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Tell Me About Yourself?

1. Good Afternoon To You All.

Its My Pleasure To Introduce Myself.
Well My Name Is Rahul Detne .
My Family onsists !f " Mem#ers Includin$ Me% My Father is Go&ernment 'er&ant% My Mother Who Is A
omin$ To My Academics% I om*leted My Graduation From Mum#ai +ni&ersity With ,-.. My com*leted
my 1-th With ,-. And Was -nd Ran/er In My 0r.olee$e% And 11th With 23..
I Also om*leted " Months om*uter ourse for D4A From '5lstar .
My 'hort Term Goal As !f No6 To Get A 0o# In A Re*uted I.T Firms 7i/e Yours As I Am 8ery Passionate
A#out I.T 0o#.
My 7on$ Term Goal Is That I Want 'ee Myself As More 9no6led$ea#le As I am Today. I Want 4e A Asset
For My !r$anisation.I Want To 'ee My !r$anisation !n Pea/ And I Want To 4e !ne !f The Reason For It.
Than/ You.
-. Good Mornin$ 'ir:Madam.
First !f All Than/ You For Gi&in$ This Golden !**ortunity.
I Am Rahul Detne.I.
A#out My ;ducational <ualification =
I om*leted 4.'c In The Field !f om*uter 'cience ;n$ineerin$ With ,-. In 'andesh olle$e.
I om*leted My (' At M.8.M olee$e in mulund. And '' At W.M.M.8 'chool .
A#out My Pro>ect=
I (ad Done My Pro>ect .My Pro>ect Title Is Automo#ilesho* Mana$ement
Front ;nd = 84.N;T
4ac/ ;nd = Ms.A;''
Tool = We/a Tool
A#out My Pro$ramin$ '/ils =
'ee/in$ hallen$in$ Assi$nments A' Data#ase Administrator ?oracle 11G@ In IT.
I +nder$one ourse In '<7'TAR Institute for D4A.
I !#tained !RA7; W!R9'(!P 1 A - ertificate From ertified Professional.
I 9no6 % BB% 0A8A% 0-;;% C Pro$rammin$ Pan$ua$es.
I 9no6 0'P% 'er&let% 0D4% (TM7 We# Technolo$ies.
A#out My Family Details =
We Are "mem#ers In My Family Includin$ Me. I 4elon$ To A Middle lass Family With (i$h Moral. My Father
Name Is Mr. 4as6ara> Detne .My Mother Name Is minaDi detne .'he Is (ouse Wife.
My 'tren$th Is (ard Wor/ And 'elf onfidence And A <uic/ 7earner With The A#ility To Wor/ +nder Pressure
And Meet Deadlines.
My Area !f Im*ro&ement Is ommunication And ;motional.
A#out (o##ies = Playin$ ric/et% Ridin$ 4i/e.
!nce A$ain Than/ You For Gi&in$ This !**ortunity.
Why Should I Hire You?
1. I (a&e This ;nthusiasm To Face Ne6 hallen$es With A Positi&e Attitude. I Get ;Dcited When I 'ee
ThereEs A Ne6 !**ortunity I Need To Try !ut. This 0o# Is That Ne6 !**ortunity. I 7oo/ For6ard To It. It
Will 4e Interestin$ To 'ee What Thin$s I Will ;D*erience As An ;m*loyee In Your om*any. If I Am A#le
To Gra# This 0o#% I Will Do My 4est To ontri#ute My In*uts To om*anyEs Gro6th And 'uccess.
-. 'ir% I (a&e The ;D*rience That Is Re5uired And The 9no6led$e Warranted 4y The Post. I (a&e A
a*a#ility !f om*letin$ My Tas/ ;ffecti&ely And Accurately. With My (ard Wor/% 'incerity And Feal To
7earn Ne6 Thin$s I an Pro&e Myself To 4e !ne !f The 8alua#le Asset !f The !r$aniGation. (o6e&er%
You Are The 4est 0ud$e For om*arin$ The A#ilities In Me And !ther As*irant For This Post.
What Are Your Strenghts & Weakness?
