Newsflash May 2014

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delegation from Linnaeus University in Sweden
visited the Open University of Tanzania on a fact
fnding mission aiming to establish collaboration between
the two institutions.
Te delegation was led by the Universitys Rector, Professor
Stephen Hwang, who is also the founding Vice Chancellor
of the University and a Professor of Physics. Others in the
delegation were a Professor of Environmental Chemistry,
a Senior Lecturer of Social Work, a Lecturer of Social
Sciences, the Universitys Chief Communication Ofcer,
the Library Director and two leaders of the Students Union.
During their visit, which was on Friday May 16
, the
delegation met with the OUT Management and held brief
discussions on possible areas of collaboration. Prior to
the discussions, the DVC-Academic Professor Bisanda
and the delegations leader, Professor Hwang, gave brief
presentations on profles of their respective Universities.
Professor Hwang explained that Linnaeus University was
established in 2010 when the University of Kalmar and
Vxj University merged. It is therefore one of newest
higher education institutions in their country. However,
with approximately 31,000 enrolled students and 2,000
staf, it is also one of the largest in the country.
He further explained that the University has six Faculties
with 150 degree programmes, including 30 PhD
programmes and 2,000 single-subject courses taught in
Te Open University of Tanzania
Te Rector of Linnaeus University, Professor Stephen
Hwang, stressing a point during the meeting. On his lef is
the DVC-Academic Professor Elifas Bisanda
from Linnaeus
Sweden visits
In terms of research, Professor Hwang explained that they
cover the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and
engineering. Teir research groups represent a number of
well-established domains such as labour market policy,
welfare issues, entrepreneurship, life sciences, aquatic
ecology, as well as timber and energy technology. Teir
vision is to balance the traditional academic values and
beneft to society.
Te discussed possible areas of collaboration include
staf and students exchange programmes, organization of
summer schools, resources sharing such as ICT facilities
and research.
Professor Hwang then presented a token of a brain glass
model to Professor Bisanda. In concluding the meeting,
Professor Bisanda invited the delegates to start the process
for signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the
two institutions. He then wished them a safe journey back
Professor Hwang presenting a token to Professor Bisanda
OUT participates in the 9
TCU Exhibitions
he Open University of Tanzania has participated in
the 9th Exhibitions of the Tanzania Commission for
Universities (TCU) held from 21st to 23rd May at the
Diamond Jubilee Hall in Dar es Salaam.
Te exhibitions are organized annually by TCU in
collaboration with the Ministry of Education and
Vocational Training, Higher Education Institutions as well
as Regulatory, Professional and Research Bodies in and
outside Tanzania.
Tis years exhibitions theme was Leveraging National
Development through Higher Education, Science,
Technology and Innovation. Te exhibitions were
ofcially opened by Hon. Makame Mnyaa Mbarawa (MP),
Minister of Communication, Science and Technology and
were attended by Government Ofcials, Members of the
Diplomatic Corps and Vice Chancellors and Principals of
Universities and University Colleges.
According to the Chairperson of the Organizing
Committee, Dr. Naomi Katunzi, 105 institutions
participated in this years exhibitions, of which 77 were
local institutions and the rest came from outside Tanzania,
including Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Africa,
Dubai, India, Malaysia, China, UK and USA.
Te exhibitions were a unique opportunity for the
participating institutions to showcase their activities and
publicize their functions to the general public, as well as
establishing linkages and collaboration amongst them.
Higher learning institutions were also expected to interact
with the prospective applicants for admission into higher
education for the academic year 2014/15.
Te OUT activities were showcased in four booths
organized as Undergraduate Studies, Postgraduate Studies,
Research and Consultancy and ICT and Support Services.
Exhibitors setting up the OUT booths ready for
exhibitions, Wednesday 21st May
Exhibitors explaining OUT programmes to the visiting public, Tursday 22nd May
Exhibitors displayed brochures of various academic
programmes, banners, OUT journals, books and posters
summarizing various research projects.
At the ICT and Support Services booth, a roll-up banner was
displaying various OUT sofware including the Academic
Register Management Information System, the electronic
fle management system, and other sofware innovated
by OUT staf. A projector was seen displaying the OUT
website and the various online library resources. Aspiring
applicants to various undergraduate degree programmes
were introduced to the new OUT online application system.
Te exhibitions were ofcially closed by the Minister
for Education and Vocational Training Hon. Shukuru
Kawambwa (MP)
CC Tanzania Volunteers trained in Web 2.0 awarded certifcates
olunteers of Creative Commons Tanzania that were
previously trained in Web 2.0 technologies have been
awarded their certifcates of participation.
CC is a non for proft organization that works to increase
the amount of creativity (cultural, educational and
scientifc content) in the commons that is the body of
work available to the public for free. In Tanzania, CC is
hosted at the OUT.
