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ab le of C ontent
Executive Summery..02
Company Overview .03
Sources and Limitations ..04
!" #ctivities ...........................................................................................0$
!" ()annin* and +eve)opment ..............................................................0,
Eva)uation ..0-
uman !esources (er&ormance ...................................10
.ays to Improve ! (er&ormances...........................................................12
/0ere are t0ree main activities in t0is assi*nment. /0e assi*nment re1uires
identi&yin* t0ree !" activities in an identi&ied or*ani2ation. In t0is assi*nment3
t0e identi&ied or*ani2ation is 4ritis0 #irways. #&ter identi&yin* t0ree !" activities
in 4ritis0 #irways 54#63 a 7usti&ication o& 0ow t0e o87ectives o& t0ese t0ree !"
activities ac0ieved 8y e&&ective mana*ement o& !" a)so ta9e p)ace. /0e
7usti&ication need to re&er 8y at )east two !" mode)s.
#not0er activity o& t0is assi*nment is to identi&y t0ree !" p)annin* and
deve)opment met0ods in 4#. # critica) eva)uation is a)so ta9in* p)ace &or t0e
e&&ectiveness o& t0ese p)annin* and deve)opment met0ods to meet t0e
or*ani2ationa) o87ectives.
/0e )ast part o& t0is assi*nment is a review one. /0is part re1uires to critica))y
reviewin* 0ow ! per&ormance is current)y indicated and monitored in 4#. It is
a)so re1uires a su**estion o& improve t0e ! per&ormance in 4#.
"ost o& t0e in&ormation &or t0is report ta9es &rom t0e case study provided 8y t0e
Executive Summery
4ritis0 #irways is t0e :;<s )ar*est internationa) sc0edu)ed air)ine. It is &)yin* to
over $$0 destinations at suita8)e times3 to t0e 8est )ocated airports. It was
created a mer*er 8etween 4O#C and 4EO in 1-=4. /0e wor)d<s )ar*est
passen*er air)ines 4ritis0 #irways is operatin* &rom one o& t0e wor)d<s 8usiest
airport t0e eat0row. #)t0ou*0 4# is t0e )ar*est air)ines company3 it 0as &aced
many di&&icu)ties over t0e years. In seventies3 t0e company per&ormances were
o&ten disappointin*. In 1-,03 4# 0as recorded si*ni&icant )oses. 4# 0as
success&u))y overcome many di&&icu)ties. /o overcome its di&&icu)ties and to
ac0ieve its o87ectives 4# 0as underta9en many c0an*es.
/0e c0an*es occur in its recruitment po)icies3 trainin* and deve)opment pro*ram.
#)on* wit0 t0is per&ormance eva)uation and t0e impact o& a)) ta9en activities 0as
ta9e p)ace too. It 0as c0an*es its !" activities in order to ac0ieve its
# pro&essiona))y &ormatted report is made 8ased on t0e activities 4# 0as ta9en in
order to ac0ieve its o87ectives. /0is is to .i))ie .a)s03 t0e c0ie& executive o& 4#.
/0ere are t0ree main activities in t0is report. /0e report s0ows and identi&ication
o& t0ree !" activities in 4# and a 7usti&ication o& 0ow t0e o87ectives o& t0ese
t0ree ! activities ac0ieved 8y e&&ective mana*ement o& !". /0e 7usti&ication
re&ers 8y at )east two !" mode)s.
/0e second activity is an identi&ication o& t0ree !" p)annin* and deve)opment
met0ods in 4#. # critica) eva)uation is a)so descri8ed. /0e eva)uation is s0ows
t0e e&&ectiveness o& t0ese p)annin* and deve)opment met0ods to meet t0e
or*ani2ationa) o87ectives.
/0e )ast part o& t0is report is a review one. /0is part s0ows a critica) reviewin* o&
0ow ! per&ormance is current)y indicated and monitored in 4#. It is a)so
descri8es a su**estion o& improve t0e ! per&ormance in 4#.
#)) t0e activities are descri8ed 8ased on t0e case study provided 8y t0e tutor.
