Cable Tray System Requirement Collection From Web

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

CTI has committed most of its energies towards support services.
1. What is a Cable Tray System?
2. What standards guidelines are available for cable tray systems?
!. What types of Cable Tray are available?
". #ow do I $now what type of cable tray is right for my application?
%. What materials finishes are available for the various cable tray systems?
&. 'ow that I $now what types of cable trays are available( what configurations are
). *fter selecting the type of cable tray and configuration re+uired( what support
methods are available?
,. -efore selecting the type of cable tray( cable tray configuration.s/( and support
method desired( what additional information do I need to supply to the cable tray
manufacturer for them to best understand and satisfy my needs?
9. Cable tray selection & application
10. Cable application
11. National lectrical Code
12. !eneral
1". #iscellaneous
$%at is a Cable &ray Syste'(
0er the 'ational 1lectrical Code( a cable tray system is 2a unit or assembly of units or sections
and associated fittings forming a rigid structural system used to securely fasten or support cables
and raceways.2
$%at does t%is 'ean(
Cable trays support cable the way that roadway bridges support traffic.
* bridge is a structure that provides safe passage for traffic across open spans.
Cable tray is the bridge that allows for safe transport of wires across open spans.
Therefore( thin$ of cable tray as the structural component of a building3s electrical
4 top 4
$%at standards ) *uidelines are a+ailable ,or cable tray syste's(
1. The National lectrical Code publishes the standards for all types of electrical
applications. *rticles !1,( 2%5( and ,55 cover various aspects of cable tray systems.
2. N#A( .'ational 1lectrical 6anufacturers *ssociation/( is an association comprised of
the ma7or cable tray manufacturers in the industry. This committee has published three
documents to date8 '16* 911( :;1 and 912.
N#A -1 covers general cable tray definitions( manufacturing standards( performance
standards( test standards( and application information. :ree download of this document is
available on the '16* website.
N#A F!1 addresses the standards for fiberglass cable tray systems. :ree download of this
document is available on the '16* website.
N#A -. is a cable tray installation guideline which covers receiving and unloading material(
storage of material( and general installation practices. :ree download of this document is
available on the '16* website.
C&/( .Cable Tray Institute/( is a trade association comprised of the ma7or cable tray
manufacturers in the industry and was formed to provide specifiers( designers( and installers
information on the advantages of using cable tray systems over other types of products. .i.e.
conduit( ladder rac$( etc./
4 top 4
$%at types o, Cable &ray are a+ailable(
1. <adder
2. Solid -ottom
!. Trough
". Channel
%. Wire 6esh
&. Single =ail
4 top 4
0o1 do / kno1 1%at type o, cable tray is ri*%t ,or 'y application(
1. 2adder Cable &ray pro+ides3
a. Solid side rail protection and system strength with smooth radius fittings and a
wide selection of materials and finishes.
b. ma>imum strength for long span applications
standard widths of &(12(1,( 2"( !5( and !& inches
c. standard depths of !( "( %( and & inches
d. standard lengths of 15( 12( 25 and 2" feet
e. rung spacing of &( ?( 12( and 1, inches
<adder cable tray is generally used in applications with intermediate to long support
spans( 12 feet to !5 feet.

2. Solid 4otto' Cable &ray pro+ides3
a. 'onventilated continuous support for delicate cables with added cable protection
available in metallic and fiberglass.
b. Solid bottom metallic with solid metal covers for nonplenum rated cable in
environmental air areas
c. standard widths of &( 12( 1,( 2"( !5( and !& inches
d. standard depths of !( "( %( and & inches
e. standard lengths of 15( 12( 25 and 2" feet
Solid -ottom cable tray is generally used for minimal heat generating electrical or
telecommunication applications with short to intermediate support spans of % feet to 12

!. &rou*% Cable &ray pro+ides3
a. 6oderate ventilation with added cable support fre+uency and with the bottom
configuration providing cable support every " inches. *vailable in metal and
nonmetallic materials.
b. standard widths of &( 12( 1,( 2"( !5( !& inches
c. standard depths of !( "( %( and & inches
d. standard lengths of 15( 12( 25 and 2" feet
e. fi>ed rung spacing of " inch on center
Trough cable tray is generally used for moderate heat generating applications with short
to intermediate support spans of % feet to 12 feet.

