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LO1 Understanding the Creative Media Sector

Understanding the ownership and structure of the media

Discuss ownership within the film industry.
There are six main distributers in the UK and the rest of the world, these are
!arner "rothers
!alt $isne%
Columbia #ictures
Universal Studios
&'t Centur% (ox
)n the film industr% all these distributers are ver% im*ortant for ownershi* on different
materials, this can be im*ortant when loo+ing at co*%right laws and ownershi*, !hichever
com*an% is mainl% res*onsible for the *roduction, mone% and ownershi* of the idea gets
to invest and will alwa%s get a *ercentage of the *rofit, This is due to laws sa%ing the% are
entitles to sa% the% are res*onsible for it, (or exam*le !arner "ros own $C comics so an%
media to do with $C comics !arner "ros get some *rofit and credit,
The film industr% is full of different laws and small *rint but b% having these enables *eo*le
entitlement to their materials and tries to sto* co*%right and *irac% co*ies,
What is vertical integration?
-ertical integration in the media industr% is when a com*an% owns the hole or most of a
chain of *roduction, These means the% do ever% ste* of the *roduction *rocess within their
com*an%, this can be useful to com*anies as it can reduce costs .as the% don/t have to
find other com*anies0, it can also ma+e the *roduction time shorter .as the% can do it all
together and not involves others,
What is horizontal integration?
1ori2ontal integration is the o**osite too vertical, 1ori2ontal integration is when different
com*anies do different *arts of the *roduction *rocess, This can have *ros and cons to
ma+ing the final *roductions, *ros3 different loo+s and ideas from other *ers*ectives on the
film, Cons3 it can ta+e more time and mone%,
What is a conglomerate?
4 conglomerate com*an% is a when the com*an% owns a large amount of other *roduction
com*anies in different as*ects of media, these include3 television, radio, *ublishing, the
internet and films, 4 conglomerate is a multi5industr% com*an% that are often ver% large
and all over the world, 4n exam*le of one is !arner "ros, thet are a conglomerate with3
Son%, Comcast, 4OL and Time !arner,
LO1 Understanding the Creative Media Sector
What is a multinational company?
4 multinational com*an% is a com*an% that is +nown worldwide, Often the% will have
offices and studio in different countries em*lo%ing *eo*le from different cultures, the% also
often are the more *o*ular, high end com*anies in the industr% therefore the% are the
richer and have other com*anies within theirs,

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