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June 5, 2014
Presiding Justice Asher Grunis
Supreme Court, State of Israel
Sha'arey Mishpat Street, Jerusalem
Fax: 02-6759648
By fax and by certified mail

2014-06-06 By certified mail - jz

Israel Post no. RC049184083IL

RE: Rotem v Samet et al (HCJ 1233/08) request No 3 for certification of

March 3, 2008 Judgment and April , 2008 Decision, True copy of the
Your Honor's response within 14 days is kindly requested
Dear Presiding Justice Grunis:
Following my April 24, 2014 request in reference, [1] I received by mail court
records, post stamped May 27, 2014. [2]
However, the copies that were provided as purported duly certified court records:
a) Are unsigned by the Justices;
b) Bear a false certification statements - not the wording explicitly stated by law
(Copying is True to the Original, instead of True Copy of the Original) Regulations of the Courts- Office of the Clerk, Regulation 6a;
c) Fail to bear the name and authority of the person, who signed the purported
d) Bear the disclaimer subject to editing and phrasing changes, and
e) Arrived with no accompanying letter (authentication).
Such papers cannot be deemed by a reasonable person valid and effectual court
Therefore, I repeat my request for service of duly signed, certified, and
authenticated court records.
Rafi Rotem
PO Box 33407, Tel Aviv 6133301
[1] 2014-04-23

1233/08) ",') "
Rotem's request for signed and certified copies of decisions in High Court
of Justice Petition (1233/08) (full English translation)
[2] 2014-05-27

( 1233/08) ",' "


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High Court of Justice response on Rotems request for signed and certified
copies of decisions in Petition Rotem v Samet et al (1233!08}- false and
deliberately misleading court papers
http: //Www.scribd.corn!doc/228281495/

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