Daily 05.06.2014

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stocks closed at record highs on Thursday, with both the Dow and the S&P 500 advancing further
into uncharted territory, after the European Central Bank moved to combat disinflation and investors
looked to Friday's employment report. More >>
Initial jobless claims rose Thursday to 312,000, according to a government report, yet the four-week
moving average is at its lowest level since June 2007. The seasonally adjusted reading showed an initial
claims increase of 2.6 percent. The previous week's level was revised to 304,000 from 300,000. More >>

NATURAL GAS (4.697/MmBtu, +1.24%): Natural gas futures climbed to a four-week high in New York on
speculation that seasonally hotter U.S. weather will spur power demand, limiting stockpile gains. More >>

GOLD ($1253.30/oz t; +0.72%): Gold climbed the most in three weeks after the European Central Bank
unveiled measures to spur the economy and fight deflation. More >>

CORN ($449.12/bu, -1.75%): Corn fell in response to favorable growing conditions and good supply
prospects. More >>
Euro zone shares rose on Thursday, led by banks in peripheral countries, as the European Central Bank
unveiled a string of measures to fight low inflation and boost the currency bloc's economy. More >>
ECB unveiled a host of stimulus measures, in an effort to boost the euro zone's sluggish recovery and halt
a growth-sapping fall in prices. As expected, ECB cut interest rates. More >>
Deutsche Bank AG, seeking to raise $11.6 billion of capital, braced investors for a deepening trading
slump and potential damage to its business. More >>
The national stock exchange closed this Thursday, June 5, in positive territory for the second consecutive
session. PSI-20 advanced 1.02% to 7238.05 points, with BCP and BES having major impact. More >>
The quarterly review of the PSI-20 did not dictate any change in the PSI-20 portfolio, with other variables,
as the divisor, number of shares and the "free float" of each listed, having no change. More >>
BCP concluded this Thursday a new securitization of credits totalling one billion euros. The operation
involves a portfolio of contracts leasing companies and sole proprietors. More >>
June 2014
DISCLAIMER: Daily Briefs contains a summary of financial news covered on conventional news services around the world. Daily Briefs coverage of subjects is based on the
whims of its volunteer contributors. FEP Finance Club is not responsible for any imprecision or error in the content of any news.
PSI20: +1.02% DAX30: +0.21% FTSE100: -0.08% S&P500: +0.65% NIKKEI225: +0.08%
Asias stock benchmark index was little changed as energy and health-care shares retreated, while
materials companies led advances before a European Central Bank policy decision. More >>
Growth in China's services sector retreated to a four-month low in May, contrasting with other data which
had raised hopes that the world's second-largest economy may have steadied last month. More >>
Australia's trade balance swung to deficit in April, falling well short of analysts expectations of a slightly
narrowed surplus. More >>

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