Reporting Relationship: Job Description Bharti Airtel LTD

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Bharti Airtel Ltd.

Job Title: Project Manager Date:
Name: Written by:
Reort! to: Aro"ed by:
Di"i!ion#Det: Service Delivery Aro"ed by:
(Immediate Superior)
Summarise in one statement why your job exists and how it contributes to the overall mission!objective o"
the organisation#
Implementation o" the Data products as per the P$ %&S# 'uild a one(to(one relationship with the customers based on
an understanding o" customers) business environment# %evenue enhancement! *nderstanding o" the customer
re+uirements) ,echnical commercials are mandatory
Reporting relationship
Head CSD (south)
Regional Project Head
Project Manager

.ist the expected end results that must be achieved in order to "ul"il your job purpose and the activities that help in achieving these results#
Implementation o" data products (/.D!MP.S!Internet!IP.0 "or the 1irtel
2nterprise Services with the 0ustomers#
2nsure deployment and implementation o" activities towards providing a better Implementation
1nalyse the 3ey per"ormance measures and service levels) identi"y root cause and report the PM to
4eep abreast o" changes in the company and surrounding environment to anticipate the possible

*nderta3e Periodic %eviews o" 0ustomer on a wee3ly!monthly basis till
the project closure
Periodic wee3ly reports!monthly reports to customers till the project closure
Monitors all critical account situation ! escalations until resolution#
Produces critical incident reports "or assigned impacted 0ustomers documenting the incident and
suggested corrective actions
Provide detailed management reports as re+uired by the 0SM vertical#
Project implementation through service compliance
1cts as the "irst escalation level "or any customer issues#
1cts as the customers inter"ace "or all major projects "rom design phase
&acilitate the prompt) e""ective resolution o" all service related issues#
0apture customer pain points
0oordinate with product and networ3 team "or "aster resolution
2nsure process and product adaptation "or better service
Provide "eedbac3 o" the customer expectations to the respective 12S process owners
*nderstanding the customer5s strengths and building upon them to deliver value to customers
*nderta3es identi"ication o" root causes and the development!implementation o" associated action
plans to maintain!improve customer satis"action#
6enerates and provides customised reports as desired by the assignment clients#
*pdate the relevant dashboards with re+uisite data ! in"ormation#

Driving change through implementation o" customi8ed solutions as per customer expectations to
enhance customer satis"action
Develop 9 /urture %elationships with relevant people at Project
organisation) customers and "actories
$wns the overall service relationship between 1irtel and the assigned accounts#
0oordinate all a"ter sales support activities and develop trusted collaborative relationship with clients#
0ommunicates status o" Project Implementation to customers including timelines#
Develop Strategic and tactical 1ccount Plans "or each assigned customer or prospect
,a3e proactive steps to establish relationships with 3ey customer contacts#
Identi"y opportunities to shore up recurring revenue opportunities
1ctively supports in the development o" new business initiatives by providing service(related
in"ormation to assigned accounts#

Describe the major challenges you "ace in carrying out your job) and what you do in order to overcome them#
,he PM has and end(to(end responsibility o" implementing data c3ts "or 2S customers# ,here are currently ;<< 2nterprise
customers identi"ied which contribute to =<> o" the 1irtel 2nterprise Service revenues# ,his ma3es the role o" PM very
crucial "or ensuring a positive image o" 1irtel with 3ey corporate clients as well as ensure high levels o" satis"action ?
considering that the relation ship management would play a very important role in up selling o" new services etc as well as
retaining the existing business#
,he challenges thrown in this scenario@
( Project implementation as per the P$ %&S
( 0ommissioning and handover the c3ts to customers as per customer re+uirements
( Delighting the customers
4ey 1ctions@
( 'usiness 2nvironment ? *nderstand present and upcoming needs o" the client
( 'usiness 2nvironment ( *nderstanding and appropriately assessing activities o" competition with 1irtel
( 2nsuring a well managed relationships with 1irtel 'usinesses) 12S Aerticals ? specially ,echnical 9
0ustomer Support teams to ensure a "ast resolution o" any issues escalations#
( Identi"ying avenues "or revenue enhancement
Describe - or 7 typical decisions you have to ma3e) in the course o" your job#
,he position wor3s under directions and broader guidelines prescribed "or the PM role#
,he position is dependent on the "ollowing@
a# 1pproved service ! business plan "or the accounts allocated#
.ist the data which will re"lect the scope and scale o" activities concerning your job#
(These should be quantifiable numerical amounts)
Direct %eportees@ /I.

6ood communication S3ills ( Britten and $ral)
,echnical understanding o" the IP ) SDC access and transport networ3s#
0ustomer handling ! management s3ills#
'usiness Process understanding!crisis management
2ngineering degree

0ustomer &ocus and 0ustomer "irst attitude
%easonable 0ommercial) process and 'usiness 1wareness
Perseverance and go getter attitude#
0ollaborative relationships building 9 wor3ing
2""ective 0ommunication and Impact
Sel" Management and Personal Development#
Job +older Date Immediate S6erior Date
ISO Adherence : hat the indi!iduals need to adhere to in"or#ation securit$ roles and
res%onsi&ilities as #entioned in In"or#ation securit$ roles and res%onsi&ilities guidelines'(

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