1. My 'tren$th Is My Wea/ness 4ecause When I Get Into Any Wor/ I For$et ;&erythin$ ;lse.
And Intend To om*lete It With Full Dedication And oncentration% 'o Naturally It Would Not 4e Good
;nou$h For My (ealth Which Also Needs Rest 4ein$ A (uman. For ;Dam*le When I Was In 1-th 'tandard
While Ma/in$ My Pro>ect I Got Into It And For$ot ;&erythin$ ;lse And Wor/ed Till The Mornin$ Ham And
om*leted My Wor/.
Why Do You Want To Work At Our Co!any?
1. 'ir% Its <uite Natural That ;&eryone Wants To 4e In Part !f Good om*any. Moreo&er !ur om*any Is
The 4est Platform To ;D*erience The ;D*erienced Persons 'o That I an 7earn Ne6 Thin$s And ;nhance
My 9no6led$e And That Will 4ecome The Asset !f !ur om*any.
-. 'ir% My Precedin$ Aim Is To 4e Got (ired In !ur om*any. I 9no6 That !ur om*any Is A (oly Place
For 7earnin$ Freshers. I Also (a&e To 7earn Ne6 Thin$s And I Want To Achie&e This Throu$h !ur
om*any. I Thin/ My Aim To Got (ired In !ur om*any Is Not An +ni5ue !ne 4ecause It Is A ommon
Aim Amon$ Freshers To Got Placed In !ur Pearlless om*any.
What Is Differen"e #et$een Confiden"e And O%e Confiden"e?
1. onfidence Is 7i/e Today Am 'ittin$ In Front !f You Nd (a& A 4elie&e Tht I Will 4 'electd As I Wor/d
(rd Fr It And !&er onfidence Is 7i/e If (a&e A Attitude That No Matter What I Pre*ared Fr The am*us I
9no6 I Will 4e 'elected.
-. onfidence Means ) I an Do The Tas/.
!&er onfidence Mean ) I Will Definitely Do The Tas/.
". There Is A 8ery Thin 7ine 4et6een onfidence And !&er)onfidence.
onfidence Means A Person (as The A#ility And ;fficiency To Do The Wor/ And 4elie&es That (e an
Do It. 4ut !&er)onfidence Is When (e 4elie&es That No !ne an Do Thin$s 4etter ;Dce*t (im 4ut In
Reality (e Fails To Do It.
What Is The Differen"e #et$een Hard Work & Sart Work?
1. (ard Wor/?As 'u*er&isor@ 9ee* !n Wor/in$ 4y (imself. Gi&in$ (imself A Pressure To Accom*lish (is
'mart Wor/?As A 'u*er&isor@ 9no6s (o6 To Deli$ate. 9no6s (o6 To Accom*lish The 0o# Without
Gi&in$ (ard Time To (imself.
-. (ard Wor/ ) When You 'tress Yourself To6ards The Goals alled (ard Wor/
'mart Wor/ ) When You +se Your Intellect And Pro&ide Your 4est alled 'mart Wor/
Ho$ Do You &eel Working About 'ight And Weekends?
1. I an Wor/ At Ni$hts !r !n Wee/ends. Actually I Found It <uite Interestin$ Wor/in$ At Ni$hts !r !n
Wee/ends 4ecause There Is 7ess Distur#ance% No ro6d% More 'ilence And If We Wor/ (arder We
Definitely Get Im*ro&ement In !ur Profile And In om*anyEs Profile.
-. 'ir% I DonEt Thin/ There Is Point To Thin/ A#out This <uestion Ri$ht No6 4ecause If We Are Really
Dedicated To Are Wor/ Then There Will 4e No Need !f Doin$ ;Dtra 'hifts Instead We Will om*lete The
Wor/ In Wee/ Days !nly And The !nly Thin$ We Will 4e Needin$ Is !ur Determination To Wor/.
". 'ir% If A om*any Is In&estin$ (u$e Amount !n Me Then Definitely It Will (a&e Trust !n Me. 'o I 'hould
Gi&e My MaDimum ;ffort In om*letin$ The Tas/s% Ne&er Mind Wor/in$ At Ni$hts And Wee/ends
4ecause It Is My Primary Res*onsi#ility.
