6ist ob@ect is a collection of items containing a single data type values.
;<2 What is static member?

$he member defined as static which can be invoed directly from the class level%
rather than from its instance.
;=2 What is 9verloading?

" process of creating different implementation of a method having a same name as
base class% in a derived class. 't implements 'nheritance.
;>2 When do you use virutal eyword?

When we need to override a method of the base class in the sub class% then we give the
virtual eyword in the base class method. $his maes the method in the base class to
be overridable. Methods% properties% and inde*ers can be virtual% which means that
their implementation can be overridden in derived classes.
;?2 What is the purpose of ;M6 +amespaces?

"n ;M6 +amespace is a collection of element types and attribute names. 't
consists of # parts
$he first part is the <8' used to identify the namespace
$he second part is the element type or attribute name itself.
(@2 What is a constructor?

" constructor is invoed when you use the new operator% or use the various methods
of reflection to create an instance of a class.
(:2 What is the difference between System.String and System.String0uilder classes?

System.String is immutable% System.String0uilder was designed with the purpose of
having a mutable string where a variety of operations can be performed.
('2 What is the use of C'$ ?

C'$ 3Cust / 'n / $ime) is a compiler which converts MS'6 code to +ative Code 3ie.
C&</specific code that runs on the same computer architecture).
(;2 What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

Calling a non/virtual method% decided at a compile time is nown as early binding.
Calling a virtual method 3&ure &olymorphism)% decided at a runtime is nown as late
Which method do you invoe on the 1ata"dapter control to load your generated
dataset with data?
1ata"dapterGs fill 3) method is used to fill load the data in dataset.
(02 What is the purpose of an "ssembly?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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"n assembly controls many aspects of an application. $he assembly handles
versioning% type and class scope% security permissions% as well as other metadata
including references to other assemblies and resources. $he rules described in an
assembly are enforced at runtime.
(<2 What is "uthentication and "uthoriBation?

Au$hen$ica$in is the process of identifying users. "uthentication is
identifying>validating the user against the credentials 3username and password).
Au$hri4a$in performs after authentication. "uthoriBation is the process of granting
access to those users based on identity. "uthoriBation allowing access of specific
resource to user.
(=2 What are the types of "uthentication?

$here are , types of "uthentication.
Windows authentication
Morms authentication
&assport authentication.
(> What is a 6iteral Control?

$he 6iteral control is used to display te*t on a page. $he te*t is programmable. $his
control does not let you apply styles to its content.
(?2 What are the namespace available in .net?

+amespace is a logical grouping of class.
0@2 What is Side/by/Side )*ecution?

$he C68 allows any versions of the same/shared 166 3shared assembly) to e*ecute at
the same time% on the same system% and even in the same process. $his concept is
nown as side/by/side e*ecution.
0:2 What are the different types of Caching?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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$here are three types of Caching (
9utput Caching
Mragment Caching
1ata Caching.
0'2 What is 8eference type and value type?

Re&erence T#,e ( 8eference types are allocated on the managed C68 heap% @ust lie
ob@ect types. " data type that is stored as a reference to the valueGs location. 8eference
types can be self/describing types% pointer types% or interface types.
8alue T#,e ( !alue types are allocated on the stac @ust lie primitive types in
!0Script% !02 and C>CTT. !alue types are not instantiated using new go out of scope
when the function they are defined within returns.
0;2 What is 1elegates?

1elegates are a type/safe% ob@ect/oriented implementation of function pointers and are
used in many situations where a component needs to call bac to the component that is
using it.
0(2 What is "uthentication and "uthoriBation?

Au$hen$ica$in is the process of identifying users. "uthentication is
identifying>validating the user against the credentials 3username and password).
Au$hri4a$in performs after authentication. "uthoriBation is the process of granting
access to those users based on identity. "uthoriBation allowing access of specific
resource to user.
002 What is a Static class?

Static class is a class which can be used or accessed without creating an instance of the
0< What is sealed class?

Sealed classes are those classes which can not be inherited and thus any sealed class
member can not be derived in any other class. " sealed class cannot also be an abstract
0=2 What are the two main parts of the .+)$ Mramewor?

$here are the two main parts of the .+)$ Mramewor are (
$he common language runtime 3C68).
$he .+)$ Mramewor class library.
0>2 What is the advantage of using System.$e*t.String0uilder over System.String?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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String0uilder is more efficient in cases where there is a large amount of string
manipulation. Strings are immutable% so each time itbs being operated on% a new
instance is created.
0?2 What is reflection?

"ll .+)$ compilers produce metadata about the types defined in the modules they
produce. $his metadata is pacaged along with the module 3modules in turn are
pacaged together in assemblies)% and can be accessed by a mechanism called
<@2 What is an "pplication 1omain? =ow they get created?

"n "pplication 1omain can be thought of as a lightweight processes controlled by
the .+et runtime. "pplication 1omains are usually created by hosts lie Windows
Shell% "S&.+)$ and '). When you run a .+)$ application from the command/line%
the host is the Shell. $he Shell creates a new "pplication 1omain for every
<:2 What is the difference between Compiler and 'nterpreter?

C!,iler (
" compiler is a program that translates program 3called source code) written in some
high level language into ob@ect code.
"n interpreter translates high/level instructions into an intermediate form% which it
then e*ecutes. 'nterpreter analyBes and e*ecutes each line of source code in
succession% without looing at the entire programI the advantage of interpreters is that
they can e*ecute a program immediately. .
<'2 What is a class?

Class is concrete representation of an entity. 't represents a group of ob@ects% which
hold similar attributes and behavior. 't provides abstraction and encapsulations.
<;2 What is an 9b@ect?

9b@ect represents>resembles a &hysical>real entity. "n ob@ect is simply something you
can give a name.
<( What is "bstraction?

=iding the comple*ity. 't is a process of defining communication interface for the
functionality and hiding rest of the things.
<02 =ow do you convert a string into an integer in .+)$?

<<2 1escribe the compilation process for .+)$ code?
Source code is compiled and run in the .+)$ Mramewor using a two/stage process.
Mirst% source code is compiled to Microsoft intermediate language 3MS'6) code using
a .+)$ Mramewor/compatible compiler% such as that for !isual 0asic .+)$ or !isual
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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Ca. Second% MS'6 code is compiled to native code.
<=2 What 's 0o*ing "nd <nbo*ing?

6+in* (
0o*ing is an implicit conversion of a value type to the reference type.
)*amples ( Stuct $ype% )numeration $ype
Un6+in* (
<nbo*ing is an e*plicit conversion from the reference to a value type.
)*amples ( Class % 'nterface.
<>2 =ow do you create threading in .+)$? What is the namespace for that?
<?2 What is Method overloading?

Method overloading occurs when a class contains two methods with the same name%
but different signatures.
=@2 What is Method 9verriding?

"n override method provides a new implementation of a member inherited from a
base class. $he method overridden by an override declaration is nown as the
overridden base method.
=:2 What is difference between inline and code behind?

'nline code written along side the html in a page. Code/behind is code written in a
separate file and referenced by the .asp* page.
='2 What is an abstract class?

"n abstract class is a class that must be inherited and have the methods overridden. "n
abstract class is essentially a blueprint for a class without any implementation.
=;2 What is the difference between datagrid and gridview?

1atagrid is used in windows application and gridview is used in web and in datagrid
we cannot write the code for datagrid properties where as for grid view we can write
the code lie template column item template etc this will not be done in datagrid.
=(2 What is the use of System.1iagnostics.&rocess class?

$he System.1iagnostics namespace provides the interfaces% classes% enumerations and
structures that are used for tracing.
$he System.1iagnostics namespace provides two classes named $race and 1ebug that
are used for writing errors and application e*ecution information in logs.
=02 What is the difference between static or dynamic assemblies?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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"ssemblies can be static or dynamic.
S$a$ic assemblies (
can include .+)$ Mramewor types 3interfaces and classes)% as well as resources for
the assembly 3bitmaps% C&)F files% resource files% and so on).Staticassemblies are
stored on dis in portable e*ecutable 3&)) files.
7#na!ic assemblies (
which are run directly from memory and are not saved to dis before e*ecution. Rou
can save dynamic assemblies to dis after they have e*ecuted.
=<2 What are the difference between Structure and Class?

Structures are value type and Classes are reference type.
Structures can not have contractors or destructors. Classes can have both
contractors and destructors.
Structures do not support 'nheritance% while Classes support 'nheritance
==2 What is difference between Class "nd 'nterface?

Class ( is logical representation of ob@ect. 't is collection of data and related sub
procedures with defination.
In$er&ace ( is also a class containg methods which is not having any definations.Class
does not support multiple inheritance. 0ut interface can support.
=>2 What is the use of )rror&rovider Control?
$he )rror&rovider control is used to indicate invalid data on a data entry form.
=?2 =ow many languages .+)$ is supporting now?

When .+)$ was introduced it came with several languages. !0.+)$% Ca% C9096
and &erl% etc. -- languages are supported.
>@2 =ow many .+)$ languages can a single .+)$ 166 contain?

>:2 What is metadata?

Metadata means data about the data i.e.% machine/readable information about a
resource% . Such information might include details on content% format% siBe% or other
characteristics of a data source. 'n .+)$% metadata includes type definitions% version
information% e*ternal assembly references% and other standardiBed information.
>'2 What is the difference between Custom Control and <ser Control?
Cus$! Cn$rls are compiled code 31lls)% easier to use% difficult to create% and can
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
be placed in toolbo*. 1rag and 1rop controls. "ttributes can be set visually at design
"User Cn$rl is shared among the single application files.
>;2 What eyword is used to accept a variable number of parameter in a method?
DparamsE eyword is used as to accept variable number of parameters.
>(2 What are different types of C'$ ?

$here are three types of @it (
pre / @it
)cono / @it
+ormal / @it.
>02 What is difference between Ca "nd !

Ca is case sensitive while !0 is not case sensitive. does not support *ml while ca support *ml supports with constructor while ca do not.
><2 What does assert3) method do?

'n debug compilation% assert taes in a 0oolean condition as a parameter% and shows
the error dialog if the condition is false. $he program proceeds without any
interruption if the condition is true.
>=2 Why string are called 'mmutable data $ype?

$he memory representation of string is an "rray of Characters% So on re/assigning the
new array of Char is formed X the start address is changed . $hus eeping the 9ld
string in Memory for Farbage Collector to be disposed.
>>2 What is the difference between Convert.toString and .toString3) method?

Convert.toString handles null while i.tostring3) does not handles null.
>?2 =ow many types of $ransactions are there in C9M T .+)$ ?

$here are . transactions types that can be used with C9MT.
+ot Supported
8eAuired +ew
?@2 What is a 1ata$able?
" 1ata$able is a class in .+)$ Mramewor and in simple words a 1ata$able ob@ect
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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represents a table from a database.
?:2 =ow many namespaces are in .+)$ version 1.1?
?'2 What is a 1ataSet?
" 1ataSet is an in memory representation of data loaded from any data source
?;2 What is the difference between in/proc and out/of/proc?

"n In,rc is one which runs in the same process area as that of the client giving tha
advantage of speed but the disadvantage of stability becoB if it crashes it taes the
client application also with it.
Ou$,rc is one which wors outside the clients memory thus giving stability to the
client% but we have to compromise a bit on speed.
?(2 What is the differnce between Managed code and unmanaged code?

Mana*e" C"e( Code that runs under a ccontract of cooperationc with the common
language runtime. Managed code must supply the metadata necessary for the
runtimeto provide services such as memory management% cross/language integration%
code access security% and automatic lifetime control of ob@ects. "ll code based on
Microsoft intermediate language 3MS'6) e*ecutes as managed code.
UnAMana*e" C"e(Code that is created without regard for the conventions and
reAuirements of the common language runtime. <nmanaged code e*ecutes in the
common language runtime environment with minimal services 3for e*ample% no
garbage collection% limited debugging% and so on).
?02 What is difference between constants% readonly and% static?

Constants( $he value canGt be changed.
8ead/only( $he value will be initialiBed only once from the constructor of the
Static( !alue can be initialiBed once.
?<2 What is the difference between Convert.toString and .toString3) method?
Convert.toString handles null while i.tostring3) does not handles null.
?=2 What are the advantages of !0.+)$?
$he main advantages of .net are (
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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.+)$ is a language independent
"utomatic memory management3garbage collection)
1isconnected architecture
9b@ect 9riented.
?>2 What is strong/typing versus wea/typing?

Strong type is checing at the variables in compile time.
Wea typing is checing the variables at run/time.
??2 What is the root class in .+et?
system.ob@ect is the root class in .net .
:@@2 What is the ma*imum siBe of the te*tbo*?
:@:2 What is managed code e*ecution?

$he .+et framewor loads and e*ecutes the .+et applications% and manages the state
of ob@ects during program e*ecution. $his also provides automatically garbage
:@'2 What is the strong name in .net assembly?

Strong +ame is similar to F<'1 3't is supposed to be uniAue in space and
'n C9M components. Strong name is only needed when we need to deploy
assembly in F"C.
Strong names use public ey cryptography 3&UC) to ensure that no one can
spoof it. &UC use public ey and private ey concept. Mollowing are the step
to generate a strong name and sign an assembly(
:@;2 =ow to run a 1os command in !
Shell3ccmd.e*e >c c(dfirst.e*e Y in.t*t \ out.t*tc)
:@(2 What are the assembly entry points?
"n assembly can have only one entry point from 1llMain% WinMain or Main.
:@02 What are remotable ob@ects in .+)$ 8emoting?
8emotable ob@ects are the ob@ects that can be marshaled across the application
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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domains. Rou can marshal by value% where a deep copy of the ob@ect is created and
then passed to the receiver. Rou can also marshal by reference% where @ust a reference
to an e*isting ob@ect is passed.
:@<2 What are the types of "uthentication?

$here are , types of "uthentication.
Windows "uthentication
Morms "uthentication
&assport "uthentication
:@=2 What namespaces are necessary to create a localiBed application?

:@>2 Which namespaces are used for data access?

:@?2 What is a S)SS'9+ and "&&6'C"$'9+ ob@ect?

Session ob@ect store information between =$$& reAuests for a particular user.
Session variables are used to store user specific information where as in application
variables we canGt store user specific information.
while application ob@ect are global across users.
::@2 What is static constructor?

" static constructor is used to initialiBe a class. 't is called automatically to initialiBe
the class before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.
1. 0riefly describe the ma@or components of the .+)$ Mramewor and describe what
each component does.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
$he .+)$ Mramewor consists of two primary parts( the common language runtime%
which manages application e*ecution% enforces type safety% and manages memory
reclamation% and the .+)$ base class library% which consists of thousands of pre
developed classes that can be used to build applications.

#. What is reference type and value type?
" value type holds all of the data represented by the variable within the variable
itself. " reference type contains a reference to a memory address that holds the data
instead of the actual data itself.

,. =ow do you enable your application to use .+)$ base class library members
without referencing their fully Aualified names?
<se the 'mports eyword 3!isual 0asic .+)$) or the using eyword 3!isual Ca) to
mae a .+)$ Mramewor namespace visible to your application.

-. 0riefly describe how garbage collection wors.
$he garbage collector is a thread that runs in the bacground of managed .+)$
applications. 't constantly traces the reference tree and attempts to find ob@ects that
are no longer referenced. When a non referenced ob@ect is found% its memory is
reclaimed for later use.

.. 0riefly describe what members are% and list the four types of members.
Members are the parts of a class or a structure that hold data or implement
functionality. $he primary member types are fields% properties% methods% and events.

2. )*plain what constructors and destructors are and describe what they are used for.
$he constructor is the method that initialiBes a class or structure and is run when a
type is first instantiated. 't is used to set default values and perform other tass
reAuired by the class. " destructor is the method that is run as the ob@ect is being
reclaimed by garbage collection. 't contains any code that is reAuired for cleanup of
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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the ob@ect.

4. 0riefly e*plain the difference between &ublic 3public)% Mriend 3internal)% and &rivate
3private) access levels as they apply to user/defined types and members.

'n user/defined types% &ublic 3public) classes can be instantiated by any element of
the application. Mriend 3internal) classes can be instantiated only by members of the
same assembly% and &rivate 3private) classes can be instantiated only by themselves
or types they are nested in. 6iewise% a &ublic 3public) member can be accessed by
any client in the application% a Mriend 3internal) member can be accessed only from
members of the same assembly% and &rivate 3private) members can be accessed only
from within the type.

5. 1o you need to instantiate a class before accessing a Shared 3static) member? Why
or why not?
0ecause a Shared 3static) member belongs to the type rather than to any instance of
the type% you can access the member without first creating an instance of the type.

7. 0riefly describe how a class is similar to a structure. =ow are they different?
0oth classes and structures can have members such as methods% properties% and
fields% both use a constructor for initialiBation and both inherit from System.9b@ect.
0oth classes and structures can be used to model real world ob@ects.
Classes are reference types% and the memory that holds class instances is allocated
on the heap. Structures are value types% and the memory that holds structure
instances is allocated on the stac.

1:. What are the development tools and operational systems that .+)$ provides to
build% deploy% and integrate applications?
.+)$ provides the following development tools and operational systems(
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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a. Smart Client Software
b. .+)$ Server 'nfrastructure
c. ;M6 Web Services
d. Microsoft !isual Studio .+)$ and the .+)$ Mramewor

11. What are the functions of the components of the common language runtime?

$he components of the common language runtime provide the run/time
environment and run/time services for .+)$ applications. $hese components also
load the '6 code of a .+)$ application into the runtime% compile the '6 code into
native code% e*ecute the code% and enforce security. 'n addition% these components
implement type safety and provide

1#. What are the different types of assemblies?
$he different types of assemblies include
a. Static and dynamic assemblies
b. &rivate and shared assemblies
c. Single/file and multiple/file assemblies

1,. What are the different types of configuration files that the .+)$ Mramewor

a. Machine configuration file.
$his file is located in the `runtime installation path`dConfig directory. $he
machine configuration file contains settings that affect all the applications
that run on the machine.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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b. "pplication configuration file.
$his file contains the settings reAuired to configure an individual application.
"S&.+)$ configuration files are named Web.config% and application
configuration files are named "pp.e*e.config% where "pp.e*e is the name of
the e*ecutable.
c. Security configuration file.
$he security configuration files contain security permissions for a hierarchy
of code groups. $he security configuration files define the enterprise/level%
machine/level% and user/level security policies. $he )nterprisesec.config file
defines the security policies for the enterprise. $he machine/level
Security.config file defines the security policy for the machine% whereas the
user/level Security.config file defines the security policy for a user.

1-. What are application domains?
"pplication domains are the boundaries within which applications run. " process
can contain multiple application domains. "pplication domains provide an isolated
environment to applications that is similar to the isolation provided by processes.
"n application running inside one application domain cannot directly access the
code running inside another application domain. $o access the code running in
another application domain% an application needs to use a pro*y.

1.. What is bo*ing?
$he act of wrapping a !alue type% such as an 'nteger% inside an ob@ect so that it can
be treated lie a 8eference type.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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12. What is Cust?
"n e*plicit conversion from one type to another.

14. What is Common 6anguage 8untime 3C68) ?
$he environment in which managed code e*ecutes. $he common language runtime
provides @ust/in/time compilation% enforces type safety% and manages memory
through garbage collection.

15. What is Common $ype System 3C$S) ?
" set of types that are used by all .+)$ languages% thus ensuring .+)$ language
type compatibility.
17. What is )*plicit and 'mplicit Conversion ?

)*plicit conversion of one type to another that cannot be performed automatically.
"n e*plicit conversion usually presents some danger of a failed conversion or a loss
of data.
'mplicit conversion between types that can be performed automatically by the
common language runtime. "n implicit conversion will always succeed and never
pose a danger of data loss.

#:. What is Farbage Collector 3FC)?
"utomatic memory management provided by the common language runtime.
<nused memory is automatically reclaimed by garbage collection without
interaction with the application.

#1. What is Manage Code ?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
Code that runs under the common language runtime. $he common language runtime
handles many tass that would formerly have been handled in the applicationGs
e*ecutable. Managed code solves the Windows programming problems of
component registration and versioning 3sometimes called 166 =ell) because
managed code contains all the versioning and type information that the common
language runtime needs to run the application. $he common language runtime
handles registration dynamically at run time rather than statically through the
system registry% as is done with applications based on the Component 9b@ect Model

##. What is Microsoft 'ntermediate 6anguage 3MS'6) ?
" low/level language that is @ust/in/time compiled to native code at run time. "ll
.+)$ assemblies are represented in the MS'6.

#,. What is unmanaged code ?
Code that is not managed by the common language runtime. <nmanaged code is not
checed for type/safety and must be used with e*treme care.

#-. What is "ssembly?
"ssemblies are the fundamental building blocs of a .+)$ Mramewor application.
$hey contain the types and resources that mae up an application and describe those
contained types to the common language runtime. "ssemblies enable code reuse%
version control% security% and deployment.
&ut simply% an assembly is a pro@ect that compiles to an e*ecutable file or to a 166
file. "lthough .+)$ .e*e and .dll files resemble other .e*e and .dll files e*ternally%
the internal structure of an assembly is Auite different from that of .e*e or .dll files
created with earlier development tools. "n assembly consists of four internal parts(
$he assembly manifest% or metadata. $his contains information about the assembly
that is e*posed to the common language runtime.

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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#.. What is +ative 'mage Fenerator 3+gen.e*e)?
$he +ative 'mage Fenerator utility 3+gen.e*e) allows you to run the C'$ compiler
on Rour assemblybs MS'6 and generate native machine code which is cached to
dis. 8unning +gen.e*e on an assembly potentially allows the assembly to load and
e*ecute faster% because it restore code and data structure from the native image
cache rather than generating them dynamically.

#2. What is F"C?
Flobal "ssembly Cache 3F"C) " machine/wide cache that stores assemblies that
have been specifically designated to be shared between several applications.

)*plain when a type conversion will undergo an implicit cast and when you must
perform an e*plicit cast. What are the dangers associated with e*plicit casts?
$ypes can be implicitly converted when the conversion can always tae place
without any potential loss of data. When a potential loss of data is possible% an
e*plicit cast is reAuired. 'f an e*plicit cast is improperly performed% a loss of data
precision can result% or an e*ception can be thrown.

)*plain why you might use enums and constants instead of their associated literal
)nums and constants mae code easier to read and maintain by substituting human/
legible toens for freAuently used constant values.

0riefly summariBe the similarities and differences between arrays and collections.

"rrays and collections allow you to manage groups of ob@ects. Rou can access a
particular ob@ect by inde* in both arrays and collections% and you can use Mor
)achH+e*t 3foreach) synta* to iterate through the members of arrays and most
collections. "rrays are fi*ed in length% and members must be initialiBed before use.
Members of collections must be declared and initialiBed outside of the collection%
and then added to the collection. Collections provided in the System.Collections
namespace can grow or shrin dynamically% and items can be added or removed at
run time.

)*plain how properties differ from fields. Why would you e*pose public data
through properties instead of fields?
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&roperties allow validation code to e*ecute when values are accessed or changed.
$his allows you to impose some measure of control over when and how values are
read or changed. Mields cannot perform validation when being read or set.

)*plain what a delegate is and how one wors.

" delegate acts lie a strongly typed function pointer. 1elegates can invoe the
methods that they reference without maing e*plicit calls to those methods.

0riefly e*plain how to convert a string representation of a number to a numeric
type% such as an 'nteger or a 1ouble.
"ll numeric data types have a &arse method that accepts a string parameter and
returns the value represented by that string cast to the appropriate data type. Rou
can use the &arse method of each data type to convert strings to that type.

What are the two inds of multidimensional arrays? 0riefly describe each.

Multidimensional arrays can be either rectangular arrays or @agged arrays. "
rectangular array can be thought of as a table% where each row has the same number
of columns. 8ectangular arrays with more than two dimensions continue this
concept% where each member of each dimension has the same number of members
of each other dimension. Cagged arrays can be thought of as an array of arrays. "
two/dimensional @agged array is lie a table where each row might have a different
number of columns.

0riefly e*plain encapsulation and why it is important in ob@ect/oriented

)ncapsulation is the principle that all of the data and functionality reAuired by an
ob@ect be contained by that ob@ect. $his allows ob@ects to e*ist as independent%
interchangeable units of functionality without maintaining dependencies on other
units of code.

What is method overloading% and when is it useful?

Method overloading allows you to create several methods with the same name but
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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different signatures. 9verloading is useful when you want to provide the same or
similar functionality to different sets of parameters.

Rou need to create several unrelated classes that each e*poses a common set of
methods. 0riefly outline a strategy that will allow these classes to polymorphically
e*pose that functionality to other classes.

Mactor the common set of methods into an interface% and then implement that
interface in each class. )ach class can then be implicitly cast to that interface and
can polymorphically interact with other classes.
What is 'nterface?

"n interface is a contract. "ny ob@ect that implements a given interface guarantees
to provide an implementation of the members defined in that interface. 'f an ob@ect
reAuires interaction with a specific interface% any ob@ect that implements that
interface can supply the reAuisite interaction.

1escribe an abstract class and e*plain when one might be useful.

"n abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated but must be inherited. 't can
contain both implemented methods and abstract methods% which must be
implemented in an inheriting class. $hus% it can define common functionality for
some methods% a common interface for other methods% and leave more detailed
implementation up to the inheriting class.

What is abstract members?

abstract members " member of a base class that cannot be invoed% but instead
provides a template for members of a derived class. 'n !isual 0asic .+)$% abstract
members are declared using the Must9verride eyword. 'n !isual Ca% abstract
members are declared using the abstract eyword.

What is base and derived class?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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base class " class that provides properties and methods as a foundation for a
derived class. 'n ob@ected/oriented programming% one class can be based on another
through inheritance. <sing this techniAue% the base class provides characteristics
3such as properties and methods) to a derived class. $he derived class can reuse%
modify% or add to the members of the base class
derived class " class that is based on another class 3called a base class) through
inheritance. " derived class inherits the members of its base class and can override
or shadow those members.

What is encapsulation ?
)ncapsulation 'n component programming% separating the implementation of a
component from the interface. 9nly the public interface of a component is made
accessible to the rest of the application. Component data should never be accessible
to outside callers.

What is namespace?
+amespace " logical organiBation of types that perform related functions.

What is polymorphism ?
&olymorphism $he ability of classes to provide different implementations of the
same public interface. $hus% two classes that e*hibit polymorphism might contain
different implementations% but because the interfaces are identical% they can be
treated the same in code.

0riefly describe how to use the &rint1ocument component to print a document.
1iscuss maintaining correct line spacing and multipage documents.
$he &rint1ocument class e*poses the &rint method% which raises the &rint&age
event. Code to render printed items to the printer should be placed in the &rint&age
event handler. $he &rint&age event handler provides the ob@ects reAuired to render
to the printer in an instance of the &age&rint)vent"rgs class. Content is rendered to
the printer using the Fraphics ob@ect provided by &age&rint)vent"rgs. Rou can
calculate correct line spacing by dividing the height of the Margin0ounds property
by the height of the font you are rendering. 'f your document has multiple pages%
you must set the &age&rint)vent"rgs.=asMore&ages property to true% which causes
the &rint&age event to fire again. 0ecause the &rint&age event handler retains no
inherent memory of how many pages have been printed% you must incorporate all
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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logic for printing multiple pages into your event handler.

)*plain how to use the 0egin and )nd methods on a Web Service to mae an
asynchronous method call.
)very public Web method on a Web Service can be called either synchronously or
asynchronously. $o mae an asynchronous call to a Web method% you call the
method named 0eginYwebmethod\% where Ywebmethod\ is the name of the
method. $his method reAuires a delegate to an appropriate callbac method and
returns a value of '"sync8esult. $his value is returned as a parameter in the
callbac method. $o retrieve the data returned by the Web method% call
)ndYwebmethod\% supplying a reference to the '"sync8esult returned by
0eginYwebmethod\. $his will allow you to retrieve the actual data returned by the
Web method.

0riefly describe the five accessibility reAuirements of the Certified for Windows
logo program.
$he five reAuirements are

Support standard system settings. $his reAuires your application to ebe able to
conform to system settings for colors% fonts% and other <' elements.
o 0e compatible with =igh Contrast mode. $his reAuirement can be met by using
only the System palette for <' colors.
o &rovide documented eyboard access for all <' features. Uey points in this
reAuirement are shortcut eys and accessible documentation.
o &rovide notification of the focus location. $his reAuirement is handled primarily
by the .+)$ Mramewor.
o Convey no information by sound alone. $his reAuirement can be met by providing
redundant means of conveying information.

)*plain how to use the =elp&rovider component to provide help for <' elements.
Rou can provide either a =elpString or a help topic for <' elements with the
=elp&rovider. $he =elp&rovider provides =elpString% =elpUeyWord% and
=elp+avigator properties for each control on the form. 'f no value for the
=elp&rovider.=elp+ameSpace is set% the =elpString will be provided as help. 'f the
=elp+ameSpace is set% the =elp&rovider will display the appropriate help topic as
configured by the =elpUeyWord and =elp+avigator properties. =elp for a
particular element is displayed when the element has the focus and the M1 ey is

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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1escribe how to create localiBed versions of a form.

$o create a localiBed version of a form% set the 6ocaliBable property to true. $hen set
the 6anguage property to the language>region for which you want to create the
localiBed form. Mae any localiBation/related changes in the <'. $he changed
property values will automatically be stored in resource files and loaded when the
Current<'Culture is set to the appropriate Culture'nfo.

)*plain how to convert data in legacy code page formats to the <nicode format.
Rou can use the )ncoding.Convert method to convert data between encoding types.
$his method reAuires instances of both encoding types and an array of bytes that
represents the data to be converted. 't returns an array of bytes in the target format.
Rou can convert a string or array of chars to an array of bytes with the
)ncoding.Fet0ytes method and can convert an array of bytes bac to chars with the
)ncoding.FetChars method.

)*plain the difference between FlobaliBation and 6ocaliBation.

FlobaliBation refers to the application of culture/specific format to e*isting data.
6ocaliBation refers to providing new culture/specific resources and retrieving the
appropriate resources based on the culture setting.

)*plain how to use the &rint&review1ialog control to display a preview of a printed
document before it is printed.

Rou display a preview of a printed document with the &rint&review1ialog control
by first setting the &rint1ocument property of the &rint&review1ialog instance to
the &rint1ocument you want to preview% then by calling the
&rint&review1ialog.Show command to display the dialog bo*.

What are the different approaches to testing?
$here are two different approaches to testing( the waterfall approach and the
evolutionary approach.

)*plain the waterfall approach.
$he waterfall approach is a traditional approach in which each developer in the
development team wors in phases. $hese phases cover reAuirement analysis%
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design and specifications reAuirements% coding% final testing% and release.

)*plain the evolutionary approach.
'n the evolutionary approach% you develop a modular piece or unit of application%
test it% fi* it% and then add another small piece that adds functionality. Rou then test
the two units as an integrated component% increasing the comple*ity as you proceed.

=ow does the !isual Studio .+)$ debugger wor?
When you debug a !isual Studio .+)$ application% the debugger first maps the
native code to MS'6% and then maps the MS'6 code to source code by using a &10

What are the main windows and dialog bo*es that you use to debug a !isual
Studio .+)$ application?
$he main windows and dialog bo*es that you use to debug a !isual Studio .+)$
application are the !isual Studio .+)$ debugger window% 0reapoints window%
Watch window% Call Stac window% 6ocals window% "utos window% and &rocesses

What is code instrumentation?
Code instrumentation is a set of tass that you perform to monitor and analyBe
information about the performance of your applications. 't involves activities such
as writing tracing code for the application% collecting trace information% analyBing
the trace output% and troubleshooting the problems that occur at run time.

=ow do you implement code instrumentation?
Rou can implement code instrumentation by using tracing% debugging% performance
counters% and event logs.

Which tool do you need to use to convert .t*t files to .resources files?
'f you have te*t files as resources% then you can use the 8esFen.e*e tool to
convert .t*t files to .resources files. $he synta* for using the 8esFen.e*e tool is
8esFen strings.t*t my8esources.resource
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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Which tool do you need to use to compile the .resources files into satellite
9nce you have created .resources files% you can compile them into satellite
assemblies by using "l.e*e% the "ssembly 6iner 3"6) tool. $he "6 tool creates
satellite assemblies from the .resources files that you specify. "s you now% satellite
assemblies cannot contain any e*ecutable code and can contain only resources.
$he following command shows you how to use the "l.e*e tool to generate a satellite
al >t(lib >embed(my8esource.resources >culture(de >out(My8es.resources.dll

What are the deployment features of the .+)$ Mramewor?
$he .+)$ Mramewor provides the following deployment features(
o +o/impact applications
o &rivate components
o Controlled code sharing
o Side/by/side versioning
o ;copy deployment
o 9n/the/fly updates
o 'ntegration with Microsoft Windows 'nstaller
o )nterprise deployment
o 1ownloading and caching
o &artially trusted code

What is the format of the assembly version stored in the "ssembly'nfo file?
$he assembly version number is a four/part number. $he format of the version
number is
Ydma@or version\.Yminor version\.Ybuild number\.Yrevision\

Which attribute do you use to specify the version number of an assembly?
Rou use the "ssembly!ersion3) attribute to specify the version of an assembly.

What are Merge Module pro@ects?
Merge Module pro@ects enable you to install and deploy components consistently.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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Merge Module pro@ects ensure that the correct version of a component is installed
on the target computer. " Merge Module pro@ect contains a component such as a
166 along with dependent files% resources% registry entries% and setup logic. Rou
cannot install merge modules directly. $he modules are merged with an .msi file for
each application that uses the component. $his ensures that the component is
installed consistently for all applications% eliminating problems such as version
conflicts% missing registry entries% and improperly installed files. " merge module
contains uniAue version information that the Windows 'nstaller database uses to
determine which applications can use the component% preventing the premature
removal of a component. $herefore% a new merge module is created for every
incremental version of a component. Rou should not update a merge module after
including the module in an installer. $he deployment tools in !isual Studio .+)$
mae it easy to create Merge Modules and include them in installers for your

What type of Setup pro@ect do you create to deploy ;M6 Web services?

$o deploy ;M6 Web services% you create a Web Setup pro@ect.

Which tools does the .+)$ Mramewor provide to e*port types defined in an
assembly to a type library?

$he .+)$ Mramewor provides the $ype 6ibrary )*porter 3$lbe*p.e*e) to e*port
types defined in an assembly to a type library.

Which tool can you use to register managed types with the Windows registry?

Rou can use the "ssembly 8egistration $ool 38egasm.e*e) to register managed
types with the Windows registry.

What tass does the common language runtime perform to locate and bind an

$he common language runtime performs the following tass% in the order listed% to
locate and bind to assemblies(
o 1etermines the correct assembly version
o Checs for the previously loaded assembly
o Checs the global assembly cache
o 6ocates the assembly through the codebase setting or probing

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1escribe how to sign your assembly with a strong name. Why would you want to do

$o sign your assembly with a strong name% you must have access to a ey file or
create one with the strong name utility 3sn.e*e). Rou then specify the ey file in the
"ssembly'nfo file and verify that the version number is correct. $he assembly will
be signed with a strong name when built. 'n addition to identifying your assembly
and ensuring version identity% a strong name is reAuired if you want to install your
assembly to the Flobal "ssembly Cache.

1escribe how to use code to retrieve resources at run time.

Rou must first create an instance of the 8esourceManager class that is associated
with the assembly that contains the desired resource. Rou can then use the FetString
method to retrieve string resources or the Fet9b@ect method to retrieve ob@ect

)*plain how to retrieve information from the configuration file at run time. =ow
would you store information in the configuration file at design time?

Rou must first create an instance of "ppSettings8eader to read the configuration
file. Rou can then call the Fet!alue method to read values represented in the
configuration file. $o add configuration file entries% you should create Yadd\
elements in the YappSettings\ node of the configuration file. 'n the Yadd\ element%
you should specify a value for the entry and a ey that can be used to retrieve the
entry. $he value can be changed between e*ecutions of the application.

Rou are creating a solution that must be accessed by members of a group called
1evelopers and "dministrators on the local machine. 1escribe a plan to implement
this security scheme.

Create one &rincipal&ermission that represents the 1evelopers group and another
&rincipal&ermission that represents the 0<'6$'+d"dministrators group. $hen%
create a third permission that represents the union of the two by calling the <nion
method and demand that permission.

0riefly highlight the differences between imperative and declarative security as they
pertain to code access security.

'mperative security is implemented by calling methods of &ermission ob@ects in
code at run time. 1eclarative security is configured by attaching attributes
representing permissions to classes and methods. 'mperative security allows a finer
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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control over the point in e*ecution where permissions are demanded% but declarative
security is emitted into metadata% and reAuired permissions can be discovered
through the classes in the System.8eflection namespace. "dditionally% you can
reAuest assembly/wide permissions using the "ssembly 3assembly) directive with
declarative security.

What is a shared assembly? =ow would you create one?

"n assembly is an assembly of which only a single copy is installed per machine.
$his copy can be shared by multiple applications. $o mae an assembly a shared
assembly% you must first assign it a strong name% and then install it to the global
assembly cache.

What is "ssemblies?

"ssemblies are the fundamental building blocs of a .+)$ Mramewor application.
$hey contain the types and resources that mae up an application and describe those
contained types to the common language runtime. "ssemblies enable code reuse%
version control% security% and deployment.