". C%annel Cable &ray pro+ides3
a. an economical support for cable drops and branch cable runs from the bac$bone
cable tray system.
b. standard widths of !( "( and & inches in metal systems and up to , inches in
nonmetallic systems.
c. standard depths of 1@41A inches in metal systems and 1( 1 1,( 1 %2 and 2 !1&
inches in nonmetallic systems
d. standard length of 15( 12( 25 and 2" feet
Channel cable tray is used for installations with limited numbers of tray cable when
conduit is undesirable. Support fre+uency with short to medium support spans of % to 15

%. $ire #es% Cable &ray pro+ides3
a. * 7ob site( field adaptable support system primarily for low voltage(
telecommunication and fiber optic cables. These systems are typically steel wire
mesh( Binc plated.
b. standard widths of 2( "( &( ,( 12( 1&( 1,( 25( and 2" inches
c. standard depths of 1( 2( and " inches
d. standard length of about 15 feet .11,2/
Wire 6esh tray is generally used for telecommunication and fiber optic applications and
are installed on short support spans( " to , feet.

&. Sin*le 5ail Cable &ray pro+ides3
a. These aluminum systems are the fastest systems to install and provide the
ma>imum freedom fort cable to enter and e>it the system.
b. Single hung or wall mounted systems in single or multiple tiers.
c. Standard widths are &( ?( 12( 1,( and 2" inches.
d. Standard depths are !( "( and & inches.
e. Standard lengths are 15 and 12 feet.
Single =ail Cable Tray is generally used for low voltage and power cables installations
where ma>imum cable freedom( side fill( and speed to install are factors.
4 top 4
$%at 'aterials ) ,inis%es are a+ailable ,or t%e +arious cable tray syste's(
1. Steel .6in. Cield D !!ESI/ .!% ESI for Stainless/
a. 6lain3 hot rolled pic$led and oiled steel per *ST6 *%&? .Commercial Fuality/
or *%)5 .Structural Fuality/
b. 6re7!al+ani8ed3 mill galvaniBed steel per *ST6 *&%! CS .Commercial/ or SS
.Structural/ ;?5
c. 0ot 9ip !al+ani8ed A,ter Fabrication3 plain steel which is hot dipped after
fabrication per *ST6 *12!.
d. Stainless Steel3 type !5" or !1&< fully annealed stainless steel

