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Science - Year 5: Earth's Place in Space | Stage 3 | English, Science, Technology

Summary Duration
Humans have always looked with wonder at the movement of celestial bodies in the sky. We have used its
rhythms to define our days. months and years. We have defined time by these patterns and learned to
navigate using their predictable motions. Scientists have used observations of the day and night sky to
understand our place in Space. With the advance in technology, astronomers seek answers to questions
such as the origins of the Universe and the eistence of life on other planets. !"rimary #onnections$ %arth&s
"lace 'n Space (r ) page i*
Term 1 2014 Weeks 2-8
+ weeks
,etail$ -. hours Science content.
%nglish component etra.
Board o Studies !S" # Program Builder # p$%$os%ns&%edu%au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. '
Board o Studies !S" # Program Builder # p$%$os%ns&%edu%au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. (
)utcomes *nit o+er+ie&
Science ,-'-
/ S012-34 shows interest in and enthusiasm for science and technology, responding to their curiosity,
questions and perceived needs, wants and opportunities
/ S012.34 demonstrates a willingness to engage responsibly with local, national and global issues relevant to
their lives, and to shaping sustainable futures
/ S012134 develops informed attitudes about the current and future use and influence of science and
technology based on reason
/ S0125WS investigates by posing questions, including testable questions, making predictions and gathering
data to draw evidence2based conclusions and develop eplanations
/ S012)W0 plans and implements a design process, selecting a range of tools, equipment, materials and
techniques to produce solutions that address the design criteria and identified constraints
/ S0126%S describes how discoveries by people from different cultures and times have contributed to
advancing scientific understanding of the solar system
0his unit links science with literacy. 't
provides opportunities for students to
eplore how the patterns in the sky
relate to days, months and years.
Student understanding of how
observation and models can be used to
shape ideas and understandings is
developed through hands2on activities
and student planned investigations.
Students also investigate the elements
of our Solar System and %arths position
within it. !"rimary #onnections (r )*

.ontent Teaching, learning and assessment /d0ustments
Stage 3 - "or2ing Scientiically
Students question and predict by$
with guidance, posing questions to clarify practical problems or inform a
scientific investigation !4#S'S.1-, 4#S'S.1.*
predicting what the findings of an investigation might be !4#S'S.1-,
applying eperience from similar situations in the past to predict what
might happen in a new situation
Students plan investigations by$
with guidance, planning appropriate investigation methods to test
predictions, answer questions or solve problems including surveys,
fieldwork, research and fair tests !4#S'S768, 4#S'S-71, 4#SH%76-, 4#SH%796*
collaboratively and individually selecting suitable methods for gathering
data and information first2hand and from reliable secondary sources

Students process and analyse data and information by$
constructing and using a range of representations, including tables,
graphs !column, picture, line and divided bar graphs* and labelled
comparing gathered data with predictions, and using as evidence in
developing eplanations of events and phenomena !4#S'S.-6, 4#S'S..-,
4#SH%76-, 4#SH%796*
reflecting on their gathered evidence in relation to$
the process used to gather, process and analyse their data and
their own prior knowledge as well as accepted scientific eplanations
their own and others: conclusions
;%SS<= - 2 %=>4>%$ ?odel 4rguments
@discuss a historical debate about whether the
%arth is flat
@identify the way scientists use claims and evidence
to test their theories
@create a 1,, moving model of the %arth, Sun and
@start a glossary of scientific terms to do with

Stage 3 - "or2ing Scientiically
Students conduct investigations by$
accurately observing, measuring and recording data, using digital
technologies as appropriate !4#S'S76+, 4#S'S-75*
using formal units and abbreviations for measuring and recording data
;%SS<= . 2 %A";<B%$ Bising C Setting
@present their observation from the home Dsky
viewing& task
@use observations to describe how space obEects
move across the sky
@relate the apparent movement of the Sun to the
notion of a .5 hour day.
Stage 3 - "or2ing Scientiically ;%SS<= 1 2 %A";<B%$ >oing in circles
3esources o+er+ie& 4eneral .apa$ilities
Besource sheets
DFut it looks flat& !BS-*, enlarged 2 - per class
DFut it looks flat& !BS-* 2 - per student
D,ebating our place& !BS.*, enlarged 2 - per class
D,ebating our place& !BS.* !optional* 2 - per student
D'nformation note for families& !BS1*, enlarged 2 - per class
D'nformation note for families& !BS1* 2 - per student
DBevolving role2plays& !BS5*, enlarged 2 - per class
DBevolving role2plays& !BS5* 2 - per team
DBole2play observations& !BS)*, enlarged 2 - per class
DBole2play observations& !BS)*& 2 - per team
D"erpleing planets& !BS8* 2 - per student
DStar2crossed story& !BS+*, enlarged 2 - per class
DStar2crossed story& !BS+* 2 - per team
DSolar System information organiser& !BS6*, enlarged 2 - per class
DSolar System information organiser& !BS6* 2 8 per team
DScaled planets& !BS9*, enlarged 2 - per class
word wall, science chat2board
student science Eournal
team roles chart
team skills chart
0W;H chart
<pportunities to engage with the following are embedded in this unit.
literacy 2 science EournalsH 0W;H chartsH word wallsH glossariesH flow chartsH
role playsH procedural tetsH tablesH factual recounts
numeracy 2 collect, interpret and represent dataH create models with different
information and communication technology !'#0* competence 2 use interactive
resource technology to view, record C discuss informationH use programs to
visualise earth:s place in spaceH use '#0 to prepare C publish tets
critical and creative thinking 2 use reasoning to develop questionsH formulate,
pose C respond to questionsH develop evidence2based claims
ethical behaviour 2 ask questions of others, respecting other points of view
personal and social competence 2 work collaboratively in teamsH listen to C
abide by rulesH follow procedural tet for working safelyH participate in
intercultural understanding 2 important contributions made to science by people
from a range of cultures
Cross-curriculum priorities
There are three cross curriculum priorities in the Australian Curriculum.
Those in bold are embedded in this unit.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures -
This unit focuses on the Western science method of gaining
knowledge. Indigenous cultures might have different observations
Board o Studies !S" # Program Builder # p$%$os%ns&%edu%au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 3
role wristbands or badges
-77m piece of rope or yarn 2 - per class
-)cm piece of string 2 . per team
45 paper 2 1 per class
45 paper 2 6 per class
camera !optional*2 - per class
cards or paper strips for word wall labels !optional*
clipboard with pen 2 - per team
digital camera with tripod !optional* 2 - per class
material for making models, such as plasticine, polystyrene balls,
table tennis balls, wooden skewers, toothpicks, string, cardboard,
foam, wire and split pins 2 - per team
measuring tape 2 - per class
multimedia resources on %ratosthenes !optional* 2 - per class
multimedia resources on movement of the ?oon and Sun 2 -Iclass
obEects to represent the Solar System eg, basketball, poppy seed,
. peppercorns, large marble, table tennis ball, . peas 2 - per class
orreries created in ;esson - 2 - per team
proEector or interactive whiteboard !optional* 2 - per class
scissors 2 - per team
softball or baseball 2 - per team
tape 2 - per team
- torch or lamp 2 - per team
world globe or soccer ball with a map of 4ustralia attached
of the movement of space objects often referring to
Dreamtime.Indigenous people have long studied the night sk and
the position of the stars can be used for navigation! a calendar for
food collection! or even serve as a reminder of social rules and
Asia and Australia"s engagement with Asia
Board o Studies !S" # Program Builder # p$%$os%ns&%edu%au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 5
Board o Studies !S" # Program Builder # p$%$os%ns&%edu%au
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 5

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