What is assembly manifest?

assembly manifest $he metadata for the assembly. 't contains all of the information
needed to describe the assembly to the common language runtime

What is "uthenticated and "uthoriBation?

authentication $he process of determining the identity of a user. 'n effect%
authentication validates that the users are who they say they are
authoriBation $he process of allowing access to an application or resource based on
credentials supplied by the user

What is satellite assembly?

satellite assembly When localiBing an application% assemblies that contain alternate
sets of resources to be used in the application for different cultures.

1. 1ifference between directcast and ctype.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1irectCast reAuires the run/time type of an ob@ect variable to
bethe same as the specified type.$he run/time
performance of1irectCast is better than that of C$ype% if the
specified type and the run/time typeof the
e*pression are the same.
Ctype wors fine if there is a valid conversion defined between
the e*pression and the type.

#. )*plain manifest X metadata.
Manifest is metadata about assemblies. 't describes assembly
itself lie
"ssembly +ame% version number% culture% strong name% list of
all files% $ype references% and referenced
Metadata is machine/readable information about a resource% or
DEdata about data.E 'n .+)$% metadata includes
type definitions% version information% e*ternal assembly
references% and other standardiBed information.
Metadata describes contents in an assembly classes% interfaces%
enums% structs% etc.% and their containing
namespaces% the name of each type% its visibility>scope% its base
class% the interfaces it implemented% its
methods and their scope% and each methodGs parameters% typeGs
properties% and so on.

,. What are the two inds of properties
$wo types of properties in .+et( Fet X Set

-. What is a Constructor
Constructor is a method in the class which has the same name
as the class 3in !0.+et its +ew3)). 't initialiBes
the member attributes whenever an instance of the class is

.. 1escribe ways of cleaning up ob@ects
$here is a perfect tool provided by .net framewors called
Farbage collector% where by mean of FC we can clean
up the ob@ect and reclaim the memory. $he namespace used is

2. Scope of public>private>friend>protected>protected friend.
&ublic>public "ll members in all classes and pro@ects.
&rivate>private Members of the current class only.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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Mriend>internal "ll members in the current pro@ect.
&rotected>protected "ll members in the current class and in
classes derived from this memberGs class. Can be
used only in member definitions% not for class or module
definitions. &rotected Mriend>protected internal "ll
members in the current pro@ect and all members in classes
derived from this memberGs class. Can be used only in
member definitions% not for class or module definitions.

4. what are value types and reference types?
!alue type / bool% byte% chat% decimal% double% enum % float% int%
long% sbyte% short% strut% uint% ulong%
ushort. !alue types are stored in the Stac
8eference type / class% delegate% interface% ob@ect% string
8eference types are stored in the =eap.

5. 1ifference between !02 and !0.+et
1. ! is ob@ect oriented
#. !0.+et can be used in Managed Code
,. 't supports inheritance% implements
-. &owerful )*ception handling mechanism
.. =ave support for the console based applications
2. More than one version of dll is supported
4. Supports the 1isconnected data source by using 1ataset class
5. Supports threading

7. What is SerialiBation in .+)$?
$he serialiBation is the process of converting the ob@ects into
stream of bytes.
they or used for transport the ob@ects3via remoting) and persist
ob@ects3via files and databases)

1:. What is use of System.1iagnostics.&rocess class?
0y using System.1iagnostics.&rocess class% we can provide
access to the files which are presented in the local
and remote system.
)*ample( System.1iagnostics.&rocess3Ec(dmlasde*ample.t*tE)
f local file
f remote file

11. what are the authentication methods in .+)$?
1. Windows( 0asic% digest or 'ntegrated windows authentication
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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#. Microsoft passport "uthentication
,. Morms "uthentication
-. Client Certificate "uthentication

1#. =ow many languages .+)$ is supporting now?
When .+)$ was introduced it came with several languages.
!0.+)$% Ca% C9096 and &erl% etc. $he site
http(>>>1+6>1efault.asp* says --
languages are supported

1,. What is "19 .+)$ and what is difference between "19 and
can treat the "19.+et as a separate in/memory database where
in ' can use relationships between the tables and
select insert and updates to the database. ' can update the actual
database as a batch.

1-. type31#,.,-%integer) / should it throw an error? Why or why
't would wor fine. "s the runtime type of 1#,.,- would be
double% and 1ouble can be converted to 'nteger.

1.. directcast31#,.,-%integer) / should it throw an error? Why or
why not?
't would throw an 'nvalidCast e*ception as the runtime type of
1#,.,- 3double) doesnt match with 'nteger.

We- General
1. What is 1=$M6?
1=$M6 means dynamic hyper te*t marup language it combines of static =$M6%
cascading style sheets 3CSS) and scripting. by using scripting with CSS we can
manipulate document ob@ect model 319M) to get dynamic effect of the page.

#. What are the commonly used data types in !0Script?
"ll data types in !0Script are variants.

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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,. What is a virtual root and how do you create one?
" virtual root is essentially a new web site in ''S. RouGd create one in the MMC by
either selecting D+ew !irtual SiteE from the site conte*t menu% or clicing DCreateE
in the =ome 1irectory tab in the properties for any e*isting folder. <sing the first
method% you can also create a virtual root that points to a logical directory outside
the current web root. $he new virtual root is largely% although not completely% as
configurable as a new web site.

-. =ow would you remotely administer ''S?
Win#U and Win#U, comes with a limited terminal services server built in for
remote administration of the server. Set it up as remote client and use the $S client
or 8emote 1estop Connection on the client to login. Mrom there% use MMC as if
you were logged on locally.

.. =ow would you go about securing ''S and MS/SQ6 Server?
1. stay up to date on patches and eep security software 3"!% firewall% '1S% maybe
even pacet logging% etc.) running.
#. ''S authenticates against domain users 3even if the domain is D6ocal MachineE).
Mae sure you have no spurious users% and secure everyoneGs passwords. 'f
possible% segregate public web machines into different "C6 segments 3e.g. f a
different domain).
,. 0e careful with security policies. $he standard server install comes with hardened
6S& templates% which you should consider if youGre not e*perienced enough to
build your own. +on/front tiers should have tight security policies barring anyone
outside the ad@acent tiers 3and maybe a test machine or two) from access.

2. =ow do ' mae a graphic a lin in =$M6?
by 'ncluding the DimgE tag between the Da hrefE tag and the DaE closing tag(

4. What scripts ship with ''S 2.:?
iisweb.vsb to create% delete% start% stop% and list Web sites% iisftp.vsb to create% delete%
start% stop% and list M$& sites% iisdir.vsb to create% delete% start% stop% and display
virtual directories% iisftpdr.vsb to create% delete% start% stop% and display virtual
directories under an M$& root% iiscnfg.vbs to e*port and import ''S configuration to
an ;M6 file

5. WhatGs the name of the user who connects to the Web site anonymously?

7. What secure authentication and encryption mechanisms are supported by ''S 2.:?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
0asic authentication% 1igest authentication% "dvanced digest authentication%
Certificate/based Web transactions that use &UCS a4>&UCS a1:% MorteBBa% SS6%
Server/Fated Cryptography% $ransport 6ayer Security

WhereGs "S& cache located on ''S 2.:?
9n dis% as opposed to memory% as it used to be in ''S ..

What is socet pooling?
+on/blocing socet usage% introduced in ''S 2.:. More than one application can
use a given socet.

What are CavaScript types?
+umber% String% 0oolean% Munction% 9b@ect% +ull% <ndefined

=ow do you convert numbers between different bases in CavaScript?
<se the parse'nt3) function% that taes a string as the first parameter% and the base as
a second parameter. So to convert he*adecimal ,M to decimal% use parse'nt 3c,Mc%

What boolean operators does CavaScript support?
XX% __ and W

What looping structures are there in CavaScript?
for% while% do/while loops% but no foreach.

=ow do you assign ob@ect properties?
ob@Zcagec[ K 14 or ob@.age K 14.

WhatGs a way to append a value to an array?
arrZarr.length[ K valueI

15 What is $='S eyword?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
't refers to the current ob@ect

What does is+a+ function do?
8eturn true if the argument is not a number.

What is negative infinity?
'tGs a number in CavaScript% derived by dividing negative number by Bero.

=ow to detect the operating system on the client machine?
'n order to detect the operating system on the client machine% the!ersion

Where are cooies actually stored on the hard dis?
$his depends on the userbs browser and 9S.
'n the case of +etscape with Windows 9S%all the cooies are stored in a single file
called cooies.t*t
c(d&rogram Milesd+etscaped<sersdusernamedcooies.t*t

What can @avascript programs do?
Feneration of =$M6 pages on/the/fly without accessing the Web server.
$he user can be given control over the browser lie <ser input validation Simple
computations can be performed on the clientbs machine $he userbs browser% 9S%
screen siBe% etc. can be detected
1ate and $ime =andling
=ow to set a =$M6 documentbs bacground color?
document.bgcolor property can be set to any appropriate color.

What does the c"ccess is 1eniedc ') error mean?
$he c"ccess 1eniedc error in any browser is due to the following reason."
@avascript in one window or frame is tries to access another window or frame whose
documentbs domain is different from the document containing the script.

's a @avascript script faster than an "S& script?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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Res.Since @avascript is a client/side script it does reAuire the web serverbs help for
its computation%so it is always faster than any server/side script lie "S&%&=&%etc..

"re Cava and CavaScript the Same?
+o.@ava and @avascript are two different languages.
Cava is a powerful ob@ect / oriented programming language lie CTT%C whereas
Cavascript is a client/side scripting language with some limitations.

=ow to embed @avascript in a web page?
@avascript code can be embedded in a web page between Yscript
langugageKc@avascriptc\Y>script\ tags

=ow to access an e*ternal @avascript file that is stored e*ternally and not
$his can be achieved by using the following tag between head tags or between body
Yscript srcKcabc.@sc\Y>script\
where abc.@s is the e*ternal @avscript file to be accessed.

.What is the difference between an alert bo* and a confirmation bo*?
"n alert bo* displays only one button which is the 9U button whereas the Confirm
bo* displays two buttons namely 9U and cancel.

What is a prompt bo*?
" prompt bo* allows the user to enter input by providing a te*t bo*.

Can @avascript code be broen in different lines?
0reaing is possible within a string statement by using a bacslash d at the end but
not within any other @avascript statement.
that is %
document.write3c=ello d
is possible but not
document.write d
3chello worldc)I
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science

=ow to hide @avascript code from old browsers that dont run it?
<se the below specified style of comments
Yscript languageK@avascript\
@avascript code goes here
>> //\
=ow to comment @avascript code?
<se >> for line comments and
S> for bloc comments

+ame the numeric constants representing ma*%min values

What does @avascript null mean?
$he null value is a uniAue value representing no value or no ob@ect.
't implies no ob@ect% or null string%no valid 0oolean value% no number and no array

What does undefined value mean in @avascript?
<ndefined value means the variable used in the code doesnt e*ist or is not assigned
any value or the property doesnbt e*ist.

What is the difference between undefined value and null value?
3i)<ndefined value cannot be e*plicitly stated that is there is no eyword called
undefined whereas null value has eyword called null
3ii)typeof undefined variable or property returns undefined whereas
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typeof null value returns ob@ect

1oes @avascript have the concept level scope?
+o. CavaScript does not have bloc level scope%all the variables declared inside a
function possess the same level of scope unlie c%cTT%@ava.

What are undefined and undeclared variables?
<ndeclared variables are those that are not declared in the program 3do not e*ist at
all)% trying to read their values gives runtime error.0ut if undeclared variables are
assigned then implicit declaration is done .
<ndefined variables are those that are not assigned any value but are declared in the
program. $rying to read such variables gives special value called undefined value.

What is KKK operator ?
KKKK is strict eAuality operator %it returns true only when the two operands are
having the same value without any type conversion.

What does the delete operator do?
$he delete operator is used to delete all the variables and ob@ects used in the
program %but it does not delete variables declared with var eyword.

What does brea and continue statements do?
Continue statement continues the current loop 3if label not specified) in a new
iteration whereas brea statement e*its the current loop.

=ow to create a function using function constructor?
$he following e*ample illustrates this
't creates a function called sAuare with argument * and returns * multiplied by
var sAuare K new Munction 3c*c%creturn *S*c)I
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
Oracle In$er%iew 9ues$in an" Answers
1. What are the components of &hysical database structure of 9racle 1atabase?
98"C6) database is comprised of three types of files. 9ne or more 1ata files% two
are more 8edo 6og files% and one or more Control files.

#. What are the components of 6ogical database structure of 98"C6) database?
$ablespaces and the 1atabasebs Schema 9b@ects.

,. What is a $ablespace?
" database is divided into 6ogical Storage <nit called tablespaces. " tablespace is
used to grouped related logical structures together.

-. What is SRS$)M tablespace and When is it Created?
)very 98"C6) database contains a tablespace named SRS$)M% which is
automatically created when the database is created. $he SRS$)M tablespace
always contains the data dictionary tables for the entire database.

.. )*plain the relationship among 1atabase% $ablespace and 1ata file.
)ach databases logically divided into one or more tablespaces 9ne or more data
files are e*plicitly created for each tablespace.

2. What is schema?
" schema is collection of database ob@ects of a <ser.

4. What are Schema 9b@ects ?
Schema ob@ects are the logical structures that directly refer to the databasebs data.
Schema ob@ects include tables%views%seAuences%synonyms% inde*es% clusters%
database triggers% procedures% functions pacages and database lins.

5. Can ob@ects of the same Schema reside in different tablespaces.?

7. Can a $ablespace hold ob@ects from different Schemes ?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science

1:. what is $able ?
" table is the basic unit of data storage in an 98"C6) database. $he tables of a
database hold all of the user accessible data. $able data is stored in rows and

11. What is a !iew ?
" view is a virtual table. )very view has a Query attached to it. 3$he Query is a
S)6)C$ statement that identifies the columns and rows of the table3s) the view

1#. 1o !iew contain 1ata ?
!iews do not contain or store data.

1,. Can a !iew based on another !iew ?

1-. What are the advantages of !iews ?
g&rovide an additional level of table security% by restricting access to a
predetermined set of rows and columns of a table.
g=ide data comple*ity.
gSimplify commands for the user.
g&resent the data in a different perpecetive from that of the base table.
gStore comple* Aueries.
1.. What is a SeAuence ?
" seAuence generates a serial list of uniAue numbers for numerical columns of a
databasebs tables.

12. What is a Synonym ?
" synonym is an alias for a table% view%seAuence or program unit.

14. What are the type of Synonyms ?
$here are two types of Synonyms &rivate and &ublic.

15. What is a &rivate Synonyms ?
" &rivate Synonyms can be accessed only by the owner.

17. What is a &ublic Synonyms ?
" &ublic synonyms can be accessed by any user on the database.

#:. What are synonyms used for ?
Synonyms are used to ( Mas the real name and owner of an ob@ect.
&rovide public access to an ob@ect
&rovide location transparency for tables%views or program units of a remote
Simplify the SQ6 statements for database users.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science

#1. What is an 'nde* ?
"n 'nde* is an optional structure associated with a table to have direct access to
rows%which can be created to increase the performance of data retrieval. 'nde* can
be created on one or more columns of a table.

##. =ow are 'nde*es <pdate ?
'nde*es are automatically maintained and used by 98"C6). Changes to table data
are automatically incorporated into all relevant inde*es.

#,. What are Clusters ?
Clusters are groups of one or more tables physically stores together to share
common columns and are often used together.

#-. What is cluster Uey ?
$he related columns of the tables in a cluster is called the Cluster Uey.

#.. What is 'nde* Cluster ?
" Cluster with an inde* on the Cluster Uey.

#2. What is =ash Cluster ?
" row is stored in a hash cluster based on the result of applying a hash function to
the rowbs cluster ey value. "ll rows with the same hash ey value are stores
together on dis.

#4. When can =ash Cluster used ?
=ash clusters are better choice when a table is often Aueried with eAuality Aueries.
Mor such Aueries the specified cluster ey value is hashed. $he resulting hash ey
value points directly to the area on dis that stores the specified rows.

#5. What is 1atabase 6in ?
" database lin is a named ob@ect that describes a cpathc from one database to

#7. What are the types of 1atabase 6ins?
&rivate 1atabase 6in% &ublic 1atabase 6in X +etwor 1atabase 6in.

,:. What is &rivate 1atabase 6in?
&rivate database lin is created on behalf of a specific user. " private database lin
can be used only when the owner of the lin specifies a global ob@ect name in a SQ6
statement or in the definition of the ownerbs views or procedures.

,1. What is &ublic 1atabase 6in?
&ublic database lin is created for the special user group &<06'C. " public
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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database lin can be used when any user in the associated database specifies a
global ob@ect name in a SQ6 statement or ob@ect definition.

,#. What is +etwor 1atabase lin?
+etwor database lin is created and managed by a networ domain service. "
networ database lin can be used when any user of any database in the networ
specifies a global ob@ect name in a SQ6 statement or ob@ect definition.

,,. What is 1ata 0loc?
98"C6) databasebs data is stored in data blocs. 9ne data bloc corresponds to a
specific number of bytes of physical database space on dis.

,-. =ow to define 1ata 0loc siBe?
" data bloc siBe is specified for each 98"C6) database when the database is
created. " database users and allocated free database space in 98"C6) datablocs.
0loc siBe is specified in '+'$.98" file and cannbt be changed latter.

,.. What is 8ow Chaining?
'n Circumstances% all of the data for a row in a table may not be able to fit in the
same data bloc. When this occurs% the data for the row is stored in a chain of data
bloc 3one or more) reserved for that segment.

,2. What is an )*tent?
"n )*tent is a specific number of contiguous data blocs% obtained in a single
allocation% used to store a specific type of information.

,4. What is a Segment?
" segment is a set of e*tents allocated for a certain logical structure.

,5. What are the different types of Segments?
1ata Segment% 'nde* Segment% 8ollbac Segment and $emporary Segment.

,7. What is a 1ata Segment?
)ach +on/clustered table has a data segment. "ll of the tablebs data is stored in the
e*tents of its data segment. )ach cluster has a data segment. $he data of every table
in the cluster is stored in the clusterbs data segment.

-:. What is an 'nde* Segment?
)ach 'nde* has an 'nde* segment that stores all of its data.

-1. What is 8ollbac Segment?
" 1atabase contains one or more 8ollbac Segments to temporarily store cundoc

-#. What are the uses of 8ollbac Segment?
8ollbac Segments are used(
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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$o generate read/consistent database information during database recovery to
rollbac uncommitted transactions for users.

-,. What is a $emporary Segment?
$emporary segments are created by 98"C6) when a SQ6 statement needs a
temporary wor area to complete e*ecution. When the statement finishes e*ecution%
the temporary segment e*tents are released to the system for future use.

--. What is a 1ata Mile?
)very 98"C6) database has one or more physical data files. " databasebs data files
contain all the database data. $he data of logical database structures such as tables
and inde*es is physically stored in the data files allocated for a database.

-.. What are the Characteristics of 1ata Miles?
" data file can be associated with only one database.9nce created a data file canbt
change siBe.
9ne or more data files form a logical unit of database storage called a tablespace.

-2. What is a 8edo 6og?
$he set of 8edo 6og files for a database is collectively nown as the databasebs redo

-4. What is the function of 8edo 6og?
$he &rimary function of the redo log is to record all changes made to data.

-5. What is the use of 8edo 6og 'nformation?
$he 'nformation in a redo log file is used only to recover the database from a system
or media failure the prevents database data from being written to a databasebs data

-7. What does a Control file Contain?
" Control file records the physical structure of the database. 't contains the
following information.
g1atabase +ame
g+ames and locations of a databasebs files and redolog files.
g$ime stamp of database creation.

.:. What is the use of Control Mile?
When an instance of an 98"C6) database is started% its control file is used to
identify the database and redo log files that must be opened for database operation
to proceed. 't is also used in database recovery.

.1. What is a 1ata 1ictionary?
$he data dictionary of an 98"C6) database is a set of tables and views that are
used as a read/only reference about the database.
't stores information about both the logical and physical structure of the database%
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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the valid users of an 98"C6) database% integrity constraints defined for tables in
the database and space allocated for a schema ob@ect and how much of it is being

.#. What is an 'ntegrity Constrains?
"n integrity constraint is a declarative way to define a business rule for a column of
a table.

.,. Can an 'ntegrity Constraint be enforced on a table if some e*isting table data does
not satisfy the constraint?

.-. 1escribe the different type of 'ntegrity Constraints supported by 98"C6)?
g+9$ +<66 Constraint / 1isallows +<66s in a tablebs column.
g<+'Q<) Constraint / 1isallows duplicate values in a column or set of columns.
g&8'M"8R U)R Constraint / 1isallows duplicate values and +<66s in a column
or set of columns.
gM98)'F+ U)R Constrain / 8eAuire each value in a column or set of columns
match a value in a related tablebs <+'Q<) or &8'M"8R U)R.
gC=)CU Constraint / 1isallows values that do not satisfy the logical e*pression of
the constraint.

... What is difference between <+'Q<) constraint and &8'M"8R U)R constraint?
" column defined as <+'Q<) can contain +<66s while a column defined as
&8'M"8R U)R canbt contain +ulls.

.2. 1escribe 8eferential 'ntegrity?
" rule defined on a column 3or set of columns) in one table that allows the insert or
update of a row only if the value for the column or set of columns 3the dependent
value) matches a value in a column of a related table 3the referenced value). 't also
specifies the type of data manipulation allowed on referenced data and the action to
be performed on dependent data as a result of any action on referenced data.

.4. What are the 8eferential actions supported by M98)'F+ U)R integrity constraint?
<&1"$) and 1)6)$) 8estrict / " referential integrity rule that disallows the
update or deletion of referenced data.
1)6)$) Cascade / When a referenced row is deleted all associated dependent rows
are deleted.

.5. What is self/referential integrity constraint?
'f a foreign ey reference a parent ey of the same table is called self/referential
integrity constraint.

.7. What are the 6imitations of a C=)CU Constraint?
$he condition must be a 0oolean e*pression evaluated using the values in the row
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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being inserted or updated and canbt contain subAueries% seAuence% the
SRS1"$)%<'1%<S)8 or <S)8)+! SQ6 functions% or the pseudocolumns
6)!)6 or 89W+<M.

2:. What is the ma*imum number of C=)CU constraints that can be defined on a
+o 6imit.
:2 What are the triggers available in the reports?
0efore report% 0efore form% "fter form % 0etween page% "fter report.

'2 1oes a 0efore form trigger fire when the parameter form is suppressed.

;2 "t what point of report e*ecution is the before 8eport trigger fired?
"fter the Auery is e*ecuted but before the report is e*ecuted and the records are

(2 's the "fter report trigger fired if the report e*ecution fails?

02 Five the seAuence of e*ecution of the various report triggers?
0efore form% after form% before report% between page% after report.

<2 's it possible to modify an e*ternal Auery in a report which contains it?

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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=2 What are the ways to monitor the performance of the report?
<se reports profile e*ecutable statement.
<se SQ6 traces facility.

>2 Why is it preferable to create a fewer no. of Aueries in the data model.
0ecause for each Auery% report has to open a separate cursor and has to rebind% e*ecute
and fetch data.

?2 What are the various methods of performing a calculation in a report ?
1. &erform the calculation in the SQ6 statements itself.
#. <se a calculated > summary column in the data model.

:@2 Which of the above methods is the faster method?

&erforming the calculation in the Auery is faster.

::2 Why is a Where clause faster than a group filter or a format trigger?

0ecause% in a where clause the condition is applied during data retrieval than after
retrieving the data.

:'2 What is the main diff. bet. 8eports #.: X 8eports #..?

8eport #.. is ob@ect oriented.

:;2 What is the diff. bet. setting up of parameters in reports #.: reports #..?

69!s can be attached to parameters in the reports #.. parameter form.

:(2 =ow is lin tool operation different bet. reports # X #..?

'n 8eports #.: the lin tool has to be selected and then two fields to be lined are
selected and the lin is automatically created. 'n #.. the first field is selected and the
lin tool is then used to lin the first field to the second field.

:02 What are the two types views available in the ob@ect navigator3specific to report #..)?
!iew by structure and view by type .

:<2 Which of the two views should ob@ects according to possession?
view by structure.
=ow is possible to restrict the user to a list of values while entering values for
0y setting the 8estrict $o 6ist property to true in the parameter property sheet.

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
=ow is it possible to select generate a select ste. for the Auery in the Auery property
0y using the tables>columns button and then specifying the table and the column

'f a parameter is used in a Auery without being previously defined% what diff. e*ist
betw. report #.: and #.. when the Auery is applied?

While both reports #.: and #.. create the parameter% report #.. gives a message that a
bind parameter has been created.

'@2 1o user parameters appear in the data modal editor in #..?

':2 What is the diff. when confine mode is on and when it is off?
When confine mode is on% an ob@ect cannot be moved outside its parent in the layout.

''2 What is the diff. when Mle* mode is mode on and when it is off?
When fle* mode is on% reports automatically resiBes the parent when the child is

';2 =ow can a button be used in a report to give a drill down facility?

0y setting the action asscoiated with button to )*ecute pl>sAl option and using the
S8W.8un?report function.

'(2 What are the two ways by which data can be generated for a parameterbs list of values?

1. <sing static values.
#. Writing select statement.

'02 What are the two panes that "ppear in the design time pl>sAl interpreter?
1.Source pane. #. 'nterpreter pane

'<2 What are three panes that appear in the run time pl>sAl interpreter?
1.Source pane. #. interpreter pane. ,. +avigator pane.
:2 What is 9racle table?

" table is the basic unit of data storage in an 9racle database. $he tables of a database
hold all of the user accessible data. $able data is stored in rows and columns.
'2 What are Clusters?
Clusters are groups of one or more tables physically stores together to share common
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
columns and are often used together.
;2 What is an 'nde*?

"n 'nde* is an optional structure associated with a table to have direct access to rows%
which can be created to increase the performance of data retrieval. 'nde* can be created
on one or more columns of a table.
(2 What are the advantages of views?

&rovide an additional level of table security% by restricting access to a
predetermined set of rows and columns of a table.
=ide data comple*ity.
Simplify commands for the user.
&resent the data in a different perspective from that of the base table
Store comple* Aueries.
02 What are the various types of Aueries?

$he types of Aueries are (
+ormal Queries
Sub Queries
Co/related Aueries
+ested Aueries
Compound Aueries
<2 What is the difference between clustered and a non/clustered inde*?

" clus$ere" in"e+ is a special type of inde* that reorders the way records in the table
are physically stored. $herefore table can have only one clustered inde*. $he leaf nodes
of a clustered inde* contain the data pages.
" Nnclus$ere" in"e+ is a special type of inde* in which the logical order of the inde*
does not match the physical stored order of the rows on dis.
=2 What is a $ablespace?

" database is divided into 6ogical Storage <nit called tablespace. " tablespace is used
to grouped related logical structures together.
>2 Why use materialiBed view instead of a table?

MaterialiBed views are basically used to increase Auery performance since it contains
results of a Auery. $hey should be used for reporting instead of a table for a faster
?2 What does 89660"CU do?

89660"CU retracts any of the changes resulting from the SQ6 statements in the
:@2 Compare and contrast $8<+C"$) and 1)6)$) for a table?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science

0oth the truncate and delete command have the desired outcome of getting rid of all
the rows in a table. $he difference between the two is that the truncate command is a
116 operation and @ust moves the high water mar and produces a now rollbac. $he
delete command% on the other hand% is a 1M6 operation% which will produce a
rollbac and thus tae longer to complete.
::2 what is null value?

+ull !alue is neither Bero nor it is a blan space. 't is some unnown value which
occupies - bytes of space of memory in SQ6.
:'2 1efine transaction?

" transaction is a seAuence of SQ6 statements that 9racle 1atabase treats as a single
:;2 what is the difference between sAlXoracle?

SQ6 is Stuctured Query 6anguage.9racle is a 1atabase.SQ6 is used to write Aueries
against 9racle 10.
:(2 What are different 9racle database ob@ects?

:02 What is hash cluster?

" row is stored in a hash cluster based on the result of applying a hash function to the
rowbs cluster ey value. "ll rows with the same hash ey value are stores together on
:<2 What is a <ser?e*it?

Calls the user e*it named in the user?e*it?string. 'nvoes a ,Fl program by name
which has been properly lined into your current oracle forms e*ecutable.
:=2 What is schema?
" schema is collection of database ob@ects of a user.
:>2 What are 8oles?
8oles are named groups of related privileges that are granted to users or other roles.
:?2 What are the dictionary tables used to monitor a database spaces ?

0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
'@2 What is a S+"&S=9$?

Snapshots are read/only copies of a master table located on a remote node which is
periodically refreshed to reflect changes made to the master table.
':2 What is a database instance?

" database instance is a set of memory structure and bacground processes that access
a set of database files. $he processes can be shared by all of the users.
''2 What are parameters?

&arameters provide a simple mechanism for defining and setting the valuesof inputs
that are reAuired by a form at startup.Morm parameters are variables of type
char%number%date that you define at design time.
';2 What are the different file e*tensions that are created by oracle reports?
8ep file and 8df file.
'(2 What are clusters?

Clusters are groups of one or more tables physically stores together to share common
columns and are often used together.
'02 What is difference between S<0S$8 and '+S$8?

INSTR function search string for sub/string and returns an integer indicating the
position of the character in string that is the first character of this occurrence.SU6STR
function return a portion of string% beginning at character position% substring?length
characters long.S<0S$8 calculates lengths using characters as defined by the input
character set.
'<2 1efine a view?
" view is a virtual table which is based on the one or more physical tables and views.
'=2 What is the difference between a view and a synonym?

Synonym is @ust a second name of table used for multiple lin of database.!iew can be
created with many tables% and with virtual columns and with conditions.0ut synonym
can be on view.
'>2 What is the usage of S"!)&9'+$S?

S"!)&9'+$S are used to subdivide a transaction into smaller parts. 't enables rolling
bac part of a transaction. Ma*imum of five save points are allowed.
'?2 What are 98"C6) &8)C9M&'6)8S?

" precompiler is a tool that allows programmers to embed SQ6 statements in high/
level source programs lie C% CTT% C9096% etc.$he precompiler accepts the source
program as input% translates the embedded SQ6 statements into standard 9racle
runtime library calls% and generates a modified source program that one can compile%
lin% and e*ecute in the usual way.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
;@2 When do you use W=)8) clause and when do you use ="!'+F clause?

$he W=)8) condition lets you restrict the rows selected to those that satisfy one or
more conditions.<se the ="!'+F clause to restrict the groups of returned rows to
those groups for which the specified condition is $8<).
;:2 What are the differences between stored procedures and triggers?

" stored procedures are compiled collection of programs or SQ6 statements that live
in the database. " stored procedure can access and modify data present in many tables.
"lso a stored procedure is not associated with any particular database ob@ect. 0ut
triggers are event/driven special procedures which are attached to a specific database
;'2 What must be installed with 910C on the client in order for it to wor with 9racle?

SQ6+)$ and &89$9C96 3for e*ample( $C&'& adapter) layers of the transport
;;2 What are the different file e*tensions that are created by oracle reports?
8ep file and 8df file.
;(2 what is trigger?

$riggers are special ind of stored procedures that get e*ecuted automatically when an
'+S)8$% <&1"$) or 1)6)$) operation taes place on a table.
;02 )*plain the difference between a data bloc% an e*tent and a segment?

" data bloc is the smallest unit of logical storage for a database ob@ect. "s ob@ects
grow they tae chuns of additional storage that are composed of contiguous data
blocs. $hese groupings of contiguous data blocs are called e*tents. "ll the e*tents
that an ob@ect taes when grouped together are considered the segment of the database
;<2 What is bind reference and how can it be created?

0ind reference are used to replace the single value in sAl% pl>sAl statements a bind
reference can be created using a 3() before a column or a parameter name.
=ow many 69+F columns are allowed in a table? 's it possible to use 69+F
columns in W=)8) clause or 981)8 0R?

9nly one 69+F column is allowed. 't is not possible to use 69+F column in
W=)8) or 981)8 0R clause.
;>2 What are various types of @oins?
)Aui @oins
Cartesian @oins
Self @oin
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
9uter @oin
;?2 What is the ma*imum number of triggers% can apply to a single table?
1# triggers
(@2 What command would you use to create a bacup control file?
"lter database bacup control file to trace.
(:2 What is an 9racle inde*?

"n inde* is an optional structure associated with a table to have direct access to rows%
which can be created to increase the performance of data retrieval. 'nde* can be
created on one or more columns of a table.
('2 What are the different inde* configurations a table can have?

" table can have one of the following inde* configurations
+o inde*es
" clustered inde*
" clustered inde* and many nonclustered inde*es
" nonclustered inde*
Many nonclustered inde*es.
(;2 What is difference between <+'Q<) constraint and &8'M"8R U)R constraint?

" column defined as <+'Q<) can contain +ulls while a column defined as
&8'M"8R U)R canbt contain +ulls. " table can have only one primary eys.
((2 What is 0C&? When does it used?

0ulCopy is a tool used to copy huge amount of data from tables and views. 0C& does
not copy the structures same as source to destination.
(02 =ow to now which inde* a table is using?
S)6)C$ table?name%inde*?name M89M user?constraints.
(<2 What is SRS$)M tablespace and when is it created?

)very 9racle database contains a tablespace named SRS$)M% which is automatically
created when the database is created. $he SRS$)M tablespace always contains the
data dictionary tables for the entire database.
(=2 Which date function returns number value?
(>2 what is integrity constrains?

'ntegrity constraints are used to ensure accuracy and consistency of data in a relational
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(?2 What is the difference between )*plicit and 'mplicit Cursors?

"n I!,lici$ cursr is one created cautomaticallyc for you by 9racle when you
e*ecute a Auery. 't is simpler to code
An E+,lici$ cursr is one you create yourself. 't taes more code% but gives more
control / for e*ample% you can @ust open/fetch/close if you only want the first record
and donbt care if there are others 10"?1"$"?M'6)S.
0@2 what are primary eys?

&rimary ey are used to uniAuely identify each row of the table. " table can have only
one primary ey.
0:2 What are the components of physical database structure of 9racle database?

9racle database is comprised of three types of files. 9ne or more data files% two are
more redo log files% and one or more control files.
0'2 What is 1)C91) function used for?

1)C91) is used to decode a C="8 or !"8C="8# or +<M0)8 into any of
several different character strings or numbers based on value. $hat is 1)C91) does a
value/by/value substitution.
0;2 What is the default return value of a function?

$he default return value from a function is int. 'n other words% unless e*plicitly
specified the default return value by compiler would be integer value from function.
0(2 What is the difference between oracle%sAl and sAl server?

9racle is based on 810MS.
SQ6 is Structured Query 6anguage.
SQ6 Server is another tool for 810MS provided by MicroSoft.
002 =ow you will avoid your Auery from using inde*es?

0y changing the order of the columns that are used in the inde*% in the Where
condition% or by concatenating the columns with some constant values.
0<2 What is a cluster ey?

$he related columns of the tables are called the cluster ey. $he cluster ey is inde*ed
using a cluster inde* and its value is stored only once for multiple tables in the cluster.
0=2 What is SF"?

$he System Flobal "rea in an 9racle database is the area in memory to facilitate the
transfer of information between users. 't holds the most recently reAuested structural
information between users. 't holds the most recently reAuested structural information
about the database. $he structure is database buffers% dictionary cache% redo log buffer
and shared pool area.
0>2 What is a data segment?
1ata segment are the physical areas within a database bloc in which the data
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
associated with tables and clusters are stored.
0?2 What is 89W'1?

89W'1 is a pseudo column attached to each row of a table. 't is 15 characters long%
blocno% row number are the components of 89W'1.
<@2 What is the usage of S"!)&9'+$S?

S"!)&9'+$S are used to subdivide a transaction into smaller parts. 't enables rolling
bac part of a transaction. Ma*imum of five save points are allowed.