Creative Common Tanzania in collaboration with the
Open University of Tanzania had trained about 30
volunteers in Web 2.0 technologies in March this year.
Te aim was to enable the CC members to collaborate
in creating, sharing and publishing information using
simple, open source internet-based applications.
Te certifcate awarding ceremony was held on Tursday
May 22nd at the OUT Council Chamber, where the
Vice Chancellor Professor Tolly Mbwette presented the
certifcates. Two training facilitators, Mr. Abdulazizi
Mnyengema and Mr. Emmanuel Tomas, both of the
Institute of Educational and Management Technologies
(IEMT), were also awarded certifcates of recognition. Te
ceremony was attended by the Founder of CC Tanzania
and Public Lead, Dr. Paulo Kihwelo, Faculty Deans,
Directors and Heads of Units.
Giving his remarks during the event, Dr. Kihwelo
highlighted the development that has taken place ever
since CC Tanzania was initiated in 2006. He informed
the audience that the frst event was the ofcial launching
of CC Tanzania in September last year, followed by the
celebrations of the fourth anniversary of its activities in the
country in December last year.
He further explained that CC Tanzania set its strategic plan
early this year and came out with a roadmap consisting of
three priority areas. Te frst one is community outreach,
the second is the school of open and the third is engaging
the Government in open policy issues. Tese will be
overseen with the assistance of OUT.
Regarding future expectations, Dr. Kihwelo explained
that CC Tanzania intends to participate in the Zanzibar
Film Festival as well as the Sauti za Busara Festival. CC
Tanzania has already established collaborations with a
number of organizations so as to continue advocating the
need for free sharing of information.
Te Vice Chancellor Professor Mbwette in his remarks
encouraged CC members to keep up the good spirit
of sharing. He called upon the IEMT to work with the
volunteers so as to make a diference in the country using
ICT as a key.
He was pleased to note that CC Tanzania has already
established its roadmap that identifes the priority areas,
commended them for this efort and promised continuous
OUT support.
At the end of the function, the CC Coordinator, Ms. Ummy
Ahmad, gave a vote of thanks, specifcally appreciating
the involvement of the OUT Management in activities of
CC Tanzania. Finally the participants joined together in a
cocktail to wind up the evening.
CC Tanzania Members pausing with their certifcates with the VC Professor Tolly Mbwette and the DVC-Academic
Professor Elifas Bisanda
ne OUT staf was among two Tanzanians who
participated in an e-learning training at the Malawi
College of Distance Education in Blantyre.
Mrs. Adolphina Massaba of Tabora Regional Centre
OUT staf participates in e-Learning training at the MCDE
Mrs Adolphina Massaba and the other two participants
from Tanzania during the training
together with Mr. Baraka Kionyaki and Mr. Felician
Bundala both from the Institute of Adult Education, joined
participants from other SADC countries in the training
that took place from 28th April to 2nd May.
In her brief report to the OUT Management, Mrs. Massaba
highlighted some of the topics that were taught, which
included the designing of e-learning courses for secondary
education, among others. She promised to put the
acquired knowledge in practice, especially in promoting
ODL to secondary education in Tanzania.
Early this year OUT signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with MCDE in which the areas of
collaboration include delivery of ODL programmes,
learners support, materials development, and capacity
building on ICT application in education and management.
Team of OUT Ofcials visits seven Regional Centres
A team of fve OUT Ofcials that included the Estates
Manager, Eng. Saidi Juma, the Director of Planning and
Development, Dr. Paul Ikwaba, the Director of the Institute
of Educational and Management Technologies (IEMT), Dr.
Edephonce Nfuka, the IEMT Regional Centre Coordinator,
Ms. Stella Shayo and the IEMT Computer Technician and
Driver, Mr. J.D. Josh, visited seven Regional Centres, mostly
at the Lake Zone, to evaluate progress of rehabilitation
works, identify rehabilitation needs and assess the status of
ICT infrastructure.
Te visited centres were Dodoma, Singida, Shinyanga,
Mwanza, Mara, Geita and Kagera.
Te Open University of Tanzania began major rehabilitation
in Shinyanga and Mara region centres towards the end
of November 2013. Rehabilitation work for Shinyanga
Regional Centre was reported to be complete while that
of Mara was in its last stage. Terefore, the team, among
other things, made a fnal inspection of the rehabilitated
buildings in Shinyanga and in Mara regional centers.
In some of the centres the Estate Manager and the
DPD, who are also members of the OUT Tender Board,
participated in the opening of quotations for the supply of
building materials and labour charges, ready for further
rehabilitation activities.
At the Geita centre, the team was shown a house that has
been earmarked as potential permanent premises of the
OUT centre, probably in the near future.
Te team has submitted detailed reports of the visit to the
OUT Management.