Company Overview
4ritis0 #irways ()c is an internationa) air)ine company3 carryin* more t0an 33
mi))ion passen*ers wor)dwide. /0e company is en*a*ed in mana*in* sc0edu)ed
passen*er and car*o operations and ot0er re)ated services. /0e air)ine company
0as two operatin* 8ases3 name)y3 London<s two ma7or airports > eat0row and
?atwic9. 4# was created a mer*er 8etween 4O#C and 4E# in 1-=4. Since it
was created t0e company 8ecomes one o& t0e wor)d<s )ar*est internationa)
passen*er air)ines3 operatin* &rom one o& t0e wor)d<s 8usiest airport t0e
eat0row. 4# 0as a)so 8ecome one o& t0e success&u) air)ines.
4ut3 t0e company 0as not a)ways 8een 1uite success&u). In seventies t0e
company per&ormance 0as 8ecome disappointin*. In 1-,03 4# 0as recorded
si*ni&icant )oses.
4ut 4# 0as success&u))y overcome many di&&icu)ties 8y 8rin*in* si*ni&icant
c0an*es. It 0as made c0an*es in its customer service po)ices. It 0as c0an*es its
emp)oyee recruitment and t0eir per&ormance eva)uation.
@ow3 4# 0as a uni1ue customer service po)ice and it is not easi)y 8een
Sources and Limitations
Data Sources:
/0e case study w0ic0 is provided 8y t0e tutor is t0e main sources o& data &or t0is
report. Internet researc0 is a)so ta9e p)ace to &ind some important in&ormation.
/utoria) resources are a)so used &or t0is report.
/0e report is 8ased on t0e case study. #nd t0e in&ormation *iven in t0e case
study di&&ers &rom t0e rea) &act. /0e case study does not s0ow t0e rea) company
operation o& 4#.
4# is t0e wor)d<s )ar*est air)ine company and its !" department is not so sma))
t0at it covers a s0ort case study. /0ese are t0e )imitation &or t0e report t0at is
primari)y screened out.
Contribution of the Study:
/0e purpose o& t0is report is to per&orm !" activities w0ic0 are t0e student
)earn &rom :nit>'A uman !esources ()annin* and +eve)opment. /0e report is
on 4ritis0 #irways3 w0ic0 is t0e wor)d<s )ar*est passen*er air)ine in t0e wor)d. It
carries a *reat opportunity &or t0e student to app)y t0eir 9now)ed*e on a &amous
and repetitious company. /0e report eva)uate3 0ow muc0 student )earn and 0ow
muc0 t0ey can app)y t0eir 9now)ed*e in practica) situation.
H! "ctivities
/0e t0ree !" activities are as &o))owsA
1. uman !esources ()annin*
2. Emp)oyee deve)opment pro*ram
3. (ayment (ac9a*e and !ewards
H u m an es ou r c e # la nn i n $
4ritis0 #irways wants to rearran*e its customer service &u))y t0rou*0 rearran*in*
t0eir customer service to ac0ieve t0e 8usiness o87ectives. It decided t0at 0u*e
e&&ort wou)d 8e )aunc0ed in order to create an exceptiona) and uni1ue customer
service. /0is uni1ue service is not easi)y copied. 4# 0as decided to recruit
enou*0 emp)oyees to en0ance t0eir customer service. 4# wants to &u)&i)) every
aspect o& customer service and wants to 8e num8er one customer service
industry in t0e wor)d.
E m plo yee D e v e l op m e n t # r o$ r am
#&ter rearran*in* t0eir customer service 4# 0as decided to ta9e emp)oyee
deve)opment pro*ram. 4# wants to improve t0eir emp)oyee s9i))s and 9now)ed*e.
In t0is way emp)oyee are a8)e to cope wit0 t0e situation 8etter t0an ear)ier.
Emp)oyees can a8)e to prepare t0em &or a 0i*0er )eve) o& 7o8 wit0 increased
responsi8i)ities. /0e mana*ement o& 4# wants to improve t0eir concept o&
emp)oyee deve)opment pro*ram. So3 t0ey 0ad decided to invest a si*ni&icant
amount o& money in trainin* and deve)opment pro*ram t0at wi)) improve t0e
or*ani2ation ima*e. #&ter ta9in* a researc03 4# 0as &ound t0at t0e customers
satis&action and dissatis&action are depend on t0e &riend)y and un&riend)y
8e0avior &rom emp)oyees.