A !icr,r*ra! is se5uencer ,er&r! $he ,era$in
". 8ead
0. write
C. )*ecute
1. 8ead and e*ecute
"nswer 1
The cn$rl uni$ & c!,u$er
". &erforms "6< operations on the data
0. Controls the operation of the output devices
C. 's a device for manually operating the computer
1. 1irect the other unit of computers
"nswer 1
Which & $he &llwin* is a se$ & *eneral ,ur,se in$ernal re*is$ers)
". Stac
0. Scratch pad
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
C. "ddress register
1. Status register
"nswer 0
P : BPr*ra! is a s$e, -# s$e, e+ecu$in & $he ins$ruc$insC2 Gi%en P/ which & $he &llwin* is
$rue )
". &rogram is a subset of an instruction set.
0. &rogram is a seAuence of a subset of an instruction set.
C. &rogram is a partially ordered set of an instruction set.
1. "ll of the above
"nswer 0
In$erru,$s which are ini$ia$e" -# an IDO "ri%e are
". 'nternal
0. )*ternal
C. Software
1. "ll of above
"nswer 0
Wha$ is !ean$ -# a "e"ica$e" c!,u$er)
". Which is used by one person only
0. Which is assigned to one and only one tas
C. Which does one ind of software
1. Which is meant for application software only
"nswer 0
In which a""ressin* !"e $he ,eran" is *i%en e+,lici$l# in $he ins$ruc$in
". "bsolute
0. 'mmediate
C. 'ndirect
1. 1irect
"nswer 0
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
The ,r*ra! cun$er
". 's a register
0. 1uring e*ecution of the current instruction its content changes
C. 0oth " and 0
1. +one of these
"nswer C
3e$ch1An"1A""EX/iF is an a$!ic Rea"AM"i&#AWri$e ins$ruc$in $ha$ rea"s $he %alue &
!e!r# lca$in X/ incre!en$s i$ -# $he %alue i/ an" re$urns $he l" %alue & X2 I$ is use" in $he
,seu"c"e shwn -elw $ i!,le!en$ a -us#Awai$ lc.2 L is an unsi*ne" in$e*er share" %aria-le
ini$iali4e" $ @2 The %alue & @ crres,n"s $ lc. -ein* a%aila-le/ while an# nnA4er %alue
crres,n"s $ $he lc. -ein* n$ a%aila-le2
while E3e$ch1An"1A""EL/:FF
L H :I
L H @I
This i!,le!en$a$in
". fails as 6 can overflow
0. fails as 6 can tae on a non/Bero value when the loc is actually available
C. wors correctly but may starve some processes
1. wors correctly without starvation
"nswer 0
A c!,le$e !icrc!,u$er s#s$e! cnsis$s &
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
". Microprocessor
0. Memory
C. &eripheral eAuipment
1. "ll of the above
"nswer 1
The a""ressin* !"e use" in $he ins$ruc$in PUSH 6 is
". 1irect
0. 8egister
C. 8egister indirect
1. 'mmediate
"nswer C
The re*is$er use" as a* area in CPU is
". &rogram counter
0. 'nstruction register
C. 'nstruction decoder
1. "ccumulator
"nswer 1
In which a""ressin* !"e $he ,eran" is *i%en e+,lici$l# in $he ins$ruc$in i$sel&)
". "bsolute mode
0. 'mmediate mode
C. 'ndirect mode
1. 'nde* mode
"nswer 0
An ins$ruc$in use" $ se$ $he carr# &la* in a c!,u$er can -e classi&ie" as
". 1ata transfer
0. &rocess control
C. 6ogical
1. &rogram control
"nswer 0
Where "es a c!,u$er a"" an" c!,are "a$a )
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
". =ard dis
0. Mloppy dis
C. C&< chip
1. Memory chip
"nswer C
The !s$ rele%an$ a""ressin* !"e $ wri$e ,si$in in"e,en"en$ c"e
". 1irect mode
0. 'ndirect mode
C. 8elative mode
1. 'nde*ed mode
"nswer C
A s$ac. r*ani4e" c!,u$er has
". $hree/address 'nstruction
0. $wo/address 'nstruction
C. 9ne/address 'nstruction
1. Jero/address 'nstruction
"nswer 1
Ker a""ress ins$ruc$in &r!a$ is use" &r
". 8'SC architecture
0. C'SC architecture
C. !on/+euman architecture
1. Stac/organiBed architecture
"nswer 1
In$erru,$s which are ini$ia$e" -# an ins$ruc$in are
". 'nternal
0. )*ternal
C. =ardware
1. Software
"nswer 1
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
The a""ressin* !"e use" in an ins$ruc$in & &r! A77 X/Y is
". "bsolute
0. 'mmediate
C. 'ndirect
1. 'nde*
"nswer "
MRI in"ica$es
". Memory 8eference 'nformation
0. Memory 8eference 'nstruction
C. Memory 8egisters 'nstruction
1. Memory 8egister information
"nswer 0
Which !e$h" is use" &r resl%in* "a$a "e,en"enc# cn&lic$ -# $he c!,iler i$sel&)
". 1elayed load
0. 9perand forwarding
C. &re fetch target instruction
1. 6oop buffer
"nswer "
I"en$i&# $he a""ressin* !"es & -elw ins$ruc$ins an" !a$ch $he! :
EaF A7I E:F I!!e"ia$e a""ressin*
E-F STA E'F 7irec$ a""ressin*
EcF CMA E;F I!,lie" a""ressin*
E"F SU6 E(F Re*is$er a""ressin*
". a L 1% b L #% c L ,% d L -
0. a L #% b L 1% c L -% d L ,
C. a L ,% b L #% c L 1% d L -
1. a L -% b L ,% c L #% d L 1
"nswer "
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
The "e%ice which is use" $ cnnec$ a ,eri,heral $ -us is calle"
". Control register
0. 'nterface
C. Communication protocol
1. +one of these
"nswer 0
I& an ins$ruc$in $ LiM !icrsecn"s an" a ,a*e &aul$ $ an a""i$inal LNM !icrsecn"s2 The
e&&ec$i%e ins$ruc$in $i!e/ i& n $he a%era*e a ,a*e &aul$ ccurs e%er# . ins$ruc$ins/ is
". i T @>
0. i T @ S
C. 3i T @)>
1. 3i T @) S
"nswer "
A""ress s#!-l $a-le is *enera$e" -# $he
". Memory management software
0. "ssembler
C. Match logic of associative memory
1. Fenerated by operating system
"nswer 0
The ,r*ra!!a-le in$er%al $i!er
". 5#.1
0. 5#.:
C. 5#.,
1. 5#4.
"nswer C
The ,rcess & &e$chin* an" e+ecu$in* ins$ruc$in ne a$ a $i!e in r"er & increasin* a""resses is
". 'nstruction e*ecution
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
0. Straight line seAuencing
C. 'nstruction fetch
1. 8andom seAuencing
"nswer 0
The &unc$in & ,r*ra! cun$er hl"s
". $emporary
0. "ddress for memory
C. Memory operand
1. "ddress for instruction
"nswer 1
Which & $he &llwin* is res,nsi-le &r cr"ina$in* %arius ,era$in*s usin* $i!in* si*nals)
". "6<
0. Control unit
C. Memory unit
1. '>9 unit
"nswer 0
When a su-ru$ine is calle"/ $he a""ress & $he ins$ruc$in &llwin* $he CALL ins$ruc$ins s$re"
inDn $he
". Stac pointer
0. "ccumulator
C. &rogram counter
1. Stac
"nswer 1
Which & $he &llwin* nee" n$ necessaril# -e sa%e" n a cn$e+$ swi$ch -e$ween ,rcesses)
". Feneral purpose register
0. $ranslation looaside buffer
C. &rogram counter
1. "ll of these
"nswer 0
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
A s$ac. ,in$er is
". " register that decodes and e*ecutes 12/bit arithmetic e*pression.
0. " 12/bit register in the microprocessor that indicate the beginning of the stac memory.
C. Mirst memory location where a subroutine address is stored.
1. " register in which flag bits are stored
"nswer 0
Prcessrs & all c!,u$ers/ whe$her !icr/ !ini r !ain&ra!e !us$ ha%e
". "6<
0. &rimary Storage
C. Control unit
1. "ll of above
"nswer 1
The -ranch l*ic $ha$ ,r%i"es "ecisin !* ca,a-ili$ies in $he cn$rl uni$ is .nwn as
". Controlled transfer
0. Conditional transfer
C. <nconditional transfer
1. +one of above
"nswer C
The cs$ &r s$rin* a -i$ is !ini!u! in
". Cache
0. 8egister
C. 8"M
1. Magnetic tape
"nswer 1
The !ini!u! $i!e "ela# -e$ween $he ini$ia$ins & $w in"e,en"en$ & $w in"e,en"en$ !e!r#
,era$ins is calle"
". "ccess time
0. Cycle time
C. $ransfer time
1. 6atency time
"nswer 0
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
Which & $he &llwin* re*is$ers is use" $ .ee, $rac. & a""ress & $he !e!r# lca$in where $he
ne+$ ins$ruc$in is lca$e")
". Memory "ddress 8egister
0. Memory 1ata 8egister
C. 'nstruction 8egister
1. &rogram 8egister
"nswer 0
When necessar#/ $he resul$s are $rans&erre" &r! $he CPU $ !ain !e!r# -#
". '>9 devices
0. C&<
C. Shift registers
1. +one of these
"nswer 0
Wha$ is $he cn$rl uni$ &unc$in in $he CPU)
". $o transfer data to primary storage
0. $o store program instruction
C. $o perform logic operations
1. $o decode program instruction
"nswer 1
A $i!e sharin* s#s$e! i!,l#
". more than one processor in the system
0. more than one program in memory
C. more than one memory in the system
1. +one of above
"nswer 0
An in$er&ace $ha$ ,r%i"es IDO $rans&er & "a$a "irec$l# $ an" &r! $he !e!r# uni$ an"
,eri,heral is $er!e" as
". 11"
0. Serial interface
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
C. 08
1. 1M"
"nswer 1
On recei%in* an in$erru,$ &r! an IDO "e%ice/ $he CPU
". halts for predetermined time
0. branches off to the interrupt service routine after completion of the current instruction
C. branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately
1. hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device
"nswer 0
The -us which is use" $ $rans&er "a$a &r! !ain !e!r# $ ,eri,heral "e%ice is
". 1ata bus
0. 'nput bus
C. 1M" bus
1. 9utput bus
"nswer C
An in$erru,$ can -e $e!,raril# i*nre" -# $he cun$er is calle"
". !ector interrupt
0. +on masable interrupt
C. Masable interrupt
1. 6ow priority interrupt
"nswer C
An in$er&ace $ha$ ,r%i"es a !e$h" &r $rans&errin* -inar# in&r!a$in -e$ween in$ernal s$ra*e
an" e+$ernal "e%ices is calle"
". '>9 interface
0. 'nput interface
C. 9utput interface
1. '>9 bus
"nswer "
A CPU *enerall# han"les an in$erru,$ -# e+ecu$in* an in$erru,$ ser%ice ru$ine
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
". as soon as an interrupt is raised
0. by checing the interrupt register at the end of fetch cycle
C. by checing the interrupt register after finishing the e*ecuting the current instruction
1. by checing the interrupt register at fi*ed time intervals
"nswer C
Which & $he &llwin* in$erru,$ is nn !as.a-le
". '+$8
0. 8S$ 4..
C. 8S$ 2..
1. $8"&
"nswer 1
The cnce,$ & ,i,elinin* is !s$ e&&ec$i%e in i!,r%in* ,er&r!ance i& $he $as.s -ein* ,er&r!e"
in "i&&eren$ s$a*es
". 8eAuire different amount of time
0. 8eAuire about the same amount of time
C. 8eAuire different amount of time with time difference between any two tass being same
1. 8eAuire different amount with time difference between any two tass being different
"nswer 0
The i"ea & cache !e!r# is -ase" n
". $he property of locality of reference
0. $he heuristics 7:/1: rule
C. $he fact that only a small portion of a program
1. "ll of these
"nswer "
Ari$h!e$ic shi&$ le&$ ,era$in
". &roduces the same result as obtained with logical shift left operation
0. Causes the sign bit to remain always unchanged
C. +eeds additional hardware to preserve the sign bit
1. 's not applicable for signed #s complement representation
"nswer "
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
A cn$rl charac$er is sen$ a$ $he -e*innin* as well as a$ $he en" & each -lc. in $he s#nchrnusA
$rans!issin in r"er $
". SynchroniBe the cloc of transmitter and receiver
0. Supply information needed to separate the incoming bits into individual character
C. 1etect the error in transmission and received system.
1. 0oth 3") and 3C).
"nswer 0
Re*is$er rena!in* is "ne in ,i,eline" ,rcessrs
". as an alternative to register allocation at compile time
0. for efficient access to function parameters and local variables
C. to handle certain inds of haBards
1. as part of address translation
"nswer C
Pi,elinin* s$ra$e*# is calle" i!,le!en$
". instruction e*ecution
0. instruction prefetch
C. instruction decoding
1. instruction manipulation
"nswer 0
3as$es$ $#,e & !e!r# &r! $he &llwin* lis$ is
". $ape
0. Semiconductor
C. 1is
1. 0ubble memory
"nswer 0
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
I"en$i&# $he "e%ices *i%en -elw wi$h $heir IC nu!-ers :
EiF USART EaF >'0:
EiiF Micr cn$rller E-F >@0:
EiiiF In$erru,$ cn$rller EcF >'0?
Ei%F 7MA cn$rller E"F >'0=
". 3a) 3b) 3c) 3d)
0. 3b) 3a) 3d) 3c)
C. 3c) 3d) 3a) 3b)
1. 3d) 3a) 3b) 3c)
"nswer "
The ,rcess & en$erin* "a$a in$ a s$ra*e lca$in
". Causes variation in its address number
0. "dds to the contents of the location
C. 's called a readout operation
1. 's destructive of previous contents
"nswer C
In a nnA%ec$re" in$erru,$/ $he a""ress & in$erru,$ ser%ice ru$ine is
". 9btained from interrupt address table.
0. Supplied by the interrupting '>9 device
C. 9btained through !ector address generator device
1. "ssigned to a fi*ed memory location.
"nswer 1
7i%i"e %er&lw is *enera$e" when
". Sign of the dividend is different from that of divisor
0. Sign of the dividend is same as that of divisor
C. $he first part of the dividend is smaller than the divisor
1. $he first part of the dividend is greater than the divisor
"nswer 0
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
An ins$ruc$in ,i,eline can -e i!,le!en$e" -# !eans &
". 6'M9 buffer
0. M'M9 buffer
C. Stac
1. +one of the above
"nswer 0
Me!r# access in RISC archi$ec$ure is li!i$e" $ ins$ruc$ins
". C"66 and 8)$
0. &<S= and &9&
C. S$" and 61"
1. M9! and CM&
"nswer C
The !e$h" &r u,"a$in* $he !ain !e!r# as sn as a wr" is re!%e" &r! $he Cache is calle"
". Write/through
0. Write/bac
C. &rotected write
1. Cache/write
"nswer 0
S$ac. %er&lw causes
". =ardware interrupt
0. )*ternal interrupt
C. 'nternal interrupt
1. Software interrupt
"nswer C
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
In a .Awa# se$ asscia$i%e cache/ $he cache is "i%i"e" in$ % se$s/ each & which cnsis$s & . lines2
The lines & a se$ are ,lace" in se5uence ne a&$er an$her2 The lines in se$ s are se5uence" -e&re
$he lines in se$ EsO:F2 The !ain !e!r# -lc.s are nu!-ere" @ nwar"s2 The !ain !e!r# -lc.
nu!-ere" N !us$ -e !a,,e" $ an# ne & $he cache lines &r!
". 3 @ mod v ) S to 3 @ mod v ) S T 3 / 1)
0. 3 @ mod v ) to 3 @ mod v ) T 3 / 1)
C. 3 @ mod ) to 3 @ mod ) T 3v / 1)
1. 3 @ mod ) S v to 3 @ mod ) S v T 3v / 1)
"nswer 0
Su,,se $ha$ a *i%en a,,lica$in is run n a <(A,rcessr !achine an" $ha$ =@ ,ercen$ & $he
a,,lica$in can -e ,aralleli4e"2 Then $he e+,ec$e" ,er&r!ance i!,r%e!en$ usin* A!"ahlMs law
". -.##
0. ,.##
C. ,.,#
1. ,..#
"nswer 0
Per&r!ance & a ,i,eline" ,rcessr su&&ers i&
". $he pipeline stages have different delays
0. Consecutive instructions are dependent on each other
C. $he pipeline stages share hardware resources
1. "ll of these
"nswer 1
The ,er&r!ance & cache !e!r# is &re5uen$l# !easure" in $er!s & a 5uan$i$# calle"
". Miss ratio
0. =it ratio
C. 6atency ratio
1. 8ead ratio
"nswer C
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
A -asic ins$ruc$in $ha$ can -e in$er,re$e" -# c!,u$er *enerall# has
". "n operand and an address
0. " decoder and an accumulator
C. SeAuence register and decoder
1. "n address and decoder
"nswer "
Wha$ is $he -i$ s$ra*e ca,aci$# & a ROM wi$h a 0:' (Ar*ani4a$in)
". #:-5
0. #:-7
C. #:-4
1. #:-2
"nswer "
The circu!&erences & $he $w cncen$ric "is.s are "i%i"e" in$ :@@ sec$ins each2 3r $he u$er
"is./ :@@ & $he sec$ins are ,ain$e" re" an" :@@ & $he sec$ins are ,ain$e" -lue2 3r $he inner "is./
$he sec$ins are ,ain$e" re" an" -lue in an ar-i$rar# !anner2 I$ is ,ssi-le $ ali*n $he $w "is.s s
$ha$ & $he sec$ins n $he inner "is.s ha%e $heir clurs !a$che" wi$h $he crres,n"in* sec$in n
u$er "is.2
". 1:: or more
0. 1#. or more
C. 1.: or more
1. 14. or more
"nswer "
3r a !e!r# s#s$e! /$he c#cle $i!e is
". Same as the access time
0. 6onger than the access time
C. Shorter than the access time
1. Submultiple of the access time
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"nswer "
The "a$a n $he $rac.s n a !a*ne$ic "is.s are wri$$en as
". <p or down
0. $iny magnetic spots
C. : or 1
1. =igh or low voltage
"nswer 1
The ascen"in* r"er r a "a$a Hierarch# is
". bit / bytes / fields / record / file / database
0. bit / bytes / record / field / file / database
C. bytes / bit/ field / record / file / database
1. bytes /bit / record / field / file / database
"nswer "
The s$ra*e "e%ice which is use" $ c!,ensa$e &r $he "i&&erence in ra$es & &lw & "a$a &r! ne
"e%ice $ an$her is calle"
". Cache
0. Concentrator
C. 0uffer
1. '>9 device
"nswer C
The a!un$ & ROM nee"e" $ i!,le!en$ a ( -i$ !ul$i,lier is
". 2- bits
0. 1#5 bits
C. 1 Ubits
1. # Ubits
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"nswer 1
The ALU & a c!,u$er nr!all# cn$ains a nu!-er & hi*h s,ee" s$ra*e ele!en$s calle"
". Semi conductor
0. 8egister
C. =ard dis
1. Magnetic dis
"nswer 0
Which & $he &llwin* s$ra*e "e%ices can -e carrie" arun")
". Mloppy dis
0. Main memory
C. 8egister
1. Core memory
"nswer "
7is.e$$e an" har" "is.s are
". 1irect access devices
0. SeAuential access devices
C. Slower than magnetic tape
1. <sed only in mainframe computers
"nswer "
The $w $#,es & !ain !e!r# are
". &rimary and secondary
0. 8andom and seAuential
C. 89M and 8"M
1. Central and peripheral
"nswer C
I& $he !ain !e!r# is & >P -#$es an" $he cache !e!r# is & 'P wr"s2 I$ uses asscia$i%e
!a,,in*2 Then each wr" & cache !e!r# shall -e
". 11 bits
0. 1# bits
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
C. 12 bits
1. #: bits
"nswer 1
Which & $he &llwin* !e!r# is ca,a-le & ,era$in* a$ elec$rnic s,ee")
". Semi conductor
0. Magnetic diss
C. Magnetic drums
1. Magnetic tapes
"nswer "
In i!!e"ia$e a""ressin* $he ,eran" is ,lace"
". in the C&< register
0. after 9& code in the instruction
C. in memory
1. in stac
"nswer 0
Which u$ & $he &llwin* is n$ an al$erna$i%e na!e &r ,ri!ar# !e!r#)
". Main memory
0. &rimary memory
C. 'nternal storage
1. Mass storage
"nswer 1
Cache" an" in$erlea%e" !e!ries are wa#s & s,ee"in* u, !e!r# access -e$ween CPUMs an"
slwer RAM2 Which !e!r# !"els are -es$ sui$e" Ei2e2 i!,r%es $he ,er&r!ance !s$F &r
which ,r*ra!s )
EiF Cache" !e!r# is -es$ sui$e" &r s!all l,s2
EiiF In$erlea%e" !e!r# is -es$ sui$e" &r s!all l,s
EiiiF In$erlea%e" !e!r# is -es$ sui$e" &r lar*e se5uen$ial c"e2
Ei%F Cache" !e!r# is -es$ sui$e" &r lar*e se5uen$ial c"e2
". 3i) and 3ii) are true.
0. 3i) and 3iii) are true
C. 3iv) and 3ii) are true.
1. 3iv) and 3iii) are true.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"nswer 0
In !a*ne$ic "is. "a$a r*ani4e" n $he ,l$$er in a cncen$ric se$s r rin*s calle"
". Sector
0. $rac
C. =ead
1. 0loc
"nswer C
Hw !an# a""ress lines are nee"e" $ a""ress each !e!r# lca$ins in a '@(> + ( !e!r# chi,)
". 1:
0. 11
C. 5
1. 1#
"nswer 0
Anal#sis "ia*ra!
". )fficient implementation of multiuser support is no longer possible
0. $he processor cache can be made more efficient.
C. =ardware support for memory management is not needed.
1. C&< scheduling can be made more efficient
"nswer C
The har"ware in which "a$a !a# -e s$re" &r a c!,u$er s#s$e! is calle"
". 8egister
0. Memory
C. Chip
1. &eripheral
"nswer 0
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
In a %ir$ual !e!r# s#s$e!/ $he a""resses use" -# $he ,r*ra!!er -eln*s $
". Memory space.
0. &hysical addresses
C. "ddress space
1. Main memory address
"nswer C
The "esira-le charac$eris$ic & a !e!r# s#s$e! is
". Speed and reliability
0. 6ow power consumption
C. 1urability and compactness
1. "ll of these
"nswer 0
Which access !e$h" is use" &r -$ainin* a recr" &r! casse$$e $a,e)
". 1irect
0. SeAuential
C. 8andom
1. &arallel
"nswer "
The nu!-er & recr"s cn$aine" wi$hin a -lc. & "a$a n !a*ne$ic $a,e is "e&ine" -#
". 0loc definition
0. 8ecord contain clause
C. 0locing factor
1. 8ecord per bloc factor
"nswer C
Which is $he !s$ ,,ular !e"iu! &r "irec$ access secn"ar# s$ra*e & a c!,u$er)
". Magnetic tape
0. Magnetic dis
C. 8"M
1. 89M
"nswer 0
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
6lc. r 6u&&er caches are use" $
". improve dis performance
0. handle interrupts
C. increase the capacity of main memory
1. speed up main memory 8ead operations
"nswer 1
Question 1(
&rocessors of all computers% whether micro% mini or mainframe must have
a. "6<
b. &rimary Storage
c. Control unit
d. "ll of above
Question #(
What is the control unitbs function in the C&<?
a. $o transfer data to primary storage
b. to store program instruction
c. to perform logic operations
d. to decode program instruction
Question ,(
What is meant by a dedicated computer?
a. which is used by one person only
b. which is assigned to one and only one tas
c. which does one ind of software
d. which is meant for application software only
Question -(
$he most common addressing techiniAues employed by a C&< is
a. immediate
b. direct
c. indirect
d. register
e. all of the above
Question .(
&ipeline implement
a. fetch instruction
b. decode instruction
c. fetch operand
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
d. calculate operand
e. e*ecute instruction
f. all of abve
Question 2(
Which of the following code is used in present day computing was developed by '0M
a. "SC''
b. =ollerith Code
c. 0audot code
d. )0C1'C code
Question 4(
When a subroutine is called% the address of the instruction following the C"66
instructions stored in>on the
a. stac pointer
b. accumulator
c. program counter
d. stac
Question 5(
" microprogram written as string of :bs and 1bs is a
a. symbolic microinstruction
b. binary microinstruction
c. symbolic microprogram
d. binary microprogram
Question 7(
'nterrupts which are initiated by an instruction are
a. internal
b. e*ternal
c. hardware
d. software
Question 1:(
Memory access in 8'SC architecture is limited to instructions
a. C"66 and 8)$
b. &<S= and &9&
c. S$" and 61"
d. M9! and CM&
1. d #. d ,. b -. e .. f 2. d 4. d 5. d 7. b 1:. c
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
71. Which of the following "ddressing Modes specifies a register which contains the
memory address of the operand?
3a) 'ndirect "ddressing Mode
3b) 8egister "ddressing Mode
3c) 8egister 'ndirect "ddressing Mode
3d) 'nde* "ddressing Mode
3e) 0ase "ddress 8egister "ddressing Mode.
7#. 'dentify the term% which indicate a set of 6ogical "ddresses.
3a) Memory space
3b) 1is space
3c) "ddress space
3d) 6ocation
3e) &age frame.
7,. Which of the following is &alse related to Stac?
3a) Stac &ointer points to the top most element of the stac
3b) 9nly &<S= and &9& operations are applicable
3c) 'mplements M'M9
3d) <seful for nested loops% subroutine calls etc
3e) )fficient for arithmetic e*pression evaluation.
7-. Which of the following is the method in which the unit receiving the data responds
with another control signal?
3a) $iming seAuence
3b) Synchronous
3c) Strobe
3d) Short message service
3e) =andshaing.
7.. What is the page replacement algorithm in which there is a replacement of a page%
which will not be used for the longest period of time?
3a) MM<
3b) 68<
3c) 9&$
3d) M'M9
3e) 6M<.
72. 9f the following% what is an input device for which finger shows the cursor
3a) Mouse
3b) Scanner
3c) Microphone
3d) $racball
3e) Flide pad.
74. Consider the following unsigned decimal numbers(
i. 2.-,.
ii. ----.
What is the result after subtracting 3iF by taing the 1:bs complement of 3iiF?
3a) #:75
3b) #:77
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
3c) #:72
3d) #:74
3e) #:7..
75. What is the octal eAuivalent of given binary number?
3a) ,#
3b) ,1
3c) ,-
3d) ,,
3e) ,..
77. Which of the following describes the Mnemonic S&"?
3a) Sip 'f 3"ddress 8esister) &ositive
3b) Sip 'f 3"ccumulator) &ositive
3c) Sip 'f 3"dder/Subtractor) &ositive
3d) Sip 'f 3"ssociative Mapping) &ositive
3e) Sip 'f 3"ssembler) &ositive.
Which of the following is crrec$ related to the circuit diagrams?
3a) SeAuential circuit is an interconnection of only logic gates
3b) SeAuential circuit is an interconnection of only flip flops
3c) Combinational circuit is an interconnection of logic gates
3d) Combinational circuit is an interconnection of flip flops
3e) &art of a combinational circuit is a seAuential circuit.
71. "nswer ( 3c)
8eason( "ddressing mode that specifies a register which contains the memory address of the operand
is 8egister 'ndirect "ddressing Mode.
7#. "nswer ( 3c)
8eason( "ddress space indicate a set of 6ogical "ddresses.
7,. "nswer ( 3c)
8eason( Stac does not 'mplement M'M9 but implements 6'M9.
7-. "nswer ( 3e)
8eason( =andshaing is the method in which the unit receiving the data responds with another control
7.. "nswer ( 3c)
8eason( $he page replacement algorithm in which there is a replacement of a page% which will not be
used for the longest period of time is 9&$.
72. "nswer ( 3e)
8eason( $he input device for which finger shows the cursor movement is Flide pad.
74. "nswer ( 3b)
8eason( 2.-,/ ----K #:77
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
75. "nswer ( 3b)
8eason( $he octal eAuivalent of :11::1 K,1.
77. "nswer ( 3b)
8eason( S&" stands for Sip 'f 3"ccumulator) &ositive
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason( Combinational circuit is an interconnection of logic gates.
'n which type of flip/flop the indeterminate condition of the S8 flip/flop 3when SK8K1) is
3a) )dge/triggered flip/flop
3b) CU flip/flop
3c) 1 flip/flop
3d) $ flip/flop
3e) Master/slave flipflop.
$he bul of the binary information in a digital computer is stored in memory% but all
computations are done in
3a) $iming Control
3b) Memory 8egisters
3c) &rocessor 8egisters
3d) &rogram Control
3e) Secondary Memory.
'nformation transfer from one register to another is designated in symbolic form by means of
3a) Control Munction
3b) 9p Code
3c) 8egisters
3d) 8eplacement 9perator
3e) "rrow 9perator.
$he registers found in the processor unit are
3a) 9perational registers
3b) Memory registers
3c) Storage registers
3d) 0inary registers
3e) $emporary registers.
$echniAues that automatically move program and data blocs into the physical main memory
when they are reAuired for e*ecution are called
3a) "ssociative/Mapping techniAues
3b) Main Memory techniAues
3c) !irtual Memory techniAues
3d) Cache Memory techniAues
3e) &aging techniAues.
12 What digit is added to the )*cess/, code generation?
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
. 3a) ,
3b) -
3c) #
3d) 1
3e) :.
$he processor% ////////// and '>9 1evices are interconnected by means of a common bus.
3a) Cache Memory
3b) "u*iliary Memory
3c) !irtual Memory
3d) Main Memory
3e) )*tended Memory.
System Software usually includes a program called a ////////% which helps the programmer
find errors in a program.
3a) Write 0uffer
3b) 8ead 0uffer
3c) 1ebugger
3d) 0oth 3a) and 3c) above
3e) 0oth 3b) and 3c) above.
$o convert octal code to binary code which of the following digital functions should be used?
3a) 1ecoder
3b) )ncoder
3c) Multiple*er
3d) 1emultiple*er
3e) 0inary adder.
" full/adder is simply a connection of two half/adders @oined by
3a) "+1 gate
3b) 98 gate
3c) +"+1 gate
3d) +98 gate
3e) ;98 gate.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( $o S8 flip/flop two new connections from Q and QG outputs bac to original input
gates eliminate the indeterminate condition.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( $he operation part of an instruction code specifies the operation to be performed.
$his operation must be e*ecuted on some data stored in memory and>or processor
registers. "n instruction code% therefore% must specify not only the operation% but
also the register or memory words where the operands are to be found% as well as the
register or memory words where the result is to be stored. Mor this reason% the bul
of binary information in a digital computer is stored in memory% but all
computations are done in &rocessor 8egisters.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( " replacement operator consisting of the information transfer from one register to
another% is designated in symbolic form.
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( 8egisters found in processor are called operational registers and in memory unit are
called storage registers.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( " virtual memory system provides a mechanism for translating program/generated
addresses into correct main memory locations. $his is done dynamically% while
programs are being e*ecuted in the C&<. $he translation or mapping is handled
automatically by the hardware by means of a mapping table.
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( )*cess/,code generation taes , as e*cess to the binary code.
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( $he 0us master is allowed to initiate data transfer on the bus.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( 1ebugger is a program% which finds errors in program.
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( Multiple*er is called as 1ata Selector in computers where 1ynamic memory uses
the same address lines for both row and column addressing and a set of multiple*ers
is used to first select row address and then switch to column address.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( " full/adder is simply a connection of two half/adders @oined by a 98 gate% and
other half/adder simplify the "+1 gate also.
9f the following% identify the memory usually written by the manufacturer.
3a) 8"M
3b) 18"M
3c) S8"M
3d) 89M
3e) Cache Memory.
What does 1 stands for in 1/flip flop?
3a) 1irect
3b) 1onGt care
3c) 1ouble
3d) 1elay
3e) 1ata.
Consider that the program is e*ecuted from main memory until it attempts to
reference a page that is still in au*iliary memory. 'dentify this condition.
3a) &age Mound
3b) &age Mault
3c) &age =it
3d) &age Miss
3e) &age 8eplace.
1:- 1M" stands for
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
. 3a) 1irect Memory "ddress
3b) 1irect Main "ddress
3c) 1irect Memory "ccess
3d) 1irect Main "ccess
3e) 1evice Memory "ccess.
What is the symbol to represent a state in the state diagram?
Consider 18 h M Z"8[% 'dentify the operation.
3a) "rithmetic 9peration
3b) Shift 9peration
3c) Memory Write
3d) Memory 8ead
3e) Memory Cycle.
" computer has memory of #.2 words of ,# bits each% how many bits are
reAuired to specify the address part?
3a) 12 bits
3b) 1# bits
3c) 5 bits
3d) 15 bits
3e) 1: bits.
Which one of the following can be called as a peripheral?
3a) Control <nit
3b) "rithmetic <nit
3c) Speaers
3d) 6ogic <nit
3e) Main Memory.
is a symbol for
3a) 98
3b) ;98
3c) "+1
3d) +"+1
3e) +98.
What is the operation sets to 1 the bits in one register where there are
corresponding 1Gs in the second register?
3a) Selective Complement
3b) Selective Clear
3c) Selective Set
3d) Mas
3e) 'nsert.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason( 89M is the memory usually written by the manufacturer.
1:# "nswer ( 3e)
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
. 8eason( 1 stands in 1/flip flop stands for 1ata.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason( $he program is e*ecuted from main memory until it attempts to reference a page that is still in
au*iliary memory called &age Mault.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason( 1M" stands for 1irect Memory "ccess.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason( $he symbol to represent a state in the state diagram is
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason( 18 h M Z"8[ is Memory 8ead.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason( " computer has memory of #.2 words of ,# bits each% 15 bits are reAuired to specify the
address part.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason( Speaers can be called as a peripheral.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason( is a symbol for "+1.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason( Selective Set is the operation sets to 1 the bits in one register where there are corresponding
1Gs in the second register.
Identify, from among the following, the correct statement.
One of the main challenges Software Engineering facing today is the requirement of most
software systems to work with a multitude of homogenous systems
Legacy systems are custom develoed software systems for the legal domain
Software does not wear!out in the traditional sense of the term, "ut software does tend to
deteriorate as it evolves
#d$ Since software is essentially intangi"le it is relatively easy to manage software ro%ects
&ith the advent of comonent "ased software assem"ly, we find that only less than '() of
todays software is still custom "uilt.
Software Engineering*
Is a set of rules a"out develoing software roducts
+as "een around as a disciline since the early ,(s
Started as a resonse to the so!called Software -risis of the late .(s
#d$ Is an engineering disciline concerned with all the asects of software roduction
Is now a mature disciline on ar with other esta"lished engineering fields.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
/ead the following aragrah and identify the correct statement.
0Imagine that you were recently hired as a software engineer to a comany that seciali1es in
aircraft navigation control software. &hile orientating yourselves to the comanys work
ractices, you o"serve that they in fact do not conduct a few tests that they should in order to
comly with the relevant safety standard. &hen you inquire a"out this from the ro%ect
manager, he dismisses it saying that those tests are really unnecessary #and takes an
unreasona"ly long time to conduct, as well as "eing suerfluous$ and that they have managed
with the other tests for so long, without any ro"lems.2
3ou should immediately resign from the comany and file a comlaint with the relevant
standard institution