Can You Work (nder )ressure?
1. I ;n>oy What I Do. 'o When Pressure 'ituations ome I Ne&er Gets !&er Worried A#out It. Instead I Would
Try To Do My 4est To Get The Desired Result.
-. Yes 'ir I Will 'urely Wor/ +nder Pressure 4ecause All May Not 4e 'ame In All Time.'o When It (a**ens
I +sed To 4e 8ery autious A#out Myself And !&ercome That With 'elf onfidence.
Would You *ie &or The Co!any?
1. II Will Ne&er Do Anythin$ To (urt The om*any. I A Re*uted om*any Will Ne&er 7et That 'ituation To
Arise In 1st Place As A 7ie Will Win Momentarily 4ut When The Truth omes In 7i$ht It May 4rin$ Ill
Fame To om*any. 'o I Thin/ 7ie Ne&er Does Any Good To Anyone.
-. Yes 'ir !f ourse If Necessary I Will 7ie Nothin$ Is Im*ortant Than The De&elo*ment !f !ur om*any
4ut For 'ure I an 'ay That There Is No Need To 7ie Re$ardin$ !ur om*any 4ecause I 4elie&e That We
Will 4e True To !ursel&es And !thers.
Tell Me About Our Co!any?
1. It Is A 8ery Good om*any. Your om*any Gi&e !**ortunity To The ;m*loyees To Pro&e Their Talent
And Allo6 Them To 'ho6 Their reati&ity And Face The hallen$es. You Are Pro&ide Good 'alaries
Accordin$ To Their Wor/ And ;m*loys Are Full 'atisfied With Your om*any 4y Pro&idin$ Good
-. I4M Is !ne !f The Fast Gro6in$ Re*uted om*any Across The World% Its (a&in$ 'o Many 4ranches In
India As Well As Wold. IT Is A Good Plat Form For Fresher As Well As ;D*erienced. If I an Wor/ In I4M
I Am 'ure That I an Im*ro&e My 9no6led$e In ;&ery An$le And I an Im*ro&e My ommunication
Ho$ Mu"h Salary Do You +,!e"t?
1. 4ein$ A Fresher Its An (onour To 4e Placed In Your om*any Where I Will I Get A Practical ;D*osure N
;nhence My Potential% '/ills A 9no6led$e In A Pro*er Direction. I Want That Much 'alary 'o I ould
;asily 'ur&i&e In Your ity With !ut Any ;conomical Issues.
-. I (o*e This om*any Pro&ides A Good 'alary To Their ;m*loyee% With Which (e an Proudly 'ays That
(e Is Part !f Your om*any In The 'ociety And Also With Friends Who Are Wor/in$ In !ther om*anies.
". Yes% I Will Wor/ 4ecause If 7uc/ an 4rin$ Me A 7ottery% Then Fate an Ma/e Me 7ose It As Well. Good
Times Are Al6ays Follo6ed 4y 4ad !nes. There Are Al6ays +*s And Do6ns.
J. Yes% I Will ontinue To Wor/ For The om*any As Money Is 8olatile As It omes And Goes 4ut To Gain
Much Needed ;D*erience In 7ife Is The Foremost Im*ortant Thin$ In My areer. I Would 7i/e To Ta/e The
om*any To Ne6er (ei$hts And 4e 'er&e As An Inte$ral Part In The De&elo*ment !f This Re*uted Firm.
Why Did You -esign &or Your )re%ious .ob?
1. Mam.
My Pro>ect (ad 4een 'hifted In Auran$a#ad 4ranch And They Was Mo&ed To Me Another Pro>ect And I
Was Not Intersted !n That 4ecause That Pro>ect Was Moderated 4y 1-th Pass !ut andidate And I Am A
Graduate Person And I Also 'o 'enior In My Per&ious Pro>ect. 'o I Resi$ned My 0o# There And 7oo/in$
For Ne6 0o#.
