Basic Service Purchase Order Process Withholding - Service Management - Localization Latin America - SCN Wiki

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Added by Gustavo Oliveira, last edited by Thiago Cezimbra on Nov 12, 2013
Localization Latin America / / MM Main processes
Basic service Purchase Order process withholding - Service management
The purpose of this page is describe the process of service purchase order, using service management plus withholding scenario for ISS and other taxes. It will be described the process flow, main
customization, tips and main SAP Notes related to the process.
This is the service purchase order standard process using service management. It can be used with Service Master item or direct text description in the line level. Just an attention point must be observed
here: for this process work correctly in Brazil scenario, the customization must be set to work with Service Item Level and not just item level. You can find more information how to customization this on the
overview note, described below.
Basic service Purchase Order process withholding - Service management
1 - ME21N - Making Purchase Order

You can use the standard purchase order type (NB). Look the Item Category fields ='D'. This is needed to use Service management. In the example below, It was used 'Acct Ass. Cat.' = 'K', Cost Center,
but other combinations can be used. The most important behavior showed below was, the calculation will happen in the Service item level, in tab Service. For this, fields 'Tax Code', 'Tarrif Code' and 'Jur.
Code' must be filled on this level as well, and not in the tab invoice.

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In order to open the service item level information, select the service item level and click on button 'Full Scr.: Service' on bottom ( ).
Tip: Besides this process is service purchase order, the field 'S.-Based IV', tab Invoice should be checked as well. This field will keep the link between the Purchase Order x Service Sheet x Invoice x Nota

In order to see the Calculation procedure as soon as you are in the Service item level details, go to menu Goto > Taxes:

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Finally, the ISS tax was calculated correctly, in service level item. On this example, 5,00 BRL at provider. Also, there are other taxes calculated COFINS WHT, PIS WHT, CSLL and IR.

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2 - ML81N - Creating Service Entry Sheet and receiving the Service
Creating the Service entry sheet as standard. There is nothing different in this step for Brazil localization.

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3 - MIRO - Invoice Verification
For this standard service management process with withholding, in invoice verification time, there is no special requirement. After the Service entry sheet posted and completed, the Invoice will be
generated and the nota fiscal as well, closing the process.
MIRO: We can see the taxes calculated is not displayed, as is 'included' in the price due withholding.

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Nota Fiscal with the withhold taxes, with base and value.

Customization and Tips
1 - Service item level customization
As informed in before, the most important customization for this process work correctly for Brazil is the service item level, in the SPRO (showed in the customization). This is the path SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide > Materials Management > External Services Management > Taxes at Individual Service Level. Select line below and checked the flag:

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This will make the system calculates taxes for each service line, as Brazilian law requests. For more information, check the SAP Note 498878.
2 - Tax code Customization
On this scenario, lets use only ISS taxes. On view J_1BTAXCODEV, configure a tax code, for example, I9 like this:

It very important to keep field 'usage' in blank for service and the service flag must be checked.

For ISS calculation (used in this scenario), it is been set all ISS conditions: ISS at Provider, ISS WHT at Provider, ISS at Service Loc, ISS WHT at Service Loc and ISS Offset. Its easier that way, if you
control the other service scenarios (withholding, service provider, service location) via exceptions. However you can configure as well different tax code for each scenario. So, the conditions checked
will be:

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In the Vendor Master you have to activate the withholding conditions:

ISS taxes must be included in the Net Price, at the view J_1BKON1V:
Using Service Management, Application is MS and the procedure standard is MS0000, if you are using another one, you must put here, but remember it is the MM procedure for service and not your
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tax procedure (TAXBRA or TAXBRJ):
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ordem de compra imposto retido brasil brazil gesto gerncia
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