3ou should do nothing and let the matter slide
4lthough you are new to the comany, and you hardly know anything a"out the internal
rocesses and olitics, you should insist on the comany changing its work ractices
immediately5 failing which you threaten to reort the matter
#d$ Since you are new to the comany, and you are unfamiliar with the internal rocesses and
olitics, you should first find!out more a"out the issue and its "ackground
6one of the a"ove statements are correct.
&ith regard to Evolutionary develoment, identify the correct statement.
Evolutionary develoment usually comes in two flavors5 e7loratory develoment, and throw!
away rototying
8ery large ro%ects are natural candidates for an evolutionary develoment "ased aroach
E7loratory develoment is used in situations where most of the requirements are well
understood in advance
#d$ One of the strong oints of evolutionary develoment is that it facilitates easy ro%ect
management, through the high volume of documentation it generates
Often the construction of a throw!away rototye is not followed "y a reimlementation of the
system using a more structured aroach.
&hat is the fundamental reason that software cannot "e considered to "e engineered9
It is designed "y humans and therefore flawed
Software engineering #as oosed to other forms of engineering, such as -ivil$ is an art ! not a
:he disciline is relatively new, say in comarison to "ridge "uilding that is an activity that has
millennia of ractice
6one of these are true. Software Engineering is a truly rigorous disciline
:he comle7ity of systems and their interaction continues faster than we can understand it.
:he software life cycle can "e said to consist of a series of hases. :he classical model is
referred to as the waterfall model. &hich hase may "e defined as ;:he concet is e7lored
and refined, and the client<s requirements are elicited9;
#a$ /equirements #"$ Secification #c$ =esign
#d$ Imlementation #e$ Integration.
:he individual or organisation who wants a roduct to "e develoed is known as the*
#a$ =eveloer #"$ >ser #c$ -ontractor #d$ Initiator #e$ -lient.
&hich of the following items should not "e included in the software ro%ect management
:he techniques and case tools to "e used
=etailed schedules, "udgets and resource allocations
:he life cycle model to "e used
:he organisational structure of the develoment organisation, ro%ect resonsi"ilities,
managerial o"%ectives and riorities
4ll of the a"ove.
:he final form of testing -O:S software is ????????? testing.
(a) Unit (b) Integration (c) Alpha (d) Module (e) Beta.
In the maintenance hase the roduct must "e tested against revious test cases. :his is
known as ?????????? testing.
#a$ >nit #"$ Integration #c$ /egression #d$ @odule #e$ Aeta.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
B. 4nswer * C
/eason* /emaining all are contradictory.
2. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* Software crisis of the late D(s .
3. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* = is the aroriate choice.
4. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* Evolutionary develoment usually comes in two flavors5 e7loratory develoment, and
throw!away rototying is the correct statement with resect to Evolutionary
5. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :he fundamental reason that software can not "e considered to "e engineered is the
comle7ity of systems and their interaction continues faster than we can understand it.
6. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* In the requirements hase the concet is e7lored and refined and the clients
requirements are elicited.
7. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :he individual or organisation who wants a roduct to "e develoed is known as
the client.
8. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :he software ro%ect management lan should include* the life cycle model to "e used,
the organisational structure of the develoment organisation, ro%ect resonsi"ilities,
managerial o"%ectives and riorities, the life cycle model to "e used, detailed schedules,
"udgets and resource allocations.
. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* Aeta testing occurs when a commercial form of the software is released to
selected clients.
!". 4nswer * C
/eason* /egression testing occurs when the roduct is tested against revious test cases. :his
most frequently occurs in the maintenance hase.
&hich roerty of the raid rototye is not imortant9
:he seed with which it can "e develoed
:he seed with which it can "e modified
Its a"ility to determine the client<s real needs
:he insights that the design team can gain from it, even if they are of the <how not to do it<
Its internal structure.
!2. 4n e7amle of the risk involved in software develoment is
Eey ersonnel may resign "efore the roduct is comlete
:he manufacturer of critical comonents #e.g. the hardware associated with a real!time
system$ may go "ankrut
:echnology changes may render the roduct o"solete
-ometitors may market a fully functional lower!cost equivalent ackage
4ll of these are risks involved in software develoment.
!3. 4 simle way of looking at the siral software life!cycle model is as a waterfall model with each
hase roceeded "y
#a$ Auild!and!fi7
#"$ Free1ing
#c$ Synchroni1ation
#d$ :esting
#e$ /isk analysis.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!4. :he degree of interaction "etween two modules is known as
#a$ -ohesion
#"$ Strength
#c$ Inheritance
#d$ -ouling
#e$ Instantiation.
!5. :he relationshi "etween a derived class #or su"class$ and "ase class is referred to as
#a$ 4ssociation
#"$ Inheritance
#c$ Golymorhism
#d$ Instantiation
#e$ 4ggregation.
!6. @yers #B.HI$ identifies seven levels of cohesion. &hich level of cohesion may "e defined as
followed5 ;the outut from one element in the comonent serves as inut for some other
#a$ -ommunicational cohesion
#"$ Functional cohesion
#c$ -ommunicational cohesion
#d$ :emoral cohesion
#e$ 6one of these.
4 design is said to "e a good design if the comonents are
Strongly couled
&eakly cohesive
Strongly couled and &eakly cohesive
Strongly couled and strongly cohesive
Strongly cohesive and weakly couled.
If a control switch is assed as an argument this is an e7amle of ??????? couling.
#a$ -ontent
#"$ -ommon
#c$ -ontrol
#d$ Stam
#e$ =ata.
&hich of the following is a tye of a"straction9
#a$ =ata
#"$ Grocedural
#c$ Iteration
#d$ 4ll of the a"ove
#e$ 6one of the a"ove.
In the classical chief rogrammer team aroach, the team mem"er resonsi"le for
maintaining the detailed design and coding is
:he chief rogrammer
:he rogramming secretary
4 seciali1ed function that e7ists outside <the team<
:he individual coder #i.e. rogrammer$
:he "ack!u rogrammer.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
BB. 4nswer * #c$
/eason* :he sole use of the raid rototye is to determine what the client<s real needs are as
raidly as ossi"le. :he raid rototye is then effectively discarded so its internal
structure is not relevant.
!2. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :here are many risks involved in software develoment.
!3. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* 4 simle way of looking at the siral software life!cycle model is as a waterfall model with
each hase roceeded "y risk analysis.
!4. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* :he degree of interaction "etween two modules is known as couling.
!5. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* 4 derived class inherits all the attri"utes of a "ase class.
!6. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* In communicational cohesion the outut from one element in the comonent serves as
inut for some other element.
!7. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* 3ou should aim to ma7imi1e the interaction within a module and minimi1e the
interaction "etween modules.
!8. 4nswer * #c$
/eason* :wo modules are control couled if one asses an element of control to another.
!. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* :he three tyes of a"straction #data, rocedural and iteration$ are all instances of the
more general concet of information hiding.
2". 4nswer * #d$
/eason* In the classical chief rogrammer team aroach, the team mem"er resonsi"le for
maintaining the detailed design and coding is the individual coder #i.e. rogrammer$.
Internal costs include
=eveloers salaries
@anagers and suort ersonnel salaries
:he cost of overheads such as utilities, rent and senior managers
@aterials #such as manuals$ and services such as travel
4ll of the a"ove.
Gro"lems with using Lines of -ode to measure the si1e of a roduct include#s$
:he creation of source code is only art of the develoment effort
:he Lines of -ode #LO-$ will differ "etween languages and cannot "e measured for some
Should comments, data definitions etc #i.e. non!e7ecuta"le LO-$ "e included as well9
:he final si1e #kLO-$ can only "e determined once the roduct is delivered
4ll of the a"ove.
Software Science "ases its estimation of the si1e of a roduct on
Files #Fi$, Flows #Fl$ and Grocesses #Gr$
Lines of -ode #kLO-$
Function Goints #FG$
oerands and oerators
Feature Goints #FeG$.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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In Intermediate -O-O@O the mode that reresents comle7 roducts is referred to as
#a$ Em"edded
#"$ Semidetached
#c$ Organic
#d$ @ultilicative
#e$ @onolithic.
&ork that continues throughout the ro%ect and does not relate to any secific hase of
software develoment is termed a#n$
#a$ @ilestone
#"$ Gro%ect function
#c$ 4ctivity
#d$ :ask
#e$ Aaseline.
:he advantage of following the IEEE Standard for drawing u a Software Gro%ect @anagement
Glan #SG@G$ ! see IEEE Standard B(,..B B.IH ! is
It is drawn u "y reresentatives from ma%or software develoment organisations
It is designed for all tyes of software roducts
It is a framework that can "e used irresective of rocess model or secific techniques
It can "e tailored for each organisation for a articular alication area, develoment team or
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
:he "est way to test the Software Gro%ect @anagement Glan #SG@G$ is "y
#a$ Grototying
#"$ Insection
#c$ Simulation
#d$ -omilation
#e$ =e"ugging.
4lgorithmic cost estimation in different organisations may "e different for the same
alication develoment, "ecause
=ifferent organisations consider comle7ity factors differently
=ifferent organisations may use different rogramming languages
=eveloers< skills may vary
:echniques for the measurement of roductivity may vary
4ll of the a"ove may "e true.
:he aim of software engineering is to roduce software that is
=elivered on time
=elivered within "udget
Satisfies users< needs
4ll of these are the aims of software engineering.
O"%ect!oriented concets are not new. :he first OO language was considered to "e
(a) A#$%#&68
(b) '%()(A* 77
(c) +
#d$ @O=>L4
#e$ SI@>L4 DH.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
'B. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* Internal costs comrise all the costs to the develoers.
22. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :here are many ro"lems with using Lines of -ode to measure the si1e of a
23. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* Software Science "ases its estimation of the si1e of a roduct on the num"er of oerands
and oerators.
24. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* In Intermediate -O-O@O there are three modes* organic, semidetached and
25. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* &ork that continues throughout the ro%ect and does not relate to any secific hase of
software develoment is termed a ro%ect function.
26. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :here are many advantages of using a standard.
27. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* :he "est way to test the Software Gro%ect @anagement Glan #SG@G$ is "y a lan
insection "y the SJ4 team. In order to further reduce risk the duration and cost
estimates should further "e indeendently comuted "y eole other than the original
ro%ect team.
28. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* -ost estimation incororates a num"er of factors.
2. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :he aim of software engineering is to roduce software that is fault!free, delivered on
time, delivered within "udget, and satisfies users< needs.
3". 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :he first OO language was considered to "e SI@>L4 DH.
KB. Software engineering is the systematic aroach to the
#a$ =eveloment of software
#"$ Oeration of software
#c$ @aintenance of software
#d$ /etirement of software
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
K'. Arooks view of the essence of software included
#a$ Geole, Juality, Grocess and Groductivity
#"$ Gerformance, /o"ustness, @aintaina"ility and /eusa"ility
#c$ -omle7ity, -onformity, -hangea"ility and Invisi"ility
#d$ Efficiency, /elia"ility, >sa"ility and /o"ustness
#e$ 4ccuracy, :esta"ility, 8isi"ility and -hangea"ility.
KK. &hat is the essence of software engineering9
#a$ /equirements =efinition, =esign /eresentation, Enowledge -ature
and Juality Factors
#"$ @aintaining -onfigurations, Organi1ing :eams, -hanneling -reativity
and Glanning /esource >se
#c$ :imeLSace :radeoffs, Otimi1ing Grocess, @inimi1ing -ommunication
and Gro"lem =ecomosition
#d$ @anaging -omle7ity, @anaging Gersonnel /esources, @anaging :ime
and @oney and Groducing >seful Groducts
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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#e$ @aintaining -ommunication, @anaging unuseful roducts and 6ot
otimi1ing rocess.
KM. &hich of the following is a life!cycle concern9
#a$ :esting
#"$ Gorta"ility
#c$ Grogramming
#d$ Glanning
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
K,. &hich "est catures the nature of the quality aradigm9
#a$ :he 6ature of Juality, 4 Grocess Gersective, =efect Elimination
#"$ Grocess, Groduct, Geole, Gro"lem
#c$ @easurement, Juality -ontrol, 8alidation
#d$ Feasi"ility, /equirements, Economics, -ustomers 6eeds
#e$ 4nalysis, :esting, =esign.
KD. Grototying is aroriate for
#a$ =ata!oriented alications
#"$ 4lications with emhasis on the user interface
#c$ 4lications which are highly interactive
#d$ =eveloment teams who lack domain e7erience
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
KH. &hat are the ma%or activities of the siral model of software engineering9
#a$ Glanning, /isk 4nalysis, Engineering, -ustomer Evaluation
#"$ =efining, Grototying, :esting, =elivery
#c$ /equirements
#d$ Juick =esign, Auild Grototye, Evaluate Grototye, /efine Grototye
#e$ :esting.
KI. In choosing a develoment life!cycle model, one would consider the
#a$ =eveloment Nrou E7ertise, Gro"lem -haracteristics, >ser
#"$ Languages, =eveloment Schedule, -ometition
#c$ System -onte7t, >ser Goulation, Glatforms
#d$ Organi1ational Structure, >ser :asks, Gerformance -riteria
#e$ System 4nalysis, >ser interface, :esting.
K.. &hat are the factors to "e considered when lanning a software develoment
#a$ Gerformance, Gro"lem, Groduct, Glanning
#"$ Geole, Gro"lem, Groduct, Grocess
#c$ Geole, Gro"lem, Groductivity, Gerformance
#d$ Geole, Gro"lem, Groduct, Gorta"ility
#e$ Groductivity, Grogramming, Gerformance, Gay!Off.
M(. &hich of the following could "e a delivera"le for a software system9
#a$ Source -ode
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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#"$ /eference @anual
#c$ /equirements =ocument
#d$ >ser<s Nuide
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
KB. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* Software engineering is the systematic aroach to the develoment of software ,
oeration of software , maintenance of software and retirement of software .
K'. 4nswer * #c$
/eason* Arooks view of the essence of software included -omle7ity, conformity,
changea"ility Oinvisi"ility.
KK. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* :he essence of software engineering is managing comle7ity, ersonnel resources,
time and money and roducing useful roducts.
KM. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* Glanning is life!cycle concern.
K,. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* Grocess ersective and defect elimination "est catures the quality aradigm.
KD. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* Grototying seems aroriate for =ata!oriented alications, 4lications with
emhasis on the user interface, 4lications which are highly interactive and
=eveloment teams who lack domain e7erience
KH. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* Glanning , risk analysis ,engineering and customer evaluation are the imortant four
ma%or activities of the siral model.
KI. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* -hoice 4 is the at among all the answers for choosing a develoment life cycle
K.. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* Geole, Gro"lem, GroductO Grocess factors are considered when lanning a software
develoment effort.
M(. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* Soruce code, reference manual ,requirements document and users guide are the
delivera"les for a software system.
,B. &hat would "e investigated during /equirements analysis9
#a$ System erformance , :est Scheduling, Organi1ational Structure
#"$ Languages , Glatforms, -ometition
#c$ System -onte7t , >ser Goulations, >ser :asks
#d$ 8erification, Formal @ethods, 4ccuracy
#e$ 8alidation, Informal methods, Inaccuracy.
,'. &hich of the following is not a descrition of lanning9
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#a$ Glanning is used to find credi"le ways to roduce results with limited
resources and limited schedule fle7i"ility
#"$ Glanning is finding new ersonnel resources to suort la"or intensive
#c$ Glanning is identifying and accommodating the unforeseen
#d$ Glanning is "lending the efforts of many eole to roduce a roduct that
satisfies the customer<s need
#e$ Glanning is negotiating comromises in comletion dates and resource
,K. :he information we need to cature during requirements analysis not include
#a$ +iring 4uthority
#"$ -ommunication Gaths
#c$ Synchroni1ation
#d$ :emoral =eendencies
#e$ =ata 4ggregation.
,M. &hat do you call when two modules are couled, when they communicate via a
comosite data item9
#a$ -ontent couling
#"$ -ommon couling
#c$ -ontrol couling
#d$ =ata couling
#e$ Stam couling.
,,. &hich among the following measures how strongly the elements within a
module are related9
#a$ -ouling
#"$ -ohesion
#c$ 4ggregation
#d$ Inheritance
#e$ 4"straction.
,D. &hat do you call, when the elements of a module, all oerate on the same
#a$ Functional cohesion
#"$ :emoral cohesion
#c$ Grocedural cohesion
#d$ -ommunicational cohesion
#e$ -oincidental cohesion.
,H. &hich tests are designed to confront the rogram with a"normal situations9
#a$ /ecovery testing
#"$ Security testing
#c$ Stress testing
#d$ Gerformance testing
#e$ >sage testing.
,I. :o which software category does Enowledge "ased system "elongs9
#a$ System software
#"$ /eal time software
#c$ Em"edded software
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
#d$ Gersonnel software
#e$ 4rtificial Intelligent software.
,.. &hich is not involved in software develoment rocess9
#a$ Geole
#"$ Gro"lem
#c$ Gractice
#d$ Grocess
#e$ Groduct.
D(. &hich of the following are direct measures9
I. Si1e.
II. Effort.
III. Schedule.
I8. Juality.
#a$ Aoth #I$ and #II$ a"ove
#"$ Aoth #I$ and #III$ a"ove
#c$ Aoth #I$ and #I8$ a"ove
#d$ Aoth #II$ and #III$ a"ove
#e$ 4ll #I$, #II$, #III$ and #I8$ a"ove.
,B. 4nswer * #c$
/eason* - is the right choice.
,'. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* Glanning is finding new ersonnel resources to suort la"or intensive develoment
is not descritive of lanning
,K. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* :he information we need to cature during requirements analysis would ro"a"ly not
include hiring 4uthority .
,M. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* Stam couling is that when two modules are couled if they communicate via
comosite data item.
,,. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* -ohesion measures how strongly the elements within a module are related.
,D. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* when the elements of a module all oerate on the same data we call it as a
communicational cohesion.
,H. 4nswer * #c$
/eason* Stress testing is to confront the rogram with a"normal situations.
,I. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* 4rtificial Intelligent software "elongs to knowledge "ased system.
,.. 4nswer * #c$
/eason* ractice is not involved in software develoment rocess.
D(. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* si1e, effort, schedule and quality are the direct measures.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
MB. &hich of the following is not viewed as a rimary mover in imroving the
software rocess9
#a$ Increased Effectiveness
#"$ Aetter Groduct Juality
#c$ Imroved Staff Satisfaction
#d$ /educed -osts
#e$ :ighter managerial control.
M'. Symtoms of the software crisis would include
#a$ Software delivered "ehind schedule
#"$ Software e7ceeding cost estimate
#c$ >nrelia"le
#d$ =ifficult to maintain
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
MK. &hich of the following ro%ects would "e a good one for adoting the
rototying aradigm for software develoment9
#a$ 4ccounting System
#"$ Sreadsheet
#c$ 4utomo"ile -ruise -ontrol
#d$ :elehone Switching System
#e$ 4lge"ra :utor.
MM. 8iews of quality software would not include
#a$ Otimi1ing rice and erformance
#"$ @inimi1ing the e7ecution errors
#c$ -onformance to secification
#d$ Esta"lishing valid requirements
#e$ @a7imi1ing errors.
M,. Software configuration activities would not include
#a$ Identify change
#"$ -ontrol change
#c$ Ensure imroer imlementation of change
#d$ /eort change to interested arties
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
MD. In lanning a software ro%ect one would
#a$ Find ways to roduce results using limited resources
#"$ Gad the schedule to accommodate errors
#c$ Overestimate the "udget
#d$ Structure the team to revent administrative interference
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
MH. 4 systematic aroach to software develoment, as eitomi1ed "y the various
life!cycle models, is useful in
#a$ +eling us understand the nature of the software roduct
#"$ -onvincing the customer that we know what we are doing
#c$ Filling te7ts on software engineering
#d$ @anaging the various activities necessary to get the %o" done
#e$ :esting the entire ro%ect
MI. 4 rocess view in software engineering would consider which of the following
#a$ Groduct erformance
#"$ Staffing
#c$ Functionality
#d$ /elia"ility
#e$ >sa"ility.
M.. Software measurement is useful to
#a$ Indicate quality of the roduct
#"$ :rack rogress
#c$ 4ssess roductivity
#d$ Form a "aseline for estimation and rediction
#e$ 4ll of the a"ove.
,(. &hich of the following is not a concern during the management of a software
#a$ @oney
#"$ :ime
#c$ Groduct quality
#d$ Gro%ectLroduct information
#e$ Groduct quantity.
MB. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* :ightermanageiral control is not viewed as a rimary mover in imroving the
software rocess
M'. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* &hen software delivered "ehind schedule, software e7ceeding cost estimate
,unrelia"le and difficult to maintain then it is said that software crisis.
MK. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* 4lge"ra :utor would "e a good candidate for adoting the rototying aradigm.
MM. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* minimi1ing the e7ecution errors would not included in views of quality software.
M,. 4nswer * #c$
/eason* Software configuration activities would include roer imlementation of change.
MD. 4nswer * #a$
/eason* In lanning a software ro%ect I would find ways to roduce results using limited
MH. 4nswer * #d$
/eason* 4 systematic aroach to software develoment, as eitomi1ed "y the various life!
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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cycle models, is useful in managing the various activities necessary to get the %o" done.
MI. 4nswer * #"$
/eason* Staffing is the at choice among the given
M.. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* Software measurement is useful to , indicate quality of the roduct , track rogress ,
assess roductivity and form a "aseline for estimation and rediction.
,(. 4nswer * #e$
/eason* Groduct quantity would not include during the management of a software ro%ect.
DB. +ow does a software ro%ect manager need to act to minimi1e the risk of
software failure9
#a$ =ou"le the ro%ect team si1e
#"$ /equest a large "udget
#c$ Form a small software team
#d$ :rack rogress
#e$ /equest for more eriod of time.
D'. :o "e an effective aid in rocess imrovement the "aseline metrics used must
#a$ Aased on reasona"le estimates from failed ro%ects
#"$ @easured consistently across ro%ects
#c$ =rawn from large ro%ects only
#d$ Aased only on successful ro%ects
#e$ =rawn from failed ro%ects.
DK. Emirical estimation models are tyically "ased on
#a$ E7ert %udgment "ased on ast ro%ect e7eriences
#"$ /efinement of current ro%ect estimation
#c$ /egression models derived from historical ro%ect data
#d$ :rial and error determination of the arameters and coefficients
#e$ Estimation of resent data.
DM. &hich of the following is not the guiding rincile of software ro%ect
#a$ -omartmentali1ation
#"$ @arket assessment
#c$ :ime allocation
#d$ Effort validation
#e$ Interdeendency.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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D,. :he tools for comuting critical ath and ro%ect comletion times from
activity networks isLare
I. -G@.
II. =/E.
I8. GE/:.
#a$ Aoth #I$ and #III$ a"ove
#"$ Aoth #I$ and #I8$ a"ove
#c$ Aoth #II$ and #I8$ a"ove
#d$ Aoth #II$ and #III$ a"ove
#e$ 4ll #I$, #II$, #III$ and #I8$ a"ove.
DD. :he urose of earned value analysis is to
#a$ =etermine how to comensate develoers "ased on their roductivity
#"$ Grovide a quantitative means of assessing software ro%ect rogress
#c$ Grovide a qualitative means of assessing software ro%ect rogress
#d$ Set the rice oint for a software roduct "ased on develoment effort
#e$ Grovide qualitative and quantitative measure of assesing software ro%ect
DH. :he raid alication develoment model is
#a$ Same as comonent!"ased develoment
#"$ 4 useful aroach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly
#c$ 4 high!seed adatation of the linear sequential model
#d$ Same as incremental model
#e$ Same as water fall model.
DI. &hich of the following is not an o"%ective for "uilding analysis models9
#a$ =efine set of software requirements that can "e validated
#"$ =escri"e customer requirements
#c$ =evelo a solution for the ro"lem
#d$ Esta"lish "asis for software design
#e$ =efine set of software requirements that can "e verified.
D.. :he entity relationshi diagram
#a$ =eicts relationshis "etween data o"%ects
#"$ =eicts functions that transform the data flow
#c$ Indicates how data are transformed "y the system
#d$ Indicates system reactions to e7ternal events
#e$ =eicts the hysical design of the data.
H(. &hich of the following is not an area of concern in the design model9
#a$ 4rchitecture
#"$ =ata design
#c$ Interfaces design
#d$ Gro%ect scoe
#e$ @odular design.
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MCQs of Computer Science
61. 4nswer * #d$
/eason * a software ro%ect manager need to act to minimi1e the risk of software failure "y
:racking the rogress of software
62. 4nswer * #"$
/eason * :o "e an effective aid in rocess imrovement the "aseline metrics used must "e
@easured consistently across ro%ects
63. 4nswer * #c$
/eason * Emirical estimation models are tyically "ased on /egression models derived
from historical ro%ect data.
64. 4nswer * #"$
/eason * @arket 4ssessment is not one of the guiding rinciles of software ro%ect
65. 4nswer * #"$
/eason * :wo tools for comuting critical ath and ro%ect comletion times from activity
networks are -G@ OGE/:
66. 4nswer * #"$
/eason * :he urose of earned value analysis is to Grovide a quantitative means of
assessing software ro%ect rogress
67. 4nswer * #c$
/eason * :he raid alication develoment model is 4 high!seed adatation of the linear
sequential model.
68. 4nswer * #c$
/eason * =evelo a solution for the ro"lem is not an o"%ective for "uilding
analysis models9
69. 4nswer * #a$
/eason * :he entity relationshi diagram deicts relationshis "etween data o"%ects
70. 4nswer * #d$
/eason * Gro%ect Scoe is not an area of concern in the design model
HB. -ouling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module
#a$ -an "e written more comactly
#"$ Focuses on %ust one thing
#c$ Is a"le to comlete its function in a timely manner
#d$ Is connected to other modules
#e$ Is a"le to comleted its logic in a timely manner.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
H'. &hich of the following interface design rinciles reduces the users memory
=efine intuitive shortcuts
II. =isclose information in a rogressive fashion
III. Esta"lish meaningful defaults
I8. Grovide an on!line tutorial
#a$ Only #I$ a"ove
#"$ Only #II$ a"ove
#c$ Only #III$ a"ove
#d$ #I$, #II$ and #III$ a"ove
#e$ 4ll #I$, #II$, #III$ and #I8$ a"ove.
HK. Alack "o7 testing is also called
#a$ Secification!"ased testing
#"$ Structural testing
#c$ 8erification
#d$ >nit testing
#e$ ,tre-- te-ting.
HM. &hich configuration o"%ects would not tyically "e found in the ro%ect
#a$ =esign secification
#"$ @arketing data
#c$ E7ecuta"le code
#d$ :est lans
#e$ :est rocedures.
H,. &hich of the following task#s$ isLare not art of software configuration
-hange control.
II. /eorting.
III. Statistical quality control.
#a$ Only #I$ a"ove
#"$ Only #II$ a"ove
#c$ Only #III$ a"ove
#d$ Aoth #I$ and #II$ a"ove
#e$ Aoth #I$ and #III$ a"ove.
HD. &hich "o7 secification is not associated with cleanroom aroach9
#a$ Alack "o7
#"$ -lear "o7
#c$ State "o7
#d$ &hite "o7
#e$ Silver "o7.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
HH. &hich of the following is not a logical layer of the alication in client server
#a$ Gresentation layer
#"$ 4lication layer
#c$ =ata @anagement layer
#d$ Grogramming layer
#e$ Ausiness layer.
HI. &hich of the following is true for a thin!client9
#a$ Grocesses alication logic
#"$ Gerforms data management task
#c$ Glaces heavy rocessing load on the server
#d$ @akes use of rocessing ower of the client
#e$ Glaces heavy rocessing load on the client.
H.. :raditionally, the hase of software develoment where a formal aroach
used is
#a$ Grogramming
#"$ =esign
#c$ /equirements
#d$ Glanning
#e$ :esting.
I(. =omain Engineering in -ASE is to
#a$ Identification of comonents
#"$ -atalogue reusa"le comonents
#c$ =omain modeling
#d$ Structural modeling
#e$ 4ll the a"ove.
71. 4nswer * #d$
/eason * -ouling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module is
connected to other modules.
72. 4nswer * #d$
/eason * :he following =efine intuitive shortcuts ,=isclose information in a rogressive
fashion, Esta"lish meaningful defaults interface design rinciles reduces the user<s
memory load
73. 4nswer * #a$
/eason * Alack "o7 testing is another name for Secification!"ased testing.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
74. 4nswer * #"$
/eason * @arketing data configuration o"%ects would not tyically "e found in the
ro%ect data"ase
75. 4nswer * #c$
/eason * the following task Statistical quality control is not art of software configuration
76. 4nswer * #d$
/eason * &hite "o7 secification is not associated with cleanroom aroach
77. 4nswer * #d$
/eason * Grogramming is not a logical layer of the alication in client server
78. 4nswer * #c$
/eason * Glaces heavy rocessing load on the server
79. 4nswer * #a$
/eason * :raditionally, the only hase of software develoment where a formal aroach is
used is Grogramming.
80. 4nswer * #e$
/eason * =omain Engineering in -ASE is toIdentification of comonents,-atalogue
reusa"le comonents,=omain modeling, Structural modeling.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
System Analysis and Design