So3 4# 0as decided to ta9e a emp)oyee deve)opment pro*ram t0at wou)d ma9e
t0e company a tota) c0an*e o& emp)oyee 8e0avior and attitude across t0e
or*ani2ation. Bor t0e new and o)d emp)oyee 4# 0as ta9en severa) emp)oyee
deve)opment pro*ram.
#a y m e n t # a c%a $ e a n d e wa r d s:
/o *et &u)) emp)oyee support and increase customer satis&action in t0e 0i*0est
)eve)3 4# tries to ma9e emp)oyee satis&action pro*ram t0rou*0 *ivin* emp)oyees
payment pac9a*e and rewards. /0ey decided to move individua))y and 8ot0
interna) and externa) 8ene&its. /0ey wi)) *ive standardi2e pay and individua)
per&ormance pay.
/0e main part o& sa)aried sta&& earnin*s is 8ased upon pay rates w0ic0 are
*enerated 8y a 7o8 eva)uation *radin* system.
# company wide per&ormance re)ated 8onus sc0eme paid to a)) emp)oyees and
t0ere 0ave 8een o&&ers o& &ree and discount s0ares.
4# introduced an opportunity &or a)) emp)oyees to purc0ase tax &ree s0ares
t0rou*0 a trust usin* company per&ormance 8onus.
& u s t ifica t io n :
#ccordin* to t0e &irst statement o& !" concept mode) Ct0e "atc0in* "ode)D 8y
t0e "ic0i*an Sc0oo)3 CThis held that the HR systems and the organization
structure should be managed in a way that is congruent (similar) with
organizational strategy.D
4ritis0 #ir)ine appointed more sta&&3 provide trainin* to new and existin* sta&& &or
en0ancin* t0eir exce))ent customer service w0ic0 is t0e main o87ectives o& t0em.
4ritis0 #ir)ines a)so increase payment pac9a*e and rewards. /0ey a)so exp)ained
t0ere is a 0uman resource cyc)e t0at consists o& &our *eneric processes
se)ection3 appraisa)3 rewards and deve)opment. So3 4ritis0 #ir)ines &u))y re&)ects
t0e "atc0in* "ode)s o& !" activities.
It is said in arvard "ode)3 Company consider as peop)e as an assets rat0er
t0an varia8)e cost. arvard a)so su**ests Line mana*ers accept more
responsi8i)ity &or ensurin* t0e a)i*nment o& competitive strate*y and ! po)icies.
#ccordin* to 4# customer service is t0eir main competitive ed*e3 and t0eir most
varia8)e assets are sta&&3 t0ey are provided customer service to t0e customer.
Customer satis&action wi)) *ain i& t0e sta&&s can per&orm t0e correct 8e0aviour and
accepted service.
/o improve t0e )eve) o& customer service3 4# wants to ma9e t0eir )ine sta&& more
e&&icient 8y providin* more and more trainin* and deve)opment pro*ram.
4# ma9es t0eir )ine sta&& more carin*3 &riend)y and 9now)ed*ea8)e t0at satis&ies
t0e customer needs on time.
/0ese pro*rams wi)) increase 0i*0 1ua)ity o& customer service as 8ecause t0ey
ma9e emp)oyee more productive and e&&icient.
Emp)oyees are more )oya) to t0e company &or t0ese types o& deve)opment and
trainin* pro*ram. /0ey are satis&ied to 4# &or t0eir payment pac9a*e and
rewards. /0is is t0e main o87ectives o& so&t !". #ccordin* to t0e so&t !"3
D:sed to descri8e approac0es aimed at en0ancin* t0e commitment3 1ua)ity and
&)exi8i)ity o& emp)oyeesD.