A team of visiting staf from OUT HQs in a group photo
with staf of Singida Regional Centre, 12th May 2014
Kagera Regional Centre, 26th May 2014
OUT student crowned Miss University Mwanza
iss Fatuma Kassim, OUT
student in NTA Level 5 at
the Mwanza Regional Centre was
crowned Miss University in the
region in early May.
Te pageant involved students from
diferent Universities and Colleges
such as SAUT, IFM, CBE, TIA,
OUT and others in Mwanza Region.
Four OUT students participated
in the pageant. We hope that
Miss Kassim will be our good
ambassador in her endeavours.








nother round of the Basic ICT Skills Training
for Secondary School Teachers that was jointly
organised by the Open University of Tanzania and
the African Virtual University has been successfully
conducted at the Mbeya Regional Centre.
Te training sessions commenced on Monday the
17th of March and included 16 participants from
Mbeya and Njombe.
Tis was the ffh round of the training that was
ofcially launched in January by Hon. Kassim
Majaliwa (MP), Minister at the Prime Ministers
Ofce. Other regions where the training has already
been conducted are Dar es Salaam, Shinyanga,
Mwanza and Singida.
Te closing ceremony was witnessed by the, Acting
City Council Director and the City Education Ofcer,
Ms. Lydia Herbert, the Regional Education Ofcer
(Academic), Mr. Juma Tukosa and the Director of
Mbeya Regional Centre, Mr. Terentius Rugumisa,
among other invited guest.
Speaking during the ceremony, the Vice Chancellor
Professor Tolly Mbwette who was the guest of
honour informed the audience that OUT is proudly
devoted in contributing to ICT capacity building at
all levels in Tanzania and particularly in exploiting
its extensive Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) infrastructure and services.
Te Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) on
Friday the 14th of March bade farewell to Mzee
Philip Komba afer ofcially ending his work
contract at OUT.
Mzee Komba started to work at OUT in 1998 on
contractual basis afer his ofcial retirement from
the Ministry of Education where he had worked
for almost his entire employment period. Prior to
his engagement with the OUT, Mzee Komba also
worked as a Headmaster in various Secondary
Mzee Philip Komba and his wife Mrs. Komba talking to the ICE staf (not in the picture) during the farewell
OUT-AVU ICT Training for Secondary School
Teachers closed in Mbeya
Schools, including St Anthony in Mbagala, St.
Matthew and Vosa.
At the ICE, he was one of the founding members
together with the late Dr. Daudi Kinshaga. For
several years he held the positions of the institutes
Examination Ofcer and the Coordinator of the
Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP).
Although he was afectionately teased as BBC
(Born Before Computers) by junior staf, he was
Group photo during the closing of the OUT-AVU ICT training in Mbeya Regional Centre. Seated in the centre
is the VC, Professor Tolly Mbwette. Others are; from lef, the Training Coordinator Mr. Ben Bussu, the Re-
gional Education Ofcer (Academic) Mr. Juma Tukosa , the Acting City Council Director Ms. Lydia Herbert
and the Mbeya DRC Mr. Terentius Rugumisa. Standing are the course participants, facilitators and OUT
A new design in the Academic
Register Management Information
System will now make it possible
for automatic deletion of repeat
cases in students examinations
records. Tis has been reported by
Dr. Lawi Yohana, the Director of
Examination Syndicate (DES).
Dr. Lawi explained that this
development will allow new marks
to be uploaded in the system
without interruption. Tis will
enable students to register the
repeated subjects online as new
courses, and thus signifcantly
reduce their queries.
Repeating a subject involves re-
doing the continuous assessment
and the annual examination.
Previously, when students failed to
attain pass-marks afer sitting for
supplementary examinations they
had to send requests to DES for the
deletion so as to enable them re-
register for the course.
Students should however note that
the highest grade attainable afer
repeating a course remains to be
C as per University Examinations
Regulations No. 1.5 Dr. Lawi
Dr. Lawi further reminded students
to complete their registrations for
the June 2014 examinations before
the 5th of May. He advised them
to register early so as to avoid last
minutes registration, cautioning
that this may cause congestion
in the network due to the system
failure to handle a large number
of students at a time, resulting in
some of them failing to register for
the exams.
In another development, OUT is
expecting to conduct examinations
in two exams centers for the
upcoming June examinations in
Mafnga and Mbulu.
Regarding the ended examination
session, DES was pleased to note
that the panel marking exercise was
successfully done in the frst two
weeks of March and provisional
results have already been released.
Dr. Lawi was also very pleased to
inform that OUT had for the frst
time conducted its University
Examinations in eight SADC
Te examinations involved two
new programmers of Masters and
Diploma in Open and Distance
Learning coordinated by the OUT
SADC Centre of Specialization
for ODL in Teacher Education
and were conducted in Tanzania,
Angola, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi,
Mozambique, Zambia and
Zimbabwe. (Photo: Dr. Lawi,
Director, Examination Syndicate)
New design of the SARIS to reduce students queries

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