1. Which of the following Information systems are
aimed at improving the routine business activities
on which all organizations depend?
(a) Management Information systems
(b) ecision support systems
(c) !ransaction processing systems
(d) Management support systems
(e) !ransaction Information systems"
2. Which of the following strategies are adopted if
information requirements are not well-defined?
(a) #apid application de$elopment method
(b) %tructured analysis de$elopment method
(c) %ystems de$elopment life cycle method
(d) &rototyping method
(e) %piral method"
.!tructured "rogramming involves#
(a) functional modulari'ation
(b) locali'ation of errors
(c) decentrali'ed programming
(d) stress on analysis
(e) stress on re(uirements gathering"
$.Which of the following is not a fact-finding
(a) !hird party en(uiry
(b) Inter$iew
(c) )uestionnaire
(d) #ecord re$iews
(e) *bser$ation"
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
%. Which of the following questions are useful in
evaluating data flow diagrams?
(a) +re there any unnamed components in the data flow
(b) +re there any processes that do not recei$e input?
(c) +re there any data stores that are input but ne$er
(d) ,oth (a) and (b) abo$e
(e) +ll (a), (b) and (c) abo$e"
&. In system design and development field what
does spaghetti code mean?
(a) programs written in unstructured languages"
(b) well structured and well documented code"
(c) program code that has many -*!* statements"
(d) ,oth (a) and (c) abo$e
(e) ,oth (b) and (c) abo$e"
'. Which of the following statements is false with
respect to a (ata (ictionary?
(a) It is a repository of the elements in a system"
(b) data dictionary and data store both are same
(c) It manages detail
(d) It communicates the common meanings for system
elements and acti$ities"
(e) It documents system features"
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
). *atch the following and select the correct
options given under
i) physical design +) ocumentation
ii) inter$iew ,) !ype of output
iii) Input design .) defines design specifications that
are to be coded
i$) Installation procedure ) a data gathering techni(ue
$) report /) Identification and design of interfaces to
enter data
(a) i0, ii 1 +, iii0,, i$ 1 ., $0 /
(b) i0., ii 1 , iii0/, i$ 1 +, $0 ,
(c) i0+, ii 1 , iii0,, i$ 1 ., $0 /
(d) i0, ii 1 +, iii0/, i$ 1 ,, $0 .
(e) i0,, ii 1 +, iii0, i$ 1 ., $0 /"
+. ,ost--enefit .nalysis is performed during
(a) +nalysis phase
(b) esign phase
(c) 2easibility study phase
(d) Implementation phase
(e) Maintenance phase"
1"+nswer 3 (c)
#eason3 !ransactions produce loads of data e$eryday
and !ransaction processing systems aim at impro$ing
the routine business acti$ities"
2"+nswer 3 (d)
#eason3 &rototyping is adopted if information
re(uirements are not well0defined"
3"+nswer 3 (a)
#eason3 structured programming means splitting the
o$erall tas4 into well0defined subtas4s"
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
5"+nswer 3 (a)
#eason3 !hird party en(uiry is not a techni(ue to
capture the re(uirements of the user"
6"+nswer 3 (e)
#eason3 +ll the gi$en (uestions are useful in
e$aluating the 2s"
7"+nswer 3 (d)
#eason3 e8tensi$e use of -*!* leads to spaghetti
9"+nswer 3 (b)
#eason3 data dictionary is for storing data about data
where as data store is where actual data is stored "
:"+nswer 3 (b)
#eason3 +fter matching the both sides the correct
option is (b)"
;"+nswer 3 (c)
#eason3 uring the 2easibility study the financial
feasibility is also measured
11" Which of the following techni(ue detects transposition errors?
(a) chec4 digit
(b) automatic correction
(c) e8istence test
(d) duplicate processing
(e) limit and range test"
12" !he structure chart deri$ed by studying the flow through the system
supports the acti$ity of
(a) 2ile design
(b) &rogram design
(c) atabase design
(d) Internal controls design
(e) *utput design"
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
13" Which of the following suggests phased implementation of the system?
(a) introduce a new system gradually either by functions or by
organi'ational units"
(b) procure resources in stages and then introduce the system at once
(c) Withdraw the e8isting system gradually
(d) allow the new system and old system to run parallel for sometime
(e) train the users first and then introduce the new system"
15" .lass is analogous to
(a) ob<ect
(b) blue print
(c) instance
(d) record
(e) entity"
16" Which of the following represents the condition of an ob<ect at a specific
moment in time?
(a) beha$ior
(b) properties
(c) instance
(d) state
(e) method"
17" %ome ob<ect0oriented systems permit a class to inherit its
state(attributes) and beha$iors from more than one super class" !his is
(a) multiple inheritance
(b) inheritance
(c) hybrid inheritance
(d) speciali'ation
(e) aggregation"
19" Identify the following who presented the ob<ect modeling techni(ue
(a) ,ooch
(b) =im #umbaugh /! +>
(c) =acobson /! +>
(d) ,oth (a) and (b) abo$e
(e) ,oth (b) and (c) abo$e
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
1:" Which of the following statements is false with respect to a use case?
(a) + use case is a scenario for understanding the re(uirements
(b) It is an interaction between the users and the system
(c) It captures the responsibility of the system to its users
(d) It is used for the re(uirements analysis
(e) It represents the flow of acti$ities of $arious processes in the
1;" Which type of association does the following diagram depict?
(a) aggregation
(b) composition
(c) speciali'ation
(d) generali'ation
(e) simple association"
2?" Which of the following statements is false with respect to the diagram
gi$en below?
(a) !he building is composed of one or more rooms
(b) +n aggregation relationship e8ists between the building and the
(c) + room can ha$e many rooms
(d) !here is a recursi$e composition in the abo$e diagram
(e) + room can ha$e ? or more rooms"
11" +nswer 3 (a)
#eason3 !ransposition errors occurs due to interchanging of
digits which is detected by chec4 digit techni(ue"
12" +nswer 3 (d)
#eason3 !he structure chart gi$es information about how
strongly two modules are related and how cohesi$e is a single
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
13" +nswer 3 (c)
#eason3 &hased implementation means introducing the new
system in parallel to already e8isting system and replacing the old
system gradually with the new system"
15" +nswer 3 (b)
#eason3 .lass is analogous to blue print"
16" +nswer 3 (d)
#eason3 the condition of an ob<ect at specific moment of time is
called its state"
17" +nswer 3 (a)
#eason3 If a class inherits its properties from more than one
super class then it is called multiple inheritance"
19" +nswer 3 (b)
#eason3 *M! techni(ue is presented by =IM #umbaugh /! +>"
1:" +nswer 3 (e)
#eason3 + use case diagram represents the interaction of the
user with the system" It will not detail any flow of e$ents"
1;" +nswer 3 (a)
#eason3 !he hollow diamond depicts aggregation which is @a part
of @ relationship"
2?" +nswer 3 (b)
#eason3 option b is false because a composition relationship
e8ists between the building and the room"
2!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing relation-hip- are u-ed in a u-e&ca-e diagra12
(a) +o11unication (b) U-e- (c) 34tend-
(d) Both (b) and (c) abo5e (e) All (a)6 (b) and (c) abo5e.
22. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing are UM# interaction diagra1-2
(a) Acti5it7 diagra1
(b) -e8uence
diagra1 (c)
collaboration diagra1
(d) cla-- diagra1
(e) Both (b) and (c) abo5e.
23. )he 5ertical di1en-ion o/ a -e8uence diagra1 repre-ent-
(a) ti1e (b) ob9ect- (c) line- (d) 1e--age- (e) 1ethod-.
24. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing co1ponent i- u-ed to clari/7 0hich actor per/or1-
0hich acti5it7 in an acti5it7 diagra12
(a) /or:- (b) 9oin- (c) -0i1lane- (d) -tate (e) note.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
25. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- i- not true regarding acti5it7 diagra12
(a) A -olid /illed circle repre-ent- the /inal -tate
(b) )he /inal -tate i- -ho0n u-ing -o called bull;- e7e -71bol
(c) )ran-ition- can branch and 1erge (dia1ond) < alternati5e
co1putation thread-
(d) )ran-ition- can /or: and re&9oin (bar line) <concurrent (parallel)
co1putation thread-
(e) Acti5it7 diagra1 0ithout concurrent proce--e- re-e1ble- a
con5entional /lo0chart.
26. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing diagra1- 1odel the ph7-ical co1ponent- o/ the
(a) u-e ca-e diagra1 (b) collaboration diagra1
(c) cla-- diagra1 (d) co1ponent diagra1
(e) deplo71ent diagra1.
27. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent the built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ the
(a) a--ociation- (b) relation-hip- (c)
(d) co11ent- (e) notation-.
28. *oun&=hra-e Approach and +(+ Approach are u-ed to identi/7
(a) cla--e- (b) U-e ca-e- (c) ob9ect- (d) collaborator- (e)
2. )he te-ting o/ -o/t0are 0ithout the :no0ledge o/ -ource code i- called
(a) 0hite bo4 te-ting (b) blac: bo4 te-ting (c) gra7 bo4
(d) gla-- bo4 te-ting (e) blue bo4 te-ting.
3". )he large-t percentage o/ total li/e c7cle co-t o/ -o/t0are i-
(a) anal7-i- co-t- (b) de-ign co-t- (c) 1aintenance
(d) coding co-t- (e) te-ting co-t-.
2!. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> All the gi5en relation-hip- are u-ed in the u-e&ca-e diagra1.
22. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> -e8uence and collaboration diagra1- are called UM# interaction
23. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> -e8uence diagra1 ha- t0o di1en-ion-. )he 5ertical denote- ti1e and
the hori?ontal denote- ob9ect-.
24. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> -0i1lane- are u-ed in acti5it7 diagra1- to -peci/7 0hich actor- are
re-pon-ible /or 0hich acti5itie-.
25. An-0er > (a)
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(ea-on> A -olid circle repre-ent- the initial -tate.
26. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> +o1ponent diagra1 1odel- the ph7-ical co1ponent- o/ the -7-te1.
27. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> ,tereo t7pe- repre-ent the built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ UM#.
28. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> *oun&=hra-e Method and ((+ Approach are u-ed to identi/7 cla--e-.
2. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> )he te-ti/7 o/ -o/t0are 0ithout :no0ing the -ource code i- called Blac:&
bo4 te-ting.
3". An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> 1aintenance co-t- /or1 the large-t percentage o/ total li/e c7cle co-t o/
31. .hat categor7 o/ in/or1ation -7-te1 deter1ine- the -ale o/ an ite1 and a 0ithdra0al
/ro1 an A)M2
(a) Manage1ent In/or1ation ,7-te1
(b) 34ecuti5e In/or1ation ,7-te1
(c) @eci-ion ,upport ,7-te1
(d) +o11unication ,upport ,7-te1
(e) )ran-action =roce--ing ,7-te1.
32. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not true regarding the 0ater/all 1ethod2
(a) 'airl7 rigid approach
(b) +an ea-il7 go bac: to pre5iou- pha-e-
(c) $ood /or traditional t7pe o/ pro9ect-
(d) *ot a- good /or 1an7 o/ the ne0 t7pe- o/ interacti5e and highl7 co1ple4
(e) )hi- approach i- le-- u-ed no0.
33. .hich /ea-ibilit7 deter1ine- the a5ailabilit7 o/ tea1 and -upport -ta//2
(a) 3cono1ic 'ea-ibilit7
(b) +ultural 'ea-ibilit7
(c) )echnological 'ea-ibilit7
(d) ,chedule /ea-ibilit7
(e) (e-ource 'ea-ibilit7.
34. .hich a1ong the /ollo0ing i- an intangible bene/it2
(a) Maintaining con-tant -ta//
(b) @ecrea-ing operating e4pen-e-
(c) ,ur5i5al
(d) (educing error rate-
(e) 3n-uring 8uic:er proce--ing and turnabout.
35. .hich chart i- repre-ented b7 5ertical bar-2
(a) =3()
(b) (%I
(c) $A*))
(d) *=A
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(e) +=M.
36. .hich o/ the 1odel i- u-ed /or -7-te1 co1ponent-2
(a) =3() chart
(b) $antt chart
(c) %rgani?ational hierarch7 chart
(d) +=M
(e) @'@.
37. .hich i- not u-ed in conte4t le5el diagra12
(a) ,ource
(b) @e-tination
(c) @ata /lo0
(d) @ata ,tore
(e) =roce--.
38. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent(-) i-Bare correct2
I. =rogra1 1odule- -hould be loo-l7 coupled.
II. =rogra1 1odule- -hould be highl7 cohe-i5e.
III. =rogra1 1odule- -hould be highl7 coupled.
(a) %nl7 (I) abo5e
(b) %nl7 (II) abo5e
(c) %nl7 (III) abo5e
(d) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(e) Both (I) and (III) abo5e.
39. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a re-ource /or -etting CA@ -e--ion-2
(a) %5erhead pro9ector
(b) Blac: or 0hite board
(c) 'lip chart
(d) Ade8uate 0or: -pace
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
4. .hat 0ill help the -7-te1 anal7-t to 0or: 0ith u-er- to deter1ine -7-te1 u-age2
(a) U-e ca-e
(b) Actor
(c) +la--
(d) +o1ponent
(e) =ac:age.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
3!. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> )=, capture and record in/or1ation about the tran-action- that a//ect the
organi?ation li:e the -ale o/ an ite16 a 0ithdra0al /ro1 A)M etc.
32. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> +an;t ea-il7 go bac: to pre5iou- pha-e- a- each pha-e 0ould get D-igned
33. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> (e-ource /ea-ibilit7 deter1ine- a5ailabilit7 o/ tea16 co1puter re-ource-6 and
-upport -ta//.
34. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> Maintaining +on-tant -ta//6 decrea-ing operating e4pen-e-6 reducing error rate-
and en-uring 8uic:er proce--ing and turnabout /all into the categor7 o/ tangible co-t-
0hich can be 1ea-ured in ter1- o/ 1one7 0herea- -ur5i5al cant 1e 1ea-ured.
35. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> =3()B+=M i- repre-ented b7 rectangle- 0herea- (%I and *=A are (eturn on
in5e-t1ent and net pre-ent 5alue.
36. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> Model- to 1anage the de5elop1ent proce-- are>
=3() B +=M chart
$antt chart
%rgani?ational hierarch7 chart
.herea- @'@ 1odel i- u-ed /or -7-te1 co1ponent-.
37. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> In conte4t le5el diagra1 data -tore i- not u-ed.
38. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> =rogra1 1odule- -hould be loo-l7 coupled and highl7 cohe-i5e.
3. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> U-uall7 CA@ -e--ion- are conducted in -pecial roo1-6 %//&-ite location 1a7 be
good6 but need acce-- (phone etc.) to e4ecuti5e- and technical -ta// not pre-ent.
(e-ource- re8uired are %5erhead pro9ector6 Blac: or 0hite board6 'lip chart6 ade8uate
0or: -pace.
4". An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> ,7-te1 anal7-t u-e- u-e ca-e to 0or: 0ith u-er- to deter1ine -7-te1
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
41. .hich UM# diagra1 pro5ide- a 5ariet7 o/ -71bol- and enco1pa--e- a nu1ber o/
idea-6 all to 1odel the change- 0hich 9u-t one ob9ect goe- through2
(a) =ac:age
(b) %b9ect
(c) ,tate
(d) +la--
(e) U-e +a-e.
42. .hich relation-hip -peci/ie- an optional beha5ior2
(a) A generali?ation
(b) An inheritance
(c) An include
(d) An aggregation
(e) An e4tend.
43. .hich a1ong the /ollo0ing literall7 1ean- F1an7 /or1-;6 the concept that di//erent
ob9ect- can re-pond to the -a1e 1e--age in di//erent 0a7-2
(a) +o1po-ition
(b) 3ncap-ulation
(c) =ol71orphi-1
(d) Aggregation
(e) Inheritance.
44. .hat do 7ou call6 D0here the %b9ect- hide their inner 0or:ing- o/ their operation- /ro1
the out-ide 0orld and /ro1 other ob9ect-E2
(a) +o1po-ition
(b) 3ncap-ulation
(c) $enerali?ation
(d) =ol71orphi-1
(e) An ob9ect.
45. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent i- not correct regarding %b9ect %riented
(a) $ane and ,ar-on6 ,hlaer Mellor and 34tre1e =rogra11ing are ob9ect oriented
(b) (U= acti5itie- e1pha-i?e the creation and 1aintenance o/ 1odel- rather than
(c) 3-tabli-h1ent o/ the pro9ect plan and the architecture i- done during the
3laboration pha-e o/ (U=
(d) @uring the 3laboration pha-e6 the /ocu- turn- to0ard- anal7-i- and de-ign
(e) @uring inception6 it i- co11on to create an e4ecutable protot7pe that -er5e- a-
a proo/ o/ concept.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
46. .hich o/ the -tate1ent(-) i-Bare true in relation to %b9ect %riented concept-2
3ncap-ulation -tate- that 0hen de-igning an ob9ect6 one -hould -eparate 0hat he
:no0- about theob9ect according to the /ollo0ing>
)he 1ini1u1 in/or1ation needed to u-e the ob9ect.
)he in/or1ation re8uired to 1a:e the ob9ect 0or: properl7.
II. In pol71orphi-1 an operation can ha5e the -a1e na1e in di//erent cla--e-6 and
proceed di//erentl7 in each cla--.
III. %b9ect- co11unicate 0ith each other through 1e--age interaction-.
(a) %nl7 (I) abo5e
(b) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(d) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
47. .hich o/ the -tate1ent(-) i-Bare correct related to UM# 2.".2
+o1po-ite ,tructure @iagra16 Interaction %5er5ie0 @iagra1 and )i1ing @iagra1
are ne0 in UM# 2.".
II. A co1po-ite -tructure diagra1 -ho0- the co1ponent- o/ a cla-- a- a diagra1
ne-ted in-ide a large cla-- rectangle.
III. UM# 2." ta:e- the inter/ace concept a -tep /urther b7 allo0ing one to 1odel the
connection bet0een an inter/ace and a cla--.
(a) %nl7 (I) abo5e
(b) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(d) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
48. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not correct regarding diagra1- in UM# 2."2
(a) A ,e8uence diagra1 i- called a co11unication diagra1 in UM# 2."
(b) +o1ponent diagra1- are i1ple1entation&t7pe diagra1- 0hich are u-ed to
graphicall7-ho0 the ph7-ical architecture o/ the -o/t0are o/ the -7-te1
(c) %ne can /ra1e a -e8uence diagra1 b7 -urrounding it 0ith a border and adding
a co1part1ent in the upper le/t corner to contain in/or1ation that identi/ie- the
(d) 'ra1ing gi5e- one a 8uic: and ea-7 0a7 to reu-e a part o/ a -e8uence
diagra1 in another
(e) A -e8uence diagra1 -ho0- the -e8uence o/ 1e--age- e4changed bet0een
the ob9ect-needed to carr7 out the /unctionalit7 o/ the -cenario.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
49. .hich o/ the -tate1ent(-) i-Bare correct related to UM# 2.".2
)i1e i- repre-ented in a -e8uence diagra1 in the 5ertical direction -tarting at the
top and progre--ing to0ard- the botto1.
II. A +o11unication diagra1 i- another 0a7 o/ pre-enting the in/or1ation in a
-e8uence diagra1.
III. )he +o11unication diagra1 -ho0- the a--ociation- a1ong ob9ect- a- 0ell a- the
1e--age- 0hich pa-- /ro1 one ob9ect to another.
(a) %nl7 (I) abo5e
(b) %nl7 (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(d) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
5. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent(-) i-Bare correct in relation to role na1e- in
a--ociation- bet0een t0o cla--e-2
I. (ole na1e- ha5e to be u-ed 0ith a--ociation na1e-.
II. I/ there i- a relation-hip bet0een +o1pan7 and =er-on then one could u-e
31plo7ee or 31plo7er a- role na1e- to con5e7 an e1plo71ent relation-hip.
III. )he role na1e i- placed on the a--ociation near the cla-- that it 1odi/ie-.
(a) %nl7 (III) abo5e
(b) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(d) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
4!. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> ,tate diagra1 enco1pa--e- a nu1ber o/ idea- to 1odel the change- 0hich 9u-t
one ob9ect goe- through.
42. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> An e4tend relation-hip -peci/ie- an optional beha5ior.
43. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> =ol71orphi-1 1ean 1an7 /or1- that i- di//erent ob9ect- can re-pond to the -a1e
1e--age in di//erent 0a7-.
44. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> In 3ncap-ulation the %b9ect- hide their inner 0or:ing- o/ their operation- /ro1 the
out-ide 0orld and /ro1 other ob9ect-
45. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> $ane and -ar-on -haler 1ellor di-cu--ed on -tructured a-pect- rather than on
ob9ect oriented progra11ing 1ethodologie-.
46. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> All the -tate1ent- are related to ob9ect oriented technologie-.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
47. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> All the -tate1ent- are related to UM# 2."
48. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> ,e8uence diagra1 i- a part o/ interacti5e diagra1.
4. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> All are appropriate -tate1ent- 0ith re-pect to u1l 2.".
5". An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> (ole- na1e- 1a7 or 1a7 not be u-ed 0ith a--ociation- na1e-.
51. .hich o/ the -tate1ent(-) i-Bare correct related to roleBrolena1e- in a--ociation-2
I. .hen one cla-- a--ociate- 0ith another6 each one u-uall7 pla7- a role 0ithin
that a--ociation.
II. A (ole na1e 1a7 be placed on one or both end- o/ an a--ociation line.
III. I/ +o1pan7 and =er-on are t0o cla--e- in a cla-- diagra1 that ha- an a--ociation
relation-hip6 %ne could u-e an a--ociation na1e called De1plo7-E or the role na1e-
o/ D31plo7erE and D31plo7eeE to con5e7 an e1plo71ent relation-hip.
(a) %nl7 (I) abo5e
(b) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(d) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
52. ,o1e 8ue-tion- related to UM# /ollo0ed b7 po--ible an-0er- are gi5en belo0.
.hat doe- it 1ean /or a U-e +a-e to include another U-e +a-e2 Including a U-e
+a-e 1ean- that one U-e +a-e incorporate- the -tep- o/ another U-e +a-e.
II. Go0 do 7ou repre-ent an ob9ect;- li/eline in a -e8uence diagra12 )he li/eline i- a
da-hed line de-cending /ro1 an ob9ect that repre-ent- the e4i-tence o5er ti1e o/ An
III. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing UM# diagra1- gi5e a -tatic 5ie0 o/ a -7-te12 +la--6 %b9ect6
U-e +a-e6 ,tate6 ,e8uence %nl7 +la--6 %b9ect and U-e +a-e @iagra1-.
.hich o/ the abo5e 8ue-tion&an-0er co1bination- i-Bare 5alid2
(a) %nl7 (III) abo5e
(b) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(d) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
53. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -ho0- the top le5el /unction de/ined to co5er the -cope o/ the
(a) +onte4t diagra1
(b) @eci-ion table
(c) @ata /lo0 diagra1
(d) 'lo0 charting
(e) =-uedocode.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
54. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i-Bare not con-idered a- bene/it(-) o/ protot7ping2
(a) =ro5ide rapid /eedbac: /ro1 the u-er to the de-igner
(b) Gelp 5alidate re8uire1ent- 0ith /e0er error-
(c) 3nhance de-igner and u-er under-tanding o/ 0hat -7-te1 -hould acco1pli-h
(d) ,7-te1 te-ting can be auto1ated
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
55. A data -tore i- repre-ented in data /lo0 diagra1 a-
(a) (ectangle
(b) ,8uare
(c) %pen rectangle
(d) %pen -8uare
(e) 3llip-e.
the -71bol repre-ent-
(a) Aggregation
(b) $enerali?ation
(c) @ependenc7
(d) +o1po-ition
(e) A--ociation.
57. .hole =art or +o1po-ition relation-hip repre-ent-
(a) Aggregation
(b) Inheritance
(c) =ol71orphi-1
(d) ,tereot7pe
(e) A--ociation.
58. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent- a per-on or palce or thing about 0hich -o1e
in/or1ation i- gathered2
(a) 3ntit7
(b) Attribute
(c) @ata ,tore
(d) @ata /lo0
(e) @ata dictionar7.
59. .ho i- not in5ol5ed in (e8uire1ent- de/inition2
(a) +lient 1anager-
(b) ,7-te1 end&u-er-
(c) +lient engineer-
(d) +ontractor 1anager-
(e) ,o/t0are de5eloper-.
6. .hich cohe-ion operate- on the -a1e input or output data2
(a) +o11unicational
(b) )e1poral
(c) =rocedural
(d) 'unctional
(e) %b9ect.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
5!. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> All the abo5e -tate1ent- are related to (oleB(ole na1e- in a--ociation-.
52. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> +la-- diagra1- and u-e ca-e diagra1- gi5e -tatic beha5ior 0herea- -tate and
-e8uence diagra1- -ho0 beha5ioral a-pect- o/ the -7-te1
53. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> +onte4t diagra1 -ho0- the top le5el /unction o/ the application.
54. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> ,7-te1 te-ting can be auto1ated i- not con-idered a- bene/it o/
55. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> %pen rectangle i- u-ed to repre-ent the data -tore.
56. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> $enerali?ation i- the apt choice.
57. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> Aggregation repre-ent- 0hole part or co1po-ition relation-hip.
58. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> 3ntit7 i- a per-on or place or thing about 0hich -o1e in/or1ation i-
5. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> ,o/t0are de5eloper- are in5ol5ed in re8uire1ent- -peci/ication-.
6". An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> +o11unicational cohe-ion operated on the -a1e input or output data.
6!. )he proble1 -ol5ing approach u-uall7 incorporate- the /ollo0ing general -tep-
I. @e-ign and i1ple1ent the Fbe-t -olution;.
II. Anal7?e and under-tand the proble1.
III. Identi/7 alternati5e -olution- and decide on a cour-e o/ action.
IA. Identi/7 the proble1.
A. Identi/7 -olution re8uire1ent- or e4pectation-.
AI. 35aluate the re-ult-.
,elect order in 0hich the abo5e 1entioned -tep- -hould be per/or1ed
(a) (II)6 (IA)6 (III)6 (I)6 (A)6 (AI) (b) (IA)6 (III)6 (II)6 (AI)6 (A)6 (I)
(c) (III)6 (IA)6 (A)6 (II)6 (I)6 (AI) (d) (IA)6 (II)6 (A)6 (III)6 (I)6 (AI)
(e) (III)6 (II)6 (I)6 (AI)6 (IA)6 (A).
62. )echnical /ea-ibilit7 i- an e5aluation to deter1ine 0hether
(a) )he -7-te1 can pro5ide the right in/or1ation /or the organi?ation;-
(b) )he e4i-ting -7-te1 can be upgraded to u-e the ne0 technolog7
(c) An7 re-tructuring o/ 9ob- 0ill be acceptable to the current u-er-
(d) )he organi?ation ha- the e4perti-e to u-e the ne0 technolog7
(e) )he technolog7 needed /or the propo-ed -7-te1 i- a5ailable.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
63. .hen re8uire1ent- go 0rong6 0hat could happen /ro1 a1ong the /ollo0ing2
(a) )he -7-te1 1a7 co-t 1ore than pro9ected
(b) )he -7-te1 1a7 be deli5ered later than pro1i-ed
(c) )he -7-te1 0ill beco1e unreliable and prone to error-
(d) )he -7-te1 1a7 not 1eet u-er re8uire1ent-
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
64. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- a /act&/inding techni8ue2
(a) ,7-te1- re8uire1ent -peci/ication
(b) Hualit7 a--urance
(c) ,a1pling o/ e4i-ting docu1ent-
(d) (apid application de5elop1ent
(e) =rotot7ping.
65. )he data dictionar7 in ,@#+ contain- de-cription- o/
(a) @'@ ele1ent- (b) 3&( @iagra1 (c) U-e ca-e
(d) +la-- @iagra1 (e) @eci-ion table.
66. +ohe-ion i- a 8ualitati5e indication o/ the degree to 0hich a 1odule2
(a) +an be 0ritten 1ore co1pactl7
(b) I- connected to other 1odule- and the out-ide 0orld
(c) I- able to co1plete it- /unction in a ti1el7 1anner
(d) 'ocu-e- on 9u-t one thing
(e) *one o/ the abo5e.
67. AIIIII i- a tabular /or1 o/ pre-entation that -peci/ie- a -et o/ condition- and
their corre-ponding action-.
(a) @eci-ion
(b) @eci-ion )ree (c) ,tructured 3ngli-h
(d) @ata 'lo0 diagra1 (e) 3&( diagra1.
68. UM# graphical notation- can be u-ed not onl7 to de-cribe the -7-te1;-
co1ponent- but al-o to de-cribe a 1odel it-el/J thi- i- :no0n a- a IIIIIIIIIII
(a) Model (b) ,tereot7pe-
(c) Model dependenc7
(d) Meta&Model (e) Multiplicit7.
6. )he re8uire1ent de/inition docu1ent i- intended /or
(a) ,7-te1 end&
(b) +lient engineer- (c) ,o/t0are de5eloper-
(d) ,7-te1 architect- (e) +lient 1anager-.
7". =rotot7ping
(a) I- 1o-t practical /or large -cale pro9ect-
(b) 31pha-i?e- getting the de-ign right the /ir-t ti1e
(c) I- the e4ecution o/ the -tandard -7-te1- de5elop1ent c7cle u-ing +A,3
(d) In5ol5e- an iterati5e and interacti5e de5elop1ent proce-- 0ith e4ten-i5e
end u-e in5ol5e1ent
(e) +annot be u-ed 0hen the re8uire1ent- are not clear.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
6!. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he proble1 -ol5ing approach u-uall7 incorporate- corre-ponding -tep-
a- Identi/7 the proble16 Anal7?e and under-tand the proble16 Identi/7
alternati5e -olution- and decide on a cour-e o/ action6 @e-ign and
i1ple1ent the Fbe-t -olution;6 35aluate the re-ult-.
62. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > )echnical /ea-ibilit7 i- an e5aluation to deter1ine 0hether the technolog7
needed /or the propo-ed -7-te1 i- a5ailable.
63. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > .hen re8uire1ent- goe- 0rong then the -7-te1 1a7 co-t 1ore than
pro9ected6 the -7-te1 1a7 be deli5ered later than pro1i-ed6 the -7-te1 0ill
beco1e unreliable and prone to error-6 the -7-te1 1a7 not 1eet u-er
64. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > ,a1pling o/ e4i-ting docu1ent- i- a /act&/inding techni8ue.
65. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he data dictionar7 in ,@#+ contain- de-cription- o/ @'@ ele1ent-.
66. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > +ohe-ion i- a 8ualitati5e indication o/ the degree to 0hich a 1odule
/ocu-e- on 9u-t one thing.
67. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > A deci-ion table i- a tabular /or1 o/ pre-entation that -peci/ie- a -et
o/ condition- and their corre-ponding action-.
68. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > UM# graphical notation- can be u-ed not onl7 to de-cribe the
-7-te1;- co1ponent- but al-o to de-cribe a 1odel it-el/J thi- i- :no0n a- a
6. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he re8uire1ent de/inition docu1ent i- intended /or -7-te1
7". An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > =rotot7ping in5ol5e- an iterati5e and interacti5e de5elop1ent proce--
0ith e4ten-i5e end u-e in5ol5e1ent.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
7!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent- the correct -e8uence o/ te-ting acti5itie-2
(a) Unit te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 integration te-ting6 acceptance
(b) Unit te-ting6 5olu1e te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 acceptance
(c) Unit te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 acceptance
(d) Unit te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 acceptance
(e) Unit te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 integration te-ting6 5olu1e te-ting6 acceptance
72. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a co1ponent o/ +A,3 )ool2
(a) @iagra11ing
(b) +ode $enerator- (c) In/or1ation (epo-itor7
(d) @ebugging )ool- (e) All o/ the abo5e.
73. )he proce-- o/ con5erting a ne0 or re5i-ed -7-te1 de-ign into an operational one
(a) )e-ting (b)
I1ple1entation (c) Hualit7
(d) @e-ign (e) Mainteance.
74. .hich one the /ollo0ing i- not a /or1 o/ @eci-ion )able2
(a) #i1ited&
(b) 34tended&3ntr7 (c) Mi4ed&3ntr7
(d) @ouble&3ntr7 (e) All o/ the abo5e.
75. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing tool i- not u-ed during -7-te1 anal7-i-2
(a) @ata 'lo0
@iagra1 (b)
,tructured 3ngli-h (c) ,tructured +hart
(d) @eci-ion )able (e) @eci-ion )ree.
76. Application protot7ping /ollo0- an organi?ed proce-- or -tep- that begin- 0ith
(a) U-e
(b) (e5ie0 protot7pe (c) @e5elop 0or:ing 1odel
(d) Identi/7 :no0n re8uire1ent- (e) *one o/ the abo5e.
77. )he re8uire1ent- 1odel con-i-t- o/ /our part->
(a) U-e ca-e-6 inter/ace de-cription-6 cla-- diagra16 pro9ect -cope
(b) =ro9ect -cope6 u-e ca-e-6 cla-- diagra16 conte4t diagra1
(c) Inter/ace de-cription-6 data 1odel6 conte4t diagra16 cla-- diagra1
(d) =ro9ect -cope6 u-e ca-e-6 inter/ace de-cription-6 conte4t diagra1
(e) =ro9ect -cope6 u-e ca-e-6 inter/ace de-cription-6 cla-- diagra1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
78. IIIIIIIIIIII are u-ed to group cla--e- together /or ea-e o/ u-e6 1aintainabilit76
and reu-abilit7.
(a) %b9ect- (b) U-e
+a-e- (c) ,tate-
(d) =ac:age- (e) *one o/ the abo5e.
7. An a--ociation 1u-t
(a) Be de-cribed b7 noun- (b) Ga5e attribute-
(c) Be de-cribed b7 a 5erb or noun- (d) Ga5e a !>M co1ponent
(e) Be ba-ed on e5ent-.
8". A data dictionar7
(a) I- a boo: u-ed b7 progra11er- to /ind the de/inition- o/ technical ter1-
(b) I- the central place 0here the co1ponent- o/ a -7-te1 are de/ined
(c) Gelp- to a5oid a1biguitie- a1ong di//erent de5elop1ent tea1 1e1ber-
(d) I- a co1puter -o/t0are tool
(e) Include- a range o/ acceptable 5alue- /or data.
7!. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > Unit te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting and
acceptance te-ting are the correct -e8uence o/ te-ting acti5itie-.
72. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > @ebugging )ool i- not a co1ponent o/ +A,3 )ool.
73. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he proce-- o/ con5erting a ne0 or re5i-ed -7-te1 de-ign into an
operational one i- :no0n a- i1ple1entation.
74. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > @ouble&3ntr7 i- not a /or1 o/ @eci-ion )able.
75. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > ,tructured +hart i- not u-ed during -7-te1 anal7-i-.
76. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > Application protot7ping /ollo0- an organi?ed proce-- or -tep- that
begin- 0ith identi/7 :no0n re8uire1ent-.
77. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he re8uire1ent- 1odel con-i-t- o/ pro9ect -cope6 u-e ca-e-6
inter/ace de-cription-6 conte4t diagra1
78. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > =ac:age- are u-ed to group cla--e- together /or ea-e o/ u-e6
1aintainabilit76 and reu-abilit7.
7. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > An a--ociation 1u-t be de-cribed b7 a 5erb or noun-.
8". An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > A data dictionar7 include- a range o/ acceptable 5alue- /or data.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
8!. Uni/ied 1odelling language
(a) I- an ob9ect oriented progra11ing language
(b) I- u-e/ul in de-cribing ob9ect oriented de-ign 1odel- graphicall7
(c) Allo0- to repre-ent 1ultiple 5ie0- o/ a -7-te1
(d) I- an ob9ect oriented -7-te1 de5elop1ent 1ethodolog7
(e) I- not u-ed to de-cribe the -7-te1 re8uire1ent-.
82. IIIIIIIIIIIIII con-i-t- o/ ob9ect- 0ith 0hich the u-er interact- a- 0ell a- the
ob9ect- needed to 1anage.
(a) Bu-ine-- #a7er (b) Aie0
#a7er (c) =h7-ical
(d) *et0or: #a7er (e) Acce-- #a7er.
83. )he proce-- o/ loo:ing /or pattern- to docu1ent i- called
(a) =attern (b)
Antipattern (c)
(d) =attern )e1plate (e) =attern 1ining.
84. An entit7 cla-- i- a cla-- that
(a) @oe- not appear in the cla-- diagra1
(b) (elate- to the cla-- diagra1
(c) 34i-t- in the real 0orld and in the cla-- diagra1
(d) 34i-t- in the real 0orld but not in the cla-- diagra1
(e) 34i-t- in the data 0orld but not in the real 1odel.
85. IIIIIIIIidenti/ie- /unctionalit7 (actor- and u-e ca-e-) o/ the -7-te1 ba-ed on
u-er re8uire1ent-.
(a) ,o/t0are
(b) ,7-te1 Anal7-t (c) @e-igner
(d) 3nd&u-er (e) )e-ter.
86. @e-ign pattern- are
(a) $eneric proble1- (b) $eneric -olution- to recurring proble1-
(c) +o11on 1i-ta:e- (d) Both (a) and (b) abo5e
(e) *one o/ the abo5e.
87. IIIIIIIIrepre-ent a built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ the UM#.
(a) *ote (b) Meta 1odel (c) ,tereot7pe
(d) +la-- (e) Model con-traint-.
88. +reating an ob9ect 1odel /ro1 an e4i-ting relational databa-e la7out i- re/erred
to a-
(a) 'or0ard engineering (b) Bac:0ard engineering
(c) (e5er-e engineering (d) )op&do0n engineering
(e) Botto1&up engineering.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
8. )he 1o-t i1portant thing about a cla-- card(+(+ card) i- that it be
(a) Mea-ured in centi1eter-
(b) U-ed in portrait orientation to enhance it- capacit7
(c) +are/ull7 /illed
(d) U-ed to record re-pon-ibilitie- and collaboration-
(e) !" K !5 c1.
". A -tate 1achine i-
(a) )he e4ecution o/ a particular -peci/ied in-tance
(b) )he e4ecution o/ a particular cla-- o/ -tatechart diagra1
(c) )he e4ecution o/a polic7 b7 a go5ern1ent behe1oth
(d) )he e4ecution o/ a particular -peci/ied -tatechart diagra1
(e) )he e4ecution o/ a -tatechart diagra1 b7 a -peci/ied in-tance.
8!. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > Uni/ied 1odelling language i- u-e/ul in de-cribing ob9ect oriented
de-ign 1odel- graphicall7.
82. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > Aie0 la7er con-i-t- o/ ob9ect- 0ith 0hich the u-er interact- a- 0ell a-
the ob9ect- needed to 1anage.
83. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > )he proce-- o/ loo:ing /or pattern- to docu1ent i- called =attern
84. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > An entit7 cla-- i- a cla-- that e4i-t- in the real 0orld and in the cla--
85. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > ,7-te1 Anal7-t identi/ie- /unctionalit7 (actor- and u-e ca-e-) o/ the
-7-te1 ba-ed on u-er re8uire1ent-.
86. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > @e-ign pattern- are generic -olution- to recurring proble1- and
generic proble1-.
87. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > ,tereot7pe repre-ent a built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ the UM#..
88. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > +reating an ob9ect 1odel /ro1 an e4i-ting relational databa-e la7out
i- re/erred to a- (e5er-e engineering
8. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he 1o-t i1portant thing about a cla-- card(+(+ card) i- that it be
u-ed to record re-pon-ibilitie- and collaboration-.
". An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > A -tate 1achine i- the e4ecution o/ a -tate chart diagra1 b7 a
-peci/ied in-tance.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- accuratel7 de-cribe an In/or1ation ,7-te12
(a) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ people6 data proce--e-6