2. Alu'inu' .6in.Cield D 2! ESI/
a. &5&!4T& or %5%24#!2 alloy per *ST6 -25?

!. Fiber 5ein,orced 6lastic .:=0/
a. 0olyester and 9inyl 1ster resin systems available
b. meet *ST6 14," smo$e density ratingG 0olyester &,5( 9inyl 1ster 152%
c. Class 1 :lame =ating and self4e>tinguishing re+uirements of *ST6 H4&!%.
4 top 4
No1 t%at / kno1 1%at types o, cable trays are a+ailable: 1%at con,i*urations are a+ailable(
1. Straight sections are available to route cables in a horiBontal or vertical plane.
2. :ittings are available to route cables in various directions in either the horiBontal or
vertical planes. Typical e>amples of fittings include elbows( tees( crosses( and risers.
1ach of these fittings are available in various radii and bend angles.
!. Covers are accessories and shouldn3t be in here unless splices etc. are included.
4 top 4
A,ter selectin* t%e type o, cable tray and con,i*uration required: 1%at support 'et%ods are
1. TrapeBe Support .Single or 6ulti4tier/
2. #anger rod clamps( 2I2 hangers
!. Center #ung Support
". Wall Support
%. Jnderfloor Support
&. 0ipe stanchions or other structures
1ach of these support methods are preferable in different applications. :or instance( trapeBe
supports may be desired in an application where cables will be pulled through the cable tray.
Center hung supports( on the other hand( are generally used when cables will be installed from
the side of the cable tray. Center hung supports are especially useful when future cable additions
are desired. Wall supports and underfloor supports are useful when ceiling structure is not
available or undesired. Kutdoor installations are controlled by the structures available to support
the cable tray.
4 top 4
4e,ore selectin* t%e type o, cable tray: cable tray con,i*uration(s): and support 'et%od
desired: 1%at additional in,or'ation do / need to supply to t%e cable tray 'anu,acturer ,or
t%e' to best understand and satis,y 'y needs(
$%ere( ;ob site and installation considerations
a. Kutdoor
1. supports available affect the length and strength re+uirements
2. environmental loads( ice( wind( snow( and possibly seismic
!. corrosion re+uirements affect the materials and finishes
". classified haBardous locations affect the cable types acceptable
b. Indoor
1. support locations available affect the length and strength of the system
2. industrial installation may re+uire a 255 lb. Concentrated <oad
!. commercial or institutional installation may ma$e system appearance( system
weight( and space available important factors
". environmental air handling area may affect cable types( cable tray material( or
cable tray type and need for covers
%. classified haBardous locations affect the cable types acceptable
a. Type and number of cables to support
1. '1C cable fill re+uirements dictate siBe( width and depth( of system
2. cable support re+uirement may control bottom type
!. largest bending radius of cable controls fitting radius
". total of cable weight determines load to support
b. :uture re+uirements
1. cable entry e>it freedom
2. design partially full or an e>pandable system
!. support type to allow for needs
Cable tray selection & application
/s it co''on practice to use cable trays in t%e +ertical position( 9o t%ey 'aintain t%eir
inte*rity durin* a .< or "0 year li,e o, a plant( /s t%e percent ,ill o, a +ertical tray t%e sa'e
as a %ori8ontal cable tray(
(1) It is common practice to use cable trays in the vertical position. I have many photos of such
installations. There is no problem. Cables must be fastened securely( see '1C!?2.,.b/.
(.) Ces( they do maintain their integrity. I have inspected installations that are over "5 years old.
The only aging problem could be the tie wraps( especially for single conductor cables.
(") There are no differences between the cable fill re+uirements for vertical and horiBontal cable
tray installations.
Question 3 What are the rules for installation clearances for the telecommunication cables in
cable trays?
Ans1er3 The 255% '1C in section !?2.&.I/indicates that there shall be sufficient space
maintained around cable trays to allow ade+uate access for installing and maintaining the cables
and that cable trays shall be e>posed and accessible. *de+uate room should be provided around
the cable tray to allow for the set4up of cable pulling e+uipment and to provide easy access for
the installation of or removal of cables. Where cable trays are installed one above another( allow
12 to 1, inches between cable trays and the ceiling. This is a guide for installation.
4 top 4
Cable application
Question3 Can 'ec%anical utility pipin* or tubin* containin* 1ater or co'pressed air be
installed in cable trays 1it% electrical cables(
Ans1er3 'o. Cable trays are a support system for electrical cables( power( signal( and
communication and optical fiber cables. '1C section !55., does not permit any tube( pipe( or
e+ual for water( air gas( drainage( steam( or any service other than electrical in raceways or cable
trays containing electrical conductors.
Question3 / a' in t%e process o, establis%in* *uidelines ,or raised ,loors in co''unications