H! #lannin$ and Development
/ 0e p ) a nn i n * a nd de v e ) op m ent p ro*ram are as &o )) o w sA
1. !ecruitment (ro*ram
2. /rainin* (ro*ram
3. +eve)opment (ro*ram
ecrui tment (ro*ramA
4ritis0 #ir)ines wants to recruit 8ased on ana)ytica) s9i))s and inte))ectua) capacity
rat0er t0an mana*ement experience in t0is service industry. "ost o& t0e
mana*ers 7oined &rom !oya) #ir Borce and t0ey recruit t0e suita8)e person &or t0e
suita8)e position.
/ ra in i n* (r o *ram
4ritis0 #ir)ines wi)) ta9e severa) trainin* pro*rams. /0ese trainin* pro*rams wou)d
ena8)e a tota) c0an*e in va)ues and attitudes across t0e or*ani2ation3 particu)ar)y
&or sta&& t0at was exposed to customer contact.
/0e trainin* pro*rams are as &o))owsA
4ritis0 #ir)ines wi)) ta9e CCustomer Birst Campai*nD t0at 0as insti*ated a num8er
o& companywide trainin* pro*rammes.
#not0er trainin* pro*ram is C(uttin* (eop)e BirstD pro*ram. /0is pro*ram was a
two days pro*ramme. It was aimed to a)most 203000 sta&&. /0e sta&&s 0ad
si*ni&icant customer &ocus.
/0e one wee9 residentia) pro*ram is C"ana*in* (eop)e &irstD trainin* pro*ram.
/0e pro*ramme was speci&ica))y desi*ned to 8rea9down t0e 8ureaucracy. /0e
8ureaucracy 0ad deve)oped under)yin* va)ues o& order3 rationa)ity3 dependa8i)ity
and system contro).
ve) opment (ro*ramA
4ritis0 #ir)ines 0as made a su8stantia) investment in emp)oyee deve)opment. It
0as esta8)is0ed a num8er o& trainin* and deve)opment pro*rams. In order to
satis&y its o87ectives 4ritis0 #ir)ines encoura*ed individua) )earnin* 8y providin*
wide emp)oyee access to two ma7or )earnin* pro*rams.
/0e &irst pro*ram is 8ased upon princip)es o& open )earnin*3 and can eventua))y
)ead to "4# pro*ram. It provides a num8er o& pro*ressive sta*es and
1ua)i&ication. /0e awardin* 8ody o& t0is "4# pro*ram is t0e :niversity o& 4at0.
#not0er pro*ram in E/op B)i*0t< pro*ram3 t0at is provides a series o& E#cademies<
w0ic0 are a num8er o& deve)opment steps. /0is is desi*ned to a))ow an individua)
to pro*ress to an executive position.
Eva lu at io n :
/0e main o87ective o& 4ritis0 #irways is3 C/o 8e t0e 8est and most success&u)
air)ine in t0e wor)d.D /o &u)&i) t0is o87ective 4ritis0 #ir)ines ma9e 0u*e
investment on uman !esources. 4ritis0 #ir)ines recruits 0i*0)y s9i)) and
inte))ectua) peop)e and rep)aces t0em wit0 more 0e)p&u) and supportive ones.
+i&&erent trainin* wi)) provide on t0e 8asis o& t0eir s9i)). 4ritis0 #ir)ines deve)oped
t0eir emp)oyees more customer &riend)y3 e&&icient and 9now)ed*ea8)e. 4ritis0
#ir)ines pays standardi2e sa)ary and individua) per&ormance payment. It 9nows
t0at i& emp)oyees are satis&ied t0ey wi)) provide t0eir 8est e&&ort &or t0e success o&
t0e company. #)) emp)oyees t0in9 t0at t0ey are part o& t0e or*ani2ation.
Bina))y3 it means t0at t0rou*0 t0e trainin* and deve)opment pro*ram and
emp)oyee satis&action pro*ramme sta&& provides t0e 0i*0)y 1ua)ity customer
service and wou)d 8e more committed to t0e company.
man esou rces #erfo rman ces
4ritis0 #ir)ines was created 8y mer*er 8etween 4O#C and 4E# in 1-=4. Brom
t0e creation it 0as 8ecome t0e wor)d )ar*est internationa) passen*er air)ine3
operatin* &rom one o& t0e wor)d<s 8usiest airport eat0row. #)t0ou*0 4# 0as
8ecome one o& t0e wor)d<s success&u) air)ine 8usinesses3 t0e company 0as not
a)ways 8een 1uite so success&u). In 1-,0 4# recorded si*ni&icant )osses. Since
t0en t0e company underta9e a pro*ram o& radica) c0an*e. 4# redesi*ns and
restructure o& uman !esource.