-. At The !utset 7et Me Than/s To My ;arlier om*any For reate Me A hance To 7earnin$ A#out The
Product And Pro&ide Me My 7ifetime Achie&ement 'uch As Attend A Inter&ie6 With Your or*orate. Its
Feel Me Proud. 4ut A*art From My Desire A A#ility The Gro6th !&er Their Is 7imited. (onestly 'ay
;&ery !ne Want To ;Dcel In (is arrier.
". Wor/ ;D*erience Which I laim Today Is A Gift Gi&en To Me 4y My Per&ious 0o#s. I Am Than/ful To The
!r$aniGation With Which I Wor/ed 'o Far As It Made Me A Good Team Player% onfident% 9no6led$e#le%
Res*onsi#le And ;fficitent ;m*loyee. 4ut Pri&ate 'ector Does not ome With 0o# 'ecurity. I 'ee That 0o#
'ecurity In Your !r$aniGation.
Why You Had So Many .ob?
1. I (ad 'o Many 0o# 4ut I Feel That I (ad 7earn A 7ot And Ma/e 'o Many Relation In om*any. I Did My
0o# Perfectly ThatEs Why I !ffered Al6ays Increment In My Profile And I Personally Feel That If We (a&e
A#ility And Talent To 7earn More And Gi&e !ur 4est ;ffort Then han$e 'o% Many 0o# Is Not An Issue
For Anyone.
-. 4ecause !f The Wor/in$ a*a#ilities And FleDi#ility At Wor/. They Ga&e Me han$e To 4e Part !f The
om*any As Admin Assistant% And 4ecause !f My A#ility To om*lete My Assi$ned Tas/ They !ffer Me
Another Position In The om*any% ThatEs Why I (a&e 'o Many 0o#s At The 'ame om*any.
". I (a&e Wor/ed For , om*anies In 3 Years !f '*an It DoesnEt Mean That I (a&e That Tendency To han$e
0o#s In ;&ery Year. 'tarted areer With Pharma And '*ent There Almost J.H Years 4ut Then RealiGe That I
Was +n5ualified For Promotion 'o I (ad To han$e The Industry. And When You Are han$in$ Industry I
Am 'ure You Will A$ree That We Need To om*romise ertain As*ects. I Mo&ed To Print Media With
7ess 'alary. (ere I Too/ !**ortunities As It ame To Me. It Ga&e Me Monetary Gro6th With Desi$nation
(i/e. I 4elie&e In 'ta#ility And Would Definitely 7i/e To Gro6 Myself With !r$aniGation 7i/e You Where
;m*loyees Gets Freedom To Perform As Per Their '/ills.
What Changes Would You Make If You Cae On #oard?
1. First Thin$ I Will Do Is To +nderstand The ulture !f The om*any. As I (a&e Good ;D*osure In My
Pre&ious 0o#s% Definitely I Will ontri#ute 'omethin$. ;ach Team (as Different 'trate$ies A ;ach Player
Do ontri#ute To 'uccess A (ence han$e Game.
-. In ;&ery Ty*e !f om*any 4asic Thin$s Are.
ustomers 'atisfaction.
;m*loyers 'atisfaction.
4enefit To The om*any.
If Those riteria Is 'atisfied And han$in$ Accordin$ To That Than I Will Go For han$in$.
Ho$ Could You Ha%e I!ro%e Your Career )ro"ess?
1. 'ir areer Pro$ress De*ends !n !ur Interest To 7earn Ne6 Thin$s 4y ;D*lorin$ And Also Wor/in$ For
Any MN om*any Gi&es A 'im*le Way To Ma/e areer 4etter 4ecause Accordin$ To Me Definitely A
Good om*any Follo6s A 4est Frame Wor/ To Reach Their ustomer 'atisfaction% 'o That ;&ery
;m*loyee !f That om*any Follo6s The om*anies Guidelines% From That (e 7earns A Good ;D*erience
To Ma/e (is arrier Pro$ress.
-. Al6ays I Would 7i/e To Resol&e My Wea/ Point With !ut Any (esitation And oo*erati&e With 'u*erior
Person Team Mem#er.

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