,acilities and plan to 'andate t%at all cablin* under raised ,loors be installed on an
appropriate type cable tray. Are you a1are o, any industry standard t%at 'ay 'andate t%e
use o, cable trays under raised ,loors: particularly: po1er and si*nal cables(
Ans1er3 We are not aware of such industry standard( but cable trays offer significant advantages
for this type of installation and in other computer( telecommunications( and power installations.
The telecommunications industry is a very strong cable tray user.
Question3 $e are usin* ladder type cable trays at 'any o, our ,acilities ,or
teleco''unications 1irin*. 9o you %a+e any in,or'ation a+ailable ,or reco''ended
installation clearances ,or t%is type o, cable tray(
Ans1er3 The '1C does not have a specific installation clearance( but indicates in section
!?2.&.#/ that cable trays should be e>posed and accessible. Telecommunications standard
TI*1I*4%&? recommends a minimum of 124inch access headroom above the cable tray.
Question3 Are t%ere required code *roundin* practices re*ardin* cable tray used only ,or
telep%one cable( A contractor %as =ust installed a ne1 p%one syste' at 'y location and %e
utili8ed cable trays in t%e s1itc% roo'. / did not see any deliberate atte'pt to *round t%e
syste'. >ur e?istin* cable tray syste' is %ea+y bonded and *rounded. /, t%is is a code
+iolation: could you re,er 'e to t%e publication(
Ans1er3 <ow energy systems may not be re+uired to be grounded for shoc$ or arcing( ut should
be grounded for noise( lightening protection and electromagnetic interference. See CTI Technical
-ulletin 'o. 1%.and '16* 91 42 section ".).
Question3 Are t%ere any require'ents ,or separation and se*re*ation o, +arious types o,
cables (i.e. 6o1er: instru'entation: si*nal: teleco''unications: etc.) in cable tray syste's(
Ans1er3 Ces( there are '1C rules. Instrumentation( signal( and telecommunications cabling
should be separated from power cabling. There are '1C re+uirements( but also for noise and
electromagnetic pic$4up from ad7acent power cables. This can be accomplished by a separate
cable tray system or by a divider within a cable tray.
'1C section !?2.&.1/indicates that multiconductor cables rated &55 volts or less are permitted in
the same cable tray( however( separation of power and control cables is necessary as indicated in
other sections of the '1C and for cross4tal$ noise reasons. '1C section !?2.&.:/ provides the
criteria for cables rated over &55 volts. The types of cables usually used in cable trays are type
TC .article!!&/( 0<TC .article )2%/( ITC .article )2)/( 6C .article !!&/ and Communication
Cables .,554%2 .d//( 6I .article !!2/. :ire *larm Systems .article )&5/( 1mergency Systems
.article )55/( Kptical :iber Cables .article ))5/ and Intrinsic Safety .section %5"4!5/. The
re+uirements in these sections are comple>. We will discuss them in detail and the general noise
problem in the ne>t Cable;ram.
The re+uirements for cables that have an outer metal armor are less than for plastic 7ac$eted
cables. The general rule is separate communication( control( signal( and instrumentation cabling
from power cabling. 0ower cabling includes "&54volt motor power( 1254volt power( and
lightening circuits. 'ote 1254volt circuits can generate noise. ;enerally( a separation of two
inches is minimum( but the individual circuit and cable are the determining factors in separate
Question3 What types of cables can be installed in Cable Tray systems?
Ans1er3 The types of cables permitted by the 255% '1C are indicated in Section !?2.! uses
permitted( .a/ Wiring 6ethods. They include8
0ower and Control Tray Cable .Type TC/ 4 '1C *rticle !!&
0ower <imited Tray Cable .Type 0<TC/ 4 '1C Sections )2%4&1L and )2%.,2.1/
Instrument Tray Cable .Type ITC/ 4 '1C *rticle )2)
Kptical :iber Cables 4 *rticle ))5
:ire *larm Circuit Conductors 4 *rticle )&5
Communication Cables 4 *rticle ,55
6ineral Insulated .6I/Cable 4 *rticle !!2
6etal Clad .6C/ Cable 4 *rticle !!5
and other cables( including those specially approved for installation in cable trays. 6edium
voltage .type 69/ and single conductor cables in siBes 15 and larger are permitted with some
restrictions in Industrial 1stablishments where +ualified persons service the installation.
4 top 4
National lectrical Code
Question3 $e %a+e a custo'er 1%o 1ould like to install t%e 'a=ority o, cable tray in %is
ne1 industrial ,acility in 1%at / call an @d*e7$iseA orientation. &%at is: eac% cable tray
run* 1ould point in a +ertical direction as opposed to t%e usual %ori8ontal direction.
&%e local electrical inspector %as stated t%at %e %as no issues 1it% t%is as lon* as t%e
'anu,acturerBs speci,ications %a+e *uidelines in %o1 to install it t%is 1ay. / %a+e searc%ed
and can ,ind no indication in any +endorBs literature t%at ackno1led*es t%e possibility t%at
cable tray 1ould e+er be installed in t%is orientation.
Ans1er3 There is no '1C or other limitation on cable trays that would prevent the M1dge4WiseN