/0ey ma9e 0u*e investment on ! p)annin* and ! per&ormance. /0ey setup
so many trainin* and deve)opment pro*ram &or )ine sta&&s and mana*ers. It is
0ard to say 0ow muc0 impact t0e pro*ram 0as 0ad.
4ritis0 #ir)ine 8e)ieves t0at t0is pro*ramme 0as 8een success&u)3 t0at a
si*ni&icant cu)tura) c0an*e 0as 8een ac0ieved at a)) )eve)s o& t0e or*ani2ation3
and t0at t0is cu)tura) c0an*e 0as made a si*ni&icant contri8ution to t0e steady
improvement in t0e 8usiness per&ormance.
# extensive mar9et researc0 s0own t0at customer 0ave deve)op more positive
attitudes towards service t0at t0ey now receive as compared wit0 t0e
predominance o& ne*ative attitudes t0at were recorded in simi)ar surveys
conducted ear)ier in t0e 1--0<s.
/0ese satis&ied customers must 0ave 8een an important &actor in support o& 4#Es
per&ormance improve. So it<s easi)y identi&ied t0at wit0 t0is ! p)annin* and
deve)opment3 4# increase t0eir ! per&ormance t0at )ead to t0e improve
or*ani2ation<s per&ormance.
On t0e ot0er 0and 4# emp)oyees a)so now more 0appy wit0 payment and
rewards. /0ey are *ettin* opportunities to )earn t0rou*0 di&&erent trainin* and
1ua)i&ication o& "4# de*ree awarded 8y :niversity o& 4at0 a&ter competition o&
mana*ement trainin*.
/0ey are *ettin* 8asic pay as we)) as individua) per&ormance pay and a)so
sc0eme t0at 8ene&ited t0em more t0an t0e 8e&ore.
/0rou*0 t0e trade union emp)oyees can participate on or*ani2ation strate*ic
decision. /0ey can raise t0eir voice a*ainst any critica) issues o& t0e company.
So emp)oyees are now more t0an 0appy.
Emp)oyees turnover are )ess now t0an t0e 8e&ore .Emp)oyee are satis&ied wit0
t0eir 7o8 description3 responsi8i)ities and wor9in* environment. Emp)oyees<
a8senteeism is a)so reduced. /0ey are now 0i*0)y committed to t0e company
' a ys t o (m p r o ve H p e r fo rm a n ces
It t0e most di&&icu)t tas9 to su**est 4ritis0 #irways as t0ey are t0e most
success&u) air)ine company in t0e wor)d. /0ey are a)ready ta9en most o& t0e ways
to improve t0eir per&ormance and 8ecome t0e num8er one air)ines company.
#)t0ou*0 some ways may improve t0eir per&ormance and increase t0eir
productivity moreA
Lar * er ! " de p ar tmen tA
4ritis0 #ir)ines 0ave more t0an 403000 emp)oyees 8ut t0ey 0ave a sma)) !"
strate*y and p)annin* department wit0 some specia)ist peop)e in t0e :;. I& t0ey
increase t0eir peop)e and t0ey spread t0e w0o)e wor)d t0ey wi)) success&u) more.
4y t0is di&&erent cu)tura) peop)e can *et same service &rom t0eir own peop)e.
/0ey can easi)y serve and &u)&i)) customer demand.
! ec ru i tment S tra te*yA
/0e recruitment strate*y may 8e c0an*ed to recruit more ta)ented peop)e. /0e
recruitment team can *o co))e*e and university and recruit more ta)ented
/ ec0 n o ) o *y (r o *ramA
4ritis0 can provide more tec0no)o*ica) pro*ram suc0 as3 computer tec0no)o*y
pro*ram3 persona) deve)opment pro*ram3 customer dea)in* pro*ram3 etc.
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