in/or1ation repre-entation and in/or1ation technolog7 that interact to -upport
da7&to&da7 operation- in a bu-ine--
(b) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- a conte1porar7 ter1 that de-cribe- the
co1bination o/ co1puter technolog7 0ith teleco11unication technolog7
(c) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ in/or1ation repre-entation and
in/or1ation technolog7 that interact- to -upport da7&to&da7 operation- in a
(d) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ data proce--e-6 in/or1ation
repre-entation and in/or1ation technolog7 that interact- to -upport da7&to&
da7 operation- in a bu-ine--
(e) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- a conte1porar7 ter1 that de-cribe- the
co1bination o/ in/or1ation technolog7 0ith teleco11unication technolog7.
2. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -:ill- i- not re8uired b7 a -7-te1- anal7-t2
(a) =rogra11ing #anguage -:ill-
(b) +o11unication -:ill-
(c) )echnical -:ill-
(d) Bu-ine-- proce-- re&engineering -:ill-
(e) Manage1ent -:ill-.
3. )he -tate1ent- gi5en belo0 are a--ociated 0ith the acti5it7 o/ out-ourcing. Identi/7
the correct -tate1ent /ro1 a1ong the1>
(a) %0ner-hip o/ I) a--et- i- not tran-/erred to the out-ourcer
(b) %ut-ourcing i- the act o/ contracting 0ith the out-ide 5endor to a--u1e
re-pon-ibilit7 /or I) 'unction-
(c) %ut-ourcer- do not a--u1e re-pon-ibilit7 /or an organi?ation;- in/or1ation
-7-te1- de5elop1ent
(d) %ut-ourcing i- done b7 the organi?ation /or 0hich the -7-te1 i- de5eloped
(e) %ut-ourcer- do not re8uire a -7-te1- anal7-t.
4. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a -tep in the linear -7-te1 de5elop1ent c7cle2
(a) )e-ting de-ign
(b) =rotot7ping
(c) (e8uire1ent- de/inition
(d) @e5elop1ent
(e) =o-t&in-tallation.
5. $i5en belo0 are -o1e -tate1ent- a--ociated 0ith the proble1 de/inition pha-e o/
the linear 1odel. Identi/7 the correct -tate1ent /ro1 a1ong the1.
(a) )he proble1 de/inition pha-e produce- a docu1ent 0ritten u-ing technical
ter1inolog7 o/ the -7-te1 anal7-t
(b) )he proble1 -tate1ent i- a docu1ent that contain- the proble1- /aced b7
the organi?ation
(c) )he proble1 de/inition pha-e produce- a docu1ent that i- a broad -tate1ent
o/ u-er re8uire1ent-
(d) )he proble1 de/inition pha-e doe- not -peci/7 the re-ource- allocated to the
(e) )he direction o/ the pro9ect i- -et b7 the proble1 de/inition pha-e.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
6. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not con-idered a- /ea-ibilit7 /actor 0hen de5eloping an
in/or1ation -7-te12
(a) 3cono1ic
(b) Application
(c) ,chedule
(d) )echnical
(e) %perational.
7. )he /our pha-e- o/ the ,7-te1- @e5elop1ent #i/e +7cle are IIIII.
(a) Anal7-i-6 gathering6 1odeling and diagra11ing
(b) +on-truction6 in-tallation6 te-ting and con5erting
(c) @e-igning6 charting6 /or1atting and -tructuring
(d) =lanning6 anal7-i-6 de-ign and i1ple1entation
(e) ,7-te1 re8ue-t6 /ea-ibilit76 planning and -ta//ing.
8. )he IIIII i- generated b7 the depart1ent or per-on that ha- an idea /or a ne0
in/or1ation -7-te1.
(a) 'ea-ibilit7 anal7-i-
(b) $radual re/ine1ent
(c) =ro9ect -pon-or
(d) ,7-te1 re8ue-t
(e) .or: plan.
. In 0hich pha-e o/ the ,@#+ i- the -7-te1 propo-al de5eloped2
(a) Anal7-i-
(b) @e-ign
(c) I1ple1entation
(d) =lanning
(e) ,7-te1 deli5er7.
!"". )he pri1ar7 ad5antage o/ the .ater/all @e5elop1ent 1ethodolog7 i- IIIII.
(a) A 5er-ion o/ the -7-te1 i- 8uic:l7 deli5ered into the u-er-L hand-
(b) (e8uire1ent- e5ol5e through u-er-L /eedbac: about the -7-te1
(c) 'eature- and /unctionalit7 o/ the -7-te1 are e4plored through -i1ple 1odel-
(d) (e8uire1ent- are co1pletel7 -peci/ied and held relati5el7 con-tant prior to
(e) )here i- a long ti1e lap-e prior to co1pletion.
!. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ people6 data proce--e-6
in/or1ation repre-entation and in/or1ation technolog7 that interact to
-upport da7&to&da7 operation- in a bu-ine--. )he re1aining choice- are
irrele5ant 0ith re-pect to in/or1ation -7-te1
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> %ther than =rogra11ing language -:ill- A -7-te1 anal7-t -hould
po--e-- co11unication -:ill-6 )echnical -:ill- Bu-ine-- proce--
reengineering -:ill- and 1anage1ent -:ill-.
3. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> %ut-ourcing i- the act o/ contracting 0ith the out-ide 5endor to a--u1e
re-pon-ibilit7 /or I) /unction-.
4. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> =rotot7ping i- not a -tep in the linear -7-te1 de5elop1ent c7cle 0herea-
it i- in5ol5ed in de-ign pha-e.
5. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> =roble1 -tate1ent u-uall7 contain- u-er re8uire1ent- but not the
proble1- /aced b7 the organi?ation.
6. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> 34cept Application all other /ea-ibilitie- /actor- are con-idered.
7. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> =lanning Anal7-i- de-ign and i1ple1entation are the /our pha-e- o/
de5elop1ent li/e c7cle.
8. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> ,7-te1 re8ue-t i- generated b7 the depart1ent or per-on that ha- an
idea /or a ne0 in/or1ation -7-te1.
. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> ,7-te1 =ropo-al i- de5eloped in anal7-i- pha-e.
!"". An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> @ i- the right choice all other are not con5e7ing to the 1eaning o/
0ater/all de5elop1ent 1ethodolog7
"!. IIII i- the proce-- o/ e4a1ining the technical6 econo1ic6 and organi?ational pro-
and con- o/ de5eloping a ne0 -7-te1.
(a) +o11ittee appro5al
(b) 'ea-ibilit7 anal7-i-
(c) 'unctionalit7 deter1ination
(d) (i-: anal7-i-
(e) ,7-te1 re8ue-t.
!"2. )he /unctionalit7 o/ the -7-te1 or 0hat the in/or1ation -7-te1 0ill do i- called the
IIIII o/ the -7-te1.
(a) Bu-ine-- need
(b) Intangible-
(c) (e8uire1ent-
(d) ,pon-or-
(e) )angible-.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!"3. )he /our ele1ent- co11onl7 /ound on a -7-te1 re8ue-t are IIIII.
(a) 3cono1ic6 organi?ational6 technical and operational /ea-ibilit7
(b) =ro9ect -pon-or6 bu-ine-- need6 re8uire1ent- and bu-ine-- 5alue
(c) (i-: anal7-i-6 /a1iliarit76 pro9ect -i?e and co-t&bene/it anal7-i-
(d) )raining6 -o/t0are6 in-tallation and e8uip1ent
(e) Upgrade-6 licen-ing /ee-6 repair- and charge-.
!"4. 3ach u-e ca-e de-cribe- ho0 the -7-te1 react- to a(n) IIIII that occur- to
trigger the -7-te1.
34ternal entit7
@ata /lo0
@ata -tore
!"5. %utput- /ro1 a u-e ca-e are de-cribed on the u-e ca-e /or1 along 0ith their
corre-ponding IIIII.
@ata 1odel-
!"6. .hen de5eloping u-e ca-e-6 the pro9ect tea1 /ir-t identi/ie- the IIIII.
Manager- that -uper5i-e the u-e ca-e depart1ent
=lace 0here the u-e ca-e occur-
)i1e the u-e ca-e begin-
)riggering e5ent that cau-e- the u-e ca-e to occur
U-er- 0ho per/or1 the u-e ca-e.
!"7. .hen identi/7ing the 1a9or U-e +a-e-6 the in/or1ation needed to identi/7 the U-e
+a-e- i- contained in the IIIII.
34ternal entit7
CA@ -e--ion cla--i/ication
Ma9or -tep- /or each u-e ca-e
%b-er5ation /or1
(e8uire1ent- de/inition.
!"8. )he MMMM. i- a con-truct that help- anal7-t- to 0or: 0ith u-er- to deter1ine
-7-te1 u-age.
U-e ca-e
!". )he UM# MMMM. diagra1 pro5ide- a 5ariet7 o/ -71bol- and enco1pa--e- a
nu1ber o/ idea-6 all to 1odel the change- 0hich 9u-t one ob9ect goe- through.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
U-e +a-e.
!!". MMMM.relation-hip -peci/ie- an optional beha5ior.
A generali?ation
An inheritance
An include
An aggregation
An e4tend.
!"!. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> 'ea-ibilit7 anal7-i- i- the proce-- o/ e4a1ining the technical
organi?ational and econo1ic pro- and con- o/ de5eloping a ne0 -7-te1.
!"2. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> (e8uire1ent- -a7 that 0hat -7-te1 0ill do and 0hat it -hould do.
!"3. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> (e1aining all are not apt to the -7-te1 re8ue-t.
!"4. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> U-e- ca-e- de-cribe ho0 the -7-te1 react to an e5ent that occur- to
trigger the -7-te1.
!"5. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> %utput- /ro1 a u-eca-e are de-cribed on the u-eca-e /or1 along 0ith
there corre-ponding de-tination-.
!"6. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> )he pro9ect tea1 /ir-t identi/ie- the triggering e5ent that cau-e- the u-e
ca-e to occur 0hen de5eloping u-eca-e-.
!"7. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> )he ob-er5ation /or1 -hould contain the 1a9or u-eca-e-
!"8. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> U-e ca-e i- a con-truct that help- anal7-t- to 0or: 0ith u-er- to
deter1ine -7-te1 u-age.
!". An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> ,tate diagra1 -ho0- ho0 ob9ect- change /ro1 one -tate to another
0hich i- depicted u-ing -tate diagra1.
!!". An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> 34tend -tereot7pe indicate- optional beha5iour in u-e ca-e-6
!!!. MMMM. literall7 1ean- F1an7 /or1-;6 the concept that di//erent ob9ect- can re-pond
to the -a1e 1e--age in di//erent 0a7-.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!!2. %b9ect- hide their inner 0or:ing- o/ their operation- /ro1 the out-ide 0orld and /ro1
other ob9ect-. )hi- i- called MMMMMM..
An ob9ect.
!!3. $i5en belo0 are -o1e -tate1ent- a--ociated 0ith data /lo0 diagra1-. Identi/7 the
correct -tate1ent /ro1 a1ong the1.
@ata /lo0- in a @'@ 1a7 be bidirectional
)he le5el " @'@ onl7 con-i-t- o/ the 1ain proce--
)he le5el " @'@ i- the -a1e a- the conte4t diagra1
@ata can /lo0 directl7 /ro1 a data -tore to an e4ternal agent
35er7 proce-- in a @'@ 1u-t connect to t0o other proce--e-.
!!4. +on-ider the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- related to UM# 2.".
+o1po-ite ,tructure @iagra16 Interaction %5er5ie0 @iagra1 and )i1ing @iagra1
are ne0 in UM# 2.".
II. A co1po-ite -tructure diagra1 -ho0- the co1ponent- o/ a cla-- a- a diagra1
ne-ted in-ide a large cla-- rectangle.
III. UM# 2." ta:e- the inter/ace concept a -tep /urther b7 allo0ing one to 1odel the
connection bet0een an inter/ace and a cla--.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- correct2
%nl7 (I) abo5e
Both (II) and (III) abo5e
Both (I) and (II) abo5e
Both (I) and (III) abo5e
All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
!!5. +on-ider the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- in relation to Role names in a--ociation- bet0een
t0o cla--e->
I. (ole na1e- ha5e to be u-ed 0ith a--ociation na1e-.
II. I/ there i- a relation-hip bet0een Company and Person then one could u-e
Employee or Employer a- role na1e- to con5e7 an e1plo71ent relation-hip.
III. )he role na1e i- placed on the a--ociation near the cla-- that it 1odi/ie-.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- correct2
(a) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(b) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(c) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(d) %nl7 (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
!!6. )he /ollo0ing -tate1ent- are related to Role/Role names in a--ociation-.
I. .hen one cla-- a--ociate- 0ith another6 each one u-uall7 pla7- a role 0ithin
that a--ociation.
II. A (ole na1e 1a7 be placed on one or both end- o/ an a--ociation line.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
III. I/ Company and Person are t0o cla--e- in a cla-- diagra1 that ha- an
a--ociation relation-hip6 one could u-e an a--ociation na1e called De1plo7-E or the
role na1e- o/ D31plo7erE and D31plo7eeE to con5e7 an e1plo71ent relation-hip.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- correct2
(a) %nl7 (I) abo5e
(b) Both (I) and (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) and (III) abo5e
(d) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
!!7. Multiplicit7 indicator- and their 1eaning-.
I. "..N Oero or More
II. !..N %ne or More
III. "..! Oero or %ne
IA. 4..76 4656667 or
A. !&2 ! or 2
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- correct2
(a) (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e
(b) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(c) (I)6 (II)6 (III) and (IA) abo5e
(d) (I)6 (II) and (IA) abo5e
(e) Both (I) and (A) abo5e.
!!8. (A@ ,tand- /or
(a) (apid application de5elop1ent tool
(b) (aid application de5elop1ent tool
(c) (e-earch application @e5elop1ent
(d) (e-earch aid de-ign tool
(e) (apid anal7-i- and de-ign tool.
!!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing are not +A,3 /acilitie-2
(a) @iagra11ing tool-
(b) =rotot7ping tool-
(c) Hualit7 1anage1ent tool-
(d) @e-cription tool-
(e) ,7-te1 anal7-ing tool-.
!2". )he MMMM i- a group o/ attribute- u-ed to identi/7 a -ingle entit7 in-tance.
(a) +andidate :e7
(b) +oncatenated :e7
(c) Alternate :e7
(d) =ri1ar7 :e7
(e) ,ub-etting criteria.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!!!. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> =ol7&1orphi-1 pol7 1ean- 1an7 1orphi-1 1ean- /or1- -o e i- the
right choice
!!2. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> 3ncap-ulation i- nothing but hiding ob9ect- inner 0or:ing- o/ their
operation- /ro1 the out-ide 0orld and /ro1 other ob9ect-.
!!3. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> @ata /lo0- in a @'@ 1a7 be biderctional.
!!4. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> All the -tate1ent- are correct.
!!5. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> (ole na1e- 1a7 be or 1a7 not be u-ed 0ith a--ociation na1e-.
!!6. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> All the -tate1ent- are correct.
!!7. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> !&2 indicate- 2
!!8. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> A i- the right choice becau-e (A@ i- (apid Application
@e5elop1ent )ool
!!. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> +A,3 /acilitie- are @iagra11ing protot7ping6 8ualit7
1anage1ent and de-cription tool-.
!2". An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> +oncatenated Pe7 i- a group o/ attribute- u-ed to indeti/7 a
-ingle entit7 in-tance.
!2!. )raditionall76 the onl7 pha-e o/ -o/t0are de5elop1ent 0here a /or1al
approach i- u-ed i-
(a) =rogra11ing
(b) @e-ign
(c) (e8uire1ent-
(d) =lanning
(e) )e-ting.
!22. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- i-Bare true2
(a) )here i- no re-triction on 1ultiple a--ociation- bet0een the -a1e
t0o cla--e-
(b) )here can be 1ultiple a--ociation- bet0een the -a1e t0o cla--e-6
but the7 -hould repre-ent di//erent role-
(c) Multiple a--ociation- bet0een the -a1e t0o cla--e- i- not allo0ed
(d) Multiple a--ociation- bet0een the -a1e t0o cla--e- 1u-t be
aggregated to one
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!23. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- accuratel7 de-cribe- an In/or1ation
(a) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ people6 data
proce--e-6 in/or1ation repre-entation and in/or1ation technolog7
that interact to -upport da7&to&da7 operation- in a bu-ine--
(b) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- a conte1porar7 ter1 that de-cribe- the
co1bination o/ co1puter technolog7 0ith teleco11unication
(c) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ in/or1ation
repre-entation and in/or1ation technolog7 that interact- to -upport
da7&to&da7 operation- in a bu-ine--
(d) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ data proce--e-6
in/or1ation repre-entation and in/or1ation technolog7 that interact-
to -upport da7&to&da7 operation- in a bu-ine--
(e) An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- a conte1porar7 ter1 that de-cribe- the
co1bination o/ in/or1ation technolog7 0ith teleco11unication
!24. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a -tep in the linear -7-te1 de5elop1ent
(a) )e-ting de-ign
(b) =rotot7ping
(c) (e8uire1ent- de/inition
(d) @e5elop1ent
(e) =o-t&in-tallation.
!25. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent i- true!
(a) )he proble1 de/inition pha-e produce- a docu1ent 0ritten u-ing
technical ter1inolog7 o/ the -7-te1 anal7-t
(b) )he proble1 -tate1ent i- a docu1ent that contain- the proble1-
/aced b7 the organi?ation
(c) )he proble1 de/inition pha-e produce- a docu1ent that i- a broad
-tate1ent o/ u-er re8uire1ent-
(d) )he proble1 de/inition pha-e doe- not -peci/7 the re-ource-
allocated to the pro9ect
(e) )he direction o/ the pro9ect i- -et b7 the proble1 de/inition pha-e.
!26. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not con-idered during the co-t&bene/it anal7-i-
o/ an in/or1ation -7-te1 de5elop1ent pro9ect2
(a) =er-onnel co-t-
(b) +o1puter u-age
(c) )raining co-t-
(d) +lient- -ta// co-t-
(e) +o-t o/ ne0 co1puter hard0are and -o/t0are.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!27. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a /act /inding 1ethod2
(a) ,ite 5i-it-
(b) =rotot7ping
(c) ,tud7 o/ -i1ilar -7-te1-
(d) Bu-ine-- anal7-i-
(e) Coint re8uire1ent planning.
!28. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -:ill 1a7 not be re8uired b7 a -7-te1- anal7-t2
(a) =rogra11ing #anguage -:ill-
(b) +o11unication -:ill-
(c) )echnical -:ill-
(d) Bu-ine-- proce-- re&engineering -:ill-
(e) Manage1ent -:ill-.
!2. Go0 data -tore i- repre-ented in a data /lo0 diagra12
(a) +ircle
(b) 'ull %pen rectangle
(c) Gal/ open rectangle
(d) 'ull open triangle
(e) Gal/ open triangle.
!3". .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- a--ociated 0ith data /lo0 diagra1- i-
(a) @ata /lo0- in a @'@ 1a7 be bidirectional
(b) )he le5el " @'@ onl7 con-i-t- o/ the 1ain proce--
(c) )he le5el " @'@ i- the -a1e a- the le5el ! diagra1
(d) @ata can /lo0 directl7 /ro1 a data -tore to an e4ternal agent
(e) 35er7 proce-- in a @'@ 1u-t connect to t0o other proce--e-.
121. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )raditionall76 the onl7 pha-e o/ -o/t0are de5elop1ent 0here a /or1al
approach i- u-ed i- =rogra11ing.
122. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )here can be 1ultiple a--ociation- bet0een the -a1e t0o cla--e-6 but
the7 -hould repre-ent di//erent role-
123. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > An In/or1ation ,7-te1 i- an arrange1ent o/ people6 data proce--e-6
in/or1ation repre-entation and in/or1ation technolog7 that interact to
-upport da7&to&da7 operation- in a bu-ine--.
124. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > =rotot7ping i- not a -tep in the linear -7-te1 de5elop1ent c7cle.
125. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > )he proble1 de/inition pha-e produce- a docu1ent that i- a broad
-tate1ent o/ u-er re8uire1ent-.
126. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > +lient- -ta// co-t- i- not con-idered during the co-t&bene/it anal7-i- o/
an in/or1ation -7-te1 de5elop1ent pro9ect.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
127. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > Bu-ine-- anal7-i- i- not a /act /inding 1ethod.
128. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > =rogra11ing #anguage -:ill- 1a7 not be re8uired b7 a -7-te1-
129. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > Gal/ open (ectangle i- u-ed to repre-ent data -tore.
13. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > @ata /lo0- in a @'@ 1a7 be bidirectional.
!3!. )he ob9ecti5e- /or -o/t0are te-ting i- to
(a) @eter1ine the producti5it7 o/ progra11er-
(b) 3li1inate the need /or /uture progra1 1aintenance
(c) 3li1inate e5er7 error prior to relea-e
(d) Unco5er -o/t0are error-
(e) @eter1ine the capacit7 o/ progra11er-.
!32. )he te-ting techni8ue that re8uire- de5i-ing te-t ca-e- to de1on-trate
that each progra1 /unction i- operational i- called
(a) Blac:&bo4 te-ting
(b) $la--&bo4 te-ting
(c) $re7&bo4 te-ting
(d) .hite&bo4 te-ting
(e) $reen bo4 te-ting.
!33. )he te-ting techni8ue that re8uire- de5i-ing te-t ca-e- to e4erci-e the
internal logic o/ a -o/t0are 1odule i- called
(a) Beha5ioral te-ting
(b) Blac:&bo4 te-ting
(c) $re7&bo4 te-ting
(d) .hite&bo4 te-ting
(e) (ed bo4 te-ting.
!34. Blac: bo4 te-ting i- al-o called
(a) ,peci/ication&ba-ed te-ting
(b) ,tructural te-ting
(c) Aeri/ication
(d) Unit te-ting
(e) ,tre-- te-ting.
!35. )he /our principle- o/ %b9ect&%rientation are
(a) Ab-traction6 encap-ulation6 pol71orphi-1 and 1odularit7
(b) Ab-traction6 pol71orphi-16 1odularit7 and hierarch7
(c) 3ncap-ulation6 pol71orphi-16 hierarch7 and 1odularit7
(d) Ab-traction6 encap-ulation6 1odularit7 and hierarch7
(e) Ab-traction6 generali?ation6 1odularit7 and hierarch7.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!36. .hat i- UM# language2
(a) Ai-uali?ing6 -peci/7ing6 con-tructing6 docu1enting the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(b) Ai-uali?ing6 1odeling6 con-tructing6 docu1enting the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(c) Ai-uali?ing6 docu1enting6 1odeling6 encap-ulating the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(d) Ai-uali?ing6 1odeling6 con-tructing6 encap-ulating the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(e) Ai-uali?ing6 aggregation6 con-tructing and pol71orphi-1 are the
arti/act- o/ a -o/t0are -7-te1.
!37. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing- i- not a UM# diagra12
(a) +o1ponent diagra1
(b) ,tate&chart diagra1
(c) @eplo71ent diagra1
(d) Broadca-t diagra1
(e) U-e ca-e diagra1.
!38. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a characteri-tic o/ an ob9ect2
(a) Identit7
(b) Beha5ior
(c) Action
(d) ,tate
(e) Method.
!3. .hat i- the other na1e /or 3ncap-ulation2
(a) In/or1ation hiding
(b) Inter/ace 1anage1ent
(c) =ol71orphi-1
(d) Aggregation
(e) $enerali?ation.
!4". .hat doe- a cla-- -hare2
(a) Attribute-6 beha5ior and operation-
(b) Identit76 beha5ior and -tate
(c) Attribute-6 operation- and relation-hip-
(d) (elation-hip-6 operation- and 1ultiplicit7
(e) Identit76 1anneri-1 and -tate.
131. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > Unco5er -o/t0are error- i- the ob9ecti5e /or -o/t0are te-ting.
132. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he te-ting techni8ue that re8uire- de5i-ing te-t ca-e- to de1on-trate
that each progra1 /unction i- operational i- called blac:&bo4 te-ting.
133. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he te-ting techni8ue that re8uire- de5i-ing te-t ca-e- to e4erci-e the
internal logic o/ a -o/t0are 1odule i- called 0hite&bo4 te-ting.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
134. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > Blac: bo4 te-ting i- another na1e /or ,peci/ication&ba-ed te-ting.
135. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he /our principle- o/ %b9ect&%rientation Ab-traction6 encap-ulation6
1odularit76 hierarch7.
136. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he UM# i- a language /or Ai-uali?ing6 -peci/7ing6 con-tructing6
docu1enting the arti/act- o/ a -o/t0are -7-te1.
137. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he Broadca-t diagra1 i- *%) a UM# diagra1.
138. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > Action i- *%) a characteri-tic o/ an ob9ect
139. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > 3ncap-ulation i- al-o :no0n a- In/or1ation hiding
14. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > A cla-- i- a de-cription o/ a -et o/ ob9ect- that -hare the -a1e
Attribute-6 operation- and relation-hip-.
0usiness use/cases and actors together describe
3a) $he static elements of the wor in progress
3b) $he dynamic elements of the wor in progress
3c) $he logical view of the wor in progress
3d) $he business processes that the organiBation supports
3e) $he physical view of the wor in progress.
0usiness ob@ect models describe
3a) $he structure of the business
3b) =ow the structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases
3c) 0oth the structure of the business and how those structural elements are
used to fulfill the business use cases
3d) $he business view that the organiBation supports
3e) $he logical aspects of the business.
Which of the following statements is &alse?
3a) )ach business use case in business model is mapped to a subsystem in the
analysis model
3b) )ach business worer in business model is mapped to a system actor in the
analysis model
3c) )ach business entity in business model is mapped to a class in the analysis
3d) )ach ob@ect model in business model is mapped to an interaction diagram in
the analysis model
3e) "ll of the above.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
Which of the following statements is $rue?
3a) " class is an encapsulation of an ob@ect
3b) " class represents the hierarchy of an ob@ect
3c) " class is an instance of an ob@ect
3d) " class is an abstract definition of an ob@ect
3e) " class is physical ob@ect.
&olymorphism can be described as
3a) =iding many different implementations behind one interface
3b) 'nheritance
3c) "ggregation and association
3d) FeneraliBation
3e) Composition.
Which of the following phrase best represents a generaliBation relationship?
3a) D's a part ofE
3b) D's a ind ofE
3c) D's a replica ofE
3d) D's composed ofE
3e) D's related ofE.
" subclass inherits is NparentsG is
3a) "ttributes% lins
3b) "ttributes% operations
3c) "ttributes% operations% relationships
3d) 8elationships% operations% lins
3e) Methods% lins.
8eAuirement artifacts include
3a) <se/case model% glossary and supplementary specification
3b) <se/case model% analysis model and design model
3c) <se/case model% deployment and component models
3d) "ctivity model% glossary and deployment model
3e) "ll of the above.
What does an actor represents ' in use/case model?
3a) " role that a human% hardware device% or another system can play
3b) $he same user that can perform several acts
3c) " physical user regardless of its role
3d) " physical system or a hardware device together with its interfaces
3e) " software product.
"n initial attempt at defining the pieces>parts of the system and their
relationships% organiBing these pieces>parts into well/defined layers with e*plicit
dependencies is called
3a) <se/case analysis
3b) "rchitectural analysis
3c) Structural analysis
3d) 1ependency analysis
3e) 1ocumentation analysis.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( 0usiness use/cases and actors together describe the business processes that the
organiBation supports.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( 0usiness ob@ect models describe 0oth the structure of the business and how
those structural elements are used to fulfill the business use cases
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( )ach ob@ect model in business model is mapped to an interaction diagram in the
analysis model
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( " class is an abstract definition of an ob@ect
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( &olymorphism can be described as =iding many different implementations
behind one interface.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( D's a ind ofE phrase best represents a generaliBation relationship.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( " subclass inherits is parentsG "ttributes% operations% relationships
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( 8eAuirement artifacts include <se/case model% glossary and supplementary
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( 'n use/case model% an actor represents " role that a human% hardware device% or
another system can play.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( "n initial attempt at defining the pieces>parts of the system and their
relationships% organiBing these pieces>parts into well/defined layers with e*plicit
dependencies is called "rchitectural analysis.
!5!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing are con-idered u-ual -tep- in -7-te1- de5elop1ent
li/e c7cle2
(a) ,7-te1- Anal7-i- (b) ,7-te1- @e-ign
(c) )e-ting (d) I1ple1entation
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
!52. IIIIIIIIII i- the ba-ic ob9ecti5e o/ -7-te1- anal7-i-.
(a) )rain 1anager- in 1athe1atical anal7-i-
(b) Under-tand a co1ple4 -7-te1 and de-ign it in -o1e 0a7
(c) Under-tand co1puter hard0are b7 opening the -7-te1 unit
(d) I1ple1ent the -7-te1
(e) (un -i1ulation progra1-.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!53. .hich one o/ the /ollo0ing /act&/inding techni8ue- i- 1o-t u-e/ul in
collecting 8uantitati5e data2
(a) Inter5ie0- (b) (ecord re5ie0-
(c) Hue-tionnaire- (d) %b-er5ation-
(e) .or:-hop-.
!54. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing tool -:etche- the logical -tructure o/ the -7-te1
ba-ed on -o1e criteria2
(a) @eci-ion )able (b) @ata 'lo0 @iagra1
(c) @eci-ion )ree (d) ,tructured 3ngli-h
(e) ,tructured chart.
!55. )he data dictionar7 in ,@#+ contain- de-cription- o/
(a) @'@ ele1ent- (b) 3&( @iagra1
(c) U-e ca-e (d) +la-- @iagra1
(e) @eci-ion table.
!56. Application protot7ping /ollo0- an organi?ed proce-- or -tep- that begin-
(a) U-e protot7pe (b) (e5ie0 protot7pe
(c) @e5elop 0or:ing 1odel (d) Identi/7 :no0n
(e) @e-ign a protot7pe.
!57. +A,3 tool- are u-edIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
(a) )o 1aintain
(b) )o get routine 0or: in a de5elop1ent pro9ect done
(c) )o train u-er- o/ the -7-te1
(d) A- a producti5it7 tool in -7-te1- de5elop1ent
(e) *ot to auto1ate the i1ple1entation pha-e o/ a de5elop1ent pro9ect.
!58. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- a co1bination o/ data and logic that repre-ent-
-o1e real 0orld entit72
(a) (elation-hip (b) %b9ect (c) Attribute- (d)
Method (e) +la--.
!5. @uring pro9ect inception the intent o/ the ta-: i-
(a) I1ple1enting the pro9ect (b) @e-igning a -olution
(c) Anal7-i- o/ the proble1 (d) =rogra11ing
(e) Maintenance o/ the pro9ect.
!6". +ohe-ion i- a 8ualitati5e indication o/ the degree to 0hich a 1odule
(a) Interact 0ith other 1odule-
(b) 'ocu-e- on 9u-t one thing
(c) I- able to co1plete it- /unction in a ti1el7 1anner
(d) I- connected to other 1odule- and the out-ide 0orld
(e) *one o/ the abo5e.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!5!. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > )he ba-ic -tep- in ,@#+ i- -7-te1- anal7-i-6 de-ign6 te-ting and
!52. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he ba-ic ob9ecti5e o/ -7-te1- anal7-i- i- under-tanding a co1ple4 -7-te1
and de-ign it in -o1e 0a7.
!53. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > )he 1o-t u-e/ul /act&/inding techni8ue- /or collecting 8uantitati5e
data i- 8ue-tionnaire.
!54. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > @eci-ion )ree -:etche- the logical -tructure ba-ed on -o1e criteria.
!55. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he data dictionar7 in ,@#+ contain- de-cription- o/ @ata 'lo0
@iagra1 ele1ent-.
!56. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > Application protot7ping /ollo0- an organi?ed proce-- or -tep- that begin-
0ith identi/7ing :no0n re8uire1ent-.
!57. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > +A,3 tool- are u-ed a- a producti5it7 tool- in -7-te1- de5elop1ent
!58. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he ter1 ob9ect 1ean- a co1bination o/ data and logic that repre-ent- -o1e
real 0orld entit7.
!5. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > @uring pro9ect inception the intent o/ the ta-: i- anal7-i- o/ the
!6". An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > +ohe-ion i- a 8ualitati5e indication o/ the degree to 0hich a 1odule /ocu-e-
on 9u-t one thing.
!6!. )echnical /ea-ibilit7 i- an e5aluation to deter1ine
(a) .hether the -7-te1 can pro5ide the right in/or1ation /or the organi-ation;-
(b) .hether the e4i-ting -7-te1- can be upgraded to u-e the ne0 technolog7
(c) .hether an7 re-tructuring o/ 9ob- 0ill be acceptable to the current u-er-
(d) .hether the organi-ation ha- the e4perti-e to u-e the ne0 technolog7
(e) .hether the technolog7 needed /or the propo-ed -7-te1 i- a5ailable.
!62. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII are not part- o/ the -7-te1. )he7 repre-ent an7one or
an7thing that 1u-t interact 0ith the -7-te1.
(a) U-e +a-e- (b) Actor- (c) +o1ponent- (d)
=ac:age- (e) +la--e-.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!63. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -7-te1 te-t deter1ine the length o/ ti1e the -7-te1 u-e- to
proce-- tran-action data2
(a) (eco5er7 )e-ting (b) =er/or1ance )i1e )e-ting
(c) =ea: load )e-t (d) =rocedure )e-ting
(e) ,il: )e-ting.
!64. IIIIIIIIIIIII re/er- to the proce-- o/ u-ing -o/t0are in a li5e en5iron1ent in
order to /ind error-.
(a) Aeri/ication (b) +lari/ication (c) @eter1ination
(d) Aalidation (e) +orrectne--.
!65. A po-t&i1ple1entation re5ie0 loo:- intoIIIIIIIIIIIII
(a) $oal- achie5ed 5i-&Q&5i- target-
(b) U-er /riendline-- o/ the -7-te1
(c) (eali?ation o/ co-t&bene/it-
(d) Both (a) and (b) abo5e
(e) (a)6 (b) and (c) abo5e.
!66. IIIIIIIIIIIIi- a 5ariation o/ -i1ple aggregation. It i- a -trong t7pe o/
(a) +o1ponent aggregation (b) Inheritance
(c) +o1po-ition (d) A--ociation
(e) Multiple Inheritance.
!67. IIIIII re/er- to the nu1ber o/ -ubordinate 1odule- controlled b7 a calling
(a) ,pan o/ control (b) +oupling
(c) +ohe-ion (d) Integration (e)
!68. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing acti5itie- are included in the %% -7-te1 de5elop1ent2
(a) U-e ca-e dri5en anal7-i- (b) @e-ign
(c) =rotot7ping (d) +o1ponent ba-ed
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
!6. .hich one the /ollo0ing i- not a /or1 o/ @eci-ion )able2
(a) #i1ited&3ntr7 (b) @ouble&3ntr7
(c) Mi4ed&3ntr7 (d) 34tended&3ntr7 (e)
34tended and Mi4ed&3ntr7.
!7". IIIIIIIIIIrepre-ent- a .hole =art or +o1po-ition relation-hip.
(a) Aggregation (b) Inheritance
(c) =ol71orphi-1 (d) ,tereot7pe (e)
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!6!. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > )echnical /ea-ibilit7 i- an e5aluation to deter1ine 0hether the technolog7
needed /or the propo-ed -7-te1 i- a5ailable.
!62. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > Actor- are not part- o/ the -7-te1 .)he7 repre-ent an7one or an7thing that
1u-t interact 0ith the -7-te1.
!63. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > =er/or1ance ti1e te-ting i- the -7-te1 te-t that deter1ine- the length o/
ti1e -7-te1 u-ed b7 the -7-te1 to proce-- tran-action data.
!64. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > Aalidation i- the proce-- o/ u-ing -o/t0are in a li5e en5iron1ent in
order to /ind error-.
!65. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > A po-t & i1ple1entation re5ie0 loo:- into goal- achie5ed 5i-&Q&5i- target-6
u-er /riendline-- o/ the -7-te1 and reali?ation o/ co-t&bene/it-.
!66. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > +o1po-ition i- a 5ariation o/ -i1ple aggregation. It i- a -trong t7pe o/
!67. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he nu1ber -ubordinate- 1odule- controlled b7 a calling 1odule i-
called -pan o/ control
!68. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > )he acti5itie- included in the ob9ect oriented -7-te1 de5elop1ent are U-e
ca-e dri5en anal7-i-6 @e-ign6 =rotot7ping and co1ponent ba-ed de5elop1ent.
!6. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > @ouble&3ntr7 i- not a /or1 o/ @eci-ion )able.
!7". An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > Aggregation repre-ent- a 0hole part or co1po-ition relation-hip.
!7!. )he 1ain i--ue in docu1entation during the IIIIIIIIII pha-e i- to deter1ine
what the -7-te1 1u-t do.
(a) Anal7-i- (b) @e-ign
(c) I1ple1entation (d) +oding (e)
!72. the -71bol repre-ent-
(a) Aggregation (b) $enerali?ation
(c) @ependenc7 (d) +o1po-ition (e)
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!73. IIIII de-ign i- a data&/lo0&ba-ed 1ethodolog7.
(a) =h7-ical (b) #ogical (c) ,tructure
(d) %b9ect %riented (e) (ecord ba-ed.
!74. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing UM# diagra1 pro5ide- -tatic -tructure o/ a -7-te12
(a) +la-- diagra1 (b) ,e8uence diagra1
(c) ,tate diagra1 (d) +ollaboration diagra1
(e) Acti5it7 diagra1.
!75. ,7-te1 )e-ting i1plie-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII
(a) )e-ting change- 1ade in an e4i-ting or a ne0 progra1
(b) Ma:ing -ure that the ne0 progra1- do in /act proce-- certain tran-action-
according to -peci/ication-
(c) (unning the -7-te1 0ith li5e data b7 the actual u-er
(d) 34ecuting a progra1 to chec: logic change- 1ade in it and 0ith the
intention o/ /inding error- 1a:ing the progra1 /ail
(e) Both (a) and (b) abo5e.
!76. IIIIIIIIIre/er- to the nu1ber o/ connection- bet0een a DcallingE and DcalledE
1odule and the co1ple4it7 o/ the-e connection-.
(a) Module coupling (b) )ran-action
(c) 35aluation (d) +ohe-ion (e)
!77. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing highlight- the /ea-ibilit7 report o/ an e4i-ting -7-te12
(a) @ata/lo0 and proce--ing (b) In/or1ation need-
(c) =roble1 area- (d) @ata -torage (e) All
the abo5e.
!78. .hich diagra1 depict- a pattern o/ 1e--age- co1ing into and going /ro1 an
(a) +ollaboration diagra1 (b) ,e8uence diagra1
(c) +la-- diagra1 (d) %b9ect diagra1
(e) Acti5it7 diagra1.
!7. )he proce-- o/ con5erting a ne0 or re5i-ed -7-te1 de-ign into an operational one
(a) )e-ting (b) I1ple1entation
(c) Hualit7 A--urance (d) ,7-te1 Anal7-i-
(e) ,7-te1 @e-ign.
!8". )he rule- and -e1antic- o/ the UM# can be e4pre--ed in a /or1 :no0n a-
(a) %b9ect 1odeling language (b) %b9ect con-traint language
(c) %b9ect -peci/ication language (d) %b9ect control language
(e) %b9ect dri5en language.
!7!. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > Anal7-i- pha-e i- to deter1ine 0hat the -7-te1 1u-t do6 i- the 1ain
i--ue in docu1entation.
!72. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > > the -71bol repre-ent- generali?ation.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
!73. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > ,tructured de-ign i- a data&/lo0&ba-ed 1ethodolog7. )he approach begin-
0ith a -7-te1 -peci/ication that identi/ie- input- and output- and de-cribe- the
/unctional a-pect- o/ the -7-te1.
!74. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he UM# diagra1 pro5ide- -tatic -tructure o/ a -7-te1 i- +la--
!75. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > ,7-te1 te-ting 1ean- it i- the e4ecution o/ a progra1 to chec: logic
change- 1ade in it and 0ith the intention o/ /inding error-& 1a:ing the progra1
/ail. 3//ecti5e te-ting doe- not guarantee reliabilit7. (eliabilit7 i- a de-ign
!76. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > In 1odule coupling there 1u-t be at lea-t one connection bet0een a
1odule and a calling 1odule.
!77. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > )he /ea-ibilit7 report o/ an e4i-ting -7-te1 highlight- proble1 area-.
!78. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > +ollaboration diagra1 depict- a pattern o/ 1e--age- co1ing into and
going /ro1 an ob9ect.
!7. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > I1ple1entation i- u-ed to 1ean the proce-- o/ con5erting a ne0 or re5i-ed
-7-te1 de-ign into an operational one a- con5er-ion i- one a-pect o/
i1ple1entation. )he other a-pect- are po-t&i1ple1entation re5ie0 and -o/t0are
!8". An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he rule- and -e1antic- o/ the UM# can be e4pre--ed in a /or1 :no0n a-
%b9ect +on-traint #anguage (%+#).
.hich one o/ the /ollo0ing /act&/inding techni8ue- i- 1o-t u-e/ul in collecting 8uantitati5e
(a) Inter5ie0-
(b) (ecord re5ie0-
(c) Hue-tionnaire-
(d) %b-er5ation-
(e) .or:-hop-.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing /ocu- on output and proce--ing logic2
(a) @ata 1odel-
(b) @ata&oriented approach
(c) ,7-te1- de5elop1ent approach
(d) =roce--&oriented approach
(e) In/or1ation 1odel-.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.hich 0ould be the "est repre-entation /or DA cu-to1er -ending in a pa71entE2
(a) @ata
(b) @ata /lo0
(c) In/or1ation
(d) =roce--ing logic
(e) @ata -tore.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not one o/ the /our 1a9or cla--e- o/ in/or1ation -7-te1-2
(a) @eci-ion -upport -7-te1
(b) +ollaboration -7-te1
(c) Manage1ent in/or1ation -7-te1
(d) 34pert -7-te1
(e) Pno0ledge -7-te1.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing replicate- the deci-ion&1a:ing proce-- rather than 1anipulate-
(a) Manage1ent replication -7-te1
(b) Manage1ent in/or1ation -7-te1
(c) 34pert -7-te1
(d) @eci-ion -upport -7-te1
(e) Pno0ledge ,upport -7-te1.
.hich approach to de5elop1ent i- the 1o-t interacti5e and /ocu-e- 1ore on the u-er
and their 0or:2
(a) Modern -tructured anal7-i-
(b) In/or1ation engineering
(c) ,tructured de-ign
(d) %b9ect&oriented anal7-i-
(e) Agent&ba-ed anal7-i-.
@uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 the pro9ect tea1
(a) @e-cribe- the /unctional /eature- o/ the -7-te1 cho-en /or
de5elop1ent in the pre5iou- pha-e
(b) ,tudie- the organi?ationL- current procedure- and the in/or1ation
-7-te1- u-ed to per/or1 organi?ational ta-:-
(c) @eter1ine- the -cope o/ the propo-ed -7-te1- and produce- a
-peci/ic plan /or the propo-ed pro9ect
(d) +ode-6 te-t- and in-tall- the ne0 -7-te1
(e) All (a)6 (b)6 (c) and (d) abo5e.
@uring i1ple1entation6 the pro9ect tea1
(a) +oncentrate- on the bu-ine-- a-pect- o/ the -7-te1 and tend- to
be oriented to a high le5el o/ -peci/icit7
(b) ,tudie- the organi?ationL- current procedure- and the in/or1ation
-7-te1- u-ed to per/or1 organi?ational ta-:-
(c) @eter1ine- the -cope o/ the propo-ed -7-te1- and produce- a
-peci/ic plan /or the propo-ed pro9ect
(d) +ode-6 te-t- and in-tall- the ne0 -7-te1
(e) All (a)6 (b)6 (c) and (d) abo5e.
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MCQs of Computer Science
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a traditional 1ethod o/ collecting -7-te1 re8uire1ent-2
(a) Inter5ie0ing
(b) (ad
(c) %b-er5ation-
(d) @ocu1ent anal7-i-
(e) 'act /inding techni8ue.
)he UM# i- a language /or
(a) Ai-uali?ing6 -peci/7ing6 con-tructing6 docu1enting the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(b) Ai-uali?ing6 1odeling6 con-tructing6 docu1enting the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(c) Ai-uali?ing6 docu1enting6 1odeling6 encap-ulating the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(d) Ai-uali?ing6 1odeling6 con-tructing6 encap-ulating the arti/act- o/ a
-o/t0are -7-te1
(e) Ai-uali?ing6 aggregation6 con-tructing and pol71orphi-1 are the
arti/act- o/ a -o/t0are -7-te1.
181. A Inter5ie0- /act&/inding techni8ue- are 1o-t u-e/ul in collecting
8uantitati5e data.
182. @ proce--&oriented approach /ocu- on output and proce--ing
183. B @ata /lo0 i- the be-t repre-entation /or DA cu-to1er -ending in
a pa71entE.
184. B +ollaboration -7-te1 i- not the part o/ in/or1ation -7-te1.
185. + 34pert -7-te1 i- deci-ion&1a:ing proce-- rather than
1anipulate- in/or1ation.
186. @ %b9ect&oriented anal7-i- approach to de5elop1ent i- the 1o-t
interacti5e and /ocu-e- 1ore on the u-er and their 0or:.
187. B @uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 the pro9ect tea1 -tudie- the
organi?ationL- current procedure- and the in/or1ation -7-te1-
u-ed to per/or1 organi?ational ta-:-.
188. @ @uring the i1ple1entation6 the pro9ect tea1 code-6 te-t6 and
in-tall- the ne0 -7-te1.
189. B (apid Application @e5elop1ent ((A@) i- not a traditional
1ethod o/ collecting -7-te1 re8uire1ent-.
19. A )he UM# i- a language /or 5i-uali?ing6 -peci/7ing6 con-tructing6
and docu1enting the arti/act- o/ a -o/t0are -7-te1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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A cla-- i- a de-cription o/ a -et o/ ob9ect- that -hare the -a1e
(a) Attribute-6 beha5ior and operation-
(b) Identit76 beha5ior and -tate
(c) Attribute-6 operation- and relation-hip-
(d) (elation-hip-6 operation- and 1ultiplicit7
(e) Identit76 1anneri-1 and -tate.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- the o//icial 0a7 a -7-te1 0or:- a- de-cribed in organi?ational
(a) 'or1al -7-te1
(b) =ri1ar7 -7-te1
(c) .or:ing -7-te1
(d) Aalue -7-te1
(e) ,econdar7 -7-te1.
@uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 0hich o/ the /ollo0ing ha- a- it- pri1ar7 purpo-e the
collection o/ -7-te1 re8uire1ent- -i1ultaneou-l7 /ro1 the :e7 people in5ol5ed 0ith the
(a) (e8uire1ent- -tructuring
(b) =rotot7ping
(c) CA@
(d) Bu-ine-- proce-- reengineering
(e) (e5er-e proce-- engineering.
=rotot7ping i- 1o-t u-e/ul /or re8uire1ent- deter1ination 0hen
(a) )here i- a tendenc7 to a5oid creating /or1al docu1entation
(b) Multiple -ta:eholder- are in5ol5ed in the -7-te1
(c) )ool- and data are not readil7 a5ailable to rapidl7 build -7-te1-
(d) U-er re8uire1ent- are not 0ell under-tood
(e) Multiple -7-te1 anal7-t- are in5ol5ed in the -7-te1.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing ha- di-rupted the belie/ that 1anager- 1u-t 1a:e all the
(a) @i-tributed databa-e-
(b) 34pert -7-te1-
(c) Ad5anced teleco11unication- net0or:-
(d) @eci-ion -upport tool-
(e) Pno0ledge -7-te1.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing UM# diagra1 that e1pha-i?e- the -tructural organi?ation o/ the
ob9ect- 0hich -end and recei5e 1e--age-2
(a) +ollaboration diagra1
(b) ,e8uence diagra1
(c) Acti5it7 diagra1
(d) +la-- diagra1
(e) U-e ca-e diagra1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent the capabilitie- 0hich 0ill be pro5ided to actor- b7 the
(a) U-e +a-e-
(b) %b9ect-
(c) ,tate-
(d) +la--e-
(e) =ac:age-.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing relation-hip bet0een u-e ca-e- 1ean- that the ba-e u-e ca-e
e4plicitl7 incorporate- the beha5ior o/ another u-e ca-e at a location -peci/ied in the
(a) Inheritance
(b) Include
(c) Aggregation
(d) A--ociation
(e) 34tend-.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- i-Bare the approache- /or identi/7ing cla--e-2
(a) )he noun phra-e approach
(b) )he co11on cla-- pattern- approach
(c) )he u-e&ca-e dri5en approach
(d) )he cla-- re-pon-ibilitie- collaboration (+(+) approach
(e) All (a)6 (b)6 (c) and (d) abo5e.
An Interaction diagra1 that e1pha-i?e- the ti1e&ordering o/ 1e--age- i- called a-
(a) ,e8uence diagra1
(b) +ollaboration diagra1
(c) Acti5it7 diagra1
(d) ,tate diagra1
(e) +la-- diagra1.
191.+ A cla-- i- a de-cription o/ a -et o/ ob9ect- that -hare the -a1e
attribute-6 operation- and relation-hip-.
192.A 'or1al -7-te1 i- the o//icial 0a7 a -7-te1 0or:- a- de-cribed in
organi?ational docu1entation.
193.+ CA@ i- the pri1ar7 purpo-e the collection o/ -7-te1 re8uire1ent-
-i1ultaneou-l7 /ro1 the :e7 people in5ol5ed 0ith the -7-te1
during the anal7-i- pha-e.
194.@ =rotot7ping i- 1o-t u-e/ul /or re8uire1ent- deter1ination 0hen
u-er re8uire1ent- are not 0ell under-tood.
195.@ @eci-ion -upport tool- ha- di-rupted the belie/ that 1anager- 1u-t
1a:e all the deci-ion-.
196.A UM# diagra1 that e1pha-i?e- the -tructural organi?ation o/ the
ob9ect- 0hich -end and recei5e 1e--age- i- +ollaboration
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
197.A U-e ca-e- repre-ent the capabilitie- 0hich 0ill be pro5ided to
actor- b7 the -7-te1.
198.B include i- the relation-hip bet0een u-e ca-e- 1ean- that the ba-e
u-e ca-e e4plicitl7 incorporate- the beha5ior o/ another u-e ca-e at
a location -peci/ied in the ba-e.
199.3 )he noun phra-e approach6 the co11on cla-- pattern approach6
the u-e&ca-e dri5en approach and the cla-- re-pon-ibilitie-
collaboration approach are the approache- /or identi/7ing cla--e-.
2.A An Interaction diagra1 that e1pha-i?e- the ti1e&ordering o/
1e--age- i- called a- ,e8uence diagra1
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- a 1ea-ure o/ the -trength o/ a--ociation a1ong ob9ect-2
(a) +ohe-ion
(b) +oupling
(c) +orollar7
(d) Interaction
(e) +ollaboration.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent a built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ the UM#2
(a) *ote
(b) Meta 1odel
(c) ,tereot7pe
(d) +la--
(e) Model con-traint-.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- a co1bination o/ data and logic that repre-ent- -o1e real 0orld
(a) (elation-hip
(b) %b9ect
(c) Attribute-
(d) Method
(e) +la--.
)he rule- and -e1antic- o/ the UM# can be e4pre--ed in a /or1 :no0n a-
(a) %b9ect 1odeling language
(b) %b9ect con-traint language
(c) %b9ect -peci/ication language
(d) %b9ect control language
(e) %b9ect dri5en language.
A diagra1 that -ho0- the hierarchical relation-hip bet0een the 1odule- o/ a co1puter
progra1 i- called
(a) ,7-te1 /lo0 chart
(b) @e-ign cla-- diagra1
(c) @ata /lo0 diagra1
(d) ,tructure chart
(e) 3&( diagra1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
=ol71orphi-1 can be de-cribed a-
(a) Giding 1an7 di//erent i1ple1entation- behind one inter/ace
(b) Inheritance
(c) Aggregation and a--ociation
(d) $enerali?ation
(e) +o1po-ition.
.hat phra-e "est repre-ent- a generali?ation relation-hip2
(a) DI- a part o/E
(b) DI- a :ind o/E
(c) DI- a replica o/E
(d) DI- co1po-ed o/E
(e) DI- related o/E.
In u-e&ca-e 1odel6 an actor repre-ent-
(a) A role that a hu1an6 hard0are de5ice6 or another -7-te1 can pla7
(b) )he -a1e u-er that can per/or1 -e5eral act-
(c) A ph7-ical u-er regardle-- o/ it- role
(d) A ph7-ical -7-te1 or a hard0are de5ice together 0ith it- inter/ace-
(e) All (a)6 (b)6 (c) and (d) abo5e.
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- the 1ultiplicit7 notation that repre-ent- optional 1an72
(a) "..R
(b) !..R
(c) !..!
(d) "..N
(e) !..N.
Go0 i- co1po-ition repre-ented in a cla-- diagra12
(a) A circle
(b) A rounded rectangle
(c) An ellip-e
(d) A -olid dia1ond
(e) A -olid circle.
B +oupling i- a 1ea-ure o/ the -trength o/ a--ociation a1ong
22.+ ,tereot7pe i- a built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ the UM#.
23.B %b9ect i- a co1bination o/ data and logic that repre-ent- -o1e
real 0orld entit7.
24.B )he rule- and -e1antic- o/ the UM# can be e4pre--ed in a /or1
:no0n a- %b9ect +on-traint #anguage.
25.@ A diagra1 that -ho0- the hierarchical relation-hip bet0een the
1odule- o/ a co1puter progra1 i- called ,tructure +hart.
26.A =ol71orphi-1 can be de-cribed a- hiding 1an7 di//erent
i1ple1entation- behind one inter/ace.
27.B DI- a :ind o/E i- the phra-e be-t repre-ent- a generali?ation
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
28.A In u-e&ca-e 1odel6 an actor repre-ent- a role that a hu1an6
hard0are de5ice6 or another -7-te1 can pla7.
29.@ "..N i- the 1ultiplicit7 notation that repre-ent- optional 1an7.
21.@ +o1po-ition repre-ented in a cla-- diagra1 i- a -olid dia1ond.
Mrom an e*isting relational database layoutI Creating an ob@ect model is nown as
3a) 0ottom/up engineering
3b) $op/down engineering
3c) 0acward engineering
3d) 8everse engineering
3e) Morward engineering.
Which layer consists of ob@ects with which the user interacts?
3a) !iew 6ayer
3b) 0usiness 6ayer
3c) "ccess 6ayer
3d) +etwor 6ayer
3e) &hysical 6ayer.
Mor ease of use% maintainability and reusability what are used to group classes together.
3a) 9b@ects
3b) &acages
3c) States
3d) <se Cases
3e) +one of the above.
1uring system analysis phase which tool from the following is n$ used?
3a) 1ata Mlow 1iagram
3b) Structured )nglish
3c) 1ecision $ree
3d) 1ecision $able
3e) Structured Chart.
Mrom the following C"S) $ools which is not a component of C"S) $ool?
3a) 1iagramming $ools
3b) Code Fenerators
3c) 'nformation 8epository
3d) 1ebugging $ools
3e) 0oth 3a) and 3b) above.
Mor specifying a set of conditions and their corresponding actions the following tabular form is
3a) 1ecision tree
3b) 1ecision table
3c) Structured english
3d) 1ata flow diagram
3e) )/8 diagram.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
'n S16C the data dictionary contains descriptions of what from the following
3a) 1M1 elements
3b) )/8 1iagram
3c) <se case
3d) Class 1iagram
3e) 1ecision table.
$echnical feasibility is to determines whether
3a) $he system can provide the right information for the organiBationGs personnel
3b) $he e*isting system can be upgraded to use the new technology
3c) "ny restructuring of @obs will be acceptable to the current users
3d) $he organiBation has the e*pertise to use the new technology
3e) $he technology needed for the proposed system is available.
Chose the correct option from the following with respect to prototyping
3a) 't is most practical for large scale pro@ects
3b) 't emphasiBes getting the design right the first time
3c) 't is the e*ecution of the standard systems development cycle using C"S) tools
3d) 't cannot be used when the reAuirements are not clear
3e) 't involves an iterative and interactive development process with e*tensive end use
Chose the most correct option for an association
3a) 't must be described by nouns
3b) 't must have attributes
3c) 't must be based on events
3d) 't must have a 1(M component
3e) 't must be described by a verb or nouns.
Answer Reasn
1 Creating an ob@ect model from an e*isting relational database layout is referred to
as 8everse engineering
" !iew layer consists of ob@ects with which the user interacts as well as the ob@ects
needed to manage
0 &acages are used to group classes together for ease of use% maintainability% and
) Structured Chart is not used during system analysis.
1 1ebugging $ool is not a component of C"S) $ool.
0 " decision table is a tabular form of presentation that specifies a set of conditions
and their corresponding actions
" $he data dictionary in S16C contains descriptions of 1M1 elements
':> ) $echnical feasibility is an evaluation to determine whether the technology needed
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
2 for the proposed system is available.
) &rototyping involves an iterative and interactive development process with
e*tensive end use involvement.
) "n association must be described by a verb or nouns.
22!. @uring the co-t&bene/it anal7-i- o/ an in/or1ation -7-te1 de5elop1ent pro9ect6 0hich
o/ the /ollo0ing i- not con-idered2
(a) =er-onnel co-t-
(b) +lient- -ta// co-t-
(c) )raining co-t-
(d) +o1puter u-age
(e) +o-t o/ ne0 co1puter hard0are and -o/t0are.
222. Blac: bo4 te-ting i- al-o :no0n a-
(a) Unit te-ting
(b) ,tructural te-ting
(c) Aeri/ication
(d) ,peci/ication&ba-ed te-ting
(e) ,tre-- te-ting.
223. 'ro1 the /ollo0ing- pic: the one 0hich i- not a UM# diagra12
(a) +o1ponent diagra1
(b) ,tate&chart diagra1
(c) @eplo71ent diagra1
(d) U-e ca-e diagra1
(e) Broadca-t diagra1.
224. .hat doe- a cla-- -hare2
(a) Attribute-6 beha5ior and operation-
(b) Attribute-6 operation- and relation-hip-
(c) Identit76 beha5ior and -tate
(d) (elation-hip-6 operation- and 1ultiplicit7
(e) Identit76 1anneri-16 and -tate.
225. )he bu-ine-- ob9ect 1odel- de-cribe-
(a) )he -tructure o/ the bu-ine--
(b) Go0 the -tructural ele1ent- are u-ed to /ul/ill the bu-ine-- u-e ca-e-
(c) Both the -tructure o/ the bu-ine-- and ho0 tho-e -tructural ele1ent- are u-ed
to /ul/ill the bu-ine-- u-e ca-e-
(d) )he bu-ine-- 5ie0 that the organi?ation -upport-
(e) )he logical a-pect- o/ the bu-ine--.
226. )o repre-ent- a generali?ation relation-hip6 .hat phra-e i- be-t to u-e2
(a) DI- a :ind o/E
(b) DI- a part o/E
(c) DI- a replica o/E
(d) DI- co1po-ed o/E
(e) DI- related o/E.
227. )he te-t ca-e- that are u-ed to de1on-trate that each progra1 /unction i- operational
i- :no0n a-
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(a) .hite&bo4 te-ting
(b) $la--&bo4 te-ting
(c) $re7&bo4 te-ting
(d) Blac:&bo4 te-ting
(e) $reen bo4 te-ting.
228. 3ach -tate1ent in +olu1n A ha- to be 1atched 0ith the 1o-t appropriate one /ro1
+olu1n $
%olumn A %olumn $
&i' 3nd u-er A A per-on 0ho anal7-e- the 0a7 the -7-te1 0or:- and
it- proble1-
&ii' Bu-ine--
$ A per-on 0ho need- the -7-te1 to carr7 out hi-
re-pon-ibilitie- 0ithin the organi?ation
&iii' U-er % =eople re-pon-ible /or organi?ing and allocating
&i(' Manage1ent D A u-er 0ho de5elop- -o1e o/ the co1puter part- o/ the
&(' ,7-te1
) A per-on anal7?ing a bu-ine-- at the -ub9ect le5el
.hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent the correct 1atching-2
(a) (i) S 36 (ii) S B6 (iii) S +6 (i5) S A6 (5) S @
(b) (i) S B6 (ii) S +6 (iii) S A6 (i5) S @6 (5) S 3
(c) (i) S +6 (ii) S A6 (iii) S @6 (i5) S 36 (5) S B
(d) (i) S A6 (ii) S @6 (iii) S 36 (i5) S B6 (5) S +
(e) (i) S @6 (ii) S 36 (iii) S B6 (i5) S +6 (5) S A.
22. )he belo0 are -o1e -tate1ent- a--ociated 0ith -7-te1 de5elop1ent. Identi/7 the
*ncorrect -tate1ent a1ong the1
(a) A -cenario i- a de-cription o/ a proce-- in the -ub9ect 0orld
(b) )er1- u-ed in the -ub9ect 0orld 1u-t be included in a glo--ar7 o/ ter1- in the
re8uire1ent -peci/ication
(c) ,ub9ect 0orld and the ,7-te1 0orld help to bridge the gap bet0een the U-age
0orld and the @e5elop1ent 0orld
(d) )he de-ign 1odel i- a--ociated 0ith the ,7-te1 0orld
(e) )he de5elop1ent proce-- centre- on con5erting an initial u-age 0orld 1odel
-ub9ect and -7-te1 1odel-6 to a co1puter -7-te1.
23". )here i- an incorrect -tate1ent a--ociated 0ith proce-- de-cription- identi/7 it /ro1
belo0 gi5en
(a) @ata /lo0 diagra1- are 5er7 e//ecti5e tool- /or -ho0ing the logic in-ide the
(b) A deci-ion table can be u-ed to -peci/7 the deci-ion logic in a proce--
(c) A -tructured 3ngli-h -peci/ication i- built u-ing the three /unda1ental
con-truct- o/
-tructured progra11ing
(d) *atural 3ngli-h i- too i1preci-e and -ub9ect to 1i-interpretation to be u-ed in
-peci/7ing proce-- logic
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(e) Bloc:ing and indentation are u-ed to -et o// the beginning and ending o/
S enhance readabilit7.
221.B +lient- -ta// co-t- i- not con-idered during the co-t&bene/it anal7-i- o/ an
in/or1ation -7-te1 de5elop1ent pro9ect
222.@ Blac: bo4 te-ting i- another na1e /or ,peci/ication&ba-ed te-ting
223.3 )he Broadca-t diagra1 i- *%) a UM# diagra1
224.B A cla-- i- a de-cription o/ a -et o/ ob9ect- that -hare the -a1e Attribute-6
operation- and relation-hip-
225.+ Bu-ine-- ob9ect 1odel- de-cribe Both the -tructure o/ the bu-ine-- and ho0
tho-e -tructural ele1ent- are u-ed to /ul/ill the bu-ine-- u-e ca-e-.
226.A DI- a :ind o/E phra-e be-t repre-ent- a generali?ation relation-hip
227.@ )he te-ting techni8ue that re8uire- de5i-ing te-t ca-e- to de1on-trate that
each progra1 /unction i- operational i- called blac:&bo4 te-ting
228.3 A- per the option- gi5en6 the other option- are 0rong.
229.A A- -cenario can ne5er be the de-cription o/ a proce-- in the -ub9ect 0orld
23.A @ata /lo0 diagra1- can;t repre-ent the logic in-ide the proce--e-.
23!. 'ro1 the /ollo0ing identi/7 the one 0hich can;t be -tored in +A,3 repo-itor7.
(a) @ata
(b) @iagra1-
(c) Pno0ledge
(d) ,peci/ication-
(e) @e-cription-.
232. +on-ider the /ollo0ing U-e +a-e diagra1>
.hat are the -7-te1 actor- in the gi5en U-e +a-e diagra12
(a) +ler:6 Manager6 +u-to1er
(b) +ler:6 Manager6 Ban: net0or:
(c) +ler:6 Manager
(d) +ler:6 Manager6 Ban: net0or:6 +u-to1er
(e) Manager6 Ban: net0or:6 +u-to1er.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
233. +on-ider the /ollo0ing /i5e 1odel-.
A. ,ub9ect 0orld 1odel B. ,7-te1 0orld 1odel
+. (e8uire1ent- 1odel @. Anal7-i- 1odel
3. @e-ign Model
+on-idering the abo5e 1odel-6 0hich option /ro1 the belo0 de-cribe ho0 the -7-te1
0or:- no0 in ter1- o/ the -ub9ect 0orld6 0hat u-er- need in ter1- o/ the -ub9ect
0orld and the re8uired co1puter -7-te1 in ter1- o/ the -7-te1 0orld2
(a) @6 A6 +
(b) A6 +6 3
(c) @6 +6 3
(d) B6 @6 +
(e) B6 A6 +.
234. 3ntitie-6 Attribute- and (elation-hip- are a--ociated 0ith
(a) #ogical concept- o/ data
(b) =h7-ical concept- o/ data
(c) #ogical and ph7-ical concept- o/ data
(d) =er-on- o/ an organi?ation
(e) Both (b) and (d) abo5e.
235. )o0ard- the /ailure o/ a particular -7-te1- de5elop1ent pro9ect-6 0hich /ro1 the
/ollo0ing gi5en /actor- doBdoe- not nece--aril7 contribute2
(a) In-u//icient te-ting
(b) A pro9ect that -pan- 1ultiple depart1ent-
(c) Inade8uate or i1proper -7-te1- de-ign
(d) A lac: o/ top 1anage1ent -upport
(e) A lac: o/ 1anage1ent and u-er in5ol5e1ent.
236. .ith re-pect to 5ie0point oriented anal7-i- o/ a -7-te16 0hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not
an ad5antage2
(a) It allo0- the de-igner to incorporate di//erent u-er 5ie0- and re8uire1ent- into
the -7-te1
(b) It pro5ide- an e//ecti5e 0a7 o/ -tructuring non&/unctional re8uire1ent-
(c) It help- the anal7-t to identi/7 con/lict- a1ong di//erent 5ie0 point-
(d) It help- to 1a:e di//erent 5ie0point- independent o/ one another
(e) It allo0- the anal7-t to identi/7 the u-er- o/ the -7-te1.
237. 'ro1 a1ong the /ollo0ing6 identi/7 the legal data /lo0- in a data /lo0 diagra1.
(a) 34ternal entit7 to another e4ternal entit7
(b) @ata ,tore to a proce--
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(c) @ata ,tore to an e4ternal entit7
(d) 34ternal entit7 to a data -tore
(e) @ata -tore to a data -tore.
238. )o repre-ent proce--e- or 0or: to be done6 the -hape u-ed in $ane and ,ar-on
repre-entation i->
(a) A rectangle
(b) A rounded rectangle
(c) A -8uare
(d) A circle
(e) An ellip-e.
23. $i5en belo0 are -o1e -tate1ent- a--ociated 0ith data /lo0 diagra1-. Identi/7 the
correct -tate1ent a1ong the1.
(a) @ata /lo0- in a @'@ 1a7 be bidirectional
(b) )he le5el " @'@ onl7 con-i-t- o/ the 1ain proce--
(c) )he le5el " @'@ i- the -a1e a- the conte4t diagra1
(d) @ata can /lo0 directl7 /ro1 a data -tore to an e4ternal agent
(e) 35er7 proce-- in a @'@ 1u-t connect to t0o other proce--e-.
24". .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- a /act&/inding techni8ue2
(a) Hualit7 a--urance
(b) =rotot7ping
(c) ,7-te1- re8uire1ent -peci/ication
(d) ,a1pling o/ e4i-ting docu1ent-
(e) (apid application de5elop1ent.
+ Becau-e the :no0ledge can;t be -tored in the +A,3 repo-itor7.
232.A Becau-e Ban: net0or: can ne5er be an actor.
233.+ )he other option- are 0rong.
234.A Becau-e 3ntitie-6 Attribute- and (elation-hip- are a--ociated 0ith onl7
logical concept- o/ data.
235.B )o0ard- the /ailure o/ a particular -7-te1- de5elop1ent pro9ect-6 a pro9ect
that -pan- 1ultiple depart1ent- doBdoe- not nece--aril7 contribute2
236.@ A- the other all the option- are ad5antage-.
237.B A- the other all the option- are illegal.
238.B )he other option- are 0rong.
239.A A- all the other option- are 0rong.
24.@ Becau-e6 ,a1pling o/ e4i-ting docu1ent- i- one o/ the /act&/inding
241. )he -tronge-t 8ualit7 1anage1ent action that a -7-te1- anal7-i- tea1 can
per/or1 i-
(a) ,tructured progra11ing (b) ,tructured 0al:through
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(c) Modular progra11ing (d) Botto1&up de5elop1ent
(e) %b9ect oriented progra11ing.
242. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing de-cribe- botto1&up de-ign2
(a) +ritical -7-te1- identi/ication
(b) $eneral -7-te1- thin:ing
(c) #oo:ing at the big picture acro-- the co1pan7 and brea:ing it do0n into -1aller
part- or -ub-7-te1-
(d) )he identi/ication o/ proce--e- that need co1puteri?ation a- the7 ari-e
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
243. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a -7-te1 con5er-ion -trateg72
(a) @irect changeo5er (b) =arallel con5er-ion
(c) @e/erred con5er-ion (d) =ha-e&in con5er-ion
(e) =ha-e&out con5er-ion.
244. .hen -hould the 1a:e&or&bu7 deci-ion be 1ade2
(a) @uring a ph7-ical -7-te1 de-ign (b) =rior to -7-te1 anal7-i-
(c) @uring conceptual -7-te1 de-ign (d) @uring -7-te1 anal7-i-
(e) @uring a logical -7-te1 de-ign.
245. .hich a1ong the /ollo0ing i- not a le5el o/ 8ualit7 a--urance2
(a) )e-ting (b) Aeri/ication (c) Aalidation (d)
%b-er5ation (e) Bug trac:ing.
246. )he chart- 0hich 1ar: -igni/icant point- in the de5elop1ent o/ a pro9ect are
(a) =3() (b) Mile-tone chart- (c) Bar
(d) +=M (e) ,tructured chart-.
247. .hich a1ong the /ollo0ing re/er- to the -trength o/ the relation-hip bet0een
1odule- in a -7-te12
(a) +oupling (b) +ohe-ion
(c) ,pan o/ control (d) Modularit7 and
partitioning (e) +ontrolling.
248. .hen the 8ue-tion 1ea-ure- 0hat the anal7-t intended to 1ea-ure6 the 8ue-tion
i- called>
(a) +lo-ed (b) %pen&ended (c) Incon-i-tent (d)
Aalid (e) In5alid.
249. .hich o/ the-e de-cribe a guideline /or -electing the output 1ethod2
(a) )he /re8uenc7 o/ the output i- o/ no concern in the -election o/ an output
(b) )he pre/erence- o/ the u-er are the onl7 con-ideration 0hen -electing an output
(c) )he content o/ the output i- irrele5ant 0hen -electing an output 1ethod.
(d) )he content o/ the output 1u-t be con-idered a- interrelated to the output
(e) )he content o/ the output i- rele5ant 0hen -electing on output 1ethod.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
25. .hich a1ong the /ollo0ing i- not an acti5it7 o/ re8uire1ent deter1ination2
(a) (e8uire1ent Anticipation (b) (e8uire1ent In5e-tigation
(c) (e8uire1ent ,peci/ication (d) (e8uire1ent $athering
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
24!. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he -tronge-t 8ualit7 1anage1ent action that a -7-te1- anal7-i- tea1
can per/or1 i- -tructured 0al:through.
242. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he identi/ication o/ proce--e- that need co1puteri?ation a- the7 ari-e
de-cribe- botto1&up de-ign.
243. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> de/erred con5er-ion i- not a -7-te1 con5er-ion -trateg7.
244. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > )he 1a:e&or&bu7 deci-ion be 1ade during conceptual -7-te1 de-ign.
245. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > %b-er5ation i- not a le5el o/ 8ualit7 a--urance.
246. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he chart- 0hich 1ar: -igni/icant point- in the de5elop1ent o/ a pro9ect
are 1ile-tone chart-.
247. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > +oupling i- the -trength o/ the relation-hip bet0een 1odule-.
248. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he 5alid 8ue-tion 1ea-ure- 0hat the anal7-t intended to 1ea-ure6 the
24. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he content o/ the output 1u-t be con-idered a- interrelated to the
output 1ethod.
25". An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > (e8uire1ent gathering i- not an acti5it7 o/ re8uire1ent deter1ination.
251. A data dictionar7 i- a part o/ a larger collection o/ pro9ect in/or1ation called a
(a) (epo-itor7 (b) @ata /lo0 diagra1
(c) Metadata /ile
(d) @ata -tructure (e) @eci-ion table.
252. )echnical detailed -peci/ication- o/ all -7-te1 ele1ent- are the product o/
(a) #ogical de-ign (b) =h7-ical de-ign (c)
(d) I1ple1entation (e) Maintenance.
253. @uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 the pro9ect tea1
(a) @e-cribe- the /unctional /eature- o/ the -7-te1 cho-en /or de5elop1ent in the
pre5iou- pha-e
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(b) ,tudie- the organi?ationL- current procedure- and the in/or1ation -7-te1- u-ed
to per/or1 organi?ational ta-:-
(c) @eter1ine- the -cope o/ the propo-ed -7-te1- and produce- a -peci/ic plan /or
the propo-ed pro9ect
(d) +ode-6 te-t-6 and in-tall- the ne0 -7-te1
(e) *one o/ the abo5e.
254. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing re/lect- the pro9ect 1anagerL- Tbe-t gue--T o/ the a1ount o/
ti1e an acti5it7 actuall7 re8uire- /or co1pletion2
(a) %pti1i-tic ti1e (b) =e--i1i-tic ti1e (c)
(eali-tic ti1e
(d) #ogical ti1e (e) =h7-ical ti1e.
255. +o-t reduction and a5oidance6 error reduction and increa-ed -peed o/ acti5it7 are
e4a1ple- o/
(a) Intangible co-t- (b) )angible co-t-
(c) )angible bene/it- (d) Intangible bene/it-
(e) *one o/ the abo5e.
256. )he 0illingne-- and abilit7 o/ 1anage1ent6 e1plo7ee-6 cu-to1er-6 -upplier- and
-o&/orth o/ an organi?ation to operate6 u-e and -upport a propo-ed -7-te1 i-
:no0n a-
(a) 3cono1ic /ea-ibilit7 (b) +o-tBbene/it anal7-i-
(c) )echnological /ea-ibilit7 (d) %perational /ea-ibilit7
(e) ,peci/ication /ea-ibilit7.
257. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing de-cribe- the change- 1ade to a -7-te1 to add ne0
/eature- or to i1pro5e per/or1ance2
(a) +orrecti5e 1aintenance (b) Adapti5e 1aintenance
(c) =er/ecti5e 1aintenance (d) =re5enti5e 1aintenance
(e) =roducti5e 1aintenance.
258. =rotot7ping i- 1o-t u-e/ul /or re8uire1ent deter1ination
(a) .hen there i- a tendenc7 to a5oid creating /or1al docu1entation
(b) .hen 1ultiple -ta:eholder- are in5ol5ed in the -7-te1
(c) .hen tool- and data are not readil7 a5ailable to rapidl7 build -7-te1-
(d) .hen u-er re8uire1ent- are not 0ell under-tood
(e) .hen 1ultiple -ta:e holder- are not in5ol5ed in the -7-te1.
259. )he lo0e-t le5el o/ deco1po-ition /or a data /lo0 diagra1 i- a
(a) =ri1iti5e @'@ (b) Unit @'@ (c)
+onte4t @'@
(d) #e5el&" @'@ (e) #e5el&! @'@.
26. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent- the correct -e8uence o/ te-ting acti5itie-2
(a) Unit te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 integration te-ting6 acceptance
(b) Unit te-ting6 5olu1e te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 acceptance
(c) Unit te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 acceptance
(d) Unit te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 acceptance
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(e) Unit te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6 integration te-ting6 5olu1e te-ting6 acceptance
25!. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > A data dictionar7 i- a part o/ a larger collection o/ pro9ect in/or1ation
called a repo-itor7.
252. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )echnical detailed -peci/ication- o/ all -7-te1 ele1ent- are product- o/
ph7-ical de-ign
253. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > @uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 the pro9ect tea1 -tudie- the organi?ation;-
current procedure- and the in/or1ation -7-te1- u-ed to per/or1
organi?ational ta-:-.
254. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > (eali-tic ti1e re/lect- the pro9ect 1anager;- D be-t gue--E o/ the a1ount
o/ ti1e an acti5it7 actuall7 re8uire- /or co1pletion.
255. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > +o-t reduction and a5oidance6 error reduction and increa-ed -peed o/
acti5it7 are e4a1ple- o/ tangible bene/it-.
256. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he 0illingne-- and abilit7 o/ 1anage1ent6 e1plo7ee-6 cu-to1er-6
-upplier- and -o&/orth o/ an organi?ation to operate6 u-e and -upport a
propo-ed -7-te1 i- :no0n a- operational /ea-ibilit7.
257. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > =er/ecti5e 1aintenance de-cribe- the change- 1ade to a -7-te1 to
add ne0 /eature- or to i1pro5e per/or1ance.
258. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > =rotot7ping i- 1o-t u-e/ul /or re8uire1ent deter1ination 0hen u-er
re8uire1ent- are not 0ell under-tood.
25. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he lo0e-t le5el o/ deco1po-ition /or a data /lo0 diagra1 i- a pri1iti5e
26". An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > Unit te-ting6 1odule te-ting6 integration te-ting6 -7-te1 te-ting6
Acceptance te-ting.
261. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- a 1ain co1ponent o/ a deci-ion tree2
(a) 3ntit7 (b) =roce-- (c) Action
(d) +ondition
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
262. +olu1n A contain- -o1e :e7 0ord- a--ociated 0ith %b9ect&oriented anal7-i-. A
0ord /ro1
+olu1n A ha- to be 1atched 0ith the 1o-t appropriate phra-e /ro1 +olu1n B.
+olu1n A +olu1n B
&i' +et,od A Allowing de(elo-ers to de.ine new
classes "y reusing e/isting classes and
adding new data and0or met,ods to
&ii' Attri"ute $ A .unctionality o. an o"1ect.
&iii' *n,eritance % %om"ine -rocess and data into a single
&i(' 2"1ect D An instance o. a class
&(' )nca-sulation ) A -ro-erty o. a&n' class0o"1ect
)he correct 1atching i-
(a) (i) S B6 (ii) S A6 (iii) S 36 (i5) S @6 (5)S +
(b) (i) S +6 (ii) S A6 (iii) S 36 (i5) S B6 (5) S @
(c) (i) S B6 (ii) S @6 (iii) S A6 (i5) S 36 (5)S +
(d) (i) S A6 (ii) S +6 (iii) S @6 (i5) S B6 (5) S 3
(e) (i) S B6 (ii) S 36 (iii) S A6 (i5) S @6 (5) S +.
263. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing acti5itie- are included in the %% -7-te1 de5elop1ent2
(a) U-e ca-e dri5en anal7-i- (b) @e-ign (c)
(d) +o1ponent ba-ed de5elop1ent (e) All the abo5e.
264. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing diagra1 5i-uali?e- the di-tribution o/ co1ponent- acro--
the enterpri-e2
(a) +o1ponent diagra1 (b) U-e ca-e diagra1
(c) @eplo71ent diagra1 (d) +la-- diagra1
(e) +ollaboration diagra1.
265. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing repre-ent a built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ the UM#2
(a) *ote (b) Meta 1odel (c)
(d) +la-- (e) Model con-traint-.
266. )he rule- and -e1antic- o/ the UM# can be e4pre--ed in a /or1 :no0n a-
(a) %b9ect 1odeling language (b) %b9ect con-traint language
(c) %b9ect -peci/ication language (d) %b9ect control language
(e) %b9ect dri5en language.
267. &&&UV the -71bol repre-ent-
(a) Aggregation (b) $enerali?ation (c) @ependenc7 (d)
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
+o1po-ition (e) A--ociation.
268. +reating an ob9ect 1odel /ro1 an e4i-ting relational databa-e la7out i- re/erred to
(a) 'or0ard engineering (b) Bac:0ard engineering
(c) (e5er-e engineering (d) )op&do0n engineering
(e) Botto1&up engineering.
269. )he proce-- o/ loo:ing /or pattern- to docu1ent i- called
(a) =attern (b) Antipattern (c)
(d) =attern )e1plate (e) =attern 1ining.
27. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing are not part- o/ the -7-te1. )he7 repre-ent an7one or
an7thing that 1u-t interact 0ith the -7-te1.
(a) U-e +a-e- (b) Actor- (c) +o1ponent- (d)
=ac:age- (e) +la--e-.
26!. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > )he 1ain co1ponent o/ a deci-ion tree i- action.
262. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on >
263. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > U-e ca-e dri5en anal7-i-6 de-ign 6 protot7ping6 co1ponent ba-ed
264. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > +o1ponent diagra1 5i-uali?e- the di-tribution o/ co1ponent- acro--
the enterpri-e.
265. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > ,tereot7pe repre-ent a built&in e4ten-ibilit7 1echani-1 o/ the UM#.
266. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he rule- and -e1antic- o/ the UM# can be e4pre--ed in a /or1 :no0n
a- %b9ect +on-traint language.
267. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > )he -71bol repre-ent- Aggregation.
268. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > +reating an ob9ect 1odel /ro1 an e4i-ting relational databa-e la7out i-
re/erred to a- re5er-e engineering.
26. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he proce-- o/ loo:ing /or pattern- to docu1ent- i- called pattern
27". An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > Actor- are not part- o/ the -7-te1. )he7 repre-ent an7one or an7thing
that 1u-t interact 0ith the -7-te1.
27!. In 0hich o/ the /ollo0ing pha-e- o/ the -7-te1 de5elop1ent li/e c7cle6 eli1ination
o/ error- in the -7-te1 and tuning the -7-te1 /or an7 5ariation- in it- 0or:ing
en5iron1ent 0ill be done2
(a) ,7-te1 1aintenance
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(b) ,7-te1 -peci/ication
(c) ,7-te1 de-ign
(d) ,7-te1 de5elop1ent
(e) ,7-te1 te-ting.
272. )he 0illingne-- and abilit7 o/ 1anage1ent6 e1plo7ee-6 cu-to1er-6 -upplier- and
-o&/orth o/ an organi?ation to operate6 u-e and -upport a propo-ed -7-te1. .hat
do 7ou 1ean b7 the abo5e2
(a) 3cono1ic /ea-ibilit7
(b) %perational /ea-ibilit7
(c) +o-tBbene/it anal7-i-
(d) ,peci/ication /ea-ibilit7
(e) )echnological /ea-ibilit7.
273. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing /actor- doe- not nece--aril7 contribute to the /ailure o/
particular -7-te1- de5elop1ent pro9ect-2
(a) In-u//icient te-ting
(b) Inade8uate or i1proper -7-te1- de-ign.
(c) A pro9ect that -pan- 1ultiple depart1ent-
(d) A lac: o/ top 1anage1ent -upport
(e) A lac: o/ 1anage1ent and u-er in5ol5e1ent.
274. +on-ider the /ollo0ing acti5itie- in connection 0ith -o/t0are de5elop1ent>
I. U-e a proble1&-ol5ing approach.
II. 3-tabli-h pha-e- and acti5itie-.
III. 3-tabli-h -tandard-.
.hich o/ the abo5e i-Bare the -o/t0are de5elop1ent principle(-)2
(a) %nl7 (I) abo5e
(b) %nl7 (II) abo5e
(c) Both (I) S (II) abo5e
(d) Both (I) S (III) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e.
275. .hich -ho0- the top le5el /unction de/ined to co5er the -cope o/ the application2
(a) @ata /lo0 diagra1
(b) @eci-ion table
(c) +onte4t diagra1
(d) Matri4 plotting
(e) 'lo0 charting.
276. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- correct -tate1ent 0ith re-pect to data /lo0 diagra1-2
(a) (eplace the 9ob o/ -7-te1- anal7-t-
(b) @o not allo0 e5er7 /unction to 0or: at the -a1e ti1e
(c) +an be auto1aticall7 generated b7 co1puter aided -o/t0are engineering
(d) @oe- not -upport ob9ect oriented 1ethod-
(e) @e-cribe- ho0 data /lo0- /ro1 one logical proce--ing unit to another.
277. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not con-idered a- bene/it o/ protot7ping2
(a) =ro5ide rapid /eedbac: /ro1 the u-er to the de-igner
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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(b) Gelp 5alidate re8uire1ent- 0ith /e0er error-
(c) 3nhance de-igner and u-er under-tanding o/ 0hat -7-te1 -hould
(d) Bring about 1eaning/ul u-er in5ol5e1ent in -7-te1- anal7-i- and de-ign
(e) ,7-te1 te-ting can be auto1ated.
278. .hat doe- 3cono1ic /ea-ibilit7 loo:-Bdeter1ine at2
(a) #oo:- at per/or1ance a-pect- o/ the -7-te1
(b) #oo:- at acceptance- o/ the -7-te1 0ithin the organi?ation
(c) #oo:- at the technical a-pect- o/ the -7-te1
(d) @eter1ine- 0hether the in5e-t1ent needed to i1ple1ent the -7-te1 0ill be
(e) @eter1ine- 0hether the e4i-ting -7-te1 can be upgraded to u-e a ne0
27. 'act- gathering techni8ue- pla7 a crucial role in -7-te1- de5elop1ent pro9ect-.
.hich techni8ue 0ould 7ou highl7 reco11end /or a -ituation 0here 5er7 accurate
an-0er- and clari/ication- are needed2
(a) Hue-tionnaire
(b) (ecord in-pection
(c) Inter5ie0-
(d) %b-er5ation
(e) 3&1ail.
28". .ho i- not in5ol5ed in 9oint application de5elop1ent 0ho u-e- 0or:-hop- 0ith the
/ollo0ing per-onnel2
(a) ,7-te1 o0ner-
(b) ,7-te1 de-igner-
(c) ,7-te1 operator-
(d) ,7-te1 u-er-
(e) ,7-te1 anal7-t-.
27!. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> In -7-te1 1aintenance pha-e eli1ination o/ error- in the -7-te1 and
tuning the -7-te1 /or an7 5ariation- in it- 0or:ing en5iron1ent
272. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> %perational /ea-ibilit7 deter1ine- the 0illingne-- and abilit7 o/
1anage1ent6 e1plo7ee-6 cu-to1er-6 -upplier- and -o&/orth o/ an
organi?ation to operate6 u-e and -upport a propo-ed -7-te1.
273. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> A pro9ect that -pan- 1ultiple depart1ent- doe- not nece--aril7 contribute
to the /ailure o/ particular -7-te1- de5elop1ent pro9ect-.
274. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> 3-tabli-hing -tandard- and u-ing a proble1 -ol5ing approach are the
-o/t0are de5elop1ent principle-.
275. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> +onte4t diagra1 -ho0- the top le5el /unction de/ined to co5er the -cope
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
o/ the application.
276. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> @ata /lo0 diagra1- -upport ob9ect oriented 1ethod- and de-cribe- ho0
data /lo0- /ro1 one logical proce--ing unit to another.
277. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> ,7-te1 te-ting can be auto1ated i- not con-idered a- bene/it o/
278. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> 3cono1ic /ea-ibilit7 Wdeter1ine- 0hether the in5e-t1ent needed to
27. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> Inter5ie0- 0ould be highl7 reco11end /or a -ituation 0here 5er7
accurate an-0er- and clari/ication- are needed.
28". An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> ,7-te1 operator- are the people 0ho are not in5ol5ed in Coint application
28!. .hat i- the @eli5arable o/ (e8uire1ent- Anal7-i-2
(a) Inter/ace-
(b) @e-ign -peci/ication
(c) U-er 1anual
(d) (e8uire1ent- -peci/ication
(e) 34ecutable /ile.
282. .hat i- the other na1e o/ conte4t diagra12
(a) #e5el ! diagra1
(b) #e5el 2 diagra1
(c) #e5el " diagra1
(d) #e5el 3 diagra1
(e) #e5el n diagra1.
283. .hich o/ the de/inition o/ ele1ent- in -7-te1 a data dictionar7 contain2
(a) @ata /lo0-
(b) =roce--e-
(c) @ata -tore-
(d) Both (a) and (b) abo5e
(e) All (a)6 (b) and (c) abo5e.
284. .hich 1edia i- a5ailable /or pro5iding co1puter ba-ed output2
(a) MI+(
(b) %+(
(c) =unched card-
(d) %ptical Bar
(e) +%M.
285. .hich cohe-ion deter1ine- the ele1ent- are all e4ecuted at the -a1e ti1e2
(a) 'unctional cohe-ion
(b) ,e8uential cohe-ion
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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(c) )e1poral cohe-ion
(d) #ogical cohe-ion
(e) +oincidental cohe-ion.
286. .hich protot7pe i- a -i1ulation o/ inter/ace but contain- no /unctionalit72
(a) Aertical protot7pe
(b) Gori?ontal protot7pe
(c) Anal7-i- protot7pe
(d) G7brid protot7pe
(e) @o1ain protot7pe.
287. .ho produced +(+ card-2
(a) Booch
(b) ,all7 ,haler
(c) Ci1 (u1baugh
(d) =eter +oad
(e) .ir/-&Broc:.
288. .hich 0ill help anal7-t- to 0or: 0ith u-er- to deter1ine -7-te1 u-age2
(a) Actor
(b) +o1ponent
(c) +la--
(d) =ac:age
(e) U-e ca-e.
28. .hich 0ill pro5ide- a 5ariet7 o/ -71bol- and enco1pa--e- a nu1ber o/ idea-6
all to 1odel the change- 0hich 9u-t one ob9ect goe- through in UM#2
(a) =ac:age
(b) %b9ect
(c) +la--
(d) U-e ca-e
(e) ,tate.
2". .hich relation-hip in u-e ca-e diagra1 repre-ent- an optional beha5ior2
(a) A generali?ation
(b) An include
(c) An e4tend
(d) An aggregation
(e) An inheritance.
28!. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> (e8uire1ent- -peci/ication i- the deli5erable o/ re8uire1ent- anal7-i-.
282. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> #e5el " diagra1 i- the other na1e o/ conte4t diagra1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
283. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> @ata /lo0- de/inition-6 proce--e- de/inition-6 data -tore- de/inition- a
data dictionar7 contain.
284. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> +%M i- co1puter output 1icro /il1 0hich i- u-ed /or pro5iding output and
re1aining all are input de5ice-.
285. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> )e1poral cohe-ion deter1ine- the ele1ent- are all e4ecuted at the
-a1e ti1e.
286. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> Gori?ontal protot7pe i- a -i1ulation o/ inter/ace but contain- no
287. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> .ir/- Broc: produced +(+ card-.
288. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> U-e ca-e 0ill help anal7-t- to 0or: 0ith u-er- to deter1ine -7-te1
28. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> ,tate i- a -71bol 0hich enco1pa--e- a nu1ber o/ idea- 0hich 0ill
1odel the change- 0hich 9u-t one ob9ect goe- through in UM#.
2". An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> An e4tend in u-e ca-e diagra1 repre-ent- an optional beha5iour
2!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- incorrect regarding %b9ect %riented
(a) $ane and ,ar-on6 ,hlaer Mellor and 34tre1e =rogra11ing are ob9ect
oriented Methodologie-
(b) (U= acti5itie- e1pha-i?e the creation and 1aintenance o/ 1odel- rather
than paper docu1ent-
(c) 3-tabli-h1ent o/ the pro9ect plan and the architecture i- done during the
3laboration pha-e o/ (U=
(d) @uring the 3laboration pha-e6 the /ocu- turn- to0ard- anal7-i- and
(e) @uring inception6 it i- co11on to create an e4ecutable protot7pe that
-er5e- a- a proo/ o/ concept.
22. +on-idering the /ollo0ing -tate1ent in relation to U-e +a-e 1odeling6 identi/7
the correct -tate1ent.
(a) U-e +a-e i- a con-truct that help- anal7-t- to 0or: 0ith u-er- to
deter1ine -7-te1 u-age
(b) 34tend- relation-hip -ho0- the co1pul-or7 beha5ior o/ a U-e +a-e
(c) A -cenario i- a collection o/ u-e ca-e- initiated b7 an actor
(d) ,cenario i- another ter1 u-ed /or a U-e +a-e
(e) Actor- repre-ent -o/t0are that 1u-t interact 0ith the -7-te1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
23. +on-ider the /ollo0ing 1ultiplicit7 indicator- and their 1eaning->
Indicator Meaning
I. "..N Oero or More.
II. !..N %ne or More.
III. "..! Oero or %ne.
IA. 4..76 4656667 or .
A. !&2 ! or 2.
.hich o/ the abo5e are correct2
(a) Both (II) and (III) abo5e
(b) (I)6 (II) and (III) abo5e
(c) (I)6 (II) and (IA) abo5e
(d) (I)6 (II)6(III) and (IA) abo5e
(e) All (I)6 (II)6 (III)6 (IA) and (A) abo5e.
24. .hich UM# diagra1 that add- the di1en-ion o/ ti1e to ob9ect interaction-2
(a) +o11unication @iagra1
(b) Interaction %5er5ie0 @iagra1
(c) +o1po-ite ,tructure @iagra1
(d) ,e8uence diagra1
(e) Acti5it7 @iagra1.
25. .hich UM# diagra1 that ha- the o5erall /ra1e0or: o/ an acti5it7 diagra1 and
interaction diagra1- a- acti5itie-2
(a) +o1po-ite ,tructure @iagra1
(b) Interaction %5er5ie0 @iagra1
(c) ,e8uence @iagra1
(d) Acti5it7 @iagra1
(e) +o11unication @iagra1.
26. .hich diagra1 i- li:e a /lo0 chart 0hich -ho0- the -tep-6 deci-ion point- and
(a) ,e8uence @iagra1
(b) +o1po-ite ,tructure @iagra1
(c) Interaction %5er5ie0 @iagra1
(d) +o11unication @iagra1
(e) Acti5it7 @iagra1.
27. .hich UM# diagra1 that -ho0- ho0 ob9ect- are organi?ed according to the
lin:- a1ong ob9ect-2
(a) Acti5it7 @iagra1
(b) ,e8uence @iagra1
(c) Interaction %5er5ie0 @iagra1
(d) +o11unication @iagra1
(e) +o1ponent @iagra1.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
28. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- i- correct regarding identi/7ing +la--e- and
%b9ect- and dra0ing a +la-- diagra1 and an %b9ect diagra12
(a) 3ntit7 and Boundar7 are the onl7 t0o pri1ar7 +la-- -tereot7pe- in UM#
(b) An aggregation relation-hip i- di-co5ered in a +la-- diagra1 0hen one
/ind- cla--e- in the initial 1odel 0hich ha5e co11on attribute- and
(c) +la-- diagra1- -ho0 general de/initional in/or1ation about cla--e-
0herea- an %b9ect diagra1- are u-ed to 1odel -peci/ic in-tance- o/
cla--e- at -peci/ic in-tant- in ti1e
(d) A cla-- i- a -et o/ ob9ect- 0hich -hare co11on attribute- and beha5iour
(e) A co1po-ition relation-hip i- di-co5ered in cla-- diagra1 0hen one /ind-
cla--e- in the initial 1odel 0hich ha5e co11on attribute- and operation-.
2. .hich -71bol i- u-ed to repre-ent =rotected 5i-ibilit7 in UM#2
(a) W
(b) &
(c) X
(d) Y
(e) S.
3"". .hich /all- into the 1odular progra11ing2
(a) 'ortran
(b) +
(c) Modula 2
(d) ,1all tal:
(e) Modula 3.
2!. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> $ane and ,ar-on6 ,hlaer Mellor and 34tre1e =rogra11ing are not ob9ect
oriented Methodologie-.
22. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on> U-e +a-e i- a con-truct that help- anal7-t- to 0or: 0ith u-er- to
deter1ine -7-te1 u-age.
23. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> !..2 repre-ent- ! or 2 but not !&2.
24. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> ,e8uence diagra1 add- the di1en-ion o/ ti1e to ob9ect the interaction-.
25. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on> Interaction %5er5ie0 @iagra1 ha- the o5erall /ra1e0or: o/ an acti5it7
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
diagra1 and interaction diagra1- a- acti5itie-.
26. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on> Acti5it7 diagra1 i- li:e a /lo0 chart 0hich -ho0- the -tep-6 deci-ion point-
and branche-.
27. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> +o11unication diagra1 -ho0- ho0 ob9ect- are organi?ed according to
the lin:- a1ong ob9ect-.
28. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> A cla-- i- a -et o/ ob9ect- 0hich -hare co11on attribute- and beha5iour.
2. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on> >Y i- u-ed to -ho0 the protected 5i-ibilit7 in UM#.
3"". An-0er > (c)
(ea-on> Modula 3 and -1all tal: are ob9ect oriented -o/t0are de5elop1ent
proce--e- 0herea- 1odula 2 i- ob9ect ba-ed progra11ing 0hich don;t
include inheritance and pol71orphi-1.'ortran i- Gighle5el progra11ing i-
-tructured progra11ing.
3"!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a :e7 in/or1ation -7-te1 co1ponent2
(a) @e-ign -tabilit7
(b) @ata
(c) @ata /lo0
(d) =roce--ing logic
(e) In/or1ation.
3"2. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing /ocu- on output and proce--ing logic2
(a) @ata 1odel-
(b) @ata&oriented approach
(c) ,7-te1 de5elop1ent approach
(d) =roce--&oriented approach
(e) In/or1ation 1odel-.
3"3. .hich 0ould be the be-t repre-entation /or DA cu-to1er -ending a pa71entE2
(a) @ata
(b) @ata /lo0
(c) In/or1ation
(d) =roce--ing logic
(e) @ata -tore.
3"4. .hich a1ong the /ollo0ing de-cribe the -tep- /or co1puting inco1e ta42
(a) @ata
(b) @ata /lo0
(c) In/or1ation
(d) =roce--ing logic
(e) @ata -tore.
3"5. )o 0hich co1ponent o/ @ata 'lo0 @iagra1 the /ollo0ing =roduct nu1ber6 8uantit7
in -toc:6 and the -upplierL- na1e belong to2
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
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(a) @ata
(b) @ata /lo0
(c) In/or1ation
(d) =roce--ing logic
(e) 3ntit7.
3"6. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not one o/ the /our 1a9or cla--e- o/ in/or1ation
(a) @eci-ion -upport -7-te1
(b) +ollaboration -7-te1
(c) Manage1ent in/or1ation -7-te1
(d) 34pert -7-te1
(e) Pno0ledge -7-te1.
3"7. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing replicate- the deci-ion&1a:ing proce-- rather than
1anipulation o/ in/or1ation2
(a) Manage1ent replication -7-te1
(b) Manage1ent in/or1ation -7-te1
(c) 34pert -7-te1
(d) @eci-ion -upport -7-te1
(e) Pno0ledge ,upport -7te1.
3"8. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing -tate1ent- i-Bare not true regarding the ,@#+2
(a) 35er7 organi?ation u-e- a -lightl7 di//erent li/e c7cle 1odel
(b) )he li/e c7cle i- -e8uential
(c) In the -7-te1- de5elop1ent li/e c7cle6 it i- po--ible to co1plete -o1e
acti5itie- in one pha-e in parallel 0ith -o1e acti5itie- o/ another pha-e
(d) ,o1eti1e- the li/e c7cle i- iterati5e
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
3". .hat doe- the =ro9ect tea1 doe- during the anal7-i- pha-e2
(a) @e-cribe- the /unctional /eature- o/ the -7-te1 cho-en /or de5elop1ent in
the pre5iou- pha-e
(b) ,tudie- the organi?ationL- current procedure- and the in/or1ation -7-te1-
u-ed to per/or1 organi?ational ta-:-
(c) @eter1ine- the -cope o/ the propo-ed -7-te1- and produce- a -peci/ic plan
/or the propo-ed pro9ect
(d) +ode-6 te-t-6 and in-tall- the ne0 -7-te1
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
3!". .hat doe- the =ro9ect tea1 doe- during the i1ple1entation pha-e2
(a) +oncentrate- on the bu-ine-- a-pect- o/ the -7-te1 and tend- to be
oriented to a high le5el o/ -peci/icit7
(b) ,tudie- the organi?ationL- current procedure- and the in/or1ation -7-te1-
u-ed to per/or1 organi?ational ta-:-
(c) @eter1ine- the -cope o/ the propo-ed -7-te1- and produce- a -peci/ic plan
/or the propo-ed pro9ect
(d) +ode-6 te-t-6 and in-tall- the ne0 -7-te1
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
3"!. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > de-ign -tabilit7 i- not a :e7 in/or1ation -7-te1 co1ponent
3"2. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > proce--&oriented approach /ocu- on output and proce--ing logic
3"3. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > A cu-to1er -ending in a pa71ent i- data .low
3"4. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > @e-cribing the -tep- /or co1puting inco1e ta4 e4e1pli/ie- -rocessing
3"5. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > data nu1ber6 8uantit7 in -toc:6 and the -upplierL- na1e are e4a1ple-
3"6. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > collaboration -7-te1 i- not one o/ the /our 1a9or cla--e- o/ in/or1ation
3"7. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > e4pert system replicate- the deci-ion&1a:ing proce-- rather than
1anipulate- in/or1ation
3"8. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > )he li/e c7cle i- -e8uential
3". An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > @uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 the pro9ect tea1 -tudie- the organi?ationL-
current procedure- and the in/or1ation -7-te1- u-ed to per/or1
organi?ational ta-:-
3!". An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > @uring i1ple1entation6 the pro9ect tea1 code-6 te-t-6 and in-tall- the
ne0 system
3!!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- not a traditional 1ethod o/ collecting -7-te1
(a) Inter5ie0ing
(b) (A@
(c) %b-er5ation-
(d) @ocu1ent anal7-i-
(e) 'act /inding techni8ue.
3!2. .hat doe- the /ollo0ing -tate1ent corre-pond to2
D,peci/7ing that onl7 people 0ho -ati-/7 certain criteria recei5e a 8ue-tionnaireE.
(a) =urpo-e/ul -a1ple
(b) +on5enient -a1ple
(c) (ando1 -a1ple
(d) ,trati/ied -a1ple
(e) =urpo-ele-- -a1ple.
3!3. .hen co1paring 8ue-tionnaire- to inter5ie0-6 8ue-tionnaire->
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(a) Are rated high in ter1- o/ in/or1ation richne--
(b) Are rated high in ter1- o/ e4pen-e
(c) Are li1ited in ter1- o/ chance- /or /ollo0 up
(d) Ga5e an acti5e and in5ol5ed -ub9ect
(e) Are rated high in ter1- o/ condition-.
3!4. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing ha- group 1e1ber-6 0ho 0or: alone to generate idea-6
and then pool- the idea- under the guidance o/ a trained /acilitator2
(a) CA@
(b) (A@
(c) *o1inal $roup )echni8ue
(d) Anal7tical clu-tering
(e) ,A@.
3!5. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- the o//icial 0a7 that a -7-te1 0or:- a- de-cribed in
organi?ational docu1entation2
(a) 'or1al -7-te1
(b) =ri1ar7 -7-te1
(c) .or:ing -7-te1
(d) Aalue -7-te1
(e) ,econdar7 -7-te1.
3!6. @uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 0hich o/ the /ollo0ing ha- the pri1ar7 purpo-e o/
collecting -7-te1 re8uire1ent- -i1ultaneou-l7 /ro1 the :e7 people in5ol5ed 0ith
the -7-te12
(a) (e8uire1ent- -tructuring
(b) =rotot7ping
(c) CA@
(d) Bu-ine-- proce-- reengineering
(e) (e5er-e proce-- engineering.
3!7. (e/erencing a CA@ -e--ion6 0hich per-on u-uall7 attend- the -e--ion- onl7 at the
5er7 beginning or at the end2
(a) CA@ -e--ion leader
(b) ,cribe
(c) Manager
(d) ,pon-or
(e) +ler:.
3!8. .hen =rotot7ping i- 1o-t u-e/ul /or re8uire1ent- deter1ination2
(a) )here i- a tendenc7 to a5oid creating /or1al docu1entation
(b) Multiple -ta:eholder- are in5ol5ed in the -7-te1
(c) )ool- and data are not readil7 a5ailable to rapidl7 build -7-te1-
(d) U-er re8uire1ent- are not 0ell under-tood
(e) Multiple -7-te1 anal7-t- are in5ol5ed in the -7-te1.
3!. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing ha- di-rupted the belie/ that 1anager- 1u-t 1a:e all the
(a) @i-tributed databa-e-
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
(b) 34pert -7-te1-
(c) Ad5anced teleco11unication- net0or:-
(d) @eci-ion -upport tool
(e) Pno0ledge -7-te1.
32". DA detailed 1odel that -ho0- the o5erall -tructure o/ organi?ational data 0hile
being independent o/ an7 databa-e 1anage1ent -7-te1 or other i1ple1entation
con-ideration-E .hat doe- the abo5e -tate1ent be-t de-cribe2
(a) +onceptual data 1odel
(b) #ogical data 1odel
(c) =roce-- 1odel
(d) #ogic 1odel
(e) =h7-ical 1odel.
3!!. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > (A@ is not a traditional 1ethod o/ collecting -7-te1 re8uire1ent-
3!2. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > ,peci/7ing that onl7 people 0ho -ati-/7 certain criteria recei5e a
8ue-tionnaire corre-pond- to a purpo-e/ul -a1ple
3!3. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > .hen co1paring 8ue-tionnaire- to inter5ie0-6 8ue-tionnaire- are
li1ited in ter1- o/ chance- /or /ollo0 up
3!4. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > *o1inal $roup )echni8ue ha- group 1e1ber- 0or: alone to generate
idea-6 and then pool- the idea- under the guidance o/ a trained /acilitator
3!5. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > /or1al -7-te1 i- the o//icial 0a7 a -7-te1 0or:- a- de-cribed in
organi?ational docu1entation
3!6. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > @uring the anal7-i- pha-e6 0hich o/ the /ollo0ing ha- a- it- pri1ar7
purpo-e the collection o/ -7-te1 re8uire1ent- -i1ultaneou-l7 /ro1 the
:e7 people in5ol5ed 0ith the -7-te1 CA@
3!7. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > (e/erencing a CA@ -e--ion6 thi- per-on u-uall7 attend- the -e--ion-
onl7 at the 5er7 beginning or at the end -pon-or
3!8. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > =rotot7ping i- 1o-t u-e/ul /or re8uire1ent- deter1ination 0hen u-er
re8uire1ent- are not 0ell under-tood
3!. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > deci-ion -upport tool- ha- di-rupted the belie/ that 1anager- 1u-t
1a:e all the deci-ion-
32". An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > A detailed 1odel that -ho0- the o5erall -tructure o/ organi?ational data
0hile being independent o/ an7 databa-e 1anage1ent -7-te1 or other
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
i1ple1entation con-ideration- be-t de-cribe- conceptual data model
32!. @uring 0hich pha-e6 databa-e and /ile de/inition- are prepared2
(a) Initiation and planning
(b) @e-ign
(c) I1ple1entation
(d) Anal7-i-
(e) )e-ting.
322. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing techni8ue- and notation- 0ould 7ou /ind 0ithin UM#2
(a) U-e ca-e-
(b) +la-- diagra1-
(c) ,tate diagra1-
(d) Acti5it7 diagra1-
(e) All o/ the abo5e.
323. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing e4tend- a u-e ca-e b7 adding ne0 beha5ior- or action-2
(a) An e4tend relation-hip
(b) An include relation-hip
(c) A 9oin relation-hip
(d) A 1erge relation-hip
(e) A -ort relation-hip.
324. DA condition that enco1pa--e- an ob9ectL- propertie- and the 5alue- tho-e
propertie-E. .hat doe- the abo5e -tate1ent de-cribe about2
(a) 35ent
(b) ,tate
(c) Beha5ior
(d) Action
(e) (ule.
325. .hich techni8ue hide- the internal i1ple1entation detail- o/ an ob9ect /ro1 it-
e4ternal 5ie02
(a) Incorporation
(b) =ol71orphi-1
(c) 3ncap-ulation
(d) $enerali?ation
(e) =er-i-tence.
326. .hich o/ the /ollo0ing i- the 1ultiplicit7 notation that repre-ent- optional 1an72
(a) "..R
(b) !..R
(c) !..!
(d) "..N
(e) !..N.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
327. .hat do 7ou call 0hen -ubcla--e- are generali?ed and the cla-- the7 are
generali?ed into2
(a) ,uper cla--
(b) 34tended cla--
(c) Ab-tract cla--
(d) +oncrete cla--
(e) Include- cla--.
328. Go0 the ba-i- o/ a generali?ation i- -peci/ied on a cla-- diagra12
(a) 34tend- relation-hip
(b) @i-cri1inator
(c) 35ent
(d) Me--age
(e) Incri1inator.
32. .hich 0ould be-t de-cribe the proce-- o/ replacing a 1ethod inherited /ro1 a
-upercla-- b7 a 1ore -peci/ic i1ple1entation o/ that 1ethod in a -ubcla--2
(a) Inheritance
(b) In-tance re-triction
(c) 3ncap-ulation
(d) %5erriding
(e) %5erloading.
33". Go0 i- co1po-ition repre-ented on a cla-- diagra12
(a) A circle
(b) A rounded rectangle
(c) An ellip-e
(d) A -olid dia1ond
(e) A -olid circle.
32!. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > @ataba-e and /ile de/inition- are prepared during> i1ple1entation
322. An-0er > (e)
(ea-on > U-e ca-e-6 cla-- diagra1-6 -tate diagra1- and Acti5it7 diagra1- the
/ollo0ing techni8ue- and notation- 0ould 7ou /ind 0ithin UM#
323. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > an e4tend relation-hip a u-e ca-e b7 adding ne0 beha5ior- or action-
324. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > A condition that enco1pa--e- an ob9ectL- propertie- and the 5alue-
tho-e propertie- ha5e be-t de-cribe -tate
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
325. An-0er > (c)
(ea-on > )he techni8ue o/ hiding the internal i1ple1entation detail- o/ an ob9ect
/ro1 it- e4ternal 5ie0 be-t de-cribe- encap-ulation
326. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > "..N the 1ultiplicit7 notation that repre-ent- optional 1an7
327. An-0er > (a)
(ea-on > .hen -ubcla--e- are generali?ed6 the cla-- the7 are generali?ed into
i- called a(n) ,uper cla--
328. An-0er > (b)
(ea-on > %n a cla-- diagra16 the ba-i- o/ a generali?ation i- -peci/ied b7 a(n )
32. An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > )he proce-- o/ replacing a 1ethod inherited /ro1 a -upercla-- b7 a
1ore -peci/ic i1ple1entation o/ that 1ethod in a -ubcla-- be-t de-cribe-
33". An-0er > (d)
(ea-on > a -olid dia1ond i- co1po-ition repre-ented on a cla-- diagra1
,,1.'nformation systems that tae information captured by transaction processing
systems and produce reports that management needs for planning and control are called
3a) )*ecutive information systems 3b) 1ecision support systems
3c) Management information systems 3d) 9ffice support systems
3e) $ransaction processing systems.
,,#.C"S) stands for
3a) Computer application system environment 3b) Computer/aided system
3c) Computer application system engineering 3d) Computer/aided system
3e) Computer applied software engineering.
,,,.Which of the following is +9$ a reason why an effective systems analyst needs to
now how an organiBation wors?
3a) Some analysts tae time to specialiBe in a specific industry
3b) Unowing the people who wor for a company increases an analystbs effectiveness
3c) "n organiBation may reAuire an analyst to mae management decisions
3d) "n analyst with deep understanding in a type of business can solve comple*
3e) "n analyst involved in designing databases.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,,-.$echniAues are used to complete specific system development activities. $he
following are some e*ample of the techniAues e*cept
3a) &ro@ect planning 3b) 0usiness functions
3c) System construction and implementation 3d) System analysis and system
3e) System support.
,,..$he method that is used to assess economic feasibility is called
3a) "nalysis of the time value of money 3b) Cost>benefit analysis
3c) Sources and uses of funds analysis 3d) 1evelopment cost analysis
3e) 'mplementation cost analysis.
,,2.$he ma@or activities that mae up the implementation phase are
3a) Construct software components
3b) !erify% test% and convert data
3c) 1esign and integrate the system controls
3d) $rain users and document the system
3e) 'nstall the system.
,,4.Which of the following approaches to system development develops the application
architecture plan?
3a) 9b@ect/oriented 3b) 'nformation engineering 3c)
3d) 'ntegrated development environments 3e) 0oth 3a) and 3c) above.
,,5.$he data entities from the entity/relationship diagram correspond to
3a) 1ata stores on the 1M1s 3b) 8elationships in the class
3c) Modules of top/down programming 3d) )lements of the C"S) tool
3e) Modules of bottom/up programming.
,,7.Which of the following approaches to system development uses elements which are
capable of responding to messages?
3a) Structured 3b) 9b@ect/oriented
3c) 'nformation engineering 3d) 'ntegrated development environments
3e) "gent based.
,-:.Which is normally the most e*pensive method of fact/finding techniAue?
3a) 0uilding prototypes 3b) 9bserving business processes
3c) 8eviewing e*isting reports 3d) 'nterviewing users
3e) "ll of the above.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
,,1."nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( 'nformation systems that tae information captured by transaction processing
systems and produce reports that management needs for planning and control are called
management information systems.
,,#."nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( C"S) stands for computer/aided system engineering.
,,,."nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( "n organiBation may reAuire an analyst to mae management decisions is
+9$ a reason for an effective systems analyst needs to now how an organiBation wors.
,,-."nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( 0usiness functions is not an e*ample of techniAue used to complete specific
system development activities.
,,.."nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( $he method that is used to assess economic feasibility is called Cost>benefit
,,2."nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( $he ma@or activities that mae up the implementation phase are design and
integrate the system controls.
,,4."nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( 'nformation engineering approaches to system development develops the
application architecture plan.
,,5."nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( $he data entities from the entity/relationship diagram correspond to data stores
on the 1M1s.
,,7."nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( 9b@ect/oriented approaches to system development uses elements which are
capable of responding to messages.
,-:."nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( 'nterviewing users is normally the most e*pensive method of fact/finding
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
;(:2 $he type of prototype used during the analysis phase is the
3a) 1esign prototype 3b) )volving prototype 3c) 1iscovery prototype
3d) Munctioning prototype 3e) 8eviewing prototype.
;('2 " review techniAue to test the correctness of the documents produced during analysis is
3a) Code reading 3b) Coint application design
3c) Structured walthrough 3d) &rototyping 3e) Code writing.
;(;2 $he figure is an e*ample of a3n)
3a) Conte*t diagram 3b) 1M1 fragment 3c) 1iagram Jero
3d) )vent/partitioned system model 3e) )/8 diagram.
;((2 $he techniAues and models used in the 'nformation )ngineering S16C are ???? than those
used in the traditional structured analysis S16C.
3a) 6ess tightly integrated 3b) More tightly integrated
3c) Simpler 3d) 0etter suited to small systems
3e) 0etter suited to large systems.
;(02 Concepts that are held in common between the traditional approach and the ob@ect/oriented
approach include
3a) &rocesses and ob@ects 3b) &rocesses and messages
3c) )vents and processes 3d) $hings and events
3e) )vents and messages.
;(<2 $he ob@ect/oriented approach to information systems development describes activities as
3a) " collection of processes
3b) &rocesses that interact with data entities
3c) &rocesses that accept inputs and produce outputs
3d) 0oth 3a) and 3b) above
3e) "ll 3a)% 3b) and 3c) above.
;(=2 'mplementation classes are classes that
3a) Show implementation rules 3b) 1escribe the user interface
3c) 1escribe the computer nodes 3d) 'dentify the implemented files
3e) 1escribe the database interactions.
;(>2 " message descriptor in a seAuence diagram includes which of the following components?
3a) $rue>false condition% return/value% and activities
3b) 8eturn/value% message/name% and parameter list
3c) Message/name% parameter/list% and seAuence number
3d) "ction/e*pression% message/name% and parameter list
3e) 8eturn/value% parameter/list% and action/e*pression.
;(?2 $he first step in designing a system with structured design is to identify which processes
are internal to the system. $his is done with a3n)
3a) Munction list 3b) )vent table 3c) "utomation
system boundary
3d) <se case diagram 3e) SeAuence
;0@2 " diagram that shows the hierarchical relationship between the modules of a computer
program is called a
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
3a) System flow chart 3b) 1esign class diagram 3c) 1ata flow
3d) Structure chart 3e) )/8 diagram.
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( $he type of prototype used during the analysis phase is the discovery
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( " review techniAue to test the correctness of the documents produced during analysis is
called structured walthrough
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( 1M1 fragment
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( $he techniAues and models used in the 'nformation )ngineering S16C are more tightly
integrated than those used in the traditional structured analysis S16C.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( Concepts that are held in common between the traditional approach and the ob@ect/
oriented approach include things and events
"nswer ( 3e)
8eason ( $he ob@ect/oriented approach to information systems development describes activities as
a collection of processes% processes that interact with data entities% processes that accept
inputs and produce outputs.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( 'mplementation classes are classes that describe the user interface
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( 8eturn/value% message/name% and parameter list are message descriptor in a seAuence
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( "utomation system boundary is the first step in designing a system with structured
design is to identify which processes are internal to the system.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( " diagram that shows the hierarchical relationship between the modules of a computer
program is called structured chart.
;0:2 " measure of the internal strength of a module in a structure chart is called
3a) Module integrity 3b) Module coupling 3c) Module functionality
3d) Module cohesion 3e) Module compatibility.
;0'2 " diagram that shows the ma@or subsystems in an ob@ect/oriented system is called a
3a) System flowchart 3b) 1esign class
3c) &acage diagram
3d) Subsystem diagram 3e) Component diagrams.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
;0;2 $he designing phase includes the following activities% EXCEPT
3a) 1esigning and integrating the networ 3b) 1esigning the application architecture
3c) 1esigning the user interface 3d) 1esigning the pro@ect team
3e) 1esigning the databases.
;0(2 " common problem with development pro@ects is scope creep. $his refers to
3a) 8ating the importance of each function
3b) 1eferring some functions until later
3c) 1etermining the priority of each function
3d) 8eAuests to add new functions after decisions have been finaliBed
3e) "ll of the above.
;002 "n association class must be created to store the attributes of a ???? relationship among
two other classes.
3a) 9ne/to/one 3b) 9ne/to/many 3c) Many/to/one
3d) Many/to/many 3e) 9ne/to/all.
;0<2 Which approach to development is the most interactive and focuses more on the user and
their wor?
3a) Modern structured analysis 3b) 'nformation engineering
3c) Structured design 3d) 9b@ect/oriented analysis
3e) "gent/based analysis.
;0=2 1esigning the inputs and outputs involved when the user interacts with the computer to
carry out a tas helps to create the
3a) <ser reAuirements 3b) System interface 3c) <ser interface
3d) $as boundary 3e) 1atabase interface.
;0>2 " ???? is an e*ample of a function or reAuirement that is well suited to prototyping.
3a) +on/interactive program that automatically generates orders to suppliers
3b) Module that schedules deliveries using a comple* cost minimiBation algorithm
3c) &rogram that generates thousands of electronic payments per hour
3d) $echnical feasibility for some system functions is uncertain
3e) +one of the above.
;0?2 " set of classes that are specifically designed to be reused in a wide variety of programs% is
referred to as
3a) 9b@ect framewor 3b) Moundation classes 3c) 'nterface classes
3d) Methodology 3e) "ll of the above.
;<@2 ???? tests the interaction among components as specified during the high/level
3architectural) design phase of the system development life cycle.
3a) 1river testing 3b) 'ntegration testing 3c)
System testing
3d) <nit testing 3e) Module testing.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( " measure of the internal strength of a module in a structure chart is called module
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar
MCQs of Computer Science
"nswer( 3c)
8eason ( " diagram that shows the ma@or subsystems in an ob@ect/oriented system is called a
pacage diagram.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( 1esigning the pro@ect team is not designing phase activity.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( " common problem with development pro@ects is scope creep. $his refers to reAuests to
add new functions after decisions have been finaliBed.
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( "n association class must be created to store the attributes of a relationship among two
other classes
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( 9b@ect/oriented analysis approach to development is the most interactive and focuses
more on the user and their wor
"nswer ( 3c)
8eason ( 1esigning the inputs and outputs involved when the user interacts with the computer to
carry out a tas helps to create the user interface
"nswer ( 3d)
8eason ( " technical feasibility for some system functions is unnown or uncertain is an e*ample
of a function or reAuirement that is well suited to prototyping.
"nswer ( 3a)
8eason ( " set of classes that are specifically designed to be reused in a wide variety of programs%
is referred to as ob@ect framewor.
"nswer ( 3b)
8eason ( 'ntegration testing tests the interaction among components as specified during the high/
level 3architectural) design phase of the system development life cycle.
0y Muhammad Siandar 1ar

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