orientation. The CTI needs to develop guidelines for this installation. This type of installation
minimiBes dust accumulation in dust locations and could be advantageous in other situations.
Question3 /t appears t%at t%e NC doesnBt address t%e 'a?i'u' allo1able ,ill area ,or a
solid botto': c%annel cable tray. /t does %o1e+er: address +entilated c%annel cable tray
(Article "9..9()$%at is your opinion re*ardin* t%e 'a?i'u' ,ill area ,or solid botto'
c%annel: *i+en t%at 'ulticonductor or si*nal cables only are installed(
Ans1er3 The CTI has submitted a proposal to amend the 2552'1C to provide this information.
Question3 Hoes the '1C apply to telecommunication cabling installations?
Ans1er3 Ces( in the following articles8 &"% Information Technology 1+uipment )2% Class 1(
Class 2( and Class !( =emote4Control( Signaling( and 0ower4<imited Circuits ))5 Kptical :iber
Cables and =aceways ,55 Communication Circuits ,15 =adio and Television 1+uipment ,25
Community *ntenna Television and =adio Histribution Systems The sections of these articles
that may apply depend on the installationG locationG cable selection and e+uipment. There are
other ':0* standards that may apply which include8 ':0* )% 0rotection of 1lectronic
ComputerHata 0rocessing 1+uipment ':0* ),5 Installation of <ightning 0rotection Systems
Question3 Is it necessary to provide tie4down cables installed in a cable tray?
Ans1er3 CesG cables are tied down in cable trays to $eep the cables in the cable tray( to maintain
spacing between cables( or to segregate or confine certain types of cables to specific locations.
The last two items can also be accomplished with a solid fi>ed barrier. The '1C in section
!?2.,.-/indicates that in other than horiBontal runs( cables shall be securely fastened to
transverse members of the cable trays.
:or vertical installations( the cables may hang away from the cable tray if not tied down.
*lthough this section of the '1C does not re+uire cable tie down in horiBontal( it may be
necessary to meet other re+uirements. :or instance( it may be necessary and appropriate to space
power cables at least a diameter apart to appro>imate the free air amperage rating of a cable. In
haBardous dust locations .class II( division 2/( it is re+uired to space type 6C and TC cables at
least the larger cable diameter apart and arrange the cables in a single layer.
6ulticonductor power cables( "5 and larger( rated 2(555 volts or less( are re+uired to be installed
in a single layer by the '1C OSection!?2.?.*/.!/Tying down these cables is one way to insure
this re+uirement.
Where single conductor cables are installed it is highly desirable to tie the cables down to $eep
them in the tray.
There are other situations where tying down the cables is important. The selection of the type of
cable tie is also very important. :or further information( see CTI Technical -ulletin 'o. %( Tie
Hown 0ractices for 6ulticonductor Cables in Cable Trays.
Question3 *re Cable Trays listed?
Ans1er3 6etallic cable trays are not re+uired to be listed because they are a support system.
6etal cable trays can be J.<. classified with regard to suitability for use as an 1+uipment
;rounding Conductor. Compliance with other appropriate '1C cable articles is re+uired. CTI
recommends compliance with 'ational 1lectrical 6anufacturers( '16*( Standards 0ublications
'os. 911 and 912( and the manufacturerPs recommendations.
Question3 *re there cable fill re+uirements for cable trays?
Ans1er3 Ces Q '1C Sections !?2.?( .15( .11 and .12( and Tables !?2.?( !?2.?.://
and!?2.15.*/( describe the fill in terms of area and cable diameters. The $ey issue is ampacity.
The ampacity criteria in article !?2 is based on not e>ceeding these fill values. The number and
type of conductors that can be installed in a cable tray is also limited by the weight of the cables
and other load factors for the cable tray for a given load rated cable tray. See '16* 9141 and
manufacturerPs data. SiBe the width of cable tray and the load rating for e>pansion and additions.
*dding si> inches to the width of a tray increases its price by appro>imately 15R.
Question3 Can high voltage cables be installed in cable trays?
Ans1er3 Ces Q '1C permits type 6C .*rticle !!5/ and type 69 .*rticle !2,/ in industrial
establishments where +ualified persons will service the installation. 6ulticonductor cables rated
over &55 volts shall be separated from lower voltage cables by a separate cable tray or a solid
fi>ed barrier. Type 6C cables can be mi>ed with lower voltage cables. See '1C !?2.&.:/
4 top 4
Question3 Can a person wal$ on an installed Cable Tray System?
Ans1er3 'oG wal$ing on cable trays is not to be permitted. It violates the new version of '16*
standard 9142( manufacturers mar$ing and recommendations( and the intent of the ':0*)5
1lectrical Safety in 1mployee Wor$ 0ractices. Wal$ing on electrical e+uipment( conduits( cables
or other electrical systems should also be avoided. In addition to the fall haBard( there is the ris$
of damage to e+uipment and possible contact